Retrifitare Cu Pompe de Caldura BELGRADE
Retrifitare Cu Pompe de Caldura BELGRADE
Retrifitare Cu Pompe de Caldura BELGRADE
GALINA PRICĂ – PhD Student, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Building Services,
e-mail: [email protected]
GRATIELA TARLEA - Professor, PhD, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Building
The geothermal type systems, environmentally friendly is becoming more commonly used solution for
heating / cooling with geothermal heat pumps. The system has the advantage that is balanced since the heat pumps
are reversible; in the winter it takes the energy and in the summer the energy is put it back into the Earth
In that study case, in order to cover the heating and cooling needs, the geoheatexchanger is one with
vertical parallel boreholes with 72 m deep single U-tube. The system was monitored day by day from more than
2 years.
1. Introduction
The big dimension buildings have higher heating and cooling loads. For a low montly costs it is
indicated to use a heating and air conditioning systems based on geothermal heat pumps.
Because the boreholes drilling need high prices and this kind of systems are design to be used at list
50-60 years is necessary to have all information about how much energy can be taked from the earth,
how the earth react in time.
Building location is in the SE part of Bucharest, near Dâmboviţa River, in a somewhat open area
which is to be affected by very strong winds.
The building is a steel structure type, with plaster walls with large area; 4 537 m 2 . The glass surfaces
is also a big one and the destination of spacies is a special one ( showroom, offices, service, sanitary
spaces, coffe shop).
The exterior walls are made of porotem brick, sandwich panels with a polystyrene insulation thickness
of 10 cm.
Table 1
Thermal loads
Heating and
Cold Season Warm Season
average outdoor
air temperature average outdoor
Fresh air flow
air temperature
3000 m³ / h
15 ° C 33 ° C
relative humidity relative humidity Heating load
outdoor air 80% outdoor air 35% 308 kW
indoor air temperature: Cooling load
313 kW
public areas, showrooms, offices,
sanitary facilities
Domestic hot
20 ° C 26 ° C water
workshop and warehouse 200 kWh / day
18 ° C 27 ° C
Conditioning system and domestic hot water production based on water-air and geothermal heat
pumps, heat recovery plants. For the inside was used fan coils and underfloor heating, depending on
space destination; showroom, office, service etc
All system are at source a geoheatexchanger composed by 7 rows with 16 borhols each. The deaph of
the borehole is 72 m. Each borhole have a single U-tube.
2.3. The main equipment
The main equipment with characteristics are presented in the table 2 [1, 3,4].
Table 2
Features pumps and recoveries
2 30.1 0 34.68 - - - - -
1 15.05 17.34 - - - - -
Fig. 1 - The parameters for peak cooling load - june 2009 and 2010 [1, 3,4]
Even in the summer the outdoor temperatures, often go much above 20 oC the temperature of carrier
energy agent (water) does not present significant variations and functionality which renders
geothermal pumps to be effective (Fig. 1).
The same situation it is available in the winter too; the outside temperature falls often below 0 oC the
temperature of transport energy agent (water) does not present significant variations as it can see in the
Fig. 2.[4]
Fig. 2 - The parameters for peak heating load – February 2009, 2010 and 2011
4. Conclusions
The consumption is maintained low [1, 2, 4] even in winter, the outside temperature falls much below
0 C, and in warm weather the outdoor temperatures goes much above 20 oC,
The temperature of carrier energy agent (water) does not show significant variations even the average
diurnal temperature has big variations in the mean time the functionality makes geothermal pumps to
be effective.
The efficiency is with more than 30% better than the classical ones.
Detailed geotechnical study of the local area favored an efficient design, the right length, pipe
diameters for turn and return; the whole system cold and hot needs is covered with minimum monthly
cost, much lower than what would be required with doesn’t matter what other classical system.
Do not release any toxic gases into the atmosphere (no burning fuels, no gases, smoke or ash);
[1] - PRICA, G. a 45- cea Conferinţa naţională de instalaţii pentru începutul mileniului trei – Creşterea
performanţei energetice a clădirilor şi a intalaţiilor aferente, Utilizarea schimbătorului de căldură cu pământul ca
sursa regenerabilă de energie, premise geotermice, Sinaia, 2010
[2] – PRICA, G. Experimental Study of Performance Energy of Heat Pumps Type Soil-Water for Different
Operating Modes (2011)
[3]– PRICA, G. TARLEA, G; Renewable Energy Using Geoheatexchangers –Romanian study case-
Proceedings of the RCEPB 2014
[4] – PhD, POLIZU R., HANGANU R.; A case study of good practice in ground source heating / cooling auto
showroom, offices and workshop VW Bucharest – Romania for GEOTRAINET TRAINING MANUAL
Designers of shallow geothermal systems-Proiect IEE/07/581/S12.499061(2008)
[5] History of Geothermal Energy in the United States, U.S.Department of Energy, Geothermal Technologies
Program, (2007)