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Experiences from Vietnam Smart Meter Reading Pilot Project

Conference Paper · December 2017

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5 authors, including:

Ngoc Thien Le Watit Benjapolakul

Chulalongkorn University Chulalongkorn University


Dinh Ngoc Sang

Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture


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“Moving Toward The Electric Utility of The Future
: The Challenges of 4.0 Era”
13-14 December, 2017
Centra Government Complex Hotel & Convention Centre Chaeng Watthana
Chaeng Watthana, Bangkok

Experiences from Vietnam Smart Meter Reading Pilot Project

Dr. Ngoc Thien Le1, Dr. Watit Benjapolakul1, Mr. Sang Dinh Ngoc2, Mr. Dinh Truong Cong2 and Mr. Thai Hung3
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,
[email protected]; [email protected]
Dept. of Urban Engineering, Univ. of Architecture, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
[email protected]
EVNCPC Electric Utility, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

Abstract meter communication and architecture have

Smart meter system is one of essential focused on evaluation of wireless technologies and
components of upcoming smart grid. It brings use of cognitive radio and white space
benefits to both customer and utility in order to communication for the smart meters. Meanwhile,
enable better monitoring and managing the electric utilities has also focused on control architecture for
consumption. Following the Utility Master Plan of high assurance in smart meter and RF mesh systems
Vietnam toward the Industrial 4.0 Era, the Vietnam for smart metering system have been studied. To
Electricity utility (EVN) has included many projects this end, Smart Meter Reading or Automatic
about smart meter development plan since 2014. Metering Reading (AMI) system, have provided a
Based on the investment cost, the wireless smart convenience solution to the customer and utility
meter system using RF – Mesh and 3G is the most aspects. For instance, the huge amount of power
suitable solution in Vietnam. consumption information can be sent by AMR
This paper illustrates the results from on-going system without handheld mobile worker, and it
wireless Smart Meter Reading pilot project within then can be delivered to the other systems
Central Region of Vietnam. The paper provides efficiently.
experiences from Smart Meter Reading roll-out, real
installment of smart meters and the supported Vietnam Electricity Company (EVN) has planed
communication technology. Indeed, this paper also AMR as a must for Smart Grid in their electrical
reports some issues related to the 408.925 MHz and Master plan. The purpose of this paper is to report
433.050 MHz (unlicensed band) used for RF-Mesh the existing AMR pilot project in the Central Region
smart meter system. Vietnam, hosted by Vietnam EVNCPC utility. The
following work firstly introduces the roll-out in
KEY WORDS: Smart meter, wireless system, RF-Mesh Section 2. The supported wireless communication
technologies for AMR are given in Section 3. The
1. INTRODUCTION information communication technology (ICT) for
Recently, smart meter is a critical cyber-physical pilot project is shown in Section 4. Finally, we
infrastructure in today’s modern world. The NIST conclude this report in Section 5.
conforming architecture [1] is designed to support
control information sharing in the downstream links 2. SMART METER ROLL-OUT
and measurement information from smart meters in There is about 1,5 million smart meters have been
the upstream links. Recent researches in smart installed by the end 2016 in Central Region Vietnam,

including 11 pilot projects in different Central The decision of using Router is dependent to
Vietnam provinces from Da Nang City to Nha Trang different area demographics and characteristics. The
City. An example project is illustrated in Fig. 1. experiences during installing pilot project are
Based on the region distribution grid, the DCU presented in Table 1.
usually is located at the central (nearby substation).

Table 1. The guideline for installing AMR system using in project.

No. Area Characteristics Smart Meter to Smart DCU (or Router) to DCU (or Router) to
Meter Smart Meter Router
1 Electric grid is not covered by trees or high 150 m 200 m 300 m
buildings; (maxium 3 hops (maxium 4 hops (maxium 4 hops
smart meter on electric pole, inside of smart meters) of smart meters) of smart meters)
composite box
2 Electric grid is covered by trees or high 100 m 150 m 200 m
buildings; (maxium 2 hops (maxium 2 hops (maxium 2 hops
smart meter on electric pole, inside of smart meters) of smart meters) of smart meters)
composite box
3 Electric grid is covered by trees or high 70 m 120 m 200 m
buildings; (maxium 2 hops (maxium 2 hops (maxium 2 hops
smart meter on electric pole, inside steel box of smart meters) of smart meters) of smart meters)

Steps to select the installation point of the RF-

SPIDER system model after the having the
distribution grid scheme:
 Step 1: Estimate the total amount and the
need to install the router or not (Terrain
radius distance less than 300m without
Router). Depending on the radius of the
surveyed substation and based on the
distribution grid diagram to be able to
determine the preliminary number of routers
needed as follows:


