Lower Limbs Practical
Lower Limbs Practical
Lower Limbs Practical
Note: the greater sciatic notch is separated from the lesser sciatic notch by the
Ischial spine.
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.
2. Femur:
- The femur articulates above with the acetabulum to form the hip joint and
below with the tibia and patella to form the knee joint.
- It has anterior and posterior surfaces, and lateral and medial borders, proximal
end, head and neck, greater and lesser trochanters, fovea capitis, attachment of
the ligament of the head, intertrochanteric line, intertrochanteric crest.
- The shaft has linea aspera, to which are attached muscles and intermuscular
septa, gluteal tuberosity, medial supracondylar ridge, lateral supracondylar
ridge, popliteal surface on the posterior surface.
- The distal end has lateral and medial condyles, intercondylar notch, articular
surface for the patella, medial and lateral epicondyles, and the adductor
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.
5. Pectineus:
- Origin: pectineal line of pubic bone
- Insertion: proximal femur
- Nerve Supply: femoral n.
- Action: adduction and flexion of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
6. Adductor longus:
- Origin: body of pubis
- Insertion: linea aspera on shaft of femur.
- Nerve Supply: obturator n. (anterior division).
- Action: adduction and medial rotation of thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.
7. Adductor brevis:
- Origin: body of pubis and inferior pubic ramus.
- Insertion: posterior surface of proximal femur and upper 1/3rd of linea aspera.
- Nerve Supply: obturator n.
- Action: adduction of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
8. Adductor magnus:
- Origin: adductor part ➔ ischiopubic ramus,hamstring part ➔ ischial tuberosity.
- Insertion: adductor part ➔ posterior surface of proximal femur, linea aspera,
medial supracondylar line.
hamstring part ➔ adductor tubercle and supracondylar line
- Nerve Supply: adductor part ➔ obturator n.
hamstring part ➔ sciatic n. (tibial division)
- Action: adduction and medial rotation of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
May 2022, Omar.
9. Obturator externus:
- Origin: obturator membrane and adjacent bone.
- Insertion: trochanteric fossa.
- Nerve Supply: obturator n. (posterior division).
- Action: lateral rotation of the thigh at the hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
The femoral triangle ( ) مطلوب
- It is a triangular depression found on the anterior aspect of the upper part of
the thigh.
- Boundaries :
- : Inguinal ligament
- : Sartorius m.
- : Adductor longus m.
- Contents (from lateral to medial):
- Iliopsoas ➔ femoral nerve ➔ femoral artery ➔ femoral
vein ➔ pectineus muscle ➔ deep inguinal lymph nodes
()ماكو بالعملي
May 2022, Omar.
- Muscles of the posterior compartment of thigh:
10. Biceps femoris:
- Origin: long head from ischial tuberosity, short head from linea aspera
- Insertion: head of fibula
- Nerve Supply: sciatic n. (long head by tibial portion and short head by common
peroneal portion).
- Action: Flexion and lateral rotation of leg at knee joint, extension and lateral
rotation of thigh at hip joint.
May 2022, Omar.
11. Semitendinosus:
- Origin: ischial tuberosity
- Insertion: medial surface of upper part of tibia
- Nerve Supply: sciatic n. (tibial portion)
- Action: flexion and medial rotation of the leg at knee joint, extension and
medial rotation of thigh at hip joint
12. Semimembranosus:
- Origin: ischial tuberosity
- Insertion: medial tibial condyle
- Nerve Supply: sciatic n. (tibial portion)
- Action: flexion and medial rotation of the leg at knee joint, extension and
medial rotation of the thigh at hip joint.
More muscles
May 2022, Omar.
Note: the sciatic nerve supplies the posterior compartment of the thigh, in the
lower third of the posterior compartment of the thigh, it divides into 2
divisions, one goes vertically (“tibial nerve”), one goes laterally (“peroneal
بس الغامق يجي-
May 2022, Omar.
13. Piriformis:
- Origin: anterior surface of sacrum in between anterior sacral foramina.
- Insertion: superior border of greater trochanter of femur.
- Nerve Supply: branches from sacral plexus L5, S1, S2
- Action: lateral rotation of extended femur and abduction of flexed femur at hip
May 2022, Omar.
- Superficial group
18. Gluteus minimus: ممطلوب بالعملي
- Origin: ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines.
- Insertion: anterolateral aspect of greater trochanter
- Nerve Supply: superior gluteal n. (L4, L5, S1)
- Action: abduction of femur at hip joint, and medial rotation of the thigh.
19. Gluteus medius:
- Origin: Ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal lines
- Insertion: lateral surface of greater trochanter.
- Nerve Supply: superior gluteal n. (L4, L5, S1)
- Action: abduction of femur at hip joint, and medial rotation of the thigh.
20. Gluteus maximus:
- Origin: ilium behind posterior gluteal line, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous
- Insertion: posterior surface of iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur.
- Nerve Supply: inferior gluteal n. (L5, S1, S2)
- Action: powerful extension of flexed femur at hip joint, lateral stabilization of
hip and knee joints, lateral rotation and abduction of the thigh.
21. Tensor fasciae latae:
- Origin: iliac crest between A.S.I.S and tubercle of the crest.
- Insertion: iliotibial tract.
- Nerve Supply: superior gluteal n. (L4, L5, S1).
- Action: stabilization of the knee in extension.
Note: in the Iliotibial tract, the gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae latae is
inserted. (2 insertions).
May 2022, Omar.
- Muscles of Anterior Compartment of the leg: