LPG Lecho Sec Eco Instruction
LPG Lecho Sec Eco Instruction
LPG Lecho Sec Eco Instruction
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1. General information 2. Recommendation concerning the assembly '.( Connection diagram '.' Shortened installation of control system with gas injection SEC ECO '.% System installation , -attery disconnection , reducer installation , injector installation , gas filter installation , installation of SEC ECO driver , connection of gas level indicator , wiring harness connection of gas installation , electric connection of injectors , -attery connection , adjustment of SEC ECO system 3. Adjustment instruction for SEC ECO system ste! by ste!" #. $escri!tion of !rogram for se%uential SEC ECO gas injection &.( 1escription of lower 2isuali3ation 4anel &.' 1escription of readings &.% 1escription of the ta- 4arameters &.& 1escription of the ta- uto,adaptation &.) 1escription of the ta- djustment/ 5ap &.* 1escription of the ta- Oscilloscopes &.+ 1escription of the ta- 1iagnostics/O!1 &.. 1escription of the ta- dvanced &./ 1escription of program menu &. 'echnical s!ecifications (. )arranty
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1. GE*ERA+ ,*-OR.A',O* Equipment necessary to the correct installation of SEC ECO system6 , computer , SEC ECO software , O!1 or 7S'%'C interface , wor8shop tools System !ro!erties/ The operation -asis of sequential driver in power supply installation is gas decompressed to a suita-le pressure. The sequential operation of installation means that injection of gas into the engine com-ustion cham-ers follows in order which it is assigned for petrol engine power. Sequential injection means also that gas as engine fuel is injected in the amount and during time regulated -y the sequential system. These values can -e regulated -y appropriate system settings. SEC ECO system is fully automated and using it as an alternative power -y the owner of the vehicle doesn9t need any special 8nowledge a-out the system. The owner as the system user not only doesn9t need: -ut cannot ma8e any adjustments of the system. 'he adjustment can be made only by authori0ed 1or2sho!. A''E*',O*3 The manufacturer is not lia-le for damages arisen as a result of improper set installation and use of improper materials: parts: components and assem-lies. 'he o!ening of dri4er co4er or seal damage may 4oid the 1arranty.
;arranty seal
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2. RECO..E*$A',O* CO*CER*,*G '5E ASSE.6+7 (. 5ethod of connecting the components according to picture (. '. %. ll connections should -e made -y removed fuses. ll connections have to -e properly soldered and insulated<
&. The staff ma8ing assem-ly and adjustment should -e trained for this purpose. ). The injection no33les should -e always appropriately chosen for horsepower of the car =Ta-le(>. ).(. ).'. In case of too -ig no33les the car can have too large com-ustion and too rich mi?ture. In case of too small no33les the car can have too little power and too lean mi?ture. Attention/ The program will inform -y appropriate message: if the no33les are -eyond the adjustment range. 6. The pressure should -e always set appropriately at idle with vacuum connected to a regulator, recommended !ressure is/ 18#bar for +9G and 2.:; 2.2 for C*G. 2.2 S5OR'E*E$ ,*S'A++A',O* O- GAS ,*<EC',O* CO*'RO+ S7S'E. SEC ECO
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4ower/ ( cylinder @A5B 1;12 12;1& 1&;1= 1=;22 22;2& 2&;2? 2?;32 32;3( 3(;#:
Type of injection Sequential Calf, sequential #ullgrup "4D no33le diameter @mmB 18( 18= 2 282 28# 28( 28= 3 382 Ta-le ( 18& 18> 18? 281 283 28& 28> 28? 381 183 18& 18> 18? 281 283 28& 28> 28?
A''E*',O*/ The a-ove si3es of no33les are appropriate values dependent on the type of engine: gas injectors and other factors.
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2.3 ,*S'A++A',O* O- CO*'RO+ S7S'E. ),'5 SEC ECO GAS ,*<EC',O* S'E9 O*E/ 6A''ER7 $,SCO**EC',O* TTE$TIO$6 !efore starting the assem-ly of gas installation the -attery should -e a-solutely disconnected from the electrical installation of a vehicle. S'E9 ')O/ RE$@CER ,*S'A++A',O*
4icture ' 7educer The reducer should -e installed: according to the instruction: in the place where it could -e easily chec8ed: repaired: replaced. The reducer should -e fi?ed only -y special designed openings on its rear part and only with special screws attached to the set. The gas electrovalve can -e mounted on the reducer as its integral part or separately. ll hoses have to -e minimum (0cm from the elements of the e?haust system. The signal of gas temperature sensor in the reducer is used to determine the moment of changing over from petrol to gasoline supply. The temperature sensor mounted in the reducer should -e connected to the wiring harness of gas installation.
