Volume 37 - No 2 Full Issue
Volume 37 - No 2 Full Issue
Volume 37 - No 2 Full Issue
2 (1986)
Spring 1986/3
Literature Cited
1. Doran, J.C.; Gunn, B.V. Effect of stratification
on the germination of six different
provenances of eucalyptus glaucescens
seed. Canberra: CSIRO Division of Forest
Research; 1978.
2. Hunt, Ron. Bareroot planting of eucalyptus.
Tree Planters' Notes 31(4):2022; 1980.
3. Hunt, R.; Zopel, B. Hardy eucalyptus grow
well in the Southeast. Southern Journal of
Applied Forestry 2(i):6-10; 1978.
4. Hunt, L.O. Adaptability of some eucalyptus
species in southwest Oregon. In:
Proceedings, workshop on eucalyptus; 1983
June; Sacramento, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep.
PSW-69. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific
Southwest Forest and Range Experiment
Station; 1983.
Tree Planter's Notes, Volume 37, No. 2 (1986)
captan 50 W) incorporated to a depth midities were low. The small seeds on polyester or nylon canvas, commonly
of 10 to 15 centimeters. The beds the soil surface are able to support known as a "tobacco plant bed cover"
should be raked to produce a relatively only one attempt at radicle emersion, (figure 1). This covering suspended
smooth surface. Fertilizer should also making the microenvironment above the bed allows light, which is
be applied at this time. Detailed surrounding the seed critical. A soil necessary for paulownia seed
fertilizer requirements are not known amendment, mulch, or a covering over germination, to filter through while
for Paulownia tomentosa; however, the bed is necessary to maintain an alleviating the adverse effects of water
the need for certain micronutrients has adequate moisture regime. Trials with and wind. The covering disperses the
been expressed by several workers. soil amendment or mulch have led to incoming water droplets, allowing only
The following fertilizer regime proved sporadic results. This is due to a fine mist to reach the soil surface and
successful under our soil and climatic movement of the mulch, amendment, provides a warm, moist, and
conditions: a slow-release NPK and/or seed by wind or by the direct undisturbed environment at the soil
fertilizer such as Osmocote (14-14-14) impact of water from precipitation and surface (figure 1). This type of covering
at 400 grams per square meter, a irrigation. is used extensively in the United States
slow-release micronutrient additive Maintenance of the proper for growing tobacco transplants.
such as Micromax at 80 grams per environment, while avoiding the Light-weight cotton or cheesecloth
square meter, and gypsum and problems mentioned above, can be could also be used, but the synthetic
dolomite at 200 grams per square accomplished by covering the nursery material is much less expensive and
meter each. A single fertilizer bed with a spunbonded readily avail-
application should be sufficient for the
entire growing season and should not
produce any significant problems with
the dormant or germinating seeds.
After the beds are moistened, seeding
can be undertaken at a rate of
approximately 0.2 gram per square
meter. Scattering the seed can best be
accomplished by hand on a windless
Maintenance of a moist environment
during germination and initial seedling
development is one of the most
important steps for ensuring successful
germination and establishment.
Desiccation for even short periods can
be fatal during the early development
of the radicle. Desiccation of radicles
has been observed between irrigations
during afternoons when temperatures
were high and relative hu-
10/Tree Planters' Notes
able. The covering can be suspended the beds, covered with 5 cm of a increased on the uncovered portion of
over the soil surface by a series of mulch such as sawdust. Mulch is the bed.
arched wires placed along the center necessary when ground temperatures In 1982 four thinning treatments
line of the bed, by attaching it to a are expected to fall below 0 °C. The were applied when mean seedling
wooden frame surrounding the plant rootstocks can be outplanted in the height was 20 centimeters. Various
bed, or by a very small amount of straw spring or allowed to grow a second portions of the bed were hand thinned,
spread over the soil. If the covering is year in the nursery bed or moved to a leaving 10, 20, and 100 seedlings per
allowed to contact the soil the plants transplant bed to produce 2-0 or 1-1 square meter, and an unthinned
will grow through the cover and it will planting stock, respectively. A good control. Total height and root collar
not be possible to remove the cover review of handling procedures for diameters were measured at the end of
without damaging the seedlings. The paulownia planting stock is given by the growing season.
covering can be removed when the Kundt (S).
