DLL Q1 - W9
DLL Q1 - W9
DLL Q1 - W9
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Addition and Subtraction of Multiplication and Division of Fundamental Operations of Principal Root: Rational or Irrational Two Integers between square roots
Rational Numbers Rational Numbers Rational Numbers
A. References
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson Recall the process of adding and Recall the process of LONG QUIZ Recall the concept of rational numbers. Given a number, how can you tell if the
or Presenting the New subtracting integers. multiplying and dividing square roots are rational or irrational?
Lesson integers.
B. Establishing a Purpose for A clear understanding in adding A clear understanding in getting the two
the Lesson and subtracting decimal numbers A clear understanding in A clear understanding in describing integers where a square root is in
and fractions. multiplying and dividing decimal whether a principal root is rational or between.
numbers and fractions. irrational.
C. Presenting Answer the ff. Present few examples on the Give examples of the ff. Present a picture of an unusual watch. For not perfect square numbers, the
Examples/Instances of the 1. 6 + (-2) board for each operation. Whole numbers (Refer to TG p. 88). Let students share roots are irrational. Present the number
Lesson 2. ½ + (-1/4) Multiply: Decimal numbers opinions on the picture. line, and then let the students estimate
215.2 x 3.2 = 68.864 Fractions 1. Can you tell the time? location of these points.
Terminating decimal numbers 2. What time is shown in the wristwatch?
Divide. Repeating decimal numbers 3. What do you get when you take the
3.24 ÷ 0.5 √1? √ 4? √ 9? √ 16?
4. Can you take the exact value of √ 130?
D. Discussing New Concepts Adding Decimal numbers: How is it done with decimals? What are perfect square numbers?
and Practicing New Skills #1 82.89 82.89 What considerations are you
+ 12.17 + (-12.17) going to remember?
95. 06 70.72 Identify the place value of the Between what two integers
numbers to the right of the does the square root of 3 lies?
(-82.89) (-82.89) decimal point.
+ (-12.17) + 12.17
-95. 06 -70.72
Adding Fractions:
1 4 3+8 11 3 5
+ = = (- ) + =
2 3 6 6 4 12
−9+5 −4 −1
= =
12 12 3
1 4 −3+8 5 3 5
(- ) + = = (- ) +(- )
2 3 6 6 4 12
= =
−14 −7
12 6
E. Discussing New Concepts State the rule in multiplication What are irrational numbers? Find two consecutive integers
and Practicing New Skills #2 Do the same items with the and division of fraction. between;
operation of subtraction.
F. Developing Mastery Multiply/divide (Drill) in pairs Identify if the principal root of a given Drill: Use worksheet
(Leads to Formative 5/12∙6/5 , 4/15 ÷13/12 number is rational or irrational. https://worksheets.tutorvista.com/square-
Assessment 3) root-worksheet.html
It can be done in pairs.
G. Finding Practical Solve. How do you know your family? Are you
Applications of Concepts You brought 2.5 kg of able to find your roots?
and Skills in Daily Living potatoes, 3.75 kg of carrots
and 1.125 kg of cabbages.
What is the total weight of
vegetables you bought?
H. Making Generalizations and How do we add decimal How do we multiply and divide How can you tell if the principal root of a How do you determine between what
Abstractions about the numbers? decimals decimals? given number is rational or irrational? two consecutive integers the square root
Lesson How do we add fractions? Fractions? of a number lie?
How do we subtract decimal
How do we subtract fractions?
I. Evaluating Learning Activity # 15 Activity # 16 Activity # 17 Activity # 18
Find the sum: 1.
𝟐 Tell whether the principal roots of each Between what two integers does the
3 𝟔 𝟑 number are rational or irrational. square root of the following numbers lie?
11 11
1 2 1. √12 5. √85
2. (−4 ) ∙ 5 1. √2 = _____ and _____
−7 2 3
2. √36 6. √49
3 3 2. √11 = _____ and _____
3. (-4.2) (-2.3) 3. √1 7. √121 3. √33 = _____ and _____
3. 9.02 + (-7.51) 4. √84 = _____ and _____
Find the quotient. 4. √99 8. √625
Find the difference. 8
1. (- ) ÷
13 5 15 25
1. − 5 2
7 2 2. ÷ (−6 )
−2 3 12 3
2. − (− ) 3. (-9.36) / (-1.2)
5 5
3. 5.61 – 12.06
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation
V. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?