ISO13849 1en PDF
ISO13849 1en PDF
ISO13849 1en PDF
Corresponding to Category 2 to 4
Safety control system
by dual residual pressure release valve
with position detection sensor
SMC Support
Providing B10(d)/MTTF data Providing operational components
We will calculate and provide reliability characteristics We provide validated operational components that can
concerning life and breakdown of individual parts. be used to build safety control systems.
(The customer should convert this to MTTFd.)
Title: Reliability
characteristic data
Product name: Solenoid
Model: SJ2000
Note) Please note that these are not safety parts certified to the safety standard.
The ISO13849-1 safety standard has been extended globally since December 2011.
It is also incorporated into the standards in each country.
As an example, the specific work flow for Europe is explained below.
(Please note that the standards in each country are different – ANSI in America, JIS in Japan, GB in China -
so the work flow will be different in each region.)
(Check of safety control system)
SMC Support
Dual residual pressure release valve Supplying operational
Providing B10(d)/MTTF data
with position detection sensor components
This is a safety system valve. When the position We will calculate and provide reliability We provide validated operational components
detection sensor mounted to the valve detects that one characteristics values concerning life that can be used to build safety control systems.
of the two valves is out of position, the valve can be and breakdown of individual parts.
used with a safety system which vents the protected (The customer should convert this to
system when the position sensor signals a fault. MTTFd.)
Title: Reliability
characteristic data
Product name:
Solenoid valve
Model: SJ2000
Refer to P.3 P.6 P.12 P.14 P.15 Refer to P.13 Refer to P.16 to cover
SMC sales
What is a dual residual pressure release valve with position detection sensor?
Two 3-port valves with switches to check the movement of the main
valve are connected in series, so even if one of them fails to operate,
the other one can safely release the residual pressure! The spool
position switches indicate if one valve has failed to operate and can be
used to prevent the reenergizing of the system until repaired.
SMC can supply products
related to the safety control VP544--X538
Supply of products related to dual residual
pressure release valve with position
detection sensor
ISO13849-1 Q&A
Q 1 What can SMC Sales do for customers in terms
of the ISO13849-1 standard?
Q 5 Ifhowa customer requires the ISO13849-1 standard,
should we respond?
A See the three points below. A Take them the ISO13849-1 pamphlet. Explain about the
services SMC can provide: q dual residual pressure
SMC Support release valve with position detection sensor, w providing
data, e supplying validated operational components.
q Dual residual pressure release valve
with position detection sensor
Two 3- port valves with switches to check the movement of the
Q 6 position
What is a dual residual pressure release valve with
detection sensor?
main valve are connected in series, so even if one of them fails to
operate, the other one can safely release the residual pressure. A It is a residual pressure release valve made to correspond to the
Then, this valve can be used in the safety system where the spool safety standard. Two residual pressure release 3-port valves are
position switches indicate if one valve has failed to operate and can connected in series (AND circuit), so even if one fails to operate,
be used to prevent the reenergizing of the system until repaired. the other one will operate, so residual pressure is released safely.
This is called a redundancy function. Also because it has a sensor
w Providing B10(d)/MTTF data
B10 (cycles to 10% failure)
to confirm the valve operation, the sensor shows whether the valve
We will calculate and provide reliability
is operating correctly and reenergization can be prevented if not.
Title: Reliability
characteristic values concerning characteristic data With a sensor
Product name: Solenoid
estimated life of individual parts. (The valve
customer should convert this to Model: SJ2000
Residual Residual
pressure pressure
release 3-port release 3-port Equipment side
valve valve
e Supplying validated
operational components.
We provide components to
Q 7 The standard is being enforced. Does existing
equipment correspond to the standard?
ensure the safety of the
safety control system. A The standard came into force in December 2011 and new equipment must
Regarding existing equipment, if modification such as equipment change etc. is
Q 2 Explained simply, what kind of standard is
needed to increase the performance, it is necessary to conform to the standard.
So safe components and circuits are used to conform to the standard. Even for
modifications, there will be requirements for dual residual pressure release valve
A It is a standard that ensures that the design and construction of the safety
with position detection sensor, supply of data, and demand for safety equipment.
related part of a machine control system is suitable to protect people from
the hazards of the machine, based on the defined level of risk.
Q 8 The standard mentions “redundancy”. What
does this mean?
Q 3 Who evaluates the required performance level for the equipment? A Redundancy means that even if one part fails, the whole system will fulfill
A The mechanical safety devices of the equipment (system) and the reliability of the equipment
its required function. This is usually achieved by having dual channels of
used should be evaluated.
operation, such as dual valves, dual wiring, dual guard switches etc.
This level is called PL (performance
The dual residual pressure release valve with position detection sensor
level). This is the evaluation criteria
is said to have redundancy because two valves are connected in series,
of the safety level of the equipment.
so even if one valve fails to operate, the other valve will function.
Designer and manufacturer of the
machine has the responsibility for
the evaluation. Q 9 We often hear about “categories” in ISO13849-1.
What does this mean?