After this step we can have rough numbers of

system components such as RF-MESH smart
meters, Router and Data Collection Unit
 Step 2: Select a DCU position. The DCU
installation point must be selected at the
substation position. If the substation is not at
Figure 1. A real smart meter reading projects in Central the center of the grid, it is necessary to place
Region Vietnam.

some routers into the AMR so that the meter  Automatically read meter data according to
data can be collected in the best way. time configured in the system and follow
immediately requirements of the utility;
 Auto-update new features for DCU;
 High security due to data encryption on the
transmission line;
 Two-way information exchange with CMIS, GIS
and other utility power systems;
 Meeting the demand of building information
system for electricity market; the Master Plan
of EVN's smart grid schedule;
 Easy to install and configure smart meter;
 Use GPRS or 3G mobile technology to transfer
Figure 2. The RF Spider network for Smart Meter pilot data from DCUs to utility's data server;
 Automatically set the transmission path from
meter to the data center optimally;
 Step 3: Select the router position and the
 Restoring connection when transmission is
smart meters. Smart meters and routers are
distributed according to the grid length and
the terrain area.
3.1. Data Collection Unit (DCU)
 Step 4: After marking positions, re-adjust DCU is the main equipment of AMR, built by the
some positions to optimize. The cross CPC EMEC Company to manage all meters in a
sections with branching nets require smart distribution electric grid [2]. It collects and sends all
meters or routers can be optimized. customer power consumption to the utility server
by GPRS or 3G mobile network. The DCU is also
3. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION ARCHITECTURE responsible for collecting, processing, storing and
The wireless communication for AMI pilot project, archiving information from the meter. The DCU
named as RF Spider, bases on RF-Mesh technology. continually monitors network quality and the
Figure 2 shows an example of this network. It use functionalities of smart meter.
unlicensed band frequency at 408.925 MHz and
433,050 MHz to connect smart meter to router or to
DCU. In Vietnam Spectrum Regular, the range 406.1
– 430 MHz is used for terrestrial fixed service and
the range 430 – 440 MHz is used for radio location.
Features of the RF-Spider are as follows:
 Compatible with many types of meters on
the existing power grid in Vietnam, including Figure 3. The DCU used in pilot project [2].
DT01P-RF, DT03P-RF, DT03Mxx, Elster, Landis
Gyr, EDMI, EMH, Iskramenco, Actaris, DTS27, An example of DCU is shown in Fig. 3. Main features
and DTS26; of DCU are:

 Manage over 1000 smart meters in a  Support many types of RF meters including
distribution grid area and allow extending as meters from other manufactures;
needed;  Manage and control all meters connected to
 Read meter data and load profile of meter at Router;
substation;  Able to store metering data hourly.
 Auto update the meter list within a
 Real-time and on-demand collecting data
from central server;

 Automatic collecting data at defined intervals

and automatically transferring to central
 Time synchronize from central Server; Figure 4. The example of router used in pilot project [3].
 Support many types of RF meters including
3.3. Smart meter
meters from other manufactures;
An example of one phase smart meter, DT01M80, is
 Auto detect new meter and any changing in given in Fig. 5 [4]. The DT01M80 has superior feature
meter configuration;
 Manage and control all meters connected to
 Able to store metering data hourly.

3.2. Router
Router is routing equipment, produced by CPC EMEC
in order to manage, collect data of a certain
number of meters [3]. Data is sent to the DCU as Figure 5. DT01M80, one-phase smart meter from EVNCPC [4].
requested. In addition, router is able to extend DCU
network coverage, send forward information
packages between DCU and meters integrated RF-
mesh or between DCU and normal meters.
Therefore, DCU can receive data from router
without contacting to other meters in the network
coverage of router. An example of router is given in
Fig. 4. Main features of router are: Figure 6. DT03M10, three-phase smart meter from EVNCPC
 Manage over 500 meters in its coverage and and high reliability, is used for measuring the 2- way
allow extending as needed; active power directly (kWh) in 1-phase 2-wire
 Real-time and on-request collecting data system, at accuracy class 1.0 for active power
from DCU; according to the Vietnam Standard TCVN 7589-21:
 Automatic collecting data at defined intervals 2007 and the International Standard IEC 62053-
and automatically transferring to DCU; 22:2003; at accuracy class 2.0 for reactive power
 Time synchronize from DCU;

according to the International Standard IEC 62053-  Stable operation with huge data solving
23:2003. capacity, visual software with high interacting
The three-phase DT03M10 (Fig. 6), installed in to each measurement point on the electric
commercial and industry buildings, has the following network operation diagram;
features:  The management software and applications
 High accuracy and sensitivity, low power are able to communicate in two directions
consumption, high insulation and long with the system of all members throughout
working life; EVN, provide data for business management
 High thermal stability, overload and over system at various class of demands, the
voltage endurance; business management system of other
 Metering the active power in import and entities, as well as SCADA system, and at
export directions and reactive power in 4 same time have the ability to provide data
quadrants, accumulating in separate registers; access service and real-time information to
 Built-in warning functions such as wrong-
phase connection, polarity reversal and etc.;
prevent any case of electric fraud such as
external magnetic intervention, opening wiring
cover and meter cover removing. High
immunity from electromagnetic and external

