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PVS Group is an Indian company that manufactures animal and aquaculture healthcare products. It has over two decades of experience and exports to around 30 countries.

PVS Group is dedicated to the animal and aquaculture healthcare industry. It manufactures all kinds of healthcare products required for various livestock and aquaculture species.

PVS Group is accredited with cGMP, ISO 9001:2008, and ISO 14001:2004 certifications. It has the largest manufacturing facilities in India.

PVS Group is a Leading Manufacturers & Exporters in animal & aquaculture healthcare sector in

India, having more than two decades of experience.

PVS stands for Poultry, Veterinary & Shrimp (Aqua), it explains the functions of the company & dedication
toward the animal & aqua healthcare industry.
PVS Group is the only company in India which manufactures all kinds of healthcare products required for
cattle, poultry, pigs, horses, camels, sheep, goat, dogs, cats, fighting cocks, fish & shrimps.
PVS Group having presence in around 30 countries & it is expanding day by day, presently PVS is having
own offices in Vietnam, Philippines & UAE.
PVS Group accredited with cGMP, ISO 9001:2008, and ISO 14001:2004 certifications. It has biggest
manufacturing facilities with high installed capacity.
PVS Group having strong team of professionals working with a passion of business synergizing the energies
in a dynamic and congenial environment towards a common goal i.e., QUALITY & SERVICE. PVS is engaged
in a spectrum of activities to fall its obligations towards environment, society and its community.
The Founder Chairman and Managing Director of PVS Group, Dr. Seshaiah V Pamulapati (Dr
PVS) is a Veterinarian & post graduate in Pharmacology and Toxicology, having profound knowledge in
health and pharma sectors. He is a dynamic entrepreneur established the P.V.S. Group both in Domestic and
International Market with remarkable reputation.
PVS prodces the range of products covering... feed additives / premixes of various kinds... vitamins, minerals,
aminoacids, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, chemicals and antibiotics (tablets, bolus, liquid orals, powders
and injectables) etc.
SOFTIN • Helps to maintain optimum DO levels in the pond.
High Performance Water Softner cum Gas • Helps to provide optimum health and activeness to aquatic
Adsorbant for Aquaculture Ponds animals.
• Best alternative for bore water aquaculture.
In Feed:
COMPOSITION: SOFTIN is a mixture of Grade I Ethylene
• Helps for better growth and body weights
Diamine Stabilisers of Ammonia, Iron (EDTA), Hydrated
• Initiates moulting process which helps for fast growths and
Sodium Calcium Alluminium Silicates in suitable proportions.
muscle development
• Helps to reduce excess hardness of the pond water. DOSAGE:
• Helps to reduce excess alkalinity of the pond water. Shrimp Ponds : 1 kg./ acre (or) 2.5 kg / hectare
• Helps to reduce excess iron and other toxic metals in the In Feed : 20 gm / kg. of feed - 5 days in a month
pond. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Helps to reduce water turbidity.
• Helps to reduce toxic gases like Ammonia, Hydrogen PRESENTATION: 1 kg.
Sulphide, Carbon monoxide, Sulphurdioxide etc.

Moult Inducer, Hardness Reducer Soft-shell

Composition: • Prevents loose shell disease and soft shell disease.

C-MAG is a special formulation with special quality • Reduces the turbidity and hardness of the water.
mineral salts and water purifiers.
Benefits: 10-20 Kg /acre,(or) 25 - 50 kg / hectare once in 2 weeks
• Initiates moulting process and helps for regular In Feed: 10 gm / kg of feed as a growth promoter
moulting process. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Improves the bio-availability of minerals and helps
the animals to maintain optimum health, immunity Presentation: 20 kg.
and growth.

• Promotes healthy plankton bloom.
• Makes bore well water suitability for aquaculture.
• Helps for relieving stress and more activeness.
A Perfect Water Softener & Hardness Control- • Maintains optimum pH levels in pond waters.
ler in Aquaculture Ponds In Feed:
• Improves the minerals strength, growth, body weights.
• Improves health & immunity.
Composition: SOFTIN consists the Grade- I Ethylene diamine
tetraacetic acid (EDTA) for aquaculture purposes added with Dosage:
minerals. In Pond : 1-2 lit. / acre (or) 2.5-5 lit / hectare with one meter
water depth
Benefits: In Pond: In Feed : 20 ml. / kg. of feed - 5 days in a month (or) as per the
• Reduces hard shell problems of shrimps. advice of an aqua consultant.
• Corrects Hardness and Alkalinity problems of pond water.
• Reduces effects of excess iron and other toxic heavy metals Application: Mix recommended quantity of SOFTIN in 10-20 lit
in the pond. of pond water and spray all over the pond.
• Reduces water turbidity & suspended solids.
• Makes pollution free pond water. Presentation: 1 ltr, 5 ltrs.

SUPER-FRESH 6. Allows animals to grow better.

In Feed:
Aqua Grade Natural Zeolite 1. Adsorbs toxins in the feed.
2. Prevents growth problems
Composition : Oxygen Releasers : Q.S.
SiO2 : 64.20% Gas Adsorbants : Q.S. Dosage :
Al2O3 : 19.50% Prawn & Fish Tanks :
Fe2O3 : 3.40% Benefits: In Water: For pond preparation : 40-50 kg / acre (or) 100 kg / hectare
CaO : 5.50% 1. Reduces water turbidity. During culture period: For 1 mtr. depth water 10-25 kg /
MgO : 2.50% 2. Adsorbs toxic gases. acre
Na2O : 4.00% 3. Makes the pond fresh & (or) 25-60 kg / Ha -once in 3-4 weeks.
K2O : 0.50% clean. In Feed: 2.5 kg / metric ton of feed
Mn : 0.03% 4. Fish / Prawn feels the super (or) as advised by an aquaculture consultant.
P : 0.015% fresh.
5. Clean pond bottom. Presentation : 10 kg., 25 Kg. bags

Granular Zeolite with Yucca & Minerals

Composition: Zeodon is an imported specialized aqua • Initiate to increase the fertility of pond bottom. Vannamei Shrimp Culture Pond:
grade zeolite in a concentrated balls fortified with • Controls the pH, ammonia etc. in normal range. 7.5-10 kgs / acre
minerals and yucca dust. • Prevent the chance of disease out break and (or) 22-25 kg / hectare
infection. Fish Culture Ponds: 5.0 kgs / acre.
Benefits: In Pond: • Helps to improve growth, Health & Immunity. (or) 12 kg / hectare
• Adsorbs toxic gases like Carbon monoxide etc. from In Feed: In Feed : 5 kg. / Metric ton of feed.
pond water by its unique molecular pore structures. • Minerals helps for better health, strength & growth. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Neutralizes the adsorbed toxic Ammonia by Ion Ex- • Zeolite activates the gut for better nutrients
changing the free Ammonium. absorption. Application: Take the recommended
• Adsorbs suspended solids and other contaminants • Yucca helps for more gut health, feeding & growth. quantity of Zeodon balls and broadcast
and makes the water more clean. all over the pond uniformly infection.
• Controls bad / noxious odors from pond water by Dosage:
neutralizing the noxious Ammonia. For pond preparation: 25-50 kg / hectare Presentation: 10 kg, 20 kg.
• Helps to improve dissolved oxygen and (or) 10-20 kg / Acre
phytoplankton levels. During Culture Period:
• Makes the animals fresh by relieving stress caused Black Tiger prawn (P.monodon):
due to toxic gases and other pollutants. 5 kgs / acre (or) 12 kg / hectare

DE-ALGAE Dosage :
Algae Preventor and Pond Conditioner Prawn & Fish Tanks : 1mtr. water depth.
2-3 Ltrs. per hectare (or) 1-1.2 / acre
Composition : In Feed : 5 ml. / kg. of feed - 3 days in a month.
Elemental Copper : 10% (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
Natural fungicides : Q.S.
Benefits : Mix recommended quantity of DE-ALGAE in 20-
• Acts as best growth promoter. 30 ltrs. of water and sprinkle all over the pond.
• Eradicates excess algal growths.
• Avoids foul adours in the ponds. Presentation:
• Helps to supplement copper element in the wa- 500 ml, 1ltr, 5 ltrs.
ter for better growth of plankton.

Plankton Promoter (Natural Feed)
Composition : Dosage : 1mtr. water depth
Plankto Forte is a highly specialised formulation 10-12 kg. per hectare (or) 4-5 kg / Acre
with natural minerals and micro nutrients added In Feed : 10 gm. / kg. of feed
with natural planktn boosters. (or) as advised by an aquaculture consultant.

Benefits : Presentation: 5 kg.

• Develops plankton.
• Regulates pond temperatures
• Maintains water quality.
• Prawn / Fish relieves from stress.


Maintain stable water parameters and water quality.
Increases pond fertility and soil productivity.
Reduces toxic gasses and ammonia level.
Pure Natural Plankton Developer
Composition : PHYTO BLOOM consists..... Dosage :
Natural bioactive-organic nutrient : Essential and critical multi Regular use: 5 ltrs. / acre (or) 12 ltrs / hectare in every 2-3 weeks
micro mineral concentrate fortified with humic substances. intervals.
Microbial consortium of many beneficial bacteria : Nitrogen During Pond Preparation and Low Plankton Levels :
fixing bacteia and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria. 10 ltrs./acre
PHYTO BLOOM helps for the steady growth of the plankton com- In Feed : 5 gm. / kg. of feed-7-10 days in a month
munity and to keep-up the natural balance of the pond ecosys- (or) as advised by the aqua consultant.
Application: Take the recommended quantity of PHYTO
Benefits : BLOOM and broadcast all over the pond uniformly during sunny
• Ensures stable plankton bloom. day period at 9-11 a.m.
• Promotes growth of diatoms & beneficial algae.
• Increases dissolved oxygen level in pond water. Presentation: 5 ltrs.
• Releases dissolved oxygen levels quickly and enhances the
DO Improver in Tablet form total DO levels in the pond.
Oxymore Plus is a potent dissolved oxygen releaser in tablet form • Animals get complete relaxation from stress.
Compared to powder form available dissolved oxygen releasers, • Prevents mass mortalities.
the tablet form dissolved oxygen releasers are advantage in many • Helps to reduce COD and BOD.
ways. • Helps to reduce toxic gases/pond pollution.
• Tablets will reach the bottom of the pond immediately after In Feed:
application. • Helps for better gut health, growth and immunity.
• Tablets are more stable than powders and slowly release dis-
solved oxygen for more period. Dosage:
• Tablets yields 100% dissolved oxygen as the wastage is nil Normal conditions: 1-2 kg. per hectare (or) 0.4-0.8 kg / Acre
unlike powders. During oxygen depletion condition: double the dose.
In Feed: 1 kg / ton of feed (or) as advised by an Aqua consultant.
Natural oxygen releasers in tablet form added with probiotics and Presentation: 1 kg, 2 kg.

• Improves the gut conditioner and helps for better feed-
ing, health, growth & body weights.
A Powerful DO Improver & Stress Reliever &
Performance Booster Dosage :
Composition : Prawn / Fish Tanks (1mtr. water depth)1-3 kgs. per hectare
Natural substances having functional capacity of releas- (or) 400 -1200 gm / acre depending upon the need of the
ing high quantity of oxygen and sodium perborate, ox- disolved oxygen
ides of calcium, sodium and alluminium added with In Feed: 5 gm / kg of feed 5 days in a month
probiotics. or as advised by an aqua consultant.

Benefits : In Pond: Special Note:

• Improves DO quickly. Better results are seen if the Oxysun given along with
• DO stays for longer periods. P-Guard HS or Super Fresh.
• Avoids mass mortalities.
• Provides relief to prawn / fish. Presentation: 1 kg.

CP STRONG TM • Shell of the shrimp absors calcium and increases

its thickness -which helps for better moulting
For Improvement of Dissolved Oxygen Content
& Pond Conditioner Dosage : In Pond:
Composition : 1-2 kg / acre (or) 2.5 - 5 kg / hectare as per the need
Calcium - Peroxide added with probiotics and Minerals. In Feed: 5 gm / kg of feed 7 days in a month
on advise of an aqua consultant.
Benefits : Add in feed:
• Improves the gut stability and activites which helps Application :
for better feeding, growth & body weight. Mix recomended quantity of CP Strong with 20-50 kg.
Add in Pond Water: of Super Fresh and broadcast allover the pond.
• Increases Do levels which helps for relief of stress
to aquatic animals. Presentation : 1 kg.

Benefits: In Pond:
• Adsorbs toxic gases like Ammonia, Hydrogen sulphide, Methane etc.
• Action is fast, the animals recover quickly from the stress or shock.
• Improves water quality quickly in high risk conditions.
Natural solution for Pond Pollution with Yucca • Optimizes plankton levels.
Schidigera Liquid. • Helps to increase DO levels.
• Animals grow fast, without stress.
Production of toxic gases like Ammonia, Hydrogen sulphide, Sulphur dioxide,
• Reduces chemical oxygen demand (COD) and Biological oxygen demand
Methane, Carbon monoxide etc is very common in aquaculture ponds though
good managemental practices are applied. Out of all the toxic pollunants
In Feed:
AMMONIA is very dangerous and generates regularly in aqua ponds. Periodical
• Makes the gut more stable, healthy and helps for better feeding, health,
elimination of toxic gases is highly essential in aquaculture ponds for successful
immunity, growth
and body weights.
Suspected risk conditions in aquaculture:
The best and accurate solution for control of pond pollution (especially Ammonia)
• Slow mortalities • Poor feeding • Poor growths • Size variations.
is with Yucca Schidigera either by powder or liquid only.
The above conditions indicate forthcoming signals of high risk. As a first step
It is proved that Yucca Schidigera having the natural affinity to bind and
of remedy, it is strongly recommended to use. YUCCASOL to prevent or reduce
eliminate ammonia substances.
the severity of the problem.
Liquid form of Yucca Schidigera is the best way to control the ammonia toxicity
due to the fallowing reasons. Dosage:
• Liquid form yucca mixes the pond water very easily and quickly. Shrimp Ponds: 250ml-350ml / hectare (or) 100-150 ml / acre once in 2-3 weeks
• The mixed liquid of Yucca Schidigera spreads very fastly all over the pond. In Feed : 5 ml / kg. of feed - 7-10 days in a month (or) as advised by an aqua
• The Yucca Schidigera liquid starts functioning immediately after mixing in consultant.
the pond.
Presentation: 500 ml, 1 ltr.

