Aen 202 MCQ

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Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

B.Sc., (Agri) Degree Programme

Mid semester Examination, June 2019
Year : 2019 (2017Syllabus) Time : 1 hr
Semester : III AEN 202 - Management of Beneficial and
Max. Marks: 20
Harmful Insects
(Answer All questions) [40 x 0.5 = 20]
Choose the correct answer (kindly bold the answer keys)
1. 1. The honey bee species that does not sting
A) Apis dorsata B) Melipona irridipennis
C) Apis cerana indica D) Apis florea
2. Fore legs of honey bee are modified for
A) Antennae cleaning B) Pollen collection
C) Wax combing D) Foraging
3. Bee dance was discovered by
A) L.L. Longstroth B) Karl Von Frisch
C) Rev. Newton D) Paul Muller
4. The final form of true lac is called as
A) Ari lac B) Phunki lac
C) Shellac D) Stick Lac
5. The cochnieal insect used to control prickly pear (Opuntia dillenii) is
A) Dactylopius B) Neochetina bruchi
C) Danaus chrysippus D) Zygogramma bicolorata
6. Who defined ecology as “the study of organisms at home”
A) Ernst Haekel B) Eugene P. Odum
C) Gause D) Webster
7. The response of organisms to environmental rhythms of light and darkness
A) Biolumination B) Illumination
C) Photoperiodism D) Natality
8. Sudden outbreak of a pest in a severe form in a region at a particular time
A) Epidemic B) Endemic
C) Sporadic D) Pandemic
9. The lowest population density that will cause economic damage
10. The part of the mouth in honey bees which is useful to lick the nectar
A) Flabellum B) Wax gland
C) Galea D) Labium
11. The process of leaving off the colony by queen is termed as
A) Swarming B) Migration
C) Immigration D) Supersedure
12. Plants that yield pollen/nectar to bees are called
A) Bee pasturage B) Foraging
C) Grazing D) None
13. The term ecology was coined by
A) Ernst Haekel B) Eugene P. Odum
C) Gause
D) Webster
14. Competitive exclusion principle was given by
A) Ernst Haekel B) Eugene P. Odum
C) Gause D) Webster
15. ………..enzyme converts sucrose into dextrose (glucose) and levulose
A) Invertase B) Lipase
C) Synthase D) Dextrin
16. …………….....released against to control Partheniun hysteroporus
A) Dactylopius tomentosus B) Neochetina bruchi
C) Danaus chrysippus D) Zygogramma bicolorata
17. The innate ability of the population to reproduce and survive is called as
A) Biotic Potential B) Natality
C) Mortality D) Ecology
18. The honey bee caste is a fertile, functional female
A) Queen B) Worker
C) Drone D) None of these
19. -----------secrete royal jelly in worker bees
A) Pharyngeal gland B) Pheromone gland
C) Scent glad D) Wax gland
20. The period when a good number of plants have nectar is called………….
A) Honey flow period B) Death period
C) Lean season D) None of these
21. The whole process of eliminating the moisture by the fanning of bees
themselves is called,,,,,,,,
A) Natural Ripening B) Fermentation
C) Elimination D) None of thsese
22. The lac which grows on Non-Kusum plants is called as……..
A) Rangeeni lac B) Kusmi lac
C) Ari lac D) Stick lac
23 Pollination done by bees is called as………
A) Melitophily B) Cantharophily
C) Myophily D) Sphingophily
24. The insects active during day and night hours is called as…………
A) Nocturnal B) Diurnal
C) Crepuscular D) None
25 Assessment of pest population/damage from randomly selected spots
representing larger area
A) Roving survey B) Fixed plot survey
C) Forecasting D) Monitoring
26. The mulberry silkworm belongs to the family
A) Bombycidae B) Saturniidae
C) Coccinellidae D) None of these
27. The newly hatched silkworms are known as….
A) Ants B) Moths
C) Beetles D) Termites
28 The larva undergoes 4 moults with five larval stages is called as……….
A) Tri moulters B) Tetra moulters
C) Penta moulters D) None of these
29. Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute (CSR&TI) located at…..
A) Mysore B) Bangalore
C) Ranchi D) Nagpur
30. Tukra disease in mulberry caused by………….
A) Pink mealybug B) Papaya mealybug
C) Pine apple mealybug D) Cotton mealybug
31. ………………is a serious disease of mulberry
A) Root rot B) Leaf rust
C) Powdery mildew D) Stem canker
32. …………… used for identify larva of female silkworm
A) Ishiwatas gland B) Herolds gland
C) Pheromone gland D) Wax gland
33 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,is an ideal disinfectant used for sericulture
A) Chlorine dioxide B) Slaked lime
C) Formalin D) Formaldehyde
34. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,is an broad spectrum bed disinfectant
A) Vijetha B) Ankush
C) Slaked lime D) Formalin
35 ………… is a bivoltine hybrid
A) CSR 2 X CSR 4 B) CSR 2
C) CSR 4 D) NB 7
36. ………. Is an ideal mulberry variety suited for chawki rearing
A) S 36 B) V 1
C) V 5 D) S 16
37. The pest density at which control measures should be applied to prevent an
increasing pest population from reaching Economic Injury Level
38 GEP lies above EIL always is called as……….
A) Major pest B) Key pest
C) Minor pest D) Sporodic pest
39. The silkworm which completes two generations per year is called as……..
A) Univoltine B) Bivoltine
C) Multivoltine D) Voltinism
40. Pest occurs in isolated localities during some period is called as……..
A) Endemic pest B) Sporodic pest
C) Key pest D) Seasonal pest

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