Anti Piracy Checklist-V3-06-2012 0 PDF

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Republic of Liberia


Arriving to and Operating within the High Risk Area
This completed check list will be submitted to the Administration when providing notice of entering the area as
required in Marine Security Advisory 02/2011.

Dep. Port:
Freeboard: (In meters :) (In feet :)
YES NO Preparation and Planning
Has a “Vessel Movement Registration Form” been submitted to MSCHOA? (Before entering the
HRA (an area bounded by Suez and the Strait of Hormuz to the North, 10°S and 78°E) and when
departing a port within this area, a Vessel Movement Registration Form must be submitted to
(, +44(0)1923 958545 or [email protected])
Has a “Vessel Position Reporting Form - Initial Report” been sent to UKMTO? (BMP4 Annex B)
Has a comprehensive voyage planning been completed, including risk-assessment and route
Did the voyage specific risk-assessment include the option of utilizing armed security personnel?
Has the latest situational information from MSCHOA been reviewed and taken into consideration
in the risk-assessment and route planning?
If the vessel transit Gulf of Aden, will it use the UKMTO Transit Corridor (IRTC)?

If the vessel transit Gulf of Aden, will it be participating in a convoy?

Has Ships Security Level been set at Level 2?

Have crew and officers received adequate training in the BMP4? (Use of LISCR BMP-CBT is
Have all current and relevant Liberian Administration Security Advisories been reviewed?
Has a review been conducted of the ISPS SSP with a view to transiting the High Risk Area?
(BMP 4 para 6.3)
Have the crew been briefed on the threat and counter piracy procedures for transiting the area?
(BMP 4 para 6.4, 7.1, Sections 9-12)
Have radios, SSAS, internal communications and PA system been tested.
If the ship has a ‘Citadel’ established, has the appropriate procedure been briefed and rehearsed
with the crew? (BMP 4 para 8.13)
Has a pre-designated area (Safe-Room or Citadel) for non-watch standing crewmembers been
Is a single point of controlled entry into the wheel house and engine room maintained?

339-V.3. 06/2012 Page 1

Does the ship have a lighting procedure in place? (BMP 4 para 8.10)
Are contact numbers for UKMTO and MSCHOA readily available in the wheelhouse and Citadel
(if used) and crew trained in the communication procedures?
Have all available equipment been rigged to deter pirates from coming on board such as charging
fire hoses, spotlights, etc. and remove any equipment such as ropes and ladders etc. hanging over
the side that could be used to gain access to the ship.
Are preparations made to support increased vigilance (look-outs)? (BMP 4 para 8.2)

YES NO Self-Protection Measures

Have Self-Protection Measures implemented per Best Management Practice Ver. 4 (BMP4)?
Are obstacles and barriers constructed to deter and delay a pirate attack? (BMP 4 para 8.5)

Are high pressure water hoses deployed and used? (BMP 4 para 8.6)

Does the ship have access control measures to limit entry to the superstructure? (BMP 4 para 8.4)
Does the ship have Enhanced Bridge Protection in place (additional plates and or Sandbags)?
(BMP 4 para 8.12, 8.3)
Have the decks been cleared of all equipment and tools? (BMP 4 para 8.11)
Does the ship have razor wire, outriggers or fencing outboard or overhanging the ships structure?
(BMP 4 para 8.5)
Is there an unarmed security team onboard?

Is there an armed security team onboard?

Is there an acknowledgement from the Administration for armed security personnel onboard?
Has a continuous security patrol to monitor vessel decks and surroundings been established?

A vessel not capable of maintaining at least 19 knots with low/medium free-board and with limited self-
protection measures will be the Pirate's target of choice.
To date, the most effective counter-measures against Somalia based pirates have proven to be speed and
presence of armed security guards.
Vessels being attacked outside the Gulf of Aden cannot be expected to be within immediate reach by the
Coalition Forces.
For any vessel scheduled to navigate within the High Risk Area, the Administration strongly encourages
Owners and Operators and Masters to ensure their vessels and crew are prepared.
Pirate tactics include scouting, surveillance, and mock-attacks to measure a vessel’s level of self-protection.

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Should you or a member of your crew witness or be subject to a pirate attack:

If possible take pictures of the pirate ship and crew and use the following form to report incidents you or
your crew have witnessed in the affected area:



1. Name of Vessel 7. Name, Address and Telephone of Company Security Officer:

2. IMO Number 3. Type of Vessel

4. Gross Tonnage 5. Ship’s Freeboard

meters / feet
6. Propulsion


8. Date of Incident 9. Position

(a) Latitude (b) Longitude
10. Time (UTC)
(c) Geographical Name of Body of Water / Name of Port
11. Period of Day
Day Night Twilight (d) Last Port of Departure (g) Underway
12. Visibility Ship Heading deg.
< 2 miles 2- 5 miles > 5 miles Speed knots
Complete 13 & 14 If Applicable
13. Anchored (name of anchorage) 14. Berthed (name of facility)

Security Level Security Level

15 Reported to authorities 16 Action taken by authorities ( you may attach additional comments)
Names of organizations contacted:
Other (Please Specify):
Other (Please Specify):

339-V.3. 06/2012 Page 3


17. Method used by perpetrators to stop or board vessel

18. Type of weapons used by perpetrators

19. Number of perpetrators involved and total time onboard ship

20. Suspected or known identity and description of perpetrators

21. Injury or loss of life

No Yes If yes, complete and attach Report of Personal Injury or Loss of Life.
22. Damage to, or loss of, vessel
No Yes If yes, complete and attach Report of Vessel Casualty or Accident
23. Items taken

Estimated replacement cost US $

24. Details of incident, including consequences to the crew, even if there were no physical injuries (attach separate sheet if necessary).
(e.g. from which direction approached, communication equipment used, etc.)

25. Action taken by crew

26. Did the vessel employ the use of security guards? ( Yes / No)
If so, were the guards Armed / Unarmed Military/ Civilian (Check as appropriate)
Describe action taken by the Security Guards and was it instrumental to deterring the attack? (Attach separate sheet if necessary).

27. Photo Log:

Date and time Date and time
Subject Subject
Date and time Date and time
Subject Subject
28. Does the Ship Security Plan incorporate Best Management Practices (BMP) in accordance with Marine Operations Note 01/2010?
( Yes / No)
If so, which BMP measures were taken by the vessel to deter the attack and were they effective?

29. Please include any additional observations, etc. (Attach separate sheet if necessary).

30. Recommended additions to SSP or new measures needed to prevent recurrence, i.e., need to set higher Security level, additional lighting
(Attach separate sheet if necessary).


Date of Report Submitted by (Print Name) Signature Title

339-V.3. 06/2012 Page 4

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