Newsletter 232

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Citizen Newsletter #232 Sat, December 4, 2010 10:05:32 PM

From: Henry Citizen <[email protected]... View Contact

To: [email protected]

The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 232 December 5, 2010

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at [email protected] Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

In This Issue
McDonough Matters
• News & Commentary For
• Auletta says Thank You
• Stockbridge Troubles Continue
• Chairman Person Completes Course November, 2010
• National No Call List
• Political Correctness at A&E Thank you for welcoming McDonough Matters
• Henry 912
• Paulding GOP into your home/work.€ Share a copy with family and friends.
• Friends of the Library
• Trust the TSA We welcome your comments, questions and/or concerns
• Your Voice at [email protected]
• Highlight: Classic Cakes Bakery
• Michael & Linda Moon Van Fund Casey Case, Editor/Graphics/Photographer
What’s in a Name?

Cathy Lacey, Distribution
Newsletters are now available at the address below:

Editorial / Publication Policy

Available in HTML (original) or PDF format
RWHC-HCGOP Christmas Unity Celebration
Send email to [email protected]
Everyone invited. No admission charge. If you want to bring a snack, that
would be fine but not required.
The Citizen newsletter is available online
at View online at
We look forward to seeing you. Favorites include Elvis, Oldies, Country and
Christmas music. Thursday, December 9th, 2010

7 pm to 10 pm
Henry County Moose Lodge Ballroom
91 Hunters Chase, McDonough, GA

Your Support is Appreciated Hat tip to Ronnie Rodger

The Conservative Voice of Henry County has Dear Abby:

opened a venue for news, comment and opinion that
exists nowhere else. It is because of you; a steady My husband has a long record of money problems. He runs up huge credit-
list of people who read and submit articles sharing card bills and at the end of the month, if I try to pay them off, he shouts at
ideas and principles. me, saying I am stealing his money. He says pay the minimum and let our
kids worry about the rest, but already we can hardly keep up with the
interest. . Also he has been so arrogant and abusive toward our neighbors
that most of them no longer speak to us. The few that do are an odd
bunch, to whom he has been giving
Or visit a lot of expensive gifts, running up our bills even more. .

Also, he has gotten religious. One week he hangs out with Catholics and
the next with people who say the Pope is the Anti-Christ, and the next he's
with Muslims. .

Finally, the last straw. He's demanding that before anyone can be in the
same room with him, they must sign a loyalty oath. It's just so horribly
creepy! Can you help?

Lost in DC

Dear Lost:
Stop whining, Michelle.
You can divorce the jerk any time you want. The rest of us are
stuck with him for two more years!

Thank you for your support and participation


Fred Auletta, Commissioner-Elect

THANK YOU to all the citizens who voted for me, and supporters who helped, in my successful election campaign for Henry
County Second District Commissioner. I pledge to you that your faith in me will be validated as I serve you in helping
ensure our great County is the best place to live and work in. With deepest appreciation,

Commissioner-elect Fred Auletta.

The Troubles Continue in Stockbridge

Submitted by Concerned Citizens of Stockbridge (CCS)

and TheDoctor

Update of Shenanigans at Stockbridge City Hall / City Council

Ever since the election of the new Mayor Lee Stuart, there have been elements of the city that have wanted his powers
reduced. This all circulates around the fact he doesn't play by their ways and wants the city run correctly. Below is a
recent email sent by the Concerned Citizens of Stockbridge about the matter.

1) State Board of Ethics Hearings Against Mayor Lee Stuart

On Thursday (12/2/2010) there was a formal hearing on 16-19 ethics complaints filed against Mayor Stuart by Ms. Terri
Kight, the City of Stockbridge Code Enforcement Officer.

The Georgia State Board of Ethics fully investigated all issues and their lead investigator came back to the entire Board
noting that ALL of these complaints were nothing more than "a personal vendetta of one employee against the Mayor"
and that Ms. Kight had actually "staged" various photographs which she submitted on behalf of her complaints. The
investigators definitively referred to this as "political harassment" on behalf of said city employee and all such filings by
Ms. Kight were solely politically motivated in nature. Not only did the Board of Ethics RULE TO DISMISS EACH AND
EVERY COMPLAINT, but they also noted that this was a total and utter waste of State taxpayers time and money.

The Georgia State Board of Ethics further went on to say that they wish that they could have made Ms. Kight responsible
for all of the legal fees and taxpayer money which was wasted .... in fact this is a component of the new State Ethics Law
which will become effective on January 1, 2011!

You can find a complete video presentation of the public hearing for yourself on the State Board of Ethics Website under
Meeting of Dec 2, 2010 .. it was the last item on the agenda.

2) Employee "Melt-Down"

Immediately prior to Thanksgiving, the City held a Thanksgiving Luncheon for all its employees. Prior to the star of the
meal, Mayor Stuart greeted and thanked all city workers and then asked Councilman Alarcon to make an Invocation. This
is standard procedure at virtually all major functions, not just related to the City of Stockbridge.

