Lower Limbs Practical

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May 2022, Omar.

Anatomy of The Lower Limbs – Practical Materials

- Anatomy of the bones of the lower limb : ‫العملي فقط‬
- The bones of the lower limb are the os coxae (hip bone), femur, patella, tibia,
fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges.
1. Os Coxae (hip bone):
- Is composed of three elements : ilium, ischium, and pubis, they meet one
another at the acetabulum via the Y-shaped triradiate cartilage.

a. Ilium: it is the upper flattened part of the bone, possesses:

- Iliac crest, iliac fossa, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine,
posterior superior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, iliac tubercle,
greater sciatic notch, auricular surface, arcuate line, gluteal lines (posterior,
anterior, and inferior)

b. Ischium: It is L-shaped, possesses:

- Body (upper thicker part), Ramus (lower thinner part), ischial spine, greater and
lesser sciatic notches, ischial tuberosity

c. Pubis: possesses: body, superior and inferior ramus, symphysis pubis,

obturator foramen, pubic crest, pubic tubercle, pectineal line.

Acetabulum: there is the acetabular notch and the acetabular fossa.

Note: the greater sciatic notch is separated from the lesser sciatic notch by the
Ischial spine.
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.
2. Femur:
- The femur articulates above with the acetabulum to form the hip joint and
below with the tibia and patella to form the knee joint.
- It has anterior and posterior surfaces, and lateral and medial borders, proximal
end, head and neck, greater and lesser trochanters, fovea capitis, attachment of
the ligament of the head, intertrochanteric line, intertrochanteric crest.
- The shaft has linea aspera, to which are attached muscles and intermuscular
septa, gluteal tuberosity, medial supracondylar ridge, lateral supracondylar
ridge, popliteal surface on the posterior surface.
- The distal end has lateral and medial condyles, intercondylar notch, articular
surface for the patella, medial and lateral epicondyles, and the adductor
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.

- The thigh has 3 compartments : anterior, medial, posterior

May 2022, Omar.
- Muscles of the anterior compartment of thigh:
1. Iliopsoas (psoas major and iliacus):
- Origin: posterior abdominal wall
- Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
- Nerve Supply: psoas major from anterior rami of L1, L2, L3
and iliacus from femoral n.
- Action: flexion and lateral rotation of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.

* For iliopsoas, look at the yellow highlights.

* For Quadriceps femoris muscles look at the red highlights.
May 2022, Omar.

2. Quadriceps femoris (vastus medialis, intermedius, lateralis, rectus femoris):

- Origin: vastus m. from femur, whereas rectus femoris straight head from
anterior inferior iliac spine and reflected head from ilium just superior to
- Insertion: quadriceps femoris tendon and medial and lateral margins of patella.
- Nerve Supply: femoral n.
- Action: extension of leg at knee joint, rectus femoris also contributes to flexion
of thigh at the hip joint.
- Look at page 3.
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.
3. Sartorius:
- Origin: from anterior superior iliac spine
- Insertion: medial surface of tibia just inferomedial to tibial tuberosity.
- Nerve Supply: femoral n.
- Action: flexion of thigh at hip joint, flexion of leg at knee joint, abducts and
rotates thigh laterally, as when resting the foot on the opposite knee when
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.

- Muscles of the medial compartment of thigh:

4. Gracilis:
- Origin: from body of pubis, inferior pubic ramus, and ramus of ischium.
- Insertion: medial surface of proximal shaft of tibia.
- Nerve Supply: obturator n.
- Action: adduction of the thigh at the hip joint and flexion of the leg at the
knee joint.
May 2022, Omar.

5. Pectineus:
- Origin: pectineal line of pubic bone
- Insertion: proximal femur
- Nerve Supply: femoral n.
- Action: adduction and flexion of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.

