Unit VII. Pre-Stocking Management Practices

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Unit VII.

Pre-stocking management
Pre-stocking management
Pre-stocking management means
management before stocking. Broadly it can
be said that all the management practices
involved in fish culture before stocking of fry
in order to prepare the water body and its
surrounding environment for living and
growth of the fry.
Pre-stocking management
• Preparation of pond
• Eradication of undesirable fishes and aquatic
• Liming of pond
• Water filling and
• Basal manuring and fertilization
Pond preparation
• Pond drying / Dewatering
• Desilting /Bottom mud excavation
• Dike and canal reconstruction
• Ploughing / Tilling of the bottom
Pond drying / Dewatering
The objectives of pond drying are
• To kill undesirable species and predatory
fishes from the pond
• To help the works of dike and predatory fishes
from the pond
• To help for liming and fertilizing to the soil
The pond bottom should be allowed to dry in
sunlight at least for 15 days.
Desilting /Bottom mud excavation
 After dewatering the pond the excess mud of the bottom should
be removed.
 After drying generally 10-12 cm mud is removed
 It can be done by physical labor.
Desilting process will remove the unwanted silt/bottom mud which
is rich in nutrients without interference to the next crop. The
removed materials have to be taken away from the ponds and
not spread over the dike /bunds so that they are not washed
back into the pond during rain. The pond bottom should be
made even to allow effective rutting and harvesting of fish.
Dike and canal reconstruction
• The broken pond dyke must be repaired and well raised to prevent the outward migration of fish under
normal flooding situation. Grass or other vegetables can be planted on the dykes, which would help
prevent erosion of dyke in monsoon months and alleviate turbidity problem as well.
• It is very essential for the following reasons
 To prevent the pond from overflowing during the rainy season.
 To prevent the breaking of the dike.
 To give a certain shape to the pond.
 To maintain a certain slope of the pond.
 Dike reconstruction should be done during the end of the day season.
 February-April is the better time for drying and reconstruction of the pond.
 The inner side of the dike should cut properly or make smooth by hitting mud or soil.
 Now the dike must to be as high as it can prevent the flood water.
 The slope of the dike must be 1:2 of the pond depth.
 The top of the pond dike should 3 feet wide
 It is necessary to repair the existing dike by filling new soil
 Well rooted grass should cultivate in the dike of the pond.
Ploughing / Tilling of the bottom
• When the bottom soil takes the crack after
removal of the bottom silt, tilling / ploughing
the bottom soil at the top 5-8 cm is done
diagonally two times. Then it is dried for 3-10
Eradication of undesirable fishes and
aquatic weeds
• Control of aquatic weed:
• Control of predators and undesirable species
• Eradication of undesirable fishes
Control of aquatic weed
Clean and excess aquatic weed free pond is very essential for getting a better production from
it. All the aquatic vegetations (floating, submerged or emergent) should be removed from the
pond. They hamper primary productivity by absorbing available nutrients from water and soil
and hinder normal penetration of sunlight and mind action.
It is necessary:
 To ensure the entrance of sufficient sunlight on the pond surface.
 To produce more natural food.
 To increase the fish production.
Although some aquatic weeds are the source of food for some fishes such as grass crap all
weeds are not necessary and beneficial for a pond. All aquatic weeds are nourished from the
water and soil of a water body. It is very harmful for the reproduction and growth of plankton.
More over sufficient sunlight cannot enter in to the pond because of excess aquatic weed which
is also harmful for the growth of plankton. They also decrease the dissolve oxygen of water and
make disturbance for the movement of fishes. There are three types of aquatic weeds found in
a pond they are
 Floating
 Submerged
 Emergent
Control of predators and undesirable
• Predators
Predators are those species which take pray as these foods by hunting. As
for example shoal, boal, chital etc.
• Undesirable species
Those species which are not expected during the culture of a specific or
desirable species and those which grow naturally in a pond with cultured
species are known as undesirable species or weed fishes.
• Reasons for control
 Predatory fishes eat the fry of cultured species as for e.g. Predators eat
10-12 kg of other fishes for their 1 kg growth.
 Undesirable species share the food of cultured species.
 Undesirable species breakout disease for other cultured species.
Eradication of undesirable fishes
All the predatory and unwanted fishes must be eradicated from the pond prior to
stocking the pond with the fingerlings of desirable species. This can be done either
by complete dewatering the pond or by poisoning. Some commonly used efficient
fish toxicants are
• Rotenone
Rotenone kills all the fish species except shrimps when applied @ 2-3ppm. The
killed fish is also suitable for human consumption. However, higher cost and
unavailability are the negative points. Toxicity lasts for about 10-12 days.
• Tea seed cake
In tea seed cake the active ingredient responsible for killing the fish is the saponin.