In Feed:
For control of ammonia • Gut health improves.
Composition : Yucca schidigera, Aloevera • Improves appetite digestion, feed intake.
Probiotics : Bacillus subtillis, Bacillus polymyxa, Bacillus • Helps for better growth & body weights.
lincheniformis, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Pseudomonas
denitrificans and digestive enzymes. Dosage : In Ponds : 1mtr. water depth.
500 gms. / hectare (or) 200 gm / Acre repeat the dose once in 2
Benefits : In Pond: or 3 weeks for better maintenance of ponds.
• Having affinity to bind ammonia and other poisonous gases. In Feed : 5 gm. / kg. of feed - 7-10 days in a month
• Eliminates toxic / pungent odours. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Helps to reduce harmful bacterial loads.
• Makes the prawn / fish healthy and active. Special Note : Better results are seen if PRO YUCCA CARE is
• Total pond becomes clean and very fresh. given along with SUPER FRESH.
• Improves plankton in the pond which is natural food to fish /
prawn. Presentation: 500 gm, 1 kg.

GASIX In Feed:
• Activates moult process.
Powerful Gas Adsorbant & Turbidity Reducer • Helps for better health, growth & body weihgts.
Composition: It is a mixture of concentrated HSCAS, activiated
charcoal, fortified with yucca dust in grannular form. Dosage: Shrimp Culture:
Black Tiger Prawn (P.monodon) :
Benefits: In Pond: 500 gm /acre (or) 1.2 kg / hectare
• Adsorbs toxic gases like Ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, Vanammei Shrimp culture : 1 kg / acre (or) 2.5 kg / hectare
sulphurdioxide etc. Fish Culture: 500 gm /acre (or) 1.2 kg / hectare
• Action starts quickly and adsorbs completely. In Feed : 5 gm/kg. of feed - 7-10 days in a month
• Animals relieves from stress very fastly. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Reduces turbidity of pond water.
• Helps to increase DO levels. Application: Mix recomended quantity of GASIX in 5 kg of good
• Improves grwoth of phytoplankton, which is a natural food of quality zeolite, preferably SUPER FRESH and borad cast in 1
aquatic animals, it helps to improves growth and performance acre pond.
in aquatic animals.
Presentation: 500 gm, 1 kg.

ACTIMIN TM 5. Prevents & Controls body cramps.

6. Animal becomes active and strong.
A Real Aquaculture Grade Minerals for Better Mineral 7. Increases pond coloration with adequate plankton levels.
Strength in the Pond Water. Better Muscle Strength to the 8. Increases growth & weight.
Animals. In feed: Helps for better health, Immunity, strength, growth,
body weight etc.-
Composition : Actimin is prepared with highly selective
minerals sourced from Sea Animals which contains Calcium,
Dosage : Aqua Ponds :
Phosphorus, Zinc, Cobalt, Selenium, Molybdinum,
Tiger Ponds :
Manganese, Magnesium, Copper, Ferrous etc. in ideal
2-3 kg./acre (or) 5-7.5 kg / hectare 2-3 weeks once.
Vanammei Ponds: 5-10 kg/acre/ (or) 12-25 kg / hectare 1-
2 weeks once.
Benefits : In pond:
Fish Ponds: 5 kg./acre/ (or) 12 kg / hectare 3-4 weeks once.
1. Water becomes rich with minerals.
In Feed: 10-20 grams / kg of feed 3 days in a week
2. Shell becomes strong.
(or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
3. Moult process starts quickly.
4. Prevents loose shell disease.
Presentation: 10 kg.

SODAMIN • Helps effectively to balance minerals in pond water

during rainy conditions.
A Special Formulation of Minerals & Liming Compounds for • Develops optimum plankton growth.
Maintenance and Balance of Soil & Water Parameters in
Shrimp Culture Ponds
Dosages :
Before Stocking :100-200kg / acre (or) 250-500 kg / hectare
Composition : SODAMIN consist the combination of special During Culture : 20-50 kg / acre (or) 50 -125 kg / hectare
selective minerals and liming compounds in a suitable regularly every week till harvesting
proportion. During lowering of pH: 100-200 kg / acre (or) 250-500 kg /
Benefits : hectare /day for 3-5 days
• Reduces effect of toxic gases. In Feed : 5 gm. / kg. of feed 7-10 days in a month
• Decreases mortality of shrimp after disease infections. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Regulates the osmotic systems of shrimp in pond water.
• Increases both of di-valence and mono-valence ion Application: Take recommended quantity of SODAMIN
include of minerals. and directly broadcast in aquaculture ponds uniformly.
• A suitable minerals for maintenance of stable water
Presentation: 25 kg.
parameter in ponds.
Dosage: Shrimp / Prawn ponds :
Moult Inducer and Plankton Booster
Regular use : 1kg / acre (or) 2.5 kg / hectare
Delayed moulting, low plankton conditions: 2 kg / acre
Composition :
In Feed : 10 gm / kg. of feed -7-10 days in a month
Mega Power is pure lab grade crystalline salts which
(or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
releasees pure minerals on touch of water immediately.
Benefits :
Mix recommended quantity of Mega Power in 5 kg. of
• Helps for initiation of moulting process quickly.
Super Fresh or Richmin or sand and broadcast all over
• Improves the shell quality of shrimp / prawn.
the pond.
• Increases phyto or zeoplankton growths.
• Makes the pond water to desired greenish color.
• Acts as perfect growth promoter.
500 gm, 1 kg.

• Prevents problems like loose shell, soft shell, body cramp
etc of shrimps.
For Prevention of Body Cramp and White • Prevents white muscle disease in shrimps.
• Attains better muscle strength & shell formation
Muscle Disease in Shrimp • Helps for better growth rate & body weight.
• Less chances of diseases.
Composition :
CRAMPNIL is a preparation of special macro and micro salt &
mineral compounds in a suitable proportions.
Regular use:
CRAMPNIL can absorb into the shrimp body immediately. It pre-
10 kg/acre (or) 25 kg / hectare every 2-3 week intervals.
vents & controls the body cramp and white muscle disease in
(or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
Application :
Benefits :
Take the recommended quantity of CRAMPNIL and directly broad-
• Makes the pond water rich with essential minerals in ionic
cast in aquaculture ponds uniformly.
• Enhances the Bio Mineralization process in aquaculture Presentation: 10 kg.


• Helps for initiation of moulting process

100% Water Soluble Highly Concentrated Mineral • Helps for quick moulting process
Compounds in Liquid Form for Aquaculture Use • Prevents the body / muscle cramps of the animals
• Increases plankton growths
Composition: LIQUIMIN is prepared from highly specialised • Helps for stable maintainance of plankton at all times
aquaculture grade minerals in liquid form. • Helps for better growth, better health, better immunity.
Special features:
• Top quality pure minerals l 100% water soluble Dosage: in aqua ponds :
• Spreads easily throughout the pond General use : 4 litres / acre (or) 10 ltrs / hectare once in 15 days.
• Absorption in the shrimp body is fast l Action is very very During problems like loose shell, soft shell, poor moulting, poor
quick. growths, less plankton etc. conditions :
5-10 litres / acre (or) 12- 25 ltr / hectare
Benefits: In Feed : 5-10 ml. / kg. of feed continuously
• Provides enough mineral strength in the pond water (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Provides enough mineral strength to the animals
• Prevents & controls loose shell disease Presentation: 1 ltr, 5 ltrs.
• Prevents & controls soft shell disease

