KR SMC 심사 점검표-1

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ISM Shipboard Checklist (ISM 선박심사점검표)

Name of Ship  

Name of Company  

Type of Audit  

Ship's Type Flag State

Ship's IMO Number Gross Tonnage

Ship's Particulars
Crew Nationality

DOC Number DOC issued by

※점검표의 해당 항목 점검결과에 대한 표시방법(Mark methods for the result of verification each questionnaire in a square box)
☑ : 점검결과 만족(Satisfactory - Yes)
: 점검결과 불만족(Unsatisfactory - No)
: 해당되지 않음(Not Applicable - N/A)

Audited by Date of Audit


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A

1. Interview with the Master

Document & Certificate(s) Review

Documents & Files to be verified(점검 대상 파일)
DOC & SMC, SMS Documents & Documents master list, File(Record) list, Statutory & Classification certificates, Crew's certificates & seaman's book, Deck log book,
Standing order, Night(Daily) order book, Master's review record(선장검토기록), Internal audit report & evidence of corrective actions(내부심사기록 및 시정조치 증거)
Training records(교육기록), Emergency drill plan & records(비상훈련계획 및 훈련기록), PSC inspection records(PSC 임검기록), Emergency Towing Procedure(ETP)
System Monitoring Procedure, Risk Assessment.
Are the copy of DOC and the original SMC available on board ship, and they valid certificates?
1.1 1.2.3 회사적합증서(DOC)의 사본 및 선박안전경영증서(SMC)의 원본을 본선에 비치하고 있으며 □ □ □
그 증서들은 유효한가?
Are the valid statutory, classification certificates and relevant survey records available on board?
1.2 1.2.3 □ □ □
유효한 강제 증서, 선급증서 및 관련 검사기록들을 본선에 비치하고 있는가?
Are the requirements of Minimum Manning Certificate, such as No. of crew and certified crew,
1.3 6.2 observed? □ □ □
선박정원, 유자격자 승선 등의 최소승무정원증서 상의 요구사항이 준수되고 있는가?
Check the validity of medical
Are all crew members medically fitted for their duties?
1.4 6.2 □ □ □ certificates
모든 선원들은 신체건강한가?
신체검사 유효기간 확인
Is the safety management system documents(SMS documents) available on board?
- Compare with SMS documents on board and document master list
1.5 11.1 □ □ □
안전경영시스템문서를 본선에 보유하고 있는가?
- 본선 보유문서 대비 문서총목록 확인

If "the company" responsible for operation is not the owner, Check the followings are on board; For Korean Flag :
1.6 3.1 - In case of Management company as company : Declaration of the company □ □ □ Certification of Company under ISM
- In case of BBC charterer as company : Copy of BBC contract Code 3.1

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
운항책임을 가진 회사가 선주가 아닐 경우, 아래 서류를 본선 보유하고 있는지 확인할 것.
한국적선의 경우에는
- 선박관리자의 경우 : 회사신고서
"안전관리대행등록증" 확인
- 나용선자의 경우: 나용선계약서(한국적선의 경우에는 리스계약서)

Safety and Environmental Protection Policy

Are Master familiar with the company's safety and environmental protection policy?
- Check whether the master has implementing the safety and environmental protection policy of the
company and motivating the crew in the observation of that policy
1.7 2.2 □ □ □
선장과 선원들이 회사의 안전 및 환경보호 방침을 알고 있는가?
- 선장은 회사의 안전 및 환경보호 방침의 이행하고 있고 그 방침을 준수하도록 선원들에게
동기 부여하고 있는 지 확인

Designated Person(s)

Can Master identify the "designated person" of the ship and understand the role of "Designated
1.8 4 person(s)"? □ □ □
선장은 안전경영책임자(DP)가 누구인지 알고 있으며 DP의 역할을 이해하고 있는가?

Master's Responsibility and Authority

Is Master familiar with the Master's responsibility which is defined and documented on the SMS ?
- implementing the safety and environmental protection policy of the company
- motivating the crew in the observation of that policy
- issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clearand simple manner
- verifying that specified requirements are observed
1.9 5.1 - reviewing the SMS and reporting the deficiencies to the shore-based management □ □ □
(Master's Review)
선장은 안전경영시스템에 규정된 "선장의 책임"을 숙지하고 있는가?
- 회사의 안전 및 환경보호 방침의 이행
- 그 방침을 준수하도록 선원들에게 동기 부여
- 간단명료한 방법으로 명령 및 지침의 하달

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
- 규정된 요건을 준수하는 지 검증
- 안전경영시스템을 검토하고 그 결함사항을 육상 경영자에게 보고 (선장검토)
Is Master familiar with the Master's review procedures and maintain the records of master's review?
1.10 5.1.5 □ □ □
선장은 선장검토절차를 숙지하고 있으며 선장검토 기록을 유지하고 있는가?

Is the result of management review or the company's action for the master's review being delivered
1.11 to ship personnel involved? □ □ □
선장검토 결과에 따른 회사의 조치사항이나 경영검토의 결과가 본선에 전달되고 있는가?

