Top 10 Elements in A Successful Environmental System
Top 10 Elements in A Successful Environmental System
Top 10 Elements in A Successful Environmental System
1. Environmental Policy
Reflects how the organization feels about the environment
Identifies environmental impacts of processes and products
Ensures compliance with environmental requirements
Commits organization to prevent pollution, reduce environmental risks and share information with external
3. Objectives/Targets
Set the following environmental objectives: comply with environmental requirements; continuous
improvement in regulated and non-regulated areas; prevent pollution
Make objectives specific to the organization
Set timeframes to meet objectives
Update objectives as environmental requirements evolve
5. Operational Control
Establish a procedure to ensure the proper waste management hierarchy is followed
Develop simple procedures to measure and report environmental impacts of processes and products
9. Document Control
For future evaluation, document steps taken to meet objectives
Use electronic documentation to improve record management
Document all pollution prevention suggestions
For environmental management system resources, conduct an Internet search for EMS and EMS templates. The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency has an excellent website to get started.