Merritt Morning Market 3010 - May 29

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Anti-Itch Cream

Custom mugs
Your photos or art on a mug great gifts!
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
merritt morning
Please recycle

Blacks Pharmacy
$ 10 9

Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808

1951 Garcia St. Merritt, Bc 2037 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC (250) 378-2155

Intl Day of Un PeacekeePers eD. may 29, 2017 #3010

News, opinion, community events & classifieds since 1996! Box 2199 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
T (250)378-5717 F (250)378-2025 [email protected]

Boating ban lifted Community Fresh, homemade

TNRD says that Stump and Nicola Merritt Transit open houses
Your In-Town Full ServIce BuTcher Shop lakes have now experienced a drop in lake In 2016, Merritt council approved ex- Daily specials plus
Top Quality product at competitive prices levels, lessening the level of risk of motor- panded transit services, proposed changes all your favourites
Friendly Knowledgeable Staff ized boats. Users of the lakes are now for implementation in Jan 2018 include w here fri en d s mee t to e at
Special orders welcome! asked to observe a voluntary speed restric- Sunday service, later evening service, a
tion of 10 km/hour and a no-tow protocol. new By Request service, improved bus 210 1 quilc h ena av e. (2 50)378 -033 1
But while the level of safety threat has stops, and additional trips on routes 1 Find us on facebook
dropped, debris hazards still exist in the North End & 4 Lower Nicola. BC Transit
water for boaters. So boaters are asked to is hosting public engagement including an
Farm Blended Topsoil continue to help reduce the impacts of the on-board survey and open-house events.
current flooding situation by using low
Finely Screened speeds and avoiding towing. Signs will be
May 30, at NVIT 9-11am, Downtown Mer-
ritt Transit Exchange 12-2pm, Lower
posted at these lakes to alert users. Nicola Indian Band Office 3:30-5pm &
Bulk sales Art volunteers needed Lower Nicola Community Hall 6:30-8pm.
Residents can also provide feedback
available As part of the NV Community Arts
through a survey available on the buses
Councils Art in the Park program, they
in Merritt until June 15. FMI www.mer-
(250)936-8363 or are adding a second day this year for Art
(250)378-9674 in the Park - Aboriginal Day, on June 21st in
John or Kate Rotary Park, 10am-1pm. Organizers are Scott Woods Twin Fiddle Express
currently looking for artists to participate Merritts favourite fiddle act returns
by providing interactive arts activities for tomorrow, May 30. Scott Woods & his
the community (they will help provide band travel across the country playing
some supplies); by joining them to demon- fundraising concerts churches, charities Merritts
strate your art practice en plein air; or by and community organizations. This event Bicycle &
assisting with set-up or take-down. is a fundraiser for Trinity United Church. Nordic Ski
If youve missed them in the past, this is Shop
Merritts Auto Glass 2001 If you are interested in participating
INC. or volunteering please let Chelsea Wer- a lucky break to catch them this time. And
Specialists run know by June 14th, nicolavalleyarts- if youve seen them, itll be like going
ICBC Claims [email protected] home! Tickets: adults $25, children $10

Thank you!
available at Blacks Pharmacy. The show
Commercial Residential
is at the Civic Centre, 7pm. Repairs Sales
Automotive Industrial The students and teachers of the Love Music program meeting Breathebikes | Facebook Rentals Shuttles Guides
To Dance Academy would like to thank [email protected]
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire) The NV Community Arts Council is 1975 Coutlee Ave., (250) 936-9702
378-4531 the many members of the community, looking for volunteers to work with them (Entrance in the back alley)
who supported the various "New Dance to develop a music program, similiar to the
Studio Floor" fundraisers since Oct 2016. Concert Series of the past. They need vol-
Students are delighted with the new unteers to help select the artists, run the
floor which was installed 2 weeks ago and concerts and assist with all aspects of the
space for your ad
thanks to the owners of the Olde Court- program. A meeting will be held 6:30pm Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
house building, the Love To Dance Acad- on Wed., May 31 at the Community Room [email protected]
emy now has two dance studios - upstairs at City Hall. Everyone is welcome to at-
for the 'soft shoe' dance styles ballet,
tend, RSVP to nicolavalleycommunit-
jazz & latin line dancing and downstairs
[email protected]
for 'hard shoe' dance styles Spanish Fla-
menco and tap. With this more children, Logan Lake Giant Garage Sale
from age 2 yrs and adults up to age 80 , The community of Logan Lake is
can now experience the benefits of dance. holding a Giant Community Garage Sale
We now
have our Follow us online!
Classes in a variety of dance styles, are on Sat., June 3, 9am-4pm. Everyone is e!
ain nam
own dom
available: Dance for relaxation, exercise welcome to partake in this event. Direc-
or to improve sport; dance for competi- tional maps and a list of participants will
tions, performances and exams & dance- be available upon entry into the commu-
art-music combo. Registration for the Fall nity at both gas stations or from various
is on now open with early bird specials. kiosks at the car show. You may also visit
FMI, visit Love To Dance Academy at our website at for a list