Then they have to perform the
evaluation by themselves or they A The categories mentioned in ISO13849-1 are one of the four
may ask a third party organization. elements to determine PL (Performance Level of the actual
The responsibility remains with the safety control system). There are five performance levels
manufacturer. combining the configuration of the safety control system
(hardware) and reliability (life, probability of failure, etc.).
Q 4 What happens after the level classification has been done? There are five Categories: B, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
• Category B, 1 ..Safety function can be accomplished by single channel.
A After the evaluation criteria PLr has been determined, PL
Single failure results in loss of safety function.
is found from the actual safety control system. This PL • Category 2.......Safety function can be accomplished by single
level is compared with PLr and if it is equal or above, it channel and is automatically checked.
conforms to the standard, but if it is less, the measures • Category 3.......It has redundancy so there is no loss of safety
function with a single failure. The safety function must
are insufficient. If the measures are insufficient for the be checked before each use. An accumulation of
level of safety, the end user must introduce or modify undetected faults can cause loss of safety function.
equipment to ensure safety. According to these instruc- • Category 4.......It has redundancy so there is no loss of safety function with a
tions, for example the equipment manufacturer will design single failure. The safety function must be checked before each
use. An accumulation of undetected faults does not affect the
parts and systems to ensure the safety of the equipment. safety function. (Higher DC and MTTFd than Category 3.)
SMC responds to safety standard ISO13849-1.
The globalization of the concept of machine safety by international standards is currently accelerating.
Conforming to international standards (IEC/
ISO standards) is becoming a main condition.
Globalization concerning mechanical safety is accelerating.
(Example: In Europe, the safety requirements of the Machin-
ery Directive are mandatory and ISO13849 can be used to
IEC/ISO standards
ensure compliance with this Directive, and equipment that
does not conform to it cannot be distributed in the EU region.
This safety concept is also being taken up in Japan, so
safety construction done by conforming to international Europe (EN) China (GB)
standards.) America (ANSI)
Japan (JIS)
2 Determining Performance Level (PL)
Size of risk
Category Architecture of safety control system
(configuration of I, L, O)
q The category is composed of I (input equipment),
L (logical operation equipment) and O (output equipment). 3
5 levels
Configuration applicable to Category B and Category 1 Configuration applicable to Category 2 Configuration applicable to Category 3 and Category 4
I : Input equipment (e.g. sensor) m : Monitoring m : Monitoring
L : Logical operation equipment TE : Testing equipment C : Cross monitoring
O : Output equipment (e.g. contactor) OTE : Output of test result
∗ In Category 3, safety function may be lost due to
∗ MTTFd of Category 1 is higher than Category B, ∗ In Category 2, if a fault occurs, it may lead to a accumulation of undetected faults.
so probability of losing safety function is low, but loss of safety function in the interval between ∗ The redundancy of architecture shown in these block diagrams
a fault may lead to loss of safety function. two checks. can mean not just physical meaning but also internal logic
from which the single fault tolerance is confirmed.
The structure of the safety control system depends on the purpose of the
machine, degree of hazard, scale of machinery and operation frequency. SMC offers a full line-up of other
For example if we think of an assembly process, there are differences recommended products related to safety.
depending on the purpose: robot, pick & place, semiautomatic etc. and
the structure of equipment is different.
This classification of basic structure is what is called the Category of the
safety control system.
Medium b — b c c d —
High — c c d d d e
Safety standard ISO13849-1 and role of SMC ………… P.8
1. If risk reduction strategy is based on control Determining Required Performance Level (PLr)
If this risk reduction is based on the control system, the First the Required Performance Level (PLr) is deter-
machine safety of the safety control system is evalu- mined.
ated with ISO13849-1 aiming to reduce the risk. (In the The Required Performance Level (PLr) is evaluated
past, EN954-1 applied to mechanical parts and from Severity of Injury (S), Frequency and/or Exposure
IEC61508 applied to electronic parts.) to Hazard (F) and Possibility of Avoiding Hazard (P).
Selected Note) If injury is serious (S2), exposure to hazard is seldom (F1)
Determine Required Performance Level PLr
safety and it is possible to avoid the hazard (P1), then the PLr is
Design and technical achievement of safety function:
Identify safety-related parts that
perform safety function
Evaluate Performance Level PL, S : Severity of Injury
taking into consideration S1: Slight injury
Category MTTFd S2: Serious injury (after effects, death etc)
If applicable: F : Frequency and/or Exposure to Hazard
software of safety-related parts F1: Seldom or short duration
F2: Often or long duration
Verification of PL of safety function: Is PL ≥ PLr ? P : Possibility of Avoiding Hazard or Limiting Harm
P1: Possible under specific conditions
P2: Impossible
Validation No
Are all requirements satisfied?
(See ISO13849-2)
Were all safety functions analyzed? Possibility of
Frequency avoiding hazard PLr
of hazard
Note) Refer to ISO13849-1.
