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JKSimMet V6


James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

JKSimMet Overview

• JKSimMet is a package developed by the JKMRC/JKTech

for the modelling and simulation of comminution circuits.

• It includes models for crushers, autogenous mills, ball

mills, rod mills, screens, and hydrocyclones.

• It is a closed package: you can not add your own

process models.

• There is detailed information on the models included

with JKSimMet in the user manual.
James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

JKSimMet Overview
Flowsheet Design

Mass Balance
Mass Balancing

Data Input
Model Fit
Model Fitting

Results Analysis
James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

JKSimMet References
JKSimMet V6 User Manual JKSimMet V6 Help Files


Mineral Comminution Circuits: Their Operation and Optimisation

(Published by JKTech)

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

JKSimMet User Manual

• Part I – Overview
Read Once
• Part II – Changes from Version 5
• Part III – Installing JKSimMet

• Part IV – Learning JKSimMet JKSimMet 101

• Part V – Using JKSimMet

• Part VI – Mass Balancing JKSimMet Reference

• Part VII – Model Fitting

• Part VIII – Model Descriptions MODELS REFERENCE

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

JKSimMet Help File

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

JK Blue Book


Ch 1 Introduction
Ch 2 Models of Comminution Processes
Ch 3 Mineral Liberation
Ch 4 Rock Testing
Ch 5 Surveying Comminution Circuits
Ch 6 Crushers
Ch 7 AG and SAG Mills
Ch 8 Rod Mills
Ch 9 Ball Mills
Ch 12 Screens & Hydrocyclones
Ch 13 Optimisation of Comminution Circuits

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Steps to Building a Circuit Simulation

2. Setup the feed.

3. Setup the models. 1. Draw the flowsheet.

4. Run the simulation.

5. Review results.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6


James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Starting with JKSimMet

• 1. Create a new ‘Project’ and save it.

• 2. Press No when prompted about V5 icons

V5 used bitmap icons;

V6 uses vector images.
Can’t mix so need to
make a decision. Best
just to go with ‘No’.

• 3. Should now have a blank project on screen:

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

JKSimMet Flowsheeting

List of models available

Flowsheet drawing area

List of Flowsheets in project

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex F1: Sandbox Flowsheet

Experiment with:
1. Adding models to the drawing area by dragging and
2. Connect models using streams (red ports are outputs,
blue ports are inputs – connect red to blue);
3. Adjust stream lines to be aesthetically pleasing (right
click ‘Add/Remove stream node’).

4. Name the flowsheet ‘Ex F1: Sandbox’ 14

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

• Save, and save often.
• JKSimMet can often crash seemingly right when you
have significant unsaved changes.
• Network licenses can cause increased frequency of
crashes (compared to a local dongle).
• Become OCD about saving!
• CTRL + S does not work. Must use the disk icon.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex F2: Ball Mill Circuit

Experiment with:
1. Adding nodes to streams
(right click ‘Add node to stream’)

1. Resizing units
(drag and drop)
2. Changing unit orientations

3. Naming streams and equipment

(double click on unit/stream) A JKSimMet flowsheet must have at
4. Adding autolabels least one ‘feed’ unit and one ‘final

5. Adding water feeders where

appropriate for this circuit
James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex F2: Ball Mill Circuit

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex F3: SABC Circuit

Draw the following circuit: Experiment with

• Ore is fed into a SAG mill. adding Info Blocks to

your flowsheet
• SAG mill has a pebble crusher (closed with a
screen on SAG Discharge).

• SAG Discharge screen U/S feeds a cyclone


• Cyclone underflow feeds a ball mill in closed


• There are water additions to the SAG feed,

Cyclone Feed, and Ball Mill Feed.
James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex F3: SABC Circuit

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6


James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Steps to Building a Circuit Simulation

2. Setup the feed.

3. Setup the models. 1. Draw the flowsheet.

4. Run the simulation.

5. Review results.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet.
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. Clone your Ex F3: Flowsheet Layout Design
4. Run the simulation.
5. Review results.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet.
Required Feed Size Distribution:
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. Screen Aperture WEIGHT
mm %
4. Run the simulation. 190 0.0
165 0.0
5. Review results. 140 4.1
125 4.3
100 23.9
Feed Needs: 63.0

1. Feed Rate 31.5

19.0 2.2

2. Feed Size Distribution 13.2

6.70 3.0
• Feed Sieve Series 4.75
2.36 1.1
• Feed PSD 1.70
0.850 0.5
0.600 0.5
0.425 0.4
0.300 0.3
0.212 0.3
0.150 0.2
0.106 0.2
0.075 0.2
0.053 0.2
0.038 0.1
-0.038 1.3
James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet.
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models.
4. Run the simulation. Setting the Ore Feed Rate
5. Review results.

Feed Needs: Set to 500 tph

1. Feed Rate
2. Feed Size Distribution
• Feed Sieve Series
• Feed PSD

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet.
Feed Sieve Series
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. • JKSimMet uses one master sieve series for
4. Run the simulation.
the entire simulation.
5. Review results.
• However survey data from the lab will use
Feed Needs:
1. Feed Rate different sieves for different streams.

2. Feed Size Distribution • JKSimMet allows each stream can have a

• Feed Sieve Series custom sieve series.

• Feed PSD • JKSimMet will then convert all streams to

the master series by interpolation.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet. The Root 2 button is a quick
way to set a sieve series.
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models.
4. Run the simulation.
5. Review results.