Baillie House
the Olde Courthouse, 378-9898 or of participants/map or pick one up at the
[email protected] Municipal Office at #1 Opal Drive.
Power Outage During a recent power outage my PC, Laptop, TV, DVD, IPAD, and a new surround sound
system were all shut down. And my cell phone battery was dead. To make matters worse it was raining
so I couldn't play golf. So I go to the kitchen to make coffee, but the coffee maker requires power, so I
sit down and talked to my wife for a couple of hours. You know, she seems like a nice person.
The Password Is I was in a couples home trying to fix their Internet connection. The husband called Fresh strawberries,
out to his wife in the other room for the computer password. Start with a capital S, then 123, she
shouted back. We tried S123 several times, but it didnt work. So we called the wife in. As she input sliced, ready to eat or
T his Weeks Horoscope
the password, she muttered, I really dont know whats so difficult about typing Start123.

Merritt civic centre

Adults $25 Child $10 $85 for a 30-lb pail
TickeTs: Baillie House Blacks Pharmacy or call Linda 250-378-4528
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer $45 for a 15-lb pail
or by credit card 1-877-726-8896 March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 -
w w w . s c o t t w o o d s . c a - April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22
You may need to be a little care- You want to keep your prom- The more you yearn for some- But while caution is often a ne Pay by June 3
ful. You may even have to sac-
rice speed for accuracy. But
ises, but you may have to
break one. The person who
thing, the more likely you are to thing, hesitancy rarely proves Pick up June 10
appreciate it. Will you still want to be a wise policy. If in doubt
'will you succeed?' Yes! You will, least understands your it once you have got it? It's sen- this week, act as if you're in no
indeed! Oh the places that you'll predicament, is the one you timent, not circumstance that doubt at all.
go! most need to put off. shapes the near future. Order at Baillie House, 2202 Voght St., call 378-0349,
Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio or email [email protected]
July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct. 23 -
Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21
This week, try to remember that We confuse frustrations with Some of your ideas aren't easily
Not good to ght re with re.
leadership comes from commit-
ting yourself to the advance-
suspicion that, something is
very wrong. Then, we set out
understood. Sometimes, peo-
ples rst reaction is incredulity.
Or to stoop to low behaviour,
just because somebody else is Hubb City [email protected]

