Matching Features
Matching Features
Matching Features
• In this type of task, you get a list of people, places or things and a list of sentences. You
need to match each sentence with a person/place/thing.
• In this type of task, the questions will not be in the same order as the passage, but the
options e.g. people/places will be in text order.
In the past, to become famous you needed a talent: singing, playing an instrument, dancing or
writing books. Nowadays, it is much easier to become famous. This is because of the internet.
All you need is a camera or webcam, computer, internet connection and a bit of creativity.
First of all, you need to decide what you are going to write or speak about: hair and makeup,
comedy, sport, news and current affairs, raising money for a charity or something specialist
like keeping tropical fish. Then choose a site to post on. Some sites are international and
some may be particular to one country, such as Weibo in China. YouTube is a good site to
choose if you make your own videos. It is easy to upload your short films, and many people
use it.
If you want to become famous on YouTube, you should make lots of videos and release one
every day. YouTubers who become popular are often those who present tips, advice, 'how to'
guides and opinions on entertainment or stories in the news. If you allow advertisements in
your videos, you will make money when people view the adverts. Facebook is a good
platform for those who want to make money, but not for those who want to be famous. To
earn money through Facebook, you need a very original and/or funny page, with interesting
photos which can get you a few hundred thousand 'likes'. If you achieve fame on Facebook, it
probably won't last.
Twitter is a social media site where people can communicate through short messages. It
works well for those who want to be well-known but are not so interested in making money.
If you want to become known on Twitter, you will need to post lots of entertaining content.
lnstagram is a site where people mainly put up photos and videos. It is a site which can make
you well-known, particularly if you want to become a famous photographer. ]
Creating your own blog is possibly the best way to become internet famous and make money,
through advertising, especially once you have become known on one of the sites above. You
need to be aware of the topics and issues that are 'trending' (that are popular right now) and
post about those ideas. Learn to create 'vines' (a series of short extracts from videos put
together in a creative way) and become an expert on photo editing. With these few easily
learnt skills and some imagination, you can achieve the fame you've always dreamed of -
online at least.
List of Websites
A YouTube
B Facebook
C Twitter
D Instagram
E your own blog
• Scan the reading passage for the websites A-E and underline them.
• Underline key words in each sentence
• Read the information around the first website (name, …), then read a list of
statements to find the one(s) that match
• Do the same for the remaining websites (names, ….)
List of Animals
A Hachiko
B Knut
C Elsa
List of People
A Louisa Richardson
B Rod Downie
C Frigg Jorgensen
D Prisca Campbell
Holidays with a difference
Tribal tourism is becoming more popular. But at what cost to the locals?
Tribal tourism is a relatively new type of tourism. It involves travellers going to
remote destinations, staying with local people and learning about their culture and
way of life. They stay in local accommodation, share facilities with local people, and
join in with meals and celebrations. At the moment, less the one percent of holidays
are tribal tourism holidays, but this is set to change.
Tribal tourism is often compared with foreign exchange visits. However, a foreign
exchange involves staying with people who often share the same values. Tribal
tourism takes visitors to places where the lifestyle is very different from that in their
home location. Those who have been on a tribal holiday explain that experiencing
this lifestyle is the main attraction. They say that it offers them the chance to live in a
way they never have before.
Not everyone is convinced that tribal tourism is a good thing, and opinions are
divided. The argument is about whether or not it helps the local population, or
whether it exploits them. The main problem is that, because tribal tourism is
relatively new, the long-term effects on local populations have not been studied in
much detail. Where studies have been carried out, the effects have been found to be
Travel writer Ian Coleman recalls a recent trip to Guatemala, where he saw an
example of this. "There is a village with a statue of a man called Maximon, who has
Dawn baker, manager of travel company Footprints, runs tours to tribal areas in
Peru. 'Good companies specializing in tribal tours are very careful about who they
allow on their tours', she says. 'They won't take anyone they feel is unsuitable'.
Baker offers reading recommendations so that visitors.
Dawn baker, manager of travel company Footprints, runs tours to tribal areas in
Peru. 'Good companies specializing in tribal tours are very careful about who they
allow on their tours', she says. 'They won’t take anyone they feel is unsuitable’.
Baker offers reading recommendations so that visitors can read about the country
and its cultures. 'The rewards of a trip to this country are priceless, and the more you
know in advance, the more priceless they are'
Tribal tourism travelers are often surprised at how basic their facilities are when they
get there. 'It's not for everyone, but for me it was all part of the experience', says
Jamie White, who has recently returned from a trip to Borneo. 'We stayed in the
same huts that everyone was living in, with no running water and no electricity. It
was basic, but it was an ethical way to travel. Being comfortable means you use
more local resources and so have more of an environment impact.'
List of People
A Ian Coleman
B Hilary Waterhouse
C Dawn Baker
D Jamie White