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Chapter-I Home Department 5-13

Chapter-II Police Department 17-89

Chapter-III Department of Prison 92-128

Chapter-IV Fire and Emergency Services 133-147


Chapter-V Karnataka Home Guards and Civil 151-159

Defence Department

Chapter-VI Department of Prosecutions and 163-169

Government Litigations

Chapter-VII Department of Sainik Welfare and 173-181


Chapter-VIII Karnataka State Police Housing 185-205

andInfrastructure Development
Corporation Limited


The Department of Home was bearing upon internal and external
constituted by General Administra - security.
tion Department. It has been
operational since 01.04.1952. The It is responsible for the
department is responsible for internal administrative and disciplinary
security, law and order matter of the Heads of Departments
administration, criminal justice and under its administrative purview;
external threats. It is also concerned budgetary planning, monitoring and
with auxiliary services such as Fire control and the supervision of
Services and Emergency Services, implementation of schemes and
Prisons, Home Guards and ex- serving as the link with the State
Servicemen welfare. The Home Government, the legislature and its
Department is among the oldest Committees.
departments associated with the
State's law and order, security of The Home Minister is the head
public utilities and public order. of the Home Department.
Administratively, the Department is
I. ROLE OF THE HOME headed by an Additional Chief
DEPARTMENT: Secretary to Government/Principal
Secretary to Government to
The Home Department is an supervise the overall policy and
integral part of the criminal justice administration of the Department in
system in the State. It is responsible addition to the Police Department. A
for the overall administration of the Principal Secretary/ Secretary to
Police Department, Prisons Government handles affairs relating
Department, Directorate of Fire to the Departments of Prisons,
Services and Emergency Services, Crimes, Fire and Emergency
Department of Prosecutions and Services, Home Guards and Sainik
Department of ex-Servicemen welfare Welfare. The Department has 1st
or Sainik Welfare. It is responsible for Additional Solicitor, Head of Legal
the policy, budget and supervision of Cell, 3 Deputy Secretaries and an
these Departments and serves as the Internal Financial Advisor with
administrative department for the supporting manpower as per
departments listed. organization chart.


implements the policies of the State
Government and the Government of The functions and duties of the
India with regard to internal security sections coming under the Home
of the State as well as issues relating Department are indicated below.
to regulatory functions which have a

(1) Police Services – A Section (3) Auxiliary Services of Police
i) Service matters relating to i) Service matters relating to Gazetted
Additional Superintendent (Non and Non- Gazetted Fire Force Staff
IPS) Deputy Superintendent of and emergency Services, Sainik
Police Sub Inspector and Asst. Welfare, Prisons, Home guards
Sub-Inspector of various wings of and Civil defence.
Police department including ii) Subject matters relating to State
Karnataka State Reserve Police. Sainik Welfare Board and District
ii) Service matters relating to Welfare Board and military Section
Managers and clerical staff of the and Ex-servicemen.
police department. iii) Court cases relating to fire
iii) Service matters relating to services, Home guards, and Civil
Employees of Forensic science defense.
Laboratory including Director
Forensic Science Laboratory. (4) Police Expenditure
iv) Court cases relating to A, B and C
officers of Police department/ i) Sanction of Police
Legislative matters of the above Station/Outputs.
category of employees. ii) Budget of Police Department/
Karnataka State Police Housing
(2) Police Services – B Section and Infrastructure Development
Corporation Limited.
i) Service matters relating to Head iii) Modernization of Police Forces
constable and Police Constable of iv) Construction of police quarters
the various of Police Department v) Release of grants for purchase of
viz., Civil /Karnataka State equipments/kit articles and
Reserve Police/ Intelligence Expenditure proposal relating to
Department etc. Police department and KSPHC
ii) Subject relating to President vi) Vehicle purchase, repairs and
medals for meritorious matters relating to police land
/distinguished service to police vii) Creation and continuation of
personnel including Police Officers Posts.
belonging to Indian Police
Services, Chief Ministers Medals
(5) Prisons and Cinema
and Award of Cash Prizes.
iii) Training of police officers and
i) Service matters relating to Gazetted
staff/ Reserve Police and other
staff of Prison Department.
ii) Construction of Jail Buildings and
iv) Revision petition of Police
prisoners uniforms, meals, release of
Personnel as per provisions
conducted in Karnataka Police
iii) Parole of prisoners, State advisory
boards and non-official committee of
v) Complaints against Police
iv) Cinema matters, National Human
vi) Service /administration matters
Rights Commission cases.
of employees of Karnataka police
Housing Corporation .

(6) Receipts and Issue
(9) Crimes-B
i) Receiving tappals and other i) Supreme Court and High Court
receipts and Issue of letters Writ petitions relating to Crime
relating to Home Department. matters
ii) Marking it to the concerned ii) Various Criminal cases of various
sections and sending tappals and court in State
communication to other iii) Public complaints regarding
Department of Secretariat. Crimes Petitions
iii) Service matters relating to staff of iv) criminal cases in general.
Home Department
iv) Supply of stationary to all sections (10) Law and Order- A Section
of Home Department.
i) Matters relating to the Karnataka
(7) Co-ordination Prevention of Dangerous Activities
of Bootleggers, Drug-Offenders,
i) All co-ordination matters Gamblers, Goondas, [Immoral
ii) Matters relating to legislature. Traffic Offenders, Slum-Grabbers
iii) Subject matters relating to Budget and Video or Audio Pirates] cases.
and General information of all ii) Matters relating to Veerappan
Departments. case.
iv) Subject matters relating to Annual iii) Subject matters relating to public
reports of Head of the protection of life and property.
Departments, Governor's Speech iv) Issue and orders relating to
to other General Reports. important festivals.
v) Conduct of Staff Meetings / Letter v) Matters relating to protection of
Monitoring System and Files VIPs" during their visit to State.
Monitoring System. vi) Subject matters relating to
declaration of prohibited area.
(8) Crimes – A vii) Subject matters relating to
Terrorist and Disruptive Activities
i) Criminal Investigation Department cases.
Cases Dowry death cases and other viii) Matters relating to protection
unnatural death cases cases.
ii) lockup death cases ix) Subject matters relating to
iii) National Human Rights appointment of District Officer.
Commission / Karnataka State x) Providing information to Central
Human Rights Commission cases Government on cases registered
Withdrawal of prosecution cases under sections 153 (a) and (b) of
iv) Grant of permission of Indian Penal Code.
prosecution of employees xi) Cases relating to National Human
v) Civil Rights Directorate, Rights Commission and Essential
vi) Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Service Maintenance Act.
Tribes cases xii) Proposals relating to Terrorism.
vii) Copyright / harassment of xiii) Law and Order files pertaining to
Women and Child Cases Bengaluru and Bengaluru rural
viii) Complaints on Non-Financial District and writ cases.
Banking institutions.

xiv) National Fund for Communal v) Issue of Tibetan Non Resident of
Harmony matter, Relief to victims India and other related matters
during communal riots files and vi) Registrations under foreign
Kabir award matter. Contribution (Regulation) Act and
vii) Grant of extension of Stay to
(11) Law and Order –B Foreigners in the state
viii) Issue of police clearance
i) Subject matters relating to Certificate and other works relating
establishment of Enquiry to Foreigners.
commissions and other matters
relating to enquiry commission. (14) Criminal Prosecution-I
ii) Protection of Very Important
Persons and Security Issues. i) Matters relating to Criminal
iii) Subject matters relating to Litigation cases pertaining to
prohibition of smoking Davanagere, Ballari, Chitradurga,
iv) Subject matters relating to Bank Shimoga, Dharwad, Belagavi, Gadag,
Security meetings Bidar, Koppal,
v) Matter relating to War book. Kalburgi, Raichur.
vi) Subject matters relating to new
grants of permission under the
Arms Act Form 11 and 12. (15) Criminal Prosecution-II
vii) Subject matters relating to
renewal of Form 9. 1) Matters relating to Criminal
viii) Subject matters relating to Litigation cases pertaining to
renewal of Gun license. Bengaluru city and Bengaluru rural
ix) Subject matters relating to district court cases.
extension of area. 2) Matters relating to criminal
litigation cases pertaining to Kolar,
(12) Cofeposa and Prosecution Tumkur, Mangalore, Udupi, Karwar,
(Administration) Mysuru, Kodagu, Chikkamaglur,
Hassan and Mandya districts.
i) Subject matters relating to
appointments of Advocates under
Cofeposa (16) Head of Legal Cell
ii) Matters relating to release of
custodian's applications. Giving instructions and advise
iii) Subject matters relating to calling in Legal matters relating to High
meeting of Advisory Board. court, KAT and Supreme Court
pertaining to Home Department.

(13) Passport and Foreigners Authorization to the

Government Advocate, to appear on
i) VISA extension to foreigners behalf of the Government in legal
ii) No objection to return to India matters.
iii) Registration of marriage in
Respect of Christians under the (17) Internal Financial Adviser
Christians (IFA)
iv) Grant of citizenship

Government appoints an The organization, objectives,
Internal Financial Advisor for a functions and duties of the Police
Department in consultation with the Department are:
Finance Department. The inputs of
the Internal Financial Advisor in the ORGANIZATION:
Secretariat’s decision making
process are: to examine and advice The Directorate General and
on all issues having an impact on the Inspector General of Police is the
Department’s budget, having a Head of the Police Department in the
financial implication of a short, State. Under him there are Director
medium or long term nature, render Generals in charge of Departments
advice on financial prudence, wings of the Police Department and
preparation of Department Budget Additional Directors General of
tracking Audit Reports and action Police. Additional Director Generals
taken reports and the items covered of police are in-charge of a particular
in the Government of Karnataka function like Law and Order, Crime
(Consultation with FA) Rules and and Technical Services,
circulars/orders issued from time to Administration, Intelligence,
time, Budget speech, MPIC matters, Karnataka State Reserve Police,
etc. Recruitment and Training,
Transport, Telecommunication and
III. DETAILS OF DEPARTMENTS/ Modernization and Civil Rights
CORPORATIONS COMING UNDER Enforcement. There are four
THE ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL Commissionerates of Police is
OF THE HOME DEPARTMENT: Bengaluru City, Hubli-Dharwad
Mysuru City and Mangalore City.
The following Departments Below the Additional Directors
and Corporation fall under the General of Police there are Inspectors
administrative Control of the Home General of Police. Six Inspectors
Department: General of Police are in-charge of
Ranges, besides a number of
a) Director General and Inspector Inspectors General of Police who are
General of Police. in-charge of specific functions. Each
b) Department of Prisons. Range comprises 3 – 6 Districts in
c) Director, Fire Force and the Headquarters. Each District is
Emergency Services. headed by an Officer of the rank of
d) Director, Home Guards and Civil Superintendent of Police.
e) Department of Sainik Welfare and
Resettlement. OBJECTIVE:
f) Directorate of Prosecution and
Government Litigation The objectives of the Police
g) Karnataka State Police Housing Department are to:
a) Protect the lives and liberties of the
(1) POLICE DEPARTMENT: people from criminal and anti-
social elements and bring about
improvement in the quality of life
in society.

b) Earn the good will, support and (ii) To undertake search and rescue
active assistance of the operations during accidents,
community. calamities etc.,
c) Co-ordinate with other wings of the (iii) To provide emergency and
criminal justice system. medical services.
d) Provide equal treatment to all
regardless of caste, religion, social FUNCTIONS:
and economic status of political
affiliations. For the day to day functioning,
e) Promote human rights and show the activities of the department are
special consideration to women, grouped as A) Operational: There
children, senior citizens and are 6 zones [viz., Bengaluru (2)
weaker sections. Mysuru (1), Mangaluru (1), Hubballi
f) Strive to improve professional (1) and Kalaburgi (1)] each zone is
knowledge, skills and attitudes under supervision of Chief Fire
and adopt modern methods in Officers and ranges are under
police work. supervision of a Regional Fire Officer,
g) Foster professional values in who has control over 3 to 4 districts.
policing with special emphasis on B) Training: A well established R.A.
integrity, impartiality and Mundkur Fire and Emergency
efficiency. Service Academy is imparting basic
training to newly recruited FSO, FM,
(2) PRISONS DEPARTMENT: FD and DM. And also refreshers
course to in service Officer’s and
OBJECTIVE: personnel. C) Maintenance: The
department’s fire fighting vehicles
Prisons are an integral part of and pumps are maintained by a well
the Criminal Justice System and established workshop with skilled
function as custodians of prisoners. technicians. D) Communication:
While the purpose and justifications The department has a well
of imprisonment sentence is to established wireless communication
protect the society against crime, system to maintain the
retribution and punitive methods of communication.
treatment of prisoners alone are
neither relevant nor desirable in FIRE STATION BUILDINGS:
modern progressive society. Prisons
are also expected to function as • Out of 212 fire stations, 173 fire
curative and correctional centers, stations are functioning in
treating the inmates humanely and permanent buildings, 17 fire
respecting their Human Rights. stations buildings are under
construction. 15 fire stations are
(3) KARNATAKA STATE FIRE AND in temporary buildings, 07 fire
EMERGENCY SERVICES stations are functioning in rented
DEPARTMENT: buildings.
• Total 2509 quarters are available
(i) To provide fire safety education, for the officer’s/staff working in
fire prevention, fire suppression, fire 212 fire stations. 232 quarters
fighting services. are under construction by

KSPHC. The percentage of ensure that the materials collected
available quarters is 39.15%. during the course of investigation by
the police are sufficient to make an
(4) HOME GUARDS and CIVIL accused stand trial in the Court of
DEFENCE DEPARTMENT: Magistrate or a Sessions Judge. In
addition, supervision over the
These are auxiliary services Government Civil Litigation work
which involves voluntary service to pertaining to the Courts of Civil
basically assist the police in the Judge (Jr.Dn) and the combined
maintenance of law and order and to Courts of Civil Judge (Jr.Dn) and
play a vital role in protecting the lives Magistrate in the state is also
and property of the people during entrusted to this Department.
natural calamities like floods, fire,
earth quakes, and other man-made (7) KARNATAKA STATE POLICE
The KSPH and IDCL was established
OBJECTIVE: in 1985 with the purpose of
undertaking construction of police
The Department of Sainik building in 6 crores to mandate was
Welfare and Resettlement Board expanded to 500 crores.
looks after the welfare and
resettlement of defence personnel, OBJECTIVE:
ex-servicemen and their dependants,
war wounded, next-of-kin of battle
The objectives of KSPH and IDCL are
casualties and their dependants. Its
main objective is to help ex-
servicemen to become part of the
(i) Construction of building and
civilian mainstream through
providing services as per
reskilling and training and to ensure
specifications will be carried out by
that those who need assistance and
fulfilling intended user requirements
enabled to lead a life of dignity.
ensuring optimized quality and
achieving sustainable development.
TION AND GOVERNMENT (ii) comply with the adopted ISO
LITIGATION: 9001:2008 Quality Management
System Standard and ISO
14001:2004 Environment
Management System Standard and
OBJECTIVE: continually improve the efficiency of
the project resources to ensure cost
The establishment of a effective and timely deliveries.
separate and independent
Department of Prosecution has been (iii) continually improve the
done for the effective conduct of competence of its personnel to meet
prosecutions in heinous cases and to the changing needs of business for e-

Governance and shall implement e- xxii) The Fire Service Act 1964
governance in phases for all business xxiii) Foreign Contribution
processes ensuring complete (Regulation) Act 1976
transparency and the right of public xxiv) Karnataka Control of Organised
to obtain information. Crimes Act 2000

IV. THE ACTS, RULES, (b) Rules

AND MANUALS USED BY THE i) The Karnataka State Police
EMPLOYEES OF HOME (Disciplinary Proceedings) Rules
ITS FUNCTIONS: ii) The Karnataka Prisons Rules 1964
iii) The Karnataka Cinema
(a) Acts (Regulation) Rule 1971
iv) The Karnataka Civil Services
i) The Karnataka Police Act 1963. (CCA) Rules 1957
ii) Home Guard Act 1962. v) The Karnataka Government
iii) The Karnataka Cinema Act 1963. Servant (Seniority) Rules 1957
iv) The Karnataka Cinema vi) The Karnataka Civil Services
(Regulation) Act 1964 (General Recruitment Rules) 1977
v) Karnataka Prisons act 1963. vii) The Karnataka Civil Services
vi) Karnataka Prisoners act 1963. (recruitment for the posts of
vii) Civil Rights Act 1964 stenographers/typists) Rules
viii) SC / ST (Harassment) Act 2002 1983
ix) Official Secret Act viii) The Karnataka Civil Services
x) ESMA Act (Conduct) Rules 1966
xi) Cofeposa Act 1974. ix) The Karnataka Civil Services (RPP
xii) Christian Marriage Registration and P) Rules 1978
Act x) The Karnataka Civil Services
xiii) The Karnataka Civil Service (Medical attendance) rules 1963
Rules (RPPP) Act (1957-2008) xi) The Karnataka Civil Services
xiv) The Karnataka State Services (Typists and Junior assistants
(Determination of Age ) Act 1974 /Second Division Assistant
xv) The Karnataka Lokayukta Act Change of cadre) rules 1985
xvi) The Karnataka Administrative xii) The Karnataka Civil Services
Tribunal Act (Special recruitment of SC/ST
xvii) The Karnataka Prevention of candidates to Certain Group A and
Dangerous Activities of B posts) rules 1985.
Bootleggers, Drug-Offenders, xiii) The Karnataka Civil Services
Gamblers, Goondas, [Immoral (Performance report) Rules 1994.
Traffic Offenders, Slum-Grabbers xiv) The Karnataka Public Services
and Video or Audio Pirates] Act, Commission (Consultation)
1985. Regulation
xviii) The Arms Act 1959 xv) The Karnataka Fire
xix) Private Security Agencies force(Maintenance of Discipline
(Regulation)Act 2005 and Removal from
xx) National Security Act 1980 service)Rules1971
xxi) The Commissions of Inquiry Act xvi) The Arms Rules 1962

xvii) Karnataka Home Guards Rules vii) Reservation for Ex-service men
1963 viii) Reservation for women
ix) Reservation roster for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
(c) Instruction, Manuals and others other Backward classes
x) The Departmental promotion
i) The Karnataka Prisons Manual committee
1978. xi) The Executive orders, official
ii) The Karnataka Government memoranda, circulars and other
Secretariat Manual of Office general instructions issued by
procedure Government from time to time.
iii) The Karnataka of Contingent xii) The Karnataka Police Manual.
Expenditure Code xiii) Home Guards Manual.
iv) The Karnataka Financial Code
v) The Karnataka Treasury Code ***
vi) The Criminal Procedure code



The Karnataka State Police is a City and Mangaluru are of the rank
dynamic and efficient work force, of Inspector General of Police.
poised to meet the changing nature Commissioners of Police in Hubli-
of security threats in the 21st Dharwad and Belgavi are of the rank
century. In an era of globalization of Deputy Inspector General of
and changing economic order, Police.
maintaining a secure environment Seven Inspector Generals of
becomes imperative. Police are incharge of Ranges. Each
Range comprises of 3 to 6 Districts.
The Director General and Each District is headed by an Officer
Inspector General of Police is the of the rank of Superintendent of
head of the Police Department in the Police. I.G.P rank Officers are
State. There are Directors General of incharge of specific functions namely
Police under DGP & IGP currently in Planning and Modernisation,
charge of Internal Security Division Bengaluru City Traffic,
(ISD), Intelligence, Prisons, Corps of Administration, Head Quarters,
Detectives (COD) and Training. There Water Resources. Anti Naxal Force,
are Additional Directors General of Training, Financial Crimes,
Police looking after different Karnataka State Reserve Police,
functional areas to assist him. Each Forest Cell, Karnataka Police
of the Additional Directors General of Academy and Coastal Security Police
Police is in charge of a particular 4 I.G.P rank officers are currently
function. These include Law and working as Additional
Order, Traffic & Road Safety, Crime Commissioners of Police, Bengaluru
and Technical Services, City looking after Law and Order (2),
Administration, Karnataka State Crime & Traffic, and Administration.
Reserve Police, Railways,
Recruitment and Training,
Communication, Logistic and The Karnataka State Police
Modernization, Civil Rights aspires to have a significant impact
Enforcement, Grievances and in strengthening internal security,
Human Rights. tackling the changing face of crime
and harnessing the latest technology
There are 5 Police to stay ahead of the game. The force
Commissionerates in the state. The is sensitized towards protection of
Commissioner, Bengaluru City is of human rights, gender-related crime
the rank of Additional Director affecting women and children and
General of Police, whereas follows international standards in
Commissioners of Police in Mysuru policing.

After much deliberation, the core highest standards of professional
elements of the Karnataka State excellence, adopting a people-
Police can be summed up as follows: friendly approach and applying
“To uphold the rule of law, ensure cutting-edge technologies, to create
safety and security of people, and sustain an ideal environment for
maintain peace and harmony, the growth and development of
prevent and detect crimes, uphold Karnataka.”
human rights by imbibing the
the personnel in handling new forms
of crime in a digital and globalized
The Police force follows following scenario.
(i) Deal with traditional and changing
patterns of crime The process of scanning,
Innovative, lateral-thinking prioritization and response to future
approach in tackling new and threats is constantly being developed
emerging patterns of crime. and improved.
The future readiness of the KSP is
determined by the skills acquired by
(II) Protection human rights

Computer-assisted human resource Compulsory training across various

development system developed to levels is facilitated and promotions
avoid nepotism and corruption. awarded based on the outcome of
rigorous testing.
A system of Continued Professional
Education (CPE) is being

(iii) Ensuring Community participation

• A process-oriented approach has system, which is accessible to the

been adopted by the department to common man. This is expected in
design an effective public redressal administrative support and policy-
mechanism as a user-friendly level decisions.

• The force is also working towards • Community policing is being given

improving its public image. priority by the police.

(iv) Strengthening use of Technology by the Police force

• Training is provided across various

levels for familiarization with • Constant upgradation of relevant
relevant technology to combat crime. technologies to enable personnel to
stay abreast and meet the best
• A top-down approach is used to international standards.
provide e-literacy in the department.

The Organizational Hierarchy of the Commissionarate of Police
Bengaluru City

Commissioner of Police

Additional Director General of Police

Addl. CP Addl. CP Addl. CP Addl. CP Addl CP Jt CP

East West Traffic and Security Admin Crime CAR

DCP East DCP WestDCP West Traffic D.C.P Admin DCP CRIME-1 DCP, CAR HQ
DCP Central, DCP North DCP East Traffic D.C.P PRO DCP CRIME-2 DCP, CAR (N)
DCP North DCP N.E DCP South DCP, CAR (S)
DCP South DCP White field DCP North
VidhanaSoudha ACP DCP VVip
Security PI

New Hoysala Inauguration Function

Pink Hoysala inauguration function

The Organizational Hierarcy of the Commissionerate of Police, Mysuru City
Commissioner of Police
Inspector General of Police


L & O ______________ CRIME & TRAFFIC CAR KARP,Mtd Coy.





The Organizational Hierarchy of the Commissionerate of Police,

Hubli-Dharwad City:
Commissioner of Police
Deputy Inspector General of Police


L & O __________________ CRIME AND TRAFFIC CAR





The Organizational Hierarchy of the Commissionerate of Police,

Mangaluru City:

Commissioner of Police
Inspector General of Police

DCP _____________ DCP DCP




The Organizational Hierarchy of the Commissionerate of Police,
Belagavi City:
Commissioner of Police
Deputy Inspector General of Police

DCP _____________ DCP DCP






The following are the Police Ranges and the Districts comprising each


Southern Range, Mysuru Mysuru, Mandya, Hassan, Kodagu,

WesternRange, Mangaluru Dakshina Kannada, Uttara
Kannada Chickmagalur, Udupi
Eastern Range, Davanagere Chitradurga, Shimoga, Haveri,

CentralRange, Bengaluru Bengaluru, Kolar, K.G.F, Tumkur,
Ramanagar, Chickballapura
Northern Range, Belgavi Belgavi, Dharwad, Vijayapura,
Bagalkot, Gadag
North Eastern Range, Kalburgi Kalburgi, Bidar, Yadgiri,

Bellari Range Bellari, Raichur, Koppal.

Apart from the 5 Commissionerates, there are 30 Police Units

comprising districts excluding Railways. Railways are treated as a separate

The Organization of the District Police in Karnataka State

Superintendent of Police

Addl. S.P.





Police Stations are the lowest Police Station has two to four
functional units of the Police Sub Inspectors besides a number of
Department. There are at present Assistant Sub-Inspectors, Head
986 Police Stations (including Constables and Police Constables.
Railways, Traffic & Women Police The average strength of a Police
Stations). Police Stations are headed station is 79. Town Police Stations
by Inspectors in Towns and Cities. have an average strength of 40.

In rural areas, Police Stations are in the jurisdiction of the Police

headed either by a single Sub- Station. In rural Police Stations
Inspector or two Sub-Inspectors there are at least 30 men on an
looking after Law and Order and average.
Crime according to the crime profile

Rural Police Stations are Divisional Polcie Officers) and Circles
grouped into Circles and Circles by Inspectors of Police. Details
come under a Sub-Division. Sub- shown in
Divisions are headed by Deputy
Superintendents of Police (Sub
Appendix-IV. The sanctioned strength of the police in the State is as shown in


The Adminsitration Wing is The Organization of this wing is as

headed by an officer of the rank of below.
Additional Director General of Police.






This Wing is headed by an Officer of the rank of Additional Director

General of Police. The organization of this wing is as below.


Mysuru H-Dharwad MNG Belagavi 7 RANGES



Law and Order Situation for
Period from 01.01.2016 to
The Law and Order situation in Police. Some of the important events
the state remained peaceful during that took place in the State are
the period barring few incidents in highlighted below:
some parts of the State. These have
been handled effectively by the
i. 9 Major protests in 2016 iii. 9 major protests occurred in
involving employees occurred 2016 by students.
however no major incident iv. 5 major protests in 2016
occurred. involving different Unions
ii. 12 major protests occurred in occurred involving more than
2016 involving Bank & 6000 teachers and principals.
Government Employees, other v. 110 major protests during the
organizations which were year related to caste, religion,
managed through adequate political, farmer, and Kannada
bandobast. organization.


This wing is headed by an includes the Finger Print Bureau and

officer of the rank of Additional Forensic Scientific Laboratory. The
Director General of Police, Crime and Organization of this Wing is as
Technical Services. This wing also presented below.







Fingerprint units are located at City

The Fingerprint Bureau, Karnataka Commissionerates in Bengaluru
is a specialized technical unit of City, Hubli-Dharwad and Mysuru
Karnataka Police. It serves as an and are headed by an Assistant
important aid in scientific methods of Commissioner of Police (FPB). In the
crime investigation and detection of other 6 ranges the Finger Print
cases by means of fingerprint Bureau are supervised by Dy.SPs
identification of criminals. (FPB). A post of Deputy
Superintendent of Police (Finger
The Fingerprint Bureau with Print Bureau) has been created at the
its head quarters in Bengaluru is Karnataka Police Academy, Mysuru
headed by an officer of the rank of to impart training to newly recruited
Superintendentof Police. He is Gazetted Probationers, Police Sub-
assisted by 10 Deputy Inspectors and other senior officers
Superintendents of Police, 13 Police in Scientific Aid to Investigation.
Inspectors, 02 Sub Inspectors and
other supporting staff against the The overall administration,
sanctioned strength of 01 control & supervision of all the
Superintendent of Police, 12 Deputy Deputy Superintendents of Police
Superintendents of Police, 36 Police and the Police Inspectors of City and
Inspectors, and 50 Sub Inspectors. District Finger Print Units is under
At present there are 42 Finger Print the control of the Superintendent of
Experts in the State. Police, Fingerprint Bureau,


During the year 2003, the State FPB

& FP unit was equipped with the After the implementation of
“Automated Finger Print the AFIS technology during the year
Identification System (AFIS)” a 2002-03, in the field of chance
digitization of fingerprints of fingerprint search etc, the fingerprint
criminals was done. Since 2005, the units in various cities and the
Fingerprint Bureau (FPB) has been districts have so far detected 2666
functioning in its own complex built cases through chance print
at a cost of Rs.92 lakhs. identification. In all such cases local

police had no other clues and homicide, dacoity, robbery, house
valuable information regarding breaking and theft. In the year 2016,
identification of culprits was a total of 208 cases and 10
provided by fingerprint experts. After unidentified dead body cases were
comparison of chance prints identified.
developed at the crime scene with the
data available in the AFIS local and In several instances of chance
remote database, details were sent to print identification, information
the local Police for apprehension. regarding identity of culprits was
Fingerprint Experts have been provided within one or two hours
regularly using the modern from the time of visit of fingerprint
fingerprint equipments supplied to experts team and enabled the I.O. to
all cities and districts, under the recover the entire property.
Modernization Scheme over the last
8 to 10 years for the better
development of chance prints. The Fingerprint Bureau issues
opinion in forged documents of Civil
As on 31-12-2016 the central & Criminal cases referred to the
server of the AFIS has 3,46,131 Ten Fingerprint Bureau by the Hon’ble
Print data and 23,725 unidentified Courts and various Police Stations of
chance prints on its database. Karnataka and other agencies like
CBI, BDA, Lokayuktha, Postal
Department etc., to establish the
Modern equipments have been identity of persons on the basis of
purchased for developing chance their fingerprints affixed by them on
fingerprints at all scenes of crime. certain sensitive documents, like
These include MCS-400, imported Sale and Agreement Deeds, wills, gift
Kit Box, Digital Camera, Cynowand deed, muster rolls, bank loan
kit & others purchased under the applications. impersonation, forgery
Police modernization scheme and of documents, misappropriation and
supplied to all finger print units for cheating of government funds could
carrying out their day to day work be corrected after comparison of
which has helped immensely in disputed finger prints with the
developing chance prints on various admitted/specimen fingerprints.
surfaces. This database and During the year 2016, 92 such
application of technology has questioned document cases have
enabled detection of the cases of been opinioned & disposed.

328 Police Stations (including In the year 2016, 1373 police

102 police stations in Bengaluru city) officers and staff were trained in
in the state are equipped with live finger print science. Participants in
scanners, where finger prints of All India Police Duty Meet were also
suspected, arrested & convicted trained in Finger print science.
persons are taken in digital form and Karnataka Police won one Silver and
the search of finger prints is done Bronze medal in the 60th All India
online and results provided to police Police Duty Meet held in Mysuru.
stations within a very short time.

Three Years Comparative Workdone Statement of Finger Print Bureau
Karnataka State
Particulars 2014 2015 2016
1 No. of crime scenes visited 3167 3159 2996
2 No. of cases in which chance Prints were developed 1675 1691 1507
3 No. of cases detected by means of chance prints 151 186 208
4 No. of Ten print cards received for search 31465 65097 25546
5 No. of Ten print cards Traced 2527 13146 6878
6 No. of dead body finger prints Received 289 287 243
7 No. of dead body finger prints Identified 11 12 10
8 No. of Police Personnel trained 212 213 1373
9 Total No. of F.P.slips of Convicted persons received 329 228 168
10 Total No. of Questioned document pending at the 103 80 25
beginning of the year
11 Total No. of Questioned document received 108 112 97
12 Total No. of Questioned document Disposed 131 167 92
13 Total No. of Questioned document pending at the ending 80 25 28
of the year
14 Total No. of F.P.slips on Record (Database Size) 3,16,596 3,33,868 3,41,131




↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Directorate Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director
RFSL Bengaluru RFSL Mangaluru RFSL Davangere RFSL Kalburgi RFSL Belgavi RFSL Mysuru
C.Range W.Range E.Range N.E.Range N.Range S.Range

The Directorate of Forensic Science system. This Directorate was

Laboatories in Karnataka is a special established in the year 1968 by
unit of the Police Department to merging the old CID Scientific
undertake best forensic science Laboratory comprising one chemist
practices in the State to fulfil the and two questioned document
needs of the criminal justice delivery experts.

