The Himalayan: Looms, Nepal Grapples With Indecision, Bureaucratic Inertia

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Panel okays bid to demolish Wright Brothers’ first bike shop Page 5 A glance at how the ski season

is opening in Europe’s Alps Page 6 Nepal lose to UAE, fail to qualify Page 7
Nepal’s No. 1 Weather: Mainly fair

The Himalayan
English Daily Max: 19-21oC Min: 06-08oC Sunrise 06:36 Sunset 17:09

Printed simultaneously from

Kathmandu and Itahari

Late City ★★ 8 pages Rs 5

(Rs 2 additional air surcharge to
Vol. XX No. 6 s Kathmandu, Monday, November 29, 2021, Mangsir 13, 2078, Nepal Sambat 1142 T I M E S Jomsom and beyond)

looms, Nepal
grapples with
An Italian coastguard member holding a
baby in his arms after a rescue operation of
a boat in distress carrying migrants in the

Mediterranean Sea, near Roccella Jonica,
off Calabria coast, Italy, on Sunday.

THE HAGUE/BERLIN: The Netherlands con- The bridge connecting Ramprasad Rai and Hatuwagadi rural municipalities in Bhojpur caved in while its construction
firmed 13 cases of the new Omicron variant
of the coronavirus and Australia found two
s"OOSTERSHOTSFORFULLY was on. The bridge was being constructed over the Kava River at a cost of more than Rs 5 crore.
on Sunday as the countries half a world apart
became the latest to detect it in travellers ar-
by those provinces.
riving from southern Africa. A growing raft of
curbs are being imposed by nations around INNEARFUTURE He said the government #/6)$ VACCINESTATUS
the world as they scramble to slow the vari- had placed order for 10 mil-
Covishield/AZ Vero Cell Pfizer Total Janssen Fully
ant’s spread. (Details on Page 5) Himalayan News Service and provide booster shots to lion doses of Moderna/Pfizer
Kathmandu, November fully vaccinated people, it will vaccines and the supplier
need more than 69 million vac- company would make them First dose Second dose First dose Second dose First dose First dose Second dose 1,546,536 8,290,402
While many countries of Europe cines. That means Nepal needs available in one month. (27.3% of
the estimated
.%0!,#/5.4 and Americas are scrambling to
deal with the challenges posed
to arrange millions of doses and
that too within a short span of
Asked if the government
had the capacity to provide population)
by the new variant of the COV- time to deal with the new variant booster shots to those who 3,245,908 1,894,553 6,247,295 4,849,313 50,205 9,543,408 6,743,866
ID-19 pandemic known as Omi- of COVID-19. had already received the dou- 58.4% 77.6% 70.7%
cron, the Government of Nepal Minister of Health and Popu- ble dose of vaccine, he said,
Source: Ministry of Health and Population
does not appear to be fully pre- lation Birodh Khatiwada told “First of all we want to pro-
pared to deal with the challenge, The Himalayan Times that the vide vaccines to all citizens by that, we cannot think of think of providing booster vide double doses to all the
least of all vaccinate all of its citi- country had already imported mid-April and unless we do booster shots. Maybe we can shots to people once we pro- population.”
zens quickly. about 25 million doses of COV-
To add to the obvious lack of ID-19 vaccine and 35 million
clarity on the vaccination policy, doses of vaccine were in the
a tussle of sorts has broken pipeline. But there is no com-
out within the health ministry mitted delivery schedules from
between the political leadership any of the companies as well the
Updated COVID-19 figures and the bureaucracy on the Covax facility.
critical issue of stockpiling vac- Khatiwada said the govern-
on Sunday cines to deal with the emerging ment was also trying to procure
Confirmed cases 820,878 health crisis. vaccines from multiple compa-
As a result, while rest of the nies, including Serum Institute
Total tests (PCR) 4,611,000 world is hastening with its vacci- of India, as per its needs. He said
nation and booster immunisa- the government had already re-
New Tests 6,604 tion programmes, Nepal is still ceived two million doses of
grappling with the tug of war be- COVID vaccines from Serum In-
In Quarantine 98 tween the two groups. stitute of India and was in the
The country needs more than process of ordering another
In Isolation 6,966 50 million doses of COVID-19 five million doses directly from
Recovered 802,389 vaccines for its estimated 31 mil- them this week.
lion population, but as of now “We have signed the non-dis-
Deaths 11,523 only 8,290,402 people have closure agreement with them
received both the doses of for procuring additional vac-
(Source: MoHP)
vaccines. A total of 9,543,408 cines,” he said.
people have received single dose However Adhikari disputed
of vaccines. the minister’s statement by as-
Ac c o rd i n g t o A s s i s t a n t serting that no vaccine will be
Spokesperson for the Ministry of ordered from the Indian compa-
Health and Population Samir ny directly. “There is no such
Kumar Adhikari, the govern- move,” he said.
ment has set a target of vaccinat- Regarding the omicron crisis,
ing 23,232,477 people above Khatiwada said the government
12 years of age by mid-April. had not yet discussed the chal-
Adhikari said the government lenges posed by the new variant
had dwelt on providing booster of COVID-19. He said the issue
shots to fully vaccinated people would soon be discussed in the
but had not reached any conclu- COVID-19 Crisis Management
&/2%8 sion yet. Coordination Centre meeting
CURRENCY UNIT BUYING (in Rs) SELLING (in Rs) The government has also and in the Cabinet.
Indian Rs 100 160.00 160.15 dwelt on vaccinating children Asked if the government was
US Dollar 1 119.50 120.10 bellow 12 years of age, but it fully prepared to deal with the
Euro 1 135.26 135.94 wants to see the results of the in- new variant of the pandemic,
Pound Sterling 1 159.44 160.24 oculation of children below 12 Khatiwada said the government
Swiss Franc 1 129.32 129.96 years of age in other countries had the stocks of COVID-19
Japanese Yen 10 10.54 10.60 before starting their inoculation, vaccines and it was in a position
Chinese Yuan 1 18.69 18.79 Adhikari said. to supply the required number
The foreign exchange rates are fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank
If Nepal has to inoculate all its of COVID-19 vaccines to any
population above 12 years of age city or province as demanded

Daily new cases in capital drop to 42

Himalayan News Service in Kathmandu, 532 in Lalitpur, and
474 in Bhaktapur. Kathmandu and
Kathmandu, November 28 Two more succumb Lalitpur are the only districts in
Health authorities today diagnosed
154 cases of coronavirus infection in TO#/6)$ Nepal with more than 500 active
COVID cases.
the country, including 61 in Kath- KATHMANDU: Two COVID pa- According to the Ministry of Health
mandu valley. With this, Nepal’s COV- tients have died in the past 24 and Population, 342 people were dis-
ID caseload has reached 820,878, in- hours, taking the death toll charged from health centres across
cluding 802,389 recoveries, 6,966 ac- from the respiratory contagion the country in the past 24 hours after
tive cases, and deaths. in the country to 11,523 at a recovering from COVID. So far, 97.7
Of those testing positive for the case fatality rate of 1.4 per cent, per cent of COVID patients have re-
contagion in the valley today, 42 are the health ministry said on covered in Nepal.
from Kathmandu, 13 from Lalitpur, Sunday. — HNS The ministry said 171 patients of
and six from Bhaktapur. the coronavirus disease were in in-
Of the others diagnosed with the tensive care — 26 in Province 1, one in
disease today, 17 are from Kaski, 10 and Kanchanpur, and one each from Province 2, 106 in Bagmati, 15 in
from Jhapa, nine each from Morang Ilam, Panchthar, Siraha, Dolakha, Ra- Gandaki, 21 in Lumbini, and two in
and Nuwakot, six each from Sunsari mechhap, Tanahun, Parbat, Lamjung, Sudurpaschim.
and Chitwan, four from Sindhuli, Nawalparasi (West), and Rolpa . As many as 33 of those in intensive
three each from Dhanusha and As many as four people tested posi- care units of hospitals across Nepal
Banke, two each from Udayapur, tive for antigens today. were on ventilator support — 10 in
Bhojpur, Kavrepalanchowk, Nawal- The number of active COVID cases Province 1, 20 in Bagmati, one in
parasi (East), Syangja, Gulmi, Bardiya, in Kathmandu valley is 1,654 — 648 Gandaki, and two in Lumbini.


Himalayan News Service have to change and mutate, and
Kathmandu, November 28 the pandemic will last longer,”
the regional director said.
In view of the surge in COVID-19 According to WHO, the most
cases elsewhere and detection of important thing people must do
a new variant of concern ‘Omi- is reduce their risk of exposure to
cron’, the World Health Organi- the virus – wear a mask and wear
sation has appealed to countries it properly covering nose and
in South-East Asia Region to mouth, keep distance, avoid
scale up surveillance, strengthen poorly ventilated or crowded
public health and social meas- spaces, keep hands clean, cover
ures, and enhance vaccination cough and sneeze, and get vacci-
coverage. This region comprises nated. “As of today, 31 per cent of
11 countries, including Nepal. the region’s population is fully
In a press release issued by vaccinated, 21 per cent partially
New Delhi-based WHO South- vaccinated while nearly 48 per
East Asia Regional Office yester- cent or about a billion people are
day, Regional Director at WHO yet to receive even a single dose
Naresh Shrestha / THT
South-East Asia Region Dr Poon- of the COVID-19 vaccine,” she
am Khetrapal Singh said, said, adding that they continue Locals and devotees carrying the chariot of goddess Guheshwori and Taleju during Guheshwori jatra in Kathmandu, on Sunday.
“Though COVID-19 cases have to be at risk of contracting severe
been declining in most coun- disease due to the virus.
tries of our region, the surge in
cases elsewhere in the world and
confirmation of a new variant of
concern, is a reminder of the
Even after getting vaccinated,
everyone must continue to take
precautions to prevent being in-
fected or infecting someone else
Rare golden tortoise rescued, four arrested s)."2)%&
persisting risk and the need for who may get severely affected by Himalayan News Service with Rs 36,655. The tortoise lot of attention upon its dis- national trading of the spe-
us to continue to do our best to the virus. Kathmandu, November 28 has been sent to Division covery. cies have been prohibited. Kanwe Bhaktapur NC
protect against the virus and The WHO’s Technical Adviso- Forest Office, Hattisar. The As per police, the main According to Mithila Wild-
prevent its spread. At no cost ry Group on Virus Evolution met Police successfully rescued a arrestees have been sent to reason for poaching of this life Trust, which identified president candidate
should we let our guard down. yesterday and designated rare golden tortoise from judicial custody. endangered species is that it the turtle as an Indian Flaps-
The countries must enhance B.1.1.529 as a variant of concern poachers from Soaltee Doba- Police said the turtle’s price is considered an incarnation hell Turtle or Lissemys punc- BHAKTAPUR: Ashtakumar Kanwe
surveillance and sequencing, and named it ‘Omicron’. Re- to in Kathmandu last night. inside the country could be of Lord Vishnu in Hindu reli- tata andersoni, the reptile has announced candidacy for the
she suggested. “They should as- searchers are working to under- A similar kind of golden above Rs 2.5 million. Howev- gion. A turtle is regarded as gets its unique colour from a post of Nepali Congress Bhaktapur
sess the risk of importation stand how transmissible or viru- tortoise was discovered for er, the price may be higher in an incarnation of lord Vishnu rare genetic mutation that al- District Working Committee head. He
through international travel lent this variant is, and how it the first time in Nepal in foreign countries. The res- and has religious and cultur- ters its pigmentation. The announced his candidacy for the post
based on updated information will impact diagnostics, thera- 2018. It was said that such a cued reptile is an Indian al values attached to it in Ne- condition that gives the tur- of district president at a programme
on circulating variants and re- peutics, and vaccines. discovery was the seventh in Flapshell Turtle. It gets its pal, India and other coun- tle its dazzling gold shell is on Saturday in the presence of former
sponse capacities, and take “We must not forget that the the world. Hence, it is con- unique golden colour from a tries among Hindus commu- called chromatic leucism. NC district presidents Mahesh Shrest-
measures accordingly. Compre- pandemic is far from over. As so- sidered a very rare animal. rare genetic mutation that nities. “But since the rescued Golden tortoise was dis- ha and Ganeshman Chakradhar. Kan-
hensive and tailored public cieties open up, we should not The arrestees have been changes its natural pigmen- turtle is a golden one, the covered in Nepal for the first we said he was standing for the post
health and social measures to get complacent. Festivities and identified as Sanjay Tamang, tation. The condition is price can go really high in the time in Dhanusadham Pro- of NC district president to re-establish
prevent transmission must con- celebrations must include all 44, of Kathmandu, Prakash called chromatic leucism black market,” said DSP tected Forest in Janakpur the Congress party as the number one
tinue. The earlier the protective p re c a u t i o n a r y m e a s u re s. Khati, 22, of Tanahun, Raj Ku- that changes the colour. Niranjan Datta Bhatta at with the assistance of Mithila party. I will not run for the post of
measures are implemented, the Crowds and large gatherings mar Tamang, 33, of Dolakha, Herpetofauna researcher MPR, Teku. Wildlife Trust. Police are still mayor, state assembly member or
less restrictive they would need must be avoided. The current and Hari Pariyar, 42, of Tana- Kamal Devkota told THT that The rescued species is pro- unknown from where poach- federal member of the Parliament he
to be in order to be effective. The situation warrants further step- hun. Acting on a tip-off, Met- the glittering yellow pigmen- tected by CITES against ex- ers got the animal. Likewise, added. Former district presidents
more COVID-19 circulates, the ping up efforts on all fronts,” the ropolitan Police Range, Kath- tation among wild animals is ploitation. The commercial police are unaware about Shrestha and Chakradhar urged the
more opportunities the virus will regional director said. mandu arrested them along normally rare and attracts a selling and buying and inter- their prospective clients. current district presidents to abide by
the agreement and cooperation
reached at the 13th general conven-

tion. Former president of Nepal Tarun
Dal Binod Kayastha, Congress district
Secretary Uddhav Silwal and others
said that unity and cooperation was