ment of not just you, but your

companions too. And where
you lead, others will follow.
to solve a problem that didn't
need solving and create un-
necessary drama. Take care.
With patience, there's every
chance you'll win someone over
to your perspective.
acting badly. But, a rule can be
bent, just a little, this week. Outfitters
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 -
space for your ad Dec 21
There comes a time when
Jan 19
You can bring about a small
Feb 18
It's possible that your efforts to
Mar 20
We all want control over our
something holds you back. Un- change for the better this get what you want are falling on own destiny. a situation may Dehydrated Food
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700 fasten yourself from a restric- week, or you can start to to- deaf ears. But don't give up. If seem to be running away with
Survival Kits Survival Rations
[email protected] tion that's no longer necessary, tally transform a big part of you can nd the right way of itself. Perhaps you feel a little
and step forward condently your world. Just a word of ad- phrasing your message, you nervous? Don't! You're doing Emergency Kits First Aid Kits
and boldly into the new. vice: Start with little steps. can be heard and understood. very well with what you've got.
merritt morning market
monDay eDItIon may 29, 2017 #3010
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax (250)378-2025 Email [email protected]
personal aiRflow tailgate $100 378-6925 hdBRd, rails, qu sz bd, sealy matt., tv
98 cheV Lumina gd cond, rns well, stand w/ 21 tv, offers 378-6054
wtd: someone to install gasket on oil well-maintd, clean 378-6767 enteRtainment centre, lots stor.,
pan on 89 Dodge pck-up 378-4007 SafaRi bench seat, GMC 1988 $15. exc cond. $200 525-1333
wtd to hire: Man to weed & cut grass
$15/hr 378-4007
90 foRd F150 free for parts 378-5677
taBle & chair set, another table, china
cabinet, desk 378-9236
Closed Wednesdays
Sml engine mechanic, Jarrett, formerly 4 SummeR tires 215/60R16 50% tread 5-Pc qu sz bd, lk nw $700. Qu sz bed
OfficE SuPPliES (250)378-6882 1951 Garcia St.
of Merritt, now accepting maintenance & $100/all 378-2504 $300. Dbl bd, 5-pc, gd cond $400. 9-pc Come in for our Friday buffet, 4:30-7:30pm
repair work in Kamloops. 250-320-6082. dining tbl & china cabinet,
PrintinG & cOPyinG (250)378-6808 MErritt, Bc 07 cheV Cobalt 2-door coupe (rally yel-
loSt: charm bracelet, May 13 378-7185 low) 5-spd manual $5700obo. 1 ownr, only 611hx53w $500. 3-pc coff. tbl, round
woRK wtd: professional semi-retd 84,520km,good running cond., all main- w/ gls $175. Dining tbl w/ 4 chairs $150. Tel (250)378-8283 1953 Nicola Ave.
general contractor now doing handy man tenance up to date c/w winter tires on rims, Day bed w/ matt $125. Corner 3 lts $40.
here for canadian depot @ASIA services: for carpentry. finishing, incl. 2 tbl lamps, wht $15. 778-358-9930
assist you
2 sets of keys/fobs 315-5118(pls no txts)
crown molding, install doors & windows,
space for your ad
05 cheV Blazer 2-dr 4wd auto $9500 home full of furniture: diningrm tbl
HK Companies Registry / IPO in Listed HK Stock Market
painting/drywall & repairs. laminate obo incl. 15 mos warranty, only 82,500 w/ 4 chairs & hutch, 3-pc sofa, loveseat
flooring, plumbing and ele. repairs, install km / in grt running cond,/ body in good & chair, qu size bed, coff. tbl 2 end ta-
Setup Room/Venue Space/Asia Contact Point kitchens, and baths, build sheds, addi- shape 315-5118(pls no txts) bles, ent. centre 8 w/ shelves, bookshelf,
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
Whatsapp : +852 93493491