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4icture % Injector rail The injector rail should -e mounted near the inlet collector and possi-ly far from the high, voltage wires. 5a8e the openings on the ends of collector wires near the suction valve: then thread them and screw into them -rassy nipples. These nipples should -e connected with pressure ru--er hoses to the nipples of injector rail. The connections should -e protected with metal clamps. harness of feeding and control wires from the gas driver. A''E*',O*/ 1. Rubber hoses connecting gas injectors 1ith collector should ha4e e%ual length. 2. 'he injection rail shouldnAt be mounted 1ith outlet holes directed u!1ards. ttention should -e given at the length of ru--er hoses: which should -e equal. To the injector rail should -e connected the
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4icture & Das filter E pressure and temperature sensor The volatile gas phase filter should -e mounted -etween the reducer and gas injectors rail: with the use of pressure ru--er hoses. The connections should -e protected with metal clamps. To the !OSCC sensor should -e connected a wiring harness with four ca-le outlets =see the scheme>. The gas filter should -e mounted in the place accessi-le for replacement: according to the rules descri-ed in the warranty certificate.
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4icture ) 1river SEC ECO driver is availa-le in &,cylinder version. !ut it is a-le to operate the vehicles with less num-er of cylinders: i.e. %. The driver should -e mounted in accessi-le place of engine cham-er. The driver should -e mounted away from sources of electromagnetic interference =for e?ample ignition coil>: away from the sources of high temperature =for e?ample engine e?haust manifold> and at a safe distance from the fluid tan8s: away from the contact with water. Re%uired installation/ joint do1n1ards8 to reduce the conse%uences of e4entual flooding and damage to the dri4er. S'E9 S,C/ CO**EC',O* O- GAS +EBE+ ,*$,CA'OR
4icture * Switch The switch should -e mounted inside the car: in the place: which is easily accessi-le and visi-le from the seat of driver. 1uring the installation the switch should -e carefully pressed into prepared opening fiF.mm. The system ma8es possi-le the cooperation with gas level sensor 0,'08G: 0,)08G: 0,/0G and the other after the adjustment own thresholds in the program.
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S'E9 SEBE*/ ),R,*G 5AR*ESS CO**EC',O* O- GAS ,*S'A++A',O* 1. The assem-ly of fuse cover should -e made according to the assem-ly diagram 1ithout inserted fuses. 2. The connection of gas installation wires with -attery system6 the red wire =E> of gas installation connect directly with plus on the -attery. The blac2 wire =,> of gas installation connect directly with minus on the -attery. The red and bro1n wire connect into the electric installation of a vehicle in the place ma8ing possi-le to start the car, i.e. into the system: in which occurs voltage after turning on the ignition, ignition switch. 3. The connection of rotational speed signal6 yello1 and blac2H to determine the rotational speed of engine cran8shaft the driver uses the rotational speed signal 745 transmitted -y ignition module to the petrol driver. The identification of signal is necessary for switch to gas power: which follows -y rotational speed adjusted -y the use of computer program =typically '000r.p.m.>. The electric wire: which sends the signal: can -e found with the use of voltage tester or oscilloscope. The impulse frequency sent to the petrol driver increases with engine rotational speed so that also increases the frequency of signal ma?imum on the oscilloscope screen. The value of signal voltage amplitude 745 is within ('2 and this should -e adjusted in the program: if we get the signal from Call sensor or another one: we should choose the option of )2 in the program. 4. The connection of gas level sensor in the tan86 the yello1 sensor wire should -e soldered to the yello1 wire of gas driver: and the blac2 sensor wire to the mass of vehicle. In the case of Call sensor the power supply should -e additionally connected from the -lue supply wire of gas electrovalve. 5. The connection of gas electrovalves6 the gas electrovalves installed near the gas tan8 =multivalve> and near the reducer should -e connected to the blue wire of gas driver. 6. The connection of reducer temperature sensor6 the ca-les from orange;bro1n and 1hite;blac2 wiring harness connect with wires of reducer temperature sensor. A''E*',O*/ 'he tem!erature sensor is not !olari0ed. 'he change of colours doesnAt cause 1rong 1or2ing of the sensor.