6. Adductor longus:
- Origin: body of pubis
- Insertion: linea aspera on shaft of femur.
- Nerve Supply: obturator n. (anterior division).
- Action: adduction and medial rotation of thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.
7. Adductor brevis:
- Origin: body of pubis and inferior pubic ramus.
- Insertion: posterior surface of proximal femur and upper 1/3rd of linea aspera.
- Nerve Supply: obturator n.
- Action: adduction of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
8. Adductor magnus:
- Origin: adductor part ➔ ischiopubic ramus,hamstring part ➔ ischial tuberosity.
- Insertion: adductor part ➔ posterior surface of proximal femur, linea aspera,
medial supracondylar line.
hamstring part ➔ adductor tubercle and supracondylar line
- Nerve Supply: adductor part ➔ obturator n.
hamstring part ➔ sciatic n. (tibial division)
- Action: adduction and medial rotation of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.
9. Obturator externus:
- Origin: obturator membrane and adjacent bone.
- Insertion: trochanteric fossa.
- Nerve Supply: obturator n. (posterior division).
- Action: lateral rotation of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
The femoral triangle ( ‫) مطلوب‬
- It is a triangular depression found on the anterior aspect of the upper part of
the thigh.
- Boundaries :
- : Inguinal ligament
- : Sartorius m.
- : Adductor longus m.
- Contents (from lateral to medial):
- Iliopsoas ➔ femoral nerve ➔ femoral artery ➔ femoral
vein ➔ pectineus muscle ➔ deep inguinal lymph nodes
(‫)ماكو بالعملي‬
May 2022, Omar.
- Muscles of the posterior compartment of thigh:
10. Biceps femoris:
- Origin: long head from ischial tuberosity, short head from linea aspera
- Insertion: head of fibula
- Nerve Supply: sciatic n. (long head by tibial portion and short head by common
peroneal portion).
- Action: Flexion and lateral rotation of leg at knee joint, extension and lateral
rotation of thigh at hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
11. Semitendinosus:
- Origin: ischial tuberosity
- Insertion: medial surface of upper part of tibia
- Nerve Supply: sciatic n. (tibial portion)
- Action: flexion and medial rotation of the leg at knee joint, extension and
medial rotation of thigh at hip joint

12. Semimembranosus:
- Origin: ischial tuberosity
- Insertion: medial tibial condyle
- Nerve Supply: sciatic n. (tibial portion)
- Action: flexion and medial rotation of the leg at knee joint, extension and
medial rotation of the thigh at hip joint.

More muscles
May 2022, Omar.
Note: the sciatic nerve supplies the posterior compartment of the thigh, in the
lower third of the posterior compartment of the thigh, it divides into 2
divisions, one goes vertically (“tibial nerve”), one goes laterally (“peroneal

‫ملخص ألعصاب الفخذ‬

Note: the femoral nerve supplies all of the anterior compartment muscles of
the thigh except the Iliopsoas which is supplied by the anterior rami of L1, L2,
Note: the obturator nerve supplies all of the medial compartment muscles of
the thigh except the adductor magnus (hamstring part) which is supplied by
the sciatic nerve (tibial portion) and the pectineus muscle which is supplied by
the femoral nerve (sometimes it’s the obturator nerve).
Note: the sciatic nerve supplies all of the posterior compartment muscles of
the thigh except the short head of the biceps femoris which is supplied by the
common peroneal portion/nerve (goes laterally).

- Muscles of the gluteal region:

- We have 2 groups: superficial and deep.
- Picture: 1. Gluteus maximus, 2. gluteus medius
May 2022, Omar.

Tensor fasciae latae (superficial)

1- Superficial group: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, tensor fasciae latae

gluteus minimus
2- Deep group: Piriformis, obturator internus, quadratus femoris
gemellus superior, gemellus inferior

‫ بس الغامق يجي‬-
May 2022, Omar.


- Deep Group of Gluteal Region:

13. Piriformis:
- Origin: anterior surface of sacrum in between anterior sacral foramina.
- Insertion: superior border of greater trochanter of femur.
- Nerve Supply: branches from sacral plexus L5, S1, S2
- Action: lateral rotation of extended femur and abduction of flexed femur at hip
May 2022, Omar.