The professional responsibi ahead of criminals in scientific

lities of Forensic Science Laborat knowledge and technology. Hence it
ories have increased as the science is vital to upgrade the infrastructural
developed tremendously over the facilities and to develop need based
years, which has also provided tools technologies and expertise in order to
of committing crime by scientific and respond to the current forensic
complex methods. This has requirements in all walks of life.
necessitated Forensic Scientists to be

The FSL Directorate undert investigating agencies such as CBI,

akes scientific analysis of crime NIA, Courts, etc within the
exhibits referred by the Police jurisdiction. The experts of DFSL
Department and also from other examine the exhibits forwarded by

the Investigating agencies and render divisions are also to be developed in
expert opinion. They are also a new Annexe building planned to be
required to substantiate their constructed in the existing complex.
opinions in courts of law through
court testimony / expert evidences. With the increase in
requirements and demands of the
Presently, the Directorate is investigating agencies and also as a
working in its own premises located part of the decentralization of
at Madivala, Bengaluru and Forensic Science services, five
comprising of ten divisions viz., Regional Forensic Science
Physical Section, Chemical Section, Laboratories (RFSLs) were
Questioned Documents Section, established in five Police Ranges in
Toxicology Section, Fire-arms Davanagere, Mangaluru, Belgavi,
Section, Biology / Serology Section, Kalaburgi and Mysuru. A proposal to
Forensic Psychology Section, establish a new regional laboratory in
Photography Section, DNA Centre, Bellari Range is under consideration.
Cyber Forensic Section. Other new


In view of the increasing Science Laboratory in the concerned

requirements and demands of Police Range. He conducts overall
investigating agencies and also as a supervision and control with respect
part of decentralization of Forensic to both technical and administrative
Science services, five Regional matters. Each RFSL has four
Forensic Science Laboratories divisions viz., Toxicology, Biology,
(RFSLs) were established at five Forensic Psychology and
Police Ranges in Davanagere, Photography. Staff for Forensic
Mangaluru, Belgavi, Kalaburgi and Psychology division has yet to be
Mysuru for speedy disposal of cases. recruited. Steps have been taken to
A new regional laboratory is decentralize the services of
proposed for Bellari Range in Bellari. Chemistry, Questioned Documents
at all regional labs and Firearms
The Deputy Director is the section in Mangaluru.
head of the Regional Forensic

RFSL, Davanagere: The Regional building situated in Davanagere.

Forensic Science Laboratory, Cases pertaining to sections running
Davanagere was started on are received for analysis and report
17.12.1994 as per Government from Eastern Range Districts namely
Order No: HD 03 PFS 1993 Chitradurga, Davanagere, Haveri
Bengaluru Dated: 12.01.1994. This and Shivamogga.
RFSL is functioning in its own
RFSL, Mangaluru: The Regional functioning in its own building
Forensic Science Laboratory, situated in Mangaluru. It receives
Mangaluru started functioning in cases from Mangaluru
July 1995 as per Govt. Order No: Commissionerate and districts
HD03 CFS 93, Bengaluru dated: falling under the Western Range viz.,
12.01.1994. This RFSL is Dakshina Kannada, Udupi,

Chickmagaluru and Uttara moved into its own building Belagavi.
Kannada. This RFSL receives cases from Hubli-
RFSL, Belagavi: The Regional Dharwad Commission-erate,
Forensic Science Laboratory, Belagavi Commissionerate and
Belagavi started functioning on districts located in the Northern
24.05.2004 as per Govt. Order No: Range viz., Belagavi Dist, Vijayapura,
HD10 PFS 1996, Bengaluru dated: Bagalkote, Dharwad Dist and Gadag.
12.03.2001 in a rented premise. It

RFSL, Kalaburgi: The Regional Naganahalli, Kalaburagi. This RFSL

Forensic Science Laboratory, receives cases from 6 districts
Kalaburagi was started in May 2004. located in the North Eastern Range
The regional lab is functioning in its viz.,Kalaburgi, Yadagiri, Bidar,
own building situated in Raichur, Koppal and Bellari.

RFSL, Mysuru: The Regional building situated in KPA Campus

Forensic Science Laboratory, Mysuru Mysuru. This RFSL receives cases
started functioning on 24.02.2006 as from Mysuru Commissionarate and
per Govt. Order No: HD8 PFS 2003, districts falling under the Southern
Bengaluru dated: 26.09.2003. This Range viz.,Mysuru, Mandya, Hassan,
RFSL is functioning from its own Chamarajnagar and Kodagu.


Case Statistics: Review of the (119307 exhibits) during the year

inflow of cases for the last seven 2016. Despite the shortage of
years in both FSL, Bengaluru and technical support service, all efforts
other Regional Forensic Science have been made to keep the
Laboratories in the state has shown pendency at the minimum level,
that the total number of incoming which works to less than 10% of
cases has considerably increased total incoming cases for the year
from 13637 cases (63509 exhibits) 2016.
during the year 2009 to 20031 cases
Regular monthly review consolidated statement of cases
meetings are conducted to take received, disposed and pending at
timely measures for speedy disposal FSL and RFSLs is shown in
of cases in all the sections. A Annexure-1.

Deputation of officers from including from headquarter and

other RFSLs is done on rotation basis other regional labs to dispose cases.

Scene of Crime: In the report related to homicides, suicides,

year 250 scenes of crime were accidents, fires and explosions etc,.
attended by various officers of FSL Some of the sensitive cases involving
and RFSLs and reports were issued. experts from the FSL include.
The crime scene visits include cases

(i) DySP Ganapathi Death Case.

(ii) Kaveri Water Riots in Bengaluru: (Police Firing)

Apart from the above, officers Karantaka to depose their evidence
attended different courts in on reports they furnished.

Revision of Examination over a decade ago. An order was

Fee: Examination fee charged for issued by Government by revising
analysing exhibits and other cases examination fee structure of this
referred by the Police were revised, as directorate. (Annexure-2.)
the fixation of existing fee was done


Technical personnel of the iii. “A Multi- Analytical Approach for

FSL Directorate undertakes quality the Rapid Detection of
research in addition to other Adulterants in Toddy Samples”
professional tasks in crime - Mallikarjun M. Metre,
investigation and administration of Praveen U Sanganalmath
criminal justice. Research has and S.N. Gaonkar.
become integral part of the
professional tasks to keep the iv. “HPTLC Analysis of Three
scientists abreast to handle Organophosphorus Fungicides of
professional challenges. Forensic Importance in Whole
Blood Samples”
Research works have been - Purigali M. Nagaraju,
presented at conferences, seminars,
Praveen U. Sanganalmath
workshops etc., organized in the field
and Kempaiah Kemparaju
of Forensic Science and also sent to
different journals for publication. v. “NP-TLC and RP-TLC of Three
Research work and case studies Structurally Related
carried out during the year 2016 are Organophosphorus Pesticides of
mentioned below. Four research Forensic Importance”.-
papers (Sl Nos i to iv) were presented
at the 24th All India Forensic vi. Praveen U. Sanganalmath,
Science Conference-2016. Nareshkumar and K. Sreeramulu
(This paper was published in
i. “Rapid Detection of Pesticides of Journal of Plannar
Forensic Importance by HPTLC” Chromatography)
- Subhas Bammanahalli,
Praveen U Sanganalmath vii. “A Simple Method for the
and S.N. Gaonkar. Separation and Detection of Trace
Levels of Buprofezin
ii. “Separation Evaluation of Four Flubendiamide and Imidacloprid
Neonicotinoid insecticides by by NP-HPTLC and RP-HPTLC”.-
Normal-phase HPTLC” - Nareshkumar, Praveen U.
- Shiramane Rajabhau, Sanganalmath and K.
Praveen U Sanganalmath Sreeramulu (This paper
and S.N. Gaonkar. was published in the
Journal of Plannar


Training is an integral element for • Training programmes for

Forensic Scientists to expand their Judicial Officers referred by
knowledge to the new methodologies Karnataka Judicial Academy
in the field of Forensic Science. including fresh appointees.
Scientific staff were deputed for
training programmes from time-to- • Intensive training programme for
time organized by the LNJN Institute the Karnataka State Police Team
of Criminology and Forensic Science, participating in the All India
New Delhi. Several Scientists Police Duty Meet conducted
attended conferences / seminars / annually by the Central
workshops organized by other Coordinating Committee.
institutions in the field of Forensic • Basic training on Forensics for
Science. officers /officials of other
departments such as
Training programmes organized: Railways, Police and Forest.
Training programmes were
conducted regularly by the • Training on Forensic Medicine
Directorate for various user agencies for students of MD course
with the objective of creating deputed from various Medical
awareness regarding Forensic Colleges.
Sciences. The following programmes
were organized during the year: • In addition to the above,
• Training programme on students of M.Sc in Forensic
Forensic Science and Crime Science offered in various
Scene Management for colleges are permitted to visit
Investigating Officers at range the lab to get exposure in
/ district level. Forensic Science as part of
their academic syllabus.
Theoretical and Practical
exposure is also given to
various allied institution viz.,
Corps of Military Police
Officers personnel and
students from various colleges
of Medicine and law including
theoretical inputs and
exposure by visits to

60th All India Police Duty Meet-2016:

Meet to select a team to participate in

the AIPDM. The State Level Duty
Meet was conducted successfully
under the supervision of Director,
Forensic Science Laboratories,
Bengaluru. The State team
participated in the AIPDM, secured
one Gold, two Silver and one Bronze
Medals. The state also won the

All India Police Duty Meet is a

National level event conducted every
year to standardize professional
preformance of thePolice Force by the
Central Coordinating Committee.
The 60th AIPDM-2016 was held from
19.12.2016 to 23.12.2016 in
Mysuru, Karnataka. The Directorate
of FSL was associated in organizing
the National level event. The
Director, FSL was a member of the trophy for achieving maximum
Organizing Committee of the AIPDM. number of medals in Scientific Aids
The Forensic Science to Investigation.
Laboratory plays a vital role in Hand Book for IOs: In view of the
imparting training to the State police fact that the physical evidences
team participating in the Duty Meet. encountered are of vast variety and
Scientific Aids to Investingation is range, it becomes impossible for the
one of the events in the Duty Meet. Investigating Officer to be abreast of
Approximately, 1000 Police officers / the correct procedures to be followed
officials were trained by conducting for each item of evidence. During the
District / Range / State level Duty collection of these physical
evidences, Investigation Officers are
often not aware of the exact
procedures and relevant precautions
to be taken. It is also not practical for
the forensic teams to reach every
place of crime. Hence, a Hand Book
helps them to bridge the gap in the
application of principles of Forensic
Science on crime scene management

as a guide for investigating officers. forwarding of relevant evidence
The Directorate has prepared a Hand materials for forensic examination
Book which is very useful as a ready during crime scene investigation.
reference for handling, collection and

Acquisition of New Technology:-

The FSL Directorate has procured the following equipment under the Police
Modernization fund in the report year.

Sl. 12” Name of the equipments Cost

No.. (Rupees)
1. Microwave Digestion System 15,77,447-85
2. Low Volume Spectrophotometer (PICO 4,80,000-00
3. Ultra Low temperature freezer 1,12,210-00
4. Genetic Analyzer 96,63,154-00
5. Nitrogen Hydrogen Generator 13,00,000-00
6. Dry heating cooling mixing (All- 3,46,500-00
in-one pate mixer)
7. Master Cycler (PCR machine) 3,14,483-41
8. SOC unit portable EDXRF 27,60,000-00
9. Cold Centrifuge 2,20,515-00
10. Water bath shaker 2,00,375-00
Total 1,69,74,685.26

A total of Rs.3,08,77,001 was tech and supporting Equipments.

utilized from the State fund by the This quantum of spending has
FSL and RFSLs under various heads enabled the maintainence of
of account for the financial year equipments in working condition and
2016-17. Rs. 30,99,481.00 was their availablity for use in the
spent from the funds available under conduct of the analysis of case
the head of “Machinery and exhibits.
Equipment” towards AMC of High-


The establishment of new Karnataka services in the State. This expansion

Forensic Science and Technology programme has been taken up by the
Centre is part of expansion plan of Government of Karnataka by
the State Government to provide enmarking Rs. 20 Crores in the State
quality, timely and credible forensic Budget for the year 2017-18.

AIGP (Crime)
Police Research Centre:

The Police Research Centre prepared by the P.R.C by collecting

was set up in 1964 on the lines annual work achievements of various
suggested by C.B.I. This centre is State Police Units.
working in Police Headquarters since
establishment. Reports and Data on Police
organisation called by Bureau of
The PRC is a State level unit to Police Research and Development
study and conduct research on (BPRD), New Delhi are also prepared
various problems confronting the by this centre.
police regarding special crimes and
to suggest possible solutions.The The officers working in P.R.C
centre keeps a tab on daily statistics in addition, also perform Legislature
of various types of crimes, analyses, Session duties during Sessions as
studies and gives directions to Police Nodal officers and assisting senior
units in controlling crimes. officers of the Crime Wing of Chief
The Annual Report of the
administration of State Police is also


The Internal Security Division 12.12.2008. The Internal Security

was created vide Government order Division functions under the overall
No HD 208/POP/2008, dated supervision of DGP, ISD.

The Organisation of this Wing is as below:













This unit has the primary
responsibility of taking action
against all threat activities that are
likely to adversely affect national
security, especially those emerging
out of terrorism, naxalism and anti-
national activities. The mandate of
the Internal Security Division
requires collection of information,
intelligence, surveillance and
counter operations along with
enquiry and investigation of all
crimes committed under the
following Acts:

i. The Atomic Energy Act, 1962 vi. The Suppression of Unlawful

(Central Act 33 of 1967): Acts against Safety of Maritime
ii. The Unlawful Activities Navigation and Fixed
(Prevention) Act.1967 (Central Platforms on Continental Shelf
Act 37 of 1967): Act, 2002 (Central Act 69 of
iii. The Anti-Hijacking Act, 2002):
1982(Central Ac t 65 of 1982): vii. The Weapons. of Mass
iv. The Suppression of Unlawful Destruction and their Delivery
Acts against Safety of Civil Systems (Prohibition of
Aviation Act, 1982 (Central Act Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005
66 of 1982): (Central Act 21 of 2005):
v. The SAARC Convention viii. Information Technology Act,
(Suppression of Terrorism) 2000 (Central Act 21of 2000):
Act.1993 (Central Act 36 of ix. Indian Penal Code, 1860
1993): including
a) Chapter VI of the Indian Penal Code b) Section 489-A to 489- (both
1860 (Central Act 45 of 1860) inclusive) of the Indian Penal Code
(Sections 121 to 130) (both inclusive): 1860 (Central Act 45 of 1860).
c) Sections153-A and153-B of Indian xiv. The Narcotics Drugs and
Penal Code 1860 (Central Act 45 of Psychotropic Substance Act,
1860). 1985 (Central Act 61 of 1985)
x. The Explosive Substance Act, xv. The Private Security Agencies
1908 (Central Act 6 of 1908). (Regulation) Act, 2005 (Central
xi. The Explosive Act, 1884 Act 29 of 2005)
(central Act 4 & 1884) xvi. Any other offence under any
xii. The Karnataka Control of other relevant Act committed,
Organized Crime Act, 2000 either in further ance of or the
(Karnataka Act 1 of 2002) violation of the above
xiii. The Arms Act, 1959 (Central mentioned Acts which
Act 54 of 1959) jeopardizes the internal

security of the State. the Government for
xvii. Any other cases entrusted by investigation or enquiry

On 19.4.2013 the Government of For the effective implementation of

Karnataka declared the office of DGP, the mandate of the Internal Security
IGP, DIG, SP and DySP of Internal Division, the Government has created
Security Division of Bengaluru as field units to ensure its reach all over
Police Station having jurisdiction the State. The field units perform the
through out the state of Karnataka to following specific functions, as per
deal with the crimes mentioned in Chief Office standing Order No-l000
the above Acts. dated 4.5.2013:

a) Collection, collation and analysis and intelligence input on all

of data, information and suspected and those booked for
intelligence input pertaining to all possession of explosive
such institutions, organizations substances, illegal arms, and fake
(including religious) which are currency note and dealers in such
overtly and covertly indulging in objects/substances along with
anti-national propaganda. watch over activities of licensed
b) Collection of Intelligence regarding dealers of explosive substance,
Coastal Security and Naxal acids and other chemicals like
Activities. ammonium nitrate, etc.
c) Co-ordination and sharing of h) Creation of database of travel
tactical installing once input and agents specially those facilitating
data with local Police, State procurement of passport, visa,
intelligence, National Investigation PAN-cards.
Agency etc. i) Identification and tracking of
d) Follow-up on all cases pertaining illegal migrants especially from
to terrorism, suspected terrorism Pakistan, Bangladesh,
and naxalism: monitoring of Afghanistan, Srilanka and other
investigation and trial, follow-up of Gulf countries.
witness statements; watch over j) Conducting “Security Audit” of
the defense witness and their vital installations and installations
current activities. of critical importance in co-
e) Collation and analysis of operation with State Intelligence
interrogation reports (IRs) and Intelligence Bureau:
pertaining to cases related to preparation of security scheme
Karnataka and persons from and further follow up action.
Karnataka involved in anti- k) To carry out such functions under
national activities outside Private Security Agencies
Karnataka (Regulation) Act-2005 and
f) Maintenance of details of Karnataka Private Security
communal goondas, active Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2008.
members of crimes syndicate and l) Technical wing of lSD and HQ
mafias involved in narcotics, shall facilitate ISD field units in
money laundering and human achieving the airman date and
trafficking etc., shall be responsible for collection,
g) Maintenance of data, information collation and analysis of data,

information, intelligence inputs at officers under various statutes,
Central level. etc.
m) While conducting investigation
and enquiry, police officers The following different wings
working in lSD shall exercise all work under DGP, ISD for the duties
police powers as available to police and activities enumerated as under:


The Centre for Counter Terrorism • Bomb Disposal and Improvised

(CCT) is part of the Internal Security Explosive Devices Training at
Division & is located at Kudlu. It is Bengaluru from 4.4.2016 to
grouped into two wings, viz 30.4.2016.
Operation Wing and Training Wing. Commando teams of Garuda were
Its current strength is 175 also involved in giving immediate
commandos, selected on the lines of back up support at Mysuru during
Army Special Forces. Dasara from 1.10.2016 to
The focus of the CCT is to 11.10.2016, Special Assembly
continuously evolve as a Counter Session at Belagavi from 21.11.2016
Terror Force in the country. Towards to 02.12.2016 and Hon’ble PM’s
that end special efforts have been visit to Bengaluru from 7.1.2017 to
made to put into place a policy for 9.1.2017 for Pravasi Divas
induction with stable tenures, joint Programme.
training with other forces and NSG, The CCT subscribed to Army
revision of daily schedule, Training Courses in premier Army
subscription to need oriented Training Institutions. This exposure
courses and procurement of is expected to give further fillip in
weapons, ammunition and honing of CT Skills.
equipment. The Training Wing of CCT was
2016 was a very eventful and continuously involved in creating
momentous year for the Centre for potent armed response teams in all
Counter Terrorism with following districts of the State in the form of
highlights:- DSWATs, equip districts to handle
• To reduce the response time for CT grave Counter Terror situations as
operations in Bengaluru, Alert Base first responders. The following
Central was established on training courses were conducted for
11.6.2016 at No.1 Commissionerate DSWAT:-
Road. • D-SWAT training Programme Phase
• Garuda Team stood first in - 7 – 18.8.2016 to 8.10.2016
Exercise “Agni Pariksha” and • D-SWAT training Programme Phase
second in Exercise “Agni Shaman” - 8 – 17.10.2016 to 10.12.2016
which were conducted at National CCT is in the process of
Security Guard in Nov-Dec, 2016. establishing a new training campus
• Joint training with Force One from at Agara, Kanakpura Road.
11.7.2016 to 17.7.2016 at Mumbai Multipurpose Block and DSWAT
and 21.7.2016 to 28.7.2016 at training buildings are nearing
Bengaluru. completion at new location.

In order to make the CCT a potent (QRT), augmentation of strength of
CT Force, important initiatives CCT and coordination for air lift
relating to Quick Reaction Teams capability are being worked upon.

Private Security Agencies

The private security industry has mandatory license from the Addl,
been brought under the purview of Director General of Police, Internal
the Home Department. The Addl. Security Division. In this regard the,
Director General of Police, Internal following action has been taken:
Security Division is the Controlling • DG & IGP, Karnataka instructed all
Authority for all Private Security City Commissioners and District
Agencies in the State as per the Superintendents of Police to register
Private Security Agencies Regulation case as per the PSARA Act, 2005
Act 2005, and Karnataka Private against agencies who have not
Security Agencies Rules, 2008. The obtained license to run security
State has over 2000 Private Security agencies.
Agencies employing 4.5 lakh security • The list of licenced security agencies
personnel. 1647 agencies have has been shared with the RBI and all
applied for license and 1274 have banks.
been granted and licences under the • The list of licenced security agencies
Act. The Addl. Director General of has also been made available on the
Police, Internal Security Division is Karnataka State Police website
engaged in stream lining the (
activities of Private Security Industry A Software for the PSA data has been
as Auxiliary Lawmen for security developed and implemented. PSAs
which is in the private domain. are being trained to update the
It is illegal to operate Private software on a regular basis.
Security Agency without obtaining a


In order to contain naxal activities in dated 21-05-2005, 12 ANF camps

naxal affected districts of Malnad were established between 2005 and
and areas bordering Andhra 2012.
Pradesh, [the A.N.F with a strength of Government has also sanctioned 3
543 officers and men was established new camps at Arji, Beechanahalli
on 21-05-2005] vide government and Gundlupete in the Tri Junction
order no HD/1/POP/2005 (Part) area bordering Tamil Nadu and
Kerala State. Officers and men from

the above sanctioned strength were areas, based on intelligence for the
deployed to establish a camp with purpose of area domination, daily
building at Arji. A temporary camp combing operations, night patrolling,
was established at Beechanahalli joint combing operations with the
while at Gundlupet, the camp is yet offficers and men of naxal affected
to start. districts and naxal affected States, is
105 officers and men from Karnataka undertaken. In addition to this,
State Reserve Police were transfered election and other bandobust in the
to A.N.F for a period of 3 years in naxal affected areas is made as per
August, 2016. the request of concerned
In the naxal affected Malnad Superintendents of Police.
region, Tumkur dist and Tri junction


Karnataka has a coastline of the seashore in territorial waters and

approximately 320 Kms in length 500 mtrs in the (CRZ) area from
stretching from Talapady in seashore. 5 police stations were
Dakshina Kannada district to Majali sanctioned by MHA under Phase-I at
in Uttara Kannada district.The Mangaluru, Malpe,
Coastal Security Police, (CSP)
Karnataka was established to
counter intrusion and to curb other
illegal activities in coordination with Bhatkal, Kumta, Karwar and
Central and State agencies.The functioning in their own buildings.
Jurisdiction of the Coastal Security Five 5 ton and Ten 12 ton Interceptor
Police is up to 12 nautical miles from Boats were sanctioned by

MHA.These are operational at each Stations at Hejmadi and Gangoli are
Coastal Security Police Station functioning in their own building
(CSPS). CSP Hqrs is located at Udupi. while the building work for the other
2 Police Stations at Honnavar and
Belikeri has been completed.

In Phase-II, four Police Stati

ons were sanctioned. Coastal Police

The objectives of CSP are:

i. Surveillance along the sea coast v. Preventing illegal immigration
through regular sea patrolling. and unauthorized stay of
ii. Collection of intelligence and foreigners.
co-ordination with Indian vi. Monitoring activities in 13
Navy, Coast Guard, Customs, fishing harbours along the
Department of Revenue Karnataka Coast besides
Intelligence (DRI) & other checking of fishing vessels and
Agencies of State and Central foreign ships (vessels).
Governments. vii. Co-ordination with State &
iii. Checking of terrorists and Central agencies.
anti-national activists to curb viii. Assisting public in distress
a Acts of sabotage. along the coastal line.
iv. Checking of smuggling of
arms, ammunitions, narcotic
drugs and explosives.


The Karnataka State control of Additional Director

Industrial Security Force (KSISF) was General of Police, Internal Security
established on the lines of Central Division.As per standing Order No.
Industrial Security Force (CISF) to 988 Vide Letter No. Rcn15/13/2003-
meet the security challenges in the 04(A) dated. 29.7.2011.
state. The KSISF works under the

Each Battalion of the KSISF comprises of the following:

Comdt DC AC PI PSI ASI HC PC Foll Total

1 1 8 24 66 126 155 577 69 1027

Government has sanctioned and other vital installations which

three Battalions so far.The main are under threat from terrorists and
objective of KSISF is to provide naxalites.
security to major Power / Irrigation Government has approved the
Projects like Krishna Bhagya Jala Cadre and Recruitment Rules of
Nigama Limited (KBJNL), Kaveri KSISF called as Karnataka State
Neeravari Nigama, Karnataka Power Industrial Security Force (Cadre and
Corporation Limited, Namma Metro Recruitment) Rules, in February

2012. These rules provide for filling 10. Mangaluru Lent Establish-
up of posts either by direct ment & L&O Duties.
recruitment or promortion. 11. Police Hqrs.
The KSISF is deployed at the 12. State Disaster Response Force
following vital installations/units:- (SDRF).
1. Vidhana Soudha & Vikasa 13. Internal Security Division,
Soudha. Bengaluru.
2. Belagavi Suvarna Soudha. 14. Dharwar Training School.
3. Belagavi Airport. 15. KRS Dam.
4. Hubbali Airport. 16. Alamatti Dam.
5. Bengaluru Central Jail. 17. BTPS, Kudutini.
6. Belagavi Central Jail. 18. BMRCL, Benguluru.
7. Bellari Central Jail. 19. KSISF(HQ) QM office & MTO
8. Mangaluru District Jail. office
9. Bengaluru Lent Establishment 20. CCT ISD.
including Rajbhavan.


The Intelligence Wing is headed by an Officer of the rank of an Additional

Director General of Police. He is assisted by two Deputy Inspector Generals of
Police and four Superintendents of Police at the Head Quarters. Five
Superintendents of Police in the Intelligence Divisions are located at Bengaluru,
Mysuru, Mangaluru, Kalaburgi and Belgavi.

The organization of the intelligence wing is below:


DIG INT DIG Security

SP Security
3 SP’s INT
(Head Quarter)

SP’s Int

Bengaluru Mysuru Mangaluru Kalburgi Belgavi

7. POLICE COMPUTER WING ( P.C.W ) Director General of Police, Police
Computer wing. This wing also
This wing is headed by an includes State Crime Record Bureau
officer of the rank of Additional Unit, (S.C.R.B).

The Organization of this Wing is as below:




Data Centers are specialized project, M/s HP, System Integrator

facilities that provide disaster for Karnataka CCTNS has enhanced
resilient physical infrastructure, the Data Center infrastructure by
uninterrupted power with effective placing new servers, storage,
cooling and precision controlled network equipment and security
environment with highest service devices. Virtualization softwares are
levels to ensure high availability for used for efficient utilization of
mission critical environment. hardware to provide high availability
to business critical servers. All
Karnataka has a dedicated critical servers and database are
Data Center with full fledged IT stored in the Storage Area Network
infrastructure, at the premises of the (SAN) to ensure data availability.
Commandant, 3rd Battalion, KSRP, Networking devices and security
Madiwala, Bengaluru. devices are configured with failover
cluster to ensure high availability.
All business critical
application like Police IT, e-mail, Web
site Antivirus and Active directory All Services at Data Center are
services are provided from this Data maintained and monitored by
Center. Availability of services are KSPDC team 24/7 basis. The
ensured through proactive Network Monitoring Software is
monitoring and preventive being utilized to manage Network
maintenance. Links, Networking Devices and
Servers. Pro active monitoring and
The State Police Computer preventive maintenance ensures
Wing is also aligned with the (CCTNS) availability of services.
which is a Government of India

The following services are currently provided through this data center.

i. Police IT Application vi. Network Monitoring Service

ii. e-mail Service vii. Centralized Antivirus
iii. KSP Web Site viii. Secure Internet service.
iv. Active Directory Service ix. Citizen Centric Portal
v. Service Manager


A Disaster Recovery Center for Karnataka State Police is located at NIC

Data Center, Shastri Park, New Delhi.


Karnataka State Police Wide has achieved 100% connectivity.

Area Network, (KSPWAN) was created Fixed IP has been implemented on
in the year 2009 with BSNL as the VPNoBB connection which added a
service provider and successfully new dimension to the utility and
implemented jointly by BSNL and the monitoring of this network. In
Karnataka State Police. This Network addition, a 16 Mbps Internet leased
is a combination of 42MPLS and line has also been provided. The
1531 VPNoBB connections which VPNoBB connections bandwidth was
connects all police station and higher upgraded from 512 Kbps to 2Mbps
offices across the state. Karnataka


Progress made under CCTNS Project

i. All the Police units (Police through CCTNS project, for
Stations and higher offices) in using Police IT Software.
the State are using Police IT iii. An exclusive Data Center for
software,all the Police Stations Police Department has been
are computerized. created, all the Police Stations
ii. In all the Police units, and higher units are connected
Computers and other through KSP WAN.The data
Peripherals are provided migration is happening

between State and Central vi. A Citizen Centric Portal has
databases. been launched and 4 services
iv. This year bandwidth of all are made available for public.
Police stations in the State was From this portal, citizens can
upgraded from 512kbps to register and view complaints
2Mbps. online.
v. Under this project total 58,620 vii. Implementation of Central
Police personnel are trained in Government CCTNS project is
Basic IT, Police IT and Basic successfully completed. In
system Admin. Courses in view of making Police IT
year 2016, 407 Officers of the software user friendly,
rank of (PSI to DySP) have been proposal for upgradation of
trained. Police IT software has been
submitted to the Government.


Sl. No. Heads of Crime 2016

1 Antiquities and Art Treasures Act 1
2 Arms Act 134
3 Child Marriage Restraint Act 50
4 Dowry Prohibition Act. (1961) 1695
5 Essential Commodities Act 310
6 Excise Act/ Prohibition Act 5319
7 Explosive Act & Expl.Subs.Act. 76
8 Gambling Cases 10427
9 Indian Passport Act 86
10 Indian Railways Act 5
11 N.D.P.S. Act 655
12 Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. 29
13 Registration of Foreigners Act. 32
14 Terrorists & Disruptive Activities (TADA) Act. 0
15 K.P.Act except gambling cases. 729
16 Karnataka Forest Act & Indian Forest Act 109
17 Indian Lunancy Act 0
18 Indian Electricity Act 19
19 Indian Motor Vehicle Act 21
20 Cinematography Act. 0
21 Juvenile Justice Act 67
22 Karnataka Open Place disfigurement Act. 202
23 Protection of Civil Rights Act. 6
24 The SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989. 1811
25 Other acts not included above. 10671
Total (L & Spl. Laws) 32454




The Crime Investigation Unit is a the Forest Cell, Unit dealing with
special unit headed by an officer of Economic Offences and the Cyber
the rank of Director General of Police. Police Station. He also supervises
He oversees the work of all Training Units.
Specialized Investigation Units like The Organization of this Wing is as
the Crime Investigation Department, presented below:

Organizational Chart of Criminal Investigation Department

Cyber Forensic
DGP - CID, Special Units & Economic Offences Unit

IGP/ADGP, CID Technical Support IGP/ADGP, Economic Offences

DIGP, CID DIGP, Economic Offences

Administration Homicide & Special Enquiries Anti-Human SP
Cyber Crime Economic Counterfeit,
IPS Cadre Post Burglary Division Division Trafficking Unit Financial
Division Offences Arms & Narcotics
Intelligence Unit
IPS Cadre Post Division Division

Criminal Intelligence Unit

Narcotic Narcotic Narcotic

FIUs in Districts and
Bangalore Drug Cell, Drug Cell, Drug Cell,
Mysore Gulbarga Davanagere Dharwad Mangalore Commissionerates
Bangalore Mangalore Belgaum

Cyber Crime Police Station

Mysore Dharwad Gulbarga Davanagere Mangalore

Statistics Particulars of Investigation Cases of CID Bengaluru for the year

No. of No.of
No.of No.of
cases cases
cases at cases
dispos pending
the reported
ed at the
beginnin during Total
Sl. Name of the end of
g of the the year No. of
N. Division the year
year (i.e (01/01/ cases
(i.e. as
as on 2016 to
01/01/2 31/12/2
016) 016)
Homicide &
1 40 15 55 03 03 05 04 40
Burglary Division

Special Enquires
2 67 07 74 27 00 01 00 46
3 02 01 03 00 00 00 00 03
Trafficking Unit
Cyber Crime
4 94 143 237 08 07 16 01 205
Economic Offences
5 72 145 217 51 11 03 13 139
6 151 26 177 114 03 00 22 38
Intelligence Unit
Arms and Narcotics
7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
TOTAL 426 337 763 203 24 25 40 471

Statistics particulars of enquries of CID Bengaluru for the year 2016

No.of enquiries
No.of enquiries
enquiries at reported
Name of Total enquiries pending at
Sl. the begining during the
the No.of disposed the end of
No. of the year year
Division enquiries during the year (i.e.
(i.e as on (01/01/2016
the year as on
01/01/2016) to
1 & Burglary 02 03 05 02 03
2 Enquires 09 04 13 04 09
3 04 01 05 02 03
4 Crime 03 17 20 06 14
5 Offences 02 03 05 02 03
6 Intelligence 33 10 43 35 08
Arms and
7 Narcotics 00 03 03 00 03
TOTAL 53 41 94 51 43

Statement Showing The Cases Reported, Detected, UI And Disposed Off For
The Year 2016 Of CID Forest Cell Unit

Tot S/ Other Wl Total No of Total Total Total UI CO AC P

al w forest P no of vehic value value value N Q T
No offfen accus les of of of the
of ces ed seize propert vehicle propert
cas d y s y and
es seized seized vehicle
kf Act s
and seized
654 03 603 26 678 37 25285 56620 81905 23 28 41 8
700 000 700 6 9 8

There are Special Police Units assist Civil Police Units in the
at the State Level to perform effective discharge of their duties.
Specialized Police functions and to
Director General of Police, who is
9. KARNATAKA STATE RESERVE assisted by an Inspector General and
POLICE (K.S.R.P) two Deputy Inspectors General of
Police and Commandant at the Police
Head Quarters. The Karnataka State
Reserve Police at present consists of
13 Battalions & one Training School.
4 Battalions have their headquarters
at Bengaluru and 1 each is located at
Mysuru, Belagavi, Kalaburgi,
Mangaluru, Shivamogaa, Shiggaon
and Hassan, 2 Indian Reserve
Battalion (I.R.B) Battalions are
located in Munirabad and Vijayapura
This wing is headed by an including 2 Women Companies and 2
officer of the rank of Additional Anti-terrorist units.






↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. C’mdt. PRIN C’mdt Comdt.

I.Btln. II Btln. III Btln. IV Btln. Vth Btln. VI Btln. VII Btln. VIII Btln. IX Btln. X Btln. XI Btln. PTS IRB IRB


B’luru B’gavi B’luru B’luru Mysuru K’bugi M’lure S’moga B’luru S’ggon Hassan

11th btn, KSRP Administrative Building, Hassan

11th btn, KSRP Armoury, Hassan

Deployment of K.S.R.P/ I.R.B Platoons for Law and Order Duties in Other
States during the Year 2016.


1. Goa Participated in 17-01- 26-01-
Republic Day Parade 2016 2016
2. Andhra Pradesh Sri Rahul Gandhi and Sri 01-02- 02-02-
Man Mohan Singh’s Visit 2016 2016 02
3. Kerala 03-05- 17-05-
Assembly Elections 2016 15
2016 2016
4. Kerala Participated in 04-08- 15-08-
Independence Day Parade 2016 2016
5. Goa BRICS Conference B/ 13-10- 17-10-
B Duty 2016 2016
6 Kerala Sabarimalai Devasthana 10-12- 19-01-
(Sabarimalai) B/B 2016 2017

Adminstrative building IRB, Vijayapura Police Quarters, Vijayapura

PTS, Kitchen, Belgaum Police Quarters

10.Communication, Logistics & Modernization Wing

This wing is headed by an General of Police, a Superintendent

Additional Director General of Police. of Police & Motor Transport
The wing consists of a Police Wireless Organization headed by a
Unit headed by Deputy Inspector Superintendent of Police.

The organization of this wing is as under:


D.I.G.P (Wireless)

S.P Wireless S.P M.T.O

Modernization of Karnataka State Police Force

The scheme for modernisation of and Mega City Policing for Bengaluru
State Police Forces (MPF) involving City.
Plan & Non-plan funds of Ministry of
Home Affairs (MHA) Government of Government of Karnataka has
India towards capacity building of been proactive in utilizing funds
State Police Forces is essentially allocated by Government of India
meant for police buildings since the inception of Modernisation
(residential and non-residential) & of State Police Force Scheme in the
communication, computerization, year 2000-2001.
weaponry, mobility, equipments
(Police Stations, Forensic Science As per the guidelines of MHA,
Laboratory, Finger Print Bureau, fund sharing pattern between
State Intelligence, Training Government of India, Government of
Infrastructure and Special Units) Karnataka is 60:40.

The Progress under this scheme in 2016 is as below:

i. Rs.730.40 lakhs was utilized Rs. 325.02 lakhs remained

from the Rs. 1055.55 lakh unspent by the following units:
provided through revalidation,

Sl. Released Utilized
Unit Head ed Remarks
No Amount Amount
1 DGP, CID Blore. 32,29,000/- 32,28,257/- 743/- Surrendered.
2 DGP,Trg Blore. 1,58,79,000/- - Utilized
DGP, Home amount was
3 1,33,94,000/- 13375823/- 18,177/-
Guards Blore. diverted to
DIGP Wireless.
DIGP, Wireless 18,150/-
4 18,177/- 27/- Surrendered.
Total Rs. 3,25,02,000/- 3,25,01,230/-

Utilization Certificate was submitted to Government of India (MHA)

ii. Non-Plan Scheme (Mega City Policing) 2014-15;

Non-plan Central Share State Share Total

(Mega City )
4073.00 Lakhs 3219.00 Lakhs 7292.00 Lakhs
State Government released Rs. Rs. 23,30,90,891/- was utilized by
1850.00 lakh in Februry 2016 various units. The balance amount
released an amount of Rs 5442.00 is under utilization
lakh. The total release under this
sheme was Rs.7292.00 lakh of which The SLEC approved the State Action
Rs. 4073.00 lakh was utilized and Plan the year 2016-17. Under Non
certificates submitted to Government Plan for Rs.5930.00 lakhs and 20%
of India. under Supplementary head for Rs.
1186.00 lakhs (total Rs. 7116.00
Under modernization of Police Forces lakhs) and Non Plan allocation of Rs.
under Plan funds Rs. 4500.00 lakh & 5930.00 lakhs includes State share
Rs. 5245.00 lakh was released by of Rs. 3558.00 lakhs. The High
government in two instalments. Rs. Powered Committee of Government
5847.00 lakh was utilized and of India held on 26.09.2016
conveyed to Government of India approved the State Action. Plan for
with the balance utilization being Rs. 5930.00 & Supplementary Plan
under way. Rs. 7116.00. The breakup of action
plan is as follows.
Under Non Plan scheme for the year
2015-16, MHA released an amount
of Rs 3466.00 lakh.
Sl GOI GOK Total Share
no Share(60%) Share (40%) (Rs in lakhs)
1 Weaponry 479.00 319.33 798.33
2 Mobility 762.00 508.00 1270.00
3 Communication 198.00 132.00 330.00
4 Equipments for CID 58.00 38.67 96.67
Infrastructure and
5 Equipments for DGP, 244.00 162.67 406.67

Infrastructure and
6 Equipments for KSRP and 420.00 280.00 700.00
Training schools
Equipments for Forensic
7 420.00 280.00 700.00
Laboratory science (FSL)
Equipments for Law and
8 797.00 531.33 1328.33
Orders duties
9 Equipments for Home Guards 180.00 120.00 300.00
Grand Total 3558.00 2372.00 5930.00

Supplementary Plan 2016-17

Sl Share
Particulars Share Share
no (Rs in
(60%) (40%)
1 Smart Policing intiiatives 54.00 36.00 90.00
2 Mobility 146.00 97.33 243.33
3 Communication 54.00 36.00 90.00
Infrastructure and Equipments
4 46.00 30.67 76.67
for DGP, Training
Infrastructure and Equipments
5 111.60 74.40 186.00
for KSRP and Training schools
Equipments for Forensic
6 200.00 133.33 333.33
Laboratory science (FSL)
Equipments for Law and Orders
7 100.00 66.67 166.67
Grand Total 711.60 474.40 1186.00


Motor Transport Organization, purchase vehicles required by

Bengaluru works under the Director the units.
General & Inspector General of iii. Processing the purchase and
Police, Bengaluru. This unit allotment of vehicles including
discharges the administrative and sanction of the Government.
financial powers vested with DG and iv. Processing prior approval for
IGP relating to all vehicles coming major repairs to the vehicles
under the Police department. Its damaged in accident claims.
functions include the following: v. Condemnation of old vehicles
i. Correspondence with the as per norms
Government through ADGP, vi. Monitoring the allotment of
CL & M regarding procurement vehicles, repairs, spare parts,
of vehicles, required by various monthly fuel consumption etc,
units under Modernization by the units through a
Scheme. monthly statement received
ii. Submitting proposals to the from various units.
Government for sanction of vii. Monitoring of accident cases of
funds under State Fund to departmental vehicles such as

investigation, court 01 Bolero jeep. During the year
proceedings and vehicle 2015-16 Rs.2,08,10,770/- available
repairs till the settlement of under Modernisation Fund was
the cases. revalidated for purchase of 06
viii. Providing information to Innova Crysta , 15 Maruti Ciaz
applicants under RTI Act and vehicles and 2 Bajaj Motor Cycles.
furnishing of replies to LA/LC Purchase of 1476 different
Questions pertaining to Motor types of vehicles against condemned
Transport of Police vehicles as per request received from
Department. various units was purchased during
the year. .
The fleet strength of the Police
Department was 12,254 as on 220 accident cases were registered
31.12.2016. during 2016 involving Police
vehicles. The MTO obtains reports
During 2016 an amount of from its units every month regarding
Rs.27,45,97,475/- was released the progress of investigation, court
under State budget to purchase proceedings and final settlement of
different types of vehicles required by the cases.
the units. Vehicles procured during During 2016, 01 case under RTI and
2016 (from 01.01.2016 to 05 LA/LC questions were received
31.12.2016) included 200 Maruti and replied to.
Ertiga vehicles, 69 Mahindra buses,


The Police Wireless unit under the Internal Security Division & Indian
Karnataka State Police falls under Reserve Battallion Control room.
the administrative control of The State Police Wireless Unit
Additional Director General of Police, is divided into 3 Zones viz., South
Communication, Logistics and Zone, North Zone and Central Zone.
Modernization. The unit is under the Each Zone is headed by an Officer of
supervision of Dy.Inspector General the rank of Dy. Supdt. of Police
of Police, Wireless and Supdt. of (Wireless). Of the 5
Police, Wireless. The total strength of Commissionerates, Bengaluru is
this unit including officers & Staff of headed by a DCP and ACP, Mysuru
various ranks and ministerial staff is and Hubballi are headed by an ACP
1615 spread over 30 Districts, 5 with supporting staff of PIs (W), PSIs
Commissionerates including (W), ASIs (W) HCs (W) & PCs (W). PIs
Bengaluru City, Anti Naxal Force, (W) are incharge of each district
Coastal Security Police, Intelligence, Control and City Control Rooms.
Crime Investigation Department,

The details of calls received from the public & attended during the year
2016 are :
No. of calls No. of calls No. of fake Missed
Received attended Calls calls
6,22,006 5,84,170 43,781 ---

The details of messages received & attended during the year 2016 were:

No. of official Messages No. of Messages attended

21,80,642 17,52,537

159 officers/staff of the Directorate of wireless were promoted during the

year 2015. The details are as under:
Pc(W) to HC(W) to ASI(W) to PSI(W) to TOTAL
-- 02 28 05 35

Direct Recruitment of 37 PSI (W) and 301 PC (W) is under process.

TRAINING:The Karnataka State

Police Wireless Training Institute i. from date 18.04.2016 to
functions in a newly constructed 15.05.2016, Sandwich Training for
building in the premises of City 19 Probationers of PSI (W
Armed Reserve, Adugodi, Bengaluru.
The training institute provides ii. from date 16.05.2016 TO
boarding and lodging facilities for the 15.11.2016, Wireless Training for
trainees. It is headed by a Dy.S.P. 118 Police Constables (W)/ Women
Wireless and has a staff of one PI (W) PCs (W)
and one PSI (W) and two ASIs (W)
who assist in imparting training to iii. from date 15.11.2016 to
the trainees to Police wireless 15.02.2017, Practical Training for
officers. 19 Probationers. PSI (W).


following trainings were organized
and conducted during the year.

Special Communication Arrangements for ANF and CSP:

The Police wireless wing has

extended the following support for
Anti Naxal Forces and Coastal (B)CSP Udupi:VHFcommunication
Security Police. has been provided with 62 Mobiles,
(A)Karkala:VHFcommunication has 50 Walkie Talkies,Digital VHF 28
been provided to ANF camps with Mobiles, 34 Walkie Talkies and 04
161 Mobiles, 252 Walkie Talkies Digital Repeaters with all
and HF sets, Digital VHF 24 accessories to CSP Udupi. Digital
Mobiles, 56 Walkie Talkies and 01 VHF communication system is
Digital VHF Repeater with operational.
accessories and Wireless staff.

In addition necessary and adequate i. providing T.V and sports materials
support during bandobust to the staff for recreation.
arrangements is also provided.
During the year 2016, 3492 Mobiles ii. Making available reading
and 1917 Walkie-Talkies were material such as news papers and
provided for VVIP Visits & various magazines to the staff of the
bandobust duties. Training school.

The Wireless unit also focused on iii. Financial Assistance from the
staff welfare activities which unit’s Benevolent Fund is also
includes the following: extended for children’s education
and medical purpose for the staff in
Total No. of Wireless Equipments Held In This Unit are:-

1. VHF Mobiles / Static 5725

2. VHF Walkie Talkies Set 11196
3. VHF Repeater Sets 137
4. UHF Mobile / Static set 2870
5. UHF Walkie Talkies Set 6436
6. UHF Repeater sets 40
7. Wide Band Receivers 30

As part of its future plans, the Mysuru City, Hubbali-Dharwad,

Wireless unit proposes to introduce Mangaluru City and Belgavi City
Digital Radio systems in all districts Commissionarates. It is proposed to
and cities implement the Dial 100 system in
all the districts in the State in the
A Dial-100 with AVLS system is near future.
functioning in Bengaluru City



This wing is headed by an Officer of by the Inspector General of Police

the rank of Director General of (Training) and a Deputy Inspector
Police, Recruitment. He is assisted General of Police (Recruitment).

The organization of this Wing is as presented below:-

ADGP, Training

O/o IGP, KPA, Mysuru PTC, Kalburgi KSPTS, PTS, Khanapur APTS, PDMS,
Trg. Channapatna Yelahanka Yelahanka

DIGP, Req Director Principal Principal Principal Principal SP

Deputy Director Vice Principal DSP (Outdoor) DSP (Outdoor)
(Indoor/Outdoor) (Indoor/Outdoor)

(Indoor/Outdoor RPI/PI RPI/PI RPI/PI RPI




The Karnataka Police has the 7. Police Training School, Kadur.

following training institutions where 8. Police Training School, Hubli-
professional training to fresh Dharwad.
appointees and in service training is
provided: 9. Police Training School,
Thannisandra, Bengaluru.
1. KarnatakaPoliceAcademy, 10. Police Training School,
Mysuru. Hassan.
11. Police Training School,
2. Karnataka StatePolice Aimangala.
Training Centre, Kalaburgi.
3. Karnataka State Police 12. Police Training School,
Training School, Mysuru.
4. Karnataka State Police Each training institution is headed
Training School, Khanapura by a Principal of the rank of a
5. Armed Police Training School, Superintendent of Police (non IPS)
Bengaluru. and assisted by staff in charge of
indoor and outdoor activities. The
6. Police Driving and KPA is headed by an officer of the
Maintenance School, rank of a DGP.
Yelahanka, Bengaluru.

The details of the training courses training from time to time to update
organised by the Police Training their skills, attitude and professional
Institutes and the number of officers knowledge. The training wing
of various ranks trained during the conducts in-service training,
year 2016 are furnished below:- seminars, workshops and other
refresher courses on different
Training is one of the most subjects periodically for officers of
important wings in the Police different levels. Training wing
Department which aims at imparting conduct specific programme in
basic training to the newly recruited respect of women and children
constables and officers of the rank of related issues in co-ordination with
SIs and DySPs. Police officers at Gender Sensitization Police
different levels have to undergo Project (GSPP).

Organisation and Establishment:

The Training wing of the Police Kalaburagi, Mysuru with the

Department under Karnataka State necessary staff for a period of 18
Police came into existence on months to train 2 batches of 400
3.5.1973 under the DIGP, Training. Civil Police Constables in each
Government accorded sanction for school. To improve the quality of
the creation of dedicated staff in training it was decided to create a
July1980. post of IGP (Training). In 2008 a post
of DGP (Training) was created. IGP
In 1982, the police training (Training) functions directly under
institutions were reorganised by the direction and control of the DGP
establishing 3 temporary Police (Training).
Training Schools at Dharwad,

Training Institutions:

There are 11 permanent State viz. at CAR, Mysuru City, CAR,

training institutions viz. KPA, Hubli-Dharwad City, Vijayapura,
Mysuru, Police Training College, Udupi, Chikmagaluru, Shivamogga,
Kalaburagi, Karnataka State Police Belagavi, Hassan, Kalaburagi, Bidar,
Training School, Channapatna, Davanagere, Dharwad, Tumkuru,
Police Training School, Khanapura, Karwar, Koppal, Bellari, Bengaluru,
Armed Police Training School, Bagalkot, Haveri, Mangaluru,
Yelahanka, Bengaluru, Police Mandya and Raichur These police
training schools at Hubbali- training schools have a capacity to
Dharwad, Mysure, Kadur, Hassan, train 2795 police constables.
Aimangala and Thanisandra,
Bengaluru. These institutions have a Rs. 42,33,500/- was spent during
capacity to train 480 PSIs and 3678 2016-17 on Gender Sensitization
PCs. Programmes and was utilised to
There are 22 Temporary Police organise training workshops for in-
Training Schools spread across the service police officers and personnel

including 225 PSIs, and 6,141 PCs Kolkata, Indian Institute of
(men & women). A total of 6,954 Management, Ahmedabad, National
police officers and other personnel Institute of Criminology and Forensic
have been trained in these Science, New Delhi, North Eastern
programmes. Police Academy, Meghalaya.
Similarly, 29 DySPs, 92 PIs, 48 PSIs,
During the year 2016, 6 6 HCs and 68 PCs, 1 Scientific Officer
ADGPs, 3 IGPs, 1 DIGP, 19 SPs and were deputed for training courses
7 Non-IPS SPs were deputed for conducted by Central Detective
various training courses conducted Training School, Hyderabad, NEPA,
by Sardhar VallaBhai Patel National Meghalaya, Central Bureau of Inves
Police Academy, Hyderabad, Central Academy, NSG Training Centre,
Bureau of Investigation Academy, Border Security Force Training
Indian Instituate of Management, Centres etc. during 2016.

Basic training for RSIs/PSIs conducted during 2015-16 included the


Number Duration
Sl. Training
Designation Capacity of
No. Units From To
1 KPA, PSI (Civil) 250 225 15.10.201 14.10.20
Mysuru 5 16
2 PTC, RSI 99 29.11.201 28.08.20
Kalaburgi 5 16
PSI 19 15.12.201 14.09.20
Wireless 5 16

Basic Training in Permanent Training Schools during 2015-16 are as


Number Duration
Sl. Capacity
Training Units Designation of
No (PC) From To
1 PTC, Kalaburagi CPC 400 394 01.03.201 30.11.201
6 6
2 KSPTS, CPC 500 492 15.10.201 14.07.201
Channapatna 5 6
3 PTS, Khanapura CPC 300 292 02.11.201 01.08.201
5 6
4 APTS, Yelahanka CPC 300 249 16.11.201 15.08.201
5 6
5 PDMS, Yelahanka, CPC 150 92 04.01.201 03.10.201
Bengaluru 6 6
6 PTS, Mysuru WPC 250 252 02.11.201 01.08.201
5 6
7 PTS, Hubli-Dharwad CPC 400 278 02.11.201 01.08.201
5 6
8 PTS, Aimangala, CPC 328 324 01.03.201 30.11.201
Chitradurga 6 6
9 PTS, Kadur, CPC 400 380 02.04.201 01.01.201
Chikmagaluru 6 7

10 PTS, Thanisandra, WPC 400 359 02.04.201 01.01.201
Bengaluru 6 7
11 PTS, Hassan CPC 400 367 25.04.201 24.01.201
6 7

Basic Training in Temporary Training Schools during 2015-16 are as under:

Sl. Capacity Number of
Training Units Designation
No. (PC) Trainees
From To
1 Davanagere CPC 100 102 30.11.2015 31.08.2016
2 Dharwad WPC 225 221 30.11.2015 31.08.2016
3 Bidar CPC 150 125 07.12.2015 06.09.2016
4 Mysuru City CPC 200 137 07.12.2015 06.09.2016
5 Haveri CPC 120 97 28.12.2015 27.09.2016
6 Kalaburagi CPC 150 109 04.01.2016 03.10.2016
7 Shivamogga CPC 130 105 20.12.2015 19.09.2016
8 Bagalkot CPC 120 80 04.01.2016 03.10.2016
9 Mandya CPC 120 112 08.01.2016 07.10.2016
10 Raichur CPCs 130 75 04.03.2016 03.12.2016
11 Belagavi WPCs 180 158 01.03.2016 30.11.2016
12 Tumkur WPCs 120 118 01.03.2016 30.11.2016
13 Hubli- CPCs 150
150 14.03.2016 13.12.2016
14 U.K.Karwar CPCs 125 125 15.03.2016 14.12.2016
15 Vijayapur CPCs 120 127 21.03.2016 20.12.2016
16 Udupi CPCs 100 98 28.03.2016 27.12.2016
17 Bengaluru CPCs 100 81 28.03.2016 27.12.2016
18 Hassan CPCs 120 100 28.03.2016 27.12.2016
19 Bellari CPCs 100 100 04.04.2016 03.01.2017
20 Koppal CPCs 130 109 10.04.2016 09.01.2017
21 D.K.Mangalur CPCs 74
100 25.04.2016 24.01.2017
22 Chikmagaluru WPCs 100 72 25.04.2016 24.01.2017

The details of On-going Basic Training during 2016-17 is as below:

Sl. Capacity Number of Duration

Training Place Designation
No. (PC) Trainees From To
Permanent Training Schools

1 PTC, Kalaburagi PSI 230 48 01.10.2016 30.09.2017

2 PTS, Khanapura CPC 300 309 17.10.2016 16.06.2017
3 APTS, Yelahanka, CPC 300 306 13.12.2016 12.08.2017
4 PTS, Hubli-Dharawad CPC 400 332 01.12.2016 31.07.2017
5 PTS, Aimangala, CPC 328 313 16.01.2017 15.09.2017
Temporary Training Schools
1 Bagalkot APC 120 126 17.10.2016 16.06.2017
2 Kalaburagi APC 150 137 07.11.2016 06.07.2017
3 Haveri APC 120 121 07.11.2016 06.07.2017
4 Dharawad WPC 225 217 01.12.2016 31.07.2017
5 Bidar APC 150 147 01.12.2016 31.07.2017
6 Davanagere APC 120 124 08.12.2016 07.08.2017
7 Mandya APC 110 109 13.12.2016 12.08.2017
8 Shivamogga APC 130 63 13.12.2016 12.08.2017
9 Tumkur APC 120 122 26.12.2016 25.08.2017
10 Raichur APC 130 106 26.12.2016 25.08.2016
11 Bengaluru APC 100 99 10.01.2017 09.09.2017
12 Belagavi WPC 180 173 23.01.2017 22.09.2017

Details of Refresher Courses conducted during 2016 include the following:

Sl. Duration Total No. of

Name of the Training Rank
No. Period From To Participants
I KPA, Mysuru
Basic Training
46th batch of Post
institutional training for
1 IPS Probationers (67RR 14.12.2016 13.01.2017 5
Probationers weeks
2014 Batch and 68RR
2015 Batch)
Refresher Course
Training Programme on DySPs
1 Post-Promotional (Promoted from 29.02.2016 26.03.2016 37
Course for DySPs (Civil) PIs)
Training Programme on DySPs
2 Post-Promotional (Promoted from 25.04.2016 21.05.2016 13
Course for DySPs (Civil) PIs)
Training programme on
Addl. SP,
3 DySPs, PIs and 3 days 01.06.2016 03.06.2016 21
Intelligence and Cyber
Crime Investigation”

Training Programme on
PIs (Promoted 4
4 Post-Promotional 06.06.2016 02.07.2016 51
from PSIs) weeks
Course for PIs (Civil)
Training Programme on
PSIs (Promoted 4
5 Post-Promotional 04.07.2016 30.07.2016 50
from ASIs) weeks
Course for PSIs (Civil)
Three days' Course for SPs, DySPs and
6 3 days 01.08.2016 03.08.2016 35
ACB Officers Pis
Five days' Course for SPs, DySPs and
7 5 days 16.08.2016 20.08.2016 54
ACB Officers Pis
Training Programme on
PIs (Promoted 4
8 Post-Promotional 02.11.2016 29.11.2016 40
from PSIs) weeks
Course for PIs (Civil)
Training Programme on
Social Defence for Police
9 Functioners in DySPs/PIs/PSIs 3 days 28.11.2016 30.11.2016 43
association with NISD,
New Delhi
TOT on Physical
10 training, Tactics 21.11.2016 03.12.2016 14
Instructress weeks
Training Programme on
11 Techniques in DySPs/PIs/PSIs 5 days 26.12.2016 30.12.2016 25
association with
BPR&D, New Delhi
II KSPTS, Channapatna
1 Refresher Course ASI/CHC/CPC 5 days 03.10.2016 07.10.2016 31
III PTS, Khanapura
Refresher Course on
1 ASI/CHC 6 days 22.08.2016 27.08.2016 94
Refresher Course on
2 Act/Sexual Harassment ASI/CHC 5 days 19.09.2016 24.09.2016 100
on Children/Gender
&Atrocities on Women
IV APTS, Yelahanka, Bengaluru
Refresher Course on
1 ARSI/AHC/APC 6 days 19.09.2016 24.09.2016 67
“Small Weapons”
2 Refresher Course ASI/HC/PC 5 days 24.10.2016 28.10.2016 78
3 TOT AHC/APC 21.11.2016 30.11.2016 35
V PTS, Hubli-Dharawad
Stress Managment
1 &Modern Investigation ASI/HC/PC 53
VI PTS, Aimangala, Chitradurga
1 Refresher Course ASI/CHC/CPC 6 days 19.12.2016 24.12.2016 212
VII PTS, Mysuru
Post-Promotional 12
1 ASI 18.11.2016 29.11.2016 40
Course days

Activities of the Gender Sensitisation Police Project – 1st January 2016 to
31st December 2016
Total No.
Total No.
Sl. of
Activity Details Of
No. participant
Gender Sensitisation Workshop-police station
1. 10 405
Gender Sensitisation Workshop-Mid level
2. 01 24
officers Training
Gender Sensitisation Workshop-Probationary
3. 34 6366
4. “Operation smile-11” Training 01 159
Total 46 6954
1. Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU) Review 46 2514


The Directorate of Civil Rights General of Police, Civil Rights

Enforcement monitors registration Enforcement is the head of the
and investigation of cases registered Directorate. He is assisted by an
under the Protection of Civil Rights Inspector General of Police, a Deputy
Act 1955 and (Prevention of Inspector General of Police and a
Atrocities) Act. The Directorate Superintendent of Police at the
generally works as the watch dog of headquarters. There are 6 field
the rights and benefits extended to units, each headed by a
the SC/STs and also keep close vigil Superintendent of Police, at the
on those people other than SC/STs Police Ranges located at Bengaluru,
who avail the benefits meant for Mangaluru, Davanagere, Belgavi,
SC/STs. The Additional Director Kalburgi and Mysuru.

The organization of the DCRE is as below:






The number of cases reported and disposed Under SCs/STs (Prevention
Of Atrocities) Act, 1989 during 2016 was as below:

Reported Pending Under Conviction Acquitted Other B- Transfer

Trial investigation Disposal Reported
1912 1082 600 1 8 13 183 24

The number of cases reported and disposed under SCs/STs Protection of Civil
Rights Act 1955 during 2016 was as below:

Reported Pending Under Conviction Acquitted Other B- Transfer

Trial investigation Disposal Reported

3 - 1 - - - 2 -


This Wing is headed by an officer of the rank of Additional Director General

of Police. The Organization of this wing is as presented below:-






CRIME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2016 (upto 31.12.2016)
Murder 15 - 4 11 - - 4 7 - -
Murder for Dowry - - - - - - - - - -
Dacoity 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - -
Attempt to Dacoity 8 - - 8 - - - 8 - -
Robbery 91 - 19 72 - - 6 66 - -
H.B.T by Day 3 - - 3 - - - 3 - -
H.B.T by Night 4 - - 4 - - - 4 - -
House Theft - - - - - - - - - -
Ordinery Theft 0 - 207 973 3 - 45 924 - 1
Criminal Breach of
Trust - - - - - - - - - -
Cheating 6 - 1 5 - - - 5 - -
Kidnapping and
Abduction 4 - - 4 - - - 4 - -
C & C Notes 6 - - 6 - - - 6 - -
Rape 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 - -
132 102
TOTAL 0 0 232 1088 3 0 55 9 0 1
304 (A) IPC 7 - - 7 - - - 7 - -
279,337,338 IPC 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - -
IPC - - - - - - - - - -
324,325,326 IPC 25 - 3 22 - - 7 15 - -
332,353 IPC 7 - - 7 - - 1 6 - -
Miscellaneous IPC 46 - 6 40 - - 8 32 - -
TOTAL 86 0 9 77 0 0 16 61 0 0
Arms Act - - - - - - - - - -
Excise Act 8 - - 8 - - 1 7 - -
Railways Act 3 - - 3 - - - 3 - -
Explosives 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - -
K.P.Act 30 - - 30 20 - 4 6 - -
NDPS 5 - - 5 - - 2 3 - -
PCR/SC/ST Act 2 - - 2 - - 1 1 - -
Other Special and
Local Laws 6 - - 6 1 - - 5 - -
TOTAL 55 0 0 55 21 0 8 26 0 0
107 CRPC - - - - - - - - - -
102 CRPC 36 - 2 34 5 - 13 16 - -
109 CRPC 248 - - 248 248 - - - - -
110 CRPC 36 - - 36 36 - - - - -
TOTAL 320 0 2 318 289 0 13 16 0 0
178 113
GRAND TOTAL 0 243 1538 313 0 92 0 1
1 2

Rep Trans Traced UnTraced

30 2 13 15


Considering the social and Road Safety (CTRS) was established

economic impact of road traffic on 17-7-1991 . This unit is headed by
accidents fatalities, a need was felt a senior officer of the rank of
to establish a State level agency to Additional Director General of Police
prevent, control and monitor road as the Commissioner for Traffic and
traffic accidents. The Road Safety.
Commissionerate for Traffic and

Functions of CTRS
preventing and controlling
i. collect statistics of road traffic road traffic accidents due to
accidents periodically from all reckless and dangerous
the police units of the state, to driving and to allocate them to
verify and study the same and concerned units as per
to issue necessary directions requirements.
to all the units concerned to v. procure and distribute High
take effective steps to prevent Way Patrol Vehicles to units
and control the road accidents. as per requirements in order
ii. release funds from the allotted to mitigate accidents on
budget of the State highways and provide
government to all the unit emergency medical services to
heads to install traffic accident victims within the
equipment as per Golden Hour span. During
requirements. 2014-15, 33 High Way Patrol
iii. procure road safety and traffic Vehicles equipped with GIS,
enforcement equipment like wireless, wifi enabled tablets
alco-breath analysis, were procured & distributed to
Blackberry handsets, 11 accident prone districts. In
surveillance cameras, etc., as 2016-17 another 100 High
per requirements and to Way Patrol Vehicles equipped
allocate the same to similarly were procured and
concerned units. allocated districts.
iv. procure interceptor vehicles vi. issue directions to all unit
equipped with modern gadgets heads to comply with the
to be more effective in implementation of the

provisions of section 158(6) of accidents receive get their
the Indian Motor Vehicles Act claims before the concerned
1989 and Motor Vehicle Rules Tribunal without any difficulty
to ensure that victims of road .