@WanChai / Centre of Hong Kong (HK-ASIA) tions, siding repairs,water leaks etc. thom-
07 dodge Caravan trlr hitch installed bdrm suite w/ chiropractic bed w/ motor-
[email protected] 315-6105 ized matt., plus more 315-9486
Lowest as C$99/hr up(C$80/day up) for Venue Space
-closer to Subway: incl. wifi, electricity, water, mgt fee found: very nice little bicycle in the
$150 378-5165 [email protected]
pathway between Eastwood & Boyd cul 07 cheV 2500 diesl crewcab, 4 lift, for sale - electronics/software
-24hr-access with extra fee chipped, nw air cleaner syst., stereo,
-for 25-40pax for lesson, product introd., seminar, share-office de sacs. 378-5645 42 new LED smart tv. 32 tv
130k $26,500 378-5988
-for firm of travel/club/association/sales/admin office setup in Asia need someone to take care of you 778-639-0052
home or small farm during your holi- 94 toyota Camry v6, 2-dr, motor has
INVESTMENT PLAN @HONGKONG ASIA knock, open to offers 280-0125 ShReddeR, cell phones, res. phones,
days? Reliable, honest. Bill 315-3621 answering machines, all the attachments
buy listed companies (shell) dog walking & housesitting 315-1805 00 dodge Intrepid & 00 Windstar van
& then some $600 come and take all
from $2M up (GEM) $1000/both. 315-0063
looKing for owner of a blue Mit- away 280-0875, 604-869-9004
from $10M up (MAIN) subishi gsx eclipse Vin # 423CT64 4 fiReStone tires, 225-50R17 m&s
280-2529 8-tRacK player, record player, cass.
Field: Hotel, Property, Investment, IT, Iron/Metal etc UXMEO90235 Call 525-0379 adapter + 50 German tapes 378-4101
angieS tea leaf Reading. 89 foRd F150 4wd, 5ltr, 5-spd stndard,
comPuteRS & access.: HP Office jet
Type: GO GEM Shell/MAIN Shell/SFC 1,4,9 Shell Anytime, gift certificates avail., will do 200k $2500 378-8317
j4680 printer, all in one, nw/never used.
Inquiry: [email protected] group tea leaf reading. Future, money, fouR 245/65-17 tires $45ea. 378-4315 HP Deskjet 712c, nvr used. 4 scroll
love, relationships, business. 378-8326 03 foRd Windstar mini van 208780 mouses, no name computer. Nexoctech 1675 Tutill Court,Merritt, BC
kms, gd mtr & transmission, gd brakes keyboard, nw in bx. Logitech microsoft
employment opportunity all around, runs well, needs some TLC,

Get on the MMM list small dent hence the asking price $1200
keyboard, nw. Lexmark printer. 2 wire Admission by donation
hiRing servers at Garden Sushi, part speakers. Compac all in one, nw com-
time. Drop resume off in person or email obo 778-220-9176 puter, top of the line, used once. 19x13 Hours: 10:00am - 3:00pm Mon

g email to [email protected] 98SuzuKi Esteem station wagon 4cyl, monitor, used once, all attachments, and 9:00am - 5:00pm Tue to Sat

