Analisa Non Linear

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Non-Linear Analysis

1. Linear Vs Non-Linear Analysis

Linear static analysis

A linear static analysis is an analysis where a linear relation holds between applied forces and
displacements. In practice, this is applicable to structural problems where stresses remain in the linear
elastic range of the used material. In a linear static analysis the model’s stiffness matrix is constant, and
the solving process is relatively short compared to a nonlinear analysis on the same model.

Nonlinear analysis

A nonlinear analysis is an analysis where a nonlinear relation holds between applied forces and
displacements. Nonlinear effects can originate from geometrical nonlinearity’s (i.e. large deformations),
material nonlinearity’s (i.e. elasto-plastic material), and contact. These effects result in a stiffness matrix
which is not constant during the load application.

Linear Vs Nonlinear analysis :

 Linear analysis is a case where the Load - Displacement response is linear. That is, the Stiffness
matrix remains a constant throughout the Simulation. There is a Linear relationship between the
applied forces and the response of the system. In addition to the Stiffness matrix being constant, it
is enough if the Stiffness matrix is calculated only once. When the Stiffness matrix keeps on
changing, it gives rise to a Non Linear Simulation. In addition to the stiffness matrix being non -
constant, it has to be calculated multiple times in the course of the non linear analysis.
 Principle of Superposition is possible in Linear analysis and not possible in Non Linear analysis.
 Non Linear analysis is solved by Newton Raphson technique and it requires multiple iterations in
each incrementation to arrive at a converged result. Each Non Linear Iteration is comparable to a
complete Linear analysis in cost.
 You can use a Fixed or Automatic time incrementation scheme for Linear analysis cases. But, you
can only use a Automatic time incrementation scheme for non linear analysis. It is not mandatory
but it is beneficial.

2. Types of Non-Linear Analysis
 Geometry Non-Linear Analysis
 Material Non-Linear Analysis
 Contact/Status Non-Linear Analysis

Geometric Nonlinearity

In analyses involving geometric nonlinearity, changes in geometry as the structure deforms are considered
in formulating the constitutive and equilibrium equations. Many engineering applications such as metal
forming, tire analysis, and medical device analysis require the use of large deformation analysis based on
geometric nonlinearity. Small deformation analysis based on geometric nonlinearity is required for some
applications, like analysis involving cables, arches and shells.

Material Nonlinearity

Material nonlinearity involves the nonlinear behavior of a material based on a current deformation,
deformation history, rate of deformation, temperature, pressure, and so on. Examples of nonlinear
material models are large strain (visco) elasto-plasticity and hyperelasticity (rubber and plastic materials).

Contact Nonlinearity
Nonlinearity means that the Stiffness matrix (K) changes with the solution, that is, it is K a function of
the nodal displacements; as K changes, a new solution must be attained until the thus iterated solution
stops changing within tolerances. Contact nonlinearity occurs when, due to the deformation of one or
more parts in contact (pushing or pulling on other) produces a deformation leading to a change in the
geometry of the part that translates into a change on K or on the forces (action and reaction) between
the parts in contact forcing another iteration on approaching the solution.

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