Statistics on Road accidents in Karnataka

Fatal Non-Fatal Total Killed Injured

Sl.No Year
accidents accidents accidents
1 2013 8870 35150 44020 10046 56781
2 2014 9485 34228 43713 10452 56831
3 2015 9888 34123 44011 10856 56971
4 2016 10177 33864 44041 11098 54239

Details of Cases and Spot fine amount collected under the Indian Motor
rules Axt, 1989:

Cases of
Cases of violation of
Sl. Spot fine amount collected by
Year violation of IMV Act by
No collected the Interceptor
IMV ACT Interceptor
1 2013 73,14,528 87,60,68,583 3,02,863 7,37,64,100
2 2014 99,23,025 98,44,75,165 3,24,752 6,51,53,843
3 2015 1,04,77,766 1,07,00,99,668 2,82,794 5,91,02,638

4 2016 1,61,25,230 1,03,78,42,064 3,48,862 5,13,89,115

2. Allocation of Budget for Traffic and Road Safety:

Sl.No Year Funds released to Traffic and Road safety

1 2013 Rs. 2,200-00 Lakhs (Cities)
Rs. 200-00 Lakhs (26 Districts)
Rs. 405-00 Lakhs (33 Highway patrol vehicles)
Total Rs. 2,805-00 Lakhs
2 2014 Rs. 1,600-00 Lakhs (Cities)
Rs. 208-00 Lakhs (26 Districts)
Rs. 405-00 Lakhs (33 Highway patrol vehicles)
Total Rs. 2,213-00 Lakhs
3 2015 Rs. 416-00 Lakhs (Cities)
Rs. 217-00 Lakhs (26 Districts)
Rs. 1500-00 Lakhs (100 Highway patrol vehicles)
Total Rs. 2,133-00 Lakhs
4 2016 Rs. 816-00 Lakhs (Cities)
Rs. 226-00 Lakhs (26 Districts)
Rs. 1500-00 Lakhs (100 Highway patrol vehicles)
Total Rs. 2,542-00 Lakhs

Expenditure related to Traffic and Road Safety:

Sl. Traffic Items Total Total Expenditure

No Districts (Rupees)
1 Installation of 50 Traffic signal lights 19 3,84,14,980
2 308 Blackberry phones are provided to 31 2,36,99,036
all traffic police stations in the State
3 Distribution of 150 Alco breath 31 35,19,949
4 Maintenance of 80 Traffic signal lights 31 1,55,52,000
for 3 years
5 Maintenance of 73 Interceptor vehicles 31 26,00,000
for 3 years
6 Installation of 136 Surveillance Camera 12 10,05,57,394
7 133 Highway Patrol vehicles 30 19,05,00,000


This cell is headed by an officer disposal of the pending petitions. The

of the rank of ADGP/IGP. During the details are furnished as below.
year 2016, 7946 complaints were
received in the Grievances and Total No of Petitions Received and
Human Rights Cell, Instructions Disposed in GC Section during 2016
were issued to Unit Officers for early

No. of Petitions No. of Petitions Disposed Pending

7946 7965 54

The GCH&R cell also processes The details of NHRC/ SHRC cases
references from the National Human received, disposed and pending for
Rights Commission and the State the year 2016 is as below:
Human Rights Commission.

Cases referred by NHRC/ SHRC Disposal Pending

165 77 135






Head of Est Cost

Sl. PC SI Non
Account / Category Other Total (In
No. Qtrs Qtrs Res
Department Lakhs)
AHS-III 96 4 - 100 - 1480.04
Police Gruha 2020 1716 76 - 1792 - 28681.48
Dormitary &
Recreation hall for - - - -- 1 91.08
Rest House for SI
1 Budget - - - -- 1 148.02
level Officers
Barracks for IRB - - - -- 6 491.88
Armoury with
- - - -- 1 114.76
Magazine for IRB
MT Shed for IRB - - - -- 1 80.86
Other Works - - - -- 3 126.65
Res & Non Res
67 7 11 85 27 8807.29
buildings (new PTS)
2 13th Finance Academic Block for
- - - -- 1 382.00
Other Works - - - -- 2 150.00
3 Modernisation Police Stations - - - -- 20 2487.33

Out Post - - - -- 3 98.00
SDPO - - - -- 1 110.00
104 12 - 116 - 2023.99
Armoury with
- - - -- 4 600.00
Mess & Hostel
- - - -- 1 400.00
Block for 11th Btn
1st Floor Bldg for
- - - -- 1 50.00
Other Works - - - -- 6 1175.42
Deposit Other Works - - - -- 2 46.40
4 Contribution
Works Repair Works - - - -- 81 1147.27

Fire & K-Safe I 138 16 8 162 5 2776.33

5 Emergency Other Works 2 36.05
Department Home Guards - - - -- 3 379.24
6 Welfare Other Works - - - -- 6 11.65
7 Guest House - - - -- 1 139.00
TOTAL 2121 115 19 2255 179 52034.74

Budget allocation for the year 2016 (2015-16)

(i.e., 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2016) on Police Housing & expenditure incurred,
including Modernization & 14th Finance Commission

Sl Head of FY 2015-
Scheme Expenditure
No Account 16
1 Modernization 9745.00 1583.36
00-125 (P)
2 Police Gruha -2020 46083.00 27405.87
01-132 (P)
3 CAR Mysuru 276.00 171.04
02-386 (P)
DPO Office Complex
246.00 180.93
at Chikkaballapura

COP Office Complex 4055-00-207-0-

4 421.75 225.48
at Mysuru 04-386 (P)

DPO Office Complex

260.25 170.29
at Yadagir

Up-gradation Police 4055-00-051-0-

5 1.00 445.10
Public School Mysuru 01-139 (P)

Debt Servicing
6 Interest on Existing 733.51 707.05
03-240 (NP)
Debt Servicing
7 Principal on Existing 2481.00 2480.96
01-240 (NP)
Financial Assistance / 2055-00-113-0-
8 440.00 323.88
Relief 03-100 (NP)
Police Community
Hall / Infrastructure 4055-00-207-0-
9 300.00 69.42
Facilities to KSRP & 03-386 (NP)

The following are the details of works completed & handed over from January
to December 2016

AHS-III Scheme – 96 Quarters for Police Constable and 4 Quarters for Sub Inspector
Quarters constructed at an estimated cost of Rs.1480.04 Lakhs.
Police Gruha 2020 (Ph-1) Scheme – 1716 Quarters for Police Constable and 76
Quarters for Sub Inspectors constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 28681.48 Lakhs.
Under funding from State budget, the following works were completed:
Dormitary & Recreation Hall for CAR at Mysuru constructed at an estimated cost of
Rs. 91.08 lakhs.

Rest House for SI level Officers at Mysuru constructed at an estimated cost of

Rs.148.02 lakhs.

Barracks for IRB at Arakeri, Vijayapura & Hosahalli - 6 Barracks constructed at an

estimated cost of Rs. 491.88 lakhs.

Armoury with Magazine for IRB at Hosahalli constructedat an estimated cost of

Rs.114.76 Lakhs.

MT Shed for IRB at Hosahalli constructedat an estimated cost of Rs.80.86 lakhs.

Miscellaneous like kitchen-cum-dining room for PTS, Compound wall for NA

Muthanna School & IRB completed at an estimated cost of Rs.126.65 lakhs.

iv Under the 13th Finance Scheme the following work have been completed:
67 Qtrs for Pcs, 7 Qtrs for SI, 3 Residence building for & 8 Principals Qtrs for DySPs
and 27 Non Residentialbuildings were alsoconstructed for 3 new Police Training
Schools at an estimated cost of Rs. 8807.29 lakhs.

Academic Block for CCT at Agara, wasconstructedat an estimated cost of Rs.382.00

Other 2 works completed at an estimated cost of Rs. 150.00lakhs.

V Police Modernization Scheme:
Under the scheme for Police Modernization with funding from Government of India
(60%) and the Government of Karnataka (40%) the following work have been
20 Police Stations constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 2487.33 lakhs.
3 Out Posts at Hosaritti, Sasalu & Balehosur constructed at an estimated cost of Rs.
98.00 lakhs.

SDPO office at Madikeri was constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 110.00 Lakhs.
104 Quarters for Police Constables and 12 Quarters for sub Inspectors constructedat
an estimated cost of Rs. 2023.99 lakhs.
4 Armouries with Magazine were constructed at Richmond Road and Kudlu
Bengaluru, Chamarajanagar & Munirabad at an estimated cost of Rs. 600.00 lakhs.

Mess & Hostel Block for 11th Btn KSRP was constructed at Shanthigrama, Hassan
at an estimated cost of Rs.400.00 lakhs.
1st Floor for building of Regional FSL at Mysuruwas constructedat an estimated cost
of Rs. 50.00 lakhs.
6 other miscellaneous works likeup-gradation, infrastructure facilities, interiors etc.,
were completed at an estimated cost of Rs.1175.42 lakhs

Vi The following Deposit Contribution Works of the Police Dept were under
Under other Works, chain link fencing & compound wall works were completed at an
estimated cost of Rs. 46.40 lakhs.
Repair works to 81 Residential and Non Residential buildings were completed at an
estimated cost of Rs.1147.27 Lakhs in locations………

Vii Works for the Fire & Emergency Services Department were undertaken as

Under K-Safe scheme 138 Firemen Qtrs; 16 Fire Officers Qtrs; 1 CFO Qtrs; 1 RFO
Qtrs; 6 JFO Qtrs and 5 Fire Stations constructed at an estimated cost of Rs.2776.33

Repairs &development works were completed at an estimated cost of Rs.36.05 lakhs.

District Training Center for Home Guards and Civil Defence at Dharwad, Control
Room at Bengaluru and Barrack at Devarabelakere, Harihara were constructed at an
estimated cost of Rs. 379.24 lakhs.

Viii Works undertaken for other Departments included the following:

Sainik Welfare Department – Repair of6 works were completed at an estimated cost
of Rs. 11.65 Lakhs.
Law University- Guest House of Law University, Dharwad was at Rayapur, Dharwad
constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 139.00 lakhs.

Police Gruha 2020 works under Phase II of Police Gruha were undertaken at
locations the state. – 3880 PC and 136 SI Qtrs work under progress at an estimated
cost of Rs. 82277.55 lakhs.
During the year 2016
Government has released Rupees
6,79,00,000/- for Police Benevelent


TION ( P & M ) WING:

Reallocation Section : (RLN)

Flag Day function The consolidated proposals of the

Police Department prepared in
This wing is headed by an officer of the Reallocation Section are being
rank of Inspector General of Police, He submitted to the Government for
is assisted by staff of Reallocation sanction through the Planning and
Section and Assistant Director and Staff
of Police printing press. Modernisation Wing. The
Organization of this Wing is as
Presented below:-

Commomoration Day function




POLICE PRESS Reallocation’

SS Reallocation
Reallocation Section is headed by Intellilgence/FPB/Training unit
(AAO) Assistant Administrative /KPTCL/Coastal Security
Officer with staff of 1- SS., 5- FDA Police(CSP)/Railways.
and 1- SDA, 1-Typist and it reports
directly to IGP Planning and 5. Correspondence relating to
modernization. purchase of Horses to K.A.R.P
Mounted Company, Mysuru,
Work of Reallocation Section write off the loss and sanction of
Dogs to the Dog squads.
1. Correspondence regarding to the
creation of New/ Up gradation of 6. Continuation of temporary lent
Sub-divisions, Circles, Police establishment and officers
Stations and Out-posts in continuation regarding down
Karnataka State, Creation and grading and up grading posts.
reorganisation of Special Police
Cell and Special Police Squads in 7. Creation of Traffic aid Posts and
C.I.D./C.O.D./wireless Highway Patrol Systems in the
unit/FSL/K.P.A.Mysuru/CRE State Highways.
Cell/VIP/VVIP Security.
2. Correspondence relating to Pay 8. Sanction of Guards to the Sub-
scales, Dearness allowances, treasuries in the state.
other allowances, Special pay and
allowances and General 9. Creation of Security staff to the
references relating to Revision of High court circuit benches and
Pay scales, Dearness Allowances. security staff to the Bank
3. Correspondence relating to chests/Dams/reservoirs/Power
National Police Commission, Generation units & Vital
Correspondence with other States installations.
regarding Pay scales.
10. Creation of New Districts
4. Augmentation of strength of Police in the state.,
Traffic Police in Bengaluru City/ Correspondence relating to Pay
Civil Commission Report,Any other
Executive/KSRP/CAR/DAR/Mini work entrusted by the Higher
sterial Staff of the state and State Officers.


Sl. Government
No Subject order and Date
1. Creation of Lingarajapuram Police Station, Bengaluru City
2. Creation of Alanahalli Police Station, Mysuru City
3. Creation of Hebbal Police Station, Mysuru City.
4. Creation of Traffic PS (South), Mangaluru City
5. Creation of Nelamangala Traffic PS, Bengaluru (R) Dist.
6. Creation of Mulabagilu (R) PS, Kolar Dist.
7. Creation of Channapatna Traffic PS, Ramanagar Dist.
8. Creation of Halli Myosre Police Station, Hassan Dist.
9. Creation of Haveri Traffic PS, Haveri Dist.
10. Creation of Chitradurga Layout Police Station, Chitradurga
11. Creation of Kundapura (R) Police Station, Udupi Dist.
12. Creation of Chikkodi (R) Police Station, Belagavi Dist.
13. Creation of Indi (R) Police Station, Vijayapura Dist.
14. Creation of Koodagi Police Station (NTPC), Vijayapura Dist.
15. Creation of Ilkal (R) Police Station, Bagalkot Dist.
16. Creation of Yadgir Traffic PS, Yadgir Dist.
Dated: 18-02-
17. Creation of Kushalnagara Traffic PS, Kodagu Dist.
18. Creation of Bellare Police Station, D.K. Mangaluru
19. Creation of Kankanadi Town Police Station (COP,
Mangaluru ) D.K.Dist.
20. Creation of K.G.Halli Traffic PS, Bengaluru City.
21. Creation of Women Police Station, Ramanagar Dist.
22. Creation of Women Police Station, Chikkaballapur Dist.
23. Creation of Women Police Station, Mysuru Dist.
24. Creation of Women Police Station, Kodagu Dist.
25. Creation of Women Police Station, Mandya Dist.
26. Creation of Women Police Station, U.K.Karwar
27. Creation of Women Police Station, Chikkamagalur Dist.
28. Creation of Women Police Station, Belagavi Dist.
29. Creation of Women Police Station, Koppal Dist.
30. Creation of Women Police Station, Ballari Dist.


Sl. Subject Government Order No. &

No Date
1. Sanction of special allowance for Officers/staff in Internal Security HD/306/POP/2015,
Division (CCT) as similar to ANF. dt: 04-02-2016
2. Creation of Anti Corruption Bureau, Vigilance Cell and Vigilance SIASUE/14/SELOU/
Advisory Board in Karnataka State 2016, dt: 14-03-2016
3. Creation of staff to newly created ACB DPAR/14/SELOE/16
Dt: 11-04-2016
4. Creation of staff to newly created ACB DPAR/74/SELOE/16
Dt: 16-04-2016

5. Creation of new KSRP Battallion at Tumkur District. HD/123/POP/2016,
dt: 11-05-2016
6. Sanction of 01 C.A.R. team and approved to create 03 C.A.R. teams at HD/62/PBL/2016,
Bengaluru. dt: 11-05-2016
7. Women Police Station, Bengaluru dist.,
8. Women Police station, D.K. district HD/124/POP/2016,
9. Women Police station, Gadag district dt: 12-05-2016
10. Women Police station, Dharwad district
11. Women Police station, Yadagiri district
12. Creation of Kortagere circle, by shifting of various posts from Kortagere HD/07/POP/2016,
Police station. dt: 06-06-2016
13. Creation of Shorapura town sub-division, Yadgir dist. HD/183/POP/2015,
dt: 16-06-2016
14. Creation of 122 APC (D) posts for newly created ACB DPAR/75/SELOE/16,
dt: 22-06-2016
15. Creation of ADGP (PCW) and supporting staff to SCRB HD/259/POP/2014,
dt: 28-06-2016
16. Bifurcation of Bengaluru District Sub-division into Hoskote SDPO and HD/220/POP/2015,
Anekal SDPOs. dt: 05-08-2016
17. Creation of Outpost at MVJ medical college and allocation of Police HD/180/POP/2015,
staff dt: 16-08-2016
18. Creation of Outpost at Sangama and allocation of Police staff HD/180/POP/2015,
dt: 16-08-2016
19. Creation of Outpost at Chabbi, Dharwad dist., and allocation of Police HD/180/POP/2015,
staff dt: 16-08-2016
20. Creation of Outpost at Kote, Chitradurga dist., and allocation of Police HD/180/POP/2015,
staff dt: 16-08-2016
21. Creation of Outpost at Karnataka State Women university at HD/180/POP/2015,
Jnanashakthi campus and allocation of Police staff dt: 16-08-2016
22. Creation of security staff to Currency chest for Federal Bank, Palace HD/82/POP/2015,
Guttahalli, Bengaluru and Corporation Bank, Udupi dt: 20-08-2016
23. Sanction of Ration Allowance instead of free ration to Police personnels HD/86/EFS/2016,
dt: 27-08-2016
24. Creation of Ministerial Staff to all District Police Complaint Authority. OE/255/POSIE/2016,
dt: 12-09-2016
25. Creation of outpost at Thayappanadoddi, Bidadi Hobli, Ramanagara HD/202/POP/2016,
dist. dt: 17-09-2016
26. Creation of 220 various posts to 5 women Police stations HD/124/POP/2016,
dt: 27-09-2016
27. Upgradation of one PSI post to PI post in all 30 women Police stations HD/138/POP/2016,
dt: 01-10-2016
28. Merging of Police Research Centre with Police Head office HD/449/POSIP/2016,
dt: 06-10-2016
29. Shifting of 01-PSI post from women police station, Belagavi city to HD/203/POP/2016,
Udupi women police station dt: 22-10-2016
30. Approved to create circle/Police station in the jurisdiction of Hoskote HD/271/POP/2016,
and Anekal sub-division dt: 25-10-2016
31. Creation of 1577 various posts to traffic divison, Bengaluru City HD/247/POP/2016,
(PSI-40, ASI-75, HC-443, PC-1029) dt: 27-10-2016
32. Inclusion of PI Koratagere Police Station to Madhugiri sub-division HD/276/pop/2016
33. Creation of Kudapura outpost, Chitradurga dist. HD/233/POP/2016
34. Sanction of special allowance for Staff/Officers in Permanent Training HD/283/POP/2014
institute Dt:09-11-2016
35. Creation of additional staff for PS/Tr. PS/WPS HD/138/POP/2016
Dt: 14-11-2016

36. Shifting of 1-ACP, 2-RPI, from CAR (Hq), Bangaluru to KPA, Mysuru HD/220/POP/2016
37. Enhanement of Uniform Allowance from Rs. 100 to Rs. 500 from PC FD/47/SRP/2016(I)
to PSI posts. Dt:21-11-2016
38. Sanction of Travelling Allowance of Rs. 600/- from PC - PSI posts. FD/47/SRP/2016(II)
Dt: 21-11-2016
39. Sacntion of Hardship Allowance of Rs. 1000/- from PC to PSI posts. FD/47/SRP/2016(III)
Dt: 21-11-2016
40. Re-organisation and Re allocation of Bangaluru city police stations HD/217/POP/2016
limits Dt: 28-11-2016
41. Appointment of Chief Vigilance Officer and Vigilance officer to Police OE/92/SASHASHA/
Department 2016, dt: 07-12-2016
42. Re-organisation of PC, HC and ASI posts in Civil/CAR/DAR/FPB and OE/192/POSIE/2016, dt:
KSRP units 09-12-2016
43. Shifting of Vadagera PS and Bendebembali, Ukkada PS from HD/294/POP/2016,
Shahapura circle to Yadgiri circle dt: 26-12-2016
44. Creation of various posts to give psychological suggestion and support HD/230/POP/2016, Dt:
to improve mental ability of police staff 28-12-2016

Police Printing Press

Functions of Police Printing Press Director General and Inspector

General of Police Office circulars,
Printing of books, Free coupons for Hand books for police Personal
constables, Annual reports of Police regarding their duties during
department. Annual Police budget elections and other works entrusted
books, Agenda books for Senior by Director General & Inspector
officers conferences, General of Police.

Work Progess in Printing Press During 1-1-2016 to 31-12-2016
Sl. No of Pages No of Copies Total No of No of Books Bound
No Copies Printed or pinning
1 6,891 36,247 5,83,601 40,542

Budget Provision and Releases for the year 2016-17 is as follows:-

( lakhs)
SALARY 272288.38
NON-SALARY 86168.05


( lakhs)
PLAN 48773.40
NON-PLAN 2385.00

Details of Object Code

( lakhs)
PROVISION 28-02-2017
1 015-Subsidiary Expenses 8161.00 8018.84
2 021-Medical Reimbursement 1501.00 1501.00
3 041-Travel Expenses 8301.00 7985.55
4 051-General Expenses 9105.00 9103.50
5 051-Computer Maintenance 760.00 727.56
6 059-Other Expenses
A Traffic Improvement in District 226.00 226.00
b State Police Complaint Authority 46.00 46.00
c Police Cadet Scheme 180.00 170.00
d Investigation Charges 1040.00 1040.00
e Establishment of new KSRP 129.00 129.00
f Raising of Inidia Reserve Battalian 1717.69 980.46
g Traffic improvement in Cities 866.00 866.00
h Police Commissionerate Mangaluru 1.00 0.00
i District Police 1.00 0.00
j For F.S.L. units 50.00 50.00
k KSISF/ISD/CSP 1037.50 848.61

l Special Task force 1.00 1.00
m ANF Camps 1.00 0.00
n CL&M 38.00 38.00
o CCTNS 4388.69 4388.69
7 060-Compensatory Cost 50.00 50.00
8 071-Building Expenses 2699.00 2610.09
9 100- Financial Assistance/Relief 93.00 0.00
10 103-Grant-in-Aid(General) 812.00 805.88
11 106-Subsidies 1797.00 1797.00
12 117-Scholarships & Incentives 1589.00 1589.00
13 125-Modernisation
a Modernisation of Police force 10443.57 10443.57
b Opening of New Police Stations 1.00 0.00
c Computer Infrastructure 100.00 100.00
d State Intelligence modernisation 100.00 46.80
14 132-Capital Expenses 36.60 36.60
15 180-Machinery and Equipment 498.00 469.12
16 195-Transport Expenses 13704.00 13646.66
17 200-Repairs to police Quarters 6564.00 6564.00
18 221-Materials and Supplies 3769.00 3754.00
19 222-Drugs and Chemicals 50.00 8.50
20 234-Diet Expenses 11.00 0.00
21 240-Debt Servicing 434.00 397.17
22 261-Inter Account Transfer -51.00 0.00
80251.05 78438.60
059-Traffic Improvement in Bengaluru City
B-Trac, M-Trac-1, M-Trac-2, Bel-Trac & H-
1 Trac 4500.00 3404.00
2 125-Modernisation of Police Force 1417.00 1411.25
5917.00 4815.25
86168.05 83253.85

2016-17 RELEASES
PROVISION 28-02-2017
132-Capital Expenses & KSPH&IDCL -
45088.40 44650.88
1 Construction of Police Quarters-2020 (Plan)
139-Major works – Police Public School
1750.00 1250.00
2 (Plan)
3 240-Debt Servicing (Non-Plan) 2185.00 2184.69
386-Construction – Construction of Police
1935.00 1446.00
4 Office Buildings and other Buildings.
386-Construction - Infrastructure Facilities
200.00 0.00
5 to KSRP & IRBs (Non-Plan)
4055-Plan and Non-Plan Total 51158.40 49531.57

The Budget Provision is made under Plan and Non-Plan. The important items of
expenditure covered under budget are Subisidiary, Travel, General, Building and
Transport Expenses. However importance is also given for construction of
residential and non-residential buildings, infrastructure and developmental
works. Details are given below:-

( lakhs)
2016-17 RELEASES
PROVISION 28-02-2017
Traffic Improvement in Bengaluru City
(B-Trac- M-Trac-1, M-Trac-2, Bel-Trac &
a H-Trac 4500.00 3404.00
b 125-Modernisation of Police Force 1417.00 1411.25
1a Maintenance of Computers 760.00 727.56
b Traffic Improvement in District 226.00 226.00
c State Police Complaint Authority 46.00 46.00
d Police Cadet Scheme 180.00 170.00
e Investigation Charges 1040.00 1040.00
f Establishment of new KSRP 129.00 129.00
g Raising of Inidia Reserve Battalian 1717.69 980.46
h Traffic improvement in Cities 866.00 866.00
i For F.S.L. units 50.00 50.00
j KSISF/ISD/CSP 1037.50 848.61
k Special Task Force 1.00 1.00
l CL&M 38.00 38.00
m CCTNS 4388.69 4388.69
a Modernisation of Police Force 10443.57 10443.57
c Computer Infrastructure 100.00 100.00
200-Maintenance–Spl Repairs to Police
3 Quarters and office Buildings. 6564.00 6564.00



Sl.No Rank Sanctioned Actual Vacant

1 D.G.P. 6 6 0
2 A.D.G.P 21 20 1
3 I.G.P 28 24 4
4 D.I.G.P 19 11 8
5 D.I.G.P (Wireless) (Non IPS) 1 0 1
6 D.I.G.P, K.S.R.P (Non IPS) 1 0 1
7 S.P.(IPS) 63 59 4
8 S.P ( Non-IPS) 110 71 39

9 S.P ( Armed ) 20 17 3
10 Commadts (K.S.R.P) 16 14 2
11 Commandant (KSISF) 3 2 1
12 SDRF Deputy Commdt. 4 4 0
13 Deputy Commdt (K.S.R.P) 7 7 0
14 Deputy Commdt. (KSISF) 3 3 0
15 S.P. ( Wireless) 3 1 2
16 S.P. ( F.P.B. ) 1 0 1
17 Director FSL 1 0 1
18 Deputy Director 17 5 12
19 Dy.S.P ( Civil ) 413 380 33
20 Dy.S.P ( Armed ) 47 38 9
21 Dy.S.P ( F.P.B ) 12 10 2
22 Dy.S.P (Wireless) 11 8 3
23 Asst. Commdt. K.S.R.P 55 19 36
24 Asst Commdt. KSISF 24 2 22
25 Asst. Director 27 6 21
26 Scientific Officer 34 18 16
27 P.I. ( Civil ) 1248 1192 56
28 P.I. (Armed) 125 107 18
29 P.I. (F.P.B) 37 12 25
30 P.I. ( Wireless ) 49 44 5
31 RPI ( K.S.R.P ) 121 60 61
32 SDRF(PI)(KSRP) 4 0 4
33 SDRF(PI)(KSISF) 12 0 12
34 C.A.O 1 1 0
35 A.O 8 5 3
36 AAO 98 90 8
TOTAL 2650 2236 414



Rank Sanctioned Actual Vacant
1 PSI (CIVIL) 2764 1839 925
2 ASI (CIVIL) 5788 5460 328
3 HC (CIVIL) 17435 16706 729
4 PC (CIVIL) 35834 25653 10181
5 DSI 40 0 40
6 RSI (CAR/DAR) 462 125 337
7 ARSI (CAR/DAR) 1998 1814 184
8 AHC (CAR/DAR) 5866 5370 496
9 APC (CAR/DAR) 12534 7993 4541
10 PSI (FPB) 50 2 48
11 HC (FPB) 15 15 0
12 PC (FPB) 90 65 25

13 PSI (WIRELESS) 170 102 68
14 ASI (WIRELESS) 347 246 101
15 HC (WIRELESS) 433 202 231
16 PC (WIRELESS) 533 271 262
17 RSI (KSRP) 355 134 221
18 ARSI (KSRP) 1212 1071 141
19 RHC (KSRP) 3699 3526 173
20 RPC (KSRP) 7339 3729 3610
21 FOLLOWERS (KSRP) 1189 798 391
22 PSI (KSISF) 199 117 82
23 ASI (KSISF) 378 36 342
24 HC (KSISF) 465 55 410
25 PC (KSISF) 1731 1347 384
26 FOLLOWERS (KSISF) 207 0 207
101133 76676 24457

Sl. Rank Sanctioned Actual Vacant
1 Section Supdt. 205 205 0
2 FDA 798 754 44
3 SDA 853 833 20
4 Steno 244 174 70
5 Typist 473 210 263
6 Dalayath 396 395 1
7 Sweeper 196 192 4
TOTAL 3165 2763 402


1 TECHNICAL/OTHERS 1093 442 651
2 Group C & D 108360 82117 26243




No. of No. of No. of No. of

Sl. Name of the Sub No. of Police Traffic Out
No Unit Divisions Circle Stations Police Posts
s Stations
1 Bengaluru City - 104 44 6
2. Hubli- 4 - 15 4 1
3. Mysuru City 4 - 17 5 3
4. Mangaluru City 3 - 15 4 -
5. Belgavi City 4 - 12 2 2
TOTAL 43 - 163 59 12

Central Range:-

No. of No. of No. of No. of

Sl. Name of the Sub No. of Police Traffic Out
No. Unit Divisio Circles Stations Police Posts
ns Stations
1 Bengaluru 4 8 26 1 4
2 Kolar 2 5 12 1 7
3 K.G.F. 1 4 9 - 2
4 Tumkur 5 14 39 1 13
5 Ramanagara 3 7 20 3 3
6. Chickballapur 2 5 17 1 8
Total 17 43 123 7 37

Southern Range:-

No. of No. of No. of No. of

Sl. Name of the Sub No. of Police Traffic Out
No. Unit Division Circles Stations Police Posts
1 Mysuru 3 7 24 1 11
2 Mandya 4 8 30 2 12
3 Hassan 4 8 29 2 10
4 Kodagu 3 7 16 2 17
5 Chamarajnagar 2 4 15 1 7
Total 16 34 114 8 57

Western Range:-

No. of
No. of No. of No. of
Sl. Name of the Sub No. of Police Out
No. Unit Divisions Circles Stations Posts
1 Dakshina 2 4 14 2 5
2 Uttara 4 9 27 1 17
3 Chicka 3 9 27 1 3
4 Udupi 3 6 20 2 1
Total 12 28 88 6 26

Eastern Range:-

No. of
No. of No. of
No. of Sub Traffic
Sl. Name of the No. of Police Out
Divisions Police
No. Unit Circles Stations Posts
1 Chitradurga 3 7 21 1 15
2 Shivamogaa 5 10 28 3 17
3 Haveri 3 7 18 2 7
4 Davangere 3 8 24 2 9
Total 14 32 91 8 49

Northern Range:-

No. of
No. of No. of
No. of Sub Traffic
Sl. Name of the No. of Police Out
Divisions Police
No. Unit Circles Stations Posts
1 Belgavi 4 12 32 1 17
2 Dharwad 1 2 9 - 5
3 Vijayapura 3 8 25 1 10
4 Bagalkote 2 7 20 1 8
5 Gadag 2 5 12 1 6
Total 12 34 98 4 46

North Eastern Range:-

No. of
No. of No. of
No. of Sub Traffic
Sl. Name of the No. of Police Out
Divisions Police
No. Unit Circles Stations Posts
1 Kalburgi 6 10 36 2 9
2 Raichur 3 9 23 3 2
3 Bidar 3 10 29 3 3
4 Koppal 2 4 14 2 -
5 Yadgir 2 4 13 1 6
6 Bellari 6 11 34 3 6
Total 22 48 149 14 26

Women Police Stations:-

There are 35 Womens Police Stations in Karnataka State.