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+. Switch connection6 connect the ca-les of wiring harness suita-ly with the switch wires 8eeping the compati-ility of colours .. Connection of "am-da 4ro-e6 the driver ma8es possi-le to connect one "am-da pro-e. The connection of pro-e is a purple wire. The "am-da pro-e signal does not affect the functioning of the driver: it only gives the information a-out the state of mi?ture.
S'E9 E,G5'/ E+EC'R,C CO**EC',O* O- ,*<EC'ORS Connect suita-le ca-le ends with the wires of petrol injector rail: cutting and switching the gas installation wires into electric circuit in appropriate order , according to the assem-ly diagram =picture (>. S'E9 *,*E/ 6A''ER7 9O)ER CO**EC',O* fter all chec8ing activities and ma8ing sure that all connections are correct with regard to quality of wire connections and compati-ility of connections with the assem-ly diagram: the -attery can -e connected to the vehicle electric system.
S'E9 'E*/ A$<@S'.E*' O- SEC ECO S7S'E. fter chec8ing all connections: -attery connection: -ut -efore inserting the fuses: the vehicle can -e started on petrol. Then fill the gas tan8 with appropriate gas, "4D or C$D. Then insert the fuse: start the engine: wait for switch,over to gas supply and chec8 with suita-le tester the thic8ness of gas installation. fter that it is possi-le to ma8e adjustment of the system according to SEC ECO programming instruction.
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3. Adjustment instruction for SEC ECO system SEC ECO system can -e regulated using the interfaces6 1. RS232 CO.", ena-les full cali-ration/rating: ITO, 1 4T TIO$: viewing all parameters: e?cept these: which are read from O!1. 2. O6$2, ena-les e?actly the same as interface 7S'%' and in addition it is possi-le with its help to o-serve and use the parameters from O!1 system. This interface has also the mapping function from the vacuum. 9articular adjustment stages/ Stage 1. CE*'RA+ CO**EC',O* (. Connect interface 7S'%' or O!1' to the 4C computer: then connect to the interface connection in the wiring harness: and in case of interface O!1' additionally connect the O!1 plug into the soc8et in the car. '. Start the engine. %. Start on computer the actual version of software appropriate for the driver. Then ta8es place the automatic detection and communication with the driver. It will -e indicated in the left lower corner of the program. Stage 2. SE'',*GS CO*-,G@RA',O* ,* '5E 9ROGRA. In the ta- menu on the left program window choose the ta- 9ARA.A'ERS . Set the parameters of the vehicle and other configuration options for gas switch,over. Stage 3. A@'O;A$A9'A',O* fter performing all a-ove activities it is necessary to start automatic regulation: so clic8 the ta- A@'O;A$A9'A',O* : the driver will collect -asic parameters. This should -e made at idle and means pushing the -utton S'AR' and following the instructions on the screen. 1uring the auto,adaptation process is also performed the test of proper no33le choice. The program informs: if used no33les are appropriate or recommends their replacement: if they are improper. fter the replacement of no33les repeat the process of auto,adaptation. This is the end of automatic driver regulation.