Has the Master carried out verification that specified requirements are observed
and is it specified how the Master should carry out his verification?
- Verify the periodical verification items and methods(Verification on-site, by records etc)
1.12 5.1.4 □ □ □
규정된 요건이 준수되는 확인하기 위한 검증방법이 있으며, 선장은 이에 따라 검증을
수행하고 있는가?
- 주기적 검증사항 및 현장검증, 서면검증 등의 검증방법 수행여부 확인
Has the Master issuing appropriate orders and instruction?
- Check the display of standing order and maintenance of night order
1.13 5.1.3 □ □ □
선장은 적절한 명령과 지침을 하달하고 있는가?
- 선교복무지침서의 게시여부 및 야간지시록의 작성, 유지여부 확인
Is Master familiar with the Master's overriding authority and can explain how to exercise his
overriding authority?
1.14 5.2 □ □ □
선장은 선장의 최우선적 권한을 이해하고 있으며 그러한 권한을 어떻게 행사하는지 알고

Resources and personnel

Is Master fully conversant with the company's SMS including followings?

1.15 6.1.2 선장은 다음사항을 포함하여 회사의 안전경영시스템을 충분히 숙지하고 있는가? □ □ □
- Safety and environmental protection policy (안전 및 환경보호 방침)

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
- Emergency response procedures and emergency contact list (비상대응절차 및 비상연락망)
- Non-conformity handling procedures (부적합사항관리절차)
- Maintenance and inspection procedures (선박정비 및 검사절차)
- Internal audit procedures (내부심사절차)
- Management review procedures(including Master's review procedures)
(선장검토절차를 포함한 경영검토절차)
Is Master supported appropriately by the company to the master's request for supply and repair? Detailed verification can be carried out
- Check the results of supply and repair against the requisition in interview with C/O and C/E
1.16 6.1.3 □ □ □
선장은 보급 및 수리요청에 대해 회사로부터 적절히 지원을 받고 있는가? 일항사와 기관장 면담시 상세 심사
- 보급 및 수리요청에 대한 실제 보급/수리결과 확인 시행 가능
Do the company provide necessary informations in relation to the safe operation for Master? Informations can be provided in type
- Check the cargo, port, technical informations and sailing instructions on board of telex or documents(electronic doc.)
1.17 6.1.3 □ □ □
회사는 선장에게 안전운항과 관련한 필요한 정보를 제공하고 있는가? 정보의 형태는 전문 또는 문서
- 본선 보유중인 화물정보, 항만정보, 기술정보 및 항차지시서 등 확인 (전자문서 포함)로 제공 가능

Have the instructions which are essential for sailing been provided to the newly joining crew
1.18 6.3 members prior to sailing? □ □ □
출항전에 신규 승선한 선원들에 대해 승선필수지침이 제공되었는가?

Have all crew members received familiarization training with their duties including requirements
of the STCW A-VI/1?
1.19 6.3 □ □ □
모든 선원들을 STCW협약 A-VI/1항에서 요구하는 교육 요구사항을 포함하여 자신의 직무에
대한 친숙화교육을 받았는가?
Is relevant documentation regarding the SMS in a working language or language understood by the
ship's personnel?
1.20 6.6 □ □ □
안전경영시스템과 관련한 문서는 선원들이 이해할 수 있는 언어 또는 사용언어로 작성

Are the crew members able to communicate effectively in the execution of their duties and does Check during drill and crew interview
1.21 6.7 □ □ □
the chosen language correspondent with the working language(s) understood by the crew? 비상훈련과 선원 면담 시 확인

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
선원들은 직무수행과 관련하여 사용언어로 효과적으로 의사소통할 수 있는가?
Emergency Preparedness

Have the procedures for establishing and maintaining contact with the company in an emergency
Test to contact DP
1.22 8.1 been tested? □ □ □
DP와 연락을 시도해볼 것.
비상사태 시 회사에 연락할 수 있는 절차가 수립되어 있으며 실제 연락을 하여보았는가?

Are programmes for drills and exercises to prepare for emergency actions available on board and Check Drill Scenarios, plans and
1.23 8.2 are records available? □ □ □ procedures
비상사태에 대응하기 위한 훈련 및 연습프로그램이 본선에 있으며 관련 기록도 확인이 가능한가? 훈련 시나리오, 계획서 및 절차 확인

Have training, drills and exercise been conducted periodically for the identified emergency Check drill records including Deck log
situations including statutory requirements? book
1.24 8.3 □ □ □
법정훈련을 포함하여 회사가 식별한 비상상황에 대해 주기적으로 교육, 훈련 및 연습이 시행 갑판 항해일지를 포함하여 훈련기록
되었는가? 확인
Are the muster lists prepared for emergency situations which identified by the company?
1.25 8.3 □ □ □
회사가 식별한 비상상황에 대해 비상배치표가 작성되어 있는가?

