Addis Abeba
Addis Abeba
Addis Abeba
Local NGOs are types of organizations those are geared toward the provision of some sort of
benefits to the society and are citizen-based associations. These organizations are mobilizing
financial resources from various national and international voluntary agencies to work in a
coordinated manner consistent with the requirements of the society. The purpose of assessment
was to assess the financial management practices of the local NGOs in Addis Ababa.
Descriptive method of assessment was conducted and data were collected by applying random
sampling technique, 92 respondents were selected from the total population of 1,275. The major
findings were: lack of budget approval by board, common cost allocation system, records
keeping for gifts in kind items, cash forecast preparation, finance staff participation in budget
preparation and review, and concentration on limited projects and sources of fund, weakness in
standardized financial statement preparation and delay in reporting among others. Finally, the
researcher recommended: as means to discharge responsibility & accountability and to show
service giving efforts, operational efficiency and effectiveness to contribution to the development
endeavor of the country, they should establish a well organized financial management systems:
budget management, accounts record keeping, internal control and reporting. Board should
monitor regularly the financial management system, senior management shall give due attention
for strengthening internal control activities.
The NGOS are required to comply with The assessment attempts to address the
donors and government rules and following questions on financial
regulations in the financial management management practices in local NGOs in
activities and project implementation. To Addis Ababa:
achieve success, NGOs have to continually 1. Do the local NGOs comply with the
improve and professionalize their work, CHSA, Donors, Government rules and
which puts more and more demand on the regulation and the financial
management and leadership of an management standards and GAAP?
organization. 2. How is the strength of the internal
control system?
Challenges facing NGOs: 3. Do the financial management
A. Challenges at NGO level activities have effects on project
It is very hard to work without registering implementation?
the NGO. So, registration process is the key 4. What are the areas to be improved in
challenging issue on the way of NGOs, the financial management practices?
whether at the time of establishment or 5. What are the factors affecting the
afterwards. financial management activities?
The absence of well defined objectives and
goals, vision, mission and even values is 1.4 Objectives of the Study:
another issue facing NGOs. Human 1.4.1 General Objective of the Study:
resource issues such as recruitment, The general objective of this study is to
compensation, training, promotion and etc. examine the financial management practices
are often addressed as the key challenging of non-governmental-organizations in
issues. Weak performance of some NGOs Addis Ababa.
has degraded the Image of other NGO and it 1.4.2 Specific Objective of the Study:
makes difficult to persuade people to They are:
support NGOs through donation.
The results of this assessment are expected 2.1 Historical Background of the Study:
to benefit the followings:
Local NGOs: The recommendation will “Local NGO” will be used to refer to local
show the possible solutions for the indigenous organizations that include
identified findings. It can assist the local national NGOs, FBOs, and CBOs that fall
NGOs to use findings as input for within the functional categories of advocacy
reinforcing their financial management and service delivery, and are located in
activities and focus on the factors that developing countries. It focuses on
enhance effective financial management delivering quality services and improving
systems for donors’ funded project’s their individual practices rather than
implementation. influencing others. For the purpose of a
The donors and other stakeholders: The donor seeking collaboration with NGOs, it
recommendation and the suggested possible helps to distinguish between local NGOs
solutions for the identified gaps can be used that work in multiple countries, national
as an input for capacity building activities NGOs working on countrywide issues, and
by donors and other stakeholders community-based NGOs ,FBOs, or CBOs
Researchers: This assessment will enhance focused on local stakeholders and issues,
and encourage other researchers who have (Eric Werker an Assistant Professor of
interest on financial management areas of Business Administration at Harvard
local NGOs to do further research. Business School, Boston).
Financial statements prepared by CSs serve There is a heavy competition among the
as a means to communicate with funding NGOs in mobilizing financial resources,
agents, government and other stakeholders. resulting in mutual bickering and mistrust.
In preparing basic financial statements, CSs In this process, a few of the NGOs are
On General Information
TABLE 4.2.1
1. Educational level
SL Questions Options of Responses Total
NO Certificate Diploma BA/BSc Masters Responses
1 Finance staff _____ 11 63 7 81
educational level (13.6%) (77.78%) (8.64%) (100%)
For educational level questionnaire two respondents did not respond.
