Sgis Nova Eng

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01-971 Warszawa
ul. Kasprowicza 38/24B

Sequential gas injection system

SGIS NOVA sequential/synchronous/group gas injection

installing and tuning manual
Technical data:

Operating temperature range -40oC +125oC

Supply voltage range 9 – 20 VDC
Gas injector's minimum resistance 0,6 Ω
Maximum current In 1 to 8A
(depending on the injectors used)
Gas pressure readout BOSCH Sensor – absolute, filtered FIR
Gas temperature readout BOSCH Sensor 0,5 %
Regulator temperature readout Mitsubishi 0,5 % temp. sensor
Lambda probes voltage readout 0 to +5 V DC
(2 channels)
Communication Diagnostic interface
Computer's processor DSP – 130 MHz
Analog Channels 12bit 100kHz
Petrol injectors readout Basic version operates with injectors
controlled by „ground”” .
A version reading out injectors
controlled by „plus” is available.
Inner emulator resistance 100 Ω +/- 10%
- It's possible to order a version with
different resistance.
Gas injector 1 Computer
green interface
Gas injector 2 red red
yellow yellow
Gas injector 3 green green
blue blue
Installing blueprint.

b lue
Gas injector 4 black brown
red red +
grey red - yellow black
Gas injector 5
Gas injector 6
blue Buz
violet - black zer
Petrol inj.1
yellow 10 red - brown
yellow-b lack A or
Petrol inj.2 green +12V gas injectorsred - black
green-black or +12V BOSCH sensor
inginition. red
Petrol inj.3
red + gas filter
red-b lack green-black

Petrol inj.4 blue Brown-green
b lue-b lack or
Reducer temp.
Petrol inj.5 lambda1lambda2 grey-red sensor
grey-b lack yellow
Petrol inj.6 yellow-black
+ - + -
Petrol ECU Battery reserve
Rpm signal Solenoid valve on the tank and reducer
Lower Visualisation Panel description:

1. Lambda probes:
- after selecting a proper lambda probe type one can observe it's changes in the
panel. L1 – first probe, L2 – second probe. Connecting the probes is not necessary.

2. Petrol injection time:

- petrol injection time displayed in [ms]

3. Gas injection time:

- Gas injection time displayed in [ms]

4. Engine revolutions:
- engine revolutions/minute [rpm]

5. Gas pressure on the injectors strip:

- It is the absolute pressure of expanded gas from BOSCH sensor
- 1.00 Bar stands for atmospheric pressure
- Recommended pressure by weight is 1.80 – 2.10 Bar, whereas by idle gear 1.2 –
1.6 Bar.

6. Gas temperature:
- temperature measured by BOSCH sensor

7. Regulator temperature:
- regulator current temperature

8. Controller's errors status:

- if during the system operation an error occurs, it will be indicated by the red dot
flashing and an „error” inscription. After clicking the dot the error code will appear. .
- the error can be deleted in the program menu (it also deletes old errors)

9. System Status:
- informs whether the controller is connected to a PC computer and indicates the
current feed status (Petrol / GAS)

10. Feed change buttons:

- by means of the buttons the feed can be changed at any monent to petrol, gas or
automatic operation
- feed change works even if switching conditions hadn't been achieved
Readouts Description:

5 6 7

8 3 4
All values are displayed live !!!

1. Gas Pressure:
- a manometer indicating current gas pressure in the BOSCH sensor
- 1.00 Bar stands for atmospheric pressure
- Recommended pressure by weight is 1.80 – 2.10 Bar, whereas by idle gear 1.2 –
1.6 Bar

2. Engine rpm:
- indicates current engine rpm

3. Regulator temperature:
- a termometer indicates the regulator temperature graphically and digitally

4. Gas temperature:
- a termometer indicates gas temperature graphically and digitally

5. Petrol Injection Time:

- petrol injection time in [ms]

6. Gas Injection Time:

- gas injection time in [ms]
7. Lambda probes readouts:
- allows to observe graphically and digitally voltage from the probes

8. Tank gas level, according to the sensor indication:

- indicates the gas level in the gas tank. Level is the unit – a value variable from 0 to

Oscilloscopes Description:

1. Oscilloscopes:
- very fast, displaying values live.
- time constant of displaying is 0,015 second
- green dot on the oscilloscope's run indicates the minimum recorded value
- red dot on the oscilloscope's run indicates the maximum recorded value
2. - middle, blue strip indecates a value in the middle of the oscilloscope's run
- current value is displayed on the oscilloscope's left side

3. Petrol injector display selection:

- petrol injectors times from Inj P1 to Inj P8 can be observed on the first
oscilloscope. Each injector is displayed separately.