Deficiencies, Accidents and Hazardous occurrences Control

Have the procedures to report non-conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences been followed?
1.26 9.1 □ □ □
부적합사항, 사고 및 준사고 보고는 절차대로 시행되고 있는가?
Have any deficiencies identified in PSC inspection been reported ashore and necessary corrective Major non-conformities shall be
1.27 actions are being taken? □ □ □ identified in case that PSC deficiencies
PSC 지적사항은 회사에 보고 되고 있으며 필요한 시정조치가 시행되고 있는가? remains without corrective actions.
Is there evidence of repetitive deficiencies from previous PSC inspections? PSC 지적사항이 시정조치 되지 않을
1.28 9.1 □ □ □ 경우, 중부적합사항으로 지적
이전 PSC검사로부터 결함사항이 반복지적되고 있는 사항이 있는가?
Have proper corrective actions against the identified non-conformities through the inspection and
1.29 internal audit been taken? □ □ □  
검사 및 내부심사 시 식별된 부적합사항에 대해 시정조치가 취해졌는가?

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
Company Verification, review and evaluation

Has internal audit been carried out regularly as per the company's procedure?
1.30 12.1 □ □ □
내부심사는 회사의 절차에 의거 정기적으로 시행되었는가?

2. Interview with Chief officer

Documents & Files to be verified(점검 대상 파일)

Cargo operation records(화물관리기록) - Stowage plan(적하계획서), Cargo Manifest(화물적하목록), Ship/shore safety checklist(안전점검목록), Loading/discharging
plan(적․양하계획), Cargo operation log(화물작업일지), MSDS(물질안전보건자료), Ballast log(평형수일지), etc. if applicable, Cargo Securing Manual(화물고박지침서),
Deck maintenance plan and records(갑판정비계획 및 정비기록), Supply and repair requisition and results(기부속/소모품/수리 청구서 및 관련기록), Maintenance
record of lashing materials(고박장치점검유지기록), Garbage disposal log(폐기물 처리일지), etc
Have following shipboard operations been implemented properly according to the company's
다음 업무를 포함하여 모든 선상업무가 회사 절차대로 이행되고 있는가?
2.1 7 □ □ □
- Ballast management (평형수 관리)
- Cargo operation including loading and discharging plan (적양하계획을 포함한 화물작업)
- Garbage disposal log (폐기물 처리일지)
Does chief officer understand and explain the important things to be considered for pre-stowage
2.2 7 plan? □ □ □
일항사는 적화계획 수립시 고려하여야 할 사항을 이해하고 설명할 수 있는가?
Check strength review and/or stability
Had appropriate review for cargo loading been taken?
2.3 7 □ □ □ and/or securing arrangement, etc.
화물적재를 위한 적절한 검토가 이루어졌는가?
복원성, 선체강도, 고박상태 등 점검
Have the lashing material been maintained with the quantity and material in accordance with Cargo Check maintenance record of lashing
Securing Manual? And have lashing conditions been checked before sailing? material and Stowage Pan
2.4 7 □ □ □
화물고박장비는 화물고박지침서에 따라 적합한 장비와 수량이 유지되고 있는가? 또한 출항전 화물고박장치 점검유지기록 및 적하
고박상태를 점검하였는가? 계획서 확인

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
Have appropriate monitoring for cargo condition been carried out periodically during voyage? Check log book whether it was
- lashing condition, Temperature, ventilation, bilge sounding and etc. observed.
2.5 7 □ □ □
항해 중 적재 화물상태에 대한 적절한 모니터링이 주기적으로 시행되었는가? 항해일지 등 점검
- 고박상태, 온도, 통풍, 빌지 측정 등
verification can be carried out in
Had the properties or precautions for cargoes been instructed or informed to the crew, in case
interview with other crew and/or
2.6 6.5 where dangerous cargoes were loaded? □ □ □
circulars, and etc
위험화물 선적시, 선적 전에 선원들에게 화물특성 또는 주의사항이 교육되거나 전달되었는가?
선원면담, 회람 등의 자료 확인
Is the inspection of the hull, including tank internal, and deck equipment being carried out
2.7 10.2 according to defined time intervals and has it's result been properly recorded? □ □ □
선박 및 설비의 점검은 규정된 주기로 시행되고 있으며 그 결과는 적절히 기록되고 있는가?
Have inspection result for deck equipment, cargo equipment and hull condition been recorded and
2.8 10.2 reported to the company ashore? □ □ □
갑판장비 등에 대한 점검결과는 기록되고 회사에 보고 되고 있는가?
Check the hand-over report from
Have appropriate corrective action for deficiencies identified in the deck equipment, cargo equipment
predecessor and/or the repair request,
2.9 10.2 and hull condition been taken, if any? □ □ □
갑판장비 및 선체 상태에 대한 결함사항은 적절한 시정조치가 취해졌는가, 해당되는 경우?
인수인계서 또는 수리신청서 확인
Can chief officer identify the "designated person" of the ship and understand the role of
2.10 4 "Designated person(s)"? □ □ □
일항사는 안전경영책임자(DP)가 누구인지 알고 있으며 DP의 역할을 이해하고 있는가?
Are the chief officer familiar with the relevant provisions of the following rules, regulations, codes BC, CSS, BLU, BCH, GC Code.
2.11 6.4 and guidelines, if the ship is applicable? □ □ □ etc
일항사는 다음의 규칙, 코우드 및 지침의 규정을 잘 숙지하고 있는가(해당되는 경우) ?
3. Interview with 2nd Deck officer

Documents & Records to be verified(점검 대상 파일)

Voyage plans(항해계획서); Nautical publications(수로지); Nautical charts(해도); Chart correction log(해도 소개정 일지), Notice to Mariners(항로고시), SOLAS Training
Manual(SOLAS 훈련지침서), Check list for safe navigation(안전항해점검표), Inspection records for safety equipment(안전설비점검기록), Radio log(무선일지)

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
Is 2nd officer aware of precautions to be observed when ship is navigated under restricted visibility, Check log book and checklists at the
coastal voyage and/or heavy sea condition, and he/she observed them ? time of restricted visibility, coastal
3.1 7 2항사는 시계제한항해, 연안항해 및 악천후시의 주의사항을 숙지하고, 이를 준수하였는가? □ □ □ voyage and/or heavy sea condition.
시계제한, 연안항해 및 악천후 상태
의 항해일지 및 점검표 확인
Does 2nd officer understand his/her duties? And, can he/she present documented personal assignment
3.2 6.3 of tasks? □ □ □
이항사는 자신의 직무를 이해하고 있으며 문서화된 자신의 직무를 제시할 수 있는가?
Are the nautical charts and publications for the intended voyage, including the following, being kept Compare the charts and publications
on board and regularly updated? with 'Notice to Mariners'
아래사항을 포함하여 해도 및 예정 항해를 위한 수로서지는 보유하고 있으며 주기적으로 항해통보서와 비교하여 소개정 상태
3.3 7 □ □ □
최신화되고 있는가? 확인
- Radio lists, Sailing directions, Lists of lights, Notice to mariners, Tide tables etc.
(무선국목록, 항행지침서, 등대목록, 항로고시, 조석표 등)
Is 2nd officer aware of the items to be taken into account in planing the voyage as following, and Check voyage plan and nautical charts.
are they reflected to the passage plans? 항해계획 및 해도 확인
2항사는 항해계획 수립시 고려하여야 할 사항을 알고 있으며, 이를 반영하고 있는가?
- Advice/recommendations in sailing directions/instruction
- Tides and currents
- Port informations of the calling ports
- Ship's draught effect of 'squat' on under keel clearance in shallow water
3.4 7 □ □ □
- Daylight/night-time passing of dangerous/special areas
- Any requirements for traffic separation/routing scheme,
- berth to berth principle, etc
- 수로지의 지침
- 조석 및 조류
- 항만정보
- 천수구역에서의 선저침하 현상

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A

- 위험해역의 통과시간대
- 통항분리대의 요건
- 부두에서 부두까지 원칙 등

Has life-saving appliances been inspected and the result recorded as per SMS? Check inspection records for safety
안전설비는 회사의 SMS의 규정에 따라 점검되고 점검결과는 기록되어 있는가? equipment.
- Survival craft, embarkation arrangements and launching devices 안전설비점검기록 확인
- Personal life-saving appliances,
3.5 8 □ □ □
- Radio equipment, etc.
- 생존정, 승정장치 및 진수장치
- 개인 구명설비
- 무선설비 등
Have radio equipment been inspected periodically and radio log maintained? Check radio log.
3.6 7 □ □ □
무선설비는 주기적으로 점검되고 있으며, 무선일지 기록은 유지되고 있는가? 무선설비기록

4. Interview with 3rd Deck officer

Documents & Records to be verified(점검 대상 파일)

Checklist for Safe Navigation(안전항해 점검표), Medical log(의료일지), Fire-fighting appliance inspection records(소화설비 점검표), Fire safety operation manual(소화
안전운용지침), Port arrival/departure check list(입출항 점검표), Deck log book(항해일지), Fire control plan, Life Saving Plan, SOLAS Training Manual.
Is 3rd officer aware of precautions to be observed when ship is navigated under restricted visibility, Check log book at the time of
coastal voyage and/or heavy sea condition, and he/she observed them ? restricted visibility, coastal voyage
4.1 7 3항사는 시계제한항해, 연안항해 및 악천후시의 주의사항을 숙지하고, 이를 준수하였는가? □ □ □ and/or heavy sea condition.
시계제한, 연안항해 및 악천후 상태
의 항해일지 확인
Have fire-fighting appliances been checked as per SMS, and its results recorded? Check fire safety operation manual
4.2 7 □ □ □
소화장비는 회사의 규정에 따라 점검되었는가? and fire-fighting appliance inspection