G ar ag e s ale li s ti n the local ButcheR is looking

for someone fantastic to join our small,
gd mil., gd for towing behind a motor
home, gd cond $2900 378-4572
01 dodge Ram diesel 2500 4x4 ex-
then some, value over $2000, will sell all
for $1200 Judith 280-0875, 604-869-9004 Closed Sun.
happy, and fun team. MUST be friendly, PicK uP free: 27 RCA TV. Debbie Phone 250-378-4145 for appt or tour
energetic, smart, and responsible. Regu- tended cab 350k, new tires, rns great 778-869-3141
$9200 378-8252 [email protected]
lar hrs, 3-4 days/wk w/ flexibility to JVcIR32 col. tv, wrks well $15obo 378-1843
cover addl shifts if necessary. Drop re- 04 Vw Jetta 1.8 turbo, gas, loaded,
sume off at the shop or send electronic leather, must sell $3000obo 378-8188 for sale - recreational
copy [email protected] 04 Pontiac Grand Am, loaded, a/c, 2 PaiRS of kids roller blades: one
Join the Smart Step Youth Assoc. this nw batt./whl bearings, p/w, p/l, very nice blk/red and one blk/blue, ABEC, adjusts 4
summer as the Summer ProgramCoordi- cond. 2 sets tires, mounted. Joe 378-2676 szs 10, 11,12,13. gd cond. $25ea 315-8158
Email us: [email protected] nator. Anticipated position dates Jul 3-Aug
31, 30 hrs/wk, $12/hour. Applicant must be
fouR 16 rims $50. 378-4007
4 new Jeep Cherokee Sport wheels
15 PRowleR Trvl Trlr, exc cond.
$2500 280-0875-604-869-9004
with put me on the garage sale list 15-30 yrs old, have been enrolled full time O.E. fit 2015,16,17 models $200obo Beautiful full set top line mens
in high school or post-secondary in 2016/ John 378-6138 golf clubs, all accessories, even the shoes
in the subject line 17, and be returning f-t to high school or $300 280-0875, 604-869-9004
post-secondary in 2017/2018. To apply, livestock/pets & access.
email cover letter & resume to Marlene 90 tRaVeleze 24 5th whl, clean, q.s.
3 KittenS need to go 280-7474 bed in sep. room, slps 6; fully outfitted;
Jones, [email protected] by Fri., May 26. 2 fRee kittens, immed. Julia 574-3032 full bath w/ shower, needs fridge.
health caRe aide Nicola Meadows 4 fRee kittens, ready to go 378-6025 $3000obo 378-5225
Assisted Living is seeking applications Small cat carrier $10. Enclosed cat lit- 99 KomfoRt 5th whl, 24.6 w/ hitch,
from Certified Care Aids, 2670 Garcia St., ter box $10 378-2458 slide out, nw patio awning, frnt&rear sta- bilizer jcks, exter. shwr, solar panel, 2-dr
Small dog grooming, Peggy 378-
services 0993, 315-9858 frig/frzr, microwave, furn., 3-brnr
dog cRate extra large 32x42x52 stove/ovn, ducted a/c, ceiling fan, am/fm/cd
RV Service, repair 378-6696 $90obo. 378-6699 stereo, skylt/blnd, dinette table & chairs,
eldeRly companion: able to do lt BRnd nw chicken coop, barn style, for sofa bed, TV ant., vry gd cond. C/w dishes,
housekeeping duties, shoppng, meal 10-16 hens 378-2337 cutlery, pots & pans, coffee pot, kettle, tow-
prep., drv to Dr. appts, var. othr appts. els, bedding. $10,000. 378-2458
Valid lvl 3 1st aid, food sale certif., valid fRee: kittens to gd home 378-5529
chicKen coops hand-crafting, made uPRight Rowing exercise machine in
BC drvrs lic., crim. chck avail on request. exc. cond., w/ manual.Folds dwn to save
Fees neg. Shelly 378-5889 to order, many on display 378-2337
space $100obo. NV Vet Clinic 378-6136
JPV enteRPRiSeS: Landscaping 2 BaBy finches & cage $40 250-320-2054
manhattan adult 3-speed trike tri-
(lawn care, hedging, pruning, gardening), PetceteRa hexagon fish tnk w/ stnd, cycle bike champagne 2015,lk nw, exc.
general labour. Licensed, equipped. On light, H20 filter & extras: $25 378-2410 cond. $300, worth $700 250-859-7146.
Facebook. 250 280 7077 aBoVe ground round 15 dia, 4 dp
for sale - miscellaneous
local renovation company specializ- swimming poos, w/ salt pump & pool
