The Himalayan: Looms, Nepal Grapples With Indecision, Bureaucratic Inertia
The Himalayan: Looms, Nepal Grapples With Indecision, Bureaucratic Inertia
The Himalayan: Looms, Nepal Grapples With Indecision, Bureaucratic Inertia
is opening in Europe’s Alps Page 6 Nepal lose to UAE, fail to qualify Page 7
Nepal’s No. 1 Weather: Mainly fair
The Himalayan
English Daily Max: 19-21oC Min: 06-08oC Sunrise 06:36 Sunset 17:09
s 3(/24 4!+%3
looms, Nepal
grapples with
An Italian coastguard member holding a
baby in his arms after a rescue operation of
a boat in distress carrying migrants in the
Mediterranean Sea, near Roccella Jonica,
off Calabria coast, Italy, on Sunday.
THE HAGUE/BERLIN: The Netherlands con- The bridge connecting Ramprasad Rai and Hatuwagadi rural municipalities in Bhojpur caved in while its construction
firmed 13 cases of the new Omicron variant
of the coronavirus and Australia found two
s "OOSTER SHOTS FOR FULLY was on. The bridge was being constructed over the Kava River at a cost of more than Rs 5 crore.
on Sunday as the countries half a world apart
became the latest to detect it in travellers ar-
by those provinces.
riving from southern Africa. A growing raft of
curbs are being imposed by nations around IN NEAR FUTURE He said the government #/6)$
the world as they scramble to slow the vari- had placed order for 10 mil-
Covishield/AZ Vero Cell Pfizer Total Janssen Fully
ant’s spread. (Details on Page 5) Himalayan News Service and provide booster shots to lion doses of Moderna/Pfizer
Kathmandu, November fully vaccinated people, it will vaccines and the supplier
need more than 69 million vac- company would make them First dose Second dose First dose Second dose First dose First dose Second dose 1,546,536 8,290,402
While many countries of Europe cines. That means Nepal needs available in one month. (27.3% of
the estimated
.%0!, #/5.4 and Americas are scrambling to
deal with the challenges posed
to arrange millions of doses and
that too within a short span of
Asked if the government
had the capacity to provide population)
by the new variant of the COV- time to deal with the new variant booster shots to those who 3,245,908 1,894,553 6,247,295 4,849,313 50,205 9,543,408 6,743,866
ID-19 pandemic known as Omi- of COVID-19. had already received the dou- 58.4% 77.6% 70.7%
cron, the Government of Nepal Minister of Health and Popu- ble dose of vaccine, he said,
Source: Ministry of Health and Population
does not appear to be fully pre- lation Birodh Khatiwada told “First of all we want to pro-
pared to deal with the challenge, The Himalayan Times that the vide vaccines to all citizens by that, we cannot think of think of providing booster vide double doses to all the
least of all vaccinate all of its citi- country had already imported mid-April and unless we do booster shots. Maybe we can shots to people once we pro- population.”
zens quickly. about 25 million doses of COV-
To add to the obvious lack of ID-19 vaccine and 35 million
clarity on the vaccination policy, doses of vaccine were in the
a tussle of sorts has broken pipeline. But there is no com-
out within the health ministry mitted delivery schedules from
between the political leadership any of the companies as well the
Updated COVID-19 figures and the bureaucracy on the Covax facility.
critical issue of stockpiling vac- Khatiwada said the govern-
on Sunday cines to deal with the emerging ment was also trying to procure
Confirmed cases 820,878 health crisis. vaccines from multiple compa-
As a result, while rest of the nies, including Serum Institute
Total tests (PCR) 4,611,000 world is hastening with its vacci- of India, as per its needs. He said
nation and booster immunisa- the government had already re-
New Tests 6,604 tion programmes, Nepal is still ceived two million doses of
grappling with the tug of war be- COVID vaccines from Serum In-
In Quarantine 98 tween the two groups. stitute of India and was in the
The country needs more than process of ordering another
In Isolation 6,966 50 million doses of COVID-19 five million doses directly from
Recovered 802,389 vaccines for its estimated 31 mil- them this week.
lion population, but as of now “We have signed the non-dis-
Deaths 11,523 only 8,290,402 people have closure agreement with them
received both the doses of for procuring additional vac-
(Source: MoHP)
vaccines. A total of 9,543,408 cines,” he said.
people have received single dose However Adhikari disputed
of vaccines. the minister’s statement by as-
Ac c o rd i n g t o A s s i s t a n t serting that no vaccine will be
Spokesperson for the Ministry of ordered from the Indian compa-
Health and Population Samir ny directly. “There is no such
Kumar Adhikari, the govern- move,” he said.
ment has set a target of vaccinat- Regarding the omicron crisis,
ing 23,232,477 people above Khatiwada said the government
12 years of age by mid-April. had not yet discussed the chal-
Adhikari said the government lenges posed by the new variant
had dwelt on providing booster of COVID-19. He said the issue
shots to fully vaccinated people would soon be discussed in the
but had not reached any conclu- COVID-19 Crisis Management
&/2%8 sion yet. Coordination Centre meeting
CURRENCY UNIT BUYING (in Rs) SELLING (in Rs) The government has also and in the Cabinet.