seedlings average 4 to 8 centimeters in Results and Discussion
height. Study Methods 1981. The seeds in the uncovered
Seedling density is important in The 1.2- by 15.2-meter beds were portion of the bed failed to germinate or
producing good planting stock. elevated 20 centimeters above were desiccated after germination even
Thinning should be completed when groundline and were composed of though they were irrigated daily. The
plants average 20 centimeters in equal parts sand, topsoil, and sawdust. direct impact of water droplets from
height. Postponing the thinning leads In mid-April the beds were covered with both precipitation and irrigation allowed
to small spindly plants. Thinning is 4-mil-thick plastic and treated with much of the seed to be washed into
necessary for proper development, but methyl bromide (two 1-pound cans of concentrated areas or buried by the
the specific level depends upon the Brom-O-Gas). One week later the shifting soil. Seed burial resulted in
type of planting stock being produced. plastic was removed. Fertilizer and reduced germination by decreasing the
Thinning is best accomplished by seed were then scattered over the bed level of light reaching the seeds to
hand, leaving the most vigorous as described in the procedures section. below that necessary for germination.
seedlings intact. Thinning levels will be A supplemental fungicide treatment The covered portion of the bed
discussed in a later section. was not applied in 1981. However, produced approximately 300 plants per
Overhead irrigation can be used to captan 50 W was incorporated to a square meter with a mean height of 30
ensure maintenance of a moist seed depth of 10 to 15 centimeters in 1982. centimeters. However, over the course
bed. Overwatering, however, can The seeding rate of 0.2 grams per of the growing season, the seedlings
quickly lead to seedling decline. square meter equaled approximately stagnated and portions of the bed
Irrigation should be reduced in one-half cup for the 1.2- by 15.2-meter exhibited dieback. Pathological
September. Normally, either entire root bed. In 1981 three-quarters of the bed investigation identified a root decay
systems or root cuttings should be was covered with a spunbonded fungus (Rhizoctonia sp.) and an
used as planting stock. The use of polyester canvas suspended anthracnose fungus (Colletotrichum
bareroot seedlings is not approximately 2 to 10 centimeters sp.). Therefore, the initial methyl
recommended. Leaves should be above the bed surface, and the bromide treatment was supplemented
allowed to abscise prior to pruning the remainder left uncovered. Overhead with captan 50 W in 1982 to provide
main stem at the groundline. irrigation was necessarily
Rootstocks should overwinter in
Spring 1986/11
To determine how scalping tools like In the first, the Reinhart, Fyr-Tamer, tion. The Reinhart was modified by
the Reinhart grubbing tool and the and a tool built by MEDC called the using an entrenching toolhead with a
Fyr-Tamer compared to conventional modified Reinhart (figure 3) were sent number 0 shovel blade welded to it and
tools for site preparation and fireline to Forest Service planting crews on replacing the handle with an adze hoe
construction, MEDC conducted two ranger districts in four western regions handle.
evaluations. for evalua- Responses to all the tools were
favorable. Most crew members
preferred these tools to those they had
been using. Increases in production of
up to 30 percent were reported.
In the second evaluation, Center
personnel compared these three new
tools with the adze hoe, Pulaski, super
Pulaski, and McLeod for performance
and human energy cost efficiency. The
results indicated that the Reinhart,
modified Reinhart, and Fyr-Tamer are
as efficient or more so than these
conventional tools for digging fireline.
The evaluation further suggested
that although the three new tools were
efficient, they did not represent the
optimum design possible. Field users
had identified some deficiencies in the
tools. As a result, MEDC designed a
"combination" tool (figure 4) that
corrected these shortcomings with a
longer handle and a blade that had a
more modified curve to increase
efficiency and production.
A followup field evaluation of this
"combi" tool indicated it is much closer
to an optimum design for a scalping
tool. The Center worked with a
toolmaker to refine the design for
actual production. Manufacturing
specifications were written and 300
"combi" tools were produced for
fireline construction evaluations during
14/Tree Planters' Notes
1985 fire season. This tool should be modified Reinhart tool may be 97060; (503) 695-4778.
available from the General Services obtained from the Center (request For land managers faced with
Administration by the spring of 1986 drawing number MEDC-674). The replanting steep sites, these new
for under $30. Fyr-Tamer is available from handtools represent a more efficient,
Construction drawings for the Fyr-Tamer Distributing, 30144 East cost-effective means for site
Reinhart grubbing tool and the Woodward Rd., Troutdale, OR preparation.