14. Obturator internus:

- Origin: deep surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bone
- Insertion: medial side of greater trochanter of femur
- Nerve Supply: n. to obturator internus (L5, S1).
- Action: lateral rotation of extended femur and abduction of flexed femur at hip

15. Gemellus superior: ‫ممطلوب بالعملي‬

- Origin: ischial spine.
- Insertion: medial side of greater trochanter of femur.
- Nerve Supply: n. to obturator internus (L5, S1).
- Action: lateral rotation of extended femur and abduction of flexed femur at hip
16. Gemellus inferior: ‫ممطلوب بالعملي‬
- Origin: upper aspect of ischial tuberosity
- Insertion: medial side of greater trochanter of femur.
- Nerve Supply: n. to quadratus femoris (L5, S1).
- Action: lateral rotation of extended femur and abduction of flexed femur at hip
May 2022, Omar.
17. Quadratus femoris:
- Origin: lateral aspect of ischium just anterior to ischial tuberosity
- Insertion: quadrate tubercle on the intertrochanteric crest of proximal femur.
- Nerve Supply: n. to quadratus femoris (L5, S1).
- Action: lateral rotation of femur at hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.

- Superficial group
18. Gluteus minimus: ‫ممطلوب بالعملي‬
- Origin: ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines.
- Insertion: anterolateral aspect of greater trochanter
- Nerve Supply: superior gluteal n. (L4, L5, S1)
- Action: abduction of femur at hip joint, and medial rotation of the thigh.
19. Gluteus medius:
- Origin: Ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal lines
- Insertion: lateral surface of greater trochanter.
- Nerve Supply: superior gluteal n. (L4, L5, S1)
- Action: abduction of femur at hip joint, and medial rotation of the thigh.
20. Gluteus maximus:
- Origin: ilium behind posterior gluteal line, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous
- Insertion: posterior surface of iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur.
- Nerve Supply: inferior gluteal n. (L5, S1, S2)
- Action: powerful extension of flexed femur at hip joint, lateral stabilization of
hip and knee joints, lateral rotation and abduction of the thigh.
21. Tensor fasciae latae:
- Origin: iliac crest between A.S.I.S and tubercle of the crest.
- Insertion: iliotibial tract.
- Nerve Supply: superior gluteal n. (L4, L5, S1).
- Action: stabilization of the knee in extension.

See next page for picture

May 2022, Omar.


Note: in the Iliotibial tract, the gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae latae is
inserted. (2 insertions).
May 2022, Omar.
- Muscles of Anterior Compartment of the leg:

