Merritt Morning Market 3010 - May 29
Merritt Morning Market 3010 - May 29
Merritt Morning Market 3010 - May 29
Anti-Itch Cream
Custom mugs
Your photos or art on a mug great gifts!
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
merritt morning
Please recycle
Blacks Pharmacy
$ 10 9
Thank you!
available at Blacks Pharmacy. The show
Commercial Residential
is at the Civic Centre, 7pm. Repairs Sales
Automotive Industrial The students and teachers of the Love Music program meeting Breathebikes | Facebook Rentals Shuttles Guides
To Dance Academy would like to thank [email protected]
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire) The NV Community Arts Council is 1975 Coutlee Ave., (250) 936-9702
378-4531 the many members of the community, looking for volunteers to work with them (Entrance in the back alley)
who supported the various "New Dance to develop a music program, similiar to the
Studio Floor" fundraisers since Oct 2016. Concert Series of the past. They need vol-
Students are delighted with the new unteers to help select the artists, run the
floor which was installed 2 weeks ago and concerts and assist with all aspects of the
space for your ad
thanks to the owners of the Olde Court- program. A meeting will be held 6:30pm Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
house building, the Love To Dance Acad- on Wed., May 31 at the Community Room [email protected]
emy now has two dance studios - upstairs at City Hall. Everyone is welcome to at-
for the 'soft shoe' dance styles ballet,
tend, RSVP to nicolavalleycommunit-
jazz & latin line dancing and downstairs
[email protected]
for 'hard shoe' dance styles Spanish Fla-
menco and tap. With this more children, Logan Lake Giant Garage Sale
from age 2 yrs and adults up to age 80 , The community of Logan Lake is
can now experience the benefits of dance. holding a Giant Community Garage Sale
We now
have our Follow us online!
Classes in a variety of dance styles, are on Sat., June 3, 9am-4pm. Everyone is e!
ain nam
own dom
available: Dance for relaxation, exercise welcome to partake in this event. Direc-
or to improve sport; dance for competi- tional maps and a list of participants will
tions, performances and exams & dance- be available upon entry into the commu-
art-music combo. Registration for the Fall nity at both gas stations or from various
is on now open with early bird specials. kiosks at the car show. You may also visit
FMI, visit Love To Dance Academy at our website at for a list
Baillie House
the Olde Courthouse, 378-9898 or of participants/map or pick one up at the
[email protected] Municipal Office at #1 Opal Drive.
Power Outage During a recent power outage my PC, Laptop, TV, DVD, IPAD, and a new surround sound
system were all shut down. And my cell phone battery was dead. To make matters worse it was raining
so I couldn't play golf. So I go to the kitchen to make coffee, but the coffee maker requires power, so I
sit down and talked to my wife for a couple of hours. You know, she seems like a nice person.
The Password Is I was in a couples home trying to fix their Internet connection. The husband called Fresh strawberries,
out to his wife in the other room for the computer password. Start with a capital S, then 123, she
shouted back. We tried S123 several times, but it didnt work. So we called the wife in. As she input sliced, ready to eat or
T his Weeks Horoscope
the password, she muttered, I really dont know whats so difficult about typing Start123.
@WanChai / Centre of Hong Kong (HK-ASIA) tions, siding repairs,water leaks etc. thom-
07 dodge Caravan trlr hitch installed bdrm suite w/ chiropractic bed w/ motor-
[email protected] 315-6105 ized matt., plus more 315-9486
Lowest as C$99/hr up(C$80/day up) for Venue Space
-closer to Subway: incl. wifi, electricity, water, mgt fee found: very nice little bicycle in the
$150 378-5165 [email protected]
pathway between Eastwood & Boyd cul 07 cheV 2500 diesl crewcab, 4 lift, for sale - electronics/software
-24hr-access with extra fee chipped, nw air cleaner syst., stereo,
-for 25-40pax for lesson, product introd., seminar, share-office de sacs. 378-5645 42 new LED smart tv. 32 tv
130k $26,500 378-5988
-for firm of travel/club/association/sales/admin office setup in Asia need someone to take care of you 778-639-0052
home or small farm during your holi- 94 toyota Camry v6, 2-dr, motor has
INVESTMENT PLAN @HONGKONG ASIA knock, open to offers 280-0125 ShReddeR, cell phones, res. phones,
days? Reliable, honest. Bill 315-3621 answering machines, all the attachments
buy listed companies (shell) dog walking & housesitting 315-1805 00 dodge Intrepid & 00 Windstar van
& then some $600 come and take all
from $2M up (GEM) $1000/both. 315-0063
looKing for owner of a blue Mit- away 280-0875, 604-869-9004
from $10M up (MAIN) subishi gsx eclipse Vin # 423CT64 4 fiReStone tires, 225-50R17 m&s
280-2529 8-tRacK player, record player, cass.
Field: Hotel, Property, Investment, IT, Iron/Metal etc UXMEO90235 Call 525-0379 adapter + 50 German tapes 378-4101
angieS tea leaf Reading. 89 foRd F150 4wd, 5ltr, 5-spd stndard,
comPuteRS & access.: HP Office jet
Type: GO GEM Shell/MAIN Shell/SFC 1,4,9 Shell Anytime, gift certificates avail., will do 200k $2500 378-8317
j4680 printer, all in one, nw/never used.
Inquiry: [email protected] group tea leaf reading. Future, money, fouR 245/65-17 tires $45ea. 378-4315 HP Deskjet 712c, nvr used. 4 scroll
love, relationships, business. 378-8326 03 foRd Windstar mini van 208780 mouses, no name computer. Nexoctech 1675 Tutill Court,Merritt, BC
kms, gd mtr & transmission, gd brakes keyboard, nw in bx. Logitech microsoft
employment opportunity all around, runs well, needs some TLC,
Get on the MMM list small dent hence the asking price $1200
keyboard, nw. Lexmark printer. 2 wire Admission by donation
hiRing servers at Garden Sushi, part speakers. Compac all in one, nw com-
time. Drop resume off in person or email obo 778-220-9176 puter, top of the line, used once. 19x13 Hours: 10:00am - 3:00pm Mon
g email to [email protected] 98SuzuKi Esteem station wagon 4cyl, monitor, used once, all attachments, and 9:00am - 5:00pm Tue to Sat