Minerals, Amino Acids and Liver Stimulants Benefits:
• Improves disease resistance.
Supplement For Fish • Increases growth and body weights.
Composition : Selenium : 0.5 mg. • Maintains stable health.
Each kg. contains Sodium : 10 mg. • Relieves from stress.
Calcium : 24% L-Lysine Mono HcL : 4200 mg. • Helps for better digestion of food.
Phosphorus : 9% DL-Methionine : 1920 mg. • Develops better skeletol and muscle strength.
Manganese : 2500 mg. Enzyme Phytase : Q.S. • Reduces culture period by fast attaining of body
Zinc : 4500 mg. Herbal liver stimulants : Q.S. weights.
Cobalt : 150 mg.
Iron : 6000 mg. Ensures: Dosage:
Copper : 1000 mg. • Provides necessary minerals. In fish feed : 5-10 kg / Metric ton of feed
Iodine : 300 mg. • Provides required amino acids. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
Magnesium : 6000 mg. • Provides required calcium and
Potasium : 100 mg. phosphorus for better formation of Presentation: 10 kg.
bone tissue.
• Minerals with helps the animals for more strength,
growth, moulting and helps for better body weights.
Micro Granulated Zeolite with Probiotic and Mineral • Probiotics will make the gut more health, active
Compouns Profitable Aquaculture and helps for better feeding, growth & body
Composition: ZEEPROMIN is a highly weights.
• Regulates moulting process.
specialized preparation with micro granu- • Zeolite will helps the animals for better condition-
• Regulates mineral balances.
lated zeolite with Probiotics and mineral ing of the gut which helps for growth & body
• Prevents the growth of pathogenic
compounds. weights.
bacteria and such diseases.
Benefits: In Pond: Dosage: Prawn & Fish Tanks :
• Improves dissolved oxygen levels.
• Prevents the production of Toxic gases. • Prawn / Fish becomes healthy and
For Pond Preparation :
• Controls the Toxic gases already active.
50-100 kg. / acre (or) 125-250 kg / hactare
formed. During Culture : 10 kg. / acre
• Prawn / Fish relieved from stress.
• Reduces the water Turbidity. • Bottom sludge reduced.
(or) 25 kg / Ha once in 3 weeks
• Makes the Pond water clean & Clear. • Animal takes feed normally and
In Fish Feed: 2 kg / ton of feed
• Develops plankton levels. grows better.
(or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Regulates Pond Temperature. Presentation: 20 kg. bucket


Special Mineral Supplement for Aquaculture use

Composition: 4. Helps to prevents body cramps etc.
Richmin plus is a specialized formula with naturally 5. Helps for better growth, body weights, health and
occuring mineral compounds added with gas adsorbants immunity in shrimp / fish.
and turbidity reduces.
Benefits: In water: 5-10 kg / acre (or) 12-25 gm / hectare once in
1 Provides enough minerals in the water and shrimp / 15 days.
fish. In Feed:5 kg / metric ton of feed
2. Helps for better musucle formination in shrimp / fish. (or) as advised by an aquaconsultant.
3. Helps for prevention of soft shell disease, delaied
moulting, loose shell disease etc. Presentation: 10 kg.

AQUA RON TM • Increases health, immunity, growth, body

In Feed:
• Before putting fry shrimps: 20 kg/ha.
• During culture: 10 kg/ha (use every 15 days).
Density is more than 100 shrimps/m2:
• Before putting fry shrimps: 30 kg/ha.
Concentrated Water & Soil Probiotic Granules • Intestines become more healthy.
• Increases appitite, digestion, feeding. • After 15 culture days: 6 kg/ha.
Composition : Each Kg contains • After 30 culture days : 9 kg/ha.
FeSo4 1.000 mg • After 45 culture days: 9 kg/ha.
Beneficial bacteria: Dosage and application:- In Pond:
CuSo4 800 mg • After 60 culture days: 12 kg/ha.
Bacillus subtilis 9 x 1011 cfu Spread the product directly into ponds. It
MnSo4 600 mg • After 75 culture days: 12 kg/ha.
Lactobacillus helveticus 8 x 1011 cfu should be applied in the morning from 8-9
Cao 450 mg Fish Culture: Regular use : 5 kg. /hectare
Lactobacillus lactis 7 x 1011 cfu am
CoSo4 200 mg (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
Nitrosomonas sps. 6 x 1010 cfu For black tiger shrimp:
CaCo3 up to 1 kg
Nitrobacter sps. 6 x 1010 cfu • Density is less than 20 shrimps/m2: In Feed:
Pseudomonas denitrificans 6 x 1010 cfu • Before putting fry shrimps: 20 kg/ha. 5 gm / kg of feed 5-7 days in a month
Benefits: Pond:
Alcaligenes denitrificans 5 x 1010 cfu • During culture: 10 kg/ha (use each 15 -(or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Degrade the organic sludge in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4 x 1010 cfu days). Presentation: 25 kg drum.
the water and the bottom of
Enzymes : Density is more than 20 shrimps/m2:
Protease 1,00,000 IU • Before putting fry shrimps: 30 kg/ha.
• Prevents the formation of toxic gases like NH3, • After 30 culture days: 9 kg/ha.
Amytase 88,000 IU
Cellulase 50,000 IU
H2S, No2 in ponds • After 45 culture days : 9 kg/ha.
• Improves the enviroment of ponds. • After 60 culture days: 12 kg/ha.
Lipase 50,000 IU
• Helps to increase DO levels. • After 75 culture days: 16 kg/ha.
• Helps to optimise plankton • After 90 culture days: 20 kg/ha.
Sio2 330 g
• Helps to regulate pond temperature. • For shrimps (Penaeus vannamei):
Mgo 100 g
• Provides complete relaxation to animals. Density is less than 100 shrimps/m2:
P2o5 100 g
• Increases total productivity.

• Reduce pond water turbidity. • Increase DO levels.
• Increase pond coloring to desired greenish.
Highly Concentrated Probiotic Blend for Aquaculture
• R-egulates pond temperature.
Ponds In Feed:
ECO-PRO is a special Probiotic mixture with Special selective • Helps for better health, immunity, growth & body weight.
strains of beneficial bacteria and digestive Enzymes. Method of Application: In Ponds: Mix the recommended quantity
Composition: of ECO-PRO in 50 lit. of water with 5 kg. of Jaggery, 1 kg. of
Bacillus subtillis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Tri- Yeast Powder for 12-15 hours and apply to the pond water uni-
choderma viride, Nitrosomonas europaea, Nitrobacter winog- formly.
radskyi, Aspergillus oryzae, Rhodococcus, Rhodospirillum rubrum, In Feed: 1 gram / kg of feed continuously (or) 2 days in a week
Cyanobacteria, Pseudo-monas denitrificans, Pseudomonas (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
Dosage: Prawn & Fish Tanks :
Main benefits in aquaculture: 40-100 gms. / acre (or) 100-250 gm / hactare once in 2-3 weeks
• Reduces the toxic gases quickly. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Reduces the pathogenic bacterial loads fastly.
• Reduce stress to the animals. • Reduce bottom sludge. Presentation: 100 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg.

Eliminates toxic gases like ammonia, hydrogen sulphide,
nitrites, sulphur dioxides etc.
• Arrests the growth of pathogenic bacteria like VIBRIO by com-
Soil & Water Probiotic petitive elimination.
Composition : • Maintains optimum plankton levels.
Each kg. of Bio-Treat blend contains minimum 1700 billion cfu of • Provides enough DO levels.
16 concentrated beneficial bacteria. Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus • Maintains optimum water parameters.
lincheni formis, Bacillus poly myxa, Bacillus mega terium, Bacil- • Animals became active and stress free.
lus pumilus, Psudomonas putida, Psudomonas denitrificans, Dosage :
Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, 1mtr. water depth. 500 gms. / hectare (or) 200 gm / acre- once in
Saccharomyces cervisae, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus 15 days. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
helveticus, Cellulomonas uda, Thiobacillus thio oxidans.
Application :
Enzymes : Added with amylase, protease, cellulase, pectinase
Mix the recommended quantity of Bio-treat in 20-30 litres of wa-
and phytase
ter and sprinkle all over the pond.
Each gram of blend contains approximately 10 billion cfu.
In Feed: 5 grams / kg of feed 7-10 days in a month
(or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
Benefits :
• Cleans pond bottom sediments. Presentation: 500 gm.


