The Millerton News - March 12, 2020
The Millerton News - March 12, 2020
The Millerton News - March 12, 2020
DEC says it’s not too early nam Northern Westchester Board of ed. Some can freeze up a computer See CYBER ATTACKS, A7
MILLERTON — According to
20 winter on a steadier basis than in
previous years,” according to DEC
Wildlife Biologist Matt Merchant.
North East Democratic Committee advocates
Millerton resident Wendy Hill, she’s
been getting some large, burly, and,
“We expect that the warmer than usual
weather and lack of snow has caused for early voting, presents 2020 candidates
well, furry visitors as of late — and some bears to wander from their dens
they’re unexpected. At the start of more than they normally would.” By KAITLIN LYLE didates to local, state and county of- With copies of the schedule of vot-
March, Hill said she started seeing a Although the bears have likely been [email protected] fices.” Among its goals, she said, is the ing days for 2020 available in the lob-
black bear (or two) come by her State able to find leftover fall foods as well re-election of New York State Assem- by, Dowley said the committee wants
Line Road home. Usually, said Hill, as seed from bird feeders, the DEC be- MILLERTON — The North East blymember Didi Barrett (D-106) and people to know they can vote early.
the bears don’t come out until later in lieves “feeding has been minimal,” as Democratic Committee (NEDC) U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado (D-NY19) Nominating petitions were also made
spring. bears are still influenced by the physi- proved it’s never too early to start along with Karen Smythe’s election available for constituents.
“This is way too early,” exclaimed ological impacts of the state of torpor. thinking about voting at a gathering to the New York State Senate. Arnason guided those present
Hill. “He usually comes in May/June.” According to the DEC, “During on Saturday, March 7, that addressed “If there was ever a time to be civi- through the 2020 schedule of elec-
But it’s not that unusual for black torpor, black bear heart rates drop some 2020 voting matters and pre- cally engaged, in my mind, it’s now,” tion dates, including the presidential
bears — which are not true hiberna- significantly and they don’t eat or def- sented some of the Democratic can- Dowley said. primary, the Millerton Village Board
tors — to be out and about early in ecate, but their body temperature only didates running for office this year. Holding up a packet of index of Trustees election, the federal and
the season, according to the New York drops a few degrees and they are easily Held in the NorthEast-Millerton cards, Dowley encouraged attendees state primary, the North East Town
State Department of Environmental aroused.” Library Annex, there was a full house to write down their ideas for what Board election and the general elec-
Conservation (DEC), especially when As the warming trend continues of town and village residents present. they’d like to see from the North East tion. He also listed the early voting
the weather has been as warm as it has. in the Northeast, bears will likely be- In her introductory remarks, NEDC Democratic Committee, and how it dates and sites for the presidential
Even with normal temperatures, black gin feeding a week or two earlier than volunteer Jennifer Dowley explained can engage the community. She also primary, the federal and state prima-
bears can come out of their dens as they normally do. If they can’t find that the purpose of the North East provided her contact information ry and the general election.
early as March/April. Democratic Committee is to “recruit, and committee Chairman Jon Arna-
“DEC’s Region 3 Office has re- See BEAR SIGHTINGS, A7 support and elect Democratic can- son’s contact information. See NEDC, A7
Obituaries�������������������������������������������� A2 Millbrook��������������������������������������������� A4 Education, Caution,
Sports������������������������������������������������������� A2 Opinion�������������������������������������������������� A6
Millerton/Amenia������������������������ A3 The Best Regional News Site Key To Staying Healthy;
Columns; Letters A6
access endless
Pam Dove
tember 1949. After he was honor-
ably discharged from the Army in
through the SBA and the Cham-
ber, helping many fledgling busi- Worship Services
1952, Francis raised black angus in ness owners. Week of March 15, 2020
LAKEVILLE — Pam Dove ran unteering for many years to drive Cornwall with his father-in-law, Francis’ hobbies included
down the curtain and joined the seniors to their medical appoint- who then helped them purchase horse racing, jai-alai and any kind
choir invisible on Feb. 27, 2020, ments. the Quality Farm on Wells Hill of auction! The Congregational All Saints of America
after years of declining health and In her free time, Pam enjoyed Road in Lakeville in 1955, where Francis entered the American Church of Salisbury, U.C.C. Orthodox Christian Church
30 Main Street, Salisbury, CT 313 Twin Lakes Rd., Salisbury, CT
just shy of her 28th (or seventh, see reading, writing, video games, B he ran a Holstein dairy and bull Academy McAllister Institute Serving the Lord with Gladness Sat. Vespers at 5:00 p.m.
below) wedding anniversary. movies, comedy (see first sentence), stud farm. of Funeral Service in New York We bid you warm welcome to come Sun. Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.
Pam was born Ellen Pamela sci-fi and fantasy of all mediums, He was very active in the local City in 1973, then purchased the worship with us Sundays at 10 am. Rev. Fr. John J. Kreta
All are welcome! 860-824-1340
Hoover on Oct. 29, 1949, in Te- a good Taylor ham sandwich, and 4-H club and on the cattle show Newkirk Funeral Homes in North Moving music,and Christian fellowship
aneck, N.J., and promptly never swearing. She would happily recite circuit for decades. Francis pro- Canaan and Lakeville in 1974. He in a historic 19th C. Meeting House.
Sunday School & Nursery Care Falls Village
went by her first name again. George Carlin’s “Seven Words You vided interstate cattle trucking, and his daughter, Susan, ran the The Rev. Dr. John A. Nelson Congregational Church
Pam was a character with a big Can Never Say on Television” even had a 65-plus home snow plow- business until he sold it in 1990. (860) 435-2442 16 Beebe Hill Road, Falls Village 10:00 a.m. Family Worship
personality. If there was a way to if no one asked. ing business, sold Christmas trees, While semi-retired, he pur- 11:00 a.m. Coffee Hour
be different, Pam would find it, to Pam also loved animals, rescu- and was an avid auction attendee, chased the Chevrolet auto busi- A Friendly Church with
St. John's Episcopal Church
the endless mortification of her ing more than one dog or cat and transitioning from cows to horses ness and property in Millerton, 12 Main Street, Salisbury, CT
a warm welcome to all!!
daughter. Those ways included, loving them wholly. At one point, in 1974. subsequently opening Stateline Rev. Marilyn Anderson
but were not limited to, getting pets outnumbered people in her Simultaneously he partnered Auto. Francis partnered with his Rev. Paul Christopherson Christ Church Episcopal
married to her husband, Gene, on house 2:1. All of this is to say that with individuals internationally, in Sharon
good friend Dan Lufkin, owning 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Rite I) Said
9 South Main, Sharon CT
Leap Day 1992, in a wedding of- she was cool, probably cooler than interested in breeding cows over- 10:00 a.m. Eucharist with music (Rite II)
more than two dozen top Hol- WEDNESDAY HEALING SERVICE
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 9:00 AM
ficiated by her daughter’s future she knew. seas, which made him a sought- steins for breeding and genomics. At Noon – with Eucharist
Rev. Dr. Martha Tucker
All welcome to join us
junior high science teacher, Fred Pam was predeceased by a hus- after consultant and buyer. He enjoyed working the security
Romeo; her signature short hair/ band, George (“Porge”) Poidomani, He was a member and past detail overnight at Lime Rock
tail combo; her love of biker gang- and is survived by her current treasurer of the Lakeville Hose Park and at Noble Horizons. North Canaan Greenwoods
style clothing; her flying pig tattoo; husband, Gene (the Bean) Dove; Co.; a member of the Blazing Star Like a prism, he was multifac- Congregational Church, UCC Community Church
355 Clayton Road, Ashley Falls, MA
and, if we’re being honest, the vol- her daughter, Jennie (the Amazing Lodge #74 and a past master, a eted. He had many interests, many Joyfully opening our hearts
Sunday Service 10:30 AM
and doors to all God's people
ume of her voice. Rat Child) Poidomani; and Jennie’s member of the 32nd Degree of relationships around the globe, Pastor Savage Frieze Kidz Konnection
Pam was incredibly smart and partner, Mark (Mr. Yardini) Yard. Scottish Rites order of Masons; a and many laugh-until-you-cry 172 Lower Rd/Rt. 44, East Canaan CT K-6th grade (during Sun. Service)
Nursery Care All Services
immensely funny, bestowing nick-
names on most everyone she knew.
Insert Listing House Ads - 3/12/20
She is also survived by her three lifetime member of the National
younger siblings, Jim, Denise, and Holstein-Friesian Association of
stories. He valued hard work and
business acumen and the value of
Worship services Sundays at 10 am
Pastor Trip Weiler
She also always stood up for herself David. America. the dollar and did business on a FISHES & LOAVES Food Pantry and
and those she felt needed stick- Out of respect for Pam’s wishes, A long time Rotarian, serving handshake.