Tea seed cake is effective at 75-100ppm (5-10ppm saponin content). Before
application, the tea seed cake should be soaked overnight and then broadcast over
the pond surface. The toxicity lasts for about 10-12 days and the killed fish is fit for
human consumption.
• Mahua oil cake
Mahua (Basia latipolia) oil cake contains 4-6% saponin and kills fishes when applied
@ 250 ppm. The toxicity lasts for about 10-15 days under normal conditions. Killed
fish is fit for human consumption. It also serves as a base manure in the pond.
The basic objectives of liming in the pond are
• To maintain the pH of soil and water above 6
• To increase the function of fertilizer
• To remove the turbidity of water
• To control decrease and toxin gases.
• To make the pond environment clean
• To increase the productivity
• Lime neutralizes soil acidity and creates a buffer system to prevent marked diurnal fluctuations of
the water from acidic to alkaline conditions.
• Destroys fish pathogens and their intermediate life stages.
• Converts unsuitable acidic condition of water to suitable alkaline condition.
• Neutralize iron compounds which are undesirable in fish ponds.
• Promotes mineralization of soil which is desirable in fish ponds.
• Settle excess dissolved organic matters and thereby reduces incidences of oxygen depletion
• Acts as determinants and improves hygienic
• Apart from other advantages, the buffering action of calcium is the most important. Lime serves
both the prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Lime treatment for ponds should be done before
initial manuring.
Water filling
When a pond is fully prepared for stocking of fish then water filling is
done. Initially before manuring/fertilizing the water depth should
be maintained as low as possible so that the effect of nutrients for
natural food production is fully realized. After 1 to 2 weeks of
manuring / fertilizing the water depth has to be raised to the
required level before stocking the seeds for fish culture. The
average water depth in a pond is an important factor in fish culture.
This generally depends on various factors like rainfall, evaporation
losses, seepage, use of water for irrigation, etc. If necessary, water
may be let in from nearby available sources during summer or
drained out during monsoon to maintain desirable water depth in
the pond.
Manuring / Fertilizing
Zooplankton and phytoplankton are the main natural food of fish.
Objective of fertilizing
• To produce natural food.
• To increase the amount of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium etc.
Types of fertilizing
 Organic manures
Organic manures are directly used for the development of natural food. For the pond culture cow dung is
better to use. During pond preparation poultry manure can also be used.
 Inorganic fertilizer
Generally urea can be used at 20-30kg/ha. It should be dissolved in water and spread over the surface of
the pond. Similarly 10-15kg/ha of super phosphate is used during preparation of pond.
In undrainable ponds where the frequent change of water is a Impossible. The physico-chemical
properties of pond water governing the biological production cycle are more or less a reflection of the
bottom soil. Therefore, the fertilizer requirement varies depending on soil productivity levels.
• Organic manuring, is being important as a means of adding the nutrients in water is also equally
important for improving the soil texture. If there is shortage of organic manures, the application
of inorganic fertilizers is recommended. A generalized schedule can be adopted in the
abundance of detailed soil and water analysis data. The proper mode and timing of application
of fertilizers are very important in order to get good results as well as avoid water quality
problems. Manures / fertilizers should be applied only when the other environmental conditions
of water are suitable such as sunshine, good oxygen content and adequate water level etc. The
best way of applying is to dissolve the fertilizers in water and spray throughout the pond surface.
The best time for manuring is morning with 9-10 o’clock. Application of manure / fertilizer in
late afternoon or evening may cause oxygen depletion in the early hours of the following day
because of faster decomposition at night. During fully cloudy and rainy days, manuring has to be
suspended. In case of algal blooming the manuring fertilization has also to be lessened.
• Manure and fertilizers are best utilized when the desired total dose is given in small portions.
Daily manuring with small quantity has been found best for keeping optimum level of fish
production period. For example, the best utilized manure is from the animals released together
with fish under the integrated livestock – cum – fish culture system.
• The average water depth in a pond is an important factor in fish culture. This generally
depends on various factors like rainfall, evaporation losses, seepage, use of water for irrigation
etc. If necessary, water may be let in from nearby available sources during summer or drained
out during monsoon to maintain desirable water depth in the pond heavy accumulation of
metabolites at the bottom of ponds may deplete oxygen in the pond water during low water
depths, adversely affecting fish growth. However, such problems generally not occur in seasonal

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