Inform Consent HIV PDF
Inform Consent HIV PDF
Inform Consent HIV PDF
My health care provider has answered any questions I have about HIV/AIDS. I have been provided information with the
following details about HIV testing:
• HIV is the virus that causes AIDS and can be transmitted through unprotected sex (vaginal, anal, or oral sex) with
someone who has HIV; contact with blood as in sharing needles (piercing, tattooing, drug equipment including needles),
by HIV-infected pregnant women to their infants during pregnancy or delivery, or while breast feeding.
• There are treatments for HIV/AIDS that can help an individual stay healthy.
• Individuals with HIV/AIDS can adopt safe practices to protect uninfected and infected people in their lives from becoming
I agree to be tested for HIV infection. If the results show I have HIV, I agree to additional testing which may occur on the sample I
provide today to determine the best treatment for me and to help guide HIV prevention programs. I also agree to future tests to guide
my treatment. I understand that I can withdraw my consent for future tests at any time. If I test positive for HIV infection, I understand
that my health care provider will talk with me about telling my sex or needle-sharing partners of possible exposure.
I may revoke my consent orally or in writing at any time. As long as this consent is in force, my provider may conduct additional tests
without asking me to sign another consent form. In those cases, my provider will tell me if other HIV tests will be performed and will
note this in my medical record.
Patient or person authorized to consent
Medical Record #:
DOH-2556 (1/11)