Test Results Normal Range Clinical Significance

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Red Blood Cell 4.3 10˄12/L 4.0 – 5.5 10˄12/L Within normal limits- This indicates that the

patient does not have erythrocytosis (if the red

blood cell is high) and other conditions such as

anemia, bone marrow failure, malnutrition, etc.

Hemoglobin 137 g/L 120 -160 g/L Within normal limits- This indicates that the

patient is not anemic which is caused by low red

blood cell count. The patient is also not

experiencing any blood disorders like

polycythemia vera, living at a high altitude,

smoking and dehydration.

Hematocrit 0.39 volume % 0.36 – 0.46 volume % Within normal limits- This indicates that the

patient is not anemic; does not have a large number

of white blood cells due to long term illness,

infection or a white blood cell disorder such as

leukemia or lymphoma; does not have vitamin or

mineral deficiencies; did not experience recent or

long-term blood loss. The patient is also not

dehydrated and does not have lung or heart

MCV 88.9 fL 78 – 102 fL Within normal limits- An MCV blood test

measures the average size of your red blood cells,

also known as erythrocytes. From the results of the

patient’s laboratory test, there are no signs of blood

disorders, vitamin deficiency, or medical condition

which are only a result if the red blood cells are too

small or too large.

MCHC 33.5 g/dL 32.0 – 35.0 g/dL Within normal limits- MCHC stands for mean

corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. It’s a

measure of the average concentration of

hemoglobin inside a single red blood cell. The

patient’s result is within normal limits since she

does not have a condition where red blood cells are

fragile or destroyed, leading to hemoglobin being

present outside of the red blood cells. The patient

is also not anemic.

White Blood Cell 12.9 10˄9/L 5.0 – 10.0 10^9/L High- A high white blood cell count may indicate

that the immune system is working to destroy an

infection. It may also be a sign of physical or

emotional stress. People with particular blood

cancers may also have high white blood cells

Neutrophils 73 % 40 – 70 % High- The increase in the number of the

neutrophils is due to decrease the activity of their

apoptosis mechanism during pregnancy. During

labor, there is further delayed in the neutrophil

apoptosis which lead to further increase of the

white blood cell count after normal vaginal

Lymphocyte 21 % 20 – 45 % Within normal limits- This indicates that the

patient does not have serious conditions such as

lymphocytosis which is a serious condition when

lymphocytes are high, and lymphocytopenia which

is when the patient has low lymphocytes.

Monocyte 5% 0 – 10 % Within normal limits- This indicates that the

patient is not experiencing monocytosis, which is

when the monocytes are high, in response to hronic

infections, in autoimmune disorders, in blood

disorders, and in certain cancers. She is also not

experiencing monocytopenia which is low

monocyte level.
Eosinophil 1% 0–6% Within normal limits- This indicates that the

patient does not have eosinophilia, a high level of

eosinophil condition which is due to asthma,

allergies, eczema, etc. The patient is also not

intoxicated by the alcohol so there is no

abnormally low eosinophil count.

Basophil 0% 0–1% Within normal limits- This indicates that the

patient is not experiencing infections, severe

allergies, or an overactive thyroid gland which is

due to basopenia. There is also no sign for chronic

inflammation in the body which is due to a high

basophil count in the body.
Platelet Count 221 10˄3/uL 150 – 350 10^3/uL Within normal limits- This indicates that the

patient does not have conditions such as low

platelet count known as thrombocytopenia and

high platelet count which known as

MPV 10 fL 8 – 12 fL Within normal limits- The results for MPV depend

on the results for platelet count. Since the patient

have shown normal results for platelet count,

therefore the MPV result is also normal.