4. Gas injector display selection:

- gas injectors times from Inj G1 to Inj G8 can be observed on the first oscilloscope.
Each injector is displayed separately.

5. Additional parameter display selection:

- The last oscilloscope can display: gas pressure, lambda probes voltage, gas
temperature, regulator temperature, rpm, and corrections
Parameters Description:

- Manually entered parameters are saved to the controller after

exiting the parameter or after pressing the [Enter] key.
- Parameters selected with a mouse (e.g. Injector Type) are saved
to the controller after selecting the parameter.
1. Injector type:
- it is the field of selecting the injector type used
- select the injector used from the list
- Injector change modifies Injector Parameters in advanced settings
- alternatively select an available injector from the list and then select injector's Own
Definition, what allows to modify Injector Parameters in advanced settings
- Attention !!!! If the injector is available on the list, do not modify it's settings,
because it may cause the system's incorrect operation!!!!!!

2. Ignition System Type:

- select the ignition system type in such a way, so that the displayed engine rpm are
equal to actual ones

3. Switching to gas temperature:

- regulator temperature, at which switching to gas feed is possible.
- the temperature should not be set below 30 oC

4. Switching to gas revolutions:

- rpm, at which switching to gas feed takes place
- Switching may take place at ascending or descending revolutions

5. Fuels overlap – number of common cycles:

- it represents fuels overlap in cycles, that is common injections of gas and petrol
- it's the number of petrol and gas common injections until the injectros emulator
switches on, usually it shouldn't exceed 12 common cycles
- usual settings: 4cyl. – 4 cycles, 6cyl. - 6 cycles

6. Engine Maxiumum Rpm:

- a very rarely used option, it allows to switch to petrol feed after reaching maximum

7. LPG mixture enrichment:

- gas mixture enrichment at weight is the main parameter allowing to regulate gas
dosage to cylinders
- enrichment is automatically selected during autoadaptation
- the parameter's value may be nagative, however if it is too low, e.g. below -10 % it
means that the injectors nozzles have been selected incorrectly, and they
should be changed to smaller ones
- whereas if the parameter exceds +40 %, the injectors nozzles should be
changed to bigger ones, because the car may have too little power.
- the easiest way, without autoadaptation, is to select the enrichment in the
experimental way: check how the car rpm climb up at various settings and choose
the best one.
- if the „check engine” lights because of the mixture (e.g. too lean or too rich),
adjust it with this particular parameter – if the map is not used
- after changing the Enrichment check if the displacement is set correctly !!!!!!!!

8. Enriching/straitening the mixture on idle gear (displacement):

- displacement means enriching/straitening the mixture on idle gear (without
- displacement is selected automatically during autoadaptation
- it is the second main controller's parameter. The rule for setting this parameter:
make the pertol injection time during gas feed very similar to the pertol injection time
during petrol feed . It will prevent the on-board computer from displaying errors on
idle gear.
- before setting the displacement, the previous parameter - 7. - LPG mixture
enrichment must be set correctly first.
- manual setting:
Switch to petrol feed, wait a while, then write down petrol injection time Tp1,
then switch to gas feed and write down petrol injection time Tp2.
Displacement = Tp2 – Tp1.
This is the equation for calculating the displacement
- always try to select the injectors nozzles and pressure on idle gear in such a
way, so that the displacement is a positive value
9. Reserve Glass Type:
- gas level indicator type selection. Own definition is possible, as well as changing
the thresholds values of selected glass

10. Reserve refreshing:

- this parameter indicates how often (in seconds) the reserve glass level is being
- the bigger the inertness of the mulitvalve is, the higher value this parameter should

11. Lambda Probe 1:

- lambda probe selection
- in case of lack of probe select: Off
12. Lambda Probe 2:
- lambda probe selection
- in case of lack of probe select: Off
13. Handy parameter description
- displays a short description of each parameter in the program after selecting a
specific parameter
14. Petrol injection system type.
- select a proper one, although it is not necessary

Advanced Parameters Description:

1. Regulator Underpressure:
- the system may operate either with the underpressure connected or disconnected
- it is recommended always to connect the underpressure to the regulator !! It allows
to achieve lower gas pressure in the injectors' strip on idle gear.
- this parameter is set during autoadaptation
2. Pressure of Switching Back to Pertol:
- pressure, below which the controller will switch back from gas feed to petrol feed
- this parameter should be kept above the atmospheric pressure, which is 1 Bar
- do not wxceed 1,5 Bar
- this parameter is set during autoadaptation

3. Delay of Switching Back to Pertol:

- time, after which the contoller will switch back from gas feed to petrol feed after
detecting too low pressure on the injectors strip
- this parameter is important by cars with a turbine, where it should be extended
- 1 second is a standard

4. Delay of switching to gas:

- time from switchiong on coils on the tank and regulator to switching on gas
injectors. It may be used as delay of switching to gas feed
- it it the time from switching on the tank's multivalve and the regulator's solenoid
valve to switching on the injectors emulation and starting the run of gas injectors

5. Switching the sound signal on/off:

- the buzzer is active or mute.