Tree Planter's Notes, Volume 37, No. 2 (1986)
Spring 1986/15
water to which 0.75 milliliter of the Site. The study site is on level The study consists of four
surfactant Tween 80 was added. The terrain at an elevation of approximately randomized blocks, each with 12 rows
mixture was then returned to cold 2,225 meters. Soils are silt loams of five trees. Each row was randomly
storage. Spores were applied at a rate derived from basalt parent material. selected for planting with seedlings
equivalent to 0.1 milligram per 0.09 Most of the mature ponderosa pine raised under one of the regimes
square meter of exposed substrate overstory had been removed in the (combination of nutrient and
when the containers were filled. This 1960's. Tree cover now consists of inoculation treatment) shown in table
was done by mixing the appropriate pole-sized ponderosa pine originating 2.
amount of suspension in several liters in 1919. Ground cover is primarily Trees were planted with planting
of water, then pouring it over Arizona fescue (Festuca arizonica bars at a spacing of 0.9 meter by 0.9
vermiculite. The treated vermiculite Vasey) and mountain muhly meter at the end of July 1982. There
was then mixed well with the rest of the (Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) was a space of 0.9 meter between
substrate and the containers were filled Hitchc.). blocks. After planting, mesh plastic
(3). In 1976, grass openings were seedling protectors were placed around
Seedlings were watered with Peters sprayed with a mixture of dalapon each tree and secured with two wire
soluble fertilizer (15-30-15) applied as a (6.63 kilograms active ingredient (ai) pins.
foliar spray three times a week for 6 per hectare) and atrazine 80-W (5.6 Measurements. Seedling survival
weeks and two times a week for 5 kilograms ai per hectare) before was recorded periodically in 1982 and
weeks. Fertilizer treatments were bareroot seedlings were planted. The 1983 with the following notation:
calculated to supply 30, 45, 60, and 75 planting was a failure because of poor 1 = alive-growing, 2 = alive-not
parts per million (ppm) nitrogen. Peters' quality nursery stock. In 1982, a small growing, and 3 = dead. Seedling
Stem (containing S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, opening about 15 meters by 15 heights were measured in the spring of
and Zn) was added in equal amounts to meters, still free of live grass, was 1983 before growth began and in the
each of the four treatment solutions selected for this study. fall after growth ceased.
along with equal amounts of iron
chelate (sodium ferric
diethylenetriamine pentacetate, 10
percent by weight). Fertilization was
begun 4 weeks after seed were sown.
Root to shoot ratios and mycorrhizal
infection rates at the end of the
greenhouse experiment are listed in
table 1. After the greenhouse
experiments (3), 240 of the seedlings
were planted on the Fort Valley
Experimental Forest, approximately 24
kilometers northwest of Flagstaff, AZ.
Spring 1986/17
rates but not to mycorrhizal fungi. A mal precipitation for the year in this 5. Heidmann, L. J. Effects of rock mulch and
similar finding for ponderosa pine area is about 559 millimeters. scalping on survival of planted ponderosa
pine in the Southwest. Res. Pap. RM-10.
inoculated with Pt was reported by In the same area, Cornett (4) found
Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of
Trappe (16). However, results from this that significantly more of the ponderosa Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
experiment tend to minimize the pine container seedlings inoculated Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
importance of root to shoot ratios as a with Suillus granulatus survived than Station; 1963. 7 p.
factor in the establishment of did controls during an abnormally dry 6. Heidmann, L.J.; Larson, Frederic R.;
Rietveld, W.J. Evaluation of ponderosa pine
ponderosa pine container seedlings in year.
reforestation techniques in central Arizona.
the Southwest. Seedlings raised under Although in this experiment there Res. Pap. RM-190. Fort Collins, CO: U.S.
the lowest N regime had a root to shoot was not a strong effect on survival Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
ratio, before planting, of 0.916 but did rates by inoculation treatments, there is Rocky Mountain Forest and Range
not survive better than seedlings raised an indication that survival is improved Experiment Station; 1977. 10 p.