22. Tibialis anterior:

- Origin: lateral surface of tibia and adjacent interosseous membrane
- Insertion: medial cuneiform and base of metatarsal 1.
- Nerve Supply: deep peroneal n.
- Action: dorsiflexion and inversion of foot, support of medial arch of foot.
May 2022, Omar.
23. Extensor hallucis longus:
- Origin: medial surface of fibula and adjacent interosseous membrane
- Insertion: base of distal phalanx of big toe
- Nerve Supply: deep peroneal n.
- Action: extension of great toe and dorsiflexion of foot
24. Extensor digitorum longus:
- Origin: medial surface of fibula and lateral tibial condyle
- Insertion: bases of distal and middle phalanges of lateral four toes
- Nerve Supply: deep peroneal n.
- Action: extension of lateral four toes and dorsiflexion of foot.
25. Peroneus tertius:
- Origin: medial surface of fibula
- Insertion: base of metatarsal 5 (V).
- Nerve Supply: deep peroneal n.
- Action: dorsiflexion and eversion of foot.
May 2022, Omar.
- Muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg:
26. Peroneus longus:
- Origin: upper lateral surface and head of fibula
- Insertion: medial cuneiform and base of metatarsal 1.
- Nerve Supply: superficial peroneal n.
- Action: eversion and plantar flexion of foot, support of lateral and transverse
arches of foot.
27. Peroneus brevis:
- Origin: lower two-thirds of lateral surface of shaft of fibula
- Insertion: lateral tubercle at base of metatarsal 5
- Nerve Supply: superficial peroneal n.
- Action: eversion of foot.
May 2022, Omar.
- Muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg:
- We have:
a. Superficial group: gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus
b. Deep group: popliteus, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis
➔ Superficial group:
28. Gastrocnemius:
- Origin: medial head of posterior surface of distal femur, and lateral head from
upper posterolateral surface of lateral femoral condyle.
- Insertion: posterior surface of calcaneus.
- Nerve Supply: tibial n.
- Action: plantar flexion of foot and flexion of knee
May 2022, Omar.
29. Plantaris:
- Origin: lateral supracondylar line of femur and oblique popliteal ligament of
- Insertion: posterior surface of calcaneus
- Nerve Supply: tibial n.
- Action: plantar flexion of foot and flexion of knee.
30. Soleus:
- Origin: soleal line and medial border of tibia, posterior aspect of head of fibula
- Insertion: posterior surface of calcaneus
- Nerve Supply: tibial n.
- Action: plantar flexion of foot.
➔ Deep group:
31. Popliteus:
- Origin: lateral femoral condyle
- Insertion: posterior surface of proximal tibia
- Nerve Supply: tibial n.
- Action: stabilization and unlocking of the knee joint.
32. Flexor hallucis longus:
- Origin: posterior surface of fibula and adjacent interosseous membrane
- Insertion: plantar surface of distal phalanx of great toe
- Nerve Supply: tibial n.
- Action: flexion of great toe.
33. Flexor digitorum longus:
- Origin: medial side of posterior surface of tibia.
- Insertion: plantar surfaces of bases of distal phalanges of lateral four toes.
- Nerve Supply: tibial n.
- Action: flexion of lateral four toes.
May 2022, Omar.
34. Tibialis posterior:
- Origin: posterior surface of interosseous membrane and adjacent regions of
tibia and fibula.
- Insertion: tuberosity of navicular and adjacent region of medial cuneiform
- Nerve Supply: tibial n.
- Action: inversion and plantar flexion of foot, support of medial arch of foot.
May 2022, Omar.

‫ملخص ألعصاب السـاق‬

Note: the deep peroneal nerve supplies all of the anterior compartment
muscles of the leg.
Note: the superficial peroneal nerve supplies all of the lateral compartment
muscles of the leg.
Note: the tibial n. supplies all of the posterior compartment muscles of the leg
(both superficial and deep).
May 2022, Omar.

- The popliteal fossa is a diamond-shaped intermuscular space situated at the

back of the knee. The popliteal fossa is most prominent when the knee joint is
- Boundaries:
- : Biceps femoris m.
- : Lateral head of gastrocnemius m. and plantaris m.
- : Semimembranosus and semitendinosus
- : Medial head of gastrocnemius below.
- : The popliteal surface of the femur, the capsule of the
knee joint, and the popliteus muscle.
- : the skin, superficial fascia, and the deep fascia of the thigh.
- Contents:
1. The popliteal vessels.
2- The small saphenous vein.
3- The common fibular (peroneal).
4- Tibial nerves.
5- Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
6- The genicular branch of the obturator nerve.
7- Connective tissue, and lymph nodes.
May 2022, Omar.

Popliteal fossa contents.