CLOSETS for clothing, Wednesdays 9-11
St. Thomas
ing up for. Good or bad, right or there will be no calling hours or Lakeville Journal
as Salisbury 1x2
Rotary president, and Millerton News 1x2 northcanaancongregational Episcopal Church
40 Leedsville Road
wrong, you didn’t argue with Pam services. Instead, in her honor, District Governor in 1981-82, he Amenia Union, NY
without a fight (see “big personal- please be kind to animals and North East Baptist Church SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:30
Historic Meeting House, followed by refreshments
ity,” above). others, laugh often and loudly, and Main & Maple Millerton, NY All ages welcome!
After finishing high school, don’t take yourself too seriously. God's word is always relevant! Rev. Dr. Robert D. Flanagan
A Warm Welcome Awaits You
Pam attended secretarial school And if you think any part of this Email obituaries SUNDAY SERVICES 845-373-9161
and was a legal secretary for sev- obituary was less than normal, Pam to cynthiah Family Bible School - 9:30 AM
Morning Worship - 11:00 Trinity Episcopal Church
eral years. would have wanted it that way. 484 Lime Rock Rd., Lime Rock
She held various jobs through- We are incredibly sad and will Check them out inside. Check them out inside. Evening Service - 6:00 PM
WEEKDAY MEETINGS Sun. 8 & 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Nursery Care/Sunday School 10:20 a.m.
out her life and treated each one love and miss her forever. • CVS • CVS Weds. Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
“Offering companionship along the way”
at Parsonage 33 S. Maple Ave.
like it was what she was meant to Thank you to Brian at the Ken-• Ocean State Job Lot Sat. Bible Studies Rev. Heidi Truax
do. This included an assignment ny Funeral Home in Sharon, who for Men & Women 3:00 PM (860) 435-2627
FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON [email protected]
that was very special to her: vol- was in charge of arrangements.
Enjoy free upcoming events: First Sunday of each month
after AM services
Pastor Henry A. Prause Unitarian Fellowship
518-789-4840 of NW CT
Bombers basketball
North End of Sharon Green
March 25-May 20. Touching Lives - Lifting Spirits All are Welcome
10:45 a.m. Worship Service, Nursery Care For information call 860-435-2319
The 14th Colony Artists. Join us for the No Sunday School in Summer
The Lakeville United
IX Class C champions
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Macaron Baking Workshop, March 28 at Canaan United “Open Hearts - Open Minds - Open Doors”
11am. Welcome spring with host PJ Birriel for Methodist Church The Rev. Margaret Laemmel
2 Church St., Rte 44, Canaan, CT 860-435-9496
this macaron baking workshop. All guests will 11 a.m. Worship Service [email protected]
have some hands on time and will leave with a “Open Hearts – Open Minds – Open Doors”
By KAITLIN LYLE Just a few days after that vic- gift bag of macarons! Rev. Lee Gangaware ST. MARTIN OF TOURS
[email protected] tory, Pine Plains advanced to the 860-824-5534 PARISH Immaculate Conception,
Section IX Class C Championship To register for these FREE programs please call (860) 435-9851 [email protected] 4 North Street, Norfolk
PINE PLAINS — After de- game against Millbrook. Com- or visit St. Joseph, 4 Main Street, Canaan
feating the Tri-Valley team in peting in the Middletown High Promised Land St. Mary, 76 Sharon Road, Lakeville
the sectional semi-final game on School gymnasium, Pine Plains Baptist Church Saturday Vigil 5 pm, St. Joseph Church
Tuesday, March 3, the Pine Plains left the court as winners with a 29 Granite Ave., Canaan, CT Sunday 9 am, Church of St. Mary
Where you will find: A Warm Welcome! Sunday 11 am,
varsity boys basketball advanced final score of 44-42. Helpful Bible Messages, A Place to Grow! Immaculate Conception Church
to the Section IX Class C Cham- As of Tuesday, March 10, Pine Sunday School - 10am DAILY MASS SCHEDULE
Sunday Worship - 11am Wednesday 6pm
pionship game against Millbrook Plains’ Regional Semi-Final Com- Wednesday Bible Study St. Joseph Chapel or Church
on Thursday, March 5. petition set for Tuesday, March Senior living • Rehabilitation • Nursing • Memory Care and Prayer Meeting — 7PM Thursday 8am
(860) 824-5685
Both the Pine Plains varsity 10, at Horace Greeley High School A nonprofit organization VISITORS WELCOME!
Immaculate Conception Church
Friday 8am
boys and girls basketball teams in Chappaqua against Hamilton 17 Cobble Road, Salisbury, CT Church of St. Mary
competed in the sectional semi- has been postponed until further (860) 435-9851 • ALL ARE WELCOME!
For information,
finals on Tuesday, March 3, with notice. The Chapel of All Saints, please call 860-824-7078
the boys team competing against Cornwall
St. Bernard, Sharon
Lady Bombers ultimately lost to
the Millbrook Blazers with a final
St. Bridget, Cornwall Bridge
Sharon Congregational
score of 63-22. 9 AM – Sacred Heart
Monday, Tuesday, 25 Main Street, Sharon, CT
For the Pine Plains boys’ Wednesday & First Friday Sunday Worship Service
game against Tri-Valley, Adam SATURDAY VIGIL and Sunday School at 10:30 a.m.
4 PM - St. Bridget
Funk scored 28 points, followed SUNDAY MASSES
Bible Study (incl. a light supper)
every Thurs. 6-7:30 p.m.
by Zach and Tyler Funk with 17 8 AM - St. Bernard
10 AM - Sacred Heart 860-364-5002
points each. Calab McCaul scored [email protected]
12 points for Pine Plains and made
The Smithfield Millerton United
11 rebounds. Presbyterian Church Methodist Church
Following an energized game 656 Smithfield Valley Rd. 6 Dutchess Avenue, P.O. Box 812
that tested the players’ strength Route 83, Amenia, NY Millerton, NY 12546
Services every Sunday 10 a.m. Services on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of
and athleticism, Pine Plains was each month at 9:30 A.M.
21st Century Theology
declared the victor with a final in an Historic Building 518-789-3138
score of 80-42 over Tri-Valley.
THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, March 12, 2020 A3
Developing ‘off-market’ sites suggested
to Tri-Town Coalition housing group
By KAITLIN LYLE lerton Working Group Chair ment facility in Millerton — the will be fed?”
[email protected] Sam Busselle shared what he group considered some existing North East Community Cen-
learned from an Amenia semi- parcels, such the former Miller- ter (NECC) Executive Director
MILLERTON — Having nar on Hudson River Housing’s ton Elementary School building Christine Sergent highlighted
clearly defined its goals for 2020 (HRH) site review process and and the former Millerton Square the spectrum of funding oppor-
at its previous meeting, the Tri- timeline. Led by Javier Gomez, supermarket space. Busselle en- tunities available along with the
Town Coalition’s North East- a staff member in HRH’s Real couraged any ideas for combin- role Hudson River Housing plays
Millerton Working Group fo- Estate Department, Busselle said ing sites. From identifying sites in supporting development proj-
cused its attention on the five key Gomez estimated that it takes to acquiring them, Busselle said ects. There were also suggestions
tasks for achieving its goals and between four to 10 months to only one in nine properties re- that a bank could be brought in
reported the progress made so accomplish the necessary steps viewed goes through the entire to assist with an existing project.
far at a group meeting on Tues- before purchasing a property. He process, and he recommended Later in the evening, the
day, March 3, in the Millerton recommended the coalition fo- the group “think bigger and more group turned its attention to
Community Room of Salisbury cus on sites that are “off-market” broadly than the available stock. Caroline Alsup, the senior ar-
Bank & Trust. and aren’t apt to change hands “We have to think about our chitect of the nonprofit social
As the coalition’s North East- soon. Edie Greenwood, vice other options sooner rather than impact design firm, MASS De-
PHOTO BY KAITLIN LYLE Millerton, Amenia and Pine chairwoman of the North East later,” Busselle said. sign Group. Having initially
From left, Hotchkiss School student Hatsuki Yahiro, 17, taught Plains working groups continue Zoning Board of Appeals, asked Focusing on the finances en- made a name by doing design
Daniel Mato-Fedczuk, 10, how to make origami emperors with to communicate ideas with one if the timeline would change if tailed, John Parsons from Bank work in Rwanda, Africa, Al-
help from her classmate, Yuka Masamura. another, Grace Year Program- funding were in hand. Busselle of America said, “I feel like the sup talked about MASS Design
ming Director Abby Nathanson said it might speed up the site discussion is wonderful and the Group’s work with transforma-
An international affair suggested creating a uniform ma-
trix for the coalition in Google
review process.
Looking at potential larger
energy is great, but I still don’t
understand where the basic in-
tive methods of affordable and
senior housing and its focus
MILLERTON — The com- “Dolls Day,” which was celebrated Form. Along with reporting its development sites — both be- frastructure is to enable this. on “regionalizing the world by
munity was invited to take a trip in Japan last week, on Tuesday, progress, she said the coalition fore and after the proposed in- What is that organizational making sustainable economics
to Japan from the comfort of the March 3. could use the form to maintain stallation of a wastewater treat- structure through which money an antidote to globalization.”
NorthEast-Millerton Library as They also talked about the communication among each of
part of the library’s joint program
with international students from
The Hotchkiss School in Lakev-
traditional foods, costumes and
colors that are eaten, worn and
displayed during the celebration.
the three municipalities in the
coalition and with its mem-
bers. Nathanson said the work-
Tri-Town’s Amenia Housing
ille, Conn., on Thursday, Feb. 27.