7. Marais, L.J.; Kotze, J.M. Growth of
under the highest regime, which had by inoculation with forest duff,
mycorrhizal and nonmy corrhizal Pinus
the lowest root to shoot ratio (0.758). A presumably because of the presence of patula Schlect et. Cham. seedlings in
similar conclus ion was reached by native mycorrhizal fungi. Growth of relation to soil N and P. South African
Racey et al. (12), who found top length, seedlings was not improved by Forestry journal 107:372; 1978.
stem diameter, top volume, and root inoculation treatments. 8. Marais, L.J.; Kotze, J.M. Effect of
mycorrhizae on the growth of Pinus patula
volume to be better indicators of
Schlect et. Cham. seedlings in South
nursery stock quality and potential Literature Cited Africa. Sout h African Forestry journal
growth performance than top to root 1. Bowen, G.D.; Theodorou, G. Studies in 107:12-14; 1978.
phosphate uptake by mycorrhizae. Papers,
ratios for red pine (Pinus resinosa) 9. Marx, D.H.; Bryan, W.C.; Cordell, C.E.
14th Kongress, Int ernational Union of
bareroot seedlings. Tinus and Ronco3 Survival and growth of pine seedlings with
Forestry Research Organizations, 1967 Pisolithus ectomycorrhizae after two years
found little correlation between root to Munich. Munich: Secretariat fur den IUFRO on reforestation sites in North Carolina and
shoot ratios of container seedlings and Kongress; 1967. Sect. 24:116-138. Florida. Forest Science 23:364-373; 1977.
field survival in Arizona and New 2. Carmer, S.G.; Swanson, M.R. Evaluation of 10. Molina, Randy. Mycorrhizal inoculation and
ten pairwise multiple comparison
Mexico. its potential impact on seedling survival and
procedures by Monte Carlo methods. growth in southwest Oregon. In: Hobbs,
Root to shoot ratios and Journal of the American Statistical S.D.; Heiserman, Or., ads. Peace,
mycorrhizae may be more important in Association 68(341):6674; 1973. Reforestation of skeletal soils workshop;
improving survival under conditions 3. Cornett, Zane J. Nutrient and mycorrhizal 1981 November 17-19; Medford, OR.
more adverse than those in this study. effects on the root/shoot ratio of Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University,
containerized ponderosa pine seed
During the first year after these Forest Research Laboratory; 1981: 86-91.
lings. Dissertation. Tucson, AZ: Uni- 11. Molina, R.; Trappe, J.M. Applied aspects of
seedlings were planted, more than versity of Arizona; 1982. 90 p. ectomycorrhizae. In: Suva Rao, MS., ad.
635 millimeters of precipitation fell on 4. Cornett, Zane J. The effects of my - Advances in agricultural microbiology. New
the study site. Almost 102 millimeters corrhizae inoculation on ponderosa Delhi: Oxford and IBM Publishing Company;
of rain fell in the first month after pine seedlings in northern Arizona. 1982:305-324.
Thesis. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Ari-
planting. Nor- 12. gooey, G.D.; Cleric, C.; Hutchison, BE. The
zona University; 1978. 47 p. practicality of top/root ratio in nursery stock
Unpublished data on file, Rocky Mountain characterization. Forestry Chronicle
Forest and Range Experiment Station, Flagstaff, 59(5):240-243; 1983.
AZ 86001.
Spring 1986/19
13. Riffle, Jerry W.; Tinus, Richard W. 15. Tinus, Richard W.; McDonald, Stephen E. 16. Trappe, James M. Selection of fungi for
Ectomycorrhizal characteristics, growth, How to grow tree seedlings in containers in ectomycorrhizal inoculation in nurseries.
and survival of artificially inoculated greenhouses. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-60. Fort Annual Review of Phytopathology 1977:
ponderosa and Scots pine in a Collins, CO: U.S. Department of 203-222.
greenhouse and plantation. Forest Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
Science 28(3):646-660; 1982. Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
14. Schubert, G.H.; Heidmann, L.J.; Larson, Station; 1979. 256 p.
M.M. Artificial reforestation practices for
the Southwest. Agric. Handb. 370.
Was hington, DC: U.S. Department of
Agriculture; 1970. 25 p.
