Anterior Compartment of Thigh: Muscle Origin Insertion Action Nerve Supply
Anterior Compartment of Thigh: Muscle Origin Insertion Action Nerve Supply
Anterior Compartment of Thigh: Muscle Origin Insertion Action Nerve Supply
muscle origin insertion action
•Flexion, abduction, &
into upper part of lateral rotation of thigh (hip
anterior superior iliac joint)
Sartorius spine of hip bone
medial surface of
tibia • Flexion & medial rotation
of leg (knee joint)
•Straight head: anterior
Rectus inferior iliac spine •Flexion of hip joint (by
femoris •Reflected head: ilium, rectus femoris)
above the acetabulum • Extension of the knee nerve
Into upper, medial & joint (main extensor)
postromedial surface of
medial condyle of tibia. • extend the hip joint.
Some fibers are • assist in hip medial
semimembranosus reflected upward & rotation.
laterally to form • flex knee joint.
ischial tuberosity posterior (oblique) • medially rotate the Tibial nerve
popliteal ligament. knee.
Upper part of medial
surface of tibia
Adductor magnus
Adductor tubercle Extend thigh (hip joint)
(ischial part)
Gluteal region
muscle origin insertion action
Outer surface of the ilium
behind post gluteal line + post • Extension of thigh Inferior
• Iliotibial tract
Gluteus maximus surface of the sacrum and • Maintain extension of gluteal
• gluteal tuberosity
coccyx & sacrotuberous knee nerve
Middle half of anterior Base of the distal 1.Extension of the big toe.
surface of fibula and phalanx of the big 2. Dorsiflexion and inversion of the
hallucis longus.
interosseous membrane toe foot.
Arranged from medial to lateral: tom has very nice dogs & pigs.
Posterior compartment of leg
muscle Origin insertion action
1)Lateral head: from lateral
aspect of lateral condyle of the By tendo calcaneus
femur. (common tendon), • Plantar flexion of
gastrocnemius which is attached to the foot (ankle joint).
2)medial head: from the posterior surface of the • Knee flextion
popliteal surface of the femur calcaneum.
above the medial condyle. Tibial
Superficial group
ligament of knee
From the lateral part the tendon passes behind the medial
of the posterior malleolus deep to the flexor • Planter flexion and
surface of the tibia, retinaculum. inversion.
Tibialis the interosseous It is inserted into all tarsal bones • It plays an important
posterior membrane and the except talus (mainly into the part in holding up the
upper half of the tuberosity of the navicular bone) and medial longitudinal
posterior surface of the bases of the 2nd , 3rd and 4th arch of the foot
the fibula. metatarsals.
Lateral compartment of leg
muscle origin insertion action Nerve supply