Who May Practice Law in The Philippines

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Who may practice law in the Philippines?

1. Any person heretofore duly admitted as a member of the

Bar, or hereafter admitted as such in accordance with the
provisions of this rule.
2. One who is in good and regular standing.
*good standing when one has no pending administrative cases before the court or IBP nor
he be disciple by suspension or disbarment,
*regular standing when he is not declared a delinquent member either by IBP for failure
to pay IBP dues, or MCLE office usually due to failure to attend the MCLE programs in
accordance with the MCLE rules.

*after passing the Bar Examinations, one must take the Lawyer’s oath and sign the roll of
attorneys inorder to be a full-pledged lawyer.


1. Must be a citizen of the Philippines.

2. Atleast 21 years of age.
3. Of good moral character.
4. A resident of the Philippines.
5. Must produce before the Supreme Court satisfactory evidence of good moral character.
6. No charges against him, involving moral turpitude, have been filed or are pending in any
court in the Philippines.

Bar examination subjects and schedule:

First Sunday;
1. Political and International Law- 15%
2. Labor and Social Legislation- 10%
Second Sunday;
1. Civil Law- 15%
2. Taxation- 10%
Third Sunday;
1. Mercantile Law- 15%
2. Criminal Law- 10%
Fourth Sunday;
1. Remedial Law- 20%
2. Legal ethics and practical exercises- 5%

Section 26: Change of Attorneys


1. By retirement
-done any time with the consent of the client
-may retire without the consent of client if the court determines that he ought to retire but
with proper notice from the court to the client.
2. By Substitution
-file a notice of withdrawal as counsel with the consent of client, then a notice of
appearance by the new lawyer as counsel and should be duly noted by the court.
-notice of substitution signed by the former lawyer, the new counsel, and the client
stating therein that the new lawyer will take the place of the former counsel to represent
the client in that particular case.
*a client may at any time, with or without valid cause, terminate the services of his
lawyer. However, the lawyer’s rights as to compensation is protected by attorney’s liens
under section 37 of this rule.

Section 27: Grounds for suspension/ disbarment of lawyers

1. Any deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in such office

2. Grossly immoral conduct
3. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude
4. Any violation of the oath he is required to take before admission to practice
5. Wilfull disobedience to any lawful order of a superior court
6. Corruptly or wilful appearance as an attorney for a party without authority to do so
7. Practice of soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either personally or through
agents or brokers.
*These grounds are not exclusive

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