May 2022, Omar.
- Muscle Table (Only Required Muscles ‫)ما عدا كم عضلة ما داخلة بالعملي‬
Lesser Psoas major from Flexion and Anterior Thigh
Iliopsoas Posterior trochanter of anterior rami of L1, lateral rotation
abdominal wall femur L2, L3 and iliacus of thigh at hip
from femoral n. joint
vastus m. from Extension of leg
femur, whereas at knee joint,
rectus femoris Quadriceps rectus femoris
Quadriceps straight head femoris tendon Femoral nerve also contributes Anterior Thigh
Femoris from A.I.I.S and and medial and to flexion of
reflected head lateral margins thigh at hip joint
from ilium just of patella
superior to
A.S.I.S Medial surface of Abducts, Anterior Thigh
Sartorius tibia just Femoral nerve laterally rotates,
inferomedial to and flexes thigh;
tibial tuberosity flexes knee joint
Body of pubis, Adduction of Medial Thigh
inferior pubic Medial surface of thigh at hip
Gracilis ramus, and proximal shaft of Obturator nerve joint, flexion of
ramus of tibia leg at knee joint
Pectineal line of Adduction and Medial Thigh
Pectineus pubic bone Proximal femur Femoral nerve flexion of thigh
at hip joint
Linea aspera on Obturator nerve Adduction, Medial Thigh
Adductor longus Body of pubis shaft of femur (anterior division) medial rotation
of thigh
Posterior surface Medial Thigh
Body of pubis of proximal Obturator nerve Adduction of
Adductor brevis and inferior femur and upper thigh at hip joint
pubic ramus 1/3rd of linea
Adductor part
(posterior surface
Adductor part of proximal femur, Adductor part: Adduction and
Adductor magnus (ischiopubic linea aspera, obturator nerve medial rotation of Medial Thigh
ramus), medial Hamstring part: thigh at hip joint
hamstring part supracondylar sciatic nerve
(ischial line), hamstring (tibial division)
tuberosity) part (adductor
Obturator Obturator Trochanteric Obturator nerve Lateral rotation Medial Thigh
Externus membrane and fossa (posterior division) of thigh at hip
adjacent bone joint
May 2022, Omar.
Flexion and
Long head from Sciatic nerve (long lateral rotation Posterior
Biceps femoris ischial Head of fibula head by tibial of leg at knee Thigh
tuberosity, portion, short head joint, extension
short head from by common peroneal and lateral
linea aspera portion) rotation of thigh
at hip joint
Flexion and
medial rotation Posterior
Semitendinosus Ischial Medial surface of Sciatic nerve (tibial of leg at knee Thigh
tuberosity upper part of portion) joint, extension
tibia and medial
rotation of the
thigh at hip joint
Flexion and
Ischial Medial tibial Sciatic nerve (tibial medial rotation Posterior
Semimembranosus tuberosity condyle portion) of leg at knee Thigh
joint, extension
and medial
rotation of the
thigh at hip joint
Anterior surface Superior border Lateral rotation
of sacrum in of greater Branches from sacral of extended Deep Gluteal
Piriformis between trochanter of plexus L5, S1, S2 femur and Region
anterior sacral femur abduction of
foramina flexed femur at
hip joint
Deep surface of Medial side of Lateral rotation
obturator greater Nerve to obturator of extended Deep Gluteal
Obturator internus membrane and trochanter of internus (L5, S1) femur and Region
surrounding femur abduction of
bone flexed femur at
hip joint
Lateral aspect Quadrate
of ischium just tubercle on the Nerve to quadratus Lateral rotation Deep Gluteal
Quadratus femoris anterior to intertrochanteric femoris (L5, S1) of femur at hip Region
ischial crest of proximal joint
tuberosity femur
Ilium between Lateral surface of Abduction of
anterior and greater Superior gluteal femur at hip Superficial
Gluteus medius posterior trochanter nerve (L4, L5, S1) joint, and Gluteal Region
gluteal lines medial rotation
of thigh
Ilium behind Posterior surface of Powerful extension of
posterior gluteal Iliotibial tract and Inferior gluteal nerve flexed femur, lateral
stabilization of hip
line, sacrum, gluteal tuberosity of (L5, S1, S2)
Gluteus maximus coccyx, femur and knee joints, Gluteal Region
lateral rotation and
abduction of thigh
May 2022, Omar.
Iliac crest Iliotibial tract Superior gluteal Stabilization of Superficial
Tensor fasciae between A.S.I.S nerve (L4, L5, S1) knee in Gluteal Region
latae and tubercle of extension
the crest
Lateral surface Medial Dorsiflexion and
of tibia and cuneiform and inversion of
Tibialis anterior adjacent base of Deep peroneal nerve foot, support of Anterior Leg
interosseous metatarsal 1 medial arch of
membrane foot
Medial surface Base of distal Extension of
Extensor hallucis of fibula and phalanx of big great toe and Anterior Leg
longus adjacent toe Deep peroneal nerve dorsiflexion of
interosseous foot
Medial surface Bases of distal Extension of
Extensor digitorum of fibula and and middle Deep peroneal nerve lateral four toes Anterior Leg
longus lateral tibia phalanges of and dorsiflexion
condyle lateral four toes of foot
Peroneus tertius Medial surface Base of Deep peroneal nerve Dorsiflexion and Anterior Leg
of fibula metatarsal 5 (V) eversion of foot
Upper lateral Medial Eversion and
surface and cuneiform and Superficial peroneal plantar flexion
Peroneus Longus head of fibula base of nerve of foot, support Lateral Leg
metatarsal of lateral and
arches of foot
Lower two- Lateral tubercle Eversion of foot
Peroneus Brevis thirds of lateral at base of Superficial peroneal Lateral leg
surface of shaft metatarsal 5 nerve
of fibula
Medial head of
surface of distal Posterior surface Tibial nerve Plantar flexion Superficial
femur and of calcaneus of foot and Posterior Leg
Gastrocnemius lateral head flexion of knee
from upper
surface of
lateral femoral
line of femur Posterior surface Tibial nerve Plantar flexion Superficial
Plantaris and oblique of calcaneus of foot and Posterior Leg
popliteal flexion of knee
ligament of
May 2022, Omar.
Soleal line and Posterior surface
medial border of calcaneus Plantar flexion Superficial
Soleus of tibia, Tibial nerve of foot Posterior Leg
posterior aspect
of head of
Lateral femoral Posterior surface Tibial nerve Stabilization and Deep
Popliteus condyle of proximal tibia unlocking of Posterior Leg
knee joint
Posterior Plantar surface
Flexor hallucis surface of fibula of distal phalanx Tibial nerve Flexion of great Deep
longus and adjacent of great toe toe Posterior Leg
Medial side of Plantar surfaces
Flexor digitorum posterior of bases of distal Tibial nerve Flexion of Deep
longus surface of tibia phalanges of lateral four toes Posterior Leg
lateral four toes
Posterior Tuberosity of Inversion and
surface of navicular and plantar flexion Deep
Tibialis posterior interosseous adjacent region Tibial nerve of foot, support Posterior Leg
membrane and of medial of medial arch
adjacent cuneiform of foot
regions of tibia
and fibula
May 2022, Omar.