That evening, Hotchkiss stu-
dents Hatsuki Yahiro, 17, and Yuka
After teaching 10 year old
Daniel Mato-Fedczuk about
Naruhito, the emperor of Japan,
ing groups could use the form
to record planned actions and
deadlines, as well as productivity.
Committee focuses on the details
Masamura, 19, taught the sole at- Hatsuki and Yuka showed him Moving forward with the By KAITLIN LYLE the county; its members will also available financing opportunities
tendee about the traditions of how to make origami emperors. group’s first task of selecting [email protected] be in charge of looking into po- (such as grants and local dona-
Hina-matsuri, which translates as — Kaitlin Lyle property that can be purchased tential town-owned properties. tions), the Financing subgroup
and renovated, North East–Mil- AMENIA — Surveying Meanwhile, the Master Plan will review documents and notes
ways to delve deeper into criti- subgroup will review Amenia’s from Hudson River Housing
cal issues related to housing in comprehensive plan and zoning pertaining to available money
northeastern Dutchess County, code from 2007 as well as its 2008 sources and use that information
the Tri-Town Coalition’s Ame- Hamlet Concept Plan. One goal is to compile a list.
nia Housing Committee cre- to figure out how the hamlet of The Sewer subgroup will work
ated subgroups in hopes of ac- Amenia’s street network can be with other communities to de-
complishing even more, at its extended to housing in the town termine different types of pos-
meeting on Tuesday, March 3, center to create a more walkable sible sewer systems and potential
at Amenia Town Hall. Those community. locations for a sewer in Amenia.
groups have yet to be manned. The Outreach subgroup, on Along with visiting nearby proj-
As chair of the committee, the other hand, will focus on ects, the subgroup will be in
Leo Blackman gave an update how to involve more community charge of reading and evaluating
on the meetings and calls he’s members in the housing conver- Amenia’s wastewater feasibility
had with state and county of- sation and identify their needs; study and talking with engineers.
ficials to discuss housing. In ad- this will be done by interviewing Looking ahead, the Amenia
dition to reviewing information specific groups in town, such as Housing Committee made plans
from Amenia town Supervisor farmworkers and senior citizens, to find volunteers interested in
Victoria Perotti about a 2012 and identifying effective methods joining the subgroups, establish
wastewater feasibility study, for getting public input up front. its priorities and set goals for the
the committee analyzed a re- Placed in charge of locating coming weeks.
port from Millerton resident
Jeanne Vanecko about the two Got news?
sewer systems she visited in
Hyde Park and Hillsdale. It also Send news and photos to [email protected]
explored the history of the Silo
Ridge workforce housing. Ja-
vier Gomez from Hudson River
Housing gave a tutorial on how DR. DAVID STAMM*
PHOTO SUBMITTED to determine a viable property. & DR. FIONA CONNOLLY*
Prepared to research proper-
Earning high marks ties that are currently available PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY
Webutuck High School Principal Katy McEnroe (second from left) congratulated students for purchase and renovation lo-
(from left) Andrew Dorfschmidt, Daisy Matus, Hope Johnson, Dylan Johnson, Disha Patel, cally, the group broke into five
Amy Hayes and Carrissa Whitehead for earning a spot on the Principal’s Honor Roll during the subgroups: Property, Master RELIEF FROM FOOT AND ANKLE PAIN
second marking period. Webutuck High School students Casandra Crum and Morgan Sprague Plan, Outreach, Financing and
also achieved the honor, but were unable to attend the luncheon McEnroe held in her office Sewer.
on Wednesday, Feb. 12. The Property subgroup will
be responsible for reviewing 28 Front St. 845-677-3363
new listings using criteria from Millbrook, NY M-F 8:30a.m.-5:00 p.m.
AMENIA IN BRIEF Hudson River Housing and ob-
taining a foreclosure list from
*Board certified in foot surgery
Sit with Sue, and Spiritual medium at Amenia firehouse
talk about the issues Spiritual Medium Karen Kilmartin helps people connect with
State Senator Sue Serino loved ones who have passed. She will be at the Amenia firehouse,
(R-41) is bringing her district
office to the Harlem Valley.
Serino will be at the Ame-
36 Mechanic St., on Friday, March 20, at 6:30 p.m.
The cost for the fundraiser is $30 at the door and $25 in advance.
For details or to make a reservation, call 845-489-5510.
The Lakeville Journal
nia Free Library, 3309 Route The fundraiser benefits the Amenia Fire Company Auxiliary.
343, on Thursday, March
12, from 1 to 3 p.m.
For those who need
assistance with a state-
related matter but aren’t
sure where to start, Sen.
Serino and her team will
be on site to help answer
Appointments will
SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2020
be set in the order that
RSVPs are received, so
Sanitation Service
Quality Service For Refuse Removal
AT 2 P.M.
residents are encouraged
to call 845-229-0106 in a
timely fashion.
Recycling For The Future 64 Rt. 7 N
Amenia, New York
1-800-522-7235 | 845-877-9354
Falls Village, CT
Enjoy refreshments and a tour
Have you heard about CBD? of The Lakeville Journal office.
Are you curious or have questions about Presented by: Only jigsaw puzzles in good shape, please.
its use, its benefits & who you can trust
when purchasing your CBD products?
Light Contact Cynthia Hochswender or
Please join us for an interesting
and informative conversation
will be served
Janet Manko with any questions.
A CONTINUUM OF CAREthis hot topic at:
[email protected]
The Lodge at Geer Village will be available [email protected]
77 South Canaan Rd. Canaan
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Hex: #08529D at 1:30pm South Canaan Rd.
C: 99
RSVP byR: 8
Wednesday, 3-18-20 to Deb Pelletier
Canaan, CT The
The Winsted
Winsted Journal
M: 77 G: 82
Y: 6 B: 157 or email at [email protected] 860-824-2600
K: 0 Pantone 2945C
Hex: #5D887F
C: 66 R: 93
A4 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, March 12, 2020
BOE February meetings
deal with staff changes
By JUDITH O’HARA BALFE man, at Millbrook High School; stipend of $2,372.49.
[email protected] and Diane Bo, at Millbrook Mid- Assistant Superintendent of
dle School. Business and Finance Brian Fried
MILLBROOK — The Mill- Alexandra Chanowsky was ap- announced a $25,182,781.91 tax cap
brook Central School District proved as teacher-trainer. for 2020-21.
Board of Education (BOE) meeting Resignations were accepted At its meeting on Tuesday, Feb.
held on Tuesday, Feb. 25, covered from Jillian Barnes and Dawn Har- 11, the BOE approved extended
quite a lot, including a presenta- kenrider as co-curricular coaches leave for teacher’s aide Sophia
tion on the feasibility of offering a for the varsity girls lacrosse team. Koralus to allow her to continue
pre-k program in the district (read Co-curricular appointments as senior typist. Also, James Eades
last week’s Millerton News for the were approved as well for the was approved as microcomputer
full story). 2019-20 school year: Charles system specialist. PHOTOS BY JUDITH O’HARA BALFE
The board approved two in- Ackerman was OK’d as Media A gift of $557.23 was accepted Lilly Kozera, 11, was one of the artists who Thomas McGrady, 8, a Dutchess Day School stu-
voices for a contract with the Club advisor, with a stipend of from the Millbrook Educational had her work exhibited. dent, made a sculpture from wood, fabric and film.
Hyde Park Central School District $1,054.00. Judy Fox was approved Foundation for staff appreciation
for Health and Welfare Services
for 2019-2020 in the amount of
$1,947.28 for two children attend-
as assistant varsity girls lacrosse
coach, with a stipend of $2,987.58.
Jessica Gilmour was approved as
and supplies.
