Example of Financial Report

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"You must gain control over your

money or the lack of it will forever
control you" – Dave Ramsey 1
1. Monthly Income – Expanse


INCOME Actual Difference

Operating Income
Total Operating Income - -

Non-Operating Income
Investment Fund 28,084,000 28,084,000
Total Non-Operating Income 28,084,000 28,084,000

Total INCOME 28,084,000 28,084,000

Operating Expenses
Design (Klasikohero) 550,000 550,000
Plain Tees (CV. Kaos Polo Mania) 1,440,200 1,440,200
Design Printing (Helloprint) 1,562,000 1,562,000
Total Operating Expenses 3,552,200 3,552,200

Non-Recurring Expenses

Total EXPENSES 3,552,200 3,552,200

Net Income Before Taxes 24,531,800 24,531,800

Income Tax Expense - -

NET INCOME 24,531,800 24,531,800

2. Payment Verification

a. Design (Klasikhero)

b. Plain Tees (CV. Kaos Polos Mania

No. Description Qty Unit Price (Rp.) Amount (Rp.)
1. CM Putih O Size S 8 28.000,00 224.000,00
2. CM Putih O Size M 8 30.000,00 240.000,00
3. CM Putih O Size L 8 32.000,00 256.000,00
4. CM Hitam O Size S 8 31.000,00 248.000,00
5. CM Hitam O Size M 8 33.000,00 264.000,00
6. CM Hitam O Size L 6 35.000,00 210.000,00
7. CM Hitam O Sixe XL 2 37.000,00 74.000,00
Discount 75.800,00
Total 1.440.200,00

c. Design Printing (Helloprint)
No. Description Qty Unit Price (Rp.) Amount (Rp.)
1. Sablon SW Putih 24 32.000,00 768.000,00
2. Sablon Plast 24 14.000,00 336.000,00
3. Hangtag 600 - 410.000,00
4. Label Dalam 48 1.000,00 48.000,00
Total 1.562.000,00

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