Bacillus Laterosporus
Bacillus Laterosporus
Bacillus Laterosporus
Bacillus Laterosporus
Product description
Bacillus Laterosporus is a gram-positive bacterium, which has the characteristics of rapid
reproduction, simple nutrition, strong spore formation ability, strong stress resistance and easy
colonization in soil. And it can produce bacteriocins, lysine and degrade organics.
2、 It has strong inhibitory effect on vibrio, colibacillus and baculovirus harmful bacteria in
water and reduces the occurrence of prawn diseases. Finally it will significantly increases
3、 It can decompose the residual feed, feces, organic matter and so on.
4、 It can significantly improve the water turbidity caused by harmful blue-green algae. It has
Agricultural planting
1、 It will promote plant root growth and increase the absorption capacity of the root system.
2、 It can inhibit the reproduction of plant pathogens, reduce pests and diseases, and reduce
pesticide residues.
3、 It can improve loose soil and solve the phenomenon of soil compaction. So as to activate the
4、 It can enhance plant metabolism, promote photosynthesis and strengthen the leaf protective
5、 It can enhance photosynthesis, improve fertilizer utilization and reduce nitrate content;
6、 It can solidify some heavy metals and reduce the content of heavy metals in plants.
Area of application
1、 Used as feed additive, the feed is fully mixed evenly. The recommended amount is 200-1000g
per ton of feed. It can also be diluted 250-500 times for drinking water for animals.
2、 Aquaculture:200-500g/Mu/666.7m2. Dilute with 10 times water. Stir well and sprinkle evenly
3、 Organic fertilizer preparation: Add 1-3kg to 1 ton of organic fertilizer. It can be used as base
fertilizer within planting holes or planting strips.
4、 It can be used as bacterial agent: the dosage per mu/666.67m2 is 25~30g, and the user can
2. After each opening of the bag or bucket. If it is not used up, please tie the bag mouth or
1. packing:1kg/bag(bottle); 2kg/bag(bucket);20kg/bag(bucket)
2. This product is an active biological agent. Transport and storage process should avoid light,
3. The shelf life of this product is 12 months in a cool and dry environment.