Feed Needs: Specify which series

each stream is to use
1. Feed Rate here

2. Feed Size Distribution Add sieve series here

• Feed Sieve Series

• Feed PSD

TIP: Entering a size of 0 will delete all size fractions below.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet.
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models.
4. Run the simulation.
5. Review results.

Feed Needs:
1. Feed Rate
2. Feed Size Distribution
• Feed Sieve Series
• Feed PSD

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet.
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models.
4. Run the simulation.
5. Review results.

Feed Needs:
1. Feed Rate
2. Feed Size Distribution PRESS Transfer to perform the
conversion to master sieve
• Feed Sieve Series series.

• Feed PSD

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet. Need to specify models for:
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. SAG Mill Ball Mill
4. Run the simulation. SAG Discharge Screen Hydrocyclones
5. Review results. Pebble Crusher Water addition

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet. Water Feeders
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. Use a simple model to set a specified % solids in the
4. Run the simulation. downstream unit.
5. Review results. Parameter SAG Ball Mill Cyclone

Req. %S 65 70 30

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet. SAG, BALL, PEBBLE CRUSHER
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. Simple model that creates a product PSD by moving
4. Run the simulation. it sideways on a Cum % Passing vs size plot to give a
user specified product P80.
5. Review results.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet. SAG, BALL, PEBBLE CRUSHER
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. Simple model that creates a product PSD by moving
4. Run the simulation. it sideways on a Cum % Passing vs size plot to give a
user specified product P80.
5. Review results.
Parameter SAG Pebble Ball Mill

Req P80 (mm) 10.0 5.00 0.500

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet. SAG Discharge Screen, Hydrocyclone
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. Efficiency (partition) curve that describes what
4. Run the simulation. fraction of a particular particle size reports to the
product stream.
5. Review results.

• The underflow and overflow curves

are complementary.
• Traditionally the underflow curve is
used for efficiency curves
• JKSimMet uses the overflow curve
given that this is the product
stream in a grinding circuit
James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet. SAG Discharge Screen, Hydrocyclone
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. Efficiency (partition) curve that describes what
4. Run the simulation. fraction of a particular particle size reports to the
product stream.
5. Review results.

Efficiency Curve: Alpha Beta

1 + 𝛽 ⋅ 𝛽∗ ⋅ ⋅ 𝑒𝛼 − 1
𝑑 𝑑50𝑐
𝐸0 = 𝐶. 𝑑
𝑑50𝑐 𝛼⋅𝛽 ∗ ⋅
𝑒 𝑑50𝑐 + 𝑒𝛼 − 2

• Sharpness of Efficient Curve – α
• Initial Dip in Efficient Curve – 𝛽
• Water Split to Fine Product (%) - 𝐶
• Corrected d50c (mm) – 𝑑50𝑐
For more on Efficiency curves see:
(𝛽 ∗ is calculated internally and is not a parameter)
1. JKSimMet Manual – pp. 346
2. JK Blue Book – pp. 276

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet SAG Discharge Screen, Hydrocyclone
2. Setup the feed. Parameter SAG Disch Cyclones
3. Setup the models. Screen
Alpha 1.5 2.5
4. Run the simulation.
Beta 0 0
5. Review results.
C (%) 90 75
d50c (mm) 10 0.10

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet
2. Setup the feed. PRESS THE
3. Setup the models. RUN SIMULATION
4. Run the simulation.
5. Review results.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet DO NOT TRUST A BLACK BOX
2. Setup the feed. This is where you use your subject matter knowledge to review
and interpret the results.
3. Setup the models.
4. Run the simulation. • Do they make sense?
5. Review results. • Are they realistic?
• What needs to be improved/changed/corrected?

JKSimMet Tools:
1. Data Blocks
2. Graphing
3. Reports (Export to Excel)

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet Data Blocks:
2. Setup the feed.
• What is the final product P80?
3. Setup the models.
4. Run the simulation. • What is the circulating load in the ball mill circuit?
5. Review results. • What are the reduction ratios for each comminution
• Are there any concerning numbers?
(HINT: Pebble crusher tph, ball mill % solids)

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet Graphs:
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models. • Can’t print from JKSimMet, can copy to
4. Run the simulation. clipboard and paste into Word, Excel,
PowerPoint etc.
5. Review results.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet Graphs:
2. Setup the feed.
• Plot all the feed/products for comminution machines (SAG,
3. Setup the models.
4. Run the simulation. Ball, Pebble)
5. Review results.
• Plot Feed/US/OS for Cyclone

• Plot Fresh Feed – SAG Screen US

• Plot SAG Screen US – Final Product

• Plot Fresh Feed – Final Product

Review Graphs:

• What do these charts tell you?

• Where is the most size reduction taking place?

• Which machines are working harder than others (too hard?)?

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet Reports:
2. Setup the feed. • Allows you to export data for analysis in Excel
3. Setup the models.
(Can’t view reports within or print from JKSimMet)
4. Run the simulation.
5. Review results.

James Didovich 2014
JKSimMet V6

Ex SIM1: Simple Models

1. Draw the flowsheet
2. Setup the feed.
3. Setup the models.
4. Run the simulation.
5. Review results.

• This has described the process of running a single simulation.

• Having reviewed the results of the model we can then:
1) make appropriate changes to our model parameters, our feed, our circuit configuration;
2) rerun the simulation; and,
3) compare the results.

Baseline Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

James Didovich 2014

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