This document provides specifications for a proposed G+1 villa with gym and driver room on Plot 1340719 in Al Mamzar, Dubai. It outlines the minimum and maximum requirements for concrete mixes to be used in substructures and superstructures. For substructures in direct contact with soil, the concrete must be a minimum grade of C40 with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40 and a minimum cement content of 340kg/m3 using CEM I cement with 36% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and 5% microsilica. For superstructures, the concrete must be a minimum grade of C40 with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40 and a
This document provides specifications for a proposed G+1 villa with gym and driver room on Plot 1340719 in Al Mamzar, Dubai. It outlines the minimum and maximum requirements for concrete mixes to be used in substructures and superstructures. For substructures in direct contact with soil, the concrete must be a minimum grade of C40 with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40 and a minimum cement content of 340kg/m3 using CEM I cement with 36% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and 5% microsilica. For superstructures, the concrete must be a minimum grade of C40 with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40 and a
This document provides specifications for a proposed G+1 villa with gym and driver room on Plot 1340719 in Al Mamzar, Dubai. It outlines the minimum and maximum requirements for concrete mixes to be used in substructures and superstructures. For substructures in direct contact with soil, the concrete must be a minimum grade of C40 with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40 and a minimum cement content of 340kg/m3 using CEM I cement with 36% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and 5% microsilica. For superstructures, the concrete must be a minimum grade of C40 with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40 and a
This document provides specifications for a proposed G+1 villa with gym and driver room on Plot 1340719 in Al Mamzar, Dubai. It outlines the minimum and maximum requirements for concrete mixes to be used in substructures and superstructures. For substructures in direct contact with soil, the concrete must be a minimum grade of C40 with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40 and a minimum cement content of 340kg/m3 using CEM I cement with 36% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and 5% microsilica. For superstructures, the concrete must be a minimum grade of C40 with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40 and a
Project: DRIVER ROOM ON PLOT NO : 1340719 AT AL Location: AL MAMZAR, DUBAI, UAE. MAMZAR, DUBAI, UAE. Client: Mr. ALI SHABAN DERAR TAWFIQ ABDULLAH Consultant: ORBIT ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS PIONEERS LABORATORY FOR SOIL Plot No: 1340719 LAB: AND MATERIAL TESTING Concrete Table for this Site Conditions Type of Structure: Substructures MINIMU MAXIMUM MINIMUM M Options Cement/Combin Type of Cement/Combination Cover W/C Ratio ation Content (mm) (Kg/m3) 1 2 Option 1 C40 75 /50 0.40 340 CEM I with 36% GGBS + 5% MICRO SILICA 1) For concrete in direct contact with soil. 2) For concrete in contact with blinding.
Type of Structure: Superstructures
SpecifiedMINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM Options/ Cement/Combin Type of Cement / Combination Element Concrete Cover W/C Ratio ation Content Grade (mm) (Kg/m3) Option 1 C40 30 0.40 340 CEM I with 36% to 65% GGBS Notes: 1- Precautionary measures shall be taken to control temperature and temperature differences in mass concrete placements. 2- Fly Ash shall conform to (BS EN 450-1). 3- Engineers y , technicians g , Site Laboratory shalljbe approved byQDCCA y before pp commencing any Concrete works and related testing y activity. Regulations. 5- Concrete cover blocks shall be per BS 8110 & BS 7973 and not be made at site. 6- Lab Trial Mix and Plant Trial Mix shall be conducted for each concrete mix. 7- The concrete mix design should achieve the specified Durability and other requirments.