ANEWPATHFOR.# needed to strengthen the party. Earli-

er, current NC district president Dur-
lab Thapa had announced his candi-
dature for the post as well. — RSS
Rastriya Samachar Samiti is impossible without inter-
Kathmandu, November 28 nal democracy. Cannabis seized
According to him, his ten-
BHAKTAPUR: A person was arrested
Senior leader of the Nepali point sutra was for democra-
with one kilogram of cannabis from
Congress Ramchandra Pau- tisation of NC and Nepali so-
Changunarayan Municipality, Bhak-
del has come up with ten ciety for restructuring Nepali
tapur, on Saturday. He has been iden-
sutras for transformation by culture and state. He
tified as Miyuz Miya, 19, of Kotesh-
giving it book form, ‘Kangre- stressed the need for honest
wor, Kathmandu. According to Cen-
sko Abako Bato’. implementation of the con-
tral Police News Section, he was
Launching the policy con- stitution, promotion and
found to be possessing the contra-
cept note in the wake of the protection of internal de-
band during security checking of the
i14th General Convention of mocracy by the Nepali Con-
scooter he was riding. Miya has been
the party, Paudel said it gress, elimination of corrup-
kept in the custody of Metropolitan
would be useful to spur ide- tion, anomalies and aberra-
Police Sector, Sudal, for further inves-
ological debate in the future. tion and guarantee of good
tigation. — HNS
He reminded that it was governance and prosperity.
People standing in queue for passport
proper time to make party Similarly, he has empha-
outside the Department of Passport, cadres aware of the party’s sised continued debate on
Lainchaur, Kathmandu, on Sunday. principles and leadership. ideology and thoughts to
The book also mentions the make politics dignified,
past weaknesses and bringing forth programmes EMERGENCY
strengths of the NC. to mainstream socio-eco-

3INGHSTRESSES Ghimire coordinator of NC poll panel “Only periodic election

does not guarantee democ-
racy because democracy is
nomically and politically
marginalised groups, in-
cluding women, Dalit, and OFFICE PHONE NO.

RULES NORMS Rastriya Samachar Samiti

Kathmandu, November 28
Congress Party Office Acting
Chief Secretary Pradip Para-
juli. Party President Sher Ba-
tion. Since then, the party has
already conducted its con-
vention at the rural munici-
itself a culture. Democracy
thrives with its practice by
the people, by institutions
Madhesi, ensuring justice to
needy people, maintaining
rule of law, executing works
Police Control Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Traffic Police Control Room . . . . . . . . 103

FORRUNNING.# Senior Advocate Gopal Kr-

ishna Ghimire has been
nominated as coordinator of
hadur Deuba approved, as
per the party’s statute, the
resignation tendered by coor-
pality, municipality, sub-mu-
nicipality and metropolis lev-
el, at the province election
and by every political party.
It becomes robust when
transparency and accounta-
on time, and harmonising
thoughts and behaviour.
He also underscored agri-
Fire Fighters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Traffic Jam Information (SMS) . . . JAM 4321
Rastriya Samachar Samiti the Nepali Congress Central dinator Yadav today itself. constituency level, at the bility are maintained along cultural revolution, tourism Emergency Police Service . . . . . . . 4228435
Kathmandu, November 28 Election Committee. Senior Advocate Ghimire was House of Representatives with periodic elections. For expansion, patriotism based Crime Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412748
“Ghimire was nominated the committee’s senior mem- election constituency level this to happen, internal de- on Nepali specificity, peo-
Child Missing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Nepali Congress leader Prakash- to the post today after Senior ber prior to this. and at the district level in mocracy is equally impera- ple’s liberation from the
man Singh has spoken of the Advocate Mahadev Prasad The major ruling party, Ne- most districts. tive,” he argued, adding that falsehood spread by com- Nepal Electricity Authority . . . . . . . 4153164
need to run the party as per rules Yadav, who was the commit- pali Congress started organ- The Nepali Congress’ Gen- it was the political party munists, promotion of na- Blood Bank, Pradarshani Marg. . . . . 4225344
and norms. tee coordinator earlier, re- ising its ward-level conven- eral Convention is taking through which democracy is tionalism based on
Inaugurating the 14th conven- signed from the post citing tion from September 3 as part place from December 10 to nurtured. Institutionalised non-alignment and rebuild- Nepal Red Cross Society, Teku . . . . 4270650
tion of Nepali Congress District health concerns,” said Nepali of its 14th General Conven- 26 in Kathmandu. development of democracy ing of public trust in the NC. Bhaktapur Red Cross . . . . . . . . . . . 6611661
Working Committee, Kathmandu, Army Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4271940
today, Singh asserted that democ-
racy would be stronger if the NC
was strong.
“To run the party as per the stat-
ute, rules and norms, there should
(ELLO.EPALLICENCECANCELLEDFORFAILINGTOPAYDUES Bir Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4221988
Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital . . . . . . 6611532
Chirayu National Hospital. . . . . . . . 5905888
be change in the party leader- Rastriya Samachar Samiti decided to this effect. After Santosh Poudel. 2019, a meeting of the NTA uary 2020 agreed to give a Kanti Children Hospital. . . . . . . . . . 4411550
ship,” argued the former deputy Kathmandu, November 28 the company failed to pay the Unsatisfied with the re- Board of directors had decid- time facility to the company Norvic Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4258554
prime minister. He also expressed dues until mid-July, the NTA sponse sent by the company, ed to rescind the license of for proceedings towards
sadness that the NC, which The gover nment has on October 29, sought clarifi- the NTA cancelled its licence the company. keeping the license validated. Police Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412430
had led the constitution promul- scrapped the licence of Nepal cation as per the decision basing the decision of the As per the provision, any The company was advised Patan Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5522295
gation process was defeated in the Satellite Telecom Pvt Ltd taken by the NTA board of di- Council of Ministers in the company can apply to the to pay the first instalment
Om Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4476225
last election. (Hello Nepal). rectors meeting on October Nepali month of Poush, 2076 Council of Ministers for re- within the fiscal 2019-20 and
Similarly, NC central member The licence cancellation 22. The company was given a (2017). The company owes view of the NTA decision to clear all dues within the next Star Hospital, Sanepa . . . . . . . . . . . 5550197
Gagan Kumar Thapa said the that came into effect from 15-day timeline to respond. dues under several headings repeal the licence within 35 five years. In case of non-pay- Teaching Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412505
party’s upcoming 14th national Friday follows failure by Hello “The company responded to NTA. It has yet to pay fre- days of the decision. Being ment of dues within the given
convention should elect a new Nepal to pay its longstanding that the NTA could not scrap quency charge, royalty, based on the same provision, time, the licence would be Grande Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5159266
leadership. Echoing Singh, Thapa dues to the government, ac- its licence and it demanded amount to be deposited in the company had proceeded automatically cancelled. Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital . . . 6612695
opined that the constitution cording to Nepal Telecom- additional time period to the Rural Telecommunica- for review. Abiding by the Council of
Tilganga Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5970048
and democracy would become munications Authority. pay the dues in instalments tions Fund and license re- Acting on the company’s Ministers’ decision, NTA had
stronger if the NC was made A meeting of the NTA as decided by the Cabinet,” newal fees. appeal, a meeting of the given it five years to pay Rs Hearse (Shav Vahan). . . . . . . . . . . . . 6612266
stronger. board of directors on Friday said NTA Spokesperson Prior to this, in July-August, Council of Ministers on 6 Jan- 1.387 billion.


s/.#%/6 %2 #LOSEDDOORSESSIONOF#0. 5-,S Minister’s PSO

opens fire at
NRNA conference
KATHMANDU: The global conference
of the National Coordination Council
of Non-resident Nepali Association is
scheduled to take place on December
NC convention
Himalayan News Service Himalayan News Service
1. Newly elected members of the In-
ternational Coordination Committee Chitwan, November 28 Sarlahi, November 28
have been invited to the event to be The closed door session of A personal security officer of the Prov-
held virtually. The first gathering was the CPN-UML’s 10th Nation- ince 2 minister opened fire at the
also held virtually on October 24. al General Convention in Nepali Congress’ ward convention
NRNA US Chair Buddhi Subedi said Chitwan had not started till in Sarlahi today.
contemporary issues, including fi- the filing of this report. After a heated dispute broke out be-
nancial irregularities and the ‘deci- Yesterday’s closed-door tween supporters of federal lawmaker
sion’ to file a case against the govern- session had mandated UML Amresh Kumar Singh and Province 2
ment are the agenda. Besides, the Chairman KP Sharma Oli to Minister of Women, Children, Youth
Ministry of Foreign Affairs direction propose a name list of cen- and Sports Birendra Singh, the minis-
the Patron Council to hold the 10th tral committee members ter’s security officer opened two
global conference will be discussed in and office bearers. rounds of fire in the air. Following the
the session. NRNA President Kumar UML leaders Bhim Baha- incident, tension had run high at the
Panta, on behalf of the institution, dur Rawal and Ghanshyam convention of wards 8 and 9 of Balara
could not carry out any activities that Bhusal had expressed Municipality.
would have a long-term impact as the dissatisfaction with the deci- The dispute has halted the conven-
institution has become a caretaker sion. Despite their protest, tion of both wards. While the discus-
since 18 October 2021, according to Oli was authorised to pro- sion was under way regarding the
the statement. The filing of case pose the names of central convention of Ward 9, Minister
against the Government of Nepal has committee members and of- Singh reached the site and expressed
legally put the NRNA at risk of divi- fice bearers. discontent that had aggravated
sion, he argued. — RSS Oli had held a series of the situation.
discussion throughout Police personnel acted quickly,
Thebe elected the day to finalise the name brought the situation under control
list today. and prevented any untoward inci-
JHAPA: Deuman Thebe has been “Oli held a series of discus- dent. Normalcy has returned now,
elected as Nepali Congress Jhapa Dis- sion with various leaders to said SP Krishna Prasain.
trict president. As per the latest vote forge consensus and keep Election Officer Bharat Raut said
count, Thebe secured 1,765 votes the party united and strong”, that they would hold the convention
while his rival Ram Kattel garnered said Publicity Department after discussion among the leaders.
1,515 votes. Likewise, Keshavraj Pand- Co- coordinator Sur ya RSS
Out of 11 wards of Balara Munici-
ey and Sher Bahadur Bhattarai have Thapa. Thapa said the party Election booths readied at the CPN-UML’s 10th National General Convention in Chitwan, on Sunday. pality, ward leadership was elected
been elected vice-presidents. Pandey had no choice but to forge in consensus in five wards, efforts
and Bhattarai received 1,889 and consensus. to choose office bearers. senior vice-president, while Oli had authorised prepare the list of central are under way in four wards for
1,674 votes respectively. Nabin Bimali UML Vice-chair Bhim Ishwor Pokhrel and Sub- Bishnu Poudel and Shankar Shankar Pokhrel, Prithvi committee members. It is consensus while decision will be tak-
and Krishna Humagain have been Rawal, however, has been fo- ash Chandra Nembang have Pokhrel have both claimed Subba Gurung, Bishnu Pou- learnt that they have submit- en in two wards later, according to
elected secretaries with 1,838 and cusing on holding election staked claim for the post of the post of general secretary. del and Pradip Gyawali to ted the list to Oli. Election Officer Raut.
1,676 votes respectively. — HNS