The board gave an update on
enrollment. There are 173 stu-
Art Blast 2020, big and bold
ing non-public schools in Hyde the modified softball coach, with dents at Elm Drive; 198 students By JUDITH O’HARA BALFE Education President Perry Harts- there, Millbrook Community
Park. The arrangement includes a stipend of $2,372.49. Dawn Har- in Alden Place; 215 students at the [email protected] wick and Interim Superintendent Preschool’s Deborah Coconis,
services provided by doctors, den- kenrider was approved as head middle school; and 290 students of Schools Laura Mitchell. Many Millbrook Middle School’s Jillian
tists, nurses, psychologists, social varsity girls lacrosse coach, with at the high school, for a total of MILLBROOK — Big, bold and teachers were there as well, adding Barnes and Danielle Szaknicz, Cin-
workers and speech therapists. a stipend of $4,219.78. David Jack- 876 students. There are 194 special certainly colorful, the annual Art to the fun. dy Guardiola and Tara Maleonskic
Also approved was the hir- son was approved as junior varsity education students and 30 special Blast opened on Friday, March 6, One group of artwork featured from MECEC and Little Circle of
ing of Richard Madison, speech baseball coach, with a stipend of placement students (at Cardinal at The Gallery at the Millbrook a number of faces and 3-D flowers Friends.
therapist, through June 30, 2020; $2,882.54. Kelly Mahoney was ap- Hayes and elsewhere). Library. The show, a favorite of attached to the pictures. Another The older children were quick
Kerry Weller, temporary typist; proved as assistant track and field There are two positions that former teacher and current Library section had art done with paint to recognize their work, but the
and Paige Emerson, special edu- coach, with a stipend of $3,296.64. will be open on the school board Director of Events Diana Bonte- and foil. There were self-portraits, younger ones did so with the aid
cation data verification specialist. John Stiscia was approved as high in this year’s election. For more cou, features artwork from local landscapes and dioramas complete of creative teachers who attached
The BOE approved the hiring school spring weight room super- information, go to www.mill- students. The artists range from with wooden furniture and figures. a photo of each child to their piece.
of Data Analysis Coordinators visor, with a stipend of $1,064.54. 2-year-olds to teens. Each year the There was also Aboriginal art, col- The artwork will be on display
Samantha Bopp, at Elm Drive El- Andrew Strawinski was approved The next BOE meeting is artwork showcases Millbrook’s lages of famous artists and several through May, but the thrill of see-
ementary School; Brittney Hill- as modified baseball coach, with a scheduled for Tuesday, March 24. youngest talent. pictures of fish, hearts and geomet- ing their work displayed in public
Brain Teasers
address the environmental stories ever data sets interest them the Learning Standards.
of the Hudson Valley. most.” While early registration for
Projects are judged by a panel The data sets are provided by this year’s Data Jam was on
of scientists, educators and artists, a variety of sources, including the Feb. 1, registration lasts through
and cash prizes are awarded to the Department of Environmental Wednesday, April 29; submission
top projects from middle school Conservation (DEC), the United of projects is on Wednesday, May CLUES ACROSS
and high school students. States Geological Survey (USGS), 20. A Data Jam EXPO takes place 1. A team’s best pitcher
4. Designer Jacobs
Participants range from grades the National Oceanic and Atmo- on Friday, June 12, from 5 to 7 p.m.
8. Hip joint
six through 12, with the sixth- spheric Administration (NOAA), at the Cary Institute, where the
10. A dialect of English
graders just beginning to delve and, of course, the scientific ma- projects will be displayed and the 11. Portrays
into science and other students terials amassed by the scientists winners will be announced. 12. Panic
having progressed through sev- at Cary. To view some past projects, 13. The head of a team
eral science classes such as earth The challenge put out by the go to 15. High priest
science or courses involving cli- Cary Institute aims to encourage eco-inquiry/hudson-data-jam- 16. League of Legends locale
mate change. Sometimes, teachers youngsters to learn more about competition/datasets. 17. Protective folds
assign students to participate in nature, about the local area and For more information, call In- 18. Treats allergies
Data Jam, other times, partici- its ecosystems. The Cary’s diverse dia Futterman at 845-677-7600, 21. Voodoo spirits
pants come from groups such as Millbrook campus is ideal for ext. 190 or email futterman@cary- 22. Single unit
the Girl Scouts. study, and scientists there have 23. Unit of measurement
24. Brew
25. Burundian franc
26. Self
27. Bengals great
34. Making letters overlap
35. Piece of pizza
36. Illegal drug
by in a flash
development 26. Unit of energy solution in next
39. Oh, God! 27. Begin to be week’s issue.
40. Wives (law) 28. Midway between northeast
41. Monetary unit of Samoa and east March 5 Solution
We’re pleased to let you know 42. Supplements with 29. Distinctive practice
that the Bank of Millbrook is difficulty 30. Succulent plants
43. Valentine’s Day color 31. Performer
now offering a 15-year, fixed-rate
32. Gas station term
mortgage. It’s a terrific option to CLUES DOWN 33. Required
1. Warm climate tree or shrub
get your house paid off faster at a 2. Silky case spun by larvae
34. Soviet monetary unit
36. Eating house
secured rate and to save money at 3. Still in existence
the same time. 4. Light, two-stranded rope
5. Wear away
6. Beginnings Sudoku
7. Essence
9. American Standard
Code for Information
David Fountain Interchange
Vice President, Loan Officer 10. Path
12. Repeated tones March 5 Solution
14. Expresses surprise
15. Monetary unit of Burma
17. When you hope to get there
19. Brighten
20. Fifth note of a major scale
23. Dark brown timbers of
tropical trees
A nonprofit organization
(845) 677-5321 17 Cobble Road, Salisbury, CT 06068
Save Craryville unsuccessful
Legal Notice 343 in the Town of Amenia, and Surveyor, D.P.C., located the faithful performance of the prepared by CPL Architects, will provide acceptable security,
Notice of formation of New York by the addition of at 64 Green Street, Suite 1, contract, within 15 days from Engineers, Landscape Architect in the form of cash, certified
McGowans Pub LLC, Art. of 2,398 square feet and related Hudson, NY 12534. the acceptance of the bid. and Surveyor, D.P.C., located check or performance bonds,
Org. filed with the Sect’y of State improvements including the All such sealed bids must 4. P u r s u a nt t o t h e at 64 Green Street, Suite 1, or letters of credit, as set forth
of NY (SSNY) on 02/11/2020. addition of sidewalks, patios be received by the Town Clerk provisions of GML 105, no Hudson, NY 12534. in the contract documents, for
Office in Dutchess County. and an improved parking of the Town of North East, 19 bids may be withdrawn unless All such sealed bids must the faithful performance of the
SSNY has been designated as area. The Town previously North Maple Ave., PO Box 516, no contract is awarded for more be received by the Town Clerk contract, within 15 days from
agent of the LLC upon whom approved the site plan for an Millerton, NY 12546 until 1:00 than 45 days after the opening of the Town of North East, 19 the acceptance of the bid.
process against it may be served. addition of 1,971 square feet pm on April 6, 2020 at which thereof. Upon such proper North Maple Ave., PO Box 516, 4. Pursuant to the provisions
SSNY shall mail process to: and related improvements. time the bids will be publicly withdrawal of bid, the deposit Millerton, NY 12546 until 2:00 of GML 105, no bids may be
Wendy Deatcher, PO Box 564, The property is located in the opened and read out loud. shall be forthwith returned. pm on April 6, 2020 at which withdrawn unless no contract
Poughquag NY 12570. Purpose: Hamlet Mixed-Use (HM) and Copies of the proposed After award of the contract, all time the bids will be publicly is awarded for more than 45
any lawful purpose. Historic Preservation Overlay contract documents, including bid deposits or other bid bonds opened and read out loud. days after the opening thereof.
03-12-20 (HPO) and Aquifer overlay plans and specifications, except that of the successful Copies of the proposed Upon such proper withdrawal
03-19-20 zoning districts. The proposed and the forms of bids for the bidder will be returned. contract documents, including of bid, the deposit shall be
03-26-20 expansion constitutes a major contract, are available for public 5. Upon acceptance of plans and specifications, forthwith returned. After award
04-02-20 project under Section 121- inspection and purchase at the the bid, if the successful bidder and the forms of bids for the of the contract, all bid deposits
04-09-20 60(C)(2) of the Town of Amenia office of the Town Clerk, Town fails to enter into a contract contract, are available for public or other bid bonds except that
04-16-20 Zoning Code and requires site of North East, 19 North Maple pursuant to the requirements inspection and purchase at the of the successful bidder will be
plan approval. Ave., Millerton, NY 12546 of said Town Board or fails to office of the Town Clerk, Town returned.
LEGAL NOTICE A copy of the application is (phone 518-789-3300 x 603), give further security prescribed of North East, 19 North Maple 5. Upon acceptance of the
NOTICE TO BIDDERS on file in the Amenia Planning Monday to Thursday 9:00AM- in this notice within the time Ave., Millerton, NY 12546 bid, if the successful bidder
The Town of Amenia is office for public viewing and 12:30PM and 1:00PM- 4:00PM, noted herein, then the check (phone 518-789-3300 x 603), fails to enter into a contract
now accepting bids for Lawn inspection during normal Friday 9:00AM-12:30PM, deposited as aforesaid, and the Monday to Thursday 9:00AM- pursuant to the requirements
Mowing in the Amenia/Wassaic business hours at the Town becoming available March 6, moneys standing to the credit 12:30PM and 1:00PM- 4:00PM, of said Town Board or fails to
Area. Season is April 2, 2020 Hall address noted above. The 2020. Pursuant to the provisions of the same shall be forfeited to Friday 9:00AM-12:30PM, give further security prescribed
to November 1, 2020. All bids application can also be viewed of GML 102, persons desiring the Board as liquidated damages becoming available March 6, in this notice within the time
must be received by noon on and downloaded from the to take a copy may obtain and not as a penalty and the 2020. Pursuant to the provisions noted herein, then the check
Thursday, April 2, 2020. Town’s official website at www. them, subject to a deposit in Town Board shall collect the of GML 102, persons desiring deposited as aforesaid, and the
Specifications may be picked the amount of $50.00 for each same or enforce the payment of to take a copy may obtain moneys standing to the credit
up at the Town Clerk’s office At the public hearing noticed set, payable by check or money the bond for the benefit of the them, subject to a deposit in of the same shall be forfeited to
Monday through Thursday herein, the Planning Board will order to the Town of North East. Town Board. the amount of $50.00 for each the Board as liquidated damages
from 9am to 3pm, 4988 Route hear all persons interested in All bids shall be made and 6. All bids shall contain the set, payable by check or money and not as a penalty and the
22, Amenia, NY 12501. the application. Persons may received upon the following non-collusion certificate in a order to the Town of North East. Town Board shall collect the
Dawn Marie Klingner appear at the hearing in person conditions, which are more fully form meeting the requirements All bids shall be made and same or enforce the payment of
Town Clerk or by agent, and may also set forth in the bid documents: of GML 103-d. received upon the following the bond for the benefit of the
03-12-20 submit written comments to 1. Only such bids as are The Town of North East conditions, which are more fully Town Board.
the Planning Board prior to or made and filed upon the forms reserves the right, in its set forth in the bid documents: 6. All bids shall contain the
NOTICE OF at such hearing. Dated: March available in the office of the discretion, to waive technical 1. Only such bids as are non-collusion certificate in a
PUBLIC HEARING 5, 2020. Town of North East will be noncompliance or irregularities made and filed upon the forms form meeting the requirements
TOWN OF AMENIA Robert Boyles, Jr., Chairman accepted. that are not material or available in the office of the of GML 103-d.