ing in full renos, framng, drywall, paintng 2015 Saga scooter w/ sidecar, 150cc, vacuum, nw solar cover (nvr used) $650
& compl. fnshng. Plumbng, electrical & 39km, nw $2600 378-6696 (worth pool $600, pump $250, vacuum
glazing. Icbc insured & registered gst
number. Free estimates & guaranteed,
qual. workmanship. Expanding into
faRm-fresh eggs 378-9236, 280-1384
ScooteR, yellw/blk, 4 brnd nw batt.,
manual $1200 378-0897
$100, cover $50) 378-6329
menS mtn bike Super cycle $65. Mens
10-speed bike, gd shape $80. 280-0875,
Lilac Watch 2017
roofng & concrete formng 525-0087 moVing Sale: kitchn tbl 7-pc set. 3- 604-869-9004
woodyS Tree Services, pruning, top- pc coff. tbl set. lamps, freezer, bbq, cReeKSide travel trlr 31. 2006, 1 lrg
ping, removal, hedges 315-8087 bike, stereo, tv 604-695-0461
slide out, A-1 shape sleeping area sleeps
ceRtified tree faller w/ small wood
chipper, truck & trailer, all the equipment
VegetaBleS, herbs, flowers & more.
2509 Aberdeen, LN, open 8am-4pm.
4 $18500obo 315-0063
12 lund boat, lk nw, fully equipped,
for large & small job 378-6431 280-1251
inVacaRe pegasus scooter, lk nw/ canopy, elect. motor $2500obo. Rem.
dRywall, textured ceiling, painting. boat loader $1800 or $4000/all 378-1860
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 hrdly used $2500obo Leanne 280-1676 hVy duty kitch. chairs, must be dBl wide manufd home: 3-bdrm
goRgeouS dahlia flowers, already 12V Boat loader, 12ft Harbourcraft, strong, w/ wd tbl. Small mesh fencing 2-bth , all appl. incl. on lrg lot in park
gRanny'S House Quilting & Retreat 6hp Evinrude motor, clip on seats, oars
has fabric and sewing notions. 378-3734 started in pots $5 378-1336 378-8326 $89,900, fin. avail. 1-800-361-8111,
the BeaSt Chinook sleepng bag etc. $1800 378-2737,
lawnBoy mower for prts 315-1447
childcare 87x42, gd to -40F/C, nw $250, sell $100. PRowleR 26ft trvl trailer newly 315-1000, plse ask us about other
renod, nw awning/fridge/pump/ floor- any tyPe lumber to build garden
Actioncoest wintr coveralls, sz xl & pr wntr beds, nw or used 378-2778 manufd homes avail.
licenSed childcaRe Family wrk gloves $50. Laptop carry bag, nw $20. ing, varnish on oak, paint, lk nw mi-
Place for children 0 12 years. We will nintendo 64 w/ games or douBle lot, ready to build on,
Outfitters carry all bag $25. 378-6329 crowave, stove, roof top a/c, and more! in rural neighbourhood 280-1017
help complete subsidy paperwork. Open ScooteR/wheelchair lift, elect. $100. must see! value $8000-$10,000 will sell PlayStn 1 w/ games 280-3229
Mon-Sat-. Drop ins welcome. Hours are for $6000 Poss. rent options avail. 315- daRK purple lilac plants 378-0022 wtd: cabin, shack, old house, retired
250-859-7146 or busted grow op, pce of ground
6:00 9:00pm. Located at Railyard Mall. 6105 [email protected] StRawBeRRieS & sweet
2172 Coutlee Ave. FMI 378-4878 fRee-standing umbrella, 8 sq., nw last somewhere in Caribou, no nd for
summr $45 378-6329 Butane stove/case and 4 refills, like rhubarb plants 378-8326 fancy, will pay cash (250)578-8448
for sale - appliances Beautiful 'claw foot' bath tub incl. new $15. RV satellite finder, new $10 any tyPe strawberry or raspberry
378-2458 By owneR: 5-bdrm + den family
all brass access. $1500 280-0875, 604- plants, berry plants 378-2778 home, move-in ready, fenced yard,
BBq, brnd nw, pd $450, side burner, 869-9004 tReadmill, fully loaded $150 firm looKing foR hypnotist, appt
cover, used 1x $225 378-6696 producing fruit trees, nw a/c & hot
tomato plants, many varieties, $1.50 378-8326 your place or mine 378-8326 water tank/appl., nr school, hosp,
nw toaster oven. Nw microwave. ea. 6 or more $1.00 ea. Also some herbs Bicycle carrier rack fits car/pck-up