Accident claims one

JHAPA: A person died and 22 others
were injured after a bus met with an
Flood, landslide survivors get relief
Rastriya Samachar Samiti
ficer of Manang Rabindra Pras- relief package, albeit little late.
accident along the East-West High-
Manang, November 28 ad Acharya. Local tourism activities were
way in Kankai Municipality, Jhapa, on
A total of Rs 10.4 million was hit hard following the flood in
Sunday. The deceased has been iden-
Flood and landslide survivors in released by the provincial the Marsyangdi River on May 28
tified as Utsab Poudel, 16, of the mu-
Manang district have received government under the special and June 15. Rastriya Samachar Samiti The former prime minis- of the parties. Bhattarai said
nicipality. The accident occurred after
special relief packages as relief package. Immediately after the disas- Rupandehi, November 28 ter asserted that the country the crisis in the Supreme
the bus bumped against the railing of
pledged by the provincial gov- According to CDO Acharya, ter, Chief Minister of Gandaki would get a way out from the Court was an example of this
Biring Bridge on Sunday afternoon. A
ernment. The financial aid is for the issue related to providing re- Province Krishnachandra Federal Council Chair of present situation only with trend. He advocated a new
critically injured Poudel died in the
reconstruction of their disas- lief packages to those whose Nepali Pokharel had an- Janata Samajbadi Party- the formation of a central socialist model for safe-
course of treatment at the local health
ter-damaged houses. houses were partially damaged nounced special relief for disas- Nepal Baburam Bhattarai socialist force. Stating that guarding national unity and
facility. Of the injured, 11 are receiving
The Ministry of Economic Af- was yet to be tabled. ter victims. has stressed the need to people were despondent sovereignty, stressing the
treatment in Birtamod-based B and C
fairs in Gandaki Province dis- Minister of Economic Affairs Province Assembly member steer the country towards and confusion had arisen need to form a progressive
Hospital and 11 others are being
tributed Rs 200,000 each to Ramji Baral reached the disas- Chinta Bahadur Ghale said they lasting peace and transfor- due to lack of economic, so- political force for the same.
treated in Birtacity Hospital. Police
74 households whose houses ter-hit places and handed over were looking for resources to mation by strengthening na- cial and cultural change in The party’s senior leader
said further investigation into the ac-
were completely rendered the relief packages today. He ex- compensate for the damage to tional unity. the country, Bhattarai sug- Ashok Rai said the party had
cident was under way. — HNS
inhabitable in the landslide pressed satisfaction stating that property in Manang due to nat- Speaking at a press meet gested moving ahead by initiated a four-month or-
and flood, said Chief District Of- the survivors had received the ural disasters. organised by Janata Sama- forging unity among politi- ganisation strengthening
jbadi Party-Nepal Rupande- cal forces in a new way. campaign to change the liv-
hi, in Butwal today, he said He also expressed con- ing standard of the people.

2ICEDISPATCHEDTO(UMLA creating an alternative force

was the need of the hour for
the country’s prosperity and
cern over the erosion of
democratic norms and val-
ues among the political par-
Rai said the party would
take its thoughts and strate-
gies to the people and also
Himalayan News Service the supply company, addition- to change the living stand- ties of the country mainly listen to their views in the
Dhangadi, November 28 al rice will also be supplied. ard of the people. due to power-centric politics course of the campaign.
“We have the stock of the rice
Food supply for Humla has quota to be sent to Humla,”
started from Dhangadi of
Kailali after acute food crisis
hit the district hard.
Basnet said. Food Manage-
ment and Trade Company
Limited has fixed 700 quintals
200 Nepalis to participate in
Food Management and
Trade Company Limited,
Dhangadi, sent 90 quintals rice
rice for Simikot and Shreena-
gar depot of Humla.
But the rice quota is yet to be
Orange Festival of Kolkata
to Humla yesterday. The com- supplied. According to the re- Rastriya Samachar Samiti ganised since 2014, will host Conservation and Tourism
pany’s regional Chief Anjila gional office, 16,000 quintals Itahari, November 28 the Nepalese delegation not — chaired by Raj Basu.
Basnet said 90 quintals rice rice could be sent to Humla only from districts of east “From its brand name, it
was sent to district headquar- from Mohanpur godown. Lo- Two-hundred Nepali orange Nepal such as Ilam, Dhan- appears that the orange fes-
ters Simikot of Humla in cals at Namkha Rural Munici- growers and tourism profes- kuta, and Bhojpur, among tival will showcase oranges
trucks. She said that Ganesh pality had reached Kathman- sionals are scheduled to others, but participants will grown in the Himalayan
Supply Sewa had taken the re- du demanding that the food attend Orange Festival of also be representing Chit- belt of Nepal, Bhutan and
sponsibility of supplying rice shortage be addressed. Kolkata, in West Bengal, wan, Pokhara and Lumbini, India,’’ said Karki, who has
to Humla. Basnet said that the The food has been supplied scheduled from December informed Arjun Karki, one of also been the leader of the
A porter carrying a pilgrim to Pathivara temple as she could not walk due to supply sewa took the rice yes- to Humla, Mugu and Surkhet 10 to 12. the members of the official Nepali delegation since its
fatigue, in Taplejung, on Sunday. terday and today. According to districts of Sudurpaschim. The biennial festival, or- organiser — Association for inception.

Rastriya Samachar Samiti ble up till here. Six-thou-
Beni, November 28 sand-five-hundred stone
steps are part of the 14
Construction of basic kilometres constructed
tourism infrastructure along the trail, according
along ‘Maurice Herzog to Trail Construction
Trail’ has neared comple- Committee local coordi-
tion. The trail is named af- nator Tej Gurung.
ter French alpinist Mau- Gurung who is also the
rice Herzog, who was the chair of Annapurna Con-
first to reach the top of An- servation Area Manage-
napurna I in 1950. ment Committee, Nar-
A trekking route, resting chyang, said the trekking
places and other neces- track was identified 10
sary structures have been years ago. The Nilgirikhola
constructed targeting the Hydro Power Project had
trail that serves as access built a13-kilomtre access
route towards the base route from Dobhan to
camp of the 8,091 metres Humkhola. The construc-
tall Mt Annapurna I in tion of the road shortens
Myagdi, the district in the trip to the base camp.
Gandaki Province. The newly developed
With the development trekking route comprises
of infrastructure, the base suspension bridges at
camp is now two days’ Chhotepa, Humkhola,
walk from Narchyang Phutphute Spring, Bhus-
of Annapurna Rural Mu- ket, and Dharmashala,
nicipality. while the construction of
The Ministry of Culture, resting places is in pro-
Tourism and Civil Aviation gress at six locations. Rail-
had allocated Rs 28 mil- ings have been fixed at ge-
lion to undertake the ographically challenging
project that had begun points. As of now, the over-
last year. The trekking all progress is 70 per cent
route begins from Humk- and the project is likely to
hola as transport facility be completed within the
from Narchyang is availa- next two months, it is said.

Nepal’s ballooning trade deficit
Serious adjustment needed
Don’t be afraid of failure. This is the way to succeed SHANKER MAN SINGH port-oriented industries on Production, infrastructure give proper incentives to quate infrastructure and Multilateral and Regional
— Lebron James the basis of competitive- and marketing are the key achieve the export target, if bureaucratic hurdles, along Trade Arrangements (RTA),

L ately, Nepal’s imports

have increased at a very
fast pace. Given the grow-
ness in external markets.
Appropriate macroeco-
nomic policies for the de-
requirements to strengthen
the supply side of goods ex-
ported from Nepal. The
any? Is the new policy
enough to boost exports?
What measures should the
with “flip-flop” policies, are
major obstacles to devel-
opment. It would not be an
the BBIN is expected to in-
clude a special reference to
Nepal in its recommended

LDC graduation ing need for commodities

for development and con-
sumption in the future and
velopment of such indus-
tries are essential for the
success of such efforts.
government should bring a
strong “product develop-
ment programme” in every
government take to im-
prove exports? Is NTIS
enough? Who monitors
exaggeration to say that the
negative and sluggish atti-
tude of Nepali diplomatic
strategy for rapid export
growth. There needs to be
adequate investment in