PLANNING BOARD Town of Amenia 2. Bids are to be enclosed in a substantial, and to reject all Town of North East will be The Town of North East
APPLICATION FOR Planning Board sealed envelope marked “Town bids and to rebid the project. accepted. reserves the right, in its
AMENDED SITE PLAN 03-12-20 of North East Sand/Salt Storage By order of the Town Board of 2. Bids are to be enclosed in a discretion, to waive technical
APPROVAL FOR THE Building.” Town of North East sealed envelope marked “Town noncompliance or irregularities
AMENIA FREE LIBRARY NOTICE TO BIDDERS 3. E ach bid must b e 03-19-20 of North East Fuel Storage and that are not material or
NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN NOT IC E I S H E R E B Y accompanied by a certified Management System” along substantial, and to reject all
that, pursuant to Chapter 121 of GIVEN that the Town Board check in the sum of five percent NOTICE TO BIDDERS with the associated contract bids and to rebid the project.
the Town of Amenia Code, and invites sealed bids for the (5%) of the amount bid, payable NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN (i.e. General Construction and By order of the Town Board of
Sections 274-a of the New York furnishing of all materials to the order of the Town of North that the Town Board invites Electrical Contract). Town of North East
State Town Law, a public hearing and labor necessary for the East, or a bond with sufficient sealed bids for the furnishing 3. E ach bid must b e 03-12-20
will be held by the Planning construction of the Highway sureties, to be approved by the of all materials and labor accompanied by a certified
Board of the Town of Amenia, Department Sand/Salt Storage Town Board of the Town of necessary for the construction check in the sum of five percent
New York, on March 25, 2020 at Building for the Town of North North East, in such amount, of the Highway Department (5%) of the amount bid, payable The deadline for legal notices is Friday
at 4 p.m. for publication the following
7 pm at the Town Hall, located East, New York located at 6097 conditioned that if the bid is Fuel Storage and Management to the order of the Town of North Thursday.
at 4988 Route 22, Amenia New Route 22, Millerton, New accepted, the bidder will enter System for the Town of North East, or a bond with sufficient Notices can be emailed to
York on the following matter: York. This Contract has been into a contract for the same and East, New York, located at sureties, to be approved by the [email protected]
or mailed to The Lakeville Journal,
Application by the Amenia designated, as set forth in these will provide acceptable security, 6097 Route 22, Millerton, New Town Board of the Town of ATTN: Legal Notices, PO Box 1688,
Free Librar y Association contract documents, including in the form of cash, certified York. This Contract has been North East, in such amount, Lakeville, CT 06039
to amend the approved site drawings and specifications, check or performance bonds, designated, as set forth in these conditioned that if the bid is Go to
plan to expand the existing prepared by CPL Architects, or letters of credit, as set forth contract documents, including accepted, the bidder will enter legalnotices to view current
and past legal notices.
library located at 3309 Route Engineers, Landscape Architect in the contract documents, for drawings and specifications, into a contract for the same and
A6 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, March 12, 2020
Take the
Peter Riva
Education, caution,
key to staying healthy R
ather than blaming TV,
social media and other
forces trying to sway your
beliefs and tastes or trying to sell
he fear many people have of contracting the you proposals or candidates or
coronavirus (COVID-19) while out and about is products — take these pledges to
understandable. For some, especially those with maintain your sanity!
compromised immune systems or the elderly, it can be I pledge never to buy anything
from any company interrupting my
nearly paralyzing. It’s no wonder, with new cases of the use of my cell phone with a pop-
highly contagious respiratory illness being reported daily, up ad. If they want to offer a free
even hourly, from across the globe and right here in the app for my cell phone, it should
U.S. There have been cases springing up throughout the not lie saying it is free if it steals
Northeast, specifically in New York, in the city, West- my time and forces me to cancel
chester and Rockland Counties, even now as close as the app each time an unwanted ad
Ulster County. pops up. I will blackball any com-
And that’s scary for those of us who have frequent pany advertising that interrupts my
computer or cell phone that way.
contact with people from just south of here or who trek I pledge never to listen to nor
into the city regularly. Many do, for work and/or for play. blindly believe any unsubstan-
We also have a large population of weekend residents tiated opinion that interrupts
here in northeastern Dutchess County and nearby my Facebook, Instagram, Tum-
Columbia County, many with homes in the affected areas blr, Spotify, etc., home page. If
who then travel to our towns and villages for a relaxing someone posts a news item or a
few days off. We love our weekend residents, and want product review on my page or
them to continue to be a part of our community, but we (ugh) Twitter — then unless they
can prove what is posted is veri-
also acknowledge that such back and forth between sets fiable fact, they are stealing my
is exactly how illnesses spread. Now, at this time of time, using up my grey cells and
epidemic, it may be best to hunker down in one locale I then have to delete or qualify
and cut back on even local travel. Just a thought… their posting — resulting in more
It’s got to be frightening for those who do travel,
whether internationally or domestically — whether by LETTERS TO THE EDITOR theft of my time and intellect.
I pledge not to buy, be swayed
plane, train, bus or boat. Some people have canceled by, nor convince others of the
nonessential travel plans, but not everyone can — many Intention to merits of any product I see ad-
vertised on TV or the internet
people travel for their jobs or to see and care for family.
Again, traveling is risky, so please, take extra care if doing celebrate ICE? Paper should be more sensitive or that appears on my cell phone
— until I have verified the qual-
so. Last week’s lead story, “ICE ar- ity and veracity of the product
Also on high alert during times of contagion: school rests illegal immigrant with DUI I am writing to question, and Similarly, the New York Times myself and can guarantee the
districts. In the Harlem Valley, our schools are doing their conviction,” left me wondering if to protest, your use of the term style guide describes the term “il- product to others — meaning I
utmost to keep the community informed of how they are The Millerton News had a point “illegal immigrant” in a headline legal immigrant” as potentially am solely responsible.
dealing with the threat of a local outbreak. Luckily, none to make. on the front page of the March 5 “loaded or offensive,” and advises I pledge not to blindly believe
I read the article several times, edition of The Millerton News. describing a person’s actions or any poll or so-called evaluation
has had any reports of infected students or staff. Still, and each reading left me more You must surely be aware circumstances instead. All other of public opinion or any state-
school superintendents have been posting letters on their convinced that the reporter in- that this term is considered of- major newspapers in the U.S. ment that contains “the Ameri-
district websites to give updates and tips on how to stay tended to celebrate ICE’s triumph fensive, inaccurate and dehu- have adhered to the AP guidelines can People.” Such generalization
healthy, as well as useful links to the state health depart- over a dangerous “un-document- manizing by many readers, and since 2014. is more than often found to be
ment and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). ed Mexican national.” you must also be aware that the Given that The Millerton spin or just plain misrepresenta-
In Kaitlin Lyle’s front page article this week on how Maybe I’m a little sensitive AP Stylebook no longer sanc- News is clearly violating estab- tive of the truth.
school districts are dealing with the coronavirus, Webu- these days, but the unprecedent- tions the term “illegal immi- lished journalistic norms, I can I pledge to believe in the good-
tuck, Pine Plains and Millbrook superintendents assured ed anti-immigrant rhetoric com- grant” or the use of “illegal” to only wonder what your inten- ness of my fellow citizens even
ing from Trump’s Washington describe a person. Instead, the tions might be in continuing this when I know they are dead, fac-
the public they’re keeping their school buildings and all leaves me wanting something AP guidelines suggest that “il- outdated and provocative usage. tually, wrong. I will not stand in
equipment clean, disinfecting nightly. And school nurses a little more balanced from my legal” should describe only an Jenefer Shute adverse judgment of their ill-in-
are keeping close watch on students and staff to make hometown newspaper. action, not a human being. Pine Plains formed opinion as a character flaw
sure no one has an unreported fever or other signs of Millerton News, please con- except to discount anything they
illness. sider this as an invitation to have to say that is factually incor-
Proper hygiene is, of course, being heavily stressed — clarify your stance. rect. I will smile and say, “I believe
especially washing hands regularly with soap and hot Bill Kish The letters deadline is 10 a.m. each Monday you think so.” If they get annoyed at
North East not being agreed with, I will simply
water for at least 20 seconds; using hand sanitizer with at
reiterate, “I believe you think so,”
least 60% alcohol; not touching your face; covering up
Truth or consequences —
adding, “I know that to be untrue.”
with a tissue or at least your upper sleeve or elbow (not I will not waste my time or breath
your hands) when sneezing or coughing; cleaning and explaining — I am not their teacher
disinfecting frequently touched objects; staying home
the American way
and they don’t want one.
when feeling ill; and keeping at least 6 feet between you I pledge to verify my opinion
and others in community settings and avoiding those with science, historical fact, writ-
who are sick. Refraining from shaking hands, hugging ten documentation as evidence
ebster defines truth washed. I am neither, for without and professional journalism
and kissing is probably a good idea as well, as well as not
sharing cups and utensils or cigarettes.
as sincerity and hon- VETERAN’S truth there must be consequences. taken from multiple sources or
esty; consequences as
We must take one small step at a experienced firsthand.