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Stage #. 9REC,SE $R,BER A$<@S'.E*' ),'5 '5E 5E+9 O- O6$DBAC@@. ,*'ER-ACE The adjustment is made during the drive with laptop connected to the central with the help of O!1 interface. There are two possi-ilities of precise driver adjustment. #.1. Adjustment from O6$ In case when the car is equipped with O!1 diagnostic soc8et: connect the O!1 plug into the soc8et in the car and the white plug to the driver. The 8ind of report signali3ed with message confirming the connection with vehicle O!1 system will -e detected automatically. In case of incompati-ility of 8ind of report used in the car: the program will inform a-out it with the appropriate massage. Order of o!erations/ Do to the ta- A$<@S'.E*'D .A9 and choose adjustment mode O6$ CORREC',O*. Start the drive. On the chart: while adjustments are made: the pin8 line will change its colour into -lac8. The process will -e finished when the line will -ecome -lac8 in the whole range of engine wor8. memory. 1isconnect the interface from the driver and O!1 soc8et, finishing the process of adjustment. #.2 Adjustment from the 4acuum A''E*',O*/ 'his adjustment is !ossible only 1ith interface O6$2. In case of this option connect the interface to the vehicle vacuum system stic8ing the pressure sensor to the system with the help of6 ca-le set and tee attached to the interface. Order of o!erations/ Do to the ta- A$<@S'.E*'D .A9 and choose adjustment mode from underpressure. Switch over the car to petrol and collect the petrol map: which is visi-le in the form of red dots. Then switch over to gas and collect similarly the gas map pictured in the form of green dots. The more dots we collect on the map the more precisely the driver will -e programmed. ll made adjustments will -e saved automatically in driver9s
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fter finishing this activity clic8 -utton A99+7 A$<@S'.E*'S. The adjustments will -e automatically applied and saved in driver9s memory. In order to increase the accuracy it is necessary to ma8e the mapping several times on gas and o-serve: if after adjustments the gas curve agrees with the curve for petrol: if yes, the adjustment is finished successfully. 1isconnect the interface from the driver and stic8 out from the vacuum system, finishing the adjustment.
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1. $ri4er Error Status/ , If during the system wor8 appears error: it will -e indicated -y flashing the red -o? and information JErrorK. fter clic8ing the -o? it is possi-le to read the error code. , The error can -e deleted from the program menu =reset removes also old errors>. 2. Gas and !etrol injection time/ , petrol injection times displayed on the screen in @msB , gas injection times displayed on the screen in @msB 3. -uel change buttons / , than8s to these -uttons the system supply -etween6 petrol: gas or automatic wor8 can -e changed at any time. , the switch over wor8s also when the conditions of switching over weren9t reached. #. -uel change button !etrolDautomatDgas" , clic8ing causes cyclical change of state6 petrol/automat/gas>.
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ll values are displayed during the real time. 1. Engine r!m/ , the tachometer shows actual engine rpm during the real time. 2. Gas !ressure differential and manifold"/ , manometer showing the actual gas pressure in ICC,( sensor: this is a sum of differential and manifold pressures. Separately they are -eing shown on windows. =%> #. Gas tem!erature/ , the thermometer shows graphically and numerically the value of gas temperature. &. Reducer tem!erature/ , the thermometer shows graphically and numerically the value of reducer temperature. (. +ambda !robe/ , the lam-da o?ygen sensor shows graphically and numerically the value of lam-da
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#.3 $escri!tion of the tab 9ARA.E'ERS/ The parameters written manually are saved to the driver after e?it from the taJ4 7 5ETE7SK or after clic8ing the -utton EEnterF. The parameters chosen -y the mouse =for e?ample 8ind of injector> are saved to the driver after the choice of given parameter. Behicle !arameters/
1. Gind of ignition system/ , the ignition system should -e so adjusted that it could display rpm of the engine consistent with the actual rpm. 2. Engine r!m signal/ , choose ('2 or )2 so that rpm would -e shown correctly on the tachometer in the program. 3. 'urbo , this option is used to set the car with tur-ine. enrichment on the maps changes from )0L to /0L. #. Re4olution signal le4el/ , placing the level of switching for accessing reading revolutions Setting u! of gas installation/ fter its switching off the range of
1. Choice of fuel/ , The engine wor8s on gas6 C$D or "4D: depending on the mounted installation.
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2. Gind of injector/ , it is the choice -o? of used injector , choose the used injector from the list , the change of injector modifies ,njector 9arameters in Advanced Settings , eventually choose the injector from availa-le on the list: then in order to modify its settings choose own definition: which allows to change injector parameters in advanced settings. , A''E*',O*/ If the injector is availa-le on the list: its settings shouldn9t -e modified: -ecause it can result in improper system operation.