N epalis must be thrilled by the prospect of the

country graduating from a Least Developed
Country (LDC) category by December 2026. But
the slow growth in domes-
tic production, this is likely
to increase further. The
Such policies include real-
istic exchange rates, mone-
tary policies designed to
state from production to
export market level to in-
crease production. The slo-
what? Is the work of the
Trade and Export Promo-
tion Centre effective and
missions abroad is a major
obstacle on the way of en-
hancing the export of Ne-
high-concentration infra-
structure of the export
manufacturing industry. In
know that this comes with challenges, as the facili- possibility of expanding ex- help exports and maintain gan ‘Export for Develop- result-oriented and does it pali products. the case of Nepal, success
ties, concessions and assistance from the interna- ports in the near future is price stability, and more re- The sharp decline in the of the export trade cannot
tional community that the LDCs are entitled to will limited. Due to this, there is alistic and simplified lend- net invisible income, re- be imagined unless we
no longer be available once Nepal officially becomes a need for good planning ing policies. The country’s The real enemy is within us, although critics duction in concessional commercialise the agricul-
a developing country in 2026. On Wednesday, the and management of im- trade deficit has reached Rs have blamed a number of external factors, loans and some increase in tural sector. Therefore,
40th plenary of the 76th Session of the UNGA had ports. However, the pur- 568 billion in just four wholesale imports have making sincere efforts for
unanimously adopted a resolution endorsing the
graduation of Nepal as well as Bangladesh and Lao
pose of such management
should not be to control
months. According to the
Customs Department, the
such as the declining trend in world trade, contributed to this process.
Thus, the increase in im-
the development, consoli-
dation and promotion of
People’s Democratic Republic from the LDC category per capita imports but to country’s trade deficit has THEIMPACTOF#/6)$  INCREASING ports related to production agricultural production
after an extended preparatory period of five years – harness the limited foreign increased at a high rate due of non-essential consumer and trade is the reality, obli-
instead of the usual three years – for the smooth tran- exchange resources availa- to the increase in imports competition and the formation of regional goods has added to the gation, hope, demand and
sition. The two extra years have been given so as to ble for import financing in of even domestically pro- pressure on imports. Dis- precondition for Nepal.
plan for post-COVID recovery and implement poli- line with the national ob- duced goods. Imports in- blocs for the slow growth of exports. cretionary action is re- Lately, the business of
cies to reverse the damage done by it. There is no jective of development, eq- creased by 61.57 per cent quired to curb further the service sector has also
turning back for Nepal now; hence, every effort must uity and satisfaction of ba- compared to the same pe- Inadequate infrastructure and bureaucratic growth in foreign debt, es- been increasing. Tourism
be made to see that we transit to a developing coun- sic needs. riod of the previous year. pecially of short maturity has the potential to make a
try as scheduled and meet all the SDGs by 2030. The purpose of the im- Exports of goods worth Rs HURDLES ALONGWITHhFLIP FLOPvPOLICIES ARE and with difficult condi- significant contribution
To graduate to developing country status, a LDC port strategy should be to 40.20 billion in the first four major obstacles to development tions, and to accelerate the to foreign exchange earn-
must meet two of the three eligibility criteria, namely plan, manage and review months of last year have use of aid. ings. Conditions are fa-
per capital income based on average gross national imports in a way that in- now increased to Rs 82.12 The emphasis on liberal- vourable for the rapid ex-
income, i.e., gross development product plus net in- creases GDP and thus en- billion, a 104 per cent in- isation should also shift to- pansion of tourism after
comes received from overseas; human assets index hances the economy’s ca- crease. But due to the small ment’ of the past seems to have adequate resources in wards improving the tech- COVID-19. The tourism
(HAI), which looks at the level of undernourished pacity to support high fu- size of exports, their effect have lost its relevance now. terms of manpower and nology and efficiency of in- industry does not face
population, under-five mortality rate, adult literacy ture imports. The first part on the trade deficit is not Prosperity is at the top of budget? What is the system termediate and capital protectionist barriers. The
and gross secondary enrollment ration; and eco- of the strategy should be to seen. The export increase is the agenda, but mon- of import management? goods industries, which in future expansion of tour-
nomic and environmen- plan imports to increase largely due to the export of ey-making exports are giv- The real enemy is within all respects are necessary to ism should be achieved
tal vulnerability index domestic production. Im- refined crude palm and en less priority in terms of us, although critics have reduce the cost of produc- mainly from the private
0ARTIESMUSTHAVE (EVI), which looks at nat- port-substituting indus- soybean oil. Imports might cash incentives and tariff blamed a number of exter- ing indigenous products, sector. The state can con-
ural disasters, remote- tries should be encouraged need to be reduced by force reduction. nal factors, such as the de- increase the competitive- tribute to the protection of
a common vision ness, goods and services where raw materials are to balance trade and for- Why has there been such clining trend in world ness of indigenous indus- the interests of the indus-
exports and agriculture available; low-weight in- eign exchange reserves. a slow increase in exports trade, the impact of COV- tries on a wider scale than try, consumers and the en-
of development production. LDC mem- dustries, such as cement, Nepal is heavily depend- in recent times? Have the ID-19, increasing competi- at present, and lay the vironment by planning
so that policies bership is revised every
three years to see if any
should be encouraged; and
more efforts should be
ent on imports for develop-
ment, construction materi-
government and other
bodies set goals? Has the
tion and the formation of
regional blocs for the slow
groundwork for greater
broad development strate-
gies, providing the neces-
remain the same LDC country is meeting made to promote ex- als and consumer goods. government been able to growth of exports. Inade- As Nepal has entered the sary infrastructure.
these criteria. During the
regardless of last two triennial reviews
change of held in 2015 and 2018,
Nepal had met the HAI s4/0)#3 sTHT 9%!23!'/
government and EVI criteria, but fell
short of meeting the per
capital income criterion of $1,222. Hence, Nepal had
requested that its graduation be postponed following
Hope is faith personified Taskforce backs
the highly destructive earthquakes in 2015, which
had devastated the economy. Right now, it has a per
RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR As the distinguished Czech
writer and statesman, Václav
umph of constructive imagina-
tion over existential anxieties
and plenitude of life, too.
Hope is not a simple emotion
six-month CA term
capital income of slightly less than $1,200.
It is a fact that remittances over the years have con-
tributed heavily in reducing poverty in the country.
H ope is that quality of char-
acter which carries us
through the worst moments
Havel, put it: “Hope is an orien-
tation of the spirit, an orienta-
tion of the heart; it transcends
and also the ‘machinations of
fear’”. He argued that hope is
not an escape, but a mandate
confined to the individual self –
it expresses itself best when
there is a long-range goal that
While the remittances have largely helped millions of of a crisis. It wells up, as though the world that is immediately for us to look “in the world itself encompasses the fortunes of all Himalayan News Service
families wriggle out of poverty – not only to end hun- from some deep reservoir, experienced, and is anchored for what can help the world”. He creatures. Hope characterises Kathmandu, November 28, 2011
ger, but also to send children to school and pay for when a cruel and unbearable somewhere beyond its hori- added, “Nobody has ever lived the will to live, to love and, most
the treatment of family members – the billions of
dollars that our youths remit year after year from
overseas have not been put to productive use. Unlike
world seems to have robbed
us of every motivation – well,
zons.” Havel also articulated
that hope is not the conviction
that something will turn out
without daydreams, but it is a
question of knowing them
deeper and deeper and in this
importantly, to thrive. Put sim-
ply, it is a refusal to give up on
the best in people, a rejection to
T he four-member taskforce formed by
three major parties — the Unified
CPN-Maoist, Nepali Congress and CPN-
Bangladesh, Nepal’s exports are feeble, with imports Hope extends beyond simply well, but rather the certainty way keeping them trained un- deny the possibility of one’s UML — and United Democratic Madhesi
12 times that of exports. Nepal has failed to make use extinguishing suffering. It is an that something makes sense erringly, usefully, on what is own evolution and that of the Front today agreed that the term of the
of the immense facilities offered by the Western active principle. It sustains be- regardless of how it turns out. right.” Bloch reckoned that we people one loves. Hope allows Constituent Assembly, which is expiring
world to LDC exports. With all trade concessions lief. It also gives us the power to The more adverse the circum- should nurture our daydreams us to explore the relationship on November 30, should be extended by
gone after 2026, exporting goods and services will be project alternative realities, stances, in which we demon- and let them grow full, also full- between the envisioned and another six months. Sources said the
a real challenge. We need to start developing niche while offering us the dreams strate hope, the deeper our er, since they would cumula- the possible; it allows us to pro- taskforce, during its meeting with the top
products that we can export in bulk or in which we and visions that guide us hope. In Havel’s view, hope is tively enrich the sober gaze of ject ourselves creatively in the leaders tomorrow morning, will suggest
have great advantage. Sustainable development de- through the present. It permits that which gives us the desire to our everyday lives. What’s more, world. It is also nothing short of conclusion of all the outstanding issues
mands that Nepal invest heavily in tapping its im- us to insist that the world live and experiment continual- we would, in so doing, unclog the reaffirmation of our faith in — that were to be completed by Novem-
mense hydro and solar power, commercialise agri- can be transformed– that it ly with reality. ourselves from meaningless de- the ability to live in harmony ber 23 — within mid-December and all
culture, utilise its forest products and enhance its can be conceived, or looked “Hope”, as philosopher Ernst tail and clarify our vision by en- with ourselves, one another, other tasks related to peace process by
tourism potential. This calls for developing a com- at, differently. Bloch put it, “represents the tri- counter with the whole range and the universe. mid- January so that the c o n s t i t u t i o n
mon vision of development among the political par- - drafting process could be accomplished
ties of Nepal, so that policies remain the same re-
gardless of change of government. s",/'352& s#!24//. in the next six months. “It is impossible to
draft a new constitution within six
months if the peace process cannot be

Stay alert Service sector

completed by mid-January,” said a
source. On formation of a national unity
government, the taskforce has left it for

T he Ministry of Health and Population has urged

the people to remain cautious and follow the
the political parties to decide. NC has
been demanding that it should be given
health protocols following the outbreak of a new
variant of the coronavirus in South Africa, which is
said to be even more contagious than the one that
A s development economists, we are taught to
measure a phenomenon by using various
techniques to look at cause and effect to subse-
the leadership of a unity government as
soon as peace process is completed. Fol-
lowing a meeting at the Ministry for
appeared in April as the second wave. As Nepal has quently make policy recommendations. But the Peace and Reconstruction this evening,
resumed international flights following the vaccina- first step is to know what we are measuring even Energy Minister Posta Bahadur Bogati, a
tion drive, there is every possibility of the new vari- if we can’t see it. Services—its measurement and member of the taskforce, said the panel
ant, or Omicron, classified as B 1.1.529, easily spread- contribution to growth across South Asia—has sat twice today and made certain agree-
ing in Nepal as well. somehow defied convention and has had us ments on issues of peace and the consti-
Therefore, the ministry has made it compulsory to economists in a fix for a while now. It’s kind of like tution, including on duration by which
stay for a week in quarantine for those who come to being in a jetlagged stupor and looking for lost the CA’s term can be extended.
Nepal from South Africa. Although the ministry has house keys under the streetlamp, because that is
said the new variant has not been detected in Nepal,
it is better to stay alert and not allow things to get out
the only place anything is visible at all. We have
applied the same sets of tools to measure the pro- BIPPA decision left
of hand. Scientists are also not sure if the vaccines ductivity of services as we use to measure the
currently in use all over the world are capable of
treating Omicron. Although we do not need to panic
productivity of manufactured goods, just be-
cause they are there at our disposal.
to House
with it right now, we must, however, remain cautious. However, our latest South Asia Economic Fo- Himalayan News Service
Apart from vaccinating the eligible population, we cus takes the services bull by the hornto paint a Kathmandu, November 28, 2011
need to wear facemasks, avoid crowds, ventilate our detailed picture of its role in the region’s econom-
rooms and wash hands frequently. These are the best
tools to fight against any kind of variant that has al-
ready emerged and is likely to appear in the future.
ic growth. Even though services contribute im-
mensely to other sectors all over the world, in-
cluding manufacturing, they are continually un-
T he Supreme Court today stayed ex-
change of diplomatic correspond-
ence between Nepal and India for the
derappreciated. — implementation of the Bilateral Invest-
ment Promotion and Protection Agree-
ment until approval from Parliament.
s,%44%23 Stating that the deal needs to be tabled at
Parliament as per Article 156 of the Inter-
im Constitution and Sections 4 and 5 of
Health matters nurses, is there? The Nepalis
love for Kathmandu is legend-
at government expense. The
minister would have better
can’t afford to bear yet another
variant. It is important that
Nepal Treaty Act- 1990, a three-member
special bench of justices Tahir Ali Ansari,
to all ary, and doctors are no excep-
tion. During one of my trips to
ideas to encourage doctors to
go ‘back to the village’ for serv-
world governments work to-
gether to get on top of the po-
Baidhya Nath Upadhyay and Bharat Ba-
hadur Karki issued the order. Nepal and
Apropos of the editorial, “En- the mid-west, a mahout asked ing humanity. tential ramification of this per- India signed the agreement during Prime
force the law”(THT, November me if I could help his daughter Manohar Shrestha, nicious virus in the days to Minister Baburam Bhattarai’s India visit
26, Page 4), the Federal Demo- find a job in a hospital in Kath- Kathmandu come. The international com- last month. The bench made it clear that
cratic Republic of Nepal is a mandu. She had completed munity and World Health Or- the order shall exist till parliamentary
fantasyland, also known as her MBBS and wanted to work ganisation must invest their re- process or a final decision in the case by
mythical and mystical in the in Kathmandu. I advised him New variant sources to curb this variant. We the apex court and declined to stay the
world of tourism, although we to send her to Nepalgunj, Chis- all have an important part to process of parliamentary approval, say-
can contest them now. The apani or Bhairahawa, not to This is with reference to the play locally and globally. The ing BIPPA was of utmost importance as it
land is now known more for in- Kathmandu. Happily, she de- news story “New COVID vari- most important thing is to im- aimed to protect and promote bilateral
action, no action or funny ac- cided to stay back. The govern- ant with ‘unusual’ mutations pose restrictions on air travel investment and that a stay order would
tion or warped action. We ac- ment should find a permanent found” (THT, November 26, from the countries where the create adverse impact on the objectives
knowledge that tiny Bhutan cure for doctors’ love for Kath- Page 1). It is really shocking to new variant has been detected. of the agreement. “Parliament can exam-
has upstaged us in controlling public health? Smoking is ram- minister act? We will find out mandu through wage instru- hear the emergence of a new Shiva Neupane, Melbourne ine whether any provision of the agree-
public smoking. Bhutan treads pant; so is the unmasked soon. The incumbent has one ments. Doctor’s salary should variant of COVID when the ment contradicts the Interim Constitu-
where we fear to go. Bhutan crowd. After the recent resur- more important responsibility be 30 per cent less in Kathman- world is about to heave a sigh tion as per Article 156, henceforth it
has also given us some vaccine gence of COVID-19 in Europe - to sort out the staffing prob- du than in the district or village of relief after two years of trau- Letters to this column should be addressed to would be wrong to draw a conclusion
aid, as has the Maldives. So, and the emergence of the new lem in Damauli hospital “Man- hospitals. The government matic and tumultuous times. Letters C/o Edit Page Editor, The Himalayan Times, that the agreement undermined coun-
let’s throw a question to the Omicron COVID-19 variant, power crunch”(THT, Novem- could also throw a spanner on Mankind has suffered a lot be- Post Box 11651, APCA House, try’s sovereignty and integrity, as claimed
concerned: when do we act as we should sew masks on the ber 26, Page 4). There is not private practice in Kathmandu cause of this deadly virus that Baidya Khana Road, Kathmandu, Nepal by the writ petitioner,” reads the order. “It
Bhutan - now or never? Does face of recalcitrant citizens and much point in a hospital with- and offer low priority for pro- has already killed more than 5 email: [email protected], will be improper to raise doubts on legis-
the government care about non-citizens. Can the health out adequate doctors and motion and advanced studies million people worldwide. We Fax 0977-1-4771959 lative wisdom”.