As North East town Supervisor Chris Kennan said last accepting and being responsible time, which will hopefully morph I pledge to accept that I may
week, “It would be unrealistic to believe we are somehow
too remote or too rural for the virus to pop up here, and
for one’s actions. Some folks em-
brace truth, honor and integrity
Larry Conklin into a giant stride in keeping
America great.
not be the best educated person
and that, therefore, my beliefs may
it is always better to be prepared.” — some don’t. God Bless you, readers, and be incorrect and — upon presen-
He is absolutely right. COVID-19 can show up any- Upon entering military ser- consequence for lying, cheating, your families and God Bless the tation of new verifiable facts —
where, at any time. As of press time on Tuesday, March vice, we veterans swore a solemn extortion, sharing of confidential Unites States of America. agree to change my beliefs to con-
oath to protect the United States information — practically any- Town of North East resident form with fact and proof, putting
10, there were 116,144 total cases confirmed worldwide, and its citizens from threats for- thing goes short of murder. Their Larry Conklin is a Vietnam veteran aside infantile personal security in
according to the World Health Organization, with 761 in eign and domestic; to faithfully own legal slush fund (as reported and a member of both the Millerton favor of factual knowledge.
the U.S. follow orders of those in com- on by American Legion Post 178 and the Peter Riva, a former resident of
On Saturday, March 7, Governor Andrew Cuomo mand. If we forsake this oath we and elsewhere) is in place to cover VFW Post 6851 in North Canaan, Amenia Union, now lives in New
declared a state of emergency to help New York better could be subject to dishonorable personal public indiscretions. Conn. Mexico.
contain the spread of the virus and to “expedite procure- discharge. It doesn’t take much — Even anti-Semitism is tolerated
insubordination, lying, fraterniz- in the halls of Congress — re-
ment of cleaning supplies and testing equipment,” ac- (USPS 384600)
ing or acts of treason. member U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s An Independent New York Newspaper
cording to the governor’s press office. Official Newspaper of the Village of Millerton, Town of North East, Town of Washington
For acts of treason, spying or (D-Minn.) remarks in February Town of Amenia, Town of Pine Plains, North East (Webutuck) Central School District
Cuomo is also advising people to work from home, if collaborating with the enemy, 2019 when she tweeted, “It’s all and Millbrook Central School District
possible, and to avoid densely populated spaces. We offenders are subject to several about the Benjamins baby,” about
Published Weekly by The Lakeville Journal Company, LLC
16 Century Blvd, P.O. Box 625, Millerton, NY 12546
understand those options don’t always exist, but they can consequences — federal prison a pro-Israel lobbying group in the Tel. (518) 789-4401 • [email protected]
be goals. or even the death penalty. Let’s U.S. — again, no consequences.
Volume 89, Number 7 Thursday, March 12, 2020
Being in the middle of an epidemic — on the cusp of a compare the military to that of Most forsake their oath to us citi-
Mission Statement
pandemic — is understandably challenging. We all need those in Congress. Congress takes zens and God. The Lakeville Journal Company, LLC, Publishers of
to do our due diligence to stay healthy and try not to a similar oath: “I do solemnly What’s really sad is that many The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News
swear that I will support and de- in the public accept these shame- Our goal is to report the news of our communities accurately and fairly,
panic. We can only hope that by getting educated, staying fend the Constitution against all ful actions based on political fostering democracy and an atmosphere of open communication.
informed and keeping vigilant it will make a difference in enemies, foreign and domestic; agenda. Most news stations and
stemming the virus’ spread. that I will bear true faith and al- newsprint recycle hate and their
Whitney Joseph
EDITORIAL STAFF: Kaitlin Lyle, staff reporter; Judith
O’Hara Balfe, staff reporter; Alexander Wilburn,
legiance to the same; that I take own biased domestic and foreign Janet Manko
senior associate editor; Courtney LeJeune, associate
this obligation freely, without any agenda. SHAMEFUL! Thankfully, editor; Leila Hawken, copy editor.
Article dehumanizes
mental reservation or purpose of despite overwhelming negative ADVERTISING SALES: Mary Wilbur, display sales;
Libby Hall-Abeel Lyndee Stalter, classified advertising.
evasion; and that I will faithfully political rhetoric supported by Advertising Manager
FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION: Sandra L. Lang, controller;
discharge the duties of the office mostly negative news coverage,
undocumented citizen
James H. Clark Michelle Eisenman, financial assistant; Betty Abrams,
on which I am about to enter so positive and honorable results are Production Coordinator office manager.
help me God.” occurring in this country. In Memoriam COMPOSING DEPARTMENT: Caitlin Hanlon, graphic
I ask you, readers, to judge Personally, I don’t like Presi- A. Whitney Ellsworth designer; Olivia Montoya, graphic designer.
Regarding the article, ‘ICE ar- about the impact of removing whether the military or Congress dent Trump. He’s often arro- 1936-2011 DRIVERS: Elias Bloxom Baker; Jon Garvey;
rests illegal immigrant’ him from the community. is the most faithful to their oaths. gant and bellicose. Not the type Managing Partner Chris Palmer.
The use of the term “illegal im- Since you used a less offensive Who do you trust the most? I al- I would enjoy hoisting a beer Robert H. Estabrook THE LAKEVILLE JOURNAL COMPANY, LLC:
migrant” is offensive, biased and term in the body of the article — ready described the consequences with, but I sure do admire his 1918-2011 Dale McDonald, chairman.
Editor and William E. Little, Jr., chairman emeritus.
dehumanizing. undocumented Mexican national of breaking one’s oath to the mili- unconventional leadership and Publisher Emeritus
Additionally, you allowed ICE — I think you know better and tary. its results: Supporting this coun-
to make a statement about the ar- can do better. Congress very rarely faces any try’s security, citizens, military, Subscription Rates - One Year:
rest but did not allow this man’s Kevin L. King consequences at all. During Con- veterans and first responders. $53.00 in Dutchess and Columbia Counties, $60.00 Outside Counties
family or friends to comment Ancram gressional sessions, members are Some people describe me as Known Office of Publication: Lakeville, CT 06039-1688. Periodical Postage Rate
immune to any prosecution or an activist or even as being brain- Paid at Millerton, NY 12546. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Lakeville
Journal Company, LLC, PO Box 1688, Lakeville, Connecticut 06039-1688.
THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, March 12, 2020 A7
ID-19 can spread through small mendations for movement re- measures, such as good hand ly monitor students and to make coronavirus or by calling the wide conference with represen-
droplets from the nose or mouth strictions from their county washing. The hospital has had sure anyone with fever or other 24-hour hotline 845-486-3555. tatives from the Dutchess Coun-
when an infected individual health department. Just Monday, multiple daily teleconferences symptoms is sent home. Both The New York State Association ty Department of Behavioral and
coughs or exhales. It can also be March 9, the Webutuck Central with its system to ensure all the Millbrook and Pine Plains of Counties (NYSAC) has also Community Health (DCDBCH)
spread by touching objects or School District announced it personnel and departments are school districts have placed ad- launched an online resource, and the Dutchess County De-
surfaces where these droplets is postponing the eighth-grade prepared and are following the ditional hand sanitizers in each, to pro- partment of Emergency Ser-
have landed or by breathing in field trip to Boston. guidelines issued by the CDC classroom. And all have urged vide county health departments vices about the county’s efforts
the droplets. Many people have tried to and the Connecticut Health De- families to use proper hygiene with information to assist them to monitor the COVID-19 virus
Precautionary measures reduce their chances of infec- partment. and to make sure students stay in combating COVID-19. and implement protocols for in-
As of Tuesday, March 10, tion by purchasing face masks “We just have to be prepared,” home from school if they have “While there have not yet been dividuals who may contract it.
there have been 761 cases of to cover their noses and mouths. Marshall said. “The expectation a fever. any reported cases in Dutchess The DCDBCH reported its ef-
COVID-19 nationwide — 148 Apart from individuals showing is it will spread and it’s not un- Links for the New York State County, it would be unrealistic forts to constantly monitor the
of which have surfaced in New symptoms of COVID-19, health- likely that we’ll see cases.” health department, at www. to believe we are somehow too situation and to “adjust strate-
York state — and the numbers care workers or anyone taking School districts, and the CDC, at remote or too rural for the virus gies as disease in community
are changing daily, as is the care of individuals in a close Also following CDC guide-, are posted on dis- to pop up here, and it is always evolve” as well as to work with
available information about the setting, the CDC doesn’t recom- lines to the letter, school dis- trict websites. better to be prepared,” North the county’s municipalities, pub-
virus. mend wearing masks. tricts across the Harlem Valley The county and state East town Supervisor Christo- lic school districts, colleges and
Based on what is currently “Theoretically, it may give have been keeping students and As of press time on Tuesday, pher Kennan wrote in an email healthcare facilities for preven-
known, the Centers for Disease them a false sense of security, families updated on the latest March 10, there have not been to town leaders, business own- tion and mitigation.