Tree Planter's Notes, Volume 37, No. 2 (1986)
time required for these stands to the Telos (coarse-loamy, mixed, frigid
The effects of competition from reach merchantable size. Aquic Haplorthod) and Monarda
raspberries on the growth and nutrient Foliar analysis is often used to (coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, frigid
quality of the foliage of balsam fir evaluate the nutritional status of forest Aeric Haplaquept) series were
seedlings were evaluated. Seedlings trees (22). Critical levels have been characteristic of the study area.
overtopped by raspberries were established for the essential elements The uncut stands in the area were
smaller than open-grown seedlings. in many species (15). However, approximately 60 years old and
Root collar diameters averaged 5.5 and examination of individual nutrient originated following the spruce
8.2 millimeters in the overtopped and concentrations alone is inadequate to budworm outbreak of 1913-19 (19).
open-grown seedlings, respectively. characterize the nutrient status of a Red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and
Foliar analysis revealed higher P (0.18 tree. Maximum growth occurs only balsam fir were the principle
versus 0.16 percent) and lower K (0.59 when the proper ratio among nutrients components. Scattered eastern white
versus 0.80 percent) concentrations in occurs in combination with optimum pine (Pinus strobus L.), paper birch
the open-grown seedlings than in the concentrations (20). Work with black (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), and black
overtopped seedlings. Nutrient spruce (Picea Mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), spruce also were found. The stands
proportions in both groups of seedlings white spruce (P. glauca (Moench) were fully stocked, with the overstory
deviated from proposed optimum Voss), and Scotch pine (Pinus basal area averaging about 28 square
levels. The foliar analyses indicated K sylvestris L.) has led to the proposal of meters per hectare. Abundant
deficiencies in the open-grown an optimum nutrient proportion advanced spruce and fir regeneration
seedlings and possible luxury (expressed as a weight relation to existed in the understory.
consumption of Ca in both groups. nitrogen) of: N = 100, P = 13, K = 65, Five adjacent clearcut strips were
Tree Planters' Notes 37(2):20-23; Ca = 6, Mg = 8.5, S = 9, and Fe = 0.7 located in 1979. The strips had been
1986. (8-10, 22, 23). harvested with mechanical
In this study, foliar analysis and feller-bunchers during the winter of
growth data were used to investigate 1974-75. The strips were approximately
Clearcutting is common in the the impacts of raspberry competition 30 meters wide, oriented
spruce-fir stands of northern Maine. A on the growth and elemental northeast-southwest, and were
dense cover of raspberries frequently composition of balsam fir seedlings. separated by strips of uncut timber 45
becomes established following
to 60 meters wide.
clearcutting, and can suppress small Materials and Methods Two groups of 10 balsam fir
spruce and fir seedlings (2, 6). This This study was conducted in seedlings were selected in each
may increase the township T5R12, located between clearcut strip in October 1979. Half the
Chesuncook Lake and Baxter State seedlings were overtopped by
Paper No. 9657 of the Journal Series of the Park at 46° N. and 69° W. in northern raspberries, whereas the remainder
North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Maine. The climate in this region is
Raleigh, NC. This research was conducted as part were free to grow.
continental. Total annual precipitation The total height and the root collar
of an undergraduate honors project at the
University of Maine and was funded by the averages 92 centimeters, with snow diameter of each seedling were
university's Honors Program. falling between November and March measured. Seedlings were then
The author thanks F. B. Knight, T. B. Saviello, M. (4). Soils of severed at the root collar, and seedling
L. McCormack, and R. K. Shepard for their
assistance. age was determined by
Spring 1986/21
Large and statistically significant seedlings, which could contribute to the 10. Ingestad, T. Nutrition and growth of birch
differences in foliar K concentrations timber shortfall problem. Additional and gray alder seedlings in low conductivity
existed between the overtopped and work is needed in this area. In solutions and at varied relative rates of
19. Seymour, R.S. Vulnerability to spruce 21. van den Driessche, R. Prediction of 23. Wheetman, G.F. The nitrogen fertilization
budworm damage and 100-year mineral nutrient status of trees by foliar of three black spruce stands. Woodlands
development of mixed red spruce-fir stands analysis. Botanical Review 40:347-394; Pap. 6. Pointe Claire, PQ: Pulp and Paper
in north central Maine. PhD Dissertation. 1974. Research Institute of Canada; 1968. 45 p.
New Haven, CT: Yale University. 1980. 160 22. van den Driessche, R. Estimating potential 24. Young, H.E.; Carpenter, P.M. Weight,
p. response to fertilizer based on tree tissue nutrient element and productivity studies
20. Shear, C.B.; Crane, H.L.; Meyers, A.T. and litter analysis. In: Gessel, S.P.; of seedlings and saplings of eight tree
Nutrient element balance: application of Kenady, R.M.; Atkinson, W.A., eds. species in natural ecosystems. Tech. Bull.
the concept to the interpretation of foliar Proceedings, Forest Fertilization 28. Orono: Maine Agriculture Experiment
analysis. American Society of Conference. University of Washington. Station; 1967. 39 p.