Sl. Name
1. Bengaluru city, Basavanagudi Women Police
2. Bengaluru city, Halasoor Gate Women Police
3. Mysuru city Women Police Station
4. Hubli-Dharwad city Women Police Station
5. Belgavi district Women Police Station
6. Gulbrga district Women Police Station
7. Shivamogaa district Women Police Station
8. Mangaluru city Women Police Station
9. Davanagere district Women Police Station
10. Udupi district Women Police Station
11. Hassan district Women Police Station
12. Tumkur district Women Police Station
13. Kolar district Women Police Station
14. Chitraduraga district Women Police Station
15. Chamarajanagar district Women Police Station
16. Haveri district Women Police Station
17. Bagalkot district Women Police Station
18. Vijayapura district Women Police Station
19. Bidar district Women Police Station
20. Raichur district Women Police Station
21. Ramanagar district Women Police Station
22. Chikkaballapur district Women Police Station
23. Mysuru district Women Police Station
24. Kodagu district Women Police Station
25. Mandya district Women Police Station

26. Uttara Kannada district, Karwar Women Police
27. Chikkamagalur district Women Police Station
28. Belagavi district Women Police Station
29. Koppal district Women Police Station
30. Bellari district Women Police Station
31. Bengaluru district Women Police Station
32. Dharwad district Women Police Station
33. Gadag district Women Police Station
34. D.K. district Women Police Station
35. Yadgir district Women Police Station

No. of
No. of No. of
No. of Sub Traffic
Sl. Name of the No. of Police Out
Divisions Police
No. Unit Circles Stations Posts
1 Railway 3 9 18 1 25


No. of Traffic Women No. of

Total No. of No. of Police
No. of Police Police Out
PS Sub Stations
Circles Stations Station Posts

1049 139 228 911 106 32 278


1.Objective: The Secretariat is under the control of
Prisons which play a pivotal role the Additional Chief Secretary (Home)
in the Criminal Justice System are and Principal Secretary to Government
metamorphosing themselves into (PCAS), Home Department. The
major transformation centers all over Prisons Department is under the
the world. Though primarily Prisons control of Home Minister in the
serve as detention centers for Government.
undertrial prisoners and those The Prison Department is
convicted for various crimes, prisons headed by the Director General of
reforms world over aim at caring them Police and Inspector General of
as human beings and effecting their Prisons and assisted by the
total transformation. Prisons in
Additional Inspector General of
partnership with NGO’s and various
Prisons, Deputy Inspector General
social organizations, prepare the
inmates for their fresh life following of Police (Prisons) and Gazetted
their release. Thus, prisons play a Managers at the Head Quarters. All
major role in transformation of the Central Jails, District Jails, and
inmates into self-reliant citizens. Special Sub Jails are being
Prisons staffs also accordingly have managed by the Departmental staff.
their roles re-defined. Out of 70 Taluk sub jails, 30 are
2.Organization: being managed by Departmental
Department of Prisons comes staff and 40 by the Revenue and
under the control of the Home Police Staff.
Department in the State Government.
3. Organisational Structure of the Prisons Department


Addl.Chief Secretary (Home)

Principal Secretary to Government (PCAS)

Director General of Police and Inspector General of Prisons

AIG of Prisons

DIG of Police, IPS,

DIG of Prisons DIG of Prisons
Central Prison, Bengaluru North Range, Belagavi

Chief Superintendents/ Superintendents of Central/ District/ Borstal

School/OAJ/ District Prisons / Spl.Sub Jails/Taluka sub jails



(Head quarters)

Taluka Sub
Head Office Central Prisons District Prisons Open Air Jail Spl.Sub Jail Prison Training
Bangalore Bangalore, Bidar, Karwar, Madikeri, Mangalore, Raichur, Shimoga, CR Nagar, Tumkur, Koramangala Davangere Institute Mysore
Belgaum,Bellary,Bijapur,Gulbarga, Mysore, Ramanagaram, Udupi,Koppal,Haveri,Chitradurga , Bagalkote, Chikkaballapur KGF
Dharwad, Tumkur(W) Chickmagalur, Kolar, Hassan , Mandya,

(post shifted to CP Supdt
bangalore) Chief Supdt. Gaz.Manager Medical Officer (Asst. Supdt) F.D.A Medical Officer Supdt(Asst. Supdt) F.D.A Supdt(Asst. Supdt) F.D.A Asst. Agri Officer Supdt(Jailor) Supdt(Jailor) Principal

Accounts Officer Superintendent Manager Pharmacist Jailor S.D.A Pharmacist Jailor S.D.A Jailor S.D.A Asst.Horti. Officer Head warder Chief Warder Asst.Supdt
Gaz.Manager Asst. Supdt Supdt. Male Nurse Chief Warder Typist Chief Warder Typist Chief Warder Typist Agri.Instructor Warder Head warder Jailor

Manager Jailor Supdt.(Office)Nursing Orderly Head Warder Driver Head Warder Driver Head Warder Driver Pharmacist Group D Warder Supdt(Office)
Accounts Supdt. Chief Warder F.D.A Technician Warder Warder Warder Group D FDA

Supdt.(Office) Head Warder S.D.A Agri.Assistant Teachers Teachers Group D Driver

Live Stock
F.D.A Warder Stenographer Inspector Group D Group D Group D

S.D.A Instructors Typist Drill Instructor

Stenographer Teachers Driver Weapon & Physical

Training Instructor
Typist Electrician

Driver Group D

Group D

4. Classification of Prisons: (30 Taluka Sub Jails are under the

control of Department and 40 Taluka
There are in total 102 prisons in
Sub Jails are under the control of
the state, of which 8 Central Prisons(
Revenue Department and manned by
including one women central prison),
Police staff)
19 District Prisons, 2 Special Sub
Jails, 1 Open Air Jail, 1 Juvenile Jail,
1 Borstal School, 70 Taluka Sub Jails

5. Details of various categories of prisons functioning in the State of Karnataka

is as under:-
Sl. No. of Auth.
Prison Category Place
No. prisons Accdm
1 Central Prisons 8 Bengaluru, Belagavi, Ballari, 7482
Vijayapura, Kalburgi, Mysuru,
Dharwad, Tumkur
2 District Prisons 19 Bidar, Karwar, Madikeri, Mangalore, 3861
Raichur, Shimoga. Bagalkote, Tumkur,
Chamarajnagar, Chitradurga, Haveri,
Ramanagaram, Koppal, Chickballapur,
Udupi,Chickmaglur, Mandya, Kolar,
3 Special Sub 2 Davangere, KGF. 196
4 Juvenile jail 1 Dharwad 0
Borstal School 1 Dharwad 0
6 Open Air Jail 1 Koramangala, Bengaluru (R) Dist. 80

7 Taluk Sub Jails 70 30 jails under Dept. control
40 jails under Revenue Dept. control
102 13916


The authorized accommodation of prisons of the State is as under:-

Prisons Authorized Accommodation
Male Female Total
8 Central Prisons 6788 694 7482
19 District Prisons 3552 309 3861
2 Special Sub Jails 184 12 196
1 Open Air Jail 80 00 80
1 Juvenile Jail 0 0 0
1 Borstal School 0 0 0
70 Taluka Sub Jails 2059 181 2297
102 Total 12663 1196 13916


The Prison Institutions are governed by the following Acts and Rules: -
Sl. No Acts
1 Karnataka Prison Act, 1963
2 Karnataka Prisoners Act, 1963
3 Identification of Prisoners Act,1920
1 Karnataka Prison Rules, 1974
1 Karnataka Prison Manual, 1978

Budget sanctioned and expenditure incurred for the year 2016-17 under
salary and non salary heads are as under:-

NON PLAN: Rs. In Lakhs


Salary Head 5609.00 5484.94

Non salary Head 8363.36 8005.44
TOTAL 13972.36 13490.38

Head-wise allotment details : (Non Plan)
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Head of Account Expenditure
 2056-00-001-0-01 399.00 334.26
Direction and Administration
 2056-00-001-0-03 63.00 55.18
Share on a/c of APCA
 2056-00-101-0-01 Jails 12383.60 12035.82
 2056-00-101-0-03 8.00 8.00
Prison Employees Welfare programme
 2056-00 -101-0-05 Modernisation of 801.76 792.10
 2056-00-102-0-00 Jail Manufacture 317.00 264.10
TOTAL 13972.36 13490.38

PLAN– Head wise Allotment

Head of Account Rs. In Lakhs

4059-80-051-0-03 Jails132 Capital Outlay 1929.75
4059-80-052-0-02 125 Modernisation of Jails 2142.90
4216-01-700-02-10 JAILS 386 500.00
2059-80-051-0-08 JAILS 200 Maintenance 200.00
Total 4772.65


The total sanctioned staff strength of the Prison Department comprising in

different cadres is 2372 out of which 1742 are filled up and 630 are vacant. The
details as on 31.3.2017 are as follows.
Group Sanctioned Working Vacant
Strength Strength
Group A 41 19 22
Group B 48 25 23
Group C 2162 1608 554
Group D 121 90 31
Total 2372 1742 630

Sl. Sanctioned Working Total
Name of the Cadre
No. Strength Strength Vacancies


1 DGP & I G OF PRISONS 1 1 0


3 D I G PRISONS 2 0 2

4 D I G (I.P.S.) PRISONS 1 0 1

5 5 4 1

6 SUPDT. OF C.P/P.T.I/R.O 8 5 3

TOTAL 18 11 7


9 MANAGER 6 5 1
TOTAL 39 23 16


12 CHIEF JAILOR / JAILOR 102 80 22


14 CHIEF WARDER 56 56 00




18 HEAD WARDER 322 315 7


20 94 77 17
21 WARDER 1243 921 322

22 WARDER (NURSING) 20 0 20

Sl. Sanctioned Working Total
Name of the Cadre
No. Strength Strength Vacancies

23 TYPIST 22 6 16

24 DRIVER 53 6 47


26 MCTO 1 1 0


28 MECHANIC 1 1 0

TOTAL 2069 1572 497



30 BLACK SMITH 1 0 1

31 PEON 45 38 07

32 SWEEPER / MALI 41 33 08

33 BARBER 16 12 04

34 WARD BOY 10 6 4


36 COOK 2 0 2

TOTAL 121 90 31




TOTAL 23 8 15
TOTAL 9 2 7


Sl. Sanctioned Working Total
Name of the Cadre
No. Strength Strength Vacancies


45 9 1 8
48 ASST. FOREMAN 2 0 2
50 PHARMACIST 17 9 8
52 1 0 1
54 3 2 1
55 S.D.A ( PRINTING) 2 1 1
58 TEACHER 36 17 19
TOTAL 93 36 57

10(2) Working Strength of Male and Female officers and staff :-

Group Male Female Total
Group A 15 4 19

Group B 23 2 25

Group C 1198 410 1608

Group D 50 40 90

Total 1286 456 1742


Promotions were sanctioned to following cadres during the year under report:
- (1.4.2016- 31.03.2017)

Cadre Number of Officers

/staff promoted
Assistant Superintendent 01

Cadre Number of Officers
/staff promoted
Jailor 10
Chief Warder 34
Head Warder 83
Gazetted Manager 01
Manager 04
Office Superintendent 05
First Division Assistant 06
Second Division Assistant 02
Total 146

Recruitment during the year 2016-17

Sl No Designation On CG grounds On Direct Total

1 FDA 03 01 04
2 SDA 01 11 12
3 Group D -- -- --
TOTAL 04 12 16





YEAR : 2014: G.O. NO. HD 166 PRE 2014 DATED 19.10.2015








YEAR :2016
Officers/ officials were awarded with Chief Minister’s Medal for the year
2016. Government Order : HD 123 PRE 2016 dated : 28.12.2016
Sriyuth’s / Smt

1) V Shesumurthy - Principal , Prison Training Institute , Mysuru

2) P S Ramesh Superintendent , Central Prison, Dharwad
3) P Ranganath Superintendent, Central Prison, Ballari
4) M Marigowda Assistant Superintendent, District Prison, Shivamogga
5) Mallikarjuna Y Rao Jailor, District Prison, Bidar
6) Karna B Kshatri Jailor, Taluka Sub Jail , Hubli
7) Basavaraj P Hosagowda Head Warder, Central Prison,Kalburgi
8) T R Dinesh Warder, Central Prison,Mysuru
9) V Vinod Kumar Warder, Central Prison, Mysuru
10) Somashekar S Kodahalli Warder,Taluka Sub Jail Hubli
11) Sumangala S Dandothi Warder, Central Prison, Kalburgi


Following officer/ official awarded with Sarvottam Seva State Level Award for
the year 2016-17. Government Order : DPAR 158 TRD 2016 dated : 14.01.2017.



The daily average jail population during the past 3 years and average
cost per prisoner are as under:
Year Convict Under Avg. Adm. Avg. cost for Average
s trials cost per food per day cost per
prisoner per per prisoner annum

2014-2015 4221 10186 235.76* 62.93* 86054.44*

2015-2016 4381 10381 232.04 70.79 84696.81

2016-2017 4292 10306 253.18 75.31 92412.52

*Data is subject to the final reconciliation of Accountant General


Following are the measures incorporated in the routine activities of the

jails to facilitate the inmates to correct reform and thereafter rehabilitate
themselves as good citizens after their release.
1 Vocational Training in various crafts of their choice.
2 Training in modern techniques of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture,
Sheep rearing and Dairy farming
3 Wage earning scheme
4 Sports and cultural activities
5 Reading room and library facilities
6 Interview, letter correspondence and remission system
7 Canteen facilities
8 Prison Panchayat system
9 Temporary release facilities on Parole, Furlough and Emergency Parole
10 Premature release


The inmates of the jails are being given training in the following areas: -

1 Power loom and handlooms

2 Tailoring
3 Carpentry
4 Carpet making
5 Printing
6 Foot wear making
7 Tent making
8 Soap and phenyl manufacture
9 Black smithy and steel furniture making
10 Laundry
11 Training in preparation of Bakery items
12 Knitting, Basket making, Dress Designing , Fabric Painting , Candle
making, Agarbhatti manufacturing, Soft Toy making

13 First Aid, Midwife and Home Nursing training
14 Sanitary Napkins making
15 Training in Animal Husbandry
16 Wheel Chair refurbishing
17 Training in painting works *
* M/s Asain Paints have given training to inmates in painting works in all central prisons during

13.2. Various industries established in different central prisons are as under:-

Prison Name of the Industry
Central Prison, Bengaluru  Power loom and Handloom, Soap and
Phenyl making, Carpentry, Laundry &
Dying, tailoring, Carpet Making, Bakery
products making
Central Prison, Belagavi  Power loom and Handloom, Soap
making, carpentry, Blacksmithy,
Laundry & Dying, Foot wear making
Central Prison, Vijayapura  Handloom, Carpentry, Smithy, Dying,
Tailoring and carpet making
Central Prison, Ballari  Weaving, Tailoring, Soap making,
Carpentry, carpet making
Central Prison, Kalburgi  Weaving, Carpentry, Dying, Tailoring,
Tent and shamiyana making
Central Prison, Mysuru  Power loom and Handloom, Weaving,
Soap making, Carpentry, smithy, dying,
Central Prison, Dharwad  Tailoring
Central Prison Women,  Bakery

13.3 The industrial production in the jails in the financial terms during the past 3
years is as under :-
Year Production ( lakhs)
2014-15 169.65
2015-16 158.86

2016-17 134.98

13.4 UPGRADATION OF PRISON Industries established in the

INDUSTRIES:- prisons were 25 to 30 years old and
they are out dated. There is a need

to upgrade these industries by The Bakery units running at
means of replacing old machineries Central Prison Bengaluru, Belagavi
with the latest one and also train and Mysuru successfully produce
the prisoners in the current products like Bread, Bun, Biscuits,
vocational trades. Every year there cakes, and savories in the trade
will be a meager budget for name 'Parivarthana Products' and
upgradation of prison industries sold to inmates, staff and general
and because of this factor and also public. This initiative has got a good
with no instructors in the response both from the inmates
concerned industry some of the and general public. The Bakery unit
industries have came to halt. at Bengaluru produce
13.5 Establishment of Bakery laddu, Mysuru pak, Dil
Units at various Central Prisons: pasand,savories –kharaboondi and
- mixture.
As a step to provide Bakery Unit at Women Central
vocational training in the baking Prison, Tumkur:
industry, Department has
Bakery unit started at
established Bakery units across
Central Prison for Women, Tumkur
various central prisons and district
under the Corporate Social
prisons. These units are equipped
Responsibility Project (CSR) of M/s
with modern equipments like flour
BHEL, Bengaluru – a Government
and maida kneeding machines,
of India enterprise, during the year
automatic electric ovens, bread
under report.
slicers, warming units, plastic
sealing machines, refrigerator and The production of bakery
freezer. units at the following prisons
during 2016-17 is as under:

Bakery unit at Production

Rs. In lakhs
• Central Prison, Mysuru 11.90
• Central Prison ,Belagavi 8.17
• Central Prison , Kalburgi 18.74
• Central Prison, 50.33
• Central Prison , 2.69

horticulture so that when they go

back after their release, they will be
14. AGRICULTURE AND in a better position as agriculturists
HORTICULTURE: and horticulturists. Training in
Since majority of the cultivating, understanding key role
prisoners are from agricultural of fertilizers and their judicious use
background, more stress is laid on in crop husbandry, sowing seeds
imparting training in modern
methods of agriculture and

and till reaping of the crop will be Prisons at Belagavi, Kalburgi and
provided. District Prison at Shimoga for
cultivation purpose. Drip irrigation
All the major jails have
systems are also provided at
agricultural lands attached to
Central Prison Kalburgi, Mysuru,
them. They grow vegetables, jowar,
Vijayapura and Borstal School
cotton, paddy, sugar cane etc,.
Dharwad, under the scheme of
Tractors are provided to Central
Modernization of Prisons.

Agricultural income for the past three years is as under:

Year lakhs
2014-15 57.37
2015-16 60.45
2016-17 51.92

coffee/ Tea / Buttermilk to inmates

Dairy Farming :
in the Prisons. Dairy productions
Following jails are under in various jails are as under for the
dairy farming and are yielding year 2016-17
milk, which is utilised for making
Prison Rs. in lakhs
Central Prison, Belagavi 6.40
Central Prison, Mysuru 1.87
Central Prison, Kalburgi 3.17
Central Prison, Dharwad 2.78
Open Air Jail Koramangala 3.35
District Prison, Shivamogga 0.60
TOTAL 18.17
*Rs 18.07 lakhs is savings to the Government.

Even though the convicted The wages so earned by the

prisoners have to work as per prisoners will be credited to their
Prison Rules. personal account. The prisoners
can spend 50% of their earnings for
As per the modern thinking , their personal expenses like
the work done by prisoners should coffee/tea, snacks, postcards,
not be by force and also the wages through coupons issued in the
paid for the work done should be canteen section of the prison and
encouraging. Further the wages also they are allowed to send the
given to the prisoners should be at amount to their close relatives
least give little help to the family through money order. The
and children. The Karnataka state remaining 50% of the wages is kept
has implemented payment of wages in the personal account and paid to
to the prisoners with this objective. them at the time of their release.

The increase of wages is Government in its Order No:
made with a view to facilitate the HD 298 PRA 2008 dated
prisoners to earn a sizeable amount 18.03.2011 has enhanced wage
during their stay in the prison. This rates which is as below:-
will help them to rehabilitate
themselves after their discharge.
Under trial prisoners who are
willing to work are also paid wages
at the below rates.
Classification Amount of wage per day
• Unskilled prisoner Rs 70.00*
• Skilled Prisoner Rs 80.00*
• Highly Skilled Prisoner Rs 90.00*

*In the above rates an amount of Rs 40/- will be deducted towards prisoners
Food, Clothing and paid Rs 30/- Rs 40/- and 50 respectively.
Wages earned by the prisoners during the last three years is as under:

Year Wages Paid

(Rs. in Lakhs)
2014-15 175.67
2015-16 123.19
2016-17 57.16

16. EDUCATION AND LIBRARY allowed to continue their education

FACILITIES: through Open Universities.
The inmates who are illiterate The details of number of
are being subjected to literacy drive inmates being permitted to pursue
under the Adult Education Scheme their education through open
with the help of trained teachers. universities and fee’s paid by the
Prisoners are Department towards their
admission and exam during the
year under report are as under:

Sl Prison Course No. of Amount

No Prisoners incurred by
Central Prison, B.A – II , III 6 9200.00
2 B .A II & III 4 4000.00

Sl Prison Course No. of Amount
No Prisoners incurred by
Central Prison
3. Central Prison B.A II & III 6 9200.00
Belagavi MCJ 01

The Central Library has

opened its branches in Central
Prisons at Bengaluru, Belagavi,
Ballari, Vijayapura, Kalburgi,
Mysuru and Open Air Jail,

17. SPORTS AND CULTURAL organised a training programme
ACTIVITIES: viz., Youth Leadership Training
Programme, which is one of the
The inmates are provided with the model and unique programme
facilities for indoor and outdoor conducted for a period of 60 days at
games like chess, carrom, central prison, Bengaluru.
volleyball, kabaddi, kho-kho etc. Programme focused on Personal
They are encouraged to enact Development and communication
dramas and conduct cultural skills through stress reducing
programmes on special occasions techniques, finding inner peace –
like Ganesha Festival, Kannada incorporating Sudharsan Kriya-
Rajyothstava etc., YOGA classes are unique breathing technique which
also being conducted for the prison eliminates stress, fatigue and
inmates. negative emotions. In 60 days
17(1) Inter Prison Prisoners programme 1200 inmates were
Sports Meet: trained. Department felt to extend
the programme to other central
As a new initiative, Inter prisons also and transferred
prison prisoner sports meet are (temporarily) trained prisoners to
being organized for the convicted other central prisons who inturn
inmates of all central prisons every trained inmates successfully. This
year. The sports meet spread across initiative has got good response
two central prisons i.,e Bengaluru from the inmates to get reformed.
and Mysuru. Events like cricket,
Kabbadi, Throwball, Tennicoit , 17(3) THEATRE ART BY
Volley Ball, Chess and Carom were INMATES:
held. Department in coordination
The fixtures were drawn up with Sankalppa, Mysuru imparted
in a manner that gave equal training in theatre art and enacted
opportunity to all teams that they various dramas under programme
were evenly matched in sporting Jailininda Jailege Ranga Yatre ,
skills. The excitement and sportive viz., King Liar ( William
mood in the prisoners was equal to Shakespeare), Gokarnada
the IPL or the celebrity sport Gowdashani (Chandra Shekara
competitions. Patil), Shivaratri (Chandra shekara
patil), Kattale Daari Doora (D.R.
Teams will be awarded with Nagaraj) at prestigious stages and
trophies/ prizes and inmates were got lauded by the general public
also awarded with individual and art critics.
trophies in various catagories.
• Maranayaka
17 (2) Youth Leadership Training
Programme (YLTP) for inmates : • Huliya Neralu
Making prisoners second to • Jotegiruvanu Chandira
none – Efforts towards our motto of • Bhagavadjuiyam
reformation and rehabilitation of
prisoners and churn out them as 18. CANTEEN FACILITIES: -
good citizens, Department of Canteen facilities are existing
Prisons in coordination with Art of at District and central prisons
Living , Bengaluru has jointly

which are exclusively for prisoners. convicted prisoners only and with a
Canteens are run on no profit no term of six months and in case of
loss basis. Tea, coffee, eatables, District Jail Panchayat Board
stationary articles etc, are sold in consists of convicts and under
the canteen in exchange of coupons trials with a term of three months.
issued to the prisoners out of their 20. PAROLE AND FURLOUGH:
P .P C or wages.
19. PANCHAYAT SYSTEM: The inmates of jail institution
With a view to creating a are allowed to avail parole and
sense of responsibility and self furlough to meet their kith and kin
reliance among the prisoners. and to sort out their family
Prisoner’s Panchayat Board is problems if any and to rebuild a
constituted for each jail. Panchayat conducive atmosphere for their post
Board of Central Jail consists of prison life.
The details of release on parole and furlough during last 3 years are as
Year No. of Prisoners No. of Prisoners
released on released on
Parole Furlough
2014-15 1318 -
2015-16 1029 -
2016-17 571 -

Reduction in Parole Deposit: An Emergency Parole: An

amendment has been brought to amendment has been brought out
Parole by reducing Parole Security to existing Karnataka Prison Rules
Deposit amount from Rs.6,000 to for temporary release of convict
Rs.1,000 and One surety instead of prisoners on Emergency Parole for
Two Sureties. a period of 15 days.
Number of prisoners released on Emergency Parole during the past three
years and the year under report is as under: -
Year No. of Prisoners released
on Emergency Parole
2014-15 482
2015-16 635
2016-17 282

The Advisory Board have been Police of the district. The advisory
constituted in all the central board examines the cases of the
prisons and district prisons to each prisoner either recommends
consider the premature release of for premature release or gives
life term convicts and short term suitable instructions. The cases of
prisoners. The prisoners who have prisoners for premature release
completed 2/3 of the sentence recommended by the Advisory
including remission are placed Board are submitted to government
before the advisory board with the along with the opinion of the
opinion before the advisory board Inspector General of Prisons for
with the opinion of District further orders.
Magistrate and Superintendent of
The Details of number of prisoners released prematurely during the three
years is as under:
Year No. of prisoners released
2012-13 02
2015-16 252 ( 17.9.2015)
375 (26.01.2016)
2016-17 284 (15.8.2016)
144 ( 26.1.2017)

ROOPANTARA : A Journery of Transformation

A new initiative launched by the their transistion from behind the

Prisons Department in coordination prison walls to the outside world. The
with Peace Makers,a Non process involves following :
Governmental organisation. This ⇔ Individual Profiling
process is for smooth transition for ⇔ Physical preparation for release
life convicts due for premature ⇔ Mental and Emotional preparation
release. It is first of its kind in the ⇔ Social preparation for release
⇔ Spiritual preparation for release
country where in life convicts due
⇔ Post release follow-up and
to be released are prepared for assistance



22. REMISSION SYSTEM:- Koramangala Village, Devanahalli

Taluka, Bengaluru Rural District is
The system of regulating award
another reformative measure.
of marks to and to consequential
Here prisoners work under
shortening of sentence of prisoner in
minimum security. The prisoners
prisons in accordance with Rules made
are being trained in modern
under section 63(2) (e) of Karnataka
methods of agriculture,
Prisons Act 1963. Remission is granted
horticulture, sericulture, sheep
to prisoners by the State Government
rearing, soil conservation and in
or Inspector General or
drip irrigation system. Tractor,
Superintendent subject to withdrawal
Power Tiller, Mini Truck, Jeep and
or forfeiture or Revocations. Remission
Ambulance Van are provided under
is an incentive for good behavior and
the scheme of Modernization of
good work and is not the matter of right
Prison Administration.The
for any prisoner.
authorized accommodation of the
Open Air Jail, Koramangala is 80.
23. OPEN AIR JAIL, KORAMANGALA, The present population is 14 well-
DEVANAHALLI TALUK, BENGALURU behaved and long-term prisoners
RURAL DISTRICT: are lodged in this Open Farm. They
look like farmers on agricultural
Establishment of an Open Air
Jail in an 114-acre of land at

The income from this institution for the past 3 years is as under:

Year Production Rs. in lakhs

2014-15 7.06
2015-16 5.35
2016-17 3.37

23(1) : New Open Air Jails : the British Regime. They are old and
are deprived of timely repairs and
o 55.13 acres of land has
been allotted to the renovations due to perennial paucity of
department in the survey funds and they are in dilapidated
no’s 30 & 31 for conditions. Efforts are on to get
construction of Open Air
adequate funds under the P.W.D
Jail at Kadur.
Budget Head for carrying out these
Most of the prison buildings and
staff quarters were constructed during

24.1 Budget allotted during 2016-17 under the head of account 4059-80-051-
0-03 prisons 132 Capital Outlay is as below:-

Works Rs in Lakhs

 Construction of New Prison at Shimoga
 Construction of New Sub Jail at Haliyala
 Construction of Compound Wall at New Central Prison 2,00,00,000.00
Bhantwala (Mangaluru) by PWD
 Land acquisation for Construction of Officers/Staff Qtrs 12,75,000.00
at Koppal

2059-80-051-0-08 Jails 200 Maintenance

Works Rs in Lakhs
• Improvement to basic amenities at PTI Mysuru 50,00,000.00

• Improvement to basic amenities at Women Central 10,00,000.00

Prison Tumkur

• Improvement to basic amenities at Central Prison 12,50,000.00
• Improvement to basic amenities at District Prison 7,50,000.00
• Improvement to basic amenities at District Prison 10,00,000.00
• Improvement to basic amenities at District Prison Udupi 10,00,000.00

• Construction of Compound at Central prison Bengaluru 1,00,00,000.00

4216-01-700-2-10 Jails 386 Construction

Works Rs in Lakhs
Construction of New Officers/Staff Qtrs at Shimoga 5,00,00,000.00

Administrative Approvals have been accorded to the following works under

2056-00-101-0-01 Jails 200 Maintenance


1. Building repair and construction of compound wall at CP. Kalburgi

2. Rewiring of electrical components and installation of Panel board at DP.


3. Electrical repair of Attibele Quarters at Bengaluru, at CP.Bengaluru,

4. Repairs of staff quarters at Taluk Sub Jail Chintamani,

5. Repairs of staff quarters and painting work at Dp. Madikeri,

6. Repair of Sump, outside jail premises at CP, Vijayapura,

7. Repair and renovation work at OAJ Devanahalli,

8. Renovation of Interview room and other repair works at CP. Dharwad,

9. Construction of new generator room for generator at Taluk sub jail Hubli,

10. Repairs and renovation DP. Udupi, by PWD Udupi

11. Repair of room which is beside interview room and construction of shed
for KSISI at CP. Ballari,by PWD ballari

24. SHIFTING OF DISTRICT PRISON, Government has accorded

SHIMOGA TO OUTSKIRTS OF CITY : permission to shift existing District

Prison at Shimoga to outskirts of the Jail Building and Rs 25.59 Crore for
city. Shivamogga Central Prison is a Staff quarters. Works are under final
modren prison with an stages of completion and prison will be
accommodation for 600 prisoners at made functional during 2017-18.
an estimated cost of Rs 50.17 Crore for
24.3 CONSTRUCTION OF TWO approval and sanctioned necessary
SEPARATE ANNEXES NEAR funds. Works of construction of two
BENGALURU CENTRAL PRISON: separate annexes is under progress.
It is proposed to construct two 24(4) . SHIFTING OF PRISONS TO
number annexes (Convict & Women) at OUTSKIRTS OF THE CITY:
Central Prison, Bengaluru in order to
It was decided to shift prisons
provide adequate accommodation to
viz District Prison, Mangalore, Bidar
inmates for which Government in its
and Central Prison Vijayapura which
order No: HD 251 PRA 2010 dated :
are located in the heart of city to city
25.2.2011 has accorded administrative

The land sanctioned for construction of new jails at various places are as
under :
Place Area sanctioned
• Central Prison Vijayapura • 40.00 acres
• District Prison Mangalore • 63.89 acres
• District Prison Bidar • 49.00 acres

Lands have been identified to construct and shift the existing prisons and the

concerned departments has to 1. 10 acres of land has been

accord sanction for those lands. identified for construction of
new taluka sub jail at Sagar

25. PRISON MODERNISATION the Government under the following

SCHEME 2016-17 head of the account :- 4059-80-052-0-
02 Prisons 125 Prison (PLAN)
Following facilities were
provided by utilizing the sanctioned by

Works Rs
1. Academy of Prison Administration , Bengaluru - 69,00,000.00
Balance payment
2. Balance Payment towards Installation of Mobile 2,87,28,002.00
jammers at Belagavi, Ballari, Dharwad & Mangalore to
M/s ECIL Hyderabad
3. Installation of Solar Power Packs and Solar Street Light 1,59,64,155.00
Systems at 6 Dist 2 Tq 2 Spl Sub Jails by M/s NSIC
Bengaluru. (70% Released)

4. Supply and Installation of CCTV Systems @ 20Dist/Spl 15,81,38,452.00
Sub Priosns by M/s Atluri & Co Hyderabad

Following facilities were provided by Modernization 125 (Non Plan) for the
utilizing funds sanctioned by the year 2016-17
Government under the head of the
account 2056-00-101-0-05 Prison
2056-00-101-0-05 Jails 125 Modernisation

Sl. Component
1. Concertina Coil Wire Fencing at 5 jails

2. RO plant at Tumkur District prison

3. FG1 Security Pole to Bengaluru prison

4. Video Conferencing Systems to 9 jails and 20 courts

5. Installation of 100 KVA transformer at Central Prison Ballari. by PWD.

6. Purchase of Fax Machines at Chintamani, K.R.Nagar, PTI, Mysuru,

Kalaburgi, K.G.F. and Dharwad. From Abhishek Bussiness Solutions

7. Purchase of Bar Coded ID cards printer and Blank ID cards to CP Mysuru.

From M/s. Nine Rich Infotech Bengaluru.