Injectors settings 2a. .aHimal time of gas injection/ , , , , ma?imal time which the gas injector is a-le to generate standard setting, %0ms. 2b. .inimal o!ening of gas injector/ minimal injection time for opening of gas injector: if the opening of petrol injector will -e detected this parameter depends on the injector speed and is modified -y the -o? of injector choice. 2c. -ull o!ening of injector/ , , time of full current impulse opening the gas injector the range of 'ms, .ms shouldn9t -e e?ceeded: -ecause it threatens with damage of injection coils or free opening of injection. 2d. 9ro!ortional u!holding/ , the proportional upholding current of injector after switching off the constant voltage injector coil in relation to entire current range switching. This parameter depends on the injector coil resistance and is modified -y the -o? of injector choiceH
SEC ECO rev 1.2 EN
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-y small resistances it is necessary to 8eep the range of ')L =-elow (.)G>: to &)L -y large resistances =a-ove .G>. 2e. $elay of gas injection in relation to !etrol/
, , ,
it is the time: counted in milliseconds: of delayed gas injection in relation to petrol injection standard is 'ms this parameter is modified -y the choice of injector.
3. Gind of reser4e slide Select from the following types of reserve sensors6 , , , , , sensor /0Ohm sensor '08Ohm sensor )08Ohm increasing and decreasing sensor for C$D =manometer> dditionally you can choose own definition and then will -e displayed the following setting window6
O1n definition 1indo1 !arameters of reser4e sensor , , , , 3a voltage value actually measured -y the central 3b time in seconds periodically refreshed measurement result 3c threshold scale, switching of level indicator on the switch 3d 8ind of sensor, increasing or decreasing
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#. S1itch audio signal , allows to switch on/off the audio signali3ation of driver operation &. RegulatorIs tem!erature sensor , , , , , , select from two sensors JSK and JA/5K sensor A/5 has the resistance )8G sensor S has the resistance '8G the system can wor8 when vacuum is connected or disconnected it is always recommended to connect vacuum to the reducer. Than8s to it it9s possi-le to o-tain lower gas pressure during idling on the injector rail the parameter is set -y auto,adaptation >. +ambda !robe , show or hide lam-da pro-e S1itching to gas
(. Reducers 4acuum/
1. 'em!erature of s1itching to gas , reducer temperature: which ena-les switching to gas , the temperature shouldn9t -e set -elow %0MC 2. Engine r!m by s1itching to gas/ , rpm/minute: -y which follows the switching to gas 3. $elay in s1itching to gas/ , time -etween connection of coil on the reducer and starting the gas injectors necessary for filling the installation with gas #. ,njectors heating/ , the switching of this option results in connection of gas injectors -efore the switching to gas. Than8s to it is avoided the unequal start of injectors in winter conditions. The values are set from small to very high: -ut are modified manually. 5. 'ime bet1een the cylinders/ , we choose the 8ind of switch from petrol to gas as a sequential switch or simultaneous switch of all injectors. The sequential switch eliminates the jer8s during the change of power from petrol to gas. (. Starting on gas , the option ena-les starting the car directly on gas without petrol.
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'his should be used only 1hen itAs necessary8 because 1hen 1e often start the car on gas 1e can cause a !ermanent damage of gas installation. S1itching to !etrol
18 2. .inimal engine r!m on gas/ , the option used very seldom: allows to switch to petrol power -elow minimal rpm/minute. The diode D =orange> on the switch is off. 38 #. .aHimal r!m of the engine on gas/ , the option used very seldom: allows to switch to petrol power -y ma?imal rpm/minute. The function isn9t signali3ed on the switch. &. Auto;ada!tation !ressure/ , pressure value at which the last auto,adaptation was carried out: the parameter is set automatically after auto,adaptation. (. 9ressure for return to !etrol/ , the pressure -elow which the driver will return from gas power to petrol power , during the pressure drop: to the determined threshold: will follow dou-le short sound signal , it is necessary to 8eep up the a-ove atmospheric pressure limits: which is (!ar , the value of (.)!ar shouldn9t -e e?ceeded , the parameter is set -y auto,adaptation >. $elayed return EmsF/ , time after which follows the return of driver from gas to petrol power: after detection of too low pressure on injection rail , important -y cars with tur-ine: where this time should -e e?tended , standard is ( second =(000ms>. =. .inimal gas tem!erature/ , if this option is chosen: it will follow the switching from gas to petrol power -y temperature drop of gas -elow the set temperature.