Horticultural Science 51:319-326; 1948. Seattle, WA.
Tree Planter's Notes, Volume 37, No. 2 (1986)
24/Tree Planters' Notes
root and container red pine seedlings lifted from the nursery. All fall planting
Red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) planted in the spring and fall in east was done on September 23, 1980.
styro-plug, 2-0, 3-0, and 2-2 seedlings central Minnesota. Container stock was planted using a
were planted in the fall and spring. After Potti-putki planting tube. The bareroot
four field seasons for the spring-planted Materials and Methods stock was planted using a standard
seedlings and three for the fall-planted Three types of nursery-grown planting bar.
seedlings, survival and height growth of bareroot stock (2-2 transplants and 3-0 Measurements taken of sample
the container seedlings was similar to and 2-0 seedlings) and styro-plug seedlings at time of planting indicated
that of the 2-0 and 3-0 seedlings. The container-grown seedlings were that the quality of all stock was within
2-2 transplant stock generally planted in spring and fall 1980. These acceptable standards except the high
outperformed all the other stock results include four growing seasons shoot to root ratio of fall-planted 3-0
classes. Planting season had no for spring-planted trees and three stock (table 1).
significant effect on survival of growing seasons for fall-planted trees. A randomized block design was used
container stock. Average annual height The prior cover type on the study with four replications of each treatment
growth was better on spring-planted site consisted of quaking aspen combination (stock x season). Each
trees than on fall-planted trees, (Populus tremuloides Michx.), paper treatment combination had 50 trees per
irrespective of stock class. Tree birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), and replication for a total of 1600 trees in
Planters' Notes 37(2):24-26; 1986. red maple (Acer rubrum L.). After the the entire study.
harvest of commercial trees in 1979 Evidence of browse damage by
the area was scarified by root raking. snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus
Recent symposia on artificial The soil is a moderately well-drained Erxleben) was noted in October 1980.
regeneration and intensive Ahmeek-Ohmega sandy loam To reduce further browse damage,
management in the Lake States, plus underlain by a fine, sandy loam mesh plastic netting was placed
projected needs for softwoods, have fragipan. around each seedling.
stimulated interest in intensive The styro-plug containers (35 cubic Primary vegetative competition on
management of red pine (Pinus centimeters rooting volume) were the site was quaking aspen and balsam
resinosa Ait.) plantations (2). Research seeded in November 1979, grown in a poplar (Populus balsamifera L.), various
needs include documentation of the greenhouse, and placed outside in May willow species (Salix spp.), grasses,
survival and growth of bareroot and 1980 until planted. Both spring- and and sedge. The trees were chemically
container seedlings on various sites. fall-planted containers were from the released in August 1982.
There is also renewed interest in the same greenhouse crop. Spring-planted Survival and height
prospect of fall planting to widen the bareroot trees were lifted from the measurements are summarized in
existing reforestation window. This nursery and stored for about 1 week table 1. Height growth was calculated
paper compares the performance of under refrigeration before being as the average per growing season.
bare- planted. Spring planting of bareroot
stock was on May 14 and container
The authors thank the Potlatch Corporation, Results
stock on June 3, 1980. Fall-planted
Minnesota Wood Products Division, for its help in Planting season comparisons.
bareroot stock was planted on the
conducting this study. This article is University of Spring-planted bareroot stock had
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station same day it was
significantly greater survival and
Science Journal Series Paper No. 1989.
Spring 1986/25
grew at a faster rate than those It must be noted that this study 2. Bassett, J.R. Red pine plantation
planted in the fall. encompasses a single planting season management in the Lake States: a review.
IFSIM Publ. No. 3. Ann Arbor: University of
Survival and height growth of the and set of environmental conditions.
Michigan. 1984; 27 p.
container seedlings was comparable to Comparisons such as these must be 3. LeBarron, R.K.; Fox, G.; Blythe, R.H., Jr. The
those of the 3-0 seedling stock. repeated through time under various effect of season of planting and other factors
Survival of container stock was similar conditions. The results, however, do on early survival of forest plantations. Journal
to that of 2-0 seedlings, but fall-planted provide supportive data and aid in of Forestry 36(12):1211-1215; 1938.