Netherlands, Australia find Omicron variant as curbs spread

Israel decides to bar foreign nationals from entering in the toughest move so far
China study warns of
‘colossal’ COVID outbreak if
it opens up like US, France
Reuters unaffordable burden on
Beijing, November 28 the medical system,” the re-
port said.
China could face more than “Our findings have raised a
630,000 COVID-19 infections clear warning that, for the
a day if it dropped its zero-tol- time being, we are not ready
erance policies by lifting trav- to embrace ‘open-up’ strate-
el curbs, according to a study gies resting solely on the hy-
by Peking University mathe- pothesis of herd immunity
maticians. induced by vaccination advo-
In the report published in cated by certain western
China CDC Weekly by the countries.”
Chinese Centre for Disease The mathematicians cau-
Control and Prevention, the tioned that their estimates
mathematicians said China were based on basic arithme-
could not afford to lift travel tic calculations and that more
restrictions without more effi- sophisticated models were
cient vaccinations or specific needed to study the evolution
treatments. of the pandemic if travel re-
Using data for August from strictions were lifted.
the United States, Britain, China has maintained a ze-
Spain, France and Israel, ro-tolerance policy towards
the mathematicians assessed COVID-19, saying the impor-
the potential results if tance of containing local cas-
China adopted the same pan- es when they are found out-
demic control tactics as those weighs the disr uptions
countries. caused by efforts to trace, iso-
China’s daily new cases late and treat the infected.
would reach at least 637,155 China reported 23 new con-
if it adopted the United firmed coronavirus cases on
States’ pandemic strategy, the Nov. 27, down from 25 a day
report said. earlier, its health authority
Travellers walking with their luggage in the Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, on Sunday. And daily cases would hit said today.
275,793 if China took the The World Health Organi-
Associated Press countries, in Israel and in Hong who arrived in the Netherlands al. Israel moved to ban entry by among the latest New Zealand, same approach as Britain sation (WHO) on Friday des-
The Hague/Berlin, November 28 Kong, just days after it was iden- on flights from South Africa foreigners and mandate quaran- Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, and 454,198 if it imitated ignated a new COVID-19 vari-
tified by researchers in South Af- on Friday have so far tested posi- tine for all Israelis arriving from Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Sau- France, it said. ant detected in South Africa
The Netherlands confirmed 13 rica. The “act first, ask questions tive for Omicron. They were abroad. “Restrictions on the di Arabia. Places that already had “The estimates revealed with a large number of muta-
cases of the new Omicron later” approach reflected grow- among 61 people who tested country’s borders is not an easy imposed restrictions include the real possibility of a colos- tions as being “of concern”,
variant of the coronavirus ing alarm about the emergence positive for the virus on Friday step, but it’s a temporary and Brazil, Canada, the European sal outbreak which would prompting some countries to
and Australia found two today of a potentially more contagious after arriving on the last two necessary step,” Prime Minister Union, Iran, and the US. This almost certainly induce an impose travel curbs.
as the countries half a world variant nearly two years into a flights to Amsterdam’s Schiphol Naftali Bennett said at the start of goes against the advice of the
apart became the latest to detect pandemic that has killed more airport before a flight ban was the weekly Cabinet meeting. World Health Organisation,
it in travellers arriving from than 5 million people, upended put in place. They were immedi- Ran Balicer, head of the gov- which has warned against any cases. Spain announced it won’t The United States’ top infec-
southern Africa. lives and disrupted economies ately put into isolation, most at a ernment’s advisory panel on overreaction before the variant is admit unvaccinated British visi- tious diseases expert, Anthony
A growing raft of curbs are be- across the globe. nearby hotel, while sequencing COVID-19, told Israel’s Kan thoroughly studied. tors starting December 1. They Fauci, said he would not be sur-
ing imposed by nations around While much remains to be was carried out. public radio that the new meas- In Europe, much of which are currently allowed to enter prised if the Omicron variant was
the world as they scramble to learned about the new variant, Authorities in Australia said ures were necessary for the already has been struggling with a negative coronavirus test. already in the US, too.
slow the variant’s spread, with Is- researchers are concerned that it two overseas travellers who ar- “fog of war” surrounding the new with a sharp increase in cases Italy was going through lists of “We have not detected it yet,
rael deciding today to bar entry may be more resistant to the pro- rived in Sydney from Africa be- variant, saying it was “better to over recent weeks, officials also airline passengers who arrived in but when you have a virus that
to foreign nationals in the tough- tection provided by vaccines and came the first in the country to act early and strictly” to prevent were on their guard. the past two weeks after a busi- is showing this degree of trans-
est move so far. could mean that the pandemic test positive for the Omicron var- its spread. The UK yesterday tightened ness traveller who returned from missibility ... it almost invariably
Confirmed or suspected cases lasts for longer than anticipated. iant. Arrivals from nine African Many countries have restrict- up rules on mask-wearing and Mozambique and landed in is ultimately going to go essen-
of the new variant have already The Dutch public health au- countries are now required to ed or banned travel from various on testing of international arriv- Rome on Nov. 11 tested positive tially all over,” Fauci said on NBC
emerged in several European thority confirmed that 13 people quarantine in a hotel upon arriv- southern African countries — als after finding two Omicron for omicron. television.

Taiwan scrambles to see off Israel worries Iran will

new Chinese air force secure sanctions relief
Taipei, November 28
five nuclear-capable H-6
bombers, as well as, unusually,
in nuclear talks
a Y-20 aerial refuelling aircraft, Reuters
Taiwan’s air force scrambled the Taiwan ministry said. Jerusalem, November 28
again today to warn away 27 The bombers and six of the
Chinese aircraft that entered fighters flew to the south of Tai- Israel worries Iran will secure a windfall in sanc-
its air defence zone, Taiwan’s wan into the Bashi Channel tions relief in renewed nuclear negotiations with
defence ministry said, the lat- which separates the island world powers but will not sufficiently roll back
est increase in tensions across from the Philippines, then out projects with bomb-making potential, Israeli
the sensitive Taiwan Strait. into the Pacific before heading Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said today.
Chinese-claimed Taiwan has back to China, according to a Negotiators will convene in Vienna tomorrow
complained for a year or more map the ministry provided. in a last-ditch effort to salvage a nuclear deal
of repeated missions by Chi- Those aircraft were accom- which the United States under then-President
na’s air force near the demo- panied by the refuelling Donald Trump quit in 2018, reimposing sanc-
cratically governed island, of- aircraft, suggesting China tions on Iran. That led to breaches of the deal by
ten in the southwestern part of refuelled the shorter-ranged Tehran, and dismayed the other powers involved.
its air defence identification fighters inflight, a skill that Israel, which is not a party to the talks, opposed
zone, or ADIZ, close to the Tai- the country’s air force is still the original 2015 pact as too limited in scope and
wan-controlled Pratas Islands. working to hone to enable it to duration. Israeli leaders have long threatened
Over a four-day period be- project power further from military action against Iran if they deem diploma-
ginning on October 1, when China’s shores. cy a dead end for denying it nuclear weaponry.
China marked its national day, Taiwan sent combat aircraft The Islamic Republic says its nuclear ambi-
Taiwan said that nearly 150 to warn away the Chinese air- tions are peaceful.
PLA military aircraft entered its craft, while missile systems “Israel is very worried about the readiness to re-
ADIZ, not territorial air space were deployed to monitor move the sanctions and to allow a flow of billions
but a broader area Taiwan them, the ministry said. (of dollars) to Iran in exchange for unsatisfactory
monitors and patrols that acts There was no immediate restrictions in the nuclear realm,” Bennett told
to give it more time to respond comment from China, which his cabinet in televised remarks.
to any threats. has in the past said such moves “This is the message that we are relaying in
The latest Chinese mission were drills aimed at protecting every manner, whether to the Americans or to the
included 18 fighters jets plus the country’s sovereignty. other countries negotiating with Iran.”

Panel okays bid to demolish Wright

Brothers’ first bike shop
Associated Press that preserves the historic facade. down property to developers but it
Dayton, November 28 Preservation groups had also failed inspection tests. The building
opposed the city’s plan. They was deemed structurally damaged
The Dayton Board of Zoning argued that keeping the building’s and in danger of collapse.
Appeals has approved the city’s facade and incorporating it into City officials had also previously
request to demolish a 129-year- a redevelopment project would attempted to receive approval to
old historic building that once make the project eligible for histor- bulldoze the property but did not
was the site of the Wright brothers’ ic tax credits. move forward after hearing com-
first bike shop. The city appealed the landmarks munity concerns.
The city wants to tear down the commission’s decision to the zon- The Wright brothers, Wilbur and
site because the building has dete- ing appeals board, claiming it erred younger sibling Orville, were avia-
riorated to a point where it can no in its application of architectural tion pioneers and are generally
longer be maintained and redevel- design standards. The board voted credited with building the first air-
oped, the Dayton Daily News has 5 to 1 this week to reverse the com- plane. They started their work on
reported. Public safety concerns mission’s decision and gave the city flight several years after they built
have also been raised by some who permission to raze the property. the shop that will be razed.
fear the building could collapse. The shop was first built in 1892 The brothers made their initial
While agreeing that most of the to serve as the Wright brothers’ powered flight with the Wright
building should be demolished, first bike shop. Soon thereafter, Flyer in December 1903 at Kitty
the Dayton Landmarks Commis- Gem City Ice Cream Co. bought Hawk, North Carolina, then came
sion rejected the demolition the property and housed it until home to Dayton to work the bugs
request in September. The panel 1975 until it was sold to another out. A memorial stands at Huffman
instead recommended that the company. Prairie, where they made flights
city re-advertise the property and Years after a wide array of owners, in 1904-05 and really learned to
encourage its renovation in a way the city attempted to sell the run- control the plane.

taly has reopened its Checks will take place at ski
slopes to recreational lift sales offices, ski classes,
skiers after one season
lost and another abbrevi-
and at the start of ski lifts. s"):"2)%&3
ated by the pandemic.
Here is a glance at how
the season is proceeding in Austria, which is in lock-
Europe’s Alpine nations. down, will nevertheless allow
skiing for people who are vac-
Italy cinated or recently recovered
from COVID-19, as skiing is
Italy is reopening for the classed as physical exercise in
2021-22 season after a the open air and thus exempt.
near-complete closure last There won’t be any of the
season and an early closure usual apres-ski, though, and
in 2020 after Italy became tourists outside the region
the first country in the west won’t find it easy to enjoy the
to detect local transmission slopes: restaurants and hotels
of the coronavirus. are shut, due to the lockdown.
Government regulations re- Ischgl, the Austrian resort at
quire a health pass to access the centre of a major outbreak
areas with closed lifts, which during the early phase of the
can be obtained with proof pandemic in February and
of vaccination, having recov- March 2020, plans to launch
ered from the virus or a its ski season on December 3. A daily wage labourer transporting
negative test in the last 24 But many other resorts are de- decorative lights for a wedding
hours. The new system bating if it is worth opening procession, in Prayagraj, Uttar
launched on Saturday in the during the lockdown, which is Pradesh, on Saturday.
first two ski areas to open. expected to run until Decem-
Glacier skiing opened ber 13, since the closure of ho-
already earlier in the month,
while the ski season in Italy
tels means tourists can’t come. Mahindra expands
officially opens December 4. Germany KATHMANDU: The authorised dis-
tributor of Mahindra for Nepal, Agni
Switzerland AP
According to Germany’s au-
tomobile club ADAC, which
Group has successfully completed
the grand inauguration of two dealers
Switzerland, which kept its
ski slopes open last year, is
sticking to its plans again this
year. The season has started
in pockets that have gotten
!GLANCEATHOWTHESKISEASON regularly provides information
of interest to German travel-
lers, the country’s ski stations
plan to open as planned, but
with precautions: Skiers will
of Batas Brothers Pvt Ltd which are
now the new sub-dealers of Mahin-
dra, namely — Om Namah Shivaya
Servicing Centre at Putalibazar Mu-
nicipality-1 Ghumti, Syangja and

patches of early snowfall, have to present a vaccine or Shrestha Moto Parts at Galkot, Ba-
though it’s not expected to recovery certificate, or a nega- glung. The inauguration of Om
switch into full gear before tive test, and wear masks on Namah Shivaya Servicing Centre was
mid-December. the lifts. done collectively by Rabindra Man
Last year, restaurants were Bavaria, where most of the Shrestha, chairperson of Syangja
closed because of the corona- ski stations are located, has Chamber of Commerce and Industry
virus pandemic. They have tougher rules: Only people and Yugal Singh, spare parts head
since reopened, but the
patrons must show their
tine requirements for people
returning to other countries.
France as to allow skiers back on No-
vember 20.
respected in lines or among
people travelling in groups.
who are vaccinated or recov-
ered will be allowed in, and
and representative of Agni Group
Kathmandu Likewise, the grand in-
COVID passes. Skiers won’t The question mark: Coronavi- The 250 French ski areas In resorts, wearing a mask The French Ski Areas Asso- they will additionally need to auguration of the Shrestha Moto
have to show the passes to rus cases have been on a now have a plan for reopening will be compulsory for those ciation said that if the national present a negative test. The Parts was done collectively by Tul Ba-
get onto ski lifts but will be sharp rise in recent weeks after the write-off of last sea- aged 11 or above in all ski lifts COVID incidence rate goes be- move has been criticised by hadur BK, administrative officer of
required to wear masks on in the country, and the Swiss son, with French resorts al- and lines. Only surface lifts yond 200 cases per 100,000 in- the German ski lift operators Galkot, Baglung Municipality; special
them. tour ism officials admit ready planning to operate and conveyor belts are ex- habitants — as is expected association VDS, which says guests representing various political
The Swiss are expecting that things could change again in coming weeks. Val empted from mask wearing very soon — the Health Pass most lift operators don’t have parties of the place, representatives
more foreign visitors. A year from one day to the next Thorens, Europe’s highest rules, provided they are used will be mandatory for skiers the staff to cope with the logis- from different banks and financial in-
ago the numbers were kept depending on the govern- winter sport resort, became by a single person. Social dis- from age 12 to access areas, tical challenge of checking all stitutions along with other guests of
down by testing and quaran- ment’s response. the first of France’s Alpine are- tancing measures must also be and possibly lifts. tests. — AP the event. Separately, Mahindra elec-
tric three-wheeler Treo has been
launched in Dhangadi. — HNS

