DLL Math 8 4.1
DLL Math 8 4.1
DLL Math 8 4.1
Teaching Dates and Time FEB. 3 – 7, 2020 Quarter THIRD
B. Other Learning Grade 8 LCTG by DepEd Grade 8 LCTG by DepEd Grade 8 LCTG by DepEd Grade 8 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Cavite, Mathematics 2016 Cavite, Mathematics 2016 Cavite, Mathematics 2016 Cavite, Mathematics 2016
Projector, PowerPoint Projector, PowerPoint Projector, PowerPoint Projector, PowerPoint
presentation, and laptop presentation, and laptop presentation, and laptop presentation, and laptop
A. Reviewing previous Analyze each set of Study the sequence of Look at the following set of My number trick:
lesson or presenting the mathematical sentence. colors below: statements then have your 1. Choose a number.
new lesson conclusion late on. 2. Square it.
Set I Sequence 1:
2+4=6 3. Subtract 12.
x: The sum of two odd 4. Multiply by 0.
16 + 4 = 20 numbers is an even
20 + 10 = 30 5. Add 5.
Sequence 2: number.
14 + 8 = 22
4 + 8 = 12 y: 3 and 7 are odd
18 + 10 = 28 numbers.
Sequence 3: z: Therefore, the sum of 3
12 + 14 = 26
12 + 4 = 16 and 7 is an even
8 + 10 = 18 number.
B. Establishing a purpose What can you conclude Where might you have Is the sum of 3 and 7 What will always be the
for the lesson on the first set? Why? seen this sequence? really an even number? outcome of the number
How could this trick?
What can you conclude sequence be part of a Would it be possible for Can you think of another
on the second? Why? pattern? some other odd number trick?
numbers, when added,
will sum up an even
p r
Is p equal to r?
E. Discussing new Read each set of Numeric table from the Verify your answer from Is this proof valid? Explain.
concepts and practicing statement and then come previous activity. the previous activity by
new skills #2 up with a conclusion for measurement.
each set.
1. My teacher in math is
My previous math The numeric pattern in
teacher is also energetic.
the table shows that
Mom’s math teacher
each figure will have a
when she was young is
perfect square of
energetic too.
congruent triangles. The
What can you say number of congruent
about mathematics triangles in each figure is
teachers? the square of the figure
(Students are
encouraged to discuss
the strengths of both
conjectures and the
evidence on which each
was developed.)
F. Developing mastery Discuss the following Sum of an odd integer and Let us consider the Heather claimed that the
(Leads to Formative questions with your an even integer: following statements. sum of two multiples of 4
Assessment 3) partner. is a multiple of 8. Is
1. How did you arrive at Eugene’s dog barks Heather’s conjecture
your answers on the Make a conjecture based whenever a stranger reasonable? Explain. If it is
consecutive previous on the evidence gathered enters their yard. not reasonable, find a
activities? and the pattern in the Eugene’s dog is barking. counterexample.
2. Did you agree at once sums.
on your answer? What conclusion can you
3. Where there arguments give?
between you and your
partner? All seniors are allowed to
4. What you have use the library from
experienced is inductive 10:00-11:00 am.
reasoning. Can you give 3 Ferdinand is using is not
examples of inductive a senior.
5. Based on the activity, What conclusion can you
what is inductive give?
G. Finding practical Arrived at a conclusion for Denyse works part time Read each set of Inuvik, Northwest
applications of concepts each statement. at a grocery store. She statement and then come Territories, is above the
and skills in daily living 1. Every quiz has been notices that the store is up with a conclusion for Arctic Circle, which is at
easy. very busy when she works each set. latitude of 66° north of the
Therefore, ___________. in the afternoon from 4 to 1. 90% of humans are right equator. Places north of
2. The teacher used 7 p.m., but it is less busy handed. Joe is human, the Arctic Circle have cold,
PowerPoint in the last few when she works in the therefore ____________. snowy winters. Winnipeg
classes. evening from 7 to 10 p.m. 2. All oranges are fruits. is at latitude of 52° north of
Therefore, ___________. What conjecture can you All fruits grow on trees. the equator.
3. Every fall there have make for this situation? Therefore, ____________. Therefore, Winnipeg does
been hurricanes in the Justify your conjecture. 3. All athletes work out in not have cold, snowy
tropics. the gym. Barry is an winters.
Therefore, ___________. athlete. Is Judd’s argument
Therefore, ____________. reasonable?
If not, identify the errors in
his reasoning.
H. Making generalizations What is inductive How do you make What is deductive How do you use deductive
and abstractions about reasoning?How do you conjectures? When can reasoning? How do you reasoning to formulate an
the lesson make a conclusion using you say that an argument make a conclusion using argument?
inductive reasoning? is valid ? deductive reasoning?
I. Evaluating learning Tell whether each Hilary was examining the Tell whether each • Find a partner.
statement uses inductive differences between statement uses Deductive • Create your own number
reasoning or not. perfect squares of reasoning or not. trick.
1. 5, 10, 15, 20. The next numbers separated by 5. 1. 5, 10, 15, 20. The next • Exchange your work with
number is 25. She made the following number is 25. your partner.
2. Coplanar points are conjecture: The 2. Coplanar points are • Prove the conjecture.
points on the same plane. differences always have points on the same plane.
X,Y,Z are coplanar. the digit 5 in the ones X,Y,Z are coplanar.
Therefore, they are on the place. Therefore, they are on the
same plane. For example: same plane.
3. A regular polygon is 172 – 122 3. A regular polygon is
equilateral. Quadrilateral 289 – 144 = 145 equilateral. Quadrilateral
BELEN is a regular a) Gather evidence to BELEN is a regular
pentagon. Therefore it is support Hilary’s pentagon. Therefore it is
equilateral. conjecture. equilateral.
4. A child’s teacher in b) Is her conjecture 4. A child’s teacher in
preschool was a female. In reasonable? Explain. preschool was a female. In
his grades 1 and 2, his his grades 1 and 2, his
teachers were both teachers were both
female. The child may say female. The child may say
that his grade 3 teacher that his grade 3 teacher
will also be female. will also be female.
5. Filipinos are peace- 5. Filipinos are peace-
loving people. Julia is a loving people. Julia is a
Filipino. Therefore, Julia is Filipino. Therefore, Julia is
peace-loving. peace-loving.
J. Additional activities for Come up with a Prove that the sum of two Come up with a Solve each equation.
application or generalization based on consecutive perfect generalization based on
your observation with the squares is always an odd your observation with the
remediation picture. number. picture.
The lesson was executed The lesson was executed The lesson was executed The lesson was executed
well well well well
1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the 16 15 12 13
2. No. of learners who 15 10 9
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial yes yes yes yes
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who 6 5 5 6
continue to require
5. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
p rincipal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
7. What innovation or ppt ppt ppt ppt
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?