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
소방장비점검기록 확인

Is 3rd officer aware of master's bridge standing order? Check bridge standing order.
4.3 7 □ □ □
3항사는 선장의 선교근무지시록의 내용을 알고 있는가? 선교근무지시록 확인
Is 3rd officer aware of items to be observed during navigational watch at sea
3항사는 항해당직 중 준수하여야 할 사항을 숙지하고 있는가?
- International regulations for preventing collision at sea
4.4 7 □ □ □
- The maneuvering characteristic ability of the vessel, etc
- 해상충돌예방규칙
- 선박조종특성 등
Check Medical log and the quantities
Are necessary medicine provided on-board and their conditions checked?
4.5 7 □ □ □ and validity of medicine.
의약품은 필요한 만큼 적절히 제공되어 있고 상태는 양호한가?
의약품의 수량 및 유효기간 점검
Have shipboard operation during port arrival/departure been implemented as per procedures? Check port arrival/departure check list.
4.6 7 □ □ □
입․출항 절차는 회사의 규정에 따라 이행되고 있는가? 입․출항 점검표 확인

5. Interview with Deck Ratings(Interviewee: )

Have the instructions which are essential for sailing been provided to the newly joining crew
members prior to sailing?
출항 전에 신규 승선한 선원들에 대해 승선필수지침이 제공되었는가?
5.1 6.3 □ □ □
- Assigned duties(해당 직무)
- Duties in particular emergencies(식별된 비상시 임무)
- Safety instruction(안전수칙)
Do crew know critical procedures, such as procedures of the entering into enclosed space and the
dangerous work(eg. hot work), and have they kept the procedure?
5.2 7 □ □ □
선원들은 밀페구역 출입절차 및 위험작업(예: 화기작업)과 같은 특수업무 수행절차를 알고
있으며, 절차대로 이행하고 있는가?

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
Are crew familiar with the operating method of emergency equipment?
선원들은 비상장비의 사용법을 숙지하고 있는가?
5.3 8 - life boat engine □ □ □
- fixed type fire extinguisher
- emergency fire pump, etc
Are crew familiar with alarms, emergency alarm and signals?
5.4 8 □ □ □
선원들은 선내 제반 경보, 비상 경보 및 신호를 숙지하고 있는가?

6. Interview with Chief Engineer

Documents & Records to be verified(점검 대상 파일)

Maintenance history book(기관정비기록부/PMS), Repair/supply request(수리/기부속청구서), Technical information(기술정보 관련철), Accident report(사고조사 관련철)
, Chief engineer's Hand-Over Report(기관장교대보고서), Inventory list(기부속 관리대장), SOPEP, Oil Record Book(기름기록부), Non-conformities report(부적합 관련
철), Work Permit file(작업허가서 관련철), Inspections Report including Class Survey(각종 외부검사 관련철 / 선급검사 기록포함), Bunker delivery note or receipt
note, Ozone depletion Material Record book(오존파괴물질 기록부). MSDS(물질보건안전자료)
Check ship's repair/supply request
수리/기부속 청구서 확인
Is requests for supply and repair supported by company appropriately?
5.1 6.1 □ □ □ (Refer to Chief Engineer's Hand-over)
보급 및 수리요청에 대해 회사로부터 적절히 지원을 받고 있는가?
(기관장 교대보고서를 통해 실질적인
회사의 지원여부를 확인)
Have appropriate actions against information related to safety operation, which provided by Check a relevant record.
5.2 7 company, such as technical information and/or accident reports, been followed? □ □ □ 관련 기록철 확인
회사에서 제공한 안전운항과 관련된 정보(사고속보, 기술정보 등)에 대하여 적절한 조치를
시행하고 있는가?
Key Shipboard Operations such as Hot
Are Key Shipboard Operations identified? And are those operations complied with Company Safety
Work, Enclosed Space Work.
5.3 7 Working Guidelines? □ □ □
중대작업은 열, 밀폐구역 작업등과
중대작업은 식별되어 있으며, 작업안전수칙은 준수되고 있는가?
같은 작업임.
5.4 8 Is SOPEP(SMPEP) available on board with updated emergency contact list? And are Oil spill □ □ □ Refer to SOPEP

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
prevention materials and equipment approved duly monitored and maintained? SOPEP 참조
최신화된 비상연락망과 함께 선상기름(선상해양)오염비상계획서를 비치하고 있는가? 승인된
기름오염방지 자재는 적절하게 유지되고 있는가?
Are non-conformities, accidents and hazardous situations including self-identified non-conformities Check a non-conformities report.
reported to the company? And are those investigated and analysed in compliance with the relevant 부적합 관리대장 확인
5.5 9.1 company procedure? □ □ □
본선자체 식별 부적합을 포함하여, 식별된 부적합, 사고 및 위험사항이 회사에 보고되고
있는가? 또한 이러한 사항들이 관련절차에 따라 조사되고 분석되어지고 있는가?
Check the Inventory list and standard
Are spare parts kept in stock with necessary quantity? stocking quantity.
5.6 10.1 □ □ □
예비품은 적정 수량이 유지되고 있는가? 기부속 관리대장상의 보유기준수량
및 현재보유수량을 확인
Have all mandatory inspections including a class survey duly completed? And are the follow-up Refer to a relevant report
actions made according to the company's procedures? 관련 보고서 확인
5.7 10.1 □ □ □ (eg.: Class Survey Report)
선급검사를 포함한 제 강제 검사는 규정대로 수검완료 하였으며, 그 후속 조치는 절차에 따라
이해되고 있는가? (예: 선급검사보고서)
Check whether PMS(Planned
Is the inspection of the ship and equipment being carried out according to defined time intervals
Maintenance System) is maintained.
5.8 10.2 and has it's result been properly recorded? □ □ □
PMS 검토, 유지 확인
선박 및 설비의 점검은 규정된 주기로 시행되고 있으며 그 결과는 적절히 기록되고 있는가?

