Muscle of The Gluteal Region

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*the predominant root supply is indicated by boldface type



Muscle origin insertion nerve supply nerve roots action

Gluteus outer surface of ilium, sacrum, iliotibial tract and gluteal inf gluteal nerve L5; S1,2 extends and laterally rotates hip
maximus coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament tuberosity of femur joint;
through iliotibial tract, it extends
knee joint
Gluteus outer suface of ilium lateral surface of greater sup gluteal nerve L5; S1 abducts thigh;
medius trochanter of femur the ant fibres medly rot thigh;
tilts pelvis when walking to permit
Gluteus outer suface of ilitum ant surface of greater sup gluteal nerve L5; S1
opposite leg to clear ground
minimus trochanter of femur
Tensor fascia Iliac crest, ASIS iliotibial tract (which sup gluteal nerve L4, 5 Abd, med rotation hip joint;
latae (ant of attaches to the lat condyle assists gluteal maximus in
thigh) of tibia) extending the knee joint (stabilize);
acts with iliopsoas for flex of thigh

Deep (all deep gluteal-> lat rotator of hip)

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Nerve roots Action
Piriformis ant surface of sacrum 1st n 2nd sacral nerves L5; S1,2
Obturator internus inner surface of obturator
upper border of greater L5; S1
trochanter of femur Lat rotator of thigh
Gemellus superior spine of ischium sacral plexus
Gemellus inferior Ischial tuberosity L5; S1
Quadratus femoris Lat border of ischial tuberosity Quadrate tubercle of femur

Inguinal lig stretches across the ASIS to the pubic tubercle


Flexors of the hip joint

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Nerve Action

Sartorius Ant sup iliac spine (ASIS) Upper med surface of shaft L2,3 Flexes hip n knee jt
of tibia abd, lat rot thigh
Femoral nerve med rotates leg
Iliacus iliopsoas Iliac fossa of hip bone With psoas into lesser L2,3 Flexes thigh on trunk;
trochanter of femur if thigh is flexed, it flexes the trunk on
Psoas Tranverse processes, bodies With iliacus into lesser Lumbar plexus L1,2, the thigh as in sitting up from lying down.
major and IVD of the T12-L5 trochanter of femur 3
Pectineus Sup ramus of pubis Upper end of linear aspera Femoral nerve L2,3 Flex and add thigh
Quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris n 3 vasti)- as a knee joint stabilizer
Rectus femoris Straight head:
Ant sup iliac spine/ ASIS Ext of leg;
Reflected head: ilium above Aids iliopsoas flex thigh
acetabulum Quadriceps tendon into
Femoral nerve
Vastus lateralis Lat lip of lin asp base of patella then via Ext of leg
(nerve for the
ligamentum patellae into L2,3,4
Vastus medialis Med lip of lin asp ant Ext of leg;
tubercle of tibia
compartmt) Stabilizes patella
Vastus intermedius Ant and lat surfaces of shaft Ext of leg;
of femur Articularis genus retracts synovial

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
Gracilis Body and inf ramus of pubis @pubic L2,3 Add thigh;
Upper part of med side
rami Flex leg
of tibia
Helps rot thigh medly
Obturator nerve
Adductor longus Body of pubis, med to pubic tubercle Middle third of lin asp Add thigh n assists in
Adductor brevis Inf ramus of pubis L2,3,4 lat rot
Prox lin asp flex thigh
Adductor Add part: Inf ramus of pubis, ramus of Add: lower part of lin Add - obturator nerve L2,3,4 Add thigh and assists
magnus ischium aspera Hamstring - tibial part of in lat rot
Hamstring part: ischial tuberosity Hamstring: adductor sciatic nerve Add part:flex thigh
tubercle of femur Hamstring: ext thigh
Obturator Outer surface of obturator membrane Obturator nerve L3,4 Latly rot hip
Med surface of greater
externus and pubic and ischial rami Steadies femoral head
in acetabulum

