Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Kim Laura T. Calicdan Learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates and Time February 10-14, 2020 / 3:00-4:00pm Quarter Second
is able to formulate and solve accurately real-life problems involving linear inequalities in two variables, systems of linear
B. Performance Standards inequalities in two variables, and linear functions.
Illustration of linear linear equations in two graphing linear Solving linear system of linear
II. CONTENT inequalities in two variables inequalities in two inequalities in two inequalities in two
variables variables variables variables
A. Reviewing previous lesson or -Teacher starts the -Teacher starts the -Teacher starts the class -Illustrate solving of -Start the class by
presenting the new lesson class with asking the class by reviewing with presenting what a linear inequalities in reviewing how to solve
students what is what linear inequality Cartesian plane is and single and two the linear inequalities.
linear inequality and is and show one its parts. variables. -Give example and
variables. example. -Give an example of x -Give example of linear graph.
-Present what is -Introduce what is and y value and let the inequalities and let the -Present what systems
linear inequality and equation. students plot. students solve on the of linear inequalities is.
show the variables in -Show an example of -Present what linear board. -Teach students
the equation. linear equation. inequalities is and show -Correct if there is substitution.
-Give example if -Write an example of students the way of wrong solving by the -Give example and
linear inequality in linear inequality in two solving it. students. graph.
single variable and variables and linear -Give example of linear -Let the students
show students. equation in two inequalities in two compare the solving
-Give another variables on the board variables and let the and example of the
example and let the and let the students students solve in the linear inequalities in
students solve. compare both board. two variables and
-Give example of examples. -Show students the systems of linear
linear inequality in -Show the students graph of the linear inequalities in two
two variables. how to solve the given equation in Cartesian variables.
-Give another example of linear plane.
example for the equation. -Give more examples.
students to solve in -Give more examples.
the board.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Describe the graphs Describe the graph of Solving systems of linear Solving problems Categorize the given
lesson of two linear each pair of linear equations by graphing involving linear system of linear
equations in the equation equations in two equations
same coordinate variables
C. Presenting examples/instances of Perform activity Give exercises on Recall on graphing using Determine whether Discuss the given
the new lesson about graphing two graphing systems of slope intercept form each linear equation is problem with
equations linear equations consistent, dependent, illustration
or inconsistent
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the answers Determine the systems Give an illustrative Perform activity in Follow up procedures
practicing new skills #1 of the follow up when two lines example solving two linear in solving system by
questions in the intersect inequality variables substitution
E. Discussing new concepts and Read and understand Determine the systems Graph the system and Discuss the concept of Solve more problems
practicing new skills #2 some important note when two lines doesn’t tell whether it is finding solution of by showing solutions
on systems of linear intersect consistent, dependent or system of linear and graphs
equation inconsistent equation in the
intersecting point
F. Developing mastery (leads to Differentiate the Differentiate the two Draw the graphs of each Determine the system Compare the method
Formative Assessment 3) three systems of systems when two system and give the of linear equation of solving systems by
linear equations lines intersect and do coordinates of the points through slopes and y- graphing and
not intersect of intersection intercepts substitution
G. Finding practical applications of Mathematics word Represent problems Solve a real life Do an activity in the Formulate a word
concepts and skills in daily living problems that are systems of linear problem using graphing worksheet problem involving
encountered on a equation that involves method systems of linear
daily basis. finding the values of equations then solve
two quantities
H. Making generalizations and How will two linear Can a pair of linear What are the two What is consistent, What are the steps in
abstractions about the lesson equations when equation intersect? systems of linear inconsistent and substituting linear
graphed look like? inequality and how will dependent in linear inequalities?
you solve them? equation?
I. Evaluating learning Quiz: Quiz: Assignment: Group work: Quiz:
I. Solve the following I. Formulate 2 linear I. Make a map of your I. Graph the ff. I. Make chart of x and
inequalities: equations and solve house location given the systems of linear y values 1 to 10 of the
1. 3x < 7+3 then look for x and y coordinates from inequality and ff. linear
2. x + 7 < 15 values. Graph the nearest landmark to determine if equations/inequality.
3. 6x – 8 > x + 7 equations. your house. Make an consistent,
4. y≤32x+3 equation out of it and inconsistent or 1. x + 2 > 12
5. y>−3x+1 solve. dependent.
1. y≥2x−3
2. 2y − x ≤ 6
2. 2y+7 < 12
3. y/2 + 2 > x
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?