Have critical equipment and/or technical system the sudden operational failure of which may result Refer to a relevant company procedure
in hazardous situations been identified? (Check if there are any overdue items in its periodic 관련 회사절차에서 식별여부를 확인
maintenance plan and, if any, investigate the reason including its further plans.)
5.9 10.3 갑자기 기능을 정지하면 위험한 상태를 초래하는 중대설비 및 기술시스템은 식별되어 있는가? □ □ □
(본 중대설비 및 기술시스템 항목 중 PMS상 OVERDUE가 있다면, 그 이유와 계획에 대하여

5.10 10.3 Does the ship's SMS have a maintenance routine which includes the testing of stand-by equipment □ □ □ Check a relevant record.

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
and critical equipment/system, and have relevant records been kept? 관련철 확인
예비기기와 중대설비/기술시스템에 대한 시험이 SMS의 일상정비업무에 포함되어 있으며 관련
기록은 유지되고 있는가?
Check any missing and inconsistent
Is Oil Record Book duly maintained? entries in the Book (Refer to IOPP)
5.11 11 □ □ □
기름기록부는 적절히 유지되고 있는가? 기입누락 및 불일치 사항 확인
(IOPP 참조)
Can the Chief engineer identify the "Marine pollution prevention manager" of the ship and
5.12 6.2 understand the role of "marine pollution prevention manager"? □ □ □
선박의 오염방지관리인의 누구이며 그 역할은 무엇인지 알고 있는가?
7. Interview with 1st Engineer
Documents & Records to be verified(점검 대상 파일)
Maintenance history book(기관정비기록부/PMS/1기사해당 파일), Safety Device Check Record(1기사해당 파일), NOx Technical file(엔진 파라미터 기록부 포함),
Lubricating oil analyzing reports(윤활유관리 관련철)
Are the assigned equipment periodically checked and properly recorded? Refer to a relevant record book
담당기기를 주기적으로 점검하고 그 결과는 적절히 기록되고 있는가? 관련철 참조
7.1 7 □ □ □
(eg.: M/E performance report, M/E piston O/H report, M/E BRG. O/H report, M/E deflection
report, M/E running hour report, etc.)
Are the Safety Devices of the assigned equipment periodically checked and properly recorded? Refer to a relevant record book.
7.2 7 담당기기의 Safety Device 를 주기적으로 점검하고 그 결과는 적절히 기록되고 있는가 ? □ □ □ 관련철 참조
(eg.: M/E alarm & trip system)
If applicable, are Ozone Depleting Substances managed complying with the company's procedures? Refer to Supplement to IAPP
7.3 7 오존파괴물질이 절차에 따라 관리되고 있는가? (해당시) □ □ □
IAPP 증서 부록 참조
If applicable, Is M/E maintenance controlling for emissions of Nitrogen Oxides(NOx) duly carried Refer to IAPP & Check a record
out and recorded accordingly? (Approved spare part change) book of Technical file
7.4 7 □ □ □
NOx 규정에 해당하는 선박의 주기관 정비가 적절히 이행되고 기록되어 지고 있는가?(정품 IAPP 및 엔진파라미터 기록부참조
예비품으로의 교환 여부 확인)
Is the management of lubricating oils maintained properly according to the company's procedures? Check a relevant record.
7.5 7 윤활유는 회사절차에 따라 적절히 관리되고 있는가? □ □ □ 관련철 확인

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A
Lubricating oil which needs ingredient analysis periodically(주기적 성분검사가 필요한 윤활유):
- M/E, G/E system oil
- M/E Cam shaft lub. oil
- M/E piston cool oil
- Stern tube oil, Steering gear oil, etc

8. Interview with 2nd Engineer

Documents & Records to be verified(점검 대상 파일)

Maintenance history book(기관정비기록부/PMS/2기사해당 파일), Safety Device Check Record(2기사해당 파일), Bunkering Records - Bunkering plan(유류수급계획서), Safety
checklist(안전점검표), etc.
Are the assigned equipment periodically checked and properly recorded? Refer to a relevant record.
8.1 7 담당기기를 주기적으로 점검하고 그 결과는 적절히 기록되고 있는가? □ □ □ 관련철 확인
(eg.: G/E performance report, G/E piston O/H report, G/E deflection report, etc.)
Are the Safety Devices of the assigned equipment periodically checked and properly recorded? Refer to a relevant record.
8.2 7 담당기기의 Safety Device 를 주기적으로 점검하고 그 결과는 적절히 기록되고 있는가 ? □ □ □ 관련철 확인
(eg.: G/E alarm & trip system)
Is the engineer familiar with a procedure of Oil substances handling?
유류취급 관련 절차 숙지 및 이행 확인?
- Posting of Bunkering Transfer Procedure
- Posting of communication network in emergency situations
- Hoisting of flag "B"
8.3 7 - Communication method for emergency shut-down of bunker transferring □ □ □
- Discussing of loading rate
- Closing of scupper
- Preparing of oil treatment material at bunkering station
- Bunker delivery note to be retained onboard for at least 3 years.
- Representative sample of fuel oil to be retained onboard for at least 12 months.
Is the engineer familiar with a procedure of Bilge discharge?
8.4 7 □ □ □
빌지 배출관련 절차를 숙지하고 있는가?
9. Interview with 3rd Engineer