Bounded laterally by the medial border of Sartorius, medially by the medial aspect of add longus, the base is formed by inguinal lig, the apex is the point
where sartorius n add longus meet. Content are femoral artery and femoral vein. Pectineus is medial aspect of floor. Iliopsoas form lat aspect of floor.
Upper 4 cm of vein n artery is in femoral sheath. Femoral sheath>medial-inguinal lymph node, intermediate-femoral vein, lateral-femoral artery…femoral
nerve is outside the sheath n most lateral

Sup branches of femoral artery- sup external pudendal, sup epigastric, sup circumflex(more lateral)

Deep branches- profunda femoris

Add canal- bounded by anteriorly vastus medialis, posteriorly by add longus n magnus

Ischial tuberosity-biceps, add magnus, semiT n semiM. Part which is in contact with the stool when sitting on the stool

Tibial part of sciatic nerve is under the cover of gluteus maximus. Coming out under the cover of piriformis

One of its division is- Common peroneal nerve at the lateral aspect near the neck of the fibula>deep n sup; deep=anterior muscles(extensor)

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Nerve Action

Biceps femoris Long head: ischial tuberosity Lat side of head Long head; tibial portion of sciatic L5; Flex n lat rot leg:
Short head: lin asp, lat of fibula nerve S1,2 Long head also ext
supracondylar ridge of shaft of Short head: common peroneal portion thigh
femur of sciatic nerve
Semitendinosus(the Upper part of
tendon part is very med surface of
prominent) shaft of tibia L5; Flex n med rot leg
Semimembranosus(th Post part of med S1,2 Ext thigh
Ischial tuberosity Tibial portion of sciatic nerve
e muscle is fleshy n condyle of tibia
Adductor magnus Adductor
(hamstring portion) tubercle of femur L2,3,4 Ext thigh


Iliopsoas Adductor longus Obturator internus Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Gluteus medius
Pectineus Adductor brevis Obturator externus Semitendinosus Gluteus minimus Gluteus minimus
Rectus femoris(aids iliopsoas) Adductor magnus Gemellus superior Semimembranosus Tensor fascia lata Tensor fascia lata
Sartorius Pectineus Gemellus inferior Biceps femoris (long head) Sartorius
Tensor fascia lata Gracilis Quadrates femoris Adductor magnus (post part)
Adductor longus, brevis Obturator externus Piriformis
Adductor magnus(ant part) Gluteus maximus
*bolded fonts-referred from lec notes normal font-Moore clinical anatomy

Popliteal fossa bounded by

Superior: medial aspect-semiT n semiM lat aspect- biceps femoris

Inferior: two heads of gastrocnemius

Contents: tibial nerve, popliteal vein(most sup), popliteal artery(deepest)

Floor is the popliteus(unlocker)


Nerve Nerve
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
supply roots
Lat surface of shaft of dorsiflex;
Med cuneiform and base of first
Tibialis anterior tibia and interosseous L4,5 Inverts foot;
metatarsal bone
membrane Holds up med longitudinal arch of foot
Extensor digitorum Ext toes;
Extensor expansion of lat four toes
longus dorsiflex
Deep dorsiflex;
Peroneus tertius Ant surface of shaft of Base of 5th metatarsal bone peronea L5; S1 Everts foot
l nerve Ext big toe;
Extensor hallucis
Base of distal phalanx of great toe dorsiflex;
Invert foot
By 4 tendons into the proximal phalanx
Extensor digitorum
Calcaneum of big toe and long extensor tendons to S1,2 Ext toes
2nd, 3rd n 4th toes

Nerve Nerve
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
supply roots
Plantar flex;
Base of 1st metatarsal
Peroneus longus Evert foot;
n med cuneiform Sup
Supports lat longitudinal n transverse arches
Lat surface of shaft of fibula peronea L5; S1,2
Plantar flex;
Base of 5th metatarsal l nerve
Peroneus brevis Evert foot;
Supports lat longitudinal arch


Nerve Nerve
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
supply roots
Gastrocnemiu Lat head: lat condyle of femur Via tendocalcaneus into
s med head: above med condyle post surface of calcaneum
Plantaris a.k.a
fool’s Plantar flex;
nerve(very Lat supracondylar ridge of Flex knee jt
Post surface of calcaneum Tibial
few flesh with femur nerve
Together with gastrocnemius and plantaris is the
Via tendocalcaneus into
Soleus Shafts of tibia and fibula S1,2 powerful plantar flexor;
post surface of calcaneum
Provides main propulsive force in walking and running
Tendocalconeus-tendons of the calf muscles(soleus, plantaris, gastrocnemius)

