Culture System For Wolffia Globosa L. (Lemnaceae) For Hygiene Human Food
Culture System For Wolffia Globosa L. (Lemnaceae) For Hygiene Human Food
Culture System For Wolffia Globosa L. (Lemnaceae) For Hygiene Human Food
Original Article
Culture system for Wolffia globosa L. (Lemnaceae) for hygiene human food
Nisachol Ruekaewma1, Somkiat Piyatiratitivorakul2, 3*, and Sorawit Powtongsook2, 4
Program in Biotechnology,
Center of Excellence for Marine Biotechnology,
Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science,
Chulalongkorn University, Pathum Wan, Bangkok, 10330 Thailand.
National Centers for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC),
National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani, 12120 Thailand.
This study aimed to develop a suitable culture system for the mass production of Wolffia globosa for human consump-
tion. W. globosa was grown in five different culture systems (static, vertical aeration, horizontal surface agitation, system with
top water spraying and layer culturing system with top water spraying). Dry weight of W. globosa determined every 7 days
indicated that a horizontal surface agitation provided the highest mass of 42.94±2.17 g/m2 and significantly difference with
others in 28 days (p<0.05). Twenty one days-culture of W. globosa in the horizontal circulation produced the highest yield of
1.52±0.04 g dry weight/m2/d and was significantly higher than yields in other systems. Frond size of W. globosa in 7 days
culture was the biggest of all the culture systems; however, no significant difference was found among the culture systems.
The biomass had 48.2% protein with complete essential amino acids, 9.6% fat and 14.5% crude fiber with low bacterial
Keywords: culture system, Wolffia globosa, water meal, duckweed, mass culture
complete essential amino acids, 5-7% fat, 10-11% crude fiber tanks with an area of 0.152 m2 and 40 cm high and were setup
(Rusoff et al., 1980; Fujita et al., 1999; Ruekaewma, 2011). in a warehouse covered with transparent plastic sheet to
Moreover, it may be feasible to use W. arrhiza and W. globosa prevent rain water.
to produce high protein animal feed (Naskar et al., 1986; At culture, 50 l of Modified Hutner’s medium (Hutner,
Chantiratikul et al., 2010; Chantiratikul and Chumpawadee, 1953) with pH 6 was prepared. Depth of the culture was
2011). Wolffia spp. also has a potential for utilization in the maintained at 30 cm by adding freshwater to recover from
treatment of wastewater (Hillman and Culley, 1978; Edward evaporation. The plastic tank was inoculated with W. globosa
et al., 1991). frond at a density of 15% surface area (24 g/tank). The experi-
In addition, researchers are using these plants to study ments were run in October 2010 to February 2011 under
basic plant development, plant biochemistry, photosynthe- ambient temperature and light conditions.
sis, toxicity of hazardous substances, and much more. Envi- Environmental parameters such as light intensity,
ronmental scientists are using Wolffia spp. to remove unwanted temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, NO-3-N and PO4-P (APHA,
substances from water (Cross, 2006: online). Although Wolffia 1995) of all the outdoor culture systems were monitored every
spp. has been widely studied, the hygienic mass production 7 days. Wet weight and frond size of W. globosa were investi-
of Wolffia spp. has received only little attention. In this gated after a culture of 28 days. They were measured every
research, we elucidate a suitable culture system for hygienic week and then were returned to the systems. The dry weight
mass production of W. globosa for human consumption. was determined after oven drying at 70ºC for 24 hrs (Driever
et al., 2005).
2. Materials and Methods The five culture systems were run in triplicates. Data
were analyzed using descriptive statistics and one way
Outdoor mass culture of W. globosa for growth rate analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s multiple
and quality determination was designed in 2 experiments. comparison tests. F-values with a probability level < 0.05
Firstly, five different culture systems were designed to deter- were considered to be statistical significant.
mine production rate of W. globosa. Secondly, the culture The samples of W. globosa in the horizontal surface
system yielding the higher production was selected for W. agitation were analyzed for proximate analysis (AOAC, 2005),
globosa quality study. The experiments were conducted at amino acid profile (Petritis et al., 2002) and microbial determi-
Mueang District, Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand, using a nation (USFDA/CFSAN/BAM, 2008: online, Chapter 3, 4, 12).
selected stain of local W. globosa.
Five different culture systems; 1) a static culture, 2) a 3. Results
vertical aeration culture, 3) a horizontal surface agitation
culture, 4) a system with top water spraying, and 5) a layer Mass culture of W. globosa was evaluated in five
culturing system with water spraying on the top (see Figure 2 different culture systems, a static, a vertical aeration, a hori-
for details) were used for mass culture of W. globosa. zontal surface agitation, a system with top water spraying and
The static culture had no circulation during culture a layer culturing system with top water spraying (Figure 3),
period. In the vertical aeration culture system, an air stone throughout the entire period of outdoor cultivation (28 days).
(400 l/hr flow) was used to circulate the water vertically. In W. globosa was cultivated under the laboratory conditions
the horizontal surface agitation culture, a blade paddle wheel and then transferred to the outdoors in five different culture
driven by a mini-motor (3,500 rpm) was used to circulate the systems. Growth of W. globosa was evaluated by measure-
water horizontally. For the system with top water spraying ment in dry weight and the result showed that the horizontal
and the layer culturing system with top water spraying, water surface agitation culture system provided the highest mass
was moved from the bottom of the culture to the top and production of 42.94±2.17 g/m2, which was significantly differ-
sprayed (900 l/hr) over the surface area. For the layer culture ent from the others (p<0.05). The dry weight in other systems
system, a sheet of plankton net was placed few centimeters was 35.12±3.47, 31.32±4.93, 29.06±7.61 and 25.65±1.63 g/m2 in
over water surface and water spraying above the net pro- system with top water spraying, static, vertical aeration and
vided. All culture systems were run in black cylindrical plastic layer culturing with top water spraying, respectively (Table 1).