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Items to be checked Result

No. Remarks
Questionnaire Yes No N/A

Documents & Records to be verified(점검 대상 파일)

Maintenance history book(기관정비기록부/PMS/3기사해당 파일), Safety Device Check Record(3기사해당 파일), Engine log book
Can the engineer identify the "designated person" of the ship and understand the role of
9.1 4 "Designated person(s)"? □ □ □
회사의 DP가 누구이며 그 역할은 무엇인지 알고 있는가?
Are the assigned equipment periodically checked and properly recorded? Refer to a relevant record.
9.2 7 담당기기를 주기적으로 점검하고 그 결과는 적절히 기록되고 있는가? □ □ □ 관련철 확인
(eg.: Megger test record, Boiler water test record, Emergency Battery Record, etc.)
Are the Safety Devices of the assigned equipment periodically checked and properly recorded? Refer to a relevant record.
9.3 7 □ □ □
담당기기의 Safety Device를 주기적으로 점검하고 그 결과는 적절히 기록되고 있는가? 관련철 확인
Is Engine Log book duly maintained? (Maintenance records, equipment conditions) Check Engine Log Book
9.4 11 □ □ □
기관일지는 적의 기록되고 있는가? (기기의 정비기록 및 운전상태 기록확인)

10. Interview with Engine Ratings(Interviewee: )

Are engine ratings understanding what actions to do first and foremost when he/she find the fire in
10.1 8 E/R for the first time? □ □ □
기관부원들은 기관실 화재를 최초 발견시 가장 먼저 하여야 할 조치를 알고 있는가?
Are engine ratings aware of safety instructions to be observed when they perform dangerous work?
기관부원들은 위험작업 수행시 준수하여야 하는 안전수칙을 알고 있는가?
10.2 8 □ □ □
- Hot work
- work in enclosed space, etc
Are crew members familiar with their emergency duties in the muster lists and handling of
emergency equipment?
10.3 7 □ □ □
모든 선원들은 비상배치표에 명시된 자신의 비상시 직무 및 비상설비 사용법을 숙지하고
Are crew familiar with alarms, emergency alarm and signals?
10.4 8 □ □ □
선원들은 선내 제반 경보, 비상 경보 및 신호를 숙지하고 있는가?

SMC Checklist(July 1, 2010 Rev. 1) Korean Register


Result Remarks
No. Check Items
1 2 3 Describe the condition in where the result of category is "3".

1. Bridge
Approaching charts for port of call are on-board.
1.1 □ □ □  
예정항구에 해당되는 해도 비치
Small correction(up-date) for charts.
1.2 □ □ □  
해도의 소개정
Up-to-dated copies of List of lights, tide table & IAMSAR Vol. III are provided
1.3 □ □ □  
on-board.최신화된 등대표, 조석표 및 국제항공 및 해상수색 및 구조 편람 3권 비치
Muster Lists and Watchkeeping Table are displayed properly.
1.4 □ □ □  
비상배치표 및 당직계획표를 선교에 적절히 게시
Ship's drill(abandon ship, fire, steering) is recorded in Log-book.
1.5 □ □ □  
퇴선훈련, 소화훈련 및 비상조타훈련시 Log-Book에 기재
The illumination for standard magnetic compass.
1.6 □ □ □  
기준 자기컴파스 조명상태.

The Fire alarm & fire detection system is working in order.

1.7 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
Bridge에 설치된 화재탐지 및 경보장치 작동
Confirmation of operation familiarization of Navigational equipment and its Confirmed with an attending ship's
operation conditions officer
항해장비의 작동법 숙지 및 상태확인
- How to download VDR/S-VDR data □ □ □
- How to operate SART □ □ □
- AIS information □ □ □
- How to transmit distress signal by GMDSS equipment(by VHF, MF/HF, INMARSAT) □ □ □
- How to switch over to Emergency Steering System □ □ □
2. Accommodation

Placards for garbage and SOLAS Training Manual are displayed properly.
2.1 □ □ □  
폐기물 관련 Placard 및 훈련지침서 를 본선에 적절히 게시

SMC Checklist(August 1, 2008. Rev. 1) Korean Register


Result Remarks
No. Check Items
1 2 3 Describe the condition in where the result of category is "3".

The corrosion, crack & hole at ventilators for E/R.

