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Annex 1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s.


School Barahan NHS Grade Level 11

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher Gerson T. Acosta Sr. Learning Area Probability and Statistics 11
Teaching Dates and Time November 26 - 30, 2018 Quarter THIRD (SECOND SEMESTER)

SESSION 1 (11/26) SESSION 2 (11/27) SESSION 3 (11/28) SESSION 4 (11/29) SESSION 5 (11/30)
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of normal probability distribution.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to accurately formulate and solve real- life problems in different disciplines
C. Learning Competencies/ LC: The learners On - Leave Holiday
1. illustrate a normal
random variable and its
2. construct a normal

M11/12SP – IIIc – 1
M11/12SP – IIIc – 2

At the end of the lesson,

learners should be able to:
describe a normal random
variable and its characteristics;
draw a normal curve;
state the empirical rule.
The Normal Distribution and Its
II. CONTENT Properties
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 164 - 181
2. Learner’s Materials Not yet available
3. Textbook pp. 51 - 55

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Ask learners to recall the
or presenting the new lesson definition of a continuous
random variable. (It is a random
variable that can take any real
value within a specified range
whereas a discrete random
variable takes some on a
countable number of values).
Learners should also remember
that a continuous variable
involves the measurement of
something, such as the height of
a randomly selected student, the
weight of a newborn baby, or
the length of time that the
battery of a cellphone lasts.
B. Establishing a purpose for Consider the following data
the lesson pertaining to hospital weights
(in pounds) of all the 36
babies that were born in the
maternity ward of a certain
The data have an average of
6.11 pounds and a standard
deviation of 1.61 pounds.

Show learners the histogram for

this data set, or ask them to
generate it. Help them
observe that the histogram is
approximately bell-shaped:

C. Presenting Inform learners that many

examples/instances of the continuous random variables,
new lesson such as IQ scores, heights
of people, or weights of M&Ms,
have histograms that have bell-
shaped distributions.

Tell them that the most

important distribution in
statistical science is a normal
distribution, which has a "bell-
shaped" curve. Explain that
there are many reasons why the
normal distribution is
considered the most important
curve in statistics.

Draw a picture of the normal

(bell-shaped) curve

Explain that the graph of the

normal distribution depends on
two factors: the mean m and the
standard deviation σ.

Inform learners that the standard

deviation determines the shape
of the graphs (particularly, the
height and width of the curve).
When the standard deviation is
large, the normal curve is short
and wide, while a small value
for the standard deviation yields
a skinnier and taller graph.

D. Discussing new concepts and Draw the curves on the board

practicing new skills #1
Mention to learners that the
curve above is shorter and wider
than the curve below, because
the curve above has a bigger
standard deviation.

Tell learners that when a

random variable has a normal
distribution with mean m
and variance σ2.

E. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the properties of a

practicing new skills #2 normal distribution.

The total area under the

normal curve is equal to 1.

The probability that a

normal random variable X
equals any particular value
a, P(X=a) is zero (0) (since it
is a continuous random

The probability that X is less
than a equals the area under
the normal curve bounded by a
and minus infinity (as
indicated by the shaded area in
the figure below)

The probability that X is
greater than some value a
equals the area under the
normal curve bounded by a
and plus infinity (as indicated
by the non-shaded area in the
figure above).

Since the normal curve is
symmetric about the mean, the
area under the curve to the
right of m equals the area
under the curve to the left of m
which equals ½, i.e. the mean
m is the median.

The probability density
function is maximized at m,
i.e. the mode is also the mean.

The normal curve has
inflection points (i.e. point at
which a change in the
direction of curvature occurs)
at m - s and at m + s

As x increases without
bound (gets larger and larger),
the graph approaches but never
reaches, the horizontal axis. As
x decreases without bound
(gets larger and larger in the
negative direction), the graph
approaches, but never reaches,
the horizontal axis

Emphasize also to learners that

every normal curve (regardless
of its mean or standard
deviation) conforms to the
following " empirical rule"
(also called the 68-
95-99.7 rule):

F. Developing mastery Validating the Empirical Rule

(Leads to Formative Ask learners to determine what
Assessment ) the frequency and relative
frequency of babies’ weights
that are within:

a) One standard
deviation from the
b) Two standard
deviations from the
c) Three standard
deviations from the
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations and What are the properties of a

abstractions about the lesson normal curve?

I. Evaluating learning Answer the following:

The data below and the

accompanying histogram
give the weights, to the
nearest hundredth of a
gram, of a sample of 100
coins (each with a value of
P10). The mean weight is
8.69 grams and the
standard deviation s is
approximately 0.055 gram.

a. Compare the mean and


b. What percentage of the

data is within one standard
deviation of the mean?
Within two standard
deviations? Within three
standard deviations?

c. Suppose you were to

randomly select a coin
from this collection. What
is the
chance that its weight
would be within one
standard from the mean?
Two standard deviations?
Three standard deviations?

d. What percentage of the

data is below the mean?

e. Suppose you were to

randomly select a coin
from this collection. What
is the
chance that its weight
would be below the mean?
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 11A –
80% in the evaluation 11 B -
B. No. of learners who require 11A –
additional activities for 11 B -
C. Did the remedial lessons 11A –
work? No. of learners who 11 B -
have caught up in the
D. No. of learners who 11A –
continue to require 11 B -
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

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