Sewing machine 778-639-0052 15 -20 ft. lightweight trvl trailer or shopping,immac.$389,900378-3488
and bedding plants. 280-7500 $100 Joe 378-2676 toy-hauler, gd cond. 378-8835
gd Sz fridge, self cleaning range, energy dRum frames, 16 $30 ea. Pat 315-4765 oldeR travel trlr 20, needs some tlc for rent
saving top line front load washer and 4 x 8 red brick, gd cond.378-9586
2 menS work overalls, navy, lk nw, $400 tow it away 936-8047 1 BdRm sten/s, n/p $600 incl. util.
dryer, new, never used bar fridge. $900/all size large $20ea. 525-1333 any Kind of berry plants 378-2778
PicK uP free: 1 Elliptical Exercise unit good used rototiller 378-2889 June 1. 378-2701
280-0875, 604-869-9004 ShoP Rider scooter $2500obo 378-6025 Debbie 778-869-3141
ingliS dryer, gd wrkng ordr $100obo fRee to be hauled away: 16 twin sealed lumBeR 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 8+, 4x8 3-BdRm in 4-plx in Low Nic, grnd
men'S set of lawn bowls c/w carry case sheets plywood or OSB 378-8156 flr, immed, n/p, n/s $1000 378-3708
378-4469 wood framed wndws of var. szs. Must $30. 378-5016
Solid 'Cast Iron' barbecue, nice looking take all, moving away. Lionel 378-6939 dont taKe your grass clippings duPlex lrg 2-bdrm f/s/w/d, n/p n/s
$3000 nw, sell $600. Brnd nw bar fridge Small scooter, red, new batt., exc cond for sale - tools/equipment to the dump. Bag them up & bring 378-8383 June 1
nvr used $125 280-0875, 604-869-9004 $650 378-0820 them to my place 378-2778 2-BdRm bsmt ste, nr Central Schl.
comPlete solar panel + 150 3-tier 3-bdrm house, immed. 525-0240
KenmoRe gas range, exc cond. 5 yrs Set of swings $40 778-358-9930 fence. Paul 378-2337 BRoKen electRonicS: lcd or
old, self-cln $225obo 378-2938, 378-7430 moVing Sale: Inside French doors, dBl wide 2-bdrm, 1 den, 2-bth,
stained pine $150, exc cond text 280-7332 hVy duty hitch w/ eq. bars, pd $500, plasma tvs, computers, laptops, manuf. home fore reitred or semi-
tRade gd working fridge, average size sell $200+ 315-0057 monitors, etc., stereos, amps, rcvrs,
in exchange for strawberries, plum or fRee jostaberry & virginia creeper plnts, spkrs, will pick up & dispose of. retd cpl only w/ sml caretaking on
apple trees. 8326378-8326 concord grape vine clppngs. 378-2410 mtd lawn mower with bag, front wheel Tony 378-6260 priv. prop. 1-800-361-8111
gRanny'S House Quilting & Retreat drive, good condition. $20 378-2458
ingliS wshr & dryer, gd working order
$200/pr 378-4469 has fabric and sewing notions. Nw fabric 1/4 hP submersible water pump 1200 for sale house/property newly renod 2-bdrm units $800/
from Katja's Quilt Shoppe, incl. some gal/hr., used 2 hrs $70 378-6394 mth, 1-bdrm units starting at $650/
fRidge 60x30 $75 778-358-9930 2-BdRm 2-bath detached home,
fabric for Canada's 150th.378-3734 mtl stor. shed 10x12 w/ flr $100 378-6329 adult comm. #20 1901 Maxwell Av- mth. Ht /cbl incl. Rob 936-8243
moVing Sale: Maytag fridge with
ice maker, 33w x 29d x 66h,dishwasher unPaSteuRized raw honey: $40 for maSteRcRaft chop saw, gd shape enue $290,000 378-2444 BacheloR ste. Single, mature
24w x 34h, stainless steel $250 ea. Inglis 8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 $200. Craftsman table saw 10" $100 280- deRegiSteRed mbl Home on adult, n/p, n/s, utilities incl. $500
fridge, white $150 text 250-280-7332 for 1 cup. Locally grown organic garlic, 0875, 604-869-9004 3/4 acres in Lower Nicola. Dead end month. Avail May 1, 378-5580
micRowaVe, dishwasher, fridge & $10/lb. 378-4947 chainlinK gate 58x44 $50 378-0022 Street. Full house inspection avail. to 1-BdRm suite. n/s, n/p $600 incl.
stove, washer & dryer, 525-0240 2-Pc whl chocks. nw $5. Water pipe buyer & wiring is to code. 3 bdrms, util. May 1 378-2701