Liquid probiotic Ponds for Aquaculture Ponds

Concentrated biological liquid preparation from special selective In Ponds : 2-5 ltr. per acre (or) 5-12 ltr / hectare
sps of Bacillus groups, Rhodococcus and Rhodobactor bacteria. Repeat the dose once in a month
In Feed : 5-10 ml. / 1kg. of feed - 7-10 days in a month
BENEFITS : (or) as advised by a fish consultant.
• Makes the fish / prawn pond free from pathogenic micro
organisms especially bacterial sps. PRESENTATION : 1 ltr, 5 ltrs.
• Pond becomes fresh and clean since it prevents formation
of poisonous gases like ammonia and eliminates already
formed gases.
• Fish/ prawn feels healthy, active and stressfree.
• Helps to reduce incidence of bacterial diseases and avoids
the use of powerful chemicals (or) antibiotics.
• Helps for better growth and health.

• Helps for better gut health, Immunity, Productivity, Growth,
Body weights.
Soil and Water Probiotic with Bio-Degredant
Action DOSAGE:
PRAWN / FISH TANKS: At the time of pond preparation
COMPOSITION : (or) First use : 10 Kg / acre. (or) 25 kg / hectare
An imported special selective bacteria having bio degredant During the culture: 5 Kg / acre once in a month
action. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
FISH : 5 Kg / acre. (or) 12.5 kg / hectare
BENEFITS : In Pond: In Feed:10 gm / kg of feed 7-10 days in a month.
• Eats the bottom settled pond wastes and avoids the
decomposition. NOTE : Use recommended quantity of Bottom-Lact mixed with
• Makes the pond bottom clean, neat and visible. equal quantity of Super Fresh for better results.
• Provides more space to Prawn to eat and swim by removing
bottom sludge. PRESENTATION : 10 kg.
• Prevents toxic gases like ammonia, H2S, SO2 etc. in pond


Enhances the disease resistance of culture shrimps.
Improves the growth and survivals.
A Best Quality Yeast For All Round Perfor- Dosage :
mance In Aquaculture In the Ponds: 500 gram / acre (or) 1.2 kg / hectare water area
(one meter)
Composition :
PURE YEAST consists the pure and specially grown Yeast Application: Put 500 gm of PURE YEAST with 5.0 kg of
culture (Saccharomyces boulardii) for aquaculture use. jaggery in 20-30 liters of water and keep for 12-15 hours. Apply
the mixture in the pond water uniformly.
Benefits : In Feed: 5-10 gm / kg of feed
• Shrimp grows very fast with better health & immunity Mix the recommended quantity of PURE YEAST in feed with
• Improves the level of production, FCR and lowers the feed the suitable binder and dry for few minutes before use.
costs. (or) as per the advice of an aqua consultant.
• Increases efficiency in the use of feed ingredients.
• Reduces all kinds of stress factors. Presentation: 1 ltr.
• Redues mortality due to opportunistic pathogens
SUPERGUT Benefits:

Limits the activity of harmful pathogenic bacteria.
Maintains a healthy and balanced gut micro flora.
A Strong Nutrition with Probiotics for All Round • Improves the overall performance of shrimps.
Gut Flora Performer, Growth Promoter, Feed • Reduces digestive upsets.
Binder and Immunomodulator in Shrimps • Promotes the fast growth rate of shrimp.
• Improves FCR.
Composition: SUPERGUT contains the selective multi strain • Improves resistance to stress and disease.
of probiotics along with sea weed extracts and molasses. The • Improves digestive process and the feed absorption.
probiotics are: • Enhances immunity.
Bacillus subtilis • Acts as best binder for feed additives along with pellet feed.
Bacillus coagulans Dosage: 10-20 ml / kg of shrimp feed
Bacillus cereus (or) as per advice of an aqua consultant.
Bacillus polymyxa
Pediococcus acidilactici Application: Mix recommended quantity of SUPERGUT and
Enteroococcus faecalis apply to 1 kg of pellet feed. Dry the feed under cool shade for
Lactobacillus Acidophyllus, 30 minutes before feeding.
Saccaromycess boulardii Presentation: 1 ltr.

It has an important immune properties like antibodies,
immunoglobulins and enzymes, which improves immunity &
resistance power in aquatic animals. It allows the fish/shrimp
High Value Nutritional Supplement for Shrimps body to strengthen its normal functions.
• It helps to strengthen the digestive system & prevents digestive
Composition: Each kg contains:
Colostrum Powder, Phyllanthus emblica, Bacillus subtilis.
• It supplies nutrients to all stages like starters, growers & finishers
of Vannammei & tiger shrimps, which ultimately useful for rapid
growth & to increase body weight gain in short period.
• “Hi-Gain” is an unique nutritional preparation especially for
Vannammei & tiger shrimp culture to improve profitability. Dosage: Add in feed:
• It acts as a super food for shrimps & prawns, it supplies Shrimps & Prawns:
high nutritional supplements in initial stages of their life, Ist week : 10 grams / kg of feed
which helps to achieve more weight gain in short period of IInd week : 6 gm / kg of feed
time. III week : 4 gm / kg of feed
• It provides natural amino acids, anti-oxidants, vitamins and th
IV week : 3 gm / kg of feed
minerals. Also it contains important Insulin like growth factors 5th Week onwards: 2 gm / kg of feed 2 days every week
IGF-1 and IGF-2, which encourages growth of muscles and (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
tissues in shrimp & fish. Presentation: 1 kg.

P-LACT PLUS Main Benefits :

• Prevents and controls bacterial pathogens in the gut.
• Helps for uninterrupted growth.
Feed Probiotic and Growth Enhancer
As the aquatic animals live in water and is the best source of microbial growth, very oftenly animal gut
• Increases body weights.
is infected with bacterial pathogens. The best and proven way to protect animal gut is by providing • Maintains optimum health and immunity.
beneficial bacteria. • Improves efficiency of digestive system.
P-LACT PLUS is a specialsed formulation to protect the animals from bacterial pathogens, stress and
to provide additional strength.
• Prevents loose shell disease.

Composition : Each kg. contains Dosage :

Lacto bacillus casei : 50,000 million cfu Cellulase : 200 IU Regular use : 10 gms. / kg. of pellets
Streptococcus faecium : 50,000 million cfu Lipase : 100 IU Stress / poor growths / disease condition : 20 gm. / kg. of pellets 10 days.
Lactobacillus acidophilus : 50,000 million cfu Pectinase : 200 IU
Phytase : 20,000 IU Application : Mix recommended quantity of P LACT PLUS with suitable
Lactobacillus lactis : 50,000 million cfu
Bacillus coagulans : 50,000 million cfu Vitamin B1 : 1 gm binder cum feed attractant preferably CODLIV or ATTRACT and apply to
Bacillus lincheniformis : 50,000 million cfu Vitamin B6 : 1gm feed. Dry it for 30 minutes on cool shade and give it to shrimp / prawn.
Saccharomyces cervisiae : 1,50,000 million cfu Vitamin B12 : 30 mcg
Amylase : 20,000 IU Seaweed extract : 50 gms. Presentation : 500 gm, 1 kg.
Protease : 2,00,000 IU Trace minerals : Traces