8. Purchase of Samsung DB 48D LED Display to District Prison Mangalore,

For VC From, M/s Puttur Infotech Pvt.

9. Purchase of 2 KVA UPS to District Prison Mangalore for VC From Power One
Micro System Pvt Ltd

10. Purchase of 1 No. of Polycom Real presence group 500 VC to District Prison

11. Balance 10% amount paid towards purchase of Digital Multifunctional

Copier Machine (Size-A3) and Digital copier with Printer Size - A3

12. Purchase and Installation of Items for CCTV Control Room at HO From
Pushpak Products Pvt. Ltd B'lore India

13. Installation of Iron Boxes to 02 nos of KIOSKS Machine at Central Prison

Ballari. by PWD

14. Purchase and Installation of 2ft*1ft 6mm Brass Letter Board at CCTC
control Room Head Office From Vasavi Graphics.

15. Purchase of 1 No. of UPS to District Prison Shimoga for VC from Power one
micro system.

Sl. Component
16. Purchase of 1 No. of Polycom Real presence group 500 VC to District Prison
Shimoga for VC from Advanced Technoline Services.

17. Purchase of LED 48'' Samsung Display for VC systems to District Prison
Shimoga From Advanced Technoline Sevices

18. Balance Payment of AMC of VC equipments to KEONICS

19. Purchase and Installation of 3 KVA static converter online ups by

powerone Micro System at CCTV control room at Head Office.

20. Jail Buliding electrical repairs by PWD to District Prison Chikkamagaluru.

21. Installation of Submersible Pump for borewell towards drinking water to

prisoners at Spl. Sub Jail Davangere by PWD.

22. Balance payment for Office Furniture at HO supplied by Pushpak

Products India Pvt Ltd.

23. Electrical repairs at Sub Jail Yadgiri by PWD.

24. Supply of Xerox Machines.

(Ramnagar,Virajpet,Jamkhandi,Humnabad,Lingusguru & Tiptur) From
M/s Peritech system corporation Bengaluru

25. 9 Nos Dell optiplex 9020 MT Desktop computers purchased for CCTV
contol room at HO. From M/s Advanced technoline services B'lore.

26. Purchase of 2 computers, 2 UPS, 1 MFP for Khajane 2 section at HO from

M/s. ABS One Source Bengaluru

27. Purchase of 55'' LG proffessional LED display for CCTV control room at
HO from Puthur Infotech Pvt Ltd.

28. Supply of Modular furniture fo CCTV control room at HO from Pushpak

products India Pvt.Ltd

29. Purchase of 3KVA online UPS for VC systems to Dist. Prison Bagalkote.
From M/s Powerone Micro System

30. Digging of borewell and Installation of pipes and motor at Dist.Prison

Madikeri by PWD.

31. Electrical repairs at Central Prison Bengaluru by PWD.

32. Electrical repairs at Taluk Sub Jail Devdurga by PWD.

33. Payment towards man-power utilised for e-prisons at HO. To NIC

34. Purchase of Gestetner Digital copy printer from Ricoh India at HO

Sl. Component
35. Supply of SS plate, chambu & katora to all central Prisons by KSIS

36. urchase of Aadhar based Finger print devices, to various prisons for E-
Prisons from Mantra softech india pvt ltd.

37. Purchase of Web Camera at various prisons for E-prisons from Ninerich
infotech B'lore.

38. Purchase of Desktop, MFPrinter, UPS to various prisons for E-prisons

from Ninerich infotech.

39. AMC of CCTV installed at Central prison Bengaluru from ECIL.

40. Repairs of Hand Held Metal Detector by M/s. Secomtech solutions B'lore.

41. Installation of Wire mesh for interview room at Dist. Prison Bagalkote by

42. 3rd Party Inspection of Solar Street lights installed at 10 Dist. Prisons by
CPRI Bengaluru.

43. Electrical repairs at Central Prison Bengaluru by PWD.

44. Electrical repairs at Taluk Sub Jail Devdurga by PWD.

45. supply of STP cable and RJ Connector for VC systems at Dist.Prison

Bagalkote to Inter technology services.

26. PRISON TRAINING INSTITUTE, Institute is headed by the Principal and

MYSURU: - assisted by Vice Principal, Lecturers
and Instructors etc.,. Nine months
The Department has
basic training is being imparted for
established a Prison Training Institute
Warders and Head Warders. So far
(PTI) at Mysuru during the year 1976
(upto 31.03.2017), 44 batches have
for training the lower executive staff
been trained, in which 247 were Head
viz., Warders and Head warders. The
warders and 1633were Warders.

27. ACADEMY OF PRISONS AND On the recommendation of the

CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION working group on Prisons during 1972-
(APCA) [FORMERLY REGIONAL 73 the 4 Southern States viz.,
INSTITUTE OF CORRECTIONAL Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala
ADMINISTRATION (RICA)] FOR and Tamil Nadu jointly established the
SOUTHERN STATES AT VELLORE, Regional Institute of Correctional
TAMIL NADU: - Administration for Southern States at

Vellore, Tamil Nadu with effect from 1st The expenditure of this
October 1979 for imparting training to institution is being borne by all the
higher executive staff viz., Jailors, four participating states equally and
Chief Jailors, Assistant the institution is managed by the
Superintendents, Probationary Board of Directors consisting of
Officers etc.,. There are two courses of Inspector Generals of Prisons of the
six months and one year duration. four States and one of them will be
Twelve seats have been earmarked for acting as Chairman on rotation basis
the State. So far, 85 officials /officers for a period of one year.
have undergone one year course and
Number of officers got trained at
47 have undergone six months training
APCA(previously RICA) from the date of
its inception upto 31.3.2017 is as

• One year Training 89 Officers

• Six months training 47 Officers

• Nine Months Training 21 Officers

• Three Months Training 20 Officers

• One Month Training 93 Officers

• Computer training 24 officers

• Short term course 194Officers

The details of share amount paid by the State is as under:

Year Share amount Balance amount

paid due
(Rs. in Lakhs) ( Lakhs)
2012-13 50.00 -
2013-14 55.00 -
2014-15 55.00 --
2015-16 57.23
2016-17 55.00


The Officers of the Prison Department have been deputed to undergo training
/courses outside the State during the year under report.

Course Institute No. of

 Victimology and Victim NICFS, New Delhi 01

 Crime and Justice NICFS, New Delhi 01

 Crime against women and NICFS, New Delhi 01

 Human Rights in Prison APCA, Vellore 02
 Gender Sensitization and FISCAL Policy 03
Gender Budget Training Institute

 Handling Hostage situations APCA. Vellore 09

and other emergencies in
 Computer Training course APCA., Vellore 07

 Life Style Management for APCA, Vellore 03

prison officers
 E-gov project -DPR IIPA, New Delhi 01

 Retreat 2016 Telangana Prisons 01

 Personality Development for SICA, Hyderabad 01

Prison officers
 Human Rights issues and ILI, New Delhi 02

29. MEDICAL CARE : X-ray machines, lab equipments, ECG

Medical Facilities in Prisons : machines etc.,. The health problems of
Separate hospital wing is existing in all prisoners are being taken care of by
Central Prisons and in some District medical officers. Inmates are being
Prisons. Medical officers are working in referred to District Hospitals for higher
these hospitals, who are deputed from treatment/ investigation. In all District
Department of Health and Family Hq. Sub Jails and Taluka Sub Jails
Welfare Services. Para Medical staff health problems of prisoners are being
viz., Pharmacists, Male Nurses, Lab taken care of by the visiting medical
Technicians are assisting Medical officer.
Officers. Hospitals are being provided
The details of post sanctioned ,
with required medical equipments viz., working and vacant post of Medical

officers and para-medics as on
31.3.2017 is as under:-
Post Sanctioned Working Vacant
Post Strength
Assistant Surgeon 20 7 13
Psychiatrist 2 1 1
Pharmacist 17 9 8
Junior Lab Technician 7 3 4
X Ray Technician 4 2 2
Male Nurse 5 1 4
55 23 32

Prison Department in hold General Health Check up camps,

coordination with various Eye, Skin and Dental Health Check up
organizations viz., Medical Colleges, Camps in the prisons.
Rotary, Lions Club and other NGOs

29(1) Appointment of Doctors on Appointment orders has been issued to

Contract Basis: Doctors on contract basis and
appointed to the following prisons with
As per the Government Order
a monthly remuneration of Rs
ÌÙ›ý ¯ 25 ¼ „¤ý … 2011 ¸¹Ñ‘Ð: 05-02-
40,000/- per month. Presently
2013 Department has initiated action
Doctors are working in the following
to appoint retired Government Medical
prisons .Information as on
Officers on contract basis and called
for walkin interview on 18.03.2013.
Sl Name of the Prison Number of Doctors

01 Central Prison, Mysuru 02

02 Central Prison, Kalburgi 02

03 Central Prison, Vijayapura 01
04 District Prison , Bidar 01
05 District Prison, Raichur 01
06 District Prison , Mangalore 01
07 Central Prison Dharwad 01
08 Central Prison Belgavi 01

29(3) ICTC Centre: Integrated working at Central Prison ,

Counseling and Testing Centre is Bengaluru in coordination with

Karnataka State AIDS Prevention National Health Mission is
Society. ICTC is equipped with all providing additional health care
necessary HIV/AIDS detecting services to the inmates at the
instruments viz., Centrifuge, Districts.
Testing kit, Refrigerator and In a circular dated :
services of one counselor and one 20.12.2016 , Commissioner ,
lab technician are made available at Health and Family Services
this centre. All prisoners who are Department has directed District
newly admitted to prison are Health Authorties to depute one
counseled by the ICTC’s counselor medical officer to visit District or
on Prevention, treatment and Taluka Prison once in a week
various aspects of HIV/AIDS. They between 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm and
are encouraged to get themselves also to provide basic medical
tested at this ICT Centre for equipments to prisons.
29 (5) Basic Medical Equipments:

Provided basic medical

29 (4) National Health Mission :
equipments to 7 central prisons for
The Prison better health care of inmates, during
Department in coordination with the year under report.



Institution Dates on which programmes held

Central Prison, Belagavi 8.11.2016
4 undertrial prisoners released.


30(1) Legal awareness camps were held in the following prisons during
the year under report:-
Institution Dates on which programmes held
Central Prsion Bengaluru 18.4.2016,19.7.2016,24.9.2016,24.10.2016
District Prison Madikeri • 29.11.2016,5.7.2016,22.10.2016,31.1.2017,27.2.20
District Prison Chickmaglur • 2.4.2016
District Prison Tumkur • 14.9.2016,20.6.2016,15.7.2016,12.12.2016,
Taulka Sub Jail Tiptur • 27.7.2016

District Prison Chickballapur • 4.7.2016.20.8.2016.12.9.2016. 17.9.2016.
20.9.2016, 23.9.2016,13.2.2017,
Central Prison Belgavi 8.11.2016, 28.2.2017, 3.3.2017, 31.3.2017
Taluka Sub Jail Bailahongal 28.6.2016, 15.7.2016, 21.8.2016,10.1.2017
Central Prison, Mysuru 31.7.2016
District Prison Mandya 29.7.2016, 27.10.2016 , 22.12.2016, 15.2.2017,
District Prison Hassan 1.7.2016, 21.8.2016, 3.9.2016, 30.12.2016,
28.2.2017, 23.3.2017
District Prison Chickmaglur 3.4.2016 & 2.10.2016
Central Prison Dharwad 7.4.2016,1.6.2016,1.8.2016,6.10.2016,6.12.2016,
Central Prison Belagavi 28.9.2016, 24.3.2017
Central Prison Mysuru 30.4.2016, 06.9.2016 , 30.1.2017 & 16.3.2017
Taluka Prison K R Nagar 18.8.2016
Taluka Prison Arasikere 25.10.2016 , 15.2.2017
Taluka Prison Sakaleshpur 1.4.2016, 4.7.2016, 23.7.2016, 21.11.2016,
22.12.2016, 31.12.2016
Central Prison Vijayapura 18.07.2016


A State Level Committee Government in Home
under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Deparmtment constituted a
Judge of High Court of Karnataka committee vide order No HD 51
PRA 2012 dated 12.11.2013 to
has been appointed by the
supervise the overcrowding in
Government to review the cases of prisons, prisoners security ,
under trial prisoners. The attendance of prisoners before
committee is reviewing the cases of hon’ble courts and implementation
under trial prisoners periodically of Section 436 A CrPC. Committee
for early disposal of cases by the with following members should
concerned Courts. meet once in every 3 months and
should ascertain the situation on
the above said issues :
Committee comprising of following officers:
• Principal District and Sessions Judge/ District and Sessions President
• District Magistrate Member
• District Police Superintendent Member
• District Surgeon Member
• District health officer Member

• District Government prosecutor Member
• Chief Superintendent/ Superintendent/ of Central/ District Member

Undertrial prisoners review committee meetings held during the year under
Institution Dates
District Prison, Madikeri 29.12.2016, 23.3.2017
Central Prison, 31.3.2016,31.3.2017
Central Prison Ballari 7.6.2016 , 21.9.2016 31.12.2016
Central Prison Belgavi 9.6.2016, 28.9.2016 , 24.3.2017
Central Prison, Msyore 30.4.2016, 06.9.2016, 30.1.2017 & 16.3.2017
Central Prison Dharwad 7.4.2016, 1.6.2016, 1.8.2016, 06.10.2016,
06.12.2016 & 13.2.2017
Central Prison 27.3.2017
District Prison 2.1.2017, 28.2.2017, 25.3.2017
District Prison Hassan 23.3.2017
District Prison Bidar 31.1.2017,8.2.2017,
District Prison 28.3.2017
District Prison, Karwar 13.2.2017
District Prison, Kolar 30.3.2017
District Prison , Udupi 22.3.2017
District Prison Mandya 25.3.2017
District Prison 22.3.2017

32. VIDEO CONFERENCING: Exchequer. The Video Conferencing

System is to dispense with the need of
Karnataka is one of the pioneers
physically producing the under -trials
to introduce production of UTPs
in courts for adjournments and/ or
through the Video Conferencing
extension of their judicial remand.
System (VCS), presently installed at 7
Central Jails , 17 District Prisons, and 32 (1) High Definition Video
3 Sub Jails linked with various courts Conferencing:
of the State. As many as 40289 UTPs
As per Government order,
have been produced before the courts
Tenders were invited for supply,
through the Video Conferencing
installation and maintainance of High
System as at March 2017, effecting a
Definition Video Conferencing
saving of Rs 2,09,97,103 /- to the State

equipments for 9 jails and 20 courts are expected to be complete before
at a total cost of Rs 1.89 Crore. Supply July ,2017.
order issued and works of installation

32. (1)MULTIPOINT VIDEO IP phones ,an initiative of e –

CONFERENCING : governance have been provided to
all Central Prisons, District Prisons
Multipoint Video
and District Hq Sub Jails .
Conferencing System, is one of the
new initiative in the country, was
installed at the City Court Complex,
Bengaluru This facility will connect
Trial Courts not only with Central Modernized and highly secured
Prison, Bengaluru but also 4 more Prison call system has been introduced
locations outside Bengaluru where in all central prisons of the state . This
Video Conferencing facility exists, so will envisages the prisoner to speak to
that if accused persons in a criminal 2 prerecorded numbers ( may be
case are spread out in different Prisons Relative/ legal advisor) in time slot and
outside Bengaluru, it will be possible to actual interval prescribed. This system
try the cases through Video has replaced the old system of
Conferencing without physical telephone booths which was found
production. unsecured.

32 (2) Linking Video Conference

To have efficient Video PRISONS :
Conferencing facility available in 27 To provide an access to
prisons, the facility has been linked inmates to view their case status,
(Last Mile Connectivity) with appeal, next hearing dates, bail orders
Karnataka State Wide Area and judgements , information kioks
Network(KSWAN) have been installed at 8 central
33. IP Phones: prisons with required infrastructure.

1) Bengaluru Central Prison 05 KIOSK Machines

2) Belagavi Central Prison 02 KIOSK Machines

3) Vijapur Central Prison 02 KIOSK Machines

4) Ballari Central Prison 02 KIOSK MAchine s

5) Kalburgi Central Prison 02 KIOSK Machines

6) Mysuru Central Prison 02 Kiosks Machines

7) Women Central Prison Tumkur 01Kiosk Machine

AROGYA BHAGYA SCHEME: The details of no. of members got
benefited from the above scheme is
A comprehensive Health
given below:
Scheme for the Officers and Staff of the
Prison Department called “Arogya
Bhagya Scheme” has been introduced.

Year No. of Beneficiaries

2014-15 211
2015-16 137
2016-17 200

36. KARNATAKA PRISONS STAFF in the department, the Government

WELFARE FUND: has given sanction for creation of
Karnataka Prison Staff Welfare Fund.
Keeping in view of the welfare of
the Staff and Officers who are working
The details of No. of members got benefited from this scheme are given below

2013-14 75
2014-15 145
2015-16 108
2016-17 101


Government of Karnataka has AND TWO CUPS OF TEA TO THE
considered departmental proposal of
granting free ration to prison
personnel on the similar lines of police
department. Government in their Government of Karnataka in
Order Vide No: AaNaasha 61 DRA: their order No: HD 183 PRE 2013 dated
2013 dated : 26.12.2013 has accorded : 10.2.2014 has accorded sanction to
sanction for isssue of free ration i.e 15 the department proposal of granting of
Kgs of Rice and 3 Kgs of Wheat per one night meal and two cups of tea to
month for Warder to Jailor cadre, the guarding staff of the prison
Warder Nursing and Drivers of Prisons department , who finds no time to go
Deparmtment. In total 1684 officers out and have meal or tea or coffee while
and staff of the prisons department are they are on work. This is initiative is
benefited from this scheme.

going to be boon to the guarding staff Audits were conducted in the
in discharging their regular duties. following prisons during the year
under report;-

1. District Prison Tumkur

2. Women Central Prison, Tumkur

40. PUBLIC GRIEVANCES: and pending during year under report

are as under: -
The details of the number of
public grievances received, disposed of
Sl.No No. of Public No. of Public Pending at
Grievance Grievance the end of
applications received applications the year

1 Nil - Nil


The details of the number of applications received and disposed off during the
year under report:

Sl.No No.of Applications Disposed Fee received

during 2016-17
1 86 84 870


Information as of the period ending as on 31.3.2017

Sl.No No.of cases Disposed Pending

1 27 10 17

NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS executive posts for Prison

DURING 2016-17 Department.
b) The Government has
sanctioned for creation of
a) The Home Department has 134 various posts for new
accorded sanction for Central Prison at
creation of 1811 various Shivamogga.

c) CCTV Control Room has care prison inmates.
been established at Prison Necessary and basic
Head Quarters to monitor medical equipments have
daily activity across 8 been provided to 7 central
Central Prisons. prisons for attending health
d) 457 life convicts have been problems of inmates.
released prematurely during n) Establishment of Bakery
2016-17. Unit at Women Central
e) Information KIOSK’s have Prison , Tumkur under CSR
been provided to 08 Central Project of M/s BHEL
Prisons for assisting
inmates to access their case New schemes proposed for 2017-18.
status in the prison
premises. 1. Construction of new
f) Solar Lighting systems have jails.
been installed in 10
District/Taluka Prisons. a) It is proposed construct new Taluk
g) Installation of CCTV sub jails at Gangavathi, Virajpet,
systems for 20 District Tiptur and Tarikere.
Prisons is under progress,
and will be completed 2. Construction Staff
during this financial year. quarters.
h) An Innovative programmed a) It is proposed to construct
titled “Roopanthara” was Officers/Staff quarters at
launched at 7 Central Gangavathi, Virajpet, Tiptur,
Prisons to mentally and Chintamani and Haliyal.
emotionally uplift the
prisoners who are 3. Prison Modernizations(Plan)
recommended for premature
release so as to enable them  It is proposed to install solar
to join main stream of the lighting systems at 10 Taluk sub
society smoothly. This jails.
initiative will also focus on  It is proposed to install steam
the rehabilitation of inmates. cooking units at 10 various jails.
i) Training has been provided  It is proposed to procure FG1
to all Prison Officers/Staff Security Poles to 8 Central Jails in-
in personality development order to avoid the entry of
to increase their work contraband articles inside the
efficiency in their day to day prison.
administration.  It is proposed to provide Hand-
j) Stainless utensils (Plates, Held metal detectors and Door
Mug, and Tumbler) have Frame metal detectors to all
been provided to all Prisons central and district prisons for
in the state. security check of entry of
k) Concertina wire fencing has conctraband articles.
been installed in 5 various  It is proposed to procure advanced
District and Taluk jails. digital mode Wireless Walkie-
l) FG1 –Security pole have Talkie Systems to 25 Prisons.
been provided to Bengaluru  It is proposed to provide basic
jail necessary medical equipments to
m) 9 retired medical officers prisons.
have been appointed on
contract basis for health





Fire & Emergency Services in Karnataka 1)Inspector General of Police

was first established in the year 1942 in & Ad. Director General -On posting from Police.
Bengaluru South & North under the
administrative control of the Police 2)Deputy Inspector General of Police. - On posting
department. Later, during the from Police.
reorganization of the state, a few more
fire stations at Ballari, Hospet, 3)Director.-Department Officer.
Mangalore, Udupi & Raichur were added
to the Karnataka State. This system of
functioning of fire services under the 4)Deputy Director (Tech.) - Department Officer.
administrative control of the police
department was continued till the 5)Deputy Director (Admn) - Department Officer.
enactment of Karnataka State Fire
Services Act in 1964. Under the
6)Deputy Director (Fire Prevention) - Department
provisions of this Act, a separate
Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services
was created on 05.11.1965. Since then
the department is working under the 7)Administrative Officer - Department Officer.
administrative control of the Director
General of Fire & Emergency Services. 8)Asst. Controller of Accounts
Normally this post is held by an officer of
the rank of Director General of Police.
The Director General of Police also
functions as the Commandant General
of Home Guards and Ex-officio Director
of Civil Defence.

The Director General of Fire &

Emergency Services is assisted by the
following officers in the day to day
functioning of the department both in
administration and technical matters:

For the day to day functioning, the Functioning of the Station:
activities of the department are further Except 12 nos. of Fire Stations in
grouped as follows: Bengaluru City, which function on 3
A) Operational B) Training C) shifts, the remaining 176 Fire Stations
Maintenance and D) Communicaion
function in 2 shifts. In addition, Govt. in
its order No.OE 144 KFS 2012 Dated:
A) Operational : This sub group is 02-02-2014 has sanctioned 3 shift duty
headed by 6 Chief Fire Officers based in system in State Municipal Corporations
Bengaluru(2), Hubballi(1), Mangaluru namely Bengaluru City(8) Fire Stations
& 05 Fire Protection Squads, Bengaluru
(1), Kalburgi(1) & Mysuru(1). Under each
Rural(1), Mysuru(3), Mangalore(2),
Chief Fire Officer 2 to 4 ranges function
Vijayapura(1), Tumkur(1), Hubli(3),
at Bengaluru(4), Mysuru, Davanagere,
Belagavi(1), Ballari(1), Kalburgi(1),
Mangaluru, Shivamogga, Hubbli, Ballari
Shivamogga(1) and Davangere(1) fire
& Kalburagi. A Commandant of the rank
Stations. The 3 shift system will be
of Chief Fire Officer is looking after R.A. initiated in the above mentioned cities
Mundkur Academy, located at after appointing personnel through
Bengaluru. Each range is under the recruitment process in the department.
supervision of a Regional Fire Officer, Timing of 3 Shift systems:
who has control over 3 to 4 districts.
07.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs, 14.00 hrs
Each district has a District Fire to 21.00 hrs & 21.00 hrs to 07.00 hrs
Officer, under whom there are 3 to 8 Fire next day
Stations. Thus at present there are 212 Timing of 2 Shift systems:
Fire Stations and 5 Fire Protection 08.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs & 17.00
Squads (Vidhana Soudha, M.S Building, hrs to next day 08.00 hrs
V.V tower, High Court & Raj Bhavan) in
B) Training:
174 taluks in 30 districts. In addition to
To train the newly recruited staff
this, another 01 Fire Station, sanctioned
and in service personnel and also the
by the Government, are yet to be opened.
employees of Industrial & Commercial
These 16 Fire Stations will cover all the
establishments and other occupations,
remaining 10 taluks and additional
a well established training Academy
requirement of Bengaluru City. Out of
(R.A. Mundkur Fire and Emergency
functioning 212 Fire Stations, 14 Fire
Service Academy) is functioning at
Stations are in Hoblies, away from Taluk
Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru since
Headquarters and a few major cities like
02.11.1970. This training academy is
Bengaluru, Mysuru, Mangaluru, Udupi
headed by a Commanadant, an officer of
& Hubballi have more than 1 fire station.
the rank of Chief Fire Officer. Facilities
Out of 30 Districts the to accommodate and train about 180 to
department had planned to open 64 200 personnel, at a time, are available in
places where it has been announced as this Academy.
Hobli\pattana is Tq. places. And also
planned to purchase vehicles and Apart from the conventional trainings,
Equipment the proposal has been sent to new areas of training like Fire
government for kind sanction. Commando training and Breathing
Apparatus Training using Breathing
Apparatus Gallery are conceived in the

The following training programme is and occupants of Banks, Hotels,
conducted regularly in the Police and other agencies, are also
training Academy: arranged on request from the
outsiders a nominal amount is
1. 6 months basic training for newly collected as fee for arranging
inducted Fire Station Officers & training and issuing certificates.
2. 4 months basic training & 3 C) Maintenance:
months basic training at Fire A well established workshop to
Service Workshop for newly carry out repair to vehicles, Power take
inducted Fireman Drivers and off and pumps of the department
Driver Mechanics. vehicles is available at Bannerghatta
3. Regular Refresher courses for all Road, Bengaluru. Skilled technicians,
ranks of executive officers and under the supervision of a Regional Fire
personnel of the department. Officer are available in the workshop to
4. 30 days Job oriented course on attend to day-to-day problems and
Fire prevention & Fire Fighting to maintenance of vehicles. Major repairs
the general public. on transmission side, body etc, are got
done outside through authorized
5. 3 days training program for the Dealers/ Workshops. The staff of
employees of Cinema, Petroleum
workshop is often detailed to the stations
production, installation explosive
storages etc, occupants of high rise to attend to the repairs of pump and
residential and commercial PTO.
D) Communication:
6. Special training program ranging The department has a well
from 1 to 6 days for the employees established wireless communication

system. To maintain the communication Mullayanagiri, Mangaluru, Ballari,
system, a wireless workshop has been Kalburgi, Belagavi, and Mysuru etc.
setup which is supervision of an officer
of the rank of Police Inspector(Wireless). At present the department has
Wireless network communication has more than 800 wireless equipments &
been provided to all districts. Repeater planned to purchase new modernised
has been installed at Jogimatti, wireless equipment shortly.


Structure of the Department: Organization Chart

Director General of Police & Director General

IGP & Additional Director General

Deputy Inspector General of Police


Deputy Director (Admn) Deputy Director (Tech) Deputy Director (F.P)

Directorate Fire Stations R.A.M.F.S. Academy Vehicle Workshop Wireless workshop
Administrative Officer Chief Fire Officer Commandant Regional Fire Officer Police Inspector(W)
Account Officer Regional Fire Officer Regional Fire Officer Fitter Class-I Sub Inspector(W)
Asst. Admn. Officer Dist. Fire Officer Dist. Fire Officer (Trg) Fitter Class-II Asst. Sub Inspector
Superintendents Fire Station Officer Fire Station Officer (Trg) Fitter Class-III Fireman
Dist. Fire Officer Asst. Fire Station Officer Leading Fireman Dist. Fire Officer
First Dvn. Asst. Leading Fireman Fireman Driver Driver Mechanic
Stenographers Fireman Driver Fireman Wielder
Second Dvn. Asst. Driver Mechanic Ministerial staff Electrician
Typist Fireman Superintendent Carpenter
Jeep Driver Ministerial staff in CFOs/RFOs First Dvn. Asst. Painter
MCDR Offices. Second Dvn. Asst. Cleaner
Dalayath First Dvn. Asst. SDA cum Typist Fireman Driver
+ New posts sanctioned Second Dvn. Asst. Gardener
for Fire Prevention Unit SDA cum Typist Sweeper
under Dy. Director (F.P) Dalayath
Acts, Rules and Notifications of the

1) Standing Orders: 4) Fire Services Act:

Under the command of the Head of the The existing department Act came in to
Department, this department has effect in the year 1964. It deals about the
released 152 Standing Orders, which has maintenance of this department and
simplified the routine office transactions several other allied procedures. A new Fire
as well as transactions with general and Emergency Services Act draft will be
public. They range from 1970 till to date. prepared and sent to government for
With respect to present changes, it has approval. The draft Act is more interactive
been decided to review and revise the and exhaustive in its nature.
standing order by appointing a review
5) Fire Services Rules:
committee. It is a directive issued by Head
of the Department and it is binding upon The existing department Rules, under the
all personnel. Act came into existence in the year 1971.
2) Departmental Circulars: They deal with duties, responsibilities,
standby arrangement of vehicles for
These are the written statement of
public and government use, rewards etc.
Government policy/Department policy
With the present context, these Rules
towards smooth functioning of the
department. It helps in simplifying the need to be changed and they are under
routine transactions, both internally and redrafting. In the draft focus has been
externally. Through Circulars, regular given to general interactions with public,
directions are given to sub-ordinate private and government parameters.
offices, for the smooth functioning of the
6) Fire Service Notification:
department. A proper compilation and
indexing is in progress. (i) The existing notification, with respect to
3) Fire Services Manual: Fire Precautionary Measures in
Industrial and Commercial Premises
The existing department manual came in
came in to existence in the year 1971.
to existence in the year 1979. The manual
It is exhaustive and generally covers
is quite exhaustive in dealing with
different guidelines about conditions of different types of premises. Keeping in
service & duties, training, responsibilities view the present scenario of bulk
of personnel and officers, conduct rules, storages and usage of chemical
discipline, Departmental Enquiry materials, gases, corrosive materials,
proceedings, inspection of public increase in high raise buildings,
premises, usage of Fire Service increase in transport godowns etc. This
appliances, procedure responding to fire notification needs revision before
calls, dress and equipment, maintenance getting revision it has to be given most
of records, awards & rewards, monthly importance before discussing with
statements, ambulance service etc. With
public private also with the
the advent of new changes in the
administration, uniform, technologies,
new procedures, changes in procedures
etc the manual needs a revision. It is in
the process.

(ii) As per the Govt. Notification No. In respect of Fire Station Officers,
HD 33 SFB 2011, Bengaluru Dated: the minimum age in 21 years &
7-7-2011, the department has maximum 28 years for reservation
identified 16,237 high rise buildings and minimum 21 years & maximum
all over the state so far. Out of which 26 years for general categories.
2221 buildings have been inspected
in view of fire prevention measures
and the survey is continued. In the The process of recruitment of
year 2016-17, 246 high rise hospital personnel and officers is done on
buildings, 32 star hotel buildings, 28 merit basis. The entire process of
malls & multiplexes, 112 high rise recruitment is computerized and
official and residential buildings and video graphed to maintain highest
44 convention centre & assembly level of transparency.
buildings at palace ground have
been inspected.
8) Cadre & Recruitment Rules:
7) Cadre & Recruitment Rules:
As per Govt. Notification Dt: 25-07-
Government Notification No. HD 2015 recruitment process i.e.
146 SFB 2008 dated: 10.09.2013 Physical fitness test and Physical
has issued a comprehensive tolerance for the post of 96 DM, 368
notification revising the entire C & R FD and 1436 Fireman tests has been
Rules of the department. In the completed appointment order has
revised rules, separate committees been issued for the posts of 65 DM’s
have been constituted for the & 165 FD’s and posted them for
recruitment of direct posts like Fire training. The said recrutee have
Station Officer, Driver Mechanic, completed their training and have
Fireman Driver and Fireman. been posted to fire stations. The
Further, the educational balance post of 01 Driver Mechanic,
qualification has been enhanced to 172 Fireman Driver and 1009
10th Standard Pass in respect of Fireman have been part of training.
Firemen Driver Mechanics and
Fireman Drivers.
The qualifying age in respect of
Fireman, Fireman Driver and Driver
Mechanic is reduced from 38 & 33
year to 28 & 26 years for
reservation and general categories.