MECHANISM OF ACTION INDICATION  10 rights of the patient;

Generic Name: oxytocin Stimulates uterine smooth muscle, Induction of labor at term. Facilitation  This drug occasionally causes water
producing uterine contractions similar of threatened abortion. Postpartum intoxication. Monitor patients for signs
Brand Name: Oxymed to those in spontaneous labor. control of bleeding after expulsion of and symptoms (drowsiness,
Stimulates mammary gland smooth the placenta. listlessness,confusion, headache, anuria)
Classification: hormones muscle, facilitating lactation. has and notify physician or other health care
vasopressor and antidiuretic effects. professional if they occur;
Route: intramuscular CONTRAINDICATION  Do not administer oxytocin
SIDE EFFECTS Contraindicated in patients simultaneously by more than one route;
Frequency/Dosage: 10 units after  Coma and seizures; hypersensitive and has anticipated
delivery of the placenta  Hypotension; nonvaginal delivery.  Magnesium sulphate should be available
 Increased uterine motility; painful Use cautiously in patients who are in if needed for relaxation of the
contractions, abruption placentae, the first and second stage of labor. myometrium.
decreased uterine blood flow,

MECHANISM OF ACTION INDICATION  10 rights of the patient;
Generic Name: cefuroxime Bind to bacterial cell wall membrane, Treatment of the following infections  Observe patient for signs and symptoms
causing cell death. caused by susceptible organisms: of anaphylaxis. Discontinue the drug
Brand Name: Ceftin Therapeutic Effects: Batericidal action miningitis, gynecologic infections, and notify physician or other health care
against susceptible bacteria. lyme disease, otitis media, septicemia, professional immediately if these
Classification: anti-infectives Spectrum: Active against perioperative prophylaxis. symptoms occur. Keep epinephrine, an
Borreliaburgdorferi. antihistamine, and resuscitation
Route: PO CONTRAINDICATION equipment close by in the event of an
SIDE EFFECTS Contraindicated in: Hypersensitivity to anaphylactic reaction;
Dosage: 500 mg/tab  Seizures (high dose); cephalosporins; Serious  Instruct patient to notify health care
 Pseudomembranous colitis, hypersensitivity to penicillins professional if fever and diarrhea
Frequency: BID diarrhea, cramps, nausea, develop, especially if stool contains
vomiting; blood, pus, or mucus. Advise patient not
 Rashes; Allergic reactions to treat diarrhea without consulting
including anaphylaxis and serum health care professional.

Generic Name: mefenamic acid MECHANISM OF ACTION INDICATION  10 rights of the patient;
It is used to ease pain; used to ease For relief of mild to moderate pain in  Observe patient for signs and symptoms
Brand Name: Ponstel painful period (menstrual) cycles; may patients ≥ 14 years of age, when of anaphylaxis. Discontinue the drug
help reduce swelling by lowering levels therapy will not exceed one week (7 and notify physician or other health care
Classification: nonsteroidal anti- of prostaglandin, a hormone-like days); for treatment of primary professional immediately if these
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) substance that usually causes dysmenorrhea. symptoms occur. Keep epinephrine, an
inflammation. antihistamine, and resuscitation
Route: PO CONTRAINDICATION equipment close by in the event of an
SIDE EFFECTS  Contraindicated in the following anaphylactic reaction;
Frequency: PRN TID  Stomach pain; patients:
 Nausea;  Known hypersensitivity (e.g.,  Instruct patient to notify health care
Dosage: 500 mg/tab  Vomiting; anaphylactic reactions and serious professional if fever and diarrhea
 Heartburn; skin reactions) to mefenamic acid develop, especially if stool contains
 Constipation; or any components of the drug blood, pus, or mucus. Advise patient not
 Diarrhea; product ; to treat diarrhea without consulting
 History of asthma, urticaria, or health care professional.
 Rash;
 Dizziness. other allergic-type reactions after
taking aspirin or other NSAIDs.
Severe, sometimes fatal,
anaphylactic reactions to NSAIDs
have been reported in such patients;