A Highly Concentrated Probiotics for Nitrification
z Improves sediments & water quality.
z Increases resistances of the host
inz Mineralisation & Nitrification in pond.
z Promotes growth & high survivals.
Aquaculture Ponds DOSAGES : 1 Meter water depth / One Hectare area
COMPOSITION : NITROFIX-DS is a highly concentrated formulated Types of Species During pond preparation (kg) During culture(kg) Frequency
product in association with nitrifying and other bacteria like Nitrobacter P. monodon(Tiger shrimp) 2.0 1.0 3 weeks
spp, Nitrosomonas spp, Pseudomonas denitrificans, Alcaligenes
denitrificans, Bacillus spp, Aerobactor spp, L vannamei shrimp 2.0 1.0 2 weeks
Thiobacillus spp etc. for degradation of bottom sludge Scampi /Fish 1.0 0.5 One month
and elimination of toxic gasses in quick process.
BENEFITS : In Feed : 5 gm. / kg. of feed - 5-7 days in a month (or) as advised by
z Promotes a healthy aquatic environment an aqua consultant.
z Breakdown of organic flocks and un-decomposed sludge.
z Eliminates un-ionised ammonia at the pond bottom. APPLICATION: Mix the recommended quantity of NITROFIX-DS in 50
z Prevents further ammonia production by inhibiting urease activity. lit of water with 5 kg of jaggery, 1 kg of yeast powder for12-15
z Less susceptibility to diseases. hours and apply to the pond water uniformly.
z Improves growth & FCR
z Reduces or eliminates off-flavor problems. PRESENTATION: 1 KG.
z Effective even at relatively high BOD/COD.
z Increases DO level & reduces pH level.
• Helps to improve the appetite and digestion which helps
for better growth and health.
• Increases immunity and provides protection against all
Growth Promoter, Disease Preventor &
kinds of diseases originates from nutritional as well as
Immuno Modulator
pathogenic organisms.
Composition: Aqua Fix is a 100% pure herbal extract • Very effective for white gut disease.
prepared from 15 special selective herbs having multi
Dosage: IN FEED : As a regular growth promoter, disease
beneficial functional properties.
preventor and immuno-modulator : 2 gm / kg of feed 2 days
every week from the begining of the feed to till harvesting.
During disease out breaks, poor growths and non-specific
• Having strong microbicidical properties and kills all
mortalities conditions: 5-10 grams / kg of feed 7-10
bacterial, viral, protozoan and fungal organisms
days continuously.
present in the animal as well as in the pond.
IN WATER: 1 kg / hectare (or) 400 gm / acre once in 2-
• Effectively prevents most of the microbial infections,
3 weeks (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
if preventive treatment given properly.
Presentation: 500 gm , 1 kg.
• Effectively controls most of the diseases after attacks.

Shrimp Feed : Regular use : 5 gms. / kg of pellets.
Composition: Beta carotenes, L-lysine, DL methionine, Stress conditions : 10 gms / kg. of pellets.
Fatty acids, vitamins A, D3, E, C, B 12, minerals zinc, (or) as advised bya veterinarian.
cobalt, manganese, selenium and probiotics
lactobacillus, saccharomyces cervisiae. Application:
Take recommended quantity of Immunex-DS, mix with
Benefits : 10-20ml of Codliv (or) Attract and apply to 1kg of feed.
• Improves strength of the shrimp / prawn. Dry the feed under cool shade for 30 minutes before
• Provides optimum health and growth. feeding.
• Builds up better body defence mechanism.
• Helps the animal to relieve from stress. Presentation: 500 gm, 1 kg.
• Increases feed intake and body weights.
• Prevents the colonization of bacterial pathogens in
the gut.
• Improves survivals of shrimp.


Special Care of White Gut, White Muscle and

white faeces problems in Shrimp culture
• Acts as a best growth promoter cum body weight
Composition: enhancer.
ORGA POWER is a perfect blend of special organic • Acts as best disease preventor cum immuno
acids in highly concentrated form. modulator.
Benefits :
Dosages : In Feed:
• Prevents & Controles the following very effectively.
5-10 ml / kg of feed 2 days every week
• White Gut
(or) 10 days every month
• White Muscle
(or) as per advice of an aqua consultant.
• White faeces
Presentation: 5 ltrs.

HISHELL Benefits :
• Prevents and controles loose shell disease in prawn.
• Helps for quick formation of shell.
For Loose shell disease & Fast moulting
• Acts as growth promoter in fish and prawn.

Composition :
Dosage :
Each 100 ml contains.
In Feed : 20-30 ml. / kg.of pellets atleaset 7 days in a
Phosphate : 2000 mg.
month (or) as advised by an aqua consultant
Vitamin D3 : 2000 I.U.
Vitamin B1 : 10 mg.
Vitamin B2 : 5 mg.
Vitamin B12 : 10 mcg. Mix the recommended quantity of HISHELL PLUS
Vitamin C : 500 mg. directly in pellet feed. Dry the feed under cool shed for
Ferrous gluconate : 100 mg. 30 minutes before feeding.
Zinc sulphate : 20 mg.
Presentation: 1 ltr, 5 ltrs.

For Care & Cure of White Gut Disease

Composition: Dosage:
Mixture of special selective herbs in suitable propor- Regular Use: 5 gm / kg of pellets.
tions fortified with Special minerals. During white gut disease time:
10-20 gm / kg of pellets as per the need.
Benefits: (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Helps to activate the function of Hepato pancrease.
• Helps to control white gut disease in shrimps. Presentation: 500 gm.
• Helps for fast growth and more body weights.

Special Astaxanthene
Composition : Dosage :
Sterilized and processed meat collected from sea 2 gm. per Kg. of pellets at least twice in a week
animals having high levels of natural Astaxanthene, or as advised by an aqua consultant.
Betaine, HUFA, vitamins, minerals, Aminoacids,
Enzymes etc., grown under high salinity & high stress Application:
conditions. Take recommended quantity Asta Care, mix with 10-
20ml of Codliv (or) Attract and apply to 1 kg of feed.
Benefits : Dry the feed under cool shade for 30 minutes before
• Improves color & appearance. feeding.
• Improves Health & Immunity.
• Helps for more survivals. Presentation : 500 gm.
• Helps for better growth & body weights.

GLANCE • Feeds utilized effectively by better digestion, absorption and

Growth Promoter & Bodyweight Enhancer for Shrimp assimilation of nutrients.
• Gut becomes healthy and conditioned and prevents growth of
Composition: Glance is a highly specialized formula with multi vitamins, minerals, amino pathogenic bacteria in the gut.
acids, enzymes, fortified with lactobacillus sps of beneficial bacteria. • Culture period reduced and more profits with GLANCE by…
1. Strong health 2. Strong immunity 3. Better and faster growth
Components per kg: Cobalt 100mg Amino acids : 4. More body weight 5. Less bacterial diseases
Vitamins: Iron 2500mg L - lysine 2500mg
Vitamin A 1,00,000IU Selenium 10mg DL- Methionine 2500mg Dosages: Shrimp feed:
Vitamin D 3 20,000IU Calcium 5000mg Regular use : 5 grams / kg of pellets
Vitamin E 1000mg Phosphorus 2500mg Probiotics: Periodical use : 10grams / kg of pellets 2 days every week.
Vitamin C 2000mg Lacto bacillus lactis : QS
Vitamin B 1 1250mg Enzymes: Lacto bacillus acidophilus : QS Method of application: Take recommended quantity of GLANCE, mix
Vitamin B 6 1250mg Amylase 1250mg with 20ml of ATTRACT (India’s NO: 1, Feed attractant & Binder) and
Vitamin B12 50mcg Protease 1250mg Benefits: dry under cool shade for 30minutes before feeding to prawn.
Lipase 1000mg • Covers the vitamin deficiencies and
Minerals: Cellulase 1000mg avoids related symptoms and lesions. Presentation: 500 gm, 1 kg.
Zinc 2000mg Alpha Galactosidase 1000mg • Covers the mineral deficiencies and
Manganese 2500mg Beta Galactosidase 1000mg avoids related symptoms and lesions.
• Helps for better growth, body weight
with better health & immunity.