Performance : Activities and achievements of Project: K SAFE 2010:
the department for the past two years:
During 2015-16 period 05 new fire stations at To achieve the overall development of the
(Shirahatti, Yellapura, Sachivalaya, Koratagere, department, in a set targeted period, the
& Malur, have been opened. department has started a project called K-SAFE
In the year 2015, 58 New Officers/Staff Quarters 2010. K-SAFE-2010 stands for Karnataka State
have been constructed in 2 permanent Fire Accelerated Fire and Emergency Services
Station taken KSPHC. Improvement Project, with a target period of
year 2010, but extended for a further period of 2
During 2016-17 period 16 new fire stations at more years. The project has been sanctioned by
(Sakaleshpura, Yalburga, Nagarabavi, Hattaragi, GOK on 10.08.2005 at a cost of Rs. 323.30
Sunkadakatte, Kollegala, Shidlaghatta, crores.
Devanahalli, Badami, Hulimavu, Siddapura,
Gubbi, Gudibande, Arakera, Whitefield(EPIP, The project has aimed at preparing a perspective
Soopa) have been opened. plan for Accelerated Development, resulting
in Expansion, Augmentation, Modernization,
In the year 2016, 58 New Officers/Staff Quarters legal/regulatory reforms, scientific way of
have been constructed in 4 permanent Fire locating Fire Stations etc. Importance has been
Station taken KSPHC.
given to open Fire Stations in un-served taluks
In the year 2016 on the occasion of of the State. Thus the project aims to cover entire
Independence day the Hon’ble President of India State and all the taluks of the state.
awarded 3 Meritorious service medals to officer
and personnel on the occasion of Republic day Basically the project aimed at improving
2017 the Hon’ble President of India awarded 01 the service conditions and services to general
Distinguished Service Medal and 04 Meritorious
public. This project has the following mandate:
service medal to the officer and personnel of the
department. a) Fire Station in each taluks.
b) Up-gradation and Modernization.
In the year 2016, Hon’ble Chief Minister of
Karnataka, after recognizing the selfless service c) Preparedness/Disaster management
of fire service personnel has awarded 21Chief
d) Search and Rescue Operations (SAR).
Minister’s Gold Medals.
Institutional Arrangement
1. As on 206-17, totally 4927 working strength
1. KSFES works under the administrative
is available in the department, out of which
control of the Director General of Police
3600 officers and personnel have opted the
and Director General Fire & Emergency
membership of Arogya Bhagya Scheme.
Services. Normally the post is held by an
Under this scheme, at present, 92 hospitals
officer of the rank of Director General of
have been enrolled. So far 660
Police. The Director General of Police also
officers/personnel have availed the benefits
functions as the Commandant General of
under this scheme at an expense of
Home Guards and Ex-officio Director of
Rs.1,38,76,987/-(Rupees One Core Thirty
Civil Defence. KSFES is a closely knit
Eight Lakh Seventy Six Thousand Nine
Department with clear-cut reporting
Hundred Eighty Seven). Other than this,
guidelines. Self-discipline and alertness is
under Medical Re-imbursement, totally 683
promoted in the Department at all levels
officers/personnel have availed treatment for
and are generally strictly dealt with, in
self and their dependents in eligible Govt.
view of the State’s perspective that public
hospitals. Rs.58,58,514/- (Rupees Fifty
safety cannot be compromised at any
Eight Lakh Fifty Eight Thousand Five
cost. Generally, IPS Officers are policy
Hundred & Fourteen) has been reimbursed
decision making and sanctioning
for the officers/personnel of the department
so far.

2. From the operational point of view, the Apart from the conventional training
Bengaluru City has been given under the programs, the department has geared up
control of two Chief Fire Officers: 1. Chief for new types of trainings like Fire
Fire Officer, Bengaluru East and 2. Chief
Commando Training, Breathing
Fire Officer Bengaluru West. Bengaluru
City is further divided in to 4 Regions: Apparatus Gallery with simulators, live
fire fighting training etc.
1. Bengaluru-East Range, 2. Bengaluru-
2) SAFE (Students Association of Fire
West Range, 3. Bengaluru-North Range
and 4. Bengaluru-South Range. Under Education):
each Regional Fire Officer, 2-3 District It is a dedicated fire prevention awareness
Fire Officers function. These district Fire program conducted at schools,
Officers are drawing and disbursing addressing the awareness program at
officers of respective district. They are also grass root level. For this purpose middle
supervisory officers of the fire stations, and high schools are adopted and school
falling under their jurisdiction. Under
fire brigades are created. At present
each District Fire Officer, 3-4 Fire Station
Officers work. Fire Station Officers are the Officers from R.A.Mundkur Fire and
unit officers, directly looking after a Fire Emergency Services Training Academy
Station. They are assisted by Assistant are looking after this responsibility.
Fire Station Officers. Each Fire Station
has Leading Firemen, Driver Mechanics, 3) Awareness Programs:
Fireman Drivers and Firemen. The department has created a cartoon
book “Uncle Dash and Baby Pom” for the
Amendments to legislation:
benefit of students. It is an awareness
This department has an Act called as literature on various aspects of Fire
Karnataka Fire Force, 1964. It extends to the Prevention. Apart from this, several other
whole on the State of Karnataka. It shall come printed materials on awareness, fire
into force in any area on such date as the State prevention and evacuation methodology is
Government may, by notification in the official being regularly printed and distributed by
Gazette appoint, and different dates may be this department, for the awareness of
appointed for different areas. Provided that when general public. Throughout the state,
the Fire & Emergency Services is sent to any during the month of April, Fire Service
place outside any such area Act shall be deemed Week is celebrated between 14th April to
to be in force in such place for all purposes 20th April, comprising awareness
connected with service therein. programs.
1) Training:
To train the newly recruited staff and in 4) Website:
service personnel and also the employees All the details of this department are
of Industrial & Commercial uploaded in the website
establishments and other occupations, a The new version
well established training Academy of website is in the final stages of refining
(R.A.Mundkur Fire and Emergency with e-governance department and it will
Service Academy) is functioning on be made available to general public
Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru, since 02- shortly.
04-1970. Facilities to accommodate and
train about 180 to 200 personnel, at a
time, are available in this Academy.

5) Blog and Media Watch: 8) Central Fire Control Room:
The department has maintained a blog, A re-modelled, Central Fire Control Room, and is functioning from the premises of High
Grounds Fire Station, located on, having a
Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru. Each Fire
purpose of sharing information with Station has a smaller control rooms
media, general public and other known as watch rooms.
departments. It is also designed to The existing Central Fire Control Room is
interact with the general public and get not designed to cater the
feedback from them. multi-hazard response and control
The media watch blog, updates all the system and Multi-tasking. But, it is in a
events, happenings and news items of this process of up-gradation as ‘Command
department. and Control System’ including ‘mobile
incident control system’, for enables real
6) Fire Service Workshop: time monitoring of a multi-hazard
A well established workshop to repair situation through GIS/GPS integrated
vehicles and pumps of the department is technologies, proper fleet management,
available at Bannerghatta Road,
fleet monitoring, need based response etc.
Bengaluru. Skilled mechanics, under the
supervision of a Regional Fire Officer are
available in the workshop to attend to A toll free 101 Telephone facilities are
day-to-day problems and maintenance of provided to general public, across the
vehicles. State, to summon the services of this
Major repairs on transmission side, body department. The general public can
etc, are got done outside through contact the department even from coin
authorized Dealers/ Workshops. The staff telephone booths, without putting a coin.
of workshop is often detailed to the
stations to attend to the repairs of pump From 15.8.2013 a State Fire Control
and PTO. Room has been established in the
premises of Central Fire Control Room
7) Fire Service Wireless Workshop: and collects every day data on major fires
The Department has both line occurred in the state and re-transmits to
communication (Telephone) and Wireless all the senior officers of the department.
Network. These communication systems
are maintained under the supervision of Software for High Rise Building NOC
an officer of the rank of Police Inspector, processing: System requirement has
drafted from police wireless on developed and linked to the dept.
deputation. The wireless communication Website
is working on two bands i.e., 148.525 &
and made functional.
148.725 Mhz. frequencies. Repeaters with
frequencies 167.3375(RX), 173.3375(TX),
167.4125(RX) and 173.4125(TX) are
functioning in Bengaluru, Mysore,
Mangalore & Hubli Ranges. Plans are in
place to extend these repeater facilities to
other major cities.

Vacancy Statement (As on 31.03.2017)

Sl. Sanctio Vacanc

Office Actual
No ned y
01 Head Office 61 42 19
02 Academy 45 31 14
03 Workshop 22 12 10
04 Wireless 11 03 08
05 Fire Stations 6793 4825 1968
06 Yet to be
Opened 24 2 22
07 SAR 17 04 13
08 EPMS 28 8 20
Total 7001 4927 2074

a. In the academic year 2016-17, the

department, in the entire State, has
attended a total of 20772 Fire Calls
involving property worth Rs.1238 Crores
out of which Rs. 696 Crores has been
saved. In total 1770 rescue calls have
been attended and in these rescue calls
952 human lives were saved.

b. To recognize the exemplary service of the

personnel, Chief Ministers Gold Medal,
Presidents medal for meritorious service
and president’s medal for distinguished
services are awarded to officers and
personnel of this department. The list of
medals awarded is as below:

Sl. Year of Award Type of Medal Number of
No. recipients
01 2014 a. Presidents Distinguished Service Medals 02
b. Presidents Meritorious Service Medals 04
c. Presidents Meritorious Service Medal 01
during Independence day 44
d. Chief Ministers Gold Medals
02 2015 a. Presidents Distinguished Service Medals 04
during Republic Day
b. Presidents Distinguished Service Medals 04
during Independence day.
c. Presidents Meritorious Service Medal
during Independence day
d. Chief Ministers Gold Medals
03 2016 a. Presidents Meritorious Service Medals 05
during Republic Day
b. Presidents Meritorious Service Medal 03
during Independence day
c. Chief Ministers Gold Medals
04 2017 a. Presidents Distinguished 01
Service Medals during Republic Day
b. Presidents Meritorious Service Medal 04
during Republic Day


Sl. Under
Type of vehicle Available Tendered
No. Fabrication

01 Water Tenders with water Fabrication of

tank of 4500 liters. 22 nos. of water tenders
& re-fabrication of
406 22 04-nos. of water tenders.
10-no purchase of water
02 Water Lorries with water -
40 --
tank of 9000 litres.
03 Water Bouzers with water -
35 --
tank of16,000 litres.
04 Foam Tenders 02 -- -
05 Towing Tenders 55 -- -
06 Rescue Van 27

07 1) TTL 37 m working 01
2) Hydraulic Platform 54 01 -- -
m working height
3) 30mtr, 32mtr & 54mtr 04
Aerial Ladder Plotform
08 Portable Pumps 328 -- -
09 High Pressure Pumps 60 -- -
10 Varuna- Water Mist -
06 --
Technology mounted on Jeep
11 Agni -Water Mist Technology -
121 --
mounted on Motor Cycle
12 Utility Vehicles 256 -- -
13 Generators 162 -- -
14 Inflatable lights 236 -- -
15 Quick Response Vehicles 27 -- -
16 Inflatable Boats (with OBM) 45 -- -
17 Breathing Apparatus Van 01 -- 01


Permanent Fire Temporary Fire Station Rented Fire Station Building

Station Buildings Buildings Buildings under construction

173 15 07 17


Quarters Quarters under Percentage
Total quarters under
under construction by of
available for 212 Fire construction
construction KUIDFC at 04 Available
Stations by PWD at 09
by KSPHC places Quarters

2509 0 232 - 39.15%




GLIMPSES Today the Karnataka Home
Guards is reckoned as one of the best
Home Guards Organisation is organization of its kind in the country.
constituted under Karnataka Home
Guards Act 1962 (Act No. 35 of 1962). The Motto of the organization is
It is an independent disciplined and “NISHKAMA SEVA’’.
uniformed body of volunteers.

The Home Guards Organisation The Home Guards Organization is

in Karnataka was functioning in only functioning in all the 31 districts of the
Belagavi, Vijayapura, Uttara Kannada State. In Bengaluru the activities of the
and Dharwad Districts of Bombay organization has been bifurcated and
Karnataka area from 1948 which distributed among 03 districts viz.,
became part of Karnataka State on 1- Bengaluru Urban, Bengaluru Central
11-1956 consequent on the and Bengaluru Rural. Total 411 units
reorganization of States. are active in the state. The sanctioned
Subsequently the organization was strength of Home Guards for Karnataka
extended to other districts in the State State by the Government of India is
in October 1962. The First 21700. Government of Karnataka has
Commandant General Sri. raised the sanctioned strength to 30,000
R.A.Mundkur, IPS., who assumed in G.O. No. OE 29 KAGRUSE 2014
charge in April 1960 laid foundation dated: 09-03-2016 taking into
for a solid structure on which the consideration the important role being
Home Guards Organisation has come played by the organization. At present
up. 27069 Home Guards are on roll serving
as volunteers including 4154 Women
Home Guards.
The membership of the organization is
voluntary and open to all citizens of all TRAINING :
walks of life. The members enrolled
are given basic training at district To train the newly recruited staff
level. Selected Home Guards are given and in-service personnel, the employees
advanced training at Home Guards of various Government Institutions
and Civil Defence Academy, seeking basic training in First Aid, Fire
Bengaluru. The training imparted to Fighting, to cater to the needs of other
Home Guards enables them to act State Home Guards in Watermanship
effectively in the service of community training course and also impart

advanced training to the Home Guards of
all the districts in the State, a well
Established Training Academy viz.,
“Home Guards & Civil Defence Training
Academy’’ (CTA) is functioning at No.1,
Annaswamy Mudaliar Road, West Bank
of Ulsoor Lake, Bengaluru-560042.
Facilities to accommodate and train 50
personnel at a time are available in this
in times of exigencies, besides EXECUTION OF DEPARTMENTAL
assisting the Police in the maintenance ACTIVITIES
of law & order. Their services have
become indispensable during fairs, The Department functions under
festivals and conduct of elections etc. the Home Ministry of Government of
Karnataka The Departmental Activities
are carried out at three levels as detailed

State Headquarters controlled by

the DGP and Commandant General,
Home Guards who implements the
provisions of the Home Guards Act
enacted by the legislature and Rules
framed their under and the
departmental manual approved by the
The Volunteers of the
organization are public spirited men
and women who, while following their
own avocations, voluntarily undertake
to place their services at the disposal
of the authorities to carry out such
duties and functions in relation to
protection of persons, security of
property and preservation of public
order or tranquillity as may be
assigned to them in accordance with
the provisions of the Act and the Rules
there under. A nucleus of full time paid
staff is sanctioned for purposes of
administration and providing
necessary guidance and training. Commomoration Day

The control and administration

of the organization throughout the
State is vested with the Commandant
General, Home Guards now

nomenclature as DGP & Commandant Our Vision for 2030
General, Home Guards. He is assisted The department desires to
by [1] Additional Director General of construct regional training centres,
Police (2) Deputy Commandant at all the important regions (flood
prone areas) and District Training
General, (3) Administrative Officer and
Centres at all the District
(4) Accounts Officer at State
Headquarters and have buildings of
Headquarters level and a their own at all the Taluk levels with
Commandant, Home Guards and Civil facilities for stay to the Home
Defence Academy and Assistant Guards whenever they are drawn for
Administrative Officer in the training training and bandobust duties, and
wing at State level. also to provide advanced training
courses to the strength of at least
At District Level implementation of 25% of the Home Guards on roll.
the orders of the Controlling
authority is carried out by the For the present the target
honorary District Commandant. At strength of Home Guards is 30000.
Taluk level, “The Honorary Unit By 2030 it may be enhanced by
Officers with the help of Unit Officers atleast 50000 by the State
of important urban places’’ carries Government in consultation with
out the instructions of the Govt. of India. The department
Commandant. desires to create infrastructure for
the same.
Advance Training Programmes are
conducted by the Home Guards and
Civil Defence Academy, Bengaluru
at State Level. Besides the Academy
takes care of chalking out entire
training programme at District
Mission and Objectives of the
1) Serving as an auxiliary force
to the Police Force during crisis
and L & O situations.
2) Maintenance of essential
3) Relief and Rescue operations
during Manmade and Natural
calamities / Disasters.
4) Providing Security to vital


Director General of Police Commandant General, Home

Guards & Director, Civil Defence

Addl. Director General of Police,

Home Guards Civil Defence Headquarters

Addl. Director General of Police, Home Guards Commandant

Civil Defence Headquarters Home Guards and Civil Defence Academy

AO AO Commandant Home AAO Deputy Motor

Admin Accounts Commandant Transport
Districts Officer

Staff Staff Instructor

AAO Deputy Second in Taluk & Sub Unit Officer

Commandant Commandant 1. Senior Divisional commander

2. Divisional Commander

Staff Instructor Adjutant 3. Company commander

District Quarter 4. Sr. Platoon Commander
5. Platoon Commander
Staff Officer
Asst. Instructor 6. Company Sergeant Major

7. Company Quarter Master

8. Platoon Sergeant

9. Section Leader
10. Asst. Section Leader
11. Home Guards

PERFORMANCE ACTIVITIES AND 72 Training: The details of personnel trained
ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT in the Home Guards and Civil Defence Academy,
FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS Bngaluru during the year 2016-17 is as follows
1. Opening of Units: During 2015-16 08 New
I. 693 Home Guards have undergone
Units were established. In the year 2016-17
totally 18 New Units have been launched, various training like advance training
08 units in Bengaluru Rural District, 02 in Rescue, Fire Fighting, First Aid and
units in Uttara Kannada District, 01 Unit in other subjects held at Home Guards
Davanagere District, 01 unit in Gadag and Civil Defence Academy,
District, 02 Units in Yadagiri District, 02 Bengaluru.
Units in Bengaluru North District and 02
II. 39 KPTCL officers have undergone
units in Bengaluru South District.
First Aid and Fire & Emergency
Service course.
2. Enrollment of Home Guards: 3183 Home
III. 19 Reserve Sub Inspectors have
Guards including 642 Women Home Guards
were enrolled during 2015-16 and undergone Oriental (Special Training)
In the year 2016-17 – 7849 Home Guards at Home Guards and Civil Defence
have been enrolled including 1222 Women Academy, Bengaluru.
Home Guards.
IV. 72 Home Guards and Civil Defence
3. Deployment of Home Guards: 23,06,516 officers/Volunteers from various
Mandays of Home Guards for bandobust states of the country have attended
duties during 2015-16 and 32,22,377 “All India watermenship course” being
Mandays of Home Guards for bandobust conducted in two batches during the
and other duties during 2016-17, have been year 2016-17.
deputed to Police, Transport, Fire &
Emergency Service, PWD, Excise, Prisons,
V. Staff Training – 118 Instructors and
Mines and Geology, Muzarai, Prasar Civil Defence Volunteers were deputed
Bharathi, Universities, Hospitals, BBMP, Art to NCDC, Nagpur for advanced
Gallery, Traffic, Bengaluru Metro Railway training.
station, Heritage & Archaeology department

4. 4931 Home Guards were deployed for APMC

Election Bandobust duty in the month of
February – 2017.
800 Home Guards were deployed for
performing traffic bandobust duty in
Bengaluru City, 6394 Home Guards were
Deployed for Law & Order & Night Round
Bandobust duty in all Districts including
Bengaluru City from March 2017.

5. Construction of Buildings:- During March

2016 Rs. 215 lakhs was released for
construction of 2nd phase of Home Guards
and Civil Defence Regional Training Centre
of Davangere and construction work is in
progress. Construction of Chickballapur
and Koppal Home Guards Training Centres
have been completed, handed over to this
Department a District offices are function
the Buildings.

Modernization of the Department:
Computerization of the Department - The Headquarters is
1) A sum of Rs.1,00,000/- was sanctioned fully computerized with broadband Internet facility. Entire pay
package of the department is running on HRMS of e-governance
to one Home Guard of Vijayapur department. For each of the “Drawing Officer at District Level”,
district who died while on duty and a computers and peripherals have been provided with broadband
sum of Rs.5,00,000/- as per revised facility
Government order was sanctioned to
one Home Guard of Bengaluru South
district for death while on duty. A sum
of Rs.10,000/- was sanctioned for one DIRECTORATE OF HOME GUARDS
Home Guard of Gadag district
injured while on duty. A total sum FOR THE YEAR 2016-17 AND 2017-18
4070-00-003-0-01 – PLAN 386 - Construction
of Rs.7,10,000/- was sanctioned
(Rs. in lakh)
during the year 2016.
Sl 2016-17 2017-18
Head of Account
No. Allot. Expdt. Allot. Expdt.
2) A sum of Rs. 3,34,000/- has Construction of Home
beensanctioned during the year to the Guards training Centre at
members of 46 family of deceased Home Raichur – Rs. 55.00 lakhs
Guards from the Home Guards
1 Construction of Home 200.00 171.01 - -
Benevolent Fund. Guards and Civil Defence
Regional Training Centre
at Davanagere – ongoing
3) Financial assistance of Rs. 1,97,000/- scheme - Rs.145.00 lakhs
hasbeen sanctioned to the children of 37
Home Guards to pursue their Construction of Home
technical and General Graduation Guards training Centre at
Courses from the Home Guards Raichur - ongoing scheme
Benevolent Fund and a sum of – Rs. 45.00 lakhs
Rs.74,162/- as been sanctioned to the 2 - - 200.00 -
Children of 35 Home Guards to pursue Construction of Home
their Graduation. Guards and Civil Defence
Regional Training Centre
at Davanagere – Women
4) An amount of Rs. 10,23,845/- has Barrack - Rs. 155.00.
been sanctioned towards Medical
Total 200.00 171.01 200.00
Expenses of 105 Home Guards/
Family members. Note: Construction under progress of programme/ projects/scheme

Group Wise Posts Sanctioned: The details

The Budget grant of Rs.215.00 lakhs allotted for the
with regard to the number of Men and
year 2015-16. The allotted grants was drawn and
Women officials working in the Department
deposited with director, KSPH&IDCL as per
are as under:
government order No. 52 Ka gru se 2015,
Dated 19-02-2016 for construction of Home Guards
No. Of Category wise and Civil Defence Regional Training Centre (admin
Category of posts Breakup for the block) at Davanagere.
the post sanctioned actual strength
Actual Vacant
as at the The Budget grant of Rs.200.00 lakhs (Rs.55.00 lakhs
end of the
year under Men Women for the construction of Home Guards training Centre
report at Raichur & Rs.145.00 lakhs for the construction
Group – 06 04 02 04 - of Home Guards and Civil Defence Regional Training
A Centre at Davanagere -ongoing works) allotted for
Group - 29 14 15 08 - the year 2016-17. Rs.27.50 lakhs regarding
B construction of Home Guards training Centre at
Group – 247 136 111 102 36
Raichur and Rs.143.51 construction of Home
Group – 57 32 25 17 12 Guards and Civil Defence Regional Training Centre
D at Davanagere lakhs has been drawn and deposited
Total 339 186 153 131 48 with director, KSPH&IDCL as per government order
No. OE 77 Ka Gru Se 2016 dated: 16-12-2016 and
OE 51 Ka Gru Se 2016 dated: 20-02-2017

8. Web Site – As per the guidelines of the Government the Civil Defence Measures are
department website has been being implemented as per the
launched. paper plan by appointing Civil
Defence controllers. The
The address of the administration of the department is
WEBSITE ID :- vested with the Director Civil Defence,
G MAIL ID :- [email protected] Karnataka Bengaluru. The DGP &
Commandant General Home Guards
9. Exemplary Achievements – In recognition of the holds this post in addition to the
exemplary services of the personnel, Chief Minister’s responsibilities as Director General,
Gold Medal, President’s Medal for Meritorious service Fire & Emergency Services,
and President’s Medal for Distinguished services are Karnataka State.
being awarded to the officers and personnel of this
department. The list of medals awardees are as below: He is assisted by an
Additional Director and a Deputy
Director in the administration side.
The ADGP, Home Guards & Civil
Sl. Year of Defence & The Deputy
Type of Medal of
No. Award
recipients Commandant General Home
1. 2016-17 (A) (I) President’s 03 Guards respectively hold these posts.
Meritorious Service
Medal for
Independence day The Commissioner of
2016 Police, Bengaluru City, assist the
Director of the organization as
(II) President’s 03
Meritorious Service controller of Civil Defence, Head
Medal for Republic quarters service. The Deputy
day 2017 Commissioners of Uttara
Kannada & Raichur Districts assist
(B) (III) Chief Minister’s Gold 23
Medal for the year
the Director as controllers for Civil
2016 Defence Activities at Mallapur &
Shakthi Nagar Civil Defence Towns
CONSTRUCTED DURING THE YEAR 2016-17 The Civil Defence Activities
UNDER PLAN SCHEME are implemented under the Civil
Defence Act and Rules 1968 enacted
Land and framed by the Government of
Sl. Dimension Total Budget
Districts allocation
of the land Budget Released
India. A Master Plan of Civil Defence
authority has been published by the
DC, 755.00 600.00
1. Davanagere
7’ acre Government of India approving the
2. Raichur DC, Raichur 20 Gunte 100.00 27.50 staff pattern. A book titled
Compendium of Instructions
CIVIL DEFENCE comprising reimbursement
GLIMPSES procedure of centre’s share has
been published by the Government
Civil Defence is a voluntary of India. The General Principles of
organization functioning along with the Home Civil Defence prescribes the
Guards Organization. The Department comes services to be provided by the
under Home Ministry of Karnataka. The main concerned State Governments as per
objective of this Organization is to protect life and the category of Civil Defence Towns
property of the general public during external in their State.
aggression & natural calamities. The volunteers
have been enrolled and trained in basic Civil Defence
and in various services aimed at implementation of
Civil Defence measures. Government of India has
declared Bengaluru City. Mallapura in U.K.District
and Shakthinagar in Raichur District as category II
Civil Defence Towns in Karnataka and they have been
continued as such during the year under report.

2 and 3. Mission / Vision of the Department: 9. Repairs to houses.
The Civil Defence Warden Service in 10. Lighting restrictions, camouflage of vital
Bengaluru is divided into 52 Divisions, the targets.
Department has a vision to appoint the minimum of 11. Salvage custody of valuables.
122 Civil Defence Wardens in each Division. The
12. Special measure to protect essential
aim was to 154 enrol 20,000 Civil Defence Wardens Services vital industries.
in Bengaluru City. At present 10500 Civil Defence
wardens have been enrolled. This will enable the 13. Publicity, public Co-operation.
Department to activate the other Services
authorized for category – II Civil Defence Town in 5. Acts, Rules and Notification:
Bengaluru. The department has vision to enrol one Civil Defence Act – 1968.
lakh volunteers for all the six services to be
provided under the Civil Defence. Various Trainings 1. Title – Civil Defence Act – 1968
are being proposed to Civil Defence Wardens
enrolled to enable them perform various duties 2. Jurisdiction – The whole of India.
during Disasters. The Department has identified
3. Definition – Any measures not
various strategic places like malls, theatres, schools amounting to actual combat for
visited by many people where mock drills may be affording protection to any person,
conducted on various Disasters for the benefit of property place or thing in India or any
Civil Defence Wardens as well as the General public part of the territory there of against
to face disasters both natural as well as manmade any attack whether from air, land, Sea
Disasters. Over 100 mock drills have been or other places or depriving any such
conducted and another 100 mock drills and attack of the whole or part of its
demonstrations are in the pipe line in the present effect, whether such measures are
financial year. This will directly and indirectly taken before, during, at or after the time
of attack.
spread awareness to about one lakh people in
Bengaluru. 4. Power to make rules for Civil Defence :-
The Central Government may for
4. Objectives of the Department: securing Civil Defence by notification,
make rules for all or any other matter
The main objective of this Department is to connected to Civil Defence .
save lives and minimize damage to property and
5. Civil Defence Corps :- The State
maintain continuity of production. Civil Defence Government may appoint a body of
measures are an extension of the normal function persons called the Civil Defence corps
of the various departments to suit emergent and may appoint a person not below
conditions and maintaining normal working in all the rank of District magistrate as
spheres. controller of Civil Defence.

The Civil Defence measures include:- 6. It empowers the state Government to

appoint as well as dismiss the
1. Education and Training. controller and members of the Civil
Defence corps.
2. Co-ordinate and controlled warning system.
3. Rescue of casualties. 7. It provides for matters relating to appeal.

4. First Aid.
5. Provision of welfare facilities like
evacuation to safe places, care of
Homeless, Storage and distribution of
essential commodities.
6. Earmarking of Hospitals, Medical and
Nursing staff.
7. Measures for emergency sanitation,
alternate supplies of water.
8. Mobilization of transport.
Civil Defence rules, 1968. 13. Precaution against hostile attack.

The Civil Defence rules 1968, 14. Watching of premises to detect fire.
lay down the rules to be followed 15. Safety measures in premises.
by Civil Defence Wardens in the
16. Prevention of spread of diseases.
course of performing their duties
Shown below are the duties 17. Air raid shelters.
performs during disasters as 18. Civil Defence exercises.
mentioned below:
1. Control of lights.
2. Measures for dealing outbreak of fires.
Group Wise posts Sanctioned :-
3. Camouflage.
The details with regard to the
4. Keeping of dangerous articles and Number of Employees,
substances. Number of Men and Women
5. Evacuation. officials working in the
Department are as under:
6. Accommodation off evacuated persons.
No. of posts Category wise
7. Billeting. Category sanctioned Breakup for
of the as at the Actual Vacant the actual
post end of the Position strength
8. Power to Slaughter dangerous animals. year under
report Men Women
9. Maintenance of water supply. Group – - - - - -
10. Power to require local authorities Group - - - - - -
to take precau measures. B
Group – 29 12 17 11 01
11. Protection of major ports and environments. C
Group – 01 - 01 - -
12. Protection of factories and mine.
Total 30 12 18 11 01


1. MAIN OBJECTIVES / b. To review the judgments
RESPONSIBILITIES:- and orders in acquittal
and discharged cases
The Establishment of a respectively, rendered by
separate and independent the Courts of Magistrate
Department of Prosecutions is for and Sessions
the effective conduct of Prosecution c. To render advise to the
in Criminal cases was created vide concerned Departments
Government Order No.: LAW 84 of the Government
PPE 75 Dated:01.12.1975. of Karnataka, in all
In addition to that, matters relating to
supervision over the Government d. Arranging for the
Civil Litigation work, pertaining to conduct of Government
the courts of Civil Judge (Jr. Dn.) Civil Litigation work in
and the combined courts of Civil Civil Suits on behalf of
Judge (Jr. Dn.) and Judicial e. To review the judgments
Magistrate First Class in the entire and orders rendered by
State is also entrusted to this the Courts of Civil Judge
Department. (Jr.Dn.) and Judicial
As per Government Magistrate First Class
Order No. DCA/07/ARB/2004, Courts in the State and
Dated to take further action in
23-09-2004, this Department is the matter of preferring
working under the Administrative Appeal or Revision as the
Control of Home Department. case might be in
deserving cases against
2. MAJOR REGULATORY the judgments/orders of
FUNCTIONS:- the courts referred to
The main functions of the
Department of Prosecutions 3. ORGANISATIONAL SET
are as under. UP:-
a. Arranging for conduct of
prosecution in criminal The Director of Prosecutions
cases on behalf of the & Government Litigation is the
Head of the Department. He is
being assisted by 03 Deputy
Directors of Prosecutions, 02 Law
Officers [Senior] 06 Law Officers

Seminar on Legal Aid & Knowledge, Udupi

[Junior], 01 Head quarters conducting Criminal cases that is
Assistant, 02 Administrative for effective conducting of
Officers and other staff members. investigation and also for providing
necessary legal assistance as and
There are 07 Range Offices when sought by Police officers like
situated at Bengaluru City, wise in Police Commissionrates of
Bengaluru Divison, Mysuru, Bengaluru city, Mysuru, Hubli and
Davanagere, Mangalore, Belagavi, Dharwad, Law officer (Junior) are
& Kalburgi. Law Officer (Senior) working and providing necessary
are functioning in every range legal assistance to the
Offices assisted by Law Officer commissioner of Police as above.
(Junior), Administrative Officers, &
Staff Members. For effective conducting of
cases all the Prosecutor of
In the District Level, Public Department have been give
Prosecutors, and Senior Assistant necessary staff.
Public prosecutors are functioning.
The Public Prosecutors are The Assistant Public
representing the State in the Prosecutors cum Assistant
Sessions Courts and Senior Government Pleaders who are
Assistant Public Prosecutors are working in the Taluk Head quarters
representing the State in the are representing the State in the
Criminal cases in the Chief Civil Judge and J.M.F.C. Courts
Metropolitan Magistrate court and conducting Prosecution in
Bengaluru & Chief Judicial criminal cases and Government
Magistrate Courts in all district litigation cases.
Head Quarters and also at Kadur
conducting Criminal Cases. The Public Prosecutors’,
Senior Assistant Public Prosecutors
In all the SP offices at district & Assistant Public Prosecutors cum
Head quarters the state one Law Assistant Government Pleaders
officer (Junior) is assisting SP of have been provided with supporting
respective district in the matter of staff.