4. THE ICT SYSTEM Figure 7. The Meter Data Management System (MDMS)
In order to gathering customer information for of EVNCPC.
further analysis and management, EVNCPC has also
established the Metering Data Management System customers who are granted access through
(MDMS) along with the pilot project as in Fig. 7. website;
Table 2 gives the estimated for the capacity of  Able to collect data directly real time from
MDMS server. every meter through different lines such as
ADSL, optical cable, GSM, GPRS, EDGE and 3G
Table 2. Estimated storage capacity for various scale technologies;
of AMR project.  Conform to all type of multifunction three-
Message Total number of smart meters phases meters such as DT03P-RF, Elster
Reporting Small Medium Large
Rate (30,000) (100,000) (500,000)
A1700, LandisGyr, EDMI Mk6, Iskrameco , and
(30,000)* (100,000)* (500,000)* EMH;
12 (12*365)* (12*365)* (12*365)*  Conform to all types of electronic energy
messages 1Kbyte = 1Kbyte = 1Kbyte = meters with built-in meter reading by radio
per day 131.4 GB per 438 GB per 2,190 GB per frequency: DT01-RF, DT01P08-RF, and DT03P-
year year year RF;
during a year. Some features of MDMS are bellows:
 Manage information of measured points
 Manage software comfortably to the existing including: serial number; date and time of
AMI of EVN, in accordance with the meter; TU, TI coefficients installed in and out
regulations for the electricity business; meter;

 Monitor, evaluate total importing and technology. Many of the issues and experience
exporting KWh and tariffs of importing and gained during the project are of quite practical
exporting; matter and thus not easy to reveal within
 Monitor operating parameters: voltage, theoretical planning or simulation approaches only.
current, frequency, phase angle, power factor, Tested wireless communication infrastructure
active power, reactive power, apparent normally work well with adequate response times,
power… of each phase; but local communication availability issues have
 Monitor load profile, monthly billing period; been reported. The interoperability issue of smart
meter has also been faced calling for the use of
 Monitor the working status of measurement
system: meter program intervention, time standardized interfaces.
synchronization, configure change,
overbalance-pressure, phase fault, reset The next step is focusing on upgrading the
existing project to Advance Metering Infrastructure
During the AMR project, the experienced benefits of (AMI). AMI will enable two-way communication
MDMS are: between customer and utility, hence install more
user case applications such as real time price,
 Time efficiency the system automatically automatic theft detection or demand response. In
merges the power consumption data into the order to achieve that, EVNCPC utility is already call
Customer management information system for 4G communication technology proposal from
(CMIS) for electricity bill, reducing the time of
many Vietnam mobile service providers.
bill releasing, increase the rate of delivery bill
to customer;
 Workforce cost number of employees The authors would like to thank the Vietnam
required for billing process is reduced while EVNCPC Utility for sharing information about their
increased efficiency to utility; smart grid pilot projects.
 Operation cost monitors the status of smart
meters, detects quickly any errors or energy Reference
theft in the metering system, measures loss [1] NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart
of substations accurately. The system also GridInteroperability Standards, Release 3.0,
improves electric quality power, reduces line September 2014, [Online] https://www.nist.gov-
losses and forecasts the load demand; /sites/default/files/documents/smartgrid/NIST-
 Maintenance cost low maintenance cost, SP-1108r3.pdf.
easy to install and detect outages; [2] Data Collection Unit, [Online] https://emec.cpc-
 Social impact provides customers with useful .vn/Detmetere.aspx?T=0&ID=15.
power monitoring tool, improves the quality [3] Router, [Online] https://emec.cpc.vn/Detmeter-
of customer service of EVNCPC's utility. e.aspx?T=0&ID=6.
[4] DT01M80 Smart Meter, [Online] https://emec-
5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS -.cpc.vn/Detmetere.aspx?T=2&ID=27.
The lessons learnt from the EVNCPC's Smart [5] DT03M10 Smart Meter, [Online] https://emec-
Meter Reading project so far figures out that it is .cpc.vn/Detmetere.aspx?T=2&ID=20.
essential to carry out such project to get useful
services for customer with the large scale
implementation of smart meter and smart grid

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