Coinstore enters Reuters

Lopburi, November 28 Macau arrests 11 for German retail down
India despite W
atched by tourists
and locals, thou-
sands of monkeys
alleged illegal gambling BERLIN: A surge in coronavirus cases
in Germany has led to a disappoint-
ing start to the Christmas season for
retailers in Europe’s biggest economy,
pending curbs in Lopburi in central Thai-
land feasted on two tonnes
fruits and vegetables after
and money laundering the sector body said on Sunday. A
survey by the HDE retail association
showed that only 20 per cent of
on trade the town’s Monkey Festival
resumed following a two
year hiatus caused by the
Hong Kong, November 28
rooms across Asia. Junket
operators are go-be-
tweens who bring high
350 companies asked were satisfied
with Christmas sales so far. Novem-
ber and December are normally the
Reuters pandemic. Macau police have arrest- rollers to play at casinos,
Hundreds of macaques, ed 11 people in an investi- extending them credit and strongest months of the year for re-
Mumbai, November 28 tailers. Controls in shops, such as
also known as long-tailed gation into an illegal gam- collecting on their debts.
Singapore-based virtual currency ex- monkeys, were seen climb- bling and money launder- The junket operator checks of vaccination certificates,
change Coinstore has begun operations ing on people and stacks of ing syndicate, according could not be reached for were putting customers off, said HDE

Fruit galore
in India at a time when the Indian govern- fruit, munching away on ba-
to an official WeChat ac- comment. Representa- Managing Director Stefan Genth,
ment is preparing legislation to effectively nanas and pineapples. count, a day after junket tives of Hong Kong-listed adding that he wanted fewer restric-
bar most private cryptocurrencies. The feast, which cost over mogul Alvin Chau was company could not be tions in shops as masks and air filters
Coinstore has launched its web and 100,000 baht ($3,000), is an questioned at a Macau po- reached by phone and did were effective. — Reuters
app platform and plans branches in annual tradition for locals lice station. not respond to e-mail in-
Bangalore, New Delhi and Mumbai which to thank the monkeys for At a press conference quiries seeking comment. New teleworking law
will act as its base in India for future
expansion, its management said.
doing their part in drawing
in tourists to Lopburi, which Thai monkey festival returns today, Macau’s judiciary
police did not name the
A Macau judiciary po-
lice duty spokesperson LISBON: Portugal’s new law on
working from home makes the
“With nearly a quarter of our total
active users coming from India, it made
is sometimes known as
‘Monkey Province’. “Today’s
as tourists come back individuals but said they
included a 47-year-old
did not respond to phone
calls seeking comment. European Union country sound like a
sense for us to expand into the market,” special is durian, which is Macau businessman sur- People involved in the workers’ paradise. Companies can’t
Charles Tan, head of marketing at Coin- expensive. Lopburi mon- a f t e r t h e g ove r n m e n t festival,” said Moroccan named Chau, South China case acknowledged the attempt to contact their staff outside
store told Reuters. keys like expensive things,” launched a quarantine- tourist Ayoub Boukhari. Morning Post reported. group had operated gam- working hours. They must help staff
Asked why Coinstore was launching in said Yongyuth Kitwatananu- free travel scheme for vacci- “It’s quite unexpected and It was not clear if this bling websites or telemar- pay for their home gas, electric and
India despite the pending clampdown sont who has previously nated tourists in November, the monkeys are quite silly.” was Alvin Chau, who was keting activities in other internet bills. Bosses are forbidden
on cryptocurrencies, Tan said: “There organised over 30 monkey and the festival proved a Some tourists were seen listed as 46 in March when places, Macau police said from using digital software to track
have been policy flip-flops but we hope festivals. popular draw. playing with the monkeys Suncity Group Holdings, in the WeChat statement. what their teleworkers are doing.
things are going to be positive and we The theme for this year’s Thailand saw more than with their cameras. The re- of which he is chairman, Authorities in Wenzhou There’s just one problem: The law
are optimistic that the Indian government festival was wheelchair 100,000 inbound travellers sumption of the tradition published its 2020 results. said on Friday a probe had might not work. Critics say the new
will come out with a healthy framework monkeys, and Yongyuth in November, as high as the also pleased locals. “It’s the He is founder of a sepa- found Alvin Chau formed rules are half-baked, short on detail
for cryptocurrencies.” planned to donate 100 number of arrivals in the first time in two years that rate legal entity also called a junket agent network in and unfeasible. And they may even
The New Delhi government is planning wheelchairs to needy first ten months combined. monkeys get to eat all kinds Suncity, special adminis- the mainland to help citi- backfire by making companies reluc-
to discourage trading in cryptocurrencies people. “I’m really happy to get to of fruits and vegetables,” trative region’s biggest zens engage in offshore tant to allow working from home
by imposing hefty capital gains and Tourists have been gradu- see this and now I’m think- said Thanida Phudjeeb. “I’m junket operator, which op- and cross-border gam- at all. — AP
other taxes, two sources told Reuters earli- ally returning to Thailand ing about going to the next happy for them.” erates VIP gambling bling activities.
er this month.
It has said that it will allow only certain
cryptocurrencies to promote the
underlying technology and its uses,
according to a legislative agenda for
the winter session that is set to start
later this month. Associated Press arrested in the periodic raids ($77.7 million) for the crossing ros ($4,500), according to Aus- Frontex, European border entrance. The deaths of 39 Viet-
Tan said Coinstore plans to recruit Calais, November 28 along the coastline. They are — that’s two million euros per trian authorities who on Satur- agency, echoed that in a 2021 namese migrants in the back of
about 100 employees in India and just what French police call ‘the kilometre. day announced the arrest of 15 risk report that describes the a container truck may also
spend $20 million for marketing, hiring The price to cross the English little hands’. “This has become so profita- people suspected of smuggling operational leaders as manag- have contributed to a new re-
and development of crypto-related Channel varies according to Now, French authorities are ble for criminals that it’s Syrian, Lebanese and Egyptian ers who ‘are able to orchestrate luctance to use that route.
products and services for the Indian the network of smugglers, be- hoping to move up the chain of going to take a phenomenal migrants into the country in criminal business from a dis- Police cracked down on local
market. tween 3,000 and 7,000 euros command. The French judicial amount of effort to shift it,” the vanloads of 12 to 15 people. tance, while mostly exposing boat purchases, and the larger
Coinstore is the second global ex- ($3,380 and $8,000) though investigation into Wednesday’s UK Home Office’s Dan O’Ma- The suspects transported more low-level criminals involved in inflatables started to show up,
change to enter India in the recent there are rumours of discounts. sinking that killed 27 people honey told Parliament on than 700 people at a total cost transport and logistics to law hauled by the dozens inside
months, following in the footsteps of Often, the fee also includes a has been turned over to Par- November 17. of more than 2.5 million euros enforcement detection’. cars and vans with German
CrossTower which launched its local unit very short-term tent rental in is-based prosecutors who spe- Between coronavirus and ($2.8 million), police said. In The chain starts in the home and Belgian tags, police said.
in September. the windy dunes of northern cialise in organised crime. Brexit, ‘this is a golden age for this network, the migrants were country, usually with agreed- France’s Interior Minister,
The price of the world’s biggest crypto- France and food cooked over To cross the 33-kilometre the smugglers and organised bound for Germany. upon price, arranged over so- Gérald Darmanin, said a car
currency, Bitcoin, has more than doubled fires that sputter in the rain that narrow point of the Channel, crime because the countries The alleged smugglers — cial media. That fee tends to with German tags was seized in
since the start of this year, attracting falls for more than half the the rubber dinghies must navi- are in disarray’, said Mimi from Moldova, Ukraine and shift over the journey, but most connection with the probe.
hordes of Indian investors. month of November in the Cal- gate frigid waters and passing Vu, an expert on Vietnamese Uzbekistan — were recruited in willingly pay extra as their des- Police raids on the camps to
Industry estimates suggest that there ais region. Sometimes, but not cargo ships. As of November 17, migration who regularly their home countries via ads on tination grows closer, she said. pull down tents and disrupt
are 15 million to 20 million crypto always, it includes a life vest 23,000 people had crossed suc- spends time in the camps of social media offering work as That’s precisely when the logis- operations have given smug-
investors in India, with total crypto and fuel for outboard motor. cessfully, according to Britain’s northern France. drivers for 2,000 to 3,000 euros tics grow more complicated. glers yet another chance to
holdings of around INR 400 billion And the people who collect Home Office. France intercept- “Think of it like a shipping ($2,250 to $3,380) a month. Channel crossings by sea make money, said Nikolai Pos-
($5.33 billion). the money — up to 300,000 eu- ed about 19,000 people. and logistics company,” Vu The men handling the last were relatively rare until a few ner, of the aid group Utopia 56.
Coinstore also plans to expand into ros ($432,000) per boat that At a minimum, then, smug- said. leg are essentially just making years ago, when French and Now, the fee includes a short-
Japan, Korea, Indonesian and Vietnam, makes it across the narrows of gling organisations this year The leg through central Eu- the final delivery. If arrested, British authorities locked down term tent rental and access to
according to Tan. the Channel — are not the ones have netted 69 million euros rope can cost around 4,000 eu- they are replaceable, Vu said. the area around the Eurotunnel basic food.

Judokas off to Beirut
.EPALLOSETO5!% Lama strikes as Police pip Jawalakhel Himalayan News Service NPC had played a 1-1 draw NPC coach Ananta Raj nied Tej Tamang in the 40th