Dosage: In Feed :
10-20 ml. per kg. of feed.
Pure COD-Liver Oil extracted from boiled livers of fresh
(or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
Cod-Fishes, fortified with vitamins, minerals and
enzymes. Adequate anti-oxidants are added.
Mix the recommended quantity of COD-LIV directly in
pellet feed. Dry the feed under cool shed for 30 min-
• Good attractant. • Good binder.
utes before feeding.
• Good immuno modulator. • Good growth promoter.
Presentation: 1 ltr, 5 ltrs.

Pure Squid Oil

Pure extract of squid oil fortified with multi vitamins, min-
5-10 ml. / kg. of feed regularly
erals and enzymes. Adequate anti oxidants are added.
(or) as advised by your aqua consultant.
PRESENTATION : 1ltr, 5 ltrs.
• Prawn takes required quantity of feed.
• Takes the feed more quickly and avoids the wastage
and pond pollution.
• Improves FCR with better growth, body weights, size
and shape etc.
• Can be used as a good binder.

P-LIV z Regenerates the damaged hepatocytes.

A Liver Stimulant
z Improves body weight with better FCR.
COMPOSITION: Niacinamide : 200 mg. z Regulates the periodic moulting.
Each 100 ml. contains: Vitamin E : 50 mg. z Reduces the usage of antibiotics.
Inositol : 40 mg. Liver Fraction II : 1000 mg. z Ensures quick recovery in antibiotic
Choline Chloride: 1250 mg. Yeast : 300 mg. therapy.
Vitamin B12 : 30 mcg. Selenium : 10 mg.
Methionine : 200 mg. DOSAGE:
Lysine : 100 mg. BENEFITS: In Feed 10-20 ml./ kg. of feed regularly
Biotin : 80 mcg. z P-LIV is a general protective
(or) as directed by an aqua consultant.
Vitamin K : 10 mg. tonic and can be given both in
D-Panthenol : 75 mg. normal and abnormal conditions. PRESENTATION: 1ltr, 5 ltrs.
z Prevents liver / hepatdopancreas

• Acts as best microbicide and prevents the microbial

• Prevents gill infections, tail infections and othe
Pond Conditioner & Performance Booster external parasitic infections of shrimp.
Composition: “PERMA CLEAN” is a highly specialised • Increases Health Status.
formulation with Potassium permanganate (feed grade)
and Natural gas adsorbants (HSCAS) in suitable Dosage : Prawn Ponds :
proportions added with zinc salts. Regular Use : 1 kg / acre (or) 2.5 kg / hectare once in 2-
3 weeks.
Benefits: During heavy Microbial Loads, Gill infections, DO Prob-
• Improves dissolved oxygen levels quickly and relieves lems, Pond pollution conditions: 2 kg / acre
the animal from stress. In Feed: 2 gm / kg of feed as a potassium supplement
• Adsorbs toxic gases like Ammonia and reduces the and growth promoter (or) as advised by an aqua con-
pond pollution. sultant.
• Acts as best growth promoter & Performance Booster
Presentation: 1 kg.

VIRCARE-DS TM It can be given at all stages of culture right from pond
preparation till end of the culture.
• Does not cause any stress to the animals.
For Prevention of Microbes load in ponds & For • Protects the ponds during severe white spot diseases in
Growth Performance near by ponds.
In Feed:
Helps for better health, Immunity, strength, growth & body
Composition : weights.
Concentrated organic acids with minerals.
Dosage : 1-5 to 2-5 kg. / hectare (or) 600 -1000 gm / acre
Benefits : In Pond:
– once in a month.
• VIRCARE DS is very effective against complete range of
In Feed : 1 gm / kg. of feed 2 days in a month as growth
• Perfect preventer of bacteria seen like VIRBIO, Salmonella,
(or) as advised by aaqua consultant.
E.coli, Aeromones etc.
• It is very much suitable to prevent viral diseases of shrimp Application : Mix recommended quantity of Vircare-DS in 5-
like WSV, YHV and HPV. 10 kg. of Zeolite or Sand and broadcast all over the pond.
• Prevents zinc Deficiency and acts as best growth promoter. Presentation: 500 gm, 1 kg.
Pond Conditioner Health Improver & Stress Dosage :
Reliever Prawn & Fish Tanks: 1-2 Ltrs. / hectare
in 1 mtr. depth, once in 15 days with water or sand
Composition : Feed grade potassium iodide added with In Feed : 2 ml. / kg. of feed as Iodine supplement which
organic acids & minerals. acts as growth promoter and performance booster (or)
Benefits : In Pond: as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Acts as a water purifier.
• Minimises microbial load in the water. Application:
• Prevents all gill, tail infections. Mix recommended quantity of Microsol-20 in 20-30 ltrs.
• Makes the pond water fresh. of water and sprinkle all over the pond.
In Feed:
• Acts as a growth promoter and performance enhancer. Presentation: 500 ml, 1ltr, 5 ltrs.
• Increases health, Immunity.

SUPER CLEAN Dosage: Shrimp Culture ponds:-

P. monodon: 200 ml / acre (or) 500 ml / hactare
Pond Conditioner and Performance Enhancer
L. vannamei: 300 ml - 400 ml /Acre (or) 750 ml / Ha
Repeat the dose , once in 3 weeks
In Feed : 2 ml. / kg. of feed 3 days in a month
Super clean is a specialized formulation with
(or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
concentrated organic acids with minerals.
Mix the recommended quantity of SUPER CLEAN in
• Cleans the pond bottom sediments and biofilms
15-20 litres of pond water and broadcast uniformly all
• Helps for fast growth and body weights.
over the pond.

Presentation: 1ltr, 5 ltrs.

Pond / Tank Conditioner, Health Improver

Composition : Dosage :
Providone Iodine 10% Prawn & Fish Tanks: 1-2 Ltrs. / hectare
in 1 mtr. depth, once in 15 days with water or sand.
Benefits : In Pond / Hatchery. 20- 100 ppm dip for hatchery purpose.
• Acts as a water purifier. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Minimises microbial load in the water.
• Effective in LB / Vibrio Control. Presentation: 500 ml, 1 ltr.


In Feed :
• Acts as perfect immuno modulator in fish.
Pond Conditioner
• Helps for better growths and body weights.
COMPOSITION: Alkylbenzyl dimethyl ammonium • Prevents the bacterial infections in the gut.
chlorides: (Benzyl Konium Chloride) (Feed Grade) added
with organic acids and minerals. DOSAGE :
Prawn / Fish ponds : 1metre water depth
BENEFITS : In Water : 500 ml - 1000 ml / acre (or)1250 - 2500 ml / hactare
• Regulates periodic moulting of prawn and so more In Feed : 2 ml. / kg. of fish feed as immuno modulator
health and growth. and growth promoter
• Complete purifier of water in fish & prawn ponds. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Eliminates ectoparasites of prawn and prevents the
growth of pathogenic microbes. PRESENTATION: 500 ml, 1ltr, 5 ltrs.
• Increases cultivation density.
BROMO-CLEAN • Supplies the additional Minerals to shrimp which helps for
Brominated Compounds - 5% w/v with Trace better moulting and growth.
COMPOSITION : (Feed Grade) • Helps the aquatic animals to increase the growth and
Brominated compounds : 5% w/v performance.
Trace Minerals : Q.S.
Stabilisers : Q.S. DOSAGE :
Prawn / Fish tanks : 1 metre water depth :
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS : General Preventive use : 500ml - 1ltr. / acre (or) 1.2-2.5 ltr / hactare
• Avoids the formation of fungus bed in the pond water and In Feed : 5 ml. / kg. of feed a s agrowth promoter
sludge in the bottom. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant
• Very useful prevent all the infections of gills, appendages,
antennae, tail etc. PRESENTATION: 500 ml, 1ltr, 5 ltrs.
• Very safe, economical, less irritant and so does not cause
stress to prawn.