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Auto;ada!tation tab 4ie1 1. Command dis!lay boH/ , , , information command -o? necessary for appropriate auto,adaptation follow the instructions the -utton starts the process of automatic driver adjustment: after it is pressed the adjustment shouldn9t -e interrupted. The interruption at any time will cause the necessity of new auto,adaptation. 3. Status of the no00les/ , , , , , The information concerning the no33les: if they aren9t placed in the adjustment range, the appropriate information will -e displayed. If the no33les are chosen properly: it is signali3ed with information6 J ppropriate no33les si3eK: and the cursor is in the dar8 green -o?. If the no33les are too small: it is signali3ed with information6 JTOO S5 "" $ONN"ESK: and the cursor is in the red -o?. If the no33les are too -ig: it is signali3ed with information6 JTOO !ID $ONN"ESK: and the cursor is in the red -o?. The -eginning of auto,adaptation is possi-le only in case of proper no33les.
2. StartDAbort/
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#.&.1. Easy mode, there are only two parameters to choose, percent enrichment of mi?ture and correction of idle injection time @msB 1a. 9ercent enrichment of gas miHture/ , 4ercent enrichment of gas mi?ture -y the load is a main parameter: which allows to adjust the transmission of gas quantity to the cylinders. , The enrichment is automatically adjusted during the auto;ada!tation. , The parameter can have a negative value: -ut when it is too high: for e?ample -elow ;1:J it means 1rong chosen injector no00les: it is necessary to replace them to smaller. , If the parameter is -igger than K#:J8 it is necessary to re!lace the injector no00les to -igger: -ecause the car can have to little !o1er , If in the car appears from the mi?ture Lchec2 engineM =it9s too lean or too rich>: it9s necessary to adjust with the use of this parameter, if we don9t use the map , fter the change of enrichment chec8 if the shift is well adjusted. 1b. Correction of the idling injection time , The shift is the enrichment D leaning of mi?ture at idle =without the load> , The shift is automatically adjusted during the auto;ada!tation , It9s the second main driver parameter. It should -e so adjusted that petrol injection time during the wor8 on gas as well as during the wor8 on petrol is equal. Then the petrol computer won9t change the time of petrol injections at idle. , The shifting always sets itself as the second after well adjusted parameter descri-ed in the instruction as, +9G miHture enrichment , 4rinciple of manual setting6 Switch over the power to petrol: wait a minute: and then save the injection time of petrol 'b1: then switch to gas power and once more save the injection time of petrol 'b2. , Shifting= Tb2-Tb1 It is necessary to adjust injector nozzles and pressure at idle so that shifting is positive.
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#.&.2. Standard ma! , switching on the map ena-ling enrichment of mi?ture in different ranges of flat mode of engine operation: in the form of diagram. in the map window remains the correction of idle injection: descri-ed in foregoing item. In addition: it is visi-le the map window with the range of corrections ,'0 to E)0L and to E/0L in the tur-o mode.
, the change of values on the map is possi-le after clic8 in the diagram -o? or selection lower edition windows with entered values. A''E*',O*/ Se4eral 4alues can be selected at the same time. 1. The -uttons6 ;&J8 ;1J8 K1J8 K&J are for quic8 change of value for given percentage up or down. '. The -utton JEdit characteristic pointsK is for scale change of injection opening range on the hori3ontal a?is. It is possi-le to choose in it the settings named respectively6 the -utton JEnterK the changes will -e saved. #.&.3. Ad4anced ma! , switching on the map: which ena-les the enrichment of mi?ture in different ranges of engine wor8 in the form of ta-le , the value changes follow after clic8 the chart with value or selection of several charts and clic8 E$TE7. A''E*',O*8 it is !ossible at the same time to select se4eral 4alues 1ith the 1hole ma! field.
The function of advanced map is identical as -y standard map: the difference is the greater num-er of adjustment points. In addition: there are speed ranges after clic8 LEdit characteristic !ointsM, descri-ed in item &.).'.'. Additional buttons for the standard ma!
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#.&.#. Corrections from O6$ Switching on the regulation ena-ling enrichment of mi?ture in different ranges of engine operation in the diagram mode depending on the O!1 system correction readings. The use of O!1 corrections is possi-le after ca-les connection according to the mounting diagram or through the interface to O!1' soc8et. The adjustments are made automatically on the -asis of O!1 corrections. The shape of characteristics can -e o-served on the diagram.
On the diagram with red colour are mar8ed the intervals for which the corrections were saved: and with vertical lines is mar8ed the interval during which follows the given correction. It ena-les the e?act map adjustment in the whole load range.