FAILTOQUALIFY Kathmandu, November 28 with Tribhuvan Army Foot- Thapa was a happy man to minute. NPC’s Ravi Paswan
ball Club in their previous get full three points from a saw his powerful strike
Suman Lama scored the match, while JYC had faced tough encounter. “JYC is al- blocked by JYC custodian
solitary goal as Nepal Police a 1-0 defeat at the hands of ways a tough nut to crack Thapa in the 62nd minute.
Club defeated Jawalakhel Manang Marshyangdi Club. and we succeeded in regis- Paswan struck against the
Himalayan News Service Youth Club 1-0 in the Qatar JYC coach Kishor KC was tering a win against them bar with a header on Man
Kathmandu, November 28 Airways Martyrs Memorial stunned with the goal. “It this time around,” said the Bahadur Pariyar’s free kick
A Division League at the came as a shock that we former national team mid- in the 65th minute, while
Nepal faced a 48-run defeat at the Dasharath Stadium today. conceded that goal in coun- fielder. “It was a 50-50 en- N P C g o a l k e e p e r Sh a -
hands of the United Arab Emirates After a goalless draw, ter attack at a time when we counter and we are lucky to trughan Chaudhary
that dashed Nepal’s dreams of ad- Lama found the back of the had at least three players in get away with three impor- blocked Onguna Nkengue
vancing to the global qualifiers of nets in the 70th minute to our zone,” said KC. “The tant points,” he added. Junior’s strike before Santa
the ICC T20 World Cup. hands the departmental luck was not on our part as Earlier, JYC midfielder Bahadur Gurung hit the bar
Nepal needed to beat the UAE by side their first victory in we had two shots against Amir Shrestha came close to in rebound. Bharat Shah
at least 10 runs or before 18.2 overs their second match. Against the bar and the players opening the scores but his had a chance to double
in the last match of the ICC T20 the run of the play, Lama failed to convert easy op- strike from the edge of the NPC’s lead in the 89th min-
LALITPUR: a seven-member Nepali
World Cup Asian Region Qualifier netted a spectacular goal portunities,” said KC adding box went inches wide off ute but he saw his close-
judo team left for Lebanon to partici-
at the ICC Academy grounds in with his left foot following a that the front line players the post. JYC goalkeeper range effort saved by JYC
pate in the Asian-Oceania Cadet and
Dubai. But the UAE posted 127-5 pass from Ravi Paswan. were not up to the mark. Tikensra Singh Thapa de- custodian Thapa.
Junior Judo Championship to be held
in their allotted 20 overs, while Ne-
in Beirut from December 2-5. Judo-
pal were packed for 79 runs with
kas Devaki Maya Shrestha, Nisha
two balls to spare.
Shrestha, Subodh Mandal and Tara
UAE remained unbeaten and
Bahadur Bhujel will take part in the
accumulated 10 points from five
championship, while coach Mohan
matches to top the table and
Sunuwar accompanied the players to
earn the spot in next year’s global
Lebanon. Nepal Judo Association
qualifiers. Hong finished second
President Deepak Harsha Bajrachar- Photo Courtesy: NSJF
with eight points, while Nepal
ya and Suprasiddha Tamrakar also Nepal Vice-captain Sita Rana
were third with six. Nepal’s win
travelled to Lebanon. Bajracharya — Magar holds the
would have forced the count of
who is also the Director of Education player-of-the-tournament
net run rate but the UAE never
and Coaching at the Judo Union
looked in trouble. trophy after the ICC T20 World
of Asia — will take part in the execu-
Chamani Seneviratna scored a Cup Asia Region Qualifier in
tive committee meeting of the JUA,
brilliant half century hitting seven Dubai on Sunday.
while Tamrakar will work as IT Expert
fours in her 36-ball 52, while open-
in the championship. Nepal Olympic
er Theertha Satish scored 47 off 46 ma and Sita Rana Magar could
Committee President Jeevan Ram
balls that included three bounda- score in double figures for Nepal.
Shrestha and Vice-president Chatura
ries. Kavisha Egodage contributed Barma top scored with 15 off 20
Nanda Rajvaidhya bade farewell to
27-ball 22. After Esha Oza (four) balls, while vice-captain Rana
the team. — HNS Nepal Police Club’s Buddha
was dismissed with just four runs Magar struck three fours in her
on the board, Satish and Egodage eight-ball 13. Sarita Magar and Ka- Tamang (left) vies for the ball
Williams passes away added 58 runs for the second wick- jal Shrestha were the next contrib- with Jawalakhel Youth Club’s
LONDON: Frank Williams, the found- et, while opener Satish and Senevi- utors with eight runs each. Rup Bahadur Lama during
er and former team principal of the ratna shared a 49-run partnership Samaira Dharnidharka was the their Qatar Airways Martyrs
once-dominant Williams Racing For- for the third wicket. pick of the UAE bowlers taking 4-5 Memorial A Division League
mula One team, died aged 79 on Sun- Kabita Kunwar took two wickets from four overs, while Khushi
for Nepal, while Sabnam Rai, Sita Sharma and player-of-the-match match at the Dasharath
day, the team announced. “After be- Stadium in Kathmandu
ing admitted into hospital on Friday, Rana Magar and Sangita Rai Chamani Seneviratna grabbed two
bagged one wicket each. wickets each. Chaya Mughal on Sunday.
Sir Frank, passed away peacefully this
morning surrounded by his family,” In reply, only openers Indu Bar- bagged one wicket for the hosts.
Naresh Shrestha / THT
Williams Racing said in a statement.
Williams and his daughter Claire, a
former deputy team principal, no
longer have any involvement with the
British-based F1 team after it was
Man City secure win over Hammers; Foxes triumph +ARKI 9ADAV
sold to US-based Dorilton Capital
last year. Williams had been in a
wheelchair since he was paralysed in
Manchester, November 28
Schmeichel from the spot.
But as the snowfall got heavi-
a car crash in France in 1986. He was
admitted to hospital in 2016 with
pneumonia and again in December
Manchester City captain Il-
kay Gundogan struck in the
midst of a first-half snow-
er, Jamie Vardy fired the
home side ahead with two
goals in eight minutes, both
created by Maddison, first
last year. F1 chief executive Stefano
Domenicali said the sport had lost a storm before a late goal from chipping the onrushing Himalayan News Service
“much loved and respected member” substitute Fernandinho Bachmann before cleverly Kathmandu, November 28
of the F1 family. — Reuters proved enough to secure a heading home from the near
2-1 win over West Ham Unit- post at a corner kick. Province-II and Sudurpashchim
ed in the Premier League on A blanket of snow turned Province recorded victories in the
Players test positive Sunday. the lush green pitch white in Wai Wai Under-19 National Cricket
COLOMBO: Six Sri Lanka women With thick snow falling for the second half and as the Tournament here today.
cricketers who took part in a World most of the opening half, visibility fell Dennis nicked Province-II defeated Bagmati
Cup qualifying tournament in Zim- City took the lead when Ri- the ball off a back-tracking Province by six wickets riding on
babwe have tested positive for COV- yadh Mahrez drove the ball Timothy Castagne on the brilliant knocks from Santosh Karki
ID-19, the Asian country’s cricket across the goal and Gundog- hour mark to go one-on-one and Bibek Yadav at the TU Stadium.
board said on Sunday. Cricket’s gov- an was on hand to steer it with Schmeichel, making it Batting first, Bagmati were bowled
erning body ICC abandoned the home in the 33rd minute. 3-2 with a controlled finish. out for 253 runs in 49.3 overs before
qualifiers in Zimbabwe on Saturday Halftime saw the snow- However, Leicester restored Province-II raced to 255-4 with 54
after discovery of a new COVID-19 storm abate and an army of their two-goal cushion min- balls to spare.
variant in South Africa, which groundstaff cleared the utes later when Harvey Chasing a huge target, Province-II
prompted widespread travel curbs. It pitch. City continued to Barnes skipped forward on a openers Karki and Rohan BK (26)
was not known whether the Sri Lan- dominate but it took them counter-attack and squared put 64 runs on the board in 13 overs.
kan players’ positive tests were for the until 90th minute to score the ball for Ademola Look- Province-II then lost Trit Raj Joshi
new Omicron variant of the virus. again when Gabriel Jesus man to tap into an empty (one) and Amir Yadav (seven) to be
The ICC took its decision after Satur- teed up Fernandinho to net net. The win takes Leicester 93-3 before Karki and skipper Yadav
three minutes after he came West Ham’s Declan Rice (left) vies for the ball with Manchester City’s Ilkay Gundogan up to provisional ninth place added 144 runs to take the team
day’s game between the West Indies
off the bench. Manuel Lan- during their Premier League match at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester on Sunday. on 18 points from 13 games, close to victory. Karki top scored
and Sri Lanka was called off when a
member of the Sri Lankan support zini grabbed a superb add- while Watford stay 16th on 13 with 111 off 115 balls hitting 14
staff tested positive for COVID-19. ed-time goal for Hammers beat Watford 4-2 in the Pre- ditions and Leicester took an Daniel Bachmann. points. Brentford striker Ivan boundaries and three sixes.
“Steps will be taken to bring back the Ham but City hung on for a mier League amid heavy early lead from a Watford er- Watford levelled 14 min- Toney’s first half penalty se- Yadav and Sunny Singh (nine not
Sri Lanka women’s team from Zimba- win that lifts them back to snowfall which reduced visi- ror when William Troost- utes later after Emmanuel cured a 1-0 win over ailing out) then took the team home with-
bwe,” the Sri Lankan cricket board second place and level on 29 bility and made playing con- Ekong ducked under a long Dennis was tripped in the Everton, heaping more mis- out further loss. Yadav struck six
(SLC) said. — Reuters points with Blues. West Ham ditions difficult at the King ball, allowing Leicester’s box by Wilfred Ndidi and ery on the visitors head of fours and seven sixes in his unbeat-
stay fourth on 23 points. Power Stadium. The match James Maddison to sneak in Joshua King made no mis- their midweek Merseyside en 86 off 73 balls. Tilak Bhandari
Elsewherer, Leicester City began in relatively clear con- behind and beat keeper take in beating Kasper derby with Liverpool. took two wickets for Bagmati, while
Pratis GC and Prashant Mahat
bagged one each.

)YERPUTS)NDIAINBOXSEATONDEBUT4EST Pakistan leave B’desh Earlier, Bagmati posted fighting

total riding on half centuries from
Swapnil Adhikari and Bipin Shahi.
Adhikari top scored with 83-ball 85
New Delhi, November 28
trapped stand-in home captain
Ajinkya Rahane leg before wicket
for four with an arm-ball that
in precarious position hitting six fours and five sixes, while
Shahi struck six boundaries and a six
in his 83-ball 59. Pratik Shrestha was
India’s Shreyas Iyer once again kept low. Southee then twisted Associated Press through their fast bowlers — the next contributor with 15 runs,
dazzled on his debut Test, hitting the knife by removing opener Chattogram, November 28 Shaheen Shah Afridi and while Farid Khan and Bibek Magar
his second 50-plus score of the Mayank Agarwal, caught in the Hasan Ali — who used the scored 11 each. Puraj Dhungel was
match to put his team in charge slip, and Ravindra Jadeja, trapped Pakistan’s fast bowlers re- short ball to precision, leav- the pick of the Province-II bowlers
of the opening Test against New lbw, in a two-wicket maiden over duced Bangladesh to 39-4 in ing Bangladesh in a poten- taking 3-33, while Bibek Yadav, Gul-
Zealand on Sunday. to reduce India to 51-5. their second innings at the tially precarious position. san Jha, Ajay Yadav and Pradip Pas-
New Zealand claimed four Iyer and Ashwin, who made 32, end of day three on Sunday Afridi cracked the game wan grabbed one wicket each.
wickets in the morning session to not only steadied the innings but to leave the first cricket Test open, striking twice in his At Mulani, Sudurpashchim ham-
nose ahead on the penultimate also scored briskly to put the evenly poised. third over. He trapped Shad- mered Karnali by 10 wickets. Batting
day of the see-saw contest at Kan- pressure back on New Zealand. Bangladesh had secured a man leg-before for one with first, Karnali were bowled out for a
pur’s Green Park Stadium. Iyer departed on the stroke of tea 44-run lead after bowling a ball that swung sharply paltry 66 runs in 16.5 overs before
Iyer followed his first-innings but Saha soldiered on despite a out Pakistan for 286, thanks and then two balls later had Sudurpashchim raced to 69-0 in 12.1
hundred with a crucial 65, forging stiff neck that kept him off the largely to left-arm spinner Najmul Hossain caught at overs. Sudurpashchim skipper
50-plus stands with Ravichan- field on Saturday. Taijul Islam, who returned first slip for a duck with a Khadak Bohara scored 42-ball 41 not
dran Ashwin and Wriddhiman Saha remained not out on 61, figures of 7-116. short ball. out with the help of five fours and
Saha to revive India who declared having featured in a second 50- Instead, the home side Earlier, Taijul pegged back two sixes, while Naresh Bhatta
their second innings on 234-7. India’s Shreyas Iyer plays a shot against New Zealand on fourth day plus partnership with Axar Patel ended the day by extending the Pakistan innings after struck three fours in his unbeaten 16
Chasing a daunting victory target of their first Test match in Kanpur on Sunday. who made 28 not out before India their lead to 83 runs but have the visitors began the day on off 31 balls. Earlier, Prakash Jaishi
of 284 on a worn-out track, the declared. It was a memorable Test just six wickets remaining. 145 for no loss. Opener Abid top scored for Karnali with 15, while
tourists were four for one when on Monday with nightwatchman sumed on 14-1. Kyle Jamieson (3- debut for Iyer who was selected Mushfiqur Rahim, who Ali top-scored with 133 off Ramesh Budha (12) and Rupak Da-
bad light stopped play. New Zea- Will Somerville for company. 40) conceded a couple of early only after several frontline bats- made 91 in the first innings, 282, hitting 12 fours and two hal (11) were the other batsmen who
land opener Will Young was given Earlier, New Zealand’s Tim boundaries before he dismissed men. Iyer’s fairytale start presents was batting on 12 and Yasir sixes. Taijul struck in the first contributed in double figures.
lbw to Ashwin, which could have Southee (3-75) struck twice in Cheteshwar Pujara, who made the team management with a se- Ali on 8 after surviving sever- over of the day, dismissing Aakash Chand, Narayan Joshi and
been reversed but the batsman three balls in the morning session 22, to open the flood gates. lection headache as Kohli is set to al close calls. Abdullah Shafique and Sher Malla took three wickets each
was late to review the decision. as they blew away India’s top or- Left-arm spinner Ajaz Patel fur- return for the second and final Despite the first-innings Azhar Ali via review with for Sudurpashchim, while Narendra
Tom Latham will resume on two der after the home side had re- ther pegged back India when he Test in Mumbai from Friday. deficit, Pakistan fought back consecutive deliveries. Saud bagged one.