Control (CDC) has issued guide- which is harmful,” Dr. Mark news about COVID-19. any cases of COVID-19 report- ers and residents earlier this Above all, Molinaro’s office
lines for preventing the spread Marshall, vice president of med- “This is a matter that is ed in Dutchess County. To try month. “And it is important to reported that if a confirmed case
of any respiratory illnesses, such ical affairs at Sharon Hospital in changing daily if not hourly,” to keep it that way, the county, stay informed as to what is actu- of COVID-19 should arise in the
as avoiding close contact with Sharon, Conn., explained, add- said Pine Plains Superintendent along with local municipalities ally going on, and to avoid the county, the Dutchess County
individuals who are sick; stay- ing it could lead to people touch- of Schools Martin Handler. and the state, is trying to be pro- spread of misinformation.” government will issue an official
ing home from school or work ing their faces more often or not To make matters worse, the active. The most current facts On Tuesday, March 3, statement and initiate immedi-
when sick; covering any coughs washing their hands as often as spread of COVID-19 is aligning about COVID-19 can be found Dutchess County Executive ate contact with its municipali-
or sneezes with a tissue; wash- they should. “They’re not gener- with what Webutuck Superin- online, at Marc Molinaro led a county- ties.
ing hands often with soap and ally useful for protecting your- tendent of Schools Raymond
water for at least 20 seconds or self. We use them as healthcare Castellani called “a very difficult
by using an alcohol-based hand workers when we’re exposing flu season.” NEDC Continued from Page A1
sanitizer with at least 60% alco- ourselves to a patient who’s ex- In his letter to Webutuck
hol; and keeping a distance of at periencing a respiratory illness families on Thursday, March
least 6 feet between oneself and or we put it on a patient that has 5, Castellani reported that A full list of voting dates and and worked for her election. impacts of Cricket Valley, and
others. a respiratory illness, but the gen- Dutchess County superinten- sites can be can be found on the “We need to keep pushing asked Smythe how she would
In an update posted on the eral public does not benefit from dents met with the Dutchess Dutchess County Board of Elec- forward and to make real prog- deal with those ongoing issues.
Pine Plains Central School Dis- wearing the masks.” County Health Commissioner tions website at www.dutches- ress takes more effort than I Smythe promised to focus on
trict website on Tuesday, March Sharon Hospital, which Anil Vaidian and his team for think we even realize,” Smythe ensuring that every dollar in the
3, the CDC recommended that serves a vast number of Harlem guidance on how to lessen the Inviting anyone interested said. “We have an extraordinary state goes toward renewable en-
New York state schools suspend Valley residents, is prepared for chances of getting, and spread- in canvassing for the 2020 elec- district… We need to be respect- ergy. Questions about Smythe’s
school-sponsored travel pro- a potential outbreak, said Mar- ing, the virus. tions, NEDC volunteer Jennifer ing everyone and their point of stance on the recent bail reform
grams in the countries that have shall. He said its staff and de- The Webutuck, Pine Plains Hand said that while it might view. law were also raised.
been impacted by COVID-19 partments have been running and Millbrook districts have all seem intimidating to someone “It’s about making sure Running for her fifth full
so far —including China, South practice drills in its emergency posted letters on their websites who has never canvassed be- people understand what their term, State Assemblymember
Korea, Iran, Italy and Japan — as department, maternity ward and outlining their approach, as well fore, she guaranteed newcomers choice is so they can go out and Barrett acknowledged that elec-
well as all other countries re- in-patient unit. The doctor add- as the New York State Depart- would be paired with an experi- make that choice,” she contin- tions are a challenge, given the
gardless of whether they’ve been ed that the hospital has focused ment of Health’s recommenda- enced canvasser. ued. “I want to be a strong can- various attitudes surrounding
impacted. Students and faculty on ensuring its workers know tions for staying healthy. “You’re also doing a tremen- didate to represent you and your President Donald Trump and
returning from countries that how to properly put on and re- In addition to making sure dous service for our Democratic needs.” what’s currently taking place in
are currently impacted must be move protective equipment, custodial staff pay extra atten- candidates,” Hand added, “be- North East resident Bill Kish the White House.
quarantined up to 14 days fol- how to place patients with CO- tion to cleaning “surfaces of stu- cause canvassing is the most ef- posed a question about what “It is a very serious and im-
lowing their return home. The VID-19 symptoms in an appro- dent contact” on a nightly basis, fective way of getting people to Smythe might do to protect the portant time,” Barrett said, em-
CDC also recommended that priate setting for treatment and the three districts have instruct- the polls.” community from the impact of phasizing that all votes matter.
school districts follow recom- other standard infection control ed their school nurses to careful- Excited to start canvassing the Cricket Valley Energy Cen- Barrett spoke about her work
this summer, Hand outlined her ter in Dover and whether she as chair of the Committee on
two main goals: to tighten up the would stand up to the New York Veterans’ Affairs and as a mem-
voter list for the local region and state government. Already well ber on the Committee on Men-
BEAR SIGHTINGS Continued from Page A1 to educate voters about early aware of the facts surrounding tal Health and the Committee on
voting. She encouraged anyone Cricket Valley, Smythe replied Agriculture. After highlighting
what they regularly eat during interested in canvassing to con- that she’d be “perfectly happy to some initiatives currently in the
the spring because it’s too early in tact Dowley so that she could stand up to the governor.” works, she answered questions
the season, the DEC warns “there put them in touch with Hand. Others in the audience posed about her stance on Medicaid,
may be an unusually high num- Since Yvette Rogers, a repre- questions related to the envi- school taxes, affordable housing
ber of conflicts this spring and sentative from Delgado’s office, ronmental, safety and health and voting reform.
early summer.” was unable to attend the gather-
To prevent any human/bear ing, the committee exchanged
conflicts, the DEC advises taking updates from the congressman’s Email news and photos to [email protected]
down bird feeders and storing office, including an upcoming
garbage where bears can’t access visit from one of Delgado’s rep-
it. Use electric fencing to protect resentatives scheduled for Mon-
livestock, as well as beehives. Us- day, March 16, from 2 to 4 p.m.
ing devices that make loud noises at North East Town Hall.
can also help keep bears at bay. Campaigning for the State
Merchant said, “The best thing Senate, Smythe shared a few
to do when encountering a bear key points from her campaign
is to stand your ground, stay fac- — including hearing the needs
ing the bear, look as big as you of all constituents — as well as
can and speak loudly and firmly. examples of her community en-
If the bear doesn’t leave, back PHOTO BY WENDY HILL gagement in the Hudson Valley.
away slowly.” This black bear came by Millerton resident Wendy Hill’s State She talked about her campaign
Find more information about Line Road home on Thursday night, March 5, and subsequent for the State Senate back in 2018
black bears on the DEC website, nights. “This is way too early,” said Hill. “He usually comes in and what she learned from the May/June.” experience, highlighting the
overwhelming number of peo-
ple who backed her campaign Lakeville, Connecticut • 860-435-0578
CYBER ATTACKS Continued from Page A1
d get evolved Located in the
NW Corner
computer.” campaigns tied to COVID-19 Experts advise people to
The first malicious emails have been discovered by re- watch out for emails that ask By Dedicated to the community Serving all
related to coronavirus were re- searchers: one spreads Remcos one to click on a link or open 860-318-5097 ~ Mortgage Office 50 States
ported in early February. The RAT through a phishing email an attachment — no matter how
goal, according to authorities, and the other “drops a backdoor legit they appear. They say nev-
is to gain personal information, onto a victim’s computer” using er provide information that a
steal money and infect comput- a Microsoft Office document, website shouldn’t be asking for
ers. reported Montalbano. (i.e. login credentials). And nev-
According to a March 9 ar- According to Guglieri (who er, stress experts, use the same
ticle by Elizabeth Montalbano credited Check Point as his password on multiple sites.
on, “Just source), “Over 4,000 websites Lastly, as enticing as it may
this week, cybersecurity profes- have been registered in the past be, don’t fall prey to opening
sionals identified a bevy of new month that are coronavirus re- links or attachments that feed
threats ranging from corona- lated, and 3% were labeled as on fear — including ones that
virus-themed malware attacks, malicious and another 5% were claim to be about new coronavi-
booby-trapped URLs and cre- labeled as suspicious.” rus cases in your neighborhood.
dential stuffing scams.”