Indian Rs 100 160.00 160.15 dwelt on vaccinating children Asked if the government was
US Dollar 1 119.50 120.10 bellow 12 years of age, but it fully prepared to deal with the
Euro 1 135.26 135.94 wants to see the results of the in- new variant of the pandemic,
Pound Sterling 1 159.44 160.24 oculation of children below 12 Khatiwada said the government
Swiss Franc 1 129.32 129.96 years of age in other countries had the stocks of COVID-19
Japanese Yen 10 10.54 10.60 before starting their inoculation, vaccines and it was in a position
Chinese Yuan 1 18.69 18.79 Adhikari said. to supply the required number
The foreign exchange rates are fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank
If Nepal has to inoculate all its of COVID-19 vaccines to any
population above 12 years of age city or province as demanded
AS #/6)$ CASES
Himalayan News Service have to change and mutate, and
Kathmandu, November 28 the pandemic will last longer,”
the regional director said.
In view of the surge in COVID-19 According to WHO, the most
cases elsewhere and detection of important thing people must do
a new variant of concern ‘Omi- is reduce their risk of exposure to
cron’, the World Health Organi- the virus – wear a mask and wear
sation has appealed to countries it properly covering nose and
in South-East Asia Region to mouth, keep distance, avoid
scale up surveillance, strengthen poorly ventilated or crowded
public health and social meas- spaces, keep hands clean, cover
ures, and enhance vaccination cough and sneeze, and get vacci-
coverage. This region comprises nated. “As of today, 31 per cent of
11 countries, including Nepal. the region’s population is fully
In a press release issued by vaccinated, 21 per cent partially
New Delhi-based WHO South- vaccinated while nearly 48 per
East Asia Regional Office yester- cent or about a billion people are
day, Regional Director at WHO yet to receive even a single dose
Naresh Shrestha / THT
South-East Asia Region Dr Poon- of the COVID-19 vaccine,” she
am Khetrapal Singh said, said, adding that they continue Locals and devotees carrying the chariot of goddess Guheshwori and Taleju during Guheshwori jatra in Kathmandu, on Sunday.
“Though COVID-19 cases have to be at risk of contracting severe
been declining in most coun- disease due to the virus.
tries of our region, the surge in
cases elsewhere in the world and
confirmation of a new variant of
concern, is a reminder of the
Even after getting vaccinated,
everyone must continue to take
precautions to prevent being in-
fected or infecting someone else
Rare golden tortoise rescued, four arrested s ). "2)%&
persisting risk and the need for who may get severely affected by Himalayan News Service with Rs 36,655. The tortoise lot of attention upon its dis- national trading of the spe-
us to continue to do our best to the virus. Kathmandu, November 28 has been sent to Division covery. cies have been prohibited. Kanwe Bhaktapur NC
protect against the virus and The WHO’s Technical Adviso- Forest Office, Hattisar. The As per police, the main According to Mithila Wild-
prevent its spread. At no cost ry Group on Virus Evolution met Police successfully rescued a arrestees have been sent to reason for poaching of this life Trust, which identified president candidate
should we let our guard down. yesterday and designated rare golden tortoise from judicial custody. endangered species is that it the turtle as an Indian Flaps-
The countries must enhance B.1.1.529 as a variant of concern poachers from Soaltee Doba- Police said the turtle’s price is considered an incarnation hell Turtle or Lissemys punc- BHAKTAPUR: Ashtakumar Kanwe
surveillance and sequencing, and named it ‘Omicron’. Re- to in Kathmandu last night. inside the country could be of Lord Vishnu in Hindu reli- tata andersoni, the reptile has announced candidacy for the
she suggested. “They should as- searchers are working to under- A similar kind of golden above Rs 2.5 million. Howev- gion. A turtle is regarded as gets its unique colour from a post of Nepali Congress Bhaktapur
sess the risk of importation stand how transmissible or viru- tortoise was discovered for er, the price may be higher in an incarnation of lord Vishnu rare genetic mutation that al- District Working Committee head. He
through international travel lent this variant is, and how it the first time in Nepal in foreign countries. The res- and has religious and cultur- ters its pigmentation. The announced his candidacy for the post
based on updated information will impact diagnostics, thera- 2018. It was said that such a cued reptile is an Indian al values attached to it in Ne- condition that gives the tur- of district president at a programme
