5 Classic Laughter Yoga Exercises

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5 Classic Laughter Yoga Exercises

1. Cell Phone Laughter: Hold an imaginary cell phone to your ear and laugh.
2. Gradient laughter: Fake a smile; giggle, then laugh slowly and gradually
increase in tempo and volume.
3. Greeting Laughter: Greet everybody the way you normally greet (e.g. shake
hands) and replace words with laughter.
4. Hearty Laughter: spread your arms up, look up and laugh heartily as you direct
your laughter to come straight from your heart.
5. Think Of A Socially Awkward Situation And Laugh At It (e.g. shoe laces
untied, shaving cream behind your ears…)

5 Laughter Yoga Exercises To Release Stress

1. Argument Laughter: voice your discontent in laughter sounds only, or in pig-
latin. You can be as passionate as you’d like and point fingers if you want, just
don’t hit (or even threaten to hit) anything or anybody.
2. Credit Card Bill Laughter: open an imaginary credit card bill (or any other
letter that represents a bad news to you) and burst out laughing the second you
look at what’s inside.
3. Electric Shock Laughter: Imagine that everything and everybody you touch
gives you a shock of static electricity. Jump backward and laugh each time it
happens (make it happen a lot).
4. I Don’t Know Why I Am Laughing: laugh (fake is perfectly fine) and shrug
your shoulders and make a big smile as you look at yourself in a mirror or
anybody else who might be there and try to convey the message with your eyes
and body language “I absolutely don’t know why I am laughing”.
5. No Money Laughter: laugh as turn your pockets inside out looking for money
that isn’t there.

5 Laughter Yoga Exercises To Help You “Loosen Up”

1. Find Your Laughter Center: Probe your head with one finger as if looking for
your laughter center. Imagine that each spot you push on triggers a different
laughter sound.
2. Figure Of Eight Laughter: Laugh as you draw several imaginary figures of
eight in the air with your head, shoulders, hips, knees.
3. Hula Hoop Laughter: imagine having a hula hoop around your hips. Get the
hoop in motion by moving your hips back and forth saying “aeeeeeeeeee”. Once
you feel your hoop is in motion laugh as you keep swinging it.
4. Mental Floss Laughter: Move your hands sideways on either side of your head
as if you were flossing your brain (why not?) and laugh as you do so.
5. Stage Actor Laughter Technique: imagine you are the best Shakespearean
actor in the world. Make large movements in the air with your arms as you recite
your lines in laughter sounds.

5 Laughter Yoga Exercises For Children

 Baby Laughter: one person must demonstrate how a baby laughs (take turns!).
Everybody else must then do the same things.
 Favorite Animal Laughter: laugh and behave the way your favorite animal or
pet would behave if it was very happy to see you.
 Chicken Laughter: Imagine you are a chicken. First lay 3 eggs in 3 laughs, then
laugh with lots of excitement in your voice as you go tell the world about it.
 Jumping Frog: squat down, hands on the floor between your knees. Jump once
saying “ha”, then a second time saying “ha ha”, a third time saying “ha ha ha”,
then jump in fast succession laughing a lot.
 Laughter Vowels: let’s learn the laughter vowels! Let’s start with “A” as in
“hat”: Aaaaa ha ha ha ha ha”. Next is “E” as in “hen”: Eeeee he he he he he.
Next is “I” a in “hiccup”: Iiiii hi hi hi hi hi. Next is “O” as in “Otto”: Ooooo ho
ho ho ho ho. Last is “U” as in “soup”: Uuuuu hu hu hu hu hu.

5 Laughter Yoga Exercises For Seniors

 Back Pain Laughter: lean forward and put your hand on your lower back, then
laugh as if you could not stand back up.
 Conductor Laughter: Imagine you are a conductor. Direct an imaginary
orchestra with enthusiastic arm movements as you sing any song of your choice
in laughter sounds only e.g. (ho ho ho) or “ha ha ha”.
 Ear-Wiggle Laughter: slowly slide your left hand upward along the left side of
your head, slowly going over your head as you say an extended “aeeee” sound,
then laugh as you wiggle your right ear with your left fingers. Do the same on
the other side. Repeat a few times.
 Laughter Pill: take some laughter pills! Each pill has a unique effect and makes
you laugh and jerk in a peculiar way for just a few seconds. Try another one as
soon as the effects wear off.
 Vowel Movement Laughter: have you had your vowel movement today?
Laugh in the tonality of the following sounds: Eee Eee Eee Eee! Aye aye aye
aye! Ah ah ah ah! Ho ho ho ho! Ooo ooo ooo ooo! Uh uh uh uh!

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