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#.&.&. Bacuum ma!!ing" N semi;auto mode. The switching on of gas injection time mapping mode during the drive. It is created the curve of drive on petrol: then curve of drive on gas and the correction is calculated from the difference. The approval of correction J pprove correctionK causes the shift of gas to petrol curve. The mapping should -e made repeatedly in order to o-tain -etter e?actness. Start from mapping on petrol. ;e ma8e it to the moment: when the curve stops to change the shape. To o-tain this the car should -e driven in the full speed range. fter petrol mapping =red colour> switch over to gas and repeat mapping to o-tain green gas curve. Then clic8 the -utton LA!!ro4e correctionM to adjust the gas curve to the petrol curve.
1uring mapping gas and petrol curves can -e cancelled with the use of -uttons under the diagram.
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#.&.( A'S Ada!ti4e 'uning System" fter the end of the autoadaptation on idle 745 please start the TS mode and ECI will switch to petrol. #rom this moment fully automatic mode is started.
Car is going few 8ilometers on petrol: during it is collecting points of characteristics and is creating the petrol map. fter collecting all necessary data: ECI is automatically switching to gas. ECI is starting collecting points to the map of gas and automatically entering necessary corrections. This mode is a constant mode and is active all the time. ItOs ta8ing care of perfect selection of fuel mi?ture parameters.
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#.(.1 O4erall , time -ase in seconds. Other parameters depend of selected oscillograms and facilitate their o-servations.
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#.> $escri!tion of the tab $,AG*OS',C The program ta- ena-les the diagnosing of arisen pro-lems with installation. ;e can choose diagnosing from O!1 system =with the use of additional interface> and diagnosing of the driver: injectors and the installation. The diagnosing from O!1 allows to delete the lit indicator LChec2 EngineM: i.e. delete the O!1 errors on the car computer. #.>.1 O6$ diagnostics fter connection SEC ECO to O!1 =through the interface> appear additional options6 #.>.1.1 9rotocol and correction indicator
#.>.1.2 O6$ error chec2 vaila-le -uttons6 J7efresh error historyK: JErase errorsK and the ta- LREA$ O6$M: which activates additional window with display all information O!1. O!1 system. fter clic8 the -utton J7ead errorsK we o-tain in the window the information a-out errors reported -y
The O!1 system saves car parameters at the moment: when the error apears. The data from this event are called free3e frames. To see them clic8 twice given error and additional window will -e displayed6
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; O6$ readings O!1 readings show much more parameters: showing also corrections: which SEC ECO reads from O!1 main line. To see them select the -o? of given parameter. Attention8 if gi4en reading canAt be selected8 it means that the car doesnAt handle the !arameter.
#.>.2 O6$ dri4er error chec2/ It allows to determine and delete errors: which arise in the driver.
4ossi-ilities of the ta-6 , , , showing errors from SEC ECO system cancellation of errors: if they occur viewing of gas computer error description
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The window allows to ma8e the test of gas injector coils -y measuring their current. #.>.# ,nstallation diagnostics The window allows to ma8e some tests6 , S1itch +E$ test, chec8ing of state of 4!P switch and gas level indicators. fter starting the test the switch diodes are off to the reserve state =red diode>: and then in the program appears the switch view and from this moment the diodes switch on one after another. fter switching the last green diode the switch in the program disappears, the test is finished. The test consists in o-servation: if all switch diodes switch synchronously with the switch in the program. , 6u00er test, chec8ing of -u33er. listening: if the -u33er squea8s. , Bal4es test, chec8ing of gas valves. fter starting the test on the switch appears an orange diode mar8ed with D and simultaneously to the electrovalves is transmitted the voltage E('2. The test consists in listening: if the electrovalves are opened, it sounds as metallic clatter of electrovalve anchor. fter starting the test the lettering changes its colour to red and the -u33er sounds short: long and short. The test consists in
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#.= $escri!tion of the tab Adjustment The ta- contains additional parameters: which ena-le the system adjustment. The parameters were divided topically and each topic can -e separately switched on/ off. #.=.1 Correction for chosen injectors
The ta- no % allows to ma8e an adjustment on chosen injector or the group of injectors. The time should -e given in milliseconds. The correction allows to adjust equal time on each injector. #.=.2 -iltration of eHtra injections
The filtration of additional fuel injections. The slider allows to adjust the time of e?tra injections: which will -e omitted -y the calculation of correction for gas injectors. The omission of additional injections eliminates jer8ing during the drive. The optimum value should -e adjusted e?perimentally during the drive. #.=.3 .a0da filter
This filter eliminates jer8ing in ma3da cars =(///,'00(>. It is necessary to adjust minimal time for filter activation: minimal rpm to activate, if jer8ing is from (+00745 adjust lower rpm of a-out '00: and a filtration constant, je larger the constant the greater filtration, this parameter should -e adjusted during the drive and chec8ing the effects. #.=.# Correction from the gas tem!erature
The ta- ena-ling ma8ing own percentage correction of gas mi?ture enrichment depending on the actual gas temperature.