Nerve Nerve
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
supply roots
Flex leg ;
Lat surface of lat condyle of Post surface of shaft of
Popliteus L4,5; S1 Unlocks knee jt by lat rot of femur on
femur tibia above soleal line
tibia and slackens lig of jt
Flexor Flex distal phalanges of lat 4 toes;
Bases of distal
digitorum Plantar flex;
phalanges of lat 4 toes
longus Tibial Supports med and lat longitudinal arches
Post surface of shaft of tibia S2,3
nerve Flex distal phalanx of big toe;
Flexor hallucis Base of distal phalanx of
Plantar flex;
longus big toe
Support med longitudinal arch
Post surface of shafts of Tuberosity of navicular Plantar flex;
tibia and fibula and bone and other L4,5 Inverts foot
interosseous membrane neighbouring bones Support med longitudinal arch

Structure related to medial malleolus(from the fore backwards, tom did a very nice hat)

The most anterior


First layer
Nerve Nerve
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
supply roots
Med tuberosity of calcaneum Med S2,3 Flex and abd big toe;
Abductor hallucis Base of proximal phalanx of big toe plantar
and flexor retinaculum Braces med longitudinal arch
Flexor digitorum Med tubercle of calcaneum 4 tendons to 4 lat toes-inserted into nerve Flex lat 4 toes;
brevis (FDB) borders of middle phalanx; Braces both longitudinal arches
tendons perforated by those of FDL
Abductor digiti Med and lat tubercles of Lat plantar Flex n abd 5th toe;
Base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe
minimi calcaneum nerve Braces longitudinal arch

Second layer
Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
Quadratus Med and lat side
Tendon of FDL Lat plantar nerve Assists FDL in flex lat 4 toes
plantae of calcaneum
Dorsal extensor expansion; S2,3
1st lumbrical- med plantar nerve;
Lumbricals (4) Tendons of FDL base of proximal phalanges Ext toes at interphalangeal jt
Remainder- lat plantar nerve
of lat 4 toes
Flexor Flex distal phalanges of lat 4 toes;
Bases of distal phalanges of
digitorum Plantar flex;
lat 4 toes
longus tendon Post surface of Supports both longitudinal arches
Tibial nerve S2,3
shaft of fibula Flex distal phalanx of big toe;
Flexor hallucis Base of distal phalanx of big
Plantar flex;
longus tendon toe
Support med longitudinal arch

Third layer
Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
Med tendon into med side of S2,3
Flexor hallucis Cuboid, lat cuneiform, tibialis base of prox phalanx of big toe; Med plantar Flex metatarsophalangeal jt of big toe;
brevis (FHB) posterior insertion Lat tendon into lat side of base of nerve Support med longitudinal arch
prox phalanx of big toe
Adductor Oblique head bases of 2nd, 3rd Lat side of base of proximal Deep branch Flex metatarsophalangeal jt of big toe;
hallucis and 4th metatarsal bones; phalanx of big toe lat plantar Holds together metatarsal bones
transverse head from plantar lig nerve
Flexor digiti Lat side of base of proximal Lat plantar
Base of 5th metatarsal bone Flex metatarsophalangeal jt of little toe
minimi brevis phalanx of little toe nerve

Fourth layer
Nerve Nerve
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
supply roots
Bases of proximal phalanges- first
Abd of toes;
Dorsal Adjacent sides of med side of 2nd toe;
Flex metatarsophalangeal jt
(4) metatarsal bones remainder: lat side of digit 2,3,4-
Interosse Lat plantar Ext interphalangeal jt
also dorsal extensor expansion S2,3
i (4+3) nerve
Abd of toes;
Plantar Inf surface of 3rd, 4th and Med side of bases of proximal
flex metatarsophalangeal jt;
(3) 5th metatarsal bone phalanges of lat 3 toes
ext interphalangeal jt
Sup Plantar flex;
Peroneus longus Lat surface of shaft of Base of 1st metatarsal and the L5;
peroneal Foot eversion;
tendon fibula med cuneiform S1,2
nerve Supports transverse and lat longit arches
Post surface of shafts of Plantar flex;
Tibialis posterior Tuberosity of navicular bone and Tibial
tibia and fibula and L4,5 Inverts foot
tendon other neighbouring bones nerve
interosseous membrane Support med longitudinal arch


Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Nerve roots Action

Pectoralis 2/3 convexity of med Lat lip of bicipital Med and lat pectoral nerve C5,6,7,8; Add arm and medly rot it;
major aspect of clavicle,lat groove(intertubercular from brachial plexus T1 Clavicular fibres also flex arm
side of sternum and surface) of humerus
upper 6 costal cartilages
Pectoralis 3rd, 4th, 5th ribs Coracoid process of Med and lat? pectoral nerve C6,7,8 Depresses point of shoulder;
minor scapula from brachial plexus If scapula is fixed, elevates the ribs of
Subclavius First costal cartilage Clavicle Nerve to subclavius from C5,6 Depresses the clavicle and steadies it
upper trunk to brachial during movements of shoulder girdle
Serratus Upper 8 ribs Med border and inf Long thoracic nerve C5,6,7 Draws the scapula forward around the
anterior angle of scapula thoracic wall;
Rotates scapula

Axillary artery divided by pectoralis minor into 3 parts> 1 st=prox, has one branch; 2nd=posterior, has 2 branches; 3rd=distal, gives 3 branches
Diff cords of brachial plexus are named with respect to the axillary artery
Median nerve has two roots from lat n med cord each
Ulnar nerve going behind the medial epicondyle where it goes to the post aspect
Lat cord (3branches)> musculocutaneous, lat root of median nerve, lat pectoral nerve; piercing the coracobrachialis is the musculocutaneous nerve
Med cord (5 branches-4 AM and ulnar)> medial pectoral, med cutaneous nerve of the arm and forearm, ulnar nerve
Post cord (2 branches)> axillary nerve and radial nerve


Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Nerve roots Action

Abd arm;
Ant lat 1/3 of clavicle in concavity, Middle of lat surface of
Deltoid Axillary nerve C5,6 Ant fibres flex and medly rot arm;
acromion, spine of scapula shaft of humerus
Post fibres ext n lat rot arm
Lesser tuberosity of Upper and lower Medly rot arm;
Subscapularis Subscapular fossa C5,6,7
humerus subscapular n. Stabilizes shoulder jt
Supraspinatu Greater tuberosity of Abd arm
Suprasinous fossa of scapula Supracscapular C4,5,6
s humerus; Stabilizes shoulder jt
Infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa of scapula Capsule of shoulder jt Lat rot arm;
Teres minor Upper two thirds of lat border of scapula Axillary nerve Stabilize shoulder jt
Lower Medly rot arm;
Med lip of bicipital
Teres major Lower third of lat border of scapula subscapular C6,7 Add arm;
groove of humerus
nerve Stabilizes shoulder jt

Between the teres minor, teres major, long head of triceps= triangular space -circumflex scapular vessel

Between teres minor, teres major, long head of triceps, laterally bounded by humerus= quadrangular space- axillary nerve around the surgical neck

Axillary nerve at the upper part of deltoid n wind surgical neck of humerus

-accompanied by post circumflex humeral vessel

Radial nerve running down obliquely across the humerus in the radial spiral groove and along with it is the profunda brachial artery; below is the medial
head of triceps n above it is the lat head

Clavicle- the only- long bone placed horizontally, has 2 primary ossification centres, bone pierced by the nerve(intermediate supraclavicular nerve)

more rounded med 2/3 is convex; more tapered lat 1/3 is concave

-inferior part has coroid tubercle n subclavian groove

Humerus- 2 necks(surgical and anatomical)


Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Nerve roots Action

Spinal part of
Upper fibres into post Upper fibers elevate the scapula;
accessory nerve X1 cranial
Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, aspect of lat 1/3 of clavicle; Middle fibres pull scapula medly;
Trapezius (motor) and nerve
Spine of C7 and T1-12 Middle n lower fibres into Lower fibres pull med border of
C3 and C4 (spinal part)
acromion n spine of scapula scapula downward
Iliac crest, lumbar fascia, spine of T7-
Latissimus Floor of bicipital groove of Thoracodorsal
12, lower 3 or 4 ribs, and inf angle of C6,7,8 Ext, add n medly rot arm
dorsi humerus nerve
Levator Med border of scapula C3,4 and dorsal
Transverse processes of C1-4 C3,4,5 Raises med border of scapula
scapulae (levator scapulae is from scapular nerve
Rhomboid Ligamentum nuchae and spines of the upper part of the med
minor C7 and T1 border until the root of the
spine; rhomboid < is at the Dorsal scapular Raise med border of scapula
Rhomboid opposite of root of the nerve upward n medly
T2-5 spines spine of scapula n rhomboid
> is below it)


Anterior compartment

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Nerve roots Action

Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Tuberosity of radius and Sup forearm;
Biceps head
bicipital aponeurosis into C5,6 Flex of elbow jt;
brachii Short
Tip of coracoid process of scapula deep fascia of forearm Weak flex of shoulder jt
Coracobrachiali Med aspect of shaft of Flex arm
Tip of coracoid process of scapula nerve C5,6,7
s humerus Weak add

Brachialis Front of lower half of humerus Coracoid process of ulna C5,6 Flex of elbow jt

Along with the coracobrachialis is the short head of the biceps

At the attachment portion of the biceps there is tendineous flattening known as bicipital apoeurosis(supports the medial cubital vein from being disturbed
while the needle is thrusted inside the vein

Posterior compartment

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Nerve roots Action

Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula

Tricep Lat Upper half of post surface of shaft

Olecranon process of ulna Radial nerve C6,7,8 Ext of elbow jt
s head of humerus(above radial groove)

Med Lower half of post surface of shaft

head of humerus (below radial groove)


Cubital fossa bounded by pronator teres, brachioradialis and line joining the 2 epicondyles is the base. Floor is the supinator muscle

Contents= radial nerve, median nerve, brachial artery(is used to measure BP)-the division of brachial artery into ulnar and radial artery is at the neck of the
radius, bicipital aponeurosis, medial cubital vein

The axillary artery changes its name to brachial artery below the border of the teres major

Median nerve runs between the 2 heads of pronator teres…(gives rise to ‘pronator teres syndrome’ when the median nerve at this region is compressed)

Medial epicondyle marks the origin of all flexor muscles(5 sup and 3 deep)
1st layer (superficial)

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
Med epicondyle of humerus
Pronato head Lat aspect of shaft of
Pron and flex of forearm
r teres Ulnar Med border of coronoid process radius
head of ulna C6,7

Bases of 2nd and 3rd Median nerve

Flexor carpi radialis Flex and abd hand at wrist jt
metacarpal bones

Palmaris longus Med epicondyle of humerus

(continues as the Flexor retinaculum and Flex hand;
palmar palmar aponeurosis (apex)
Flexor Med epicondyle of humerus Pisiform bone, hook of
carpi hamate, base of 5th Ulnar nerve C8, T1 Flex and add hand
Ulnar Med aspect of olecranon process
ulnaris metacarpal bone
head and posterior border of ulna

2nd layer (intermediate)

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
Med epicondyle of humerus;
Flexor Humeroulna
Med border of coronoid process Flex middle phalanx fingers;
digitorum r head Middle phalanx of med 4
of ulna Median nerve C7,8; T1 Assists in flex proximal phalanx
superficiali fingers
Oblique line of ant surface of and hand
s Radial head
shaft of radius
3rd layer (deep)

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action

Fixes distal phalanx of thumb
Flexor pollicis longus Ant surface of shaft of radius Distal phalanx of thumb at IPJ
branch of
Pron arm?
median nerve
Ulnar nerve
Flex distal phalanx of fingers;
Anteromedial surface of shaft of Distal phalanges of med (med half)
Flexor digitorum profundus C8; T1 Assists in flex of middle n
ulna 4 fingers Median nerve
proximal phalanges and wrist
(lat half)
Pronator quadratus Ant surface of shaft of interosseous
Ant surface of shaft of ulna Pron forearm
(band-like muscle) radius branch of
median nerve