on circulating variants and re- peutics, and vaccines. discovery was the seventh in Flapshell Turtle. It gets its pal, India and other coun- tle its dazzling gold shell is on Saturday in the presence of former
sponse capacities, and take “We must not forget that the the world. Hence, it is con- unique golden colour from a tries among Hindus commu- called chromatic leucism. NC district presidents Mahesh Shrest-
measures accordingly. Compre- pandemic is far from over. As so- sidered a very rare animal. rare genetic mutation that nities. “But since the rescued Golden tortoise was dis- ha and Ganeshman Chakradhar. Kan-
hensive and tailored public cieties open up, we should not The arrestees have been changes its natural pigmen- turtle is a golden one, the covered in Nepal for the first we said he was standing for the post
health and social measures to get complacent. Festivities and identified as Sanjay Tamang, tation. The condition is price can go really high in the time in Dhanusadham Pro- of NC district president to re-establish
prevent transmission must con- celebrations must include all 44, of Kathmandu, Prakash called chromatic leucism black market,” said DSP tected Forest in Janakpur the Congress party as the number one
tinue. The earlier the protective p re c a u t i o n a r y m e a s u re s. Khati, 22, of Tanahun, Raj Ku- that changes the colour. Niranjan Datta Bhatta at with the assistance of Mithila party. I will not run for the post of
measures are implemented, the Crowds and large gatherings mar Tamang, 33, of Dolakha, Herpetofauna researcher MPR, Teku. Wildlife Trust. Police are still mayor, state assembly member or
less restrictive they would need must be avoided. The current and Hari Pariyar, 42, of Tana- Kamal Devkota told THT that The rescued species is pro- unknown from where poach- federal member of the Parliament he
to be in order to be effective. The situation warrants further step- hun. Acting on a tip-off, Met- the glittering yellow pigmen- tected by CITES against ex- ers got the animal. Likewise, added. Former district presidents
more COVID-19 circulates, the ping up efforts on all fronts,” the ropolitan Police Range, Kath- tation among wild animals is ploitation. The commercial police are unaware about Shrestha and Chakradhar urged the
more opportunities the virus will regional director said. mandu arrested them along normally rare and attracts a selling and buying and inter- their prospective clients. current district presidents to abide by
the agreement and cooperation
reached at the 13th general conven-
tion. Former president of Nepal Tarun
Dal Binod Kayastha, Congress district
Secretary Uddhav Silwal and others
said that unity and cooperation was
Rastriya Samachar Samiti ble up till here. Six-thou-
Beni, November 28 sand-five-hundred stone
steps are part of the 14
Construction of basic kilometres constructed
tourism infrastructure along the trail, according
along ‘Maurice Herzog to Trail Construction
Trail’ has neared comple- Committee local coordi-
tion. The trail is named af- nator Tej Gurung.
ter French alpinist Mau- Gurung who is also the
rice Herzog, who was the chair of Annapurna Con-
first to reach the top of An- servation Area Manage-
napurna I in 1950. ment Committee, Nar-
A trekking route, resting chyang, said the trekking
places and other neces- track was identified 10
sary structures have been years ago. The Nilgirikhola
constructed targeting the Hydro Power Project had
trail that serves as access built a13-kilomtre access
route towards the base route from Dobhan to
camp of the 8,091 metres Humkhola. The construc-
tall Mt Annapurna I in tion of the road shortens
Myagdi, the district in the trip to the base camp.
Gandaki Province. The newly developed
With the development trekking route comprises
of infrastructure, the base suspension bridges at
camp is now two days’ Chhotepa, Humkhola,
walk from Narchyang Phutphute Spring, Bhus-
of Annapurna Rural Mu- ket, and Dharmashala,
nicipality. while the construction of
The Ministry of Culture, resting places is in pro-
Tourism and Civil Aviation gress at six locations. Rail-
had allocated Rs 28 mil- ings have been fixed at ge-
lion to undertake the ographically challenging
project that had begun points. As of now, the over-
last year. The trekking all progress is 70 per cent
route begins from Humk- and the project is likely to
hola as transport facility be completed within the
from Narchyang is availa- next two months, it is said.
Nepal’s ballooning trade deficit
Serious adjustment needed
Don’t be afraid of failure. This is the way to succeed SHANKER MAN SINGH port-oriented industries on Production, infrastructure give proper incentives to quate infrastructure and Multilateral and Regional
— Lebron James the basis of competitive- and marketing are the key achieve the export target, if bureaucratic hurdles, along Trade Arrangements (RTA),