6. Rpm Signal Power:

- if there are interferences on the engine rpm signal, this function allows to eliminate
- the higher the parameter value, the stronger the filtering
- the filtering is internally limited to 500 units, still it is not recommended to exceed

- the parameter is initially set on 2

7. INJ Signal Power:

- if there are interferences on the injections time signal, this function allows to
eliminate them
- the higher the parameter value, the stronger the filtering
- the filtering is internally limited to 500 units, still it is not recommended to exceed
- the parameter is initially set on 50

8 . Corrections on the injector:

- this parameter works identically as Displacement except that it can be applied to
each cylinder separately
- the parameter applies to engine idle gear
- the parameter is useful by V - engines
Autoadaptation Description:

1. Commands field:
- on this field the commands for autoadaptation will be displayed
- follow the commands !!!!

2. Autoadaptation Start Button:

- clicking the button starts the autoadaptation process. Once started, the
autoadaptation should not be aborted untill it's finished !!!!
Injector's Parameters Description
after chosing injector's own definition

1. Gas Injection Maximum Time:

- Maximum time that a gas injector is able to generate
- initially set on 30 [ms]

2. Gas Injection Minimum Opening:

- minimum time, during which a gas injector opens , if a petrol injection opening is
- this parameter depends on the injector's speed and is modified by injector
selection field

3. Injection full opening:

- the time of full current impulse which opens the gas injector.
- do not exceed the range from 2 to 8 [ms], because it may leed to injectors' coils
damage or free injection opening !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Perentage sustain:
- precentage current of injector's sustain
- this parameter depends on the injector's resistance and is modified by injector
selection field
- keep this parameter within the range from 30 % with low resistances (e.g. 1.2Ω)
to 60 % with high resistances (np. 10Ω )

5. Delay of Switching On LPG injection to Petrol:

- it is the time in [ms] by which switching on gas injection will be delayed comparing
to petrol injection
- 2 [ms] is a standard value
- this parameter is modified by injector selection field
Notepad Description:

1. Controller Configuration Display Field:

- main field, displays the controller's configuration

2. Show Configuration:
- clicking the button once will display the configuration in the main field

3. Copy Text to Cupboard:

- clicking the button will copy the configuration in a text form to the system's
cupboard, so that it can be pasted to a text editor or another program later

- prints the configuration
Program Menu Description

1. Load Parameters – loads previously saved parameters from a file.
2. Save Parameters – saves parameters to a file.


1. Autodetection – automatically detects the computer port, to which the interface has
been connected
2. Number of the port, in which the controller's presence has been detected.


1. Readouts – displaying the readouts tab in the program

2. Oscilloscopes – displaying the oscilloscopes tab in the program
3. Parameters – displaying the parameters tab in the program
4. Advanced – displaying the advanced parameters tab in the program
5. Autoadaptation – displaying the autoadaptation tab in the program
6. Map 1 – map enabling advanced functions of enriching/straitening the mixture.
7. Map Inj – weight map enabling to enrich/straiten the mixture.
8. Injectors diagnosis – tab enabling to switch off gas injectors in order to check their
9. Configuration readout – notepad tab.


1. Feed change after choosing petrol/automatic/gas option.

2. Controller errors readout.
3. Controller errors erasure.


1. Controller's operating time readout.

2. Car's data from the controller readout
3. Saving car's data to the controller
4. Reset the controller to initial settings
Installing directions:

1. All the connections should be made with fuses taken out.

2. All the connections must be properly soldered and sealed !!
3. Crew members responsible for installing and tuning should be trained for the job.
4. The injectors' nozzles should always be chosen properly, according to the car's

1. In case of too large nozzles, the car's consumption may be too high, and the
mixture may be too rich
2. In case of too small nozzles, the car's power may be too low and the mixture
may be not rich enough

5. Pressure should always be chosen properly on low revolutions, with underpressure

connected to the regulator – recommended pressure is 1,4 Bar.

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