4. Mullin, J.H.; Howard, C.P. Transplants do
2-0 stock grew at a substantially faster evaluation of stock type and planting
better than seedlings and . . . Forestry
rate. As a result of acceptable field season. Chronicle 49(5):213218; 1973.
performance, similar to that found in 5. Rudolf, P.O.; Gevorkiantz, S.R. Seedlings or
this study and others, use of transplants. Journal of Forestry
containerized seedlings as a Literature Cited 33:2(12):979-984; 1935.
1. Alm, Alvin A. The status of container planting 6. Stoeckler, J.H.; Limstrom, G.A. Reforestation
supplement to bareroot stock has been programs in the northern United States. 2. research findings in northern Wisconsin and
increasing in the Lake States (1). Lake States --Minnesota, Wisconsin, Upper Michigan. Res. Pap. 23. St. Paul, MN:
Survival and height growth of the 2-2 Michigan. Proceedings, Canadian U.S. Department of Agriculture, North Central
transplant stock was as good as or containerized tree seedling symposium. Forest Experiment Station. 1950; 34 p.
better than that of the other stock types. COJ -FRC Symp. Proc. O-P-10. Sault Ste.
Marie, ON: Department of the Environment,
The superior performance of red pine Canadian Forestry Service, Great Lakes
transplants over seedlings is well Forest Research Centre; 1982: 63-65.
documented in the literature (4-6).
Tree Planter's Notes, Volume 37, No. 2 (1986)
Spring 1986/27
dor in the lower Ottawa River valley. In collar. Shoot to root ratios were
White spruce seedlings (Picea a more widely ranging Canadian study, calculated from these
glauca (Moench.) Voss) grown from Teich (4) determined again that the measurements.
superior seed, collected in the Ottawa lower Ottawa Valley sources were
Valley, had significantly greater shoot generally about 20 percent taller than Results and Discussion
heights and root lengths than plantation averages. Nienstaedt (2) By use of an unpaired t-test, it was
seedlings grown from commercial studied seed sources from a wider determined that both shoot height and
seed from Michigan. Stem diameters range and found that the Ontario root length were significantly different
and shoot to root ratios were not sources were among the top ten best for the two seed sources, whereas root
significantly different. Tree Planters' sources in each of the 14 outplantings collar diameter was not (table 1). Due
Notes 37(2):2728; 1986 used. to the non-normality of the distribution
In the spring of 1980, 500 grams of of the shoot to root ratio generated
White spruce (Picea glauca , Ottawa Valley white spruce seed here, the Mann-Whitney nonparametric
(Moench.) Voss) at the Maine State (collected in Algonquin Provincial Park) test was used to compare shoot to root
Forest Nursery, Greenbush, is grown were seeded by hand in a production ratios for the two sources. This
as 3 -0 stock, with 8 inches of shoot bed at the Maine State Forest Nursery, comparison also showed no significant
height designated as the minimum size Greenbush. The bed was given the difference. This was not unexpected,
for shipping. If an flinch plantable same cultural treatments as the regular as production of a well-balanced
seedling could be produced in 2 years production beds, which had been seedling should be evident at any
instead of 3, production costs would mechanically seeded with a stage of development.
decrease considerably and fields could commercially collected seedlot from Seedlings from the Ottawa Valley
be put into a cover crop rotation more Michigan. Density in the beds was source were significantly taller than
easily. This study was conducted to approximately the same, 34 trees per those from the Michigan source by 20.2
determine if the use of an improved square foot. After three growing percent (2.16 inches), according to the
source of seed could reduce production seasons, the trees were lifted, and 20 results obtained from the t-test. They
time for white spruce seedlings. trees from each source were selected were taller than the flinch minimum
randomly and measured for shoot height by 60.5 percent (4.84 inches).