Severity P1
of injury a
The standard for how to evaluate and reduce the risk of F1
the safety control system in ISO13849-1 is Perfor- P2
mance Level (PL). S1
Performance Level is a common rating scale to quanti-
P1 b
tatively show the definition of probabilistic reliability F2
such as time elements at parts level. The level of risk P2
and corresponding safety control system are compara- P1 c
tively evaluated on a 5 stage scale from “a” to “e”. F1
In order to satisfy Performance Level (PL), it must be S2 P2
designed such that the total value of four parameters P1 d
(1) Category, (2) MTTFd, (3) DCavg and (4) CCF F2
exceeds the Required Performance Level (PLr). P2
Size of risk
Determining Performance Level of actual control system (PL)
Next, the Performance Level (PL) of the actual safety control system is determined with four parameters.
The PL of the actual safety control system level is determined separately from the Required Performance Level PLr.
PL can be determined from a combination of the four parameters (q Category, w MTTFd, e DCavg and r CCF).
(1) Category : Structure of safety control system
(2) MTTFd (B10d) : Mean time to dangerous failure of components
(3) DCavg : Reliability of failure detection of the entire system
(4) CCF : Reliability of the entire system against foreseeable common cause failures
Category Architecture of safety control system
(configuration of I, L, O)
1 The category is composed of I (input equipment), 3
L (logical operation equipment) and O (output equipment). 4
5 levels
CCF ∗ Score from checklist in Annex F is 65 or more. Yes (65 points or more)
4 No (less than 65 points)
For Category 2 and above, CCF is required to be 65 points or more.
2 levels
∗ Refer to the ISO13849-1 standard.
The reliability parameters MTTFd and DCavg are found from mathematical formulae. CCF is found from a checklist.
Using standard values, MTTFd is classified into 3 levels, DCavg into 4 levels, and CCF into 2 levels.
PL is evaluated from these four parameters to find the corresponding PL.
As a result, PL is determined by a combination of these four factors: q Category, w MTTFd, e DCavg and r CCF.
Low a — a b b c —
Medium b — b c c d —
High — c c d d d e
Starting Input equipment Logical operation Output equipment
Actuator m
event SRP/CSi equipment SRP/CSl SRP/CSo
I1 L1 O1
Input signal Output signal
Starting event: Manual operation of push-button, opening of door C
Category B, 1
Outline of requirements of Category
Principles used to MTTFd of DCavg CCF
Category Outline of requirements System behavior
achieve safety each channel (self diagnosis) (common cause failure)
B Use of basic safety principles Failure results in loss of Low to medium
Selection of
Requirements of B + well tried safety function None Not applicable
1 (components + safety principles) (probability is 1<B)
components High
Category 2
Outline of requirements of Category
Principles used to MTTFd of DCavg CCF
Category Outline of requirements System behavior
achieve safety each channel (self diagnosis) (common cause failure)
Combination of requirements of Category Example Wiring Diagram with Safety PLC (Category 2)
Category B 1 2 2 3 3 4
MTTFd of
Recommended valves Emergency stop Air supply
each channel
Single residual pressure push-button switch push-button switch
Low a — a b b c —
Medium b — b c c d — release valve with position S1 S2
High — c c d d d e detection sensor
DCavg None None Low Medium Low Medium High
VP742--X536 )
Specified construction of requirements of Category +24 V + FS-PLC
Output signal
that can correspond (1)
to Category 2.
Category 3, 4
Outline of requirements of Category
Principles used to MTTFd of DCavg CCF
Category Outline of requirements System behavior
achieve safety each channel (self diagnosis) (common cause failure)
. Requirements of B + well tried . Safety function implemented
safety principles when fault generated
. Safety function is not lost with a . All faults are not detected. Low
3 Low to high
. Safety function may be lost by to medium
single fault.
. Single fault can be detected. accumulation of undetected faults.
. Requirements of B + well tried
safety principles . Safety function implemented From construction 65 points or more
. Safety function is not lost with a when fault generated
single fault, . Detection of accumulated
4 and faults increases probability of High High
. Single fault is detected before the next
safety function (high DC).
demand on the safety function. If this is . Faults detected while it is safe
not possible, an accumulation of faults
must not lead to loss of the safety function.
Dual residual pressure release valve with position detection sensor Emergency stop Air supply
push-button switch push-button switch
S1 S2
+24 V + FS-PLC
VP544--X538 −
Specification with interlock
. Individual common wiring possible
Applicable models
Name Series
5 port solenoid valve SV
5 port solenoid valve VQC
Guide cylinders
Type Model Bore size
MLGP ø20 to ø63
Shaft guide MLGC ø20 to ø40
CLK1 ø32 to ø63
4. Detection switches
Mis-operation prevention specification
. Unintentional changes prevented by password input
Sensor/amp integrated type
Name Series
2-color display high precision ZSE30A(F)/ISE30A
digital pressure switch ZSE40A(F)/ISE40A
Compact digital pressure switch ZSE10(F)/ISE10
Revision history
Edition B ∗ Changed from B10 to B10(d).
∗ Example wiring diagram with safety PLC corrected.
∗ Recommended pneumatic equipment products revised.
∗ Number of pages decreased from 24 to 20. UT