Radial (thumb) and ulnar (little finger) bursae have continuation with space of perona(space of the forearm)

Flexor retinaculum(FR)

Median nerve is located deep in the FR>compression is called carpal tunnel syndrome

Ulnar nerve n artery are the most sup to the FR-no chance for compression

Ulnar artery form the sup palmar arch, brachial artery form the deep palmar arch n both of the arches will have communication


Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action

Flex forearm;
Base of styloid process
Brachioradialis C5,6,7 Rotate forearm to midprone
of radius
Lat supracondylar ridge of position
Radial nerve
Extensor carpiradialis Post surface of base of
C6,7 Ext and abd hand at wrist jt
longus 2nd metacarpal bone


Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action

Extensor carpi radialis Post surface of base of

Ext and abd hand at wrist jt
brevis third metacarpal bone

Middle n distal
Deep branch of
Extensor digitorum Lat epicondyle of humerus phalanges of med 4 C7,8 Ext fingers and hand
radial nerve

Extensor expansion of
Extensor digiti minimi Ext MCP jt of little finger
little finger
Base of fifth metacarpal
Extensor carpi ulnaris C7,8 Ext n add hand at wrist

Lat surface of olecranon

Anconeus Radial nerve C7,8; T1 Ext elbow jt
process of ulna

Lat epicondyle of humerus,

Supinator anular lig of prox radioulnar jt Neck n shft of radius C5,6 Sup of forearm
and ulna

Post surface of shafts of radius n Base of first metacarpal

Abductor pollicis longus Abd and ext thumb
ulna bone

Base of prox phalanx of Deep branch of

Extensor pollicis brevis Post surface of shaft of radius Ext MCP jt of thumb
thumb radial nerve
Base of distal phalanx of
Extensor pollicis longus Ext distal phalanx of thumbs
Post surface of shaft of ulna
Extensor expansion of
Extensor indicis Ext MCP jt of index finger
index finger

Snuff box btwn extensor pollicis brevis n ext pollicis longus


For median nerve, its palmar cutaneous branch will pass over the FR. Similarly, ulnar nerve also has palmar cutaneous branch
Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action

Palmaris brevis Flexor retinaculum; Sup branch of Corrugates skin to improve

Skin of palm
(subcutaneous muscle) Palmar aponeurosis ulnar grip of palm

Lat two; Flex MCP jt; all fingers

Lumbricals(4) median nerve Ext IPJ except thumb
Tendons of flexor digitorum Extensor expansion of
Named from lat to med Med two; deep
profundus med 4 fingers
1st is most lat branch of ulnar
nerve C8; T1
Prox phalanges and
First- base of first metacarpal Add fingers;
dorsal extensor
Interossei Palmar (4) Remaining- ant surface of shafts Flex MCP jt;
expansion of digits
(4+4) of metacarpals 2,4,5 Deep branch of Ext IPJ
Axis- center ulnar nerve
Prox phalanges and Abd fingers;
of 3rd finger Contiguous sides of shafts of
Dorsal (4) dorsal extensor Flex MCP jt;
metacarpal bones
expansion of digits 2,3,5 Ext IPJ
Short muscles of thumb

Scaphoid, trapezium, flexor

Abductor pollicis brevis C8; T1 Abd of thumb
Base of prox phalanx of
Flexor pollicis brevis Median nerve C8; T1 Flex MCP jt of thumb

Flexor retinaculum
Pulls thumb medially and
Shaft of metacarpal
Opponens pollicis C8; T1 forward across palm
bone of thumb
Adductor pollicis Oblique head – 2nd and 3rd Base of proximal phalanx Deep branch of C8; T1 Add of thumb
metacarpal bones;
Transverse head – 3rd of thumb ulnar nerve
metacarpal bone
Short muscles of little finger

Abductor digiti minimi Pisiform bone Abd little finger

Base of prox phalanx of
little finger
Deep branch of
Flexor digiti minimi C8; T1 Flex little finger
ulnar nerve
Flexor retinaculum
Med border fifth Pulls fifth metacarpal forward
Opponens digiti minimi
metacarpal bone as in cupping the palm

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