Care of The Newborn
Care of The Newborn
Care of The Newborn
The 1 st 24 hours of Life The first 24 hours of life is a very significant and a highly
vulnerable time due to critical transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life
A irway
B reathing
T emperature
2. . Airway & Breathing
3. Stimulate crying by rubbing
4. Position properly-
5. side lying / modified t-berg
6. Provide oxygen when necessary
7. Dry immediately
8. Place in infant warmer or use droplight
9. Wrap warmly
APGAR Scoring
Neonatal Care
Bronchial sounds Breast engorgement ; subsides after 2 wks Prominent/ edematous nipple (+)
Accessory nipples (+) “Witch Milk
Anus Check patency First stool (Meconium) – within 1 st 24 hrs Sticky, tarlike, blackish-
green, odorless material
89. 126. Transitional Stool Within 2- 10 days after birth Breastfed: golden yellow,
mushy, more frequent 3-4x and sweet smelling Bottlefed:Pale yello, firm, less
frequent 2-3x, with more noticeable odor
90. 128. GenitalsFemale: Labia: edematous Clitoris: enlarged (+) Smegma
91. 131. Back Spine
92. Straight, posture flexed
93. Supports head momentarily
94. Arms & legs flexed </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Chin flexed on upper chest
</li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Check for protrusion, excessive or poor muscle
contractions = CNS damage </li></ul></ul>051104 Neonatal Care
95. 132. Extremities <ul><li>Flexed, full ROM, symmetrical
</li></ul><ul><li>Clenched fists; flat soles </li></ul><ul><li>With 10 fingers and
toes in each hand </li></ul><ul><li>Legs bowed </li></ul><ul><li>Even gluteal
folds </li></ul>051104 Neonatal Care
96. 133. <ul><li>(+) Creases on soles of feet </li></ul><ul><ul><li>(-) Creases =
prematurity </li></ul></ul><ul><li>Check for hip fractures or dysplasia
</li></ul><ul><ul><li>(+) Ortolani’s click & uneven gluteal folds = Hip dysplasia
</li></ul></ul>051104 Neonatal Care click !
97. 134. 051104 Neonatal Care