A Brief Introduction To Grep, Awk & Sed - Perfect Freeze!

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Grep is used for searching and filtering text, awk is used for data extraction and reporting, and sed is used for text transformations. Together they are powerful command line utilities.

Grep is used for searching and filtering files, awk is used for data extraction and reporting from files, and sed is used for text transformations on files.

Some common grep commands are -E/-P for extended/perl regex syntax, -n to print line numbers, -o to print only matches, and -v to print non-matching lines.

3/25/2020 A brief introduction to grep, awk & sed - Perfect Freeze!

A brief introduction
to grep, awk & sed
By Cee on Aug 23, 2016

grep, awk and sed are three of the most useful command-
line tools1 in *nix world. And this article will give you a brief
introduction and basic usages of these three different


grep (Global Regular Expression Print) is used to search

for specific terms in a file.

Different from awk and sed, grep can’t add/modify/remove

the text in a specific file. But it’s useful when we just want
to search and filter out matches.

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3/25/2020 A brief introduction to grep, awk & sed - Perfect Freeze!


• Typical use

# print every line that contains the word 'test'

grep 'test' file.txt

• -E / -P: Use extended / Perl compatible regular

expression syntax.

• -n: Show line number before each line.

• -o: Only show the matching segment of the line.

• -v: Print all of the lines that DO NOT match the search

• -c: Show the number of the lines that contains the

search pattern.

• -i: Ignore case.


awk is a text pattern scanning and processing language,

which is created by Aho, Weinberger & Kernighan. awk is
mostly used for data extraction and reporting (dealing with
.csv files).

Each awk procedure can be divided into three sections:

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3/25/2020 A brief introduction to grep, awk & sed - Perfect Freeze!

BEGIN { ... initialization awk commands ...}

{ ... awk commands for each line of the file ...}
END { ... finalization awk commands ...}

• Control flow

if (condition) statement [ else statement ]

while (condition) statement
do statement while (condition)
for (expr1; expr2; expr3) statement
for (var in array) statement
exit [ expression ]

• Built-in variables

Variable Meaning

$0 Current line

$1 - $n The nth field

FS Input field separator, default value is “ “

NF The number of fields/columns

NR The number of records/rows

FNR The number of records relative to the current input file

OFS The output field separator, default value is “ “

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3/25/2020 A brief introduction to grep, awk & sed - Perfect Freeze!

ORS The output record separator, default value is “\n”


• Typical use

# print 1st and 4th column

awk '{print $1, $4}' file.txt

# same with 'cat file.txt'

awk '{print $0}' file.txt

• -F: Set input field sparator

# print 1st and 4th column separated by ':'

awk -F: '{print $1, $4}' file.txt
# or
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":"} {print $1, $4}' file.txt

• Pattern matching

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3/25/2020 A brief introduction to grep, awk & sed - Perfect Freeze!

# print 2nd column when 1st field is precisely 'test'

awk '$1 == "test" { print $2 }' file.txt

# print 2nd column when 1st field contains 'test'

awk '$1 ~ /test/ { print $2 }' file.txt

# print 2nd column when 1st field DOES NOT contain 'test'
awk '$1 !~ /test/ { print $2 }' file.txt

# print 2nd column when this record contains 'test'

awk '/test/ { print $2 }' file.txt

# print 2nd column when this record DOES NOT contain 'test'
awk '! /test/ { print $2 }' file.txt

• In-place editing: -i (GNU awk 4.1.0 or later…)


sed refers to Stream Editor. It can perform text

transformations on a given file or an input stream.


• Print a line: p

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# treat this as using 'grep'

# same with 'cat file.txt'
sed '' file.txt

# print every line that matches the regex pattern

sed -n '/test/p' file.txt

# match different patterns

sed -n '/test1/, /test2/p' file.txt

• Remove a line: d

# remove every line that matches the regex pattern

sed '/test/d' file.txt

# remove 2nd line

sed '2d' file.txt

# remove from 2nd line to the end of the file

sed '2,$d' file.txt

• Substitution: s

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3/25/2020 A brief introduction to grep, awk & sed - Perfect Freeze!

# replace the 1st 'test' with 'text' in each line

sed 's/test/text/' file.txt

# replace all 'test' with 'text' in each line

sed 's/test/text/g' file.txt

# replace the 2nd 'test' with 'text' in each line

sed 's/test/text/2' file.txt

# replace all 'test' from the 2nd to the end of each line with 'tex
sed 's/test/text/2g' file.txt

# replace the 'test' in the 2nd line with 'text'

sed '2s/test/text/g' file.txt

• Insert & Append a whole line: i & a

# insert a new line before the 2nd line

sed '2 i test' file.txt

# append a new line after the 2nd line

sed '2 a test' file.txt

# append a new line after each line that matches the regex pattern
sed '/test/a test' file.txt

• Replace a whole line: c

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# replace the 2nd line with 'test'

sed '2 c test' file.txt

# replace each line that matches the regex pattern with 'text'
sed '/test/c text' file.txt

• In-place editing: -i

# make immediate change!

sed -i 's/test/text/g' file.txt

Advanced usage - Pattern Space & Hold Space

(Next article)

1. grep, awk and sed – three VERY useful command-line utilities


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