• VIRSAN helps to control the external parasitic infections of gills,

appendages or any other body parts of the shrimp.
• VIRSAN improves water quality by reduceing off flavours in the
Natural Pond Conditioner & Performance Enhancer pond.
Composition: VIRSAN is developed with specialised bio • VIRSAN is very safe, doesn’t causes any irritation /stress to the
concentrates with naturally occuring substances (Feed Grade). aquatic animals.
Special advantages of VIRSAN:
Benefits: Since it is in tablet form: • Very easy to apply • Reaches all parts of
• VIRSAN acts as best growth promoter and performance the ponds • Starts functioning from the bottom itself • No wastage of
enhancer. the product • Starts functioning quickly • More stable during storage.
• VIRSAN enhances the moulting process which helps for the
Dosage & administration:
further growth of the shrimp.
Shrimp & Fish Ponds :
• VIRSAN is a potent viricide, bactericide, fungicide and anti
Regular use : 50 Tablets / hectare once in 3 weeks.
During heavy microbial loads: 100 Tablets/hectare
• VIRSAN prevents the occurance of many microbial infections
In Feed: 1 tablet in 10 kg. of feed as a growth promoter
of viral, bacterial, fungal and protozoan origins.
2 days in a month (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• VIRSAN works effectively and quickly than other routinely used
Application: Dissolve the Tablet in water and apply to feed.
chemicals like Iodophores, Chlorine compounds etc.
Presentation: 500 gm, 1 kg.

Preventor of Microbial Population and crobial organisams.
• Helps for better growth, health and productivity.
Productivity enhancer In Pond:
Composition: Microban is a water purifier which contains • Prevents the microbial population in the ponds and makes
Gluteroldelyde (Feed Grade), BKC (Feed Grade) and Formalde- the water fresh & clean.
hyde (Feed Grade) in suitable proportions added with minerals. • Helps the aquatic animals to selective from stress

Benefits: In Feed: Dosage: In Ponds: 1-2 ltrs / acre (or) 2.5 - 5 ltrs / hactare
• Acts as immuno modulator. once in 2-3 weeks
• Helps for better, growth & body weights. In Feed: 5 ml / kg of feed 3 days in a month
• It is a water purifier prevents all kinds of microbes like bacte- as an immuno modulator growth promoter
ria, virus, fungus and protozoans. on advise of an aqua consultant.
• Prevents the majority of water borne infections if applied
periodically. Presentation:
• Helps to prevent all external infections due to most of the mi- 500 ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltrs.


Zoothamnium Preventor and growth Promoter

Composition: • Minerals helps for fast moulting, muscle
It is a special concentrated herbal preparation added development and growths.
with minerals.
Dosage :
Benefits : 250 ml./ hactare (or) 100 ml / Acre at a time.
• Helps for fast moulting which helps for faster growth Double the dose if the problem is severe
and body weights. In Feed : 2 ml / 4 kg of feed 3 days in a month
• Prevents microbial films of zoothamnium etc and (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
prevents such problems which helps to reduce the
stress of the aquatic animals. Presentation : 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr.


Prevents all external infections of prawn & fish.
Helps for better growth and performance.
For Quick Moulting & Growth Promoter
Dosage : Prawn & Fish Tanks:
COMPOSITION : (Feed Grade) 1mtr. water depth - 10 Litres / hectare (or) 4 ltrs / Acre
Benzyl Konium Chlorides : 5.0% In Feed : 2 ml. / kg. of feed - 2 days in a month as a
Formal dehyde : 37-41% growth promoter (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
Calcium Gluconate : 5.0%
BENEFITS : Mix recommended quantity of Hi-Moult in 20-30 ltrs. of
• Initiates and stimulates the moulting process. water and sprinkle all over the pond.
• Moulting takes place quickly and completely.
• Reduces the microbial load in the pond. Presentation: 500 ml, 1ltr, 5 ltrs.
• Improves the shell strength after moulting.

GILL-SAN TM • It acts effectively for prevention of gill diseases like black

gill, red gill, brown gill, giil fouling etc caused by protozoan,
Gill Cleaner & Performance Enhancer fungi and other micro organisms.
• Helps for better gut action and absorption of nutrients.
COMPOSITION: • It prevents all external parasite infections in shrimp.
GILL-SAN developed under the most advanced technology and
consists the powerful antimicrobial agents from the herbal DOSAGES:
sources added with probiotics. Regular and Preventive Use:
500 ml / acre (or) 1.2 ltr / hactare Pond water / once in every
BENEFITS: 3-4 weeks
• If helps for fast growths, better health and productivity. Treatment Use: 1 lit / acre (or) 2.5 ltr / hactare Pond water
• It prevents fungal diseases like Fusariosis, grey gill disease (or) as per advice of an aqua consultant.
etc in shrimps.
• It prevents the development of pathogenic micro-organisms
APPLICATION: Mix the required dosages in 25-50 lit of water
such as bacteria, mould and algae from spore level in
and spread all over to pond surface.
aquaculture ponds.

Presentation: 1 ltr.


Herbal Sanitizer especially for Aquaculture Pond z Helps to prevent & minimizes external infections.
Water z Helps to make pond environment healthy to promote
Benefits: growth & body weight gain in shrimp & fish.
z It is herbal sanitizer highly z Improves body weight gain, FCR & profitability in shrimp
Each ltr contains:
recommended for aquaculture. / fish culture.
Piper nigrum
z It can be used as a substitute of
Azadirachta indica
chemical based sanitizers in Dosage: Add in pond water:
Taraxacum officinale
aquaculture. Routine use: 1 ltr / acre (or) 2.5 ltrs / hactare use once in a
Eucalyptus robusta
z It helps to minimize pathogenic two weeks.
Eucalyptus globulus
population (bacterial, protozoal, viral In severe/risk conditions : double the above dosage
Aloe vera
etc.) in pond water. In Feed: 5 ml / kg of feed daily
Syzygium aromaticum
z Acts effectively on all debris & waste (or) as advised by a an aqua consultant.
Berberis vulgaris
material present in the pond water &
prevents from the various infections to Presentation: 1 ltr, 5 ltrs.
the shrimps / fish.

To Improve Harvest Quality • Can also used as a cleaning agent of plastic and
Composition: other containers used in hatcheries to avoid
SMBS (Sodium Metabisulphite) contamination.

Benefits: Dosage:
• Sodium meta bisulphate used to prevent oxidation
200 to 1000 ppm dip (Harvest Tank Water)
and Helps the water clean and soft. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.
• Used to prevent colour change of water / Shrimp.
• Prevents bacterial load / melanization.
PRESENTATION: 25 kg bag.
• Reduces heavy metals in the water and soften the

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