Alumni Tracking System PDF
Alumni Tracking System PDF
Alumni Tracking System PDF
TECHNOLOGY STACK: We are using Hybrid blockchain, a combination of Public and Private blockchain. Private
blockchain:-. Only the alumni after getting verified by college and given a unique user id can have access to the software,
here we are using private blockchain where college is like an admin. Public blockchain:- After getting verified by college,
the alumni themselves can edit and update their information.The verified alumni are the miners.When the alumni later
wants to update his/her details, a new block is created at the end which will have link to the previously created block of
that alumni. The previous block becomes a history block.
Front end: HTML, CSS, React JS or Javascript. Backend: Django framework, Python, Cassandra database.
Use case diagram
False information by alumni:
● Texting App Maker- To create
software for chatting
● One of the challenge may be the alumni can provide false
● Media- To broadcast the
information about themselves.
message to all the people and
● There is no way to check and verify whether the
make them aware of the alumni
information and details provided by alumni are true.
tracking system.
(d) allow the colleges to search details based on criteria such as year, subject, etc.
(e) allow the Directorate to search details based on criteria such as colleges, year, subject, etc.
● Can have access for viewing the details given by alumni.
● Can have access for viewing the courses and degrees database maintained by
each college.
● Can be able to query the database and get the desired results and information.
● The government can also have access to view graphical representation of the
details given by alumni.
● The government can put up poster and notices which can be seen only by
alumni or only by colleges all of them as per the settings set up by the
A blockchain is a time-stamped series of immutable record of data that is managed
by a cluster of computers not owned by any single entity. Each of these blocks of
data (i.e. block) is secured and bound to each other using cryptographic principles
(i.e. chain). Each block references the previous one and contains data, its own hash,
and the hash of the previous block.A hash is a great tool for identifying attempts to
change data in blocks.
1. Public Blockchain- A public blockchain is a non-restrictive, permission-less
distributed ledger system.Anyone who has access to the internet can sign in on a
blockchain platform to become an authorized node and be a part of the blockchain
2. Private Blockchain- A private blockchain is a restrictive or permission blockchain
operative only in a closed network. Private blockchains are usually used within an
organization or enterprises where only selected members are participants of a
blockchain network.
3. Hybrid Blockchain- A hybrid blockchain is a combination of the private and public
blockchain. It uses the features of both types of blockchains
All these features can be implemented by the Blockchain technology. Here we will
be using hybrid blockchain, a combination of public and private blockchain.
➔ Private blockchain:- Not all students can access to alumni tracking software.
Only the alumni after getting verified by college and given a unique user id can
have access to the software. In this way we are using private blockchain. Here
college is like an admin
➔ Public blockchain:- After getting verified by college the alumni themselves can
edit and update their information. Here the verified alumni are the miners.
● When an alumni is verified by college and a unique user id is given, at that time
a block is created for an alumni with a unique hash id.
● When the alumni later wants to update his/her details, a new block is created at
the end which will have link to the previously created block of that alumni. The
previous block becomes a history block.
● Blockchain technology is very secured. Here in our project no unauthenticated
person can have access to software. They need to be verified by their
respective college where they studied.
● Secondly, the authenticated alumni themselves becomes the miners of the
network which in turn increases security because each of them maintains a
replace of the database containing the verified user ids.
● On the whole, a very secured, transparent and trusted alumni tracking system
can be developed using blockchain technology.
Technology Stack
Chained Minds