Laboratory Study: Palawan State University Puerto Princesa City
Laboratory Study: Palawan State University Puerto Princesa City
Laboratory Study: Palawan State University Puerto Princesa City
Name of Patient: L. T. B. Age: 87 y/o Ward: Medical
Chief Complaint: Epigastric pain Attending Physician: Dr. Yap
September Hematology
06, 2010 RBC 3.8 mm3 4-6 mm3 Slightly below normal range Decreases in cases of anemias and
36 % hemorrhage.
HEMATOCRIT 37 % - 47 % Slightly below normal range Decreases in cases of anemias and
12 g/L hemorrhage.
HEMOGLOBIN 11- 16 g/L Within normal range May increase in case of dehydration
and in COPD as compensatory
6.2 g/L mechanism of the body to hypoxia.
WBC 5- 10- g/L Within normal range Increases in acute infection. In the
case of our patient there is no clinical
25 % significance.
LYMPHOCYTES 25- 35 % Within normal range Increases in infectious
mononucleosis and hepatitis. Has no
8% clinical significance in our patient.
MONOCYTES 3- 7 % Slightly elevated Increases in viral infection and
3% hemolytic disorder.
1-3 % Within normal range Increases in allergy and parasitic
08, 2010 3.6 mm3
33 % 4-6 mm3 Below normal range Decreases in cases of anemias and
11.1 g/L 37 %- 0.47 %
HEMATOCRIT Below normal range Decreases in cases of anemias and
11- 16 g/L hemorrhage.
HEMOGLOBIN 4.8 g/L Within normal range May increase in case of dehydration
and in COPD as compensatory
24 % 5- 10- g/L mechanism of the body to hypoxia.
WBC Below normal range Decreases in leucopenia.
10% 25- 35 %
LYMPHOCYTES Slightly below normal range Decreases in aplastic anemia and
3- 7 % immunodefiency.
MONOCYTES 5% Above normal range Increases in viral and parasitic
infection, collagen and hemolytic
1-3 % disorders.
EOSINOPHILS Above normal range Increases in allergy and parasitic
September Urinalysis
05, 2010 Hazy Amber, straw
Normal Concentrated urine is darker in color.
1.010 Abnormal Dilute urine may appear almost
clear. But vaginal drainage may
1.010- 1.025 cause cloudy urine.
Specific Gravity 6.0 Normal Concentrated urine has higher
specific gravity and diluted urine has
4.5- 8 a lower specific gravity.
pH Normal Freshly voided urine is somewhat
acidic. Alkaline urine may indicate
0 UTI, state of alkalosis and diet high
in fruits and vegetables.
0 Absent
WBC Normal Blood indicates UTI and kidney
Absent disease as well as bleeding in the
RBC Normal urinary tract.
September Blood Chemistry 0.05- 1.2
09, 2010 Creatinine 264 Within normal range The amount of creatinine in the
blood relates to renal excretory
Up to 220 U/L function.
Amylase Above normal range Amylase(pancreatic juice)
138 neutralizes the acidic chime coming
from the stomach.
3.7 135- 155 mmol/L
Sodium Within normal range Decrease Na cause muscle twitching,
3.5- 5.5 mmol/L headache and decrease BP.
Potassium 8 Within normal range Hypokalemia can cause muscle weak
ness, fatigue, anorexia and cardiac
8.1- 10.4 mg/dL dysrhythmias.
Calcium Slightly below normal range Decreased Ca level can cause tetatny
with muscle spasms and paresthesia.