for sale - furniture freeze electrical cord, lk nw $15 378-2458 crprt, nw patio, stor. rm. $165,000 for 1-BdRm for 1 n/s adult only, n/p, ht
KenmoRe dryer $100 315-3334
new dining tbl, 2 nw leather bar stools, flat deck & elect. dump trailer rentals quick sale. Only 20% dwn & early & cbl incl $600, refs reqd 378-2954
lRg laundromat coin-op gas dryer,
works well. Joe 378-2676 coff. tbl, nw. 4 nw dining chairs. tv stand. $100/day Bal 378-6332, 778-240-3721 poss. avail. Call to view 378-7471 fuRnd room, enste bath, 11k west
Nw office leather chair 778-639-0052 Sml rototiller,nw bought at Canadian 6-BdRm house, 3 up, 3 down, 4 of Merr. country setting 378-4476
for sale - automotive dining Rm set: table w/ leaf, 8 match- tire $500 + tx, sell $400. 250-870-1244 baths, dbl gar., quiet area $379,900 2-BdRm hse. 4-BdRm, upstairs w/ 1-
08 mazda3 Limited, 145k, call/txt ing chairs & china cabinet w/ glass doors mBl home hitch $200obo 378-9586 778-358-9930 bdrm bsmt ste. 378-6332, 778 240-3721
936-9580 & 2 drwrs, exc. shape $800obo. Side wood stove, airtight, gd for cabin, gar., mBl home in LN mbl home park, low. nic. upstairsste in 4-plxfor
board w/ built-in wine rack, 2 drs & 2 house. $300obo 315-8087 2-bdrm, 1-bth. 816sq.ft. Backs onto sngl wrkng prsn, 1 bdrm + den,
93 dodge Caravan cargo, prop., BC- drwrs, exc shape $150 378-5511
insured, rns $400 txt/call 250-408-4016 4 fluoReScent light assembly w/ farmland. Updated interior, newer f/s/no lndry, n/s, n/p, n/drgs, n/par-
temPRa-pedic bed, electric, vry nw, new bulbs $40. joe 378-2676 metal roof. Garden area, new shed. 1 ties, $700 + $350 sec. dep. 378-3748
01 Pontiac Montana $700obo Mark $400, worth $4000 250-859-7146
280-2529 lRg homemade wood lathe, spin 17-1/2 sm. pet ok. Pad rent $373. Can email 2-BdRm bsmt n/s, n/p 378-6038,
qu-sz bd & frame & hdbrd, drssr w/ inches x 40+ long. 3/4 HP motor & photos. $40,000 378-3919 778-639-0244
03 Pt cRuiSeR, 2 sets tires 1 set nw, mirr., nt tbl $125 378-6329
mileage 137,000 $1500obo Pat 315-4765 some accessories. Text 378-7695
Vintage Vilas (Canada) solid maple laRge shop sandblaster $850, gd com-
4x tubeless radial MotorMaster tires, furniture, colonial style, grt cond.: Buffet
see more pictures online
P215/75R15, rims incl. exc. shape $360. plete unit. Joe 378-2676
& hutch $250. Dining room table w/ 4 tandem 8000 lb. axle 20'0"x8'6" flat
4x Dunlop steel belted radials P205- chairs & 2 ext. leaves $100 378-0216
65R15 $180. 280-0875, 604-869-9004 deck trailer as is $5000obo, w/ new tires
dining table and chairs great shape and wiring $7000 378-5889
tiReS: p225/50R17 FR710, nw cond, $200obo, Pat 315-4765
offers 280-2529 2 caBinetS w/ glass door & 2 drawers wanted/wanted to buy
tRucK canopy for longbox, exc cond 5hx16d $50 315-0057 2 ac land, prefer cheap, prefer Hwy 8
$400obo 378-5528 Banana leaf chairs $150/pr, height 42", 280-7474
92 JeeP yJ, 6-cyl inline motor, 250k, 18.5" to seat, seat 19" across 315-5118 fRee foR Re-uSe: flwr, bedding
all working $3900obo 525-1212 in LN duSty RoSe chstrfld $150 378-2275 [multi-cell] & bskt stuffer pots. 378-6289
04 cheV Malibu, gd cond, loaded, 936-8297 diningRm set: hutch & buffet, tbl & 6 heaRing aid for senior w/ dementia.
4 235/80R16 trailer tires 10-ply 378-2483 chairs $400obo. Bdrm suite: q bd, 2 nt If you have one sitting around you would
89 SuBuRBan, rns gd, $1000 378-4007 stands, drssr w/ mirr., chest of drwrs 2 yrs like to donate it would be greatly appre-
4 uSed tires 265/70R16 $140 378-4572 old, pd $2600 sell $1500obo. 378-3648 ciated 250-572-3329
Send us yours if youd like
Send u s your classified s... Voicemail (250)378-5717, Email [email protected] us to consider posting them!
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