* In the setting of coronary artery

bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

Brand Name:Ferralet 90 MECHANISM OF ACTION INDICATION  10 rights of the patient;
Multivitamin and iron product used to Multivitamins with iron are used to  This medication is best taken on an
Generic Name: multivitamins with treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due provide vitamins and iron that are not empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 hours
iron to poor diet, certain illnesses, or during taken in through the diet. They are also after meals. Take with a full glass of
pregnancy. Vitamins and iron are used to treat iron or vitamin water (8 ounces or 240 milliliters) unless
Classification: dietary supplement important building blocks of the body deficiencies caused by illness, your doctor directs you otherwise;
and help keep you in good health. pregnancy, poor nutrition, digestive  If stomach upset occurs, you may take
Route: PO disorders, and many other conditions. this medication with food;
SIDE EFFECTS CONTRAINDICATION  Avoid taking antacids, dairy products,
Dosage:1 tab  Constipation, diarrhea; The following conditions are tea, or coffee within 2 hours before or
 Nausea, vomiting, heartburn; contraindicated with this drug; after this medication because they may
Frequency: OD  Stamch pain;  iron metabolism disorder causing decrease its effectiveness;
 Black or dark—colored stools or increased iron storage
urine;  increased bodily iron from high red  Do not lie down for at least 10 minutes
 Temporary staining of teeth. blood cell destruction after taking the tablets or capsules.
 hemolyticanemia
 ulcer from stomach acid
 burning stomach
 ulcerated colon
 several blood transfusions
 Diverticular Disease
 Allergies:
 Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
 Iron Complex
 Folic Acid Containing Drugs

SUBJECTIVE Risk for fluid At the end of 1 1. Assess color, odor, consistency, and - Assessed color, odor, GOAL MET
DATA: volume deficit hour, the patient amount of vaginal bleeding. Weigh consistency, and Within our care, the
“Awn pa din dugo related to will maintain fluid pads to assess amount of bleeding. amount of vaginal client:
magguwa kakuh” maternal balance as - Provides information about active bleeding. Weigh
(There is still blood bleeding evidenced by stable bleeding versus old blood, and to pads to assess Has no further vaginal
coming out from me/ secondary to vital signs, good amount of bleeding. bleeding;
measure amount of blood loss.
my part) as verbalized disrupted uterine contractility Maintained adequate
2. Assess skin color, moisture, turgor, and
by client. placental as well as skin - Assessed skin color, fluid balance as
implantation. turgor. capillary refill. moisture, turgor, and evidenced by stable vital
OBJECTIVE DATA: - Provides information about blood capillary refill. signs.
Vaginal bleeding volume.
Unable to rise on bed 3. Monitor vital signs frequently Has good uterine
- Early recognition of possible adverse - Monitored vital signs contractility; and good
T= 36°C
frequently skin turgor.
RR= 21bpm effects allows for prompt
BP=120/60 mmHg intervention.
4. Massage the uterus to promote
involution. - Massaged the uterus
- To help expel blood clots, check the to promote
tone and ensure contraction of the involution.
uterus to control and prevent
excessive bleeding.
5. Administer oxytocin medication as per - Administered
oxytocin medication
physician’s order
as per physician’s
- to promote contraction and prevent
further bleeding.

SUBJECTIVE Risk for Within our 1 hour - Performed perineal care GOAL MET
infection span of care, the 1. Perform perineal care while observing while observing proper Within our 1 hour span of
related to client will:

Client verbalized: 1. Not exhibit aseptic technique care, the
“byah masakit inadequate any signs and proper aseptic technique client:
hibalun in siki ku… primary symptoms of - to prevent infection to the area and - Noted signs and
ha tungud lawman sin defense infection such inhibit cross contamination symptoms of fever, Did not manifest any
hitaku” (It is painful (broken skin as fever and (Hadwen,2010). signs and symptoms of
pallor and chills
to move my legs… integrity) chilling 2. Note signs and symptoms of fever, infection as evidenced by
somewhere in my 2. Free of pallor and chills
- Monitored vital signs maintained normal vital
inner thighs) purulent - to assess if infection is occurring signs (T = 36C) and
3. Monitor vital signs especially especially the
drainage or absence of purulent
temperature temperature
erythema discharge from incisions.
OBJECTIVE DATA: 3. Identify - unusual elevation in temperature T=36C
Normal Spontaneous interventions might indicate infection. Ex. Acknowledged the
Vaginal Delivery to Hyperthermia/ chillings (Doenges, importance of proper
Episiotomy area is prevent/reduc M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., &Murr, A. - Inspected the drainage at perineal cleaning in
swollen and reddish e risk of C., 2008). the incision site and consideration with
in color. infection 4. Inspect the drainage at the incision site lochia of the client infection prevention
4. Verbalized and lochia of the client
understanding - purulent drainage is a sign of - Imparted knowledge as Was able to verbalize an
of individual infection to why and how understanding of the risk
risk factors 5. Impart knowledge as to why and how infection is likely to factors
infection is likely to happen happen
- give the client the idea on the
causative factors on infections - Taught the mother about
formation the importance of proper
6. Teach the mother about the importance perineal cleaning
of proper perineal cleaning
- perineal area should be cleansed well
to prevent growth of microorganisms
(Hadwen, 2010).
- Administered anti-
infective medication as
7. Administer anti-infective medication as per physician’s order