2.2 □ □ □  
기관실용 Ventilator 부식, 균열 및 파공 발생 확인

The corrosion, crack & hole at the funnel for engine.

2.3 □ □ □  
연돌에 부식, 균열 및 파공 발생 확인

3. Survival Craft & Launching arrangements

Access route to lifeboat and obstruction in the route.

3.1 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
구명정 접근로 설치 및 장애물 제거
The corrosion, crack & hole on lifeboat's hull.
3.2 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
구명정에 부식, 균열 및 파공 발생 확인
Lifeboat engine is working in order.
3.3 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
구명정 엔진 작동
Em'cy embarkation lights and ladder are working in order and it's condition.
3.4 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
구명정용 Emergency embarkation lights 및 ladder 작동 및 상태
Stowage of Inflatable life rafts in a float free condition.
3.5 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
자동이탈 가능하도록 구명뗏목 설치

4. Deck

The International shore connection is provided on-board.

4.1 □ □ □  
국제육상연결구 비치

Any obstructions at the exit of em'cy escape trunk.

4.2 □ □ □  
기관실용 비상탈출구의 출구에 장애물이 있는지
The corrosion, crack & hole at ventilators and air pipes (sample test only).
4.3 □ □ □  
모든 Ventilator 및Air pipe의 부식, 균열 및 파공 확인
Damage of hose boxes & hydrants.
4.4 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill  
Hose Box, 소화전의 손상 확인

SMC Checklist(August 1, 2008. Rev. 1) Korean Register


Result Remarks
No. Check Items
1 2 3 Describe the condition in where the result of category is "3".

The corrosion, crack & hole at the main deck and hull plates.(sample test only)
4.6 □ □ □  
Main Deck 및 hull plate의 부식, 균열 및 파공 확인
Cleats & tightness of small hatch on main deck is in order(sample test only).
4.8 □ □ □  
Main Deck 상 Small Hatch의 잠금장치 및 Tight 상태
The corrosion, crack & hole at the hatch coaming (sample test only).
4.10 □ □ □  
Hatch Coaming부에 부식, 균열 및 파공 확인
The corrosion, crack & hole at the hatch cover (sample test only).
4.11 □ □ □  
Hatch Cover 부식, 균열 및 파공 확인
The corrosion, crack & hole at the bed plate of windlass.
4.12 □ □ □  
Windlass 하단부에 부식, 균열 및 파공 확인
Operation method for Fixed fire extinguishing system is well understood by Crews.
4.13 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
고정식 소화장치의 작동방법을 잘 숙지하고 있는가?
5. Steering gear room & Em'cy fire pump/Generator room
The em'cy lighting in steering gear room.
5.1 □ □ □  
비상조명 설치(조타기실)
The em'cy fire pump is working in order.
5.2 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
비상소화 펌프 엔진 작동

6. Engine Room

The corrosion, crack & hole at the frame in E/R.

6.1 □ □ □  
기관실 내부 프레임 부식, 균열 및 파공 확인
Fire hose is privided at position matching in fire control plan.
6.2 □ □ □ Checked item during an em'cy drill 
소화전에 소화호스 비치
The em'cy lighting in em'cy escape trunk & ECR.
6.3 □ □ □  
비상조명 설치(ECR, 비상탈출구)

The oil filtering equipment is working in order (including piping system).

6.4 □ □ □  
유수분리기 (관장치 포함) 작동

SMC Checklist(August 1, 2008. Rev. 1) Korean Register


Result Remarks
No. Check Items
1 2 3 Describe the condition in where the result of category is "3".

Cleanness of Bilge Plate and leaking condition of Sea Water Line

6.5 □ □ □
기관실 Bilge Plate 청결상태 확인 및 Sea Water Line의 누수 여부 확인

Foam Applicator concentrates charging condition

6.6 □ □ □
Foam Applicator 소화액 충전상태
EEBD condition
6.8 □ □ □
Confirmation of operation familiarization of equipment Confirmed with an attending ship's
장비의 작동숙지 확인 engineer
- How to start Emergency G/E □ □ □
- How to operate Water Mist Device (If applicable) □ □ □
- How to operate Fixed Fire Extinguisher □ □ □
- How to start Stand-by Generator □ □ □
- How to test Black-out □ □ □
- How to start Emergency fire pump (specially Engine Type) □ □ □
- How to operate Incinerator □ □ □
- How to charge Emergency batteries □ □ □
- How to operate Emergency Air Compressor □ □ □
- How to conduct Emergency Steering □ □ □
- How to operate Incinerator. □ □ □
- How to operate Water Mist Device. (If applicable) □ □ □
- How to operate Emergency Air Compressor. □ □ □
- How to use Foam Applicator. (If applicable) □ □ □
Post Duty Assignment Table in Engine Control Room
6.8 □ □ □
당직표(항해/정박) 게시여부
Post Muster List in Engine Control Room
6.9 □ □ □
비상배치표 게시여부
※ Result:
1: Good; 2: Fair; 3: Poor

SMC Checklist(August 1, 2008. Rev. 1) Korean Register

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