Production rate, at 21 days--culture of W. globosa in
the horizontal surface gave the highest yield of 1.52±0.04 g
dry weight/m2/d which was significantly higher than that in
other systems (1.18±0.17, 0.96±0.27, 0.94±0.04 and 0.86±0.09 g
dry weight/m2/ d for system with top water spraying, vertical
aeration, static and layer culturing with top water spraying,
respectively) (Table 2).
Frond size of W. globosa in 7 days was 0.59±0.09,
0.53±0.03, 0.49±0.03, 0.48±0.08 and 0.47±0.06 mm2 in vertical
Figure 2. Diagrams of five different culture systems for mass aeration, system with horizontal flow, system with top
production of W. globosa spraying, layer culturing system with top spraying and static,
N. Ruekaewma et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 37 (5), 575-580, 2015 577
Table 1. Dry weight (g/m2) of W. globosa cultivated in five different culture systems
Culture systems
0 7 14 21 28
Static 6.32 10.38±0.31 15.14±0.24 26.14±0.87 31.32±4.93bc
cd bc
Table 2. Production rate (g dry weight/m2/d) of W. globosa cultivated in five different culture systems
Culture systems
7 14 21 28
Static 0.58±0.04c 0.63±0.02cd 0.94±0.04bc 0.89±0.18bc
Vertical aeration 0.62±0.12c 0.75±0.23bc 0.96±0.27bc 0.81±0.27bc
Horizontal surface agitation 0.95±0.03a 1.05±0.00a 1.52±0.04a 1.31±0.08a
System with top water spraying 0.76±0.07b 0.89±0.11ab 1.18±0.17b 1.03±0.12ab
Layer culturing system with top water spraying 0.41±0.03d 0.49±0.05d 0.86±0.09c 0.69±0.06c
a, b, c, d
significant difference in mean of column at p <0.05
578 N. Ruekaewma et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 37 (5), 575-580, 2015
Table 3. Frond size (mm2) of W. globosa cultivated in five different culture systems
Culture systems
0 7 14 21 28
Static 0.42 0.47±0.06 0.36±0.05b 0.34±0.01c 0.31±0.06
Vertical aeration 0.42 0.59±0.09 0.39±0.22ab 0.36±0.03bc 0.35±0.02
Horizontal surface agitation 0.42 0.53±0.03 0.41±0.02ab 0.38±0.03ab 0.35±0.09
System with top water spraying 0.42 0.49±0.03 0.44±0.04a 0.33±0.01c 0.41±0.07
Layer culturing system with top water spraying 0.42 0.48±0.08 0.43±0.02a 0.41±0.02a 0.43±0.06
a, b, c
significant difference in mean of column at p<0.05
Table 4. Environment condition during the cultivation Table 5. Proximate analysis and microbial determination of
(October 2010 - February 2011) in five culture W. globosa (dry matter) in the horizontal surface
systems agitation culture system
Wolffia globosa
Components Wolffia columbiana Wolffia arrhiza
(Rusoff et al., 1980) (Jairakphan, 1999) Culture system Natural pond
(the present study) (Ruekaewma, 2011)
Protein (%) 44.7 20.15 48.2 33.3
Fat (%) 6.6 2.43 9.6 5.0
Crude fiber (%) 11.0 14.72 14.5 10.7
Amino acid (mg/100g of Protein)
Aspatic acid 5630 1209 4137 3539
Threonine 2550 641 1124 662
Serine 2280 565 2048 982
Glutamic acid 5760 1669 4378 2557
Proline 2410 674 2450 1279
Glycine 3040 831 2530 1507
Alanine 3750 1595 3213 3128
Cystine - 104 1928 5457
Valine 3490 944 2410 1849
Methionine 870 201 843 571
Isoleucine 3060 685 1205 685
Leucine 5830 1300 3896 2032
Tyrosine 2170 374 1365 890
Phenylalanine 3600 758 924 502
Histidine 1180 309 402 2281
Lysine 3370 751 3333 530
Arginine 3780 804 2369 139
Tryptophan - 201 120 346
Hutner’s medium provided higher protein and fat content of essential amino acids, 9.6% fat and 14.5% crude fiber. Low
48.2% and 9.6%, respectively, and higher than those of W. bacterial contamination was found in this culture system.
columbiana collected from anaerobic dairy waste lagoons in This system then may be a recommended technique for W.
the Louisiana State University (LSU) campus, the lagoons globosa culture for hygienic human consumption product.
contained from 20 to 40 mg/l of TKN during the collection
period. W. arrhiza and W. globosa which were collected from Acknowledgements
natural pond, however, crude fiber content in W. arrhiza was
higher than others. This research was supported by Rajamagala Univer-
The essential amino acid concentration in W. sity of Technology Isan, Government Scholarship in the Area
columbiana was higher than that found in W. arrhiza and of Science and Technology, NSTDA, Ministry of Science and
W. globosa. Cystine and tryptophan were found only in W. Technology and The 90th Anniversary of Chulalongkorn Uni-
arrhiza and W. globosa. versity Fund (Ratchadaphiseksomphot Endownment Fund).
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