2. Number of years of services
SL NO Questions Options of Responses Total
0-2 3-5 6-10 Above Respo
10 nses
2 Finance staff years of 17 28 22 16 83
work experiences in (20.48%) (33.73%) (26.50%) (19.27 (100%
accounting %) )
The financial management requires being in line with donors’ requirement for regarding
with the recording and reporting requirements. As indicate in table 3,2,4 the
respondents for the question whether the accounting system keep records for fixed
assets and calculate depreciation expense to account it in financial statements , the
respondents gave their answers that 4.82% strongly disagree,43.37% disagree ,8.43 %
neutral ,34.94% agree and 8.43% strongly agree. The result indicates most of the NGOs
are not calculated depreciation for fixed assets. Some of the organization are keeping
records and calculating depreciation for fixed assets. Literature review indicated that
Fixed assets may represent considerable wealth held in the form of land, buildings,
vehicles, machinery and office equipment and, often over-looked; require special
attention to ensure their value is maintained and that they do not disappear.
TABLE 4.2.4
Analysis of Internal Control Control practices
Summary of Internal Control Questions Reponses
Financial control/internal control are one of the most important parts of financial
management activities. Different literature indicate it is system of controls, checks and
balances – collectively referred to as internal controls – to be put in place to safeguard
an organization’s assets and manage internal risk. Their purpose is to deter
opportunistic theft or fraud and to detect errors and omissions in the accounting
records. An effective internal control system also protects staff involved in financial
tasks. Internal Control/Financial Control practices related questions were submitted to
local NGOs staff and their responses are summarized in table 3.2.5. The existence of
sufficient number with better qualification is vital for better accomplishments of
financial management activities. The respondents’ response for a question existence
finance staff sufficient in number and qualification to perform the financial
management of the organization showed that 3.61% and 21.68% for strongly disagree
and disagree respectively and 7.23% no comment while 56.62% and 10.84% for agree
and strongly agree respectively. This indicates that a considerable number of
For job descriptions clarity 20.48% and 18.07% strongly disagree and disagree
respectively and 4.82% no comment, 44.58% and 12.055 for agree and strongly agree.
A considerable number of responses showed that no clear job description for program
staff on their financial management related responsibilities for which directly and
indirectly all staff have financial management responsibilities. And for the assurance of
segregation and duties and responsibilities by the organization, the response showed
that 10.97% disagree and 9.75% no comment respectively and 28.07% and 51.22%
agree and strongly agree receptively. Here the result indicates there are gaps on
assurance of segregation of duties and responsibilities which is the most important part
in internal control system. Literatures indicate that for successful and effective
management of NGOs, existence of board is vital. Having a good and effective NGO
Board provides a basis for successful management of its organization, hence, the
existence and managerial role of board is highly required for local NGOs. Two
questions were provided to local NGOs staff for their responses whether there are
boards and the board members have regular/scheduled meetings for managing the
organization. The responses for existence of board for management of the organization
responded 1.2% and 3.61% for strongly disagree and disagree respectively and 2.4%
no comment, and62.65% and 30.12% strongly agree and agree respectively. Regarding
the board meeting the reopens indicate that 3.61% and 9.64% for strongly disagree and
disagree respectively and 1o.84% no comment, and 26.51% and 49.39% for agree and
strongly agree respectively. Here, from the responses it is clear that there are gaps on
having scheduled and regular meetings by the board which is vital for better
management and accomplishment of the organizations. As system of controls, checks
and balances referred to as internal controls are to be place to safeguard an
organization’s assets and manage internal risk. Segregation of duties means that there
is check and balance, that is, financial transaction activities are to be done and checked
by different staff.
In relation to this three questions were provided to the respondents and their responses
indicate: For funders reviewing financial management activities timely; the responses
indicate 2.4% and 7.23% for strongly disagree and disagree respectively and 7.23% no
comments, and 33.73% and 49.39% for agree and strongly agree respectively. The
reviewing and checking of the actual practices timely by donors are required to
strengthen the existence of good financial management practices. For checking and
reviewing practices for reports and financial statement questions the respondents
answers indicate that: For financial reports reviewing and checking against the
activities 1.2% and 8.43% for strongly disagree and disagree respectively and 3.61 no
comment, and 39.76% and 46.98% for agree and strongly agree and for monthly
financial statement reviewing by executive director: responded 3.61% and 13.25% for
TABLE 4.2.5
Analysis of Reporting Practices:
Summary of Responses on Reporting Practices