per physician’s order
- drug therapies for these
complications include anti-infective
agents to treat maternal infection

SUBJECTIVE Altered Within 1 hour span - Assessed the level of GOAL MET
Comfort: of our care, the 1. Assess the level of pain experienced pain experienced by
DATA: Within 1 hour span off
by the client utilizing the pain scale client utilizing the pain our care, the
Client verbalized: Pain related to client will:
- assessing the pain level experienced scale
“Masakit ha tungud tissue trauma 1. Report client:
by the client determines her
tahi ku“ secondary to reduction of Reported reduced pain
capability to comply with other - Monitored vital signs perception as having a
(It’s painful around right normal pain
my stitches) spontaneous 2. Patient will be especially pulse rate, numeric value of 3
Ex. ability to perform normal task such
vaginal able to cope respiratory rate, and
as eating, breastfeeding and dressing
OBJECTIVE DATA: delivery with pain blood pressure Able to perform
2. Monitor vital signs elevation of pulse
Facial grimacing is 3. Exhibit BP= 120/60 mmHg diversional activities
rate, respiratory rate and blood

evident absence of pressure indicates presence of pain; RR= 21 bpm
Eyes are closed as 4. facial - Serves as comparison from previous PR= 90 bpm Able to exhibit minimal
observed grimacing measurements thus determine any pain grimacing
Moaning can be heard 5. Manifest improvement or further deterioration - Provided comfort
from the patient normal RR of the client’s condition measures such as hot sitz Breastfed the newborn
Narrowed focus is ( 12-20 bpm) 3. Provide comfort measures such as hot bath, cold compress, Able to demonstrate
evident (reduced 6. Verbalize and sitz bath, cold compress, backrub, backrub, and therapeutic proper massaging of the
interaction with demonstrate and therapeutic touch touch uterus
people) method - To provide nonpharmacologic pain PR=90bpm
Rated pain as 5 in a that provide management; To cleanse, relax and RR= 21bpm
scale of 1-10, 1 as relief increase circulation to the area; to BP= 120/60mmHg
- Provided diversional
the lowest and 10 assist in healing; and to provide relief
activities such as ankle
as the highest from discomfort.
pumping, active lower Verbalized “gimamgam
4. Provide diversional activities such as
extremity ROM, and na raisab in sakit amun
ankle pumping, active lower extremity
walking. tyabangan mu aku mag
ROM, and walking.
- To promote circulation, prevent napas maraw iban
venous stasis and pressure on the - manaw”
Encouraged the use of
operative site.
relaxation technique (the pain subsided when
such as deep breathing you helped me breathe
5. Encourage the use of relaxation well and walk)
technique such as deep breathing and and imagery.
- May help decrease pain perception
- Advised mother to
by interrupting the conduction of
breastfeed to promote
nerve pain impulse
6. Advise mother to breastfeed to
promote involution.
- Demonstrated proper
massaging of uterus
7. Demonstrate proper massaging of the
- to ensure contraction of the uterus - Administered
8. Administer medications for pain as medications for pain as
per physician’s order per physician’s order
- Treatment approaches to chronic pain
include pharmacological measures,
such as analgesics, antidepressants
and anticonvulsants


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