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The ta- ena-ling own percentage correction of gas mi?ture enrichment depending on the actual reducer temperature =water temperature>. #.=.( ,njectors lubrication
fter switching this function: gas injector turn off and petrol injectors turn on after specified period of time ="u-rication repeating time>. #.=.> Enrichment from !ressure sensor
dditional map of ma8ing rich from the differencing pressure. #.=.? Re4olution !arameters
#iltrations of revolutions. ;e should set so as to revolutions. ;here shaved sta-le on the revolution counter. #.=.1: 9etrol injection dri4en by K
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1. Read !arameters, saved parameters reading from the prior driver settings file or copying from the other drivers: files: which were earlier saved. 2. Sa4e !arameters, saving parameters to the file in order to use them later with given car or to copy to the other driver. 3. Recording !arameters, recording of configuration parameters to archive parameters of adjusted cars. Port
1. Autodetect; automatic port detection on computer: to which was connected the interface connecting the driver with computer. 2. CO.1 to CO.3 N the ports: on which the driver was detected. E tras
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O!erating tem!erature range Boltage in!ut range .inimal resistance of gas injector .aHimal rated current ,n Standby curent .easuring of gas !ressure .easuring of gas tem!erature .easuring of reducer tem!erature Communication Com!uter !rocessor Analog channels lambda !robe8 !ressure8 tem!erature" Reading of !etrol injectors
;#:oC K12&oC 1: N 1( B$C 2 1 to (A de!ending on used injectors" 6elo1 1mA $iff Sensor N absolute8 relati4e measurement8 filtered -,R $iff Sensor :8& J .itsubishi :8& J tem!. sensor $iagnostic interface $S9 N 13: .50 Boltage range/ :;1(B8 sam!ling/ 12bits 1::250 9etrol injectors controlled 1ith OgroundM and LKM . 1:: +/10% ;,tAs !ossible to order 4ersion 1ith a different resistance.
P A''E*',O*8 the manufacturer reser4es himself the !ossibility of changes in the !rogram not contained in this instruction.
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)ARRA*'7 1.1 The -asis to use the warranty powers is to have a properly completed warranty -oo8 and the original e?cerpt from the certificate of installation approval. 1.2 The warranty is given -y the plant mounting the installation for the period of6 , , '& months from the date of installation, for electronic partsH (' months from the date of installation, for mechanical parts =reducer: injectors etc.> -ought from "ECCO Ele8troni8a utoga3. 1.3 The manufacturer is not lia-le for defects or damages resulting from faulty installation. 1.4 The repair of faulty installation of parts should -e done within (& days from the date of written notification of failure at the plant: which has mounted it. 1.5 The warranty does not cover materials that have -een damaged as a result of normal operation =filters etc.> 1.6 The manufacturer is not lia-le for damages of installation caused -y contaminated gas fuel. 1.> The loss of warranty cause6 , , , , failure to comply with recommendations and information on the proper operation of the gas installation contained in the Iser 5anual and ;arranty !oo8H violation of seals and regulatory elements of installationH failure to follow the recommended maintenance procedures and the lac8 of their confirmation on the guaranteeH ma8ing individual repairs or adjustment of gas installation. 'he manufacturer is not liable for damages caused by the !oor technical condition of the engine or its com!onents affecting the !ro!er o!eration of the gas installation.
+EC5O Ele8troni8a autoga3 sp j. (),('& !iaQysto8 ul. Den. ndersa '* tel. =0.)> *+) &) 0%H fa?. =0.)> *+) )' %&
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