As of last week, two malware
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come. insulation ADVERTISEMENT Tickets available at the door IF not sold out. Selling fast. Get yours at
A8 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, March 12, 2020
Your Guide to Tri-State Events March 12-18, 2020
Linking the
at the Cannes Film Festival. maiden,” which has U.S. dis-
The film’s director, Bong tribution through Amazon
Joon-ho of South Korea, streaming. A headline in The
invited audiences to expand
their world view when he
accepted the Golden Globe,
Vulture calls it “The Korean
Gothic Lesbian Revenge
Thriller That’s Captivated
Cogs That
saying, “Once you overcome
the 1-inch barrier of subti- Tae-ri Kim in Park Chan-wook’s “The Handmaiden”
Cannes.” Like all of Park’s
films, it is both gorgeous and Make Us Human
tles, you will be introduced grotesque, full of despair ometimes you in England).
to so many more amazing these three quintessential 2004) is a visceral, operatic, and full of hope, and I would read a book and Ramirez has a long
films.” South Korean directors; sev- revenge tale that Quentin without hesitation call it a think, “Boy, it’d and impressive bio:
South Korea has been eral of them have work that Tarantino and Spike Lee life-changing watch. sure be fun to talk to Among many highlights,
producing innovative, is now available on stream- have included on their lists KIM KI-DUK that author!” Such is she is a graduate of
beautiful and narratively ing services. of favorite films. But more Kim Ki-duk is the first the case with Ainissa Brown and Stanford,
complex films for years now. PARK CHAN-WOOK than just provocative, “Old- South Korean director to win Ramirez’s “The Alchemy a former professor of
For American cinephiles who Park Chan-wook’s film boy” is mesmerizing, inge- prizes at the Venice, Cannes of Us,” which despite its Mechanical Engineering
want a taste of what they’ve “Oldboy” (which won the niously shot and beautifully and Berlin film festivals. title is not a novel about at Yale University and a
been missing, I recommend Grand Prix at Cannes in scored. Kim was a factory laborer, relationships — at least, former visiting professor
Park’s films are like noth- then a Marine, who after not traditional relation- at MIT. She describes
ing you’ve ever seen before his military service moved ships. Her new book, herself as a science com-
BOONDOCKS TO SCREEN ‘TOKYO!’ — gripping, and drowning in to Paris and at age 30 saw published by MIT Press, municator.
A film with work by Bong Joon-ho, director of style. Every single shot is in- a movie for the first time in will be released on April Certainly it’s a coup
“Parasite,” will be shown on Thursday, March 19, at teresting to look at, with lush his life. He had never been to 7, and it focuses on eight that she will begin her
a private club in Torrington as part of the ongoing set pieces and a meticulous a theater before. The movie mechanical inventions national speaking tour
Boondocks Film Society screenings. The film is attention to composition. he saw was “Silence of the that changed the way here at Salisbury’s grand
called “Tokyo!” and also includes work by Michel If you don’t think you can Lambs.” Three years later he humans interact with little public library.
Gondry and Leos Carax. To get tickets, and for more handle the extremes of “Old- moved back to Korea and the world and with each But really what
information, go to boy” (teeth are pulled; an began writing screenplays other. makes this such an en-
octopus is eaten alive); and if and in 1996 released his first She will do a pre-re- ticing event is how fun
film. lease book talk at the her book is. It’s about
His film career began and Scoville Memorial science, but it’s mostly
often relapses into extremist Library in Salisbury, about people, and how
cinema meant to shock more Conn., on Saturday, they use machines and
than entertain. But what is March 14, at 4 p.m. how machines change
perhaps the most shocking (mere weeks before she the way we live. It
part of his filmography is the does a talk at Google careens from one topic
contrast between those films and then appears at the to the next, with short
and the ones he has received Oxford Literary Festival bits of information that
roll into other short
Continued on next page bits and then roll back
to the main topic. This
is a book with momen-
tum that is framed so
ARTIST HARPER BLANCHET skillfully that you never
is looking to move his studio and living space feel lost.
from its present location at 107 Main Street And boy does this
in Falls Village to a new location in the Sharon, book make you feel like
Salisbury, Millerton, Ancram area. a conversation with its
860.824.9904 • 845.750.8853 author would be excep- tionally lively and enter-
Lakeville Annie LG Ad.qxp_Layout 1 2/19/19 11:45 AM Page 1 taining. You can get a
preview by watching her
Friday, March 13 7:30
TED Talk on YouTube;
Saturday, March 14 1:30 & 7:30 or you can come to
Sunday, March 15 1:30 her presentation in the
Stissing Theatre Guild presents:
presents intimate Wardell Room
$13 Adults (enter through the rear
Stissing Theatre Guild presents: $11 Seniors (62+) & Students
door of the building)
A Musical Based on the Play by: SIR J.M. BARRIE
Lyrics by: CAROLYN LEIGHBased
A Musical Music by:Play
or call 518-398-1272 on Saturday, March 14,
Additional Lyrics
Lyrics by: BETTY
Additional Lyrics by: BETTY COMDEN and ADOLPH GREEN
at 4 p.m. at the Scoville
Additional Music by: JULE STYNE Stissing Mountain Jr/Sr High School
Originally directed,
Additional Music by: JULE STYNE
Originally choreographed & adapted
directed, choreographed & adapted by: JEROME
by: JEROME ROBBINS 2829 Church Street, Pine Plains NY
Memorial Library in
Friday, March13
March 13 7:30
7:30 Salisbury, Conn.
Saturday, March 14 1:30 & 7:30
14 1:30 & 7:30 This free talk is
Sunday,C LMarch
15 1:30
1:30 W ITH M US IC
$13 Adults $11 Seniors (62+) & Students
cosponsored by Oblong
F rench
THE Books & Music.
$13 Adults $11 Seniors
or call (62+) & Students
Director & Choreographer :
Stissing Mountain Jr/Sr High School
or call
Lisa Baldwin
2829 518-398-1272
• Street,
Church Music Pine Director
Plains NY : Joe Deveau
Peter Pan (1954 Broadway Version)
Stissing Mountain
Is presented through Jr/Sr
special arrangement High
with Music School
Theatre International(MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
2829 Church Street, Pine Plains NY
March Peter
Broadway Version)
March 9 , 7pm 518-398-1272 • Fauré
th Saint-Saëns • Debussy
Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International(MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. ARTS IN YOUR
March 10th, 2pm COMMUNITY.
All seats reserved : Adults $13 • Sr. Citizens & Children $11
Support coverage
STISSING MOUNTAIN JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL • 2829 Church St., Pine Plains, NY of the arts in
Photo by Joel Benjamin
your local media.
Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
Rachel Lee Priday, violin | Dov Scheindlin, viola
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
We’ve made it even
Mikael Darmanie, piano | Yehuda Hanani, cello easier to Stay Informed.
Visit to
SATURDAY, MARCH 21 • 6 PM purchase a print or online subscription.
GARDEN CENTER RETAIL SALES The Trevor Zoo, located at Millbrook School, is one of the smallest zoological facilities
Applicant should have an interest in horticulture accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The Trevor Zoo is a service-
MANAGER oriented facility and is currently seeking a part time Gift Shop Attendant.
and some knowledge of trees, shrubs
The position entails potting up, growing on,
displaying and retail sales of a large and interesting and/or perennials. Applicant should be physically Responsibilities:
selection of herbaceous perennial plants. The position fit, with a cheerful personality, should enjoy • Provide friendly & informative customer service.
also includes inventory control and ordering finished working outdoors and assisting and being part • Operate cash register.
plants for a number of long-established wholesale of a knowedgeable team of horticulturists who • Must be willing to learn about and be knowledgeable about zoo topics.
suppliers. Computer skills and the ability to be service the gardening public. • Interact professionally with visitors upon their arrival and when they are shopping.
a supervisor and a team player working with a Position entails helping to set up and display • Schedule group visits and maintain zoo visitor log.
knowledgeable team of staff personnel. The applicant plant materials, performing cultural practices • Must work some weekend days and/or holidays.
needs to be experienced, physically fit, organized and • Must be friendly, helpful and have strong customer service & communication skills.
such as watering, feeding and spacing of nursery
a people person with a good ability to communicate • Basic computer skills preferred.
with the public. Competitive salary and benefits stock and communicating well with the staff and
are negotiable and dependent on experience and the public. Email your letter of interest Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, resume, and completed
education. Email your letter of interest and resumé to and resumé to application form (on the school’s web site) to Patti Starzyk:
[email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]
Millbrook School
686 Stockbridge road, great barrington, Ma 686 Stockbridge road, great barrington, Ma 131 Millbrook School Rd., Millbrook, NY 12545
01230 01230
Fax: 845-677-0339
413-298-3217 413-298-3217
A10 THE MILLERTON NEWS, Thursday, March 12, 2020
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