4. CADRE STRENGTH:-(As on 31-03-2017)

No.of No. No.of
Cadre Sanct. filled Vacant Total S.C S.T
Posts Posts Posts
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
1 Director 01 - 01 01 - -
2 Deputy Directors 03 03 - 03 02 -
02 02 - 02 02 -
Deputy Directors- (Deputation)
3 Law Officers [Senior] / Public
Prosecutors 184 139 45 184 29 09
Law Officers [Senior] / Public 26 18 08 26 04 01

4 Law Officers [junior] Sr. Asst.
Public Prosecutors
123 102 21 123 21 04
Law Officers [junior] Sr. Asst.
19 17 02 19 03 01
Public Prosecutors-(Deputation)

5 Head Quarters Assistant 01 - 01 01 - -

6 Asst. Public Prosecutors-cum-
411 236 175 411 31 10
Asst. Government Pleaders
7 Administrative Officers 10 04 06 10 01 01
8 Accounts Superintendent. –
01 - 01 01 - -
(Deputation post)
9 Audit Officer. -(Deputation post) 01 - 01 01 - -
10 Superintendents 39 39 - 39 09 01
11 First Division Assistants 141 97 44 141 10 05
12 Assistant Librarian 01 - 01 01 - -
13 Stenographers 328 71 257 328 10 04
14 Senior Typists 37 16 21 37 - -
15 Second Division Assistants 65 27 38 65 02 01
16 Typists cum Assistants 310 112 198 310 19 17
17 Drivers 09 01 08 09 01 -
18 Third Division Assistants 01 1 - 01 - 01
19 Attenders 54 41 13 54 04 02
20 Dalayats 417 94 323 417 13 03
TOTAL POSTS 2184 1020 1164 2184 161 50

5. VERIFICATIVE OF judgments and orders verified and

JUDGEMENTS AND ORDERS recommended for preferring
IN CRIMINAL CASES: appeals or revisions as the case
Statistics relating to the may be, for the period from
criminal cases disposed off in 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017 are
different courts and also the furnished as under:

1. Total No. of criminal cases disposed off 1,00,408

2. Total No. of cases that are ended in conviction 41,499
3. Total No. of judgments and orders that are ended 58,909
In acquittal/discharge (i.e. otherwise disposed off)
4. Total No. of cases reviewed by this office from 34,077
01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017
5. Total No. of cases recommended for appeal 1,346
6. Total No. of cases recommended for revision 211
7. Total No. of cases in which neither appeals nor 32,520
revisions recommended

6. CIVIL LITIGATION: relating to the cases is the courts
of Civil Judge (Jr.Dn) and Judicial
As in the past, the Magistrate First Class in the State.
Department is exercising The statistics in respect of
supervision over the conduct of Government Civil Litigation work is
Government Civil Litigation work furnished here under:

1. Total No. of judgements and orders in civil cases 4356

reviewed by this office from 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017
2. No. of civil cases in which recommendations were 152
made for preferring appeals
3. No. of civil cases in which recommendations were 03
made for preferring revisions
4. No. of cases in which neither appeals nor 1815
revisions recommended
5. Suits dismissed (i.e. no action felt necessary ) 782

6. Total No. of written statement during the year under report 1604

7. Total No. of correspondence made in respect of civil cases 8292

with the Government and officers of respective Department

Transfer Particulars during the year 2016-17
Sl.No. Group Cadre No. of Remarks
1. Public Prosecutor /
34 -
Law officer (Senior )
Senior Assistant
08 -
officer (Junior )
2. Assistant Public
‘B’ Prosecutor
Administrative Officer - -
3. Superintendent 04 -
First Division
05 -
Stenographers 09 -
Second Division
07 -
Senior Typist - -
Typist 12 -
4. Attender 03
Dalayath 04 -

Particulars of Promotion during the Year 2016-17

Sl.No. Group Cadre Promoted Cadre No. of

1. ‘A’ Public Prosecutor Deputy Director of 04

2. ‘A’ Senior Asst. Public Public Prosecutor/Law -

Prosecutor/ Law officer (Jr.) Officer (Sr.)

3. ‘B’ Asst. Public Prosecutor- Senior Asst. Public 68

cum-Asst. Govt. Pleader Prosecutor/ Law officer
4. Administrative Officer Head Quarter -
5. ‘c’ Superintendent Administrative Officer -
6. First Division Superintendent
Assit/Steno/Sr Typist

Second Division assit. First Division Assit 11

Typist Steno -
8. ‘D’ Attender Second Division assit. -
9. Dalayath Attender 31
10. ‘C’ Steno to Sr.Typist (FDA First Division
Training) Assit.(Training)

Particulars of Sanctioned Posts

Sl. No. of
Sanctioned Posts Remarks
No. Posts
1. Public Prosecutor, - No Sanctioned Posts during
2. First Division Assistant - this Year
3. Stenographers -
4. Dalayath -
5. Superindent -
6. Attender -

Particulars of Appointments

Sl. No. Total No. of Posts

Total No. of
filled up by Remarks
Posts filled

1. First Division Asst. 27 36 Posts allotted From
KPSC, 26 Appointment
order issued. Record
awaiting from 10
candidates and 01 Post
Appointed On
compensatory ground
2. Second Division Asst. 14 15 Posts allotted by KPSC
and 01 Post appointed
On compensatory ground

Post filling from Outsources

Sl. Particulars No. of Posts No. of posts No. of

No. sanctioned filled posts
01 Stenographers 43 38 05
02 Typists 250 235 15
03 Dalayaths 338 338 --
04 Drivers 08 04 04
Total 639 615 24



CHAPTER – I (b) To provide healing touch to the

war disabled, families of the Martyrs
1. Introduction. and resettle them in a meaningful and
dignified manner.
The Department of Sainik
Welfare and Resettlement looks after (c) To help the ex-servicemen for a
the welfare and resettlement of ex- second career.
servicemen and their dependents,
families of serving personnel and (d) To inspire the youth of the State
those killed in action and the for careers in the Armed Forces and
disabled. train them to realize their dreams.

2. Organisation. 5. Services Extended By the

This Department is functioning
under the Home Department of the The following services are
State. The Directorate is located at extended by this Department:-
Bengaluru. 30 Districts of the State
are covered by 13 District Offices. 4 (a) Issue of Ex-Servicemen Identity
Joint Directors and 9 Deputy Card.
Directors are functioning in the (b) Employment Registration.
District Offices. (c) Issue of CET Certificate.
(d) Endorsement on Applications for
3. Advisory Committees. BDA/Urban Develop Authority.
(e) Grant of Honorarium to World
(a) Rajya Sainik Board. Now War-II ex-servicemen.
called as Department of Sainik (f) Grant of Honorarium to World
Welfare & Resettlement (DSWR). At War II ex-servicemen widow.
the state level there is an advisory (g) Death Relief Grant.
committee called the Rajya Sainik (h) Annual Relief Grant for penury
Board constituted under the cases.
chairmanship of H’ble Chief Minister. (j) Spot financial assistance.
(k) Financial assistance for medical
Karnataka Rajya Sainik Board treatment.
meets once in a year to discuss the (l) Cash grants for Gallantry/Non
welfare and resettlement issues and Gallantry Award winners.
to review the progress of the welfare (m) War award.
measures under taken in respect of (n) Scholarship/book Grants.

Defence personnel and ex-servicemen (o) General KS Thimmaiah Merit
community scholarship for boys/girls.
(p) Publication of Part II orders.
(b) Zilla Sainik Board. At the (q) Endorsement of Family Pension
District level, Zilla Sainik Board is of living pensioner.
the committee to look into the welfare (r) Issue of Duplicate Discharge
and resettlement of Defence Certificate.
personnel, ex-servicemen, war (s) Issue of Duplicate Identity Card.
wounded, next of kin of battle (t) Spectacle allowance.
causalities and their dependents. (u) Marriage grant.
(v) House repair Grant.
4. Vision & Mission. (w) Central Govt financial assistance
(a) To serve the war bereaved, war (x) Financial assistance to the poor
disabled, serving defence personnel, and needy ex-servicemen /
ex-servicemen and their dependents dependents.
to the best of our abilities.

6. Objectives of the Department. (k) To create awareness about the

available facilities. Departmental
(a) To maintain close liaison with website
State Government, District is
authorities, the Director General functional to give all the information
Resettlement/ Ex–Servicemen about benefits applicable to ex-
Welfare Department New Delhi, the servicemen from time to time.
service authorities, recruiting
organization and other departments (k) Maintenance of Boys’/Girls’
pertaining to welfare and resettlement hostel for providing better education to
of ex-servicemen. children of ex-servicemen. There are 5
military boys hostels and 1 military
(b) Maintaining an update census girls hostel at the places mentioned
and record of all ex-servicemen of the below:-
state, district wise and those who are
seeking employment or self (i) Military Boys Hostels at
employment assistance. Belagavi, Atheni, Mysuru, Karwar
and Vijayapura.
(c) To keep an updated record of
orders and policy communications on (ii) Military Girls Hostel at
employment, self employment, Dharwad
welfare matters and apprises ex-
servicemen on the latest entitlements (l) Maintenance of Sainik Rest
of benefits through media services Houses for ex-servicemen and their
and so on. families at concessional rates at
Bengaluru, Belagavi, Dharward,
(d) To extend benefits to the Karwar, Mysuru, Madikeri, Vijayapura,
entitled battle casualties, war widows, Bagalkot and Mangaluru.
gallantry award winners and their
families. 7. Facilities extended by this

(e) To extend scholarship, book
grants and spot assistance as per the To NOKs-Battle Casualty (BC) & to
policies laid down. the Battle Disabled:-

(f) Arrange collections for Armed (a) Ex Gratia for Rs. 5,00,000/-
Forces Flag day fund through sale of Battle Casualty
flags, advertisements and so on.
(b) Ex Gratia for Rs. 1,00,000/-
(g) To advise the civil wounded in battle
administration on all matters
pertaining to welfare of ex- (c) Two acres of wet or four acres of
servicemen. rain fed or eight acres of dry land are
given to the families of serving
(h) To organize Rajya Sainik Board personnel killed in action free of cost. If
Meeting, Special Fund Committee land is not available for allotment, cash
and Governor’s Defence Fund grant of Rs.1,00,000/- is admissible to
Committee meetings periodically. the war widows.

(j) To settle any grievances of ex- (d) House repair grant to war
servicemen on matters of pension by widows Rs 20,000/- (every 15 years)
taking up cases with appropriate (two times only).
(e) 30x40 site for Other Ranks and
40x60 site for JCO/Officers.

(f) Cash grant for construction of (f) Scholarship and book grant.
(i) Officers & - Rs. (g) General Thimmaiah merit
6,00,000/- scholarship for SSLC – Rs. 500/- and
JCOs for PUC – Rs. 750/- per annum for each
(ii) Other Ranks- Rs. stream ie.Arts, Science & Commence.
(h) One time Death relief grant
(g) House tax reimbursement for Rs.10,000/- from ACWF and Rs 4000/-
war widows and gallantry award from Dept of Sainik Welfare &
winners, for Other Ranks - upto Rs Resettlement given to ex-servicemen’s
500/- and for Officer & JCOs - Rs wife or dependents who carries out the
2,000/- or actual paid whichever is last rituals of ex-servicemen.
(j) Non Pensioner ex-servicemen and
(h) Marriage grant for - Rs their widows who are in penury are
20,000/- being given Rs. 4,000/- per annum as
each daughter of War widows and Annual Relief Grant.
wounded soldiers.
(k) Reimbursement of cost of
(j) Honorarium to - Rs 6,000/- spectacle, Hearing Aids, Artificial
p.m. Denture, contact lens etc to ESM and

World War II Veterans. his Spouse ranging from Rs 600/- to
3000/- whichever is less.
(k) Free bus passes are issued to
the dependant family members of (l) Financial assistance for medical
Battle Casualties. treatment to non pensioner ex-
servicemen who is not covered under
ECHS for serious diseases – Rs 10000/-

(m) One time marriage grant to one

daughter of ESM/dependant
amounting to
Rs 5000/-.

(n) Spot financial assistants to

Penury cases - Rs 2,000/- to Rs 5000/-
Kargil Vijaya Divas .

GALLANTARY / NON GALLANTRY (o) Scholarship Rs 10,000/- per

AWARDS WINNERS annum for Karnataka Students
studying in RIMC, Dehradun.
One time grant ranging from
Rs. 34,000/- to Rs. 10 lakhs. (p) 50% House/Property Tax
exemption to ESM and their
OTHER SCHEMES dependants.

(a) 10% reservation in sites from

Urban development authority.

(b) 5% reservation for house,

constructed by KHB.

(c) 10% Reservation for

employment in Government of

(d) Ashraya scheme for ex-

servicemen – 1% with no income limit.

(e) Seats reserved for academic :

Engr-136, Med-6, Dental-2, TCH-15,
B.Ed-15 and 2.5% in Ploytechnic/ITI.

8. Details of Offices under this Resettlement. This office is located
Department. at Field Marshall K M Cariappa
Bhavan, Bengaluru -560 025. The
Director is the head of the details are as under:-
Department of Sainik Welfare and


Sr. Address and Telephone No. Name of the Officers Jurisdiction

Office of the Directorate Brig S B Sajjan (Retd) Entire State
1. Dept of Sainik Welfare & Director Of
Resettlement E-mail : Karnataka
Field Marshal KM Cariappa [email protected]
58, Field Marshal KM Shri MS Lolaksha
Cariappa Road, Bengaluru – Joint Director
560 025 E-mail :
Tele : 080-25589459 [email protected]

Shri K Krishna
Assistant Director
E-mail :
[email protected]


Sr Address and Telephone No. Name of the Officers & Jurisdiction

No Appointment
01 Office of the Joint Director Dr. NS Prakash Bengaluru
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Joint Director Urban
Resettlement (Bengaluru Urban E-mail :
Dist) Field Marshal KM [email protected]
Cariappa Bhavan,
No 58,Field Marshal KM
Cariappa Road, Bengaluru – 25
Tele : 080-25585119
02 Office of the Deputy Director Shri E Kumar Bengaluru
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Deputy Director Rural,
Resettlement(Bengaluru Rural Email :- Chikkaballap
Dist) Field Marshal KM [email protected] ur,
Cariappa Bhavan, Kolar,
No 58,Field Marshal KM Ramanagar &
Cariappa Road, Bengaluru – 25 Tumkur
Tele : 080-25588718

Sr Address and Telephone No. Name of the Officers & Jurisdiction

No Appointment

03 Office of the Joint Director Wg Cdr Eshwar Kodalli (Retd) Belgavi

Dept of Sainik Welfare & Joint Director (In Charge)
Resettlement Email :
Court Complex, [email protected]
Belgavi – 590 002 n
Tele : 0831-2469341
04 Office of the Joint Director Lt Col M Geetha Mahabal Kodagu
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Shetty (Retd)
Resettlement Joint Director
Canara Bank Building, Main Email :-
Road, Madikeri – 571 201 [email protected]
Tele : 08272-229866
05 Office of the Deputy Director Dr. J R Balasubramaniam Mysuru
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Deputy Director Mandya
Resettlement E-mail: Chamaraja-
Sqn Ldr AB Devaiah Bhavan, sainikwelfareMysuru05@gam nagar
Near DC’s Office
Mysuru – 570 005
Tele : 0821-2425240
06 Office of the Deputy Director Dr. Doddappa Hugar Vijayapura
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Deputy Director
Resettlement Email :-
District Office Building sainikwelfare_Vijayapura@yah
Vijayapura – 586 101
Tele : 08352-250913

07 Office of the Deputy Director Wg Cdr Eshwar Kodalli Dharwad
Dept of Sainik Welfare & (Retd) Haveri
Resettlement Deputy Director Ballari
DC’s Office Compound Gadag
Dharwad – 580 001 Email :-
Tele : 0836-2440176 [email protected]
08 Office of the Joint Director Shri BR Shetty Dakshina
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Joint Director Kannada
Resettlement Email :- Udupi
Sainik Rest House Building [email protected]
Uorva Stores, Ashok Nagar
Mangaluru-575 006
Tele : 0824-2450933

Sr Address and Telephone No. Name of the Officers & Jurisdiction

No Appointment

09 Office of the Deputy Director Dr. J R Balasubramaniam Shivamogga

Dept of Sainik Welfare & Deputy Director (In charge) Chitradurga
Resettlement K. Balaraj Urs Email :- Davanagere
Road, Near DC’s Residence [email protected]
Shivamogga- 577 201 om
Tele : 08182-220925
10 Office of the Deputy Director Cdr Indu Prabha V Uttara Kannada
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Deputy Director
Resettlement, M. G. Email :-
RoadKarwar, Uttara Kannada, [email protected]
District – 581 301
Tele : 08382-226538
11 Office of the Deputy Director Dr. Doddappa Hugar Kalburagi
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Deputy Director (In charge) Raichur
Resettlement Email : Bidar
Vikas Bhavan Complex [email protected] Yadgiri
Station Road, Kalburagi
Tele : 08472-225003
12 Office of the Deputy Director Shri VS Hegde Hasan and
Dept of Sainik Welfare & Deputy Director (In charge) Chikkamagalur
Resettlement Email : Dists
`Shree Vasvi Nilay’ sainikwelfarehassan@rediff
Ist Cross, B M Road,
Hassan – 573 201
Tele No 08172-250465

13 Office of the Deputy Director Wg Cdr Eshwar Kodalli Bagalkot
Dept of Sainik Welfare & (Retd) and Koppal
Resettlement Deputy Director (In Dists
Dist Administration Building Charge) Email :
Ground Floor (Near Post [email protected]
Office) Bagalkot m
Tele No 08354-235434

expenditure are incurred as per the

9. Funds Fund Rules. The Funds are
authorized and regulated by the
The following funds are respective Committees of these
operated by the Director and funds.

Ser Details of Funds Regulating Committee Chairman of the

No Committee
(a) Karnataka Rajya Sianik Rajya Sainik Welfare Fund Hon’ble Chief
Welfare Fund Management Committee Minister
(b) Special Fund – Re- Rajya Sainik Special Fund HE The Governor
construction of house and Management of Karnataka
welfare & resettlement of State
(c) Governor’s Defence Fund Governor’s Defence Fund HE The Governor
Management Committee of Karnataka

10. Organisation under the (e) New Administrative Work.

command and control of Director
Sainik Welfare Resettlement are:- (i) For modernization of the
office/organization Internet
This department is looking facilities have been established
after the welfare and resettlement of in all district offices and also
not only ex-servicemen but also their computers have been
dependents. This department does purchased by all
not have any loss or profit, strike, offices/organisations from the
closing down of offices etc. There are financial grant available with the
six full fledged residential hostels organization. For updating the
functioning for wards of ex- information a website has been
servicemen free of cost at Belagavi, opened for information of all
Athani, Karwar, Mysuru and ex- servicemen.
Vijayapura (for boys) and at
Dharwad (for Girls). (ii) Training on HRMS has
been given to all the staff.
There are ten rest houses
functioning at Bengaluru, Mysuru, (iii) E-reporting has been
Belgavi, Dharwad, Karwar, Madikeri, implemented in the
Vijayapura, Bagalkot, Shivamogga Department. All the reports
and Mangaluru to accommodate Ex-
servicemen and their families at

reasonable rates during their transit and returns are being sent and
halt. received through emails only.
11. Achievements in HR
Management and Administrative (iv) E-payments to
activities:- beneficiaries has been
implemented during the year.
(a) A decisive training has been
given to each Zilla Sainik Board All financial assistances are
including Directorate through credited directly to the
HRMS/e-governance during the beneficiary’s bank account
year. A programme has been through ECS.
chalked out for training the staff of
the department regularly. 95% of all (f) Exemplary achievements by
documentation/pay and allowances Officers/Staff-State/National
of the entire staff including the Awards/ PHD : Nil
incorporation of the service details of
each employee in HRMS have been
carried out during the year.


KARNATAKA STATE PLOICE As the Corporation has been
HOUSE AND created for construction of
INFRASTRUCTURE Residential & Non Residential
buildings for the Police
Department, it has delivered many
projects in time keeping quality in
mind. To ensure quality, the
Corporation has ISO 9001:2008 &
KSPHCL was established in ISO 14001:2004 Certification.
the year 1985 by GOK as a Special
During the year, the
Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to undertake
Corporation constructed and
construction of Residential & Non delivered the following works to the
Residential buildings for Police and Police Department, Karnataka Fire
allied Departments. In the year & Emergency Services, Home
2014-15, the KSPHC has been Guards & Civil Defence, Karnataka
renamed as KARNATAKA POLICE Law University and Sainik Welfare
& Rehabilitation Department
(January to December 2016).
(KSPH&IDCL) for taking up other
i. AHS-III Scheme – 96 PC and 4
infrastructure works also.
SI Qtrs constructed at an
Started with a small paid up estimated cost of Rs.1480.04
capital of Rs.12 lakhs, the Lakhs.
Corporation has come a long way ii. Police Gruha 2020 (Ph-1)
and has grown in to a Corporation Scheme – 1716 PC and 76 SI
with an annual turnover of Rs. Qtrs constructed at an
343.38 crores. It has now emerged estimated cost of Rs. 28681.48
as a self sustaining commercial Lakhs (Annexure-1)
entity with an average annual iii. Under funding from State
turnover of over Rs. 284.22 crores. Budget, the following works
In view of its efficient management, were completed:
the Corporation was awanted the a. Dormitary & Recreation
CIDC Vishwakarma Award 2017 Hall for CAR at Mysore
from Construction Industry constructed at an estimated
Develop ment Council in the cost of Rs. 91.08 Lakhs.
category of turnover Rs. 100- b. Rest House for SI level
500 Crores. Officers at Mysore
constructed at an estimated c. Other 2 works Training Hall
cost of Rs.148.02 Lakhs. & repairs to toilet block &
c. Barracks for Indian MT Shed for State
Reserve Battalion at Integillence Hq at Bangalore
Arakeri, Vijayapura & and Parade Ground Up-
Hosahalli - 6 Barracks gradation, Infrastructure
constructed at an estimated Facilities, Roads, External
cost of Rs. 491.88 Lakhs. Electrification & furnishing
d. Armoury with Magazine for for PTS at Aimangala,
IRB at Hosahalli Chitradurga District
constructed at an estimated completed at an estimated
cost of Rs.114.76 Lakhs. cost of Rs. 150.00Lakhs.
e. MT Shed for IRB at v. Under the Scheme for Police
Hosahalli constructed at an Modernization with funding
estimated cost of Rs.80.86 from Government of India
Lakhs. (GOI) and the grants from
f. Miscellaneous Works like Government of Karnataka
Kitchen cum Dining Room (GOK) the following works
for PTS at Arakeri, were completed:
Vijayapura, Compound wall a. 20 Police Stations
for NA Muthanna School at constructed at an estimated
Dharwad & IRB at Arakeri, cost of Rs. 2487.33 Lakhs
Vijayapura completed at an (Viz., Madikeri; Nuggehalli;
total estimated cost of Malur; Bidadi; Tilak Park-
Rs.126.65 Lakhs. Tumkur; Kuderu;
iv. Under the 13th Finance Hirebagewadi; Ankali;
Scheme the following works Bankapura; Aurad (B);
were completed: Kushnoor; Station Bazaar-
a. 67 Quarters for PC, 7 Kalburgi; Revoor; Mudagal;
Quarters for SI, 3 Residence Shorapura; Wadgera;
Quarters for Principals & 8 Bilichodu; Kote; Bellary &
Quarters for DySP and 27 Koppal).
Non Residential buildings b. 3 Out Posts at Hosaritti -
were also constructed for 3 Haveri Dist., Sasalu -
new Police Training Schools Bangalore Rural Dist. &
viz., Thanisandra, Bangalore, Balehosur – Gadag Dist.,
Hassan & Kadur at an constructed at an estimated
estimated cost of Rs. cost of Rs. 98.00 Lakhs.
8807.29 Lakhs. c. 1 SDPO Office at Madikeri
b. Academic Block for CCT at was constructed at an
Agara was constructed at an estimated cost of Rs.110.00
estimated cost of Rs.382.00 Lakhs.
Lakhs. d. 104 Quarters for PC and
12 Quarters for SI (40 PC
Quarters at Subrama Harapanahalli, Davanagere
nyapura, 48 PC & 12 SI District & compound wall
Quarters at Shanthigrama for 6th Btn KSRP at Naubad,
and 16 PC Quarters at Bidar District works were
Panambur) were constructed completed at an estimated
at an estimated cost of Rs. cost of Rs. 46.40 Lakhs.
2023.99 Lakhs. b. Repair works to 81
e. 4 Armouries with Residential and Non
Magazine were Residential buildings were
constructed at 1 st Btn completed at an estimated
Richmond Road and 9th cost of Rs.1147.27 Lakhs.
Btn Kudlu at Bangalore, (Annexure – 2 enclosed)
Chamarajanagar & vii. Works for the Fire &
Munirabad at an estimated Emergency Services Depart
cost of Rs. 600.00 Lakhs. ment were constructed as
f. Mess & Hostel Block for under:
11th Btn KSRP was a. Under K-Safe scheme 138
constructed at Qtrs for Firemen; 16 Qtrs
Shanthigrama, Hassan at for Fire Officers, 1 CFO
an estimated cost of Qtrs; 1 Qtrs for RFO 6 Qtrs
Rs.400.00 Lakhs. for JFO and 5 Fire Stations
g. 1st Floor for Building were constructed at an
Regional FSL at Mysore estimated cost of
was constructed at an Rs.2776.33 Lakhs.
estimated cost of Rs. 50.00 (Annexure – 3 enclosed)
Lakhs. b. Repairs to FO & FM
h. 6 Other miscellaneous Quarters at Ilkal &
works like up-gradation, Hunagunda & Development
Infrastructure facilities, works at Sakaleshpura
interiors etc., were were completed at an
completed at an estimated estimated cost of Rs.36.05
cost of Rs.1175.42 Lakhs Lakhs.
(Viz., Home Guards & Civil c. District Training Center for
Defence Academy and Kudlu Home Guards and Civil
at Bangalore; KSPTS at Defence at Dharwad;
Channapatna; KPA at Establishment of State
Mysore; Police Bhavan at Disaster Response Centre &
Ramanagar & PTS at Civil Defence Control Room
Aimangala). at Sheshadri Road,
vi. The following Deposit Bangalore and Barrack at
Contribution Works of the Devarabelakere, Harihara
Police Dept were undertaken: were constructed at an
a. Under ‘Other Works’, chain estimated cost of Rs.
link fencing at 379.24 Lakhs.
at an estimated cost of Rs.
11.65 Lakhs.
viii. Works under taken for Other b. Law University - Guest
Departments included the House for Law University at
following: Rayapur, Dharwad was
a. Sainik Welfare Depart constructed at an estimated
ment –Repair of 6 Water cost of Rs. 139.00 Lakhs.
proofing works viz, Water ix. Police Gruha 2020:
proofing & painting to Works under Phase-II of
Dining block, Sump Tank, Police Gruha were
Supply & installation of undertaken at 99 locations
Mono Submersible Pump (Annexure - 4 enclosed)
set to Military Girls Hostel around the State 3880 PC
and Water proofing to and 136 SI Quarters works
Officer's Rank and Other are under progress at an
Rank Guest House works at estimated cost of Rs.
Dharwad were completed 82277.55 Lakhs.
The Budget allocation and the expenditure incurred during the year shown in the
below given table:
Scheme Head of Account FY 2015-16 Expenditure
1 Modernization 2055-00-115-0-00-125 (P) 9745.00 1583.36

2 Police Gruha -2020 4055-00-211-0-01-132 (P) 46083.00 27405.87

3 CAR Mysore 4055-00-207-0-02-386 (P) 276.00 171.04

DPO Office Complex at
246.00 180.93
COP Office Complex at
4 4055-00-207-0-04-386 (P) 421.75 225.48
DPO Office Complex at
260.25 170.29
Up-gradation Police Public
5 4055-00-051-0-01-139 (P) 1.00 445.10
School Mysore
Debt Servicing Interest on
6 2055-00-113-0-03-240 (NP) 733.51 707.05
Existing Loan
Debt Servicing Principal on
7 4055-00-211-0-01-240 (NP) 2481.00 2480.96
Existing Loan
8 Financial Assistance / Relief 2055-00-113-0-03-100 (NP) 440.00 323.88
Police Community Hall /
9 Infrastructure Facilities to 4055-00-207-0-03-386 (NP) 300.00 69.42

The Corporation is Projects. The Corporation is
continuously keeping updated the continuing the usage of latest
latest Technologies in the field of Technologies in the field of
construction. As part of this, the construction so as to finish the
Fast Track Construction works in lesser duration compared
Technology (Sheer Wall method) to the conventional methods. At
was used in construction of present, in Bangalore City the
quarters at Mysore, Mandya, Corporation is using the Pre Cast
Chamarajanagar & Tumkur, for Technology at Binny Mill where
which the company was awarded 128 PC Quarters are under
CIDC Vishwakarma Award 2017 construction.
from Construction Industry
Some of the buildings
Development Council in the
constructed and handed over are
category of Best Construction
enclosed herewith.


Sl. Head of Account PC SI Non Est Cost
Category Other Total
No. / Department Qtrs Qtrs Res (In Lakhs)
AHS-III 96 4 - 100 - 1480.04
Police Gruha 2020 1716 76 - 1792 - 28681.48
Dormitory &
Recreation hall for - - - -- 1 91.08
Rest House for SI
1 Budget - - - -- 1 148.02
level Officers
Barracks for IRB - - - -- 6 491.88
Armoury with
- - - -- 1 114.76
Magazine for IRB
MT Shed for IRB - - - -- 1 80.86
Other Works - - - -- 3 126.65
Res & Non Res
67 7 11 85 27 8807.29
buildings (new PTS)
2 13th Finance Academic Block for
- - - -- 1 382.00
Other Works - - - -- 2 150.00
Police Stations - - - -- 20 2487.33
Out Post - - - -- 3 98.00
SDPO - - - -- 1 110.00
Residential Buildings 104 12 - 116 - 2023.99
Armoury with
3 Modernisation - - - -- 4 600.00
Mess & Hostel Block
- - - -- 1 400.00
for 11th Btn
1st Floor Bldg for
- - - -- 1 50.00
Other Works - - - -- 6 1175.42
Deposit Other Works - - - -- 2 46.40
4 Contribution
Works Repair Works - - - -- 81 1147.27
K-Safe I 138 16 8 162 5 2776.33
Fire &
5 Emergency Other Works 2 36.05
Home Guards - - - -- 3 379.24
Sainik Welfare
6 Other Works - - - -- 6 11.65
7 Law University Guest House - - - -- 1 139.00

TOTAL 2121 115 19 2255 179 52034.74

PC Qtrs under Police Gruha 2020, Mysore

PC Qtrs under Police Gruha 2020, Mysore

Sanjaynagar Police Station, Bangalore

DPO Yadgir

Gangamma Gudi Police Station

Mundkur Hostel building Fire dept

Thanisandra PTS

24PC 6SI PTS dharwad

Interiors of Emergency Response Centre, Ramnagar Police Bhavan

Police Public School, Koramangala, Bangalore

Law University, Rayapura, Dharwad

Jnanabharathi Police Station, Bangalore

Police Training School, Kadur

Bidadi Police Station, Ramnagar

Admin Block, Police Training School Hubli


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