Nerves of the lower limb.

‫‪May 2022, Omar.‬‬

‫اس ئةل هممة واس ئةل س نني سابقة للور‬

‫اذا اشر ع منطقة الزم تكول يا جزء من العضلة ➔ بكل اجزائه ➔ مهم كلش ‪- Adductor magnus‬‬
‫واذا االعصاب الزم تذكر الجزئين ➔هم‬
‫كلش مهم ‪- Nerve Supply of the Piriformis‬‬
‫‪ -‬يأشر على الـ ‪ Iliotibial tract‬ويطلب الـ ‪.Nerve supply‬‬
‫‪" -‬كان مأشر خط بالـ ‪ Tibia‬ويريد اسمو"‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬يأشر على ‪ tendon‬يصير ‪ Lateral‬من الـ ‪( Patella‬من فوقها لي جواها بالضبط)‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬يأشر على الـ ‪ Small saphenous vein‬وقال وين ينتهي هذا الـ ‪.Vein‬‬
‫‪ -‬يأشر على الـ ‪ Femoral nerve‬ويطلب من وين ينشأ‬
‫– "يجيب عظم ال ‪ Femur‬ويطلب االتجاه وعطانا تأشير على الـ ‪ Lateral epicondyle‬ويا عضلة‬
‫تسويله "‪.insertion‬‬
‫‪" -‬راد العضلة الي تتصل بيها ‪ Anterior inferior iliac spine‬وأشر على الـ ‪."Hip bone‬‬

‫‪Thank you for reading.‬‬

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