Materials and Methods height, root length, and stem caliper at The smallest individual from the Ottawa
Ottawa Valley white spruce seed the root Valley
has been determined through a series
of provenance tests in Canada and the
United States to be a consistently
superior performer under most
circumstances. Teich, Morgenstern,
and Skeates (5) compared Canadian
sources of seed on planting sites in
Ontario and found a "consistency in the
origin of productive provenances." This
area was the Cobourg-Beachburg
28/Tree Planters' Notes
source was 1.5 inches taller than the than 20 trees per square foot and the 2. Nienstaedt, H. White spruce seed source
use of superior white spruce seed, variation and adaptation to 14 planting sites
minimum, whereas the smallest
in northeastern United States and Canada.
individual from the Michigan source such as the Ottawa Valley source, the
In: Yeatman, CW., ed. Proceedings, 11th
was 0.25 inches shorter than the Maine State Forest Nursery may be meeting of the Committee on Forest Tree
minimum. able to produce a plantable white Breeding in Canada. McDonald College, PQ;
Mullin and Bowdery (1) suggest that spruce seedling in 2 years, meeting 1968 August 8-10. Ottawa: Ontario
and probably exceeding the Ontario Department of Fisheries and Forestry,
a sturdier, more plantable seedling
Forestry Branch; 1969.
may be produced by a reduction in standard for 2-0 stock and meeting the
3. Reese, K.H., Sadreika, V. Description of
seedbed density, perhaps a drastic present Maine standard for 3-0 stock. A bareroot shipping stock and cull stock.
reduction, to 10 seedlings per square reduction in seedbed density might Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Natural
foot. Reese and Sadreika (3) describe also reduce the number of cull trees, Resources, Forest Resources Branch; 1979.
further decreasing production costs. 39 p.
acceptable bareroot planting stock of
4. Teich, A.H. White spruce provenances in
3=0 white spruce as being between 22 These possibilities need further
Canada. Inf. Rep. PS-X-40. Chalk River, ON:
and 28 centimeters (8.7 to 11.0 investigation. Department of the Environment, Canadian
inches) in height and acceptable 2 -0 Forestry Service, Petawawa Forestry
Literature Cited
planting stock as being between 10 Experiment Station; 1973. 27 p.
1. Mullin, R.E.; Bowdery, L. Effects of 5. Teich, A.H.; Morgenstern, E.K.; Skeates,
and 16 centimeters (3.9 to 6.3 inches) seedbed density and nursery fertiliza- D.A. Performance of white spruce
in height. tion on survival and growth of white provenances in Ontario. Spec. Joint Rep. No.
Results indicate that with a spruce. Forestry Chronicle 53:1-4; 1. Toronto: Environment Canada/Ontario
reduction in seedbed density to less 1977. Ministry of Natural Resources; 1975. 31 p.
Tree Planter's Notes, Volume 37, No. 2 (1986)
Spring 1986/29
Richard F. Camp
and walnut together in plantations. 3-0 white pine on a 6 -foot spacing. The
Small plantings of mixed eastern Walnut trees produce the chemical second row is planted to white pine
white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and black juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-naphtho- alternated with 1-0 walnut on the same
walnut (Juglans nigra L.) planted on quinone), which inhibits the growth of spacing. Rows are spaced 6 feet
the same site appear to be healthy white pine. This growth inhibition seems apart. These two basic rows are
after 15 to 18 years. These plantations to occur where white pine is planted replicated over and over. When a
are producing trees of desirable beneath an established walnut plantation is completed, each walnut is
silvicultural form. Tree Planters' Notes overstory with the objective of bringing surrounded by white pine.
37(2):29-31; 1986. the white pine through to rotation age. Approximately 300 walnut and 900
But evidence from even-aged (15 to 20 white pine are needed to cover an
years) plantations of mixed white pine acre.
and walnut appears to remove this It is very important that the
concern (figures 1 and 2). plantation be kept from grass
Many cultural problems await the competition during the first 2 years.
The planting design starts with the
novice landowner during the early This is best accomplished by applying
first row being planted to pure
years of walnut plantation a band of simazine to each row of
establishment. Insect damage to
leaders, epicormic sprouting, and
girdling by meadow mice are a few
examples. These problems may require
annual corrective pruning or other
cultural practices. Many landowners do
not have the time, money, or patience
for all this
The challenge presented to the
forester is formidable. How do you
establish a walnut plantation that will
virtually take care of itself for 10 to 15
years? Usually, by then stem crowding
is s o apparent that even the most
reluctant landowner will concede that
an improvement cutting is in order.
One answer to this challenge in
southwest Wisconsin is the
interplanting of white pine and walnut.
Several plantations of this mixture
were established 15 to 20 years ago,
and the effectiveness of the
combination is encouraging.
There has been concern about the
dangers of growing white pine
30/Tree Planters' Notes