ied and written about Dylan. He
s9/52,5#+ said in an essay for the exhibit that
he found online references tying
one of the paintings showing a
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: You are friendly, warm and optimistic when man in a black leather jacket
dealing with others. You are curious, candid and idealistic. You love pouring sugar on his coffee to a
to make people laugh. This is the perfect year for you to wrap

scene at a diner in the 1981 film
up things that you have been involved with for the past nine years.
The Loveless, where actor Willem
Certainly, you want to clear your plate of anything that is no longer
relevant in your life.
Dafoe embodies a biker.
Thomas found a scene from the
Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important 1971 movie Shaft with actor Rich-
decisions today. The Moon is in Libra. ard Roundtree ordering street food

Bob Dylan
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Today your idealism is in Times Square. Other new works
aroused, which is why you might share something show cowboys, men in undershirts
with someone who has less. Or you might make and barber’s poles, another
plans to benefit another culture or country. You also recurring object used by Dylan.
might make travel plans. Basically, you want to do “Just like the scenes he has been

the Artist,
good. Tonight: Study. ✹✹✹ creating in songs for all these years,
the scenes of Deep Focus will keep
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Expect discussions about Dylan scholars busy in the years to
shared property, inheritances, insurance matters or come,” Thomas wrote.
how to divide something today. It will be easy to work
Besides the works in his new se-
with others because they will be on the same page as

in new
you. You’ll find people to be reasonable. Tonight:
ries, other works that will be shown
Check your finances. ✹✹✹ in Miami have been previously ex-
hibited in places such as the
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You feel generous today, Halcyon Gallery and the National
especially at work, which is why you might help a Portrait Gallery in London.
Previous paintings reflect

co-worker or use your influence at work to help a
third party. Discussions with someone will be practi- images of America from the
cal and supportive. Others might get on board with point of view of a road traveller.
your ideas. Tonight: Serious discussions. ✹✹✹✹✹ Realistic depictions of diners, mo-
tels, marquees, gas stations and
CANCER (June 21-July 22): You are in touch with your
railway tracks appear frequently
creative juices today, which is good news for those
throughout his artwork.
who work in the arts or the entertainment world. Be-
cause you feel sympathetic to the needs of children,
“It’s almost like looking at
you will help them if you can. Meanwhile, at work, you a pamphlet of his memories,”
will tackle practical issues. Tonight: Work. ✹✹✹ Baitel, the artistic director, said.
Dylan has also experimented
LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Today you will help a family with perspective, seemingly imi-
member if you can. This is a good day to talk to chil- tating the work of Vincent Van
Photos: AP
dren and young people. It’s also a good day to make Gogh in The Bedroom to paint cor-
social plans and explore a vacation possibility. These Associated Press iconic landscape in many of his ners of a New York City apartment.
are all things that are dear to your heart. Tonight: Get Miami films. Past the wall with the paint- And he has done variations by
organised. ✹✹✹✹ ing of the reddish buttes is a room drawing the same characters

ob Dylan has been tell- with the new series called Deep Fo- changing the colour of the back-
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Sit down with a family mem-
ing stories through cus, named after a technique in drops and their clothing, or just
ber today for a practical discussion, because you will
accomplish something. It might relate to family mat-
songs for 60 years. But cinematography where nothing is depicting them at a different time
ters or home repairs and improvements. Perhaps recently America’s mas- blurred out. of the day, like Claude Monet’s
you’re preparing for an entertaining event at home. ter lyricist has also cap- “All these images come from Rouen Cathedral series.
Tonight: Family matters. ✹✹✹ tured moments in a new series of films. They try to highlight the dif- The exhibit has some interactive
paintings that, just like his songs, ferent predicaments that people displays for music fans. The 64
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Whatever work you do today are intimate and a bit of a mystery. find themselves in,” Dylan is quot- cards with words from the lyrics of
will be done carefully and thoroughly. No mistakes. The most comprehensive exhi- ed as saying in one of the walls. Subterranean Homesick Blues that
You will be like the wise carpenter: “Measure twice, bition of the Nobel laureate’s visual “The dreams and schemes are the he flipped through in one of the
cut once.” This is why discussions with others will be art to be held in the US goes on dis- same — life as it’s coming at you in earliest music videos ever made
about practical things and what is doable. Someone play on November 30 in Miami at all its forms and shapes.” were framed and lined up in eight
older might have advice for you. Tonight: Make plans. ✹✹✹✹✹ the Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Mu- Dylan offers a lot of city life the columns by eight rows, while the
seum. Forty new pieces by the way Ashcan School artists advocat- clip is played on loop.
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): This is an excellent day
for financial transactions, because you will be fair
80-year-old songwriter will be ed when they depicted realistic im- It’s not yet clear whether Dylan,
in your approach to dealing with others. Furthermore, showcased for the first time. ages of people’s hardships at the who is currently on tour for his
you will not overlook important details. You will The exhibition with more than turn of the 20th Century. 39th album Rough and Rowdy
see the simplest way to get something done, and you A jazz band plays in a colourful Ways will pay a visit.
will do it. An older family member might have advice for you. club in one of the paintings; a grey- Jordana Pomeroy, director of the
Tonight: Save money. ✹✹✹ show as the artistic director of the haired man counts wads of cash in Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Muse-
Modern Art Museum Shanghai, another. He depicts two men um, said it will be its first ticketed
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): This is a solid day for where it debuted. “Dylan is able to fighting in a boxing match and event since the museum first
you. Discussions with others might focus on practical express himself in so many ways.” portrays a woman sitting alone at a opened in 2008. The Florida Inter-
matters, but this will please you because you want to A breathtaking giant canvas of a bar drinking and smoking with an national University will be holding
get things done. Fortunately, people will listen to you. sunset in Monument Valley on the intriguing look on her face. a symposium on Dylan inviting
Meanwhile, privately, you want to help someone in Utah-Arizona line serves as an Linking the images of Dylan’s lat- scholars to discuss the songwriter’s
need. Tonight: Tidy up. ✹✹✹✹ introduction to Dylan’s newest est works to specific movies will entire body of work.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): You might shop for works. He has mentioned his ad- take some internet sleuthing. “ That’s the treatment we
wardrobe items today. This is a good idea, because miration of Western movie director Richard F Thomas is a Harvard are going to give Bob Dylan,”
you will like what you see in the mirror. You’ll find it John Ford, who used that same University classicist who has stud- Pomeroy said.
easy to get along with friends and groups; however,
you also will welcome a chance to enjoy time alone to
think. Tonight: Research. ✹✹✹
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): You have solid, practical
advice for someone younger today, perhaps a friend
or people in a group situation. For example, this is an
excellent day to teach or give a lecture. You have a
firm resolve about wanting to achieve certain goals,
but you’re not going to be pushy. Tonight: Set goals. ✹✹✹✹✹ 180 acrylics, watercolours, draw- Stone. His pieces, loaned from pri-
PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Today you have a genuine ings and ironwork sculptures will vate collections around the world,
concern for the suffering of others, especially in dis- kick off the same week as Art Basel also include abstract sketches from
tant lands or other cultures. If you can do something Miami Beach and will run through the 1970s, and covers six large
to help, you will. To see what remedies are possible, April 17 with no future stops rooms. But the vast majority was
you might speak to parents, teachers and people in announced yet. Tickets are $16 and created in the past 15 years.
authority. Tonight: Impress someone. ✹✹✹ are booked by hourly slots. “He was recognised in every pos-
‘Retrospectrum’ includes some sible way as a writer, as a compos-
Born today: Actor Chadwick Boseman (1976), actress Anna Faris (1976), of Dylan’s works from the 1960s, er, as a singer, as a performer and
actor Don Cheadle (1964) By Georgia Nicols starting with pencil sketches he so on. It is now that the audience
The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult made of his songs such as Highway sees also the last element,” said
61 Revisited and Like a Rolling Shai Baitel, who conceived the

Atwood gets her own &OR3PIELBERG Safety first: children in need.

“There are so many peo-
ple who don’t even have

stamp in honour of 7EST3IDE Salman urges water to drink and you are
all wasting milk like this. If
you want to do something,
3TORYISMOST fans not to burst
I request all my fans to use

60 years of writing DAUNTINGFILM

this milk to feed all those
poor children who don’t
get to drink milk,” he wrote

firecrackers in alongside the clip.

TTAWA: Canada’s postal Antim was released
service on November 25 theatrically on November
celebrated the 60-year
writing career of The Hand- movie halls 26. — PTI

maid’s Tale author Margaret UMBAI: Acclaimed
Atwood by featuring her image Hollywood filmmaker

on a stamp. Steven Spielberg says UMBAI: Sharing a video of fire-
At a ceremony at a Toronto li- the film adaptation of the musi-
works being set off during the the- SUDOKU-4474
brary, Ottawa-born Atwood re- cal West Side Story is the most atrical screening of his latest film
acted with humour to the “un- daunting work of his career. part to reflect different perspec- Antim: The Final Truth, Bollywood super-
expected honour”, welcoming From a screenplay by Pulitzer tives and moments in me into star Salman Khan has urged his fans to
friends and family, and “those Prize and Tony Award winner the work.” steer clear of such activities that can cause
who intend to make fun of me Tony Kushner, West Side Story The film stars Ansel Elgort, a “huge fire hazard”.
for being on a stamp”. tells the classic tale of fierce Rachel Zegler, Ariana DeBose, Khan took to Instagram on November 27
“On a stamp, really, the rivalries and young love in 1957 David Alvarez, Mike Faist, Josh night to appeal to his ardent followers to
nerve,” she quipped dryly. “How New York City. Andres Rivera, Ana Isabelle, Co- not put anyone’s life in danger.
ever will I live it down... How Bringing together the best of rey Stoll, Brian d’Arcy James and “Request my fans to not take firecrackers
cringe. How eye-rolling.” both Broadway and Hollywood, Rita Moreno. inside the auditorium as it could prove to
“Be prepared for a bunch of Spielberg reveals how he felt Speilberg said, “What is so be a huge fire hazard thereby endangering
jokes about licking and sticking, in Canada and the United directing the film. wonderful about this story your lives and also others (sic),” the
not to mention cancellation and States, calling for action on cli- “This film is probably the is that, no matter how much 55-year-old actor wrote in the caption of
especially not to mention phi- mate change and an end to most daunting of my career. the world around us changes, the clip he posted on November 27 night.
lately,” she said, recalling her gender discrimination. West Side Story is arguably the the lessons and insights it offers Khan also asked the theatre owners to
childhood collection of stamps The award-winning writer greatest score ever written in the us do not.” not allow firecrackers inside the auditori-
ripped off envelopes pulled has 50 works to her credit, in- theatre, and that’s not lost on “It’s a story that has captivat- um. “My request to theatre owners to YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION
from trash bins. cluding novels, short fiction and any of us,” Spielberg said. ed audiences for decades be- not allow firecrackers to be taken inside
The new stamp features a pic- poetry, and has sold millions of “It’s very intimidating to take cause it is not just a love story the cinema hall and security should stop
ture of Atwood — eyes closed books translated into more than a masterpiece and make it but also a culturally significant them from doing so at the entry point (sic)” HOW TO SOLVE:
and one hand on her cheek — 30 languages. The Handmaid’s through different eyes and dif- work with a central premise — he said. Every number from 1 to 9
with the lines “A word after a Tale — about a totalitarian re- ferent sensibilities without that love transcends prejudice “Enjoy the film by all means but please must appear in each of the 9
word after a word is power,” gime that forces fertile women compromising the integrity and intolerance — that hasn’t please avoid this is my request to all my vertical columns, in each of
from her poem Spelling. to reproduce for barren elite of what is generally considered lost its relevance over me. West fans... thank u (sic)’’ the actor added. the 9 horizontal rows and in
Atwood also used the couples — was published in the greatest music ever written Side Story means so much to so Later in the day, Khan posted another each of the 9 boxes
unveiling to advocate for caus- 1985 but remains relevant, and for the theatre.” many, and I’m thrilled to have video on Instagram, this time of his fans
es, recounting a friend’s vow in the public consciousness Speilberg added, “But I this chance to give it new bathing his poster from Antim with milk.
to slap the stamps with her thanks to Hulu’s Emmy-winning believe that great stories should life and share it with a new The actor urged them to avoid such
likeness on letters to lawmakers television adaptation. — AFP be told over and over again, in audience.” — IANS wastage and instead donate the milk to

Published by: International Media Network Nepal (Pvt) Ltd, APCA House, Baidya Khana Road, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal, PO Box 11651 Phone: 4770358, E-mail: [email protected] Regd No 143/051/052 Postal Regd. 62/072/73 Printed at: Sama Printers (Pvt) Ltd, Sainbu, Lalitpur. Acting Editor: Rajan Pokhrel

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