Ms. Kight jumped up and had a fully orchestrated agenda. In front of all city workers she confronted both the Mayor and
Councilman Alarcon demanding to have the name changed from Invocation to Prayer! Mr. Alarcon agreed to Ms. Kight's
demand; however she went to to decry how her civil rights were being violated by making her say a Prayer.

The Mayor and Councilman invited Ms. Kight to meet with them outside of this celebration as this was not the correct
forum for her to file a complaint.

However, the situation became highly confrontational and Ms. Kight was ultimately asked to leave the premise by the
Henry County Police.

Ms. Kight continues to "march to her own drummer" and continues to create ongoing situations of conflict with the
hallowed City Hall.

What, if any, action will be taken by the City Council regarding Ms. Kight remains to be seen.

3) Neutering Mayor Stuart

Here we go again!! There is another round of this "Big Blow-Out" getting ready to hit the Citizens of Stockbridge. City
Council is (again) preparing to strip the Mayor of his duly elected powers by attempting to change the City Charter! We
will keep you apprised of the situation as it develops.

It would appear that there needs to be some new employees at the city. If this type of diatribe continues, then the
mayor will have no alternative, but to suspend these people until the problem is solved. Good luck Mayor Stuart, you
have the majority of the citizens and veterans backing you with these people.

Commission Chairman Completes Course

Henry County Commission Chairman Elizabeth ‘B.J.’ Mathis recently graduated from the Georgia Academy for Economic
Development’s 2010 Region Three Multi-Day Training Program. Also in her class were a number of other elected officials,
as well as public servants, business leaders, educators and social service providers, from nine counties in metro Atlanta.
The graduation ceremony was held on November 18.

Just what we needed! A three-day seminar and a certificate will validate expertise in Economic Development. As if BJ
needed more training. Movie studios and wetland mitigation banks were just the beginning…..

REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month.

REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.


To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222.

It is the National DO NOT CALL list It will only take a minute of your time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You
must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.

HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds.

Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans


(ATLANTA - November 29, 2010) The nationally syndicated cable television History Channel has made the controversial
decision to force cable television companies, including Comcast and Charter, to pull ads paid for by the Sons of
Confederate Veterans in Georgia commemorating the Sesquicentennial (150th Anniversary) of the War Between the

The series of twelve television commercials by the Sons of Confederate Veterans is part of a statewide radio and
television campaign aimed at commemorating the anniversary of the late War Between the States and educating the
public on Georgia's important role and the historical causes of the War. All twelve television commercials, as well as a
companion series of radio commercials, are still broadcasting across the state of Georgia; and an entire slate of
additional commercials are already in production for 2011.

The commercials came under scrutiny of the History Channel when a little-known liberal Internet site began attacking
the Sons of Confederate Veterans for commemorating the War and, subsequently, also the History Channel for allowing
the commercials to broadcast in their programming.

Vice-president Nancy Alpert of A&E Television, the parent company of the History Channel, gave the following
explanation of her decision to ban the historical ads: "The subject matter of each of the SCV ads, plus the actual
language... is well beyond our guidelines for any advertising on AETN." Alpert cited her opinion that the ads violated
History Channel guidelines by quoting, among other things, a statement in one commercial that the war was "Not a 'civil
war' fought to take over the United States, as it is called in history books today, this was a war... against an aggressive
invasion by federal troops." She also complained that one of the commercials related to the causes of the War stated
that the South seceded in part because "Northern congressmen were able to vote themselves virtually anything they
wanted, using Southern tax money, while the South was powerless to stop it."

The commercials clearly offer a different point of view than that which is usually presented by documentaries on the
History Channel; yet the channel has purported in the past to be an outlet which offers competing, and even
controversial, opinions about historical events. Speaking on behalf of the Georgia Division of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans which paid for the commercials to run, Division Commander Jack Bridwell had this to say, "We find it more than
interesting that the History Channel has no problem airing shows with controversial theories about history, including
more than one show which speculates that extraterrestrial aliens in UFO's somehow redirected human history, and yet
the same channel does not see the value in allowing a non-profit, educational organisation to present the Southern view
of the causes for the War."

As the organisation founded in 1896 and directly descended from the original United Confederate Veterans, the Sons of
Confederate Veterans is charged in their initial charter with teaching the historical reasons for the South's heroic stand
against overwhelming odds in the War. The charge given at the organisation's founding states, "To you, Sons of
Confederate Veterans, we will submit the vindication of the cause for which we fought; To your strength will be given the
defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, and the
perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish."

With the Sons of Confederate Veterans representing more than 100,000 Southerners across the country, the Georgia
Division of the SCV announced today that it is launching a campaign to educate the general American public about the
censorship and hypocrisy of the A&E Network and particularly the History Channel. It is estimated that the A&E Network
stands to lose several hundred thousand dollars over the course of the next two quarters as their advertisers are
barraged by former viewers who are unhappy with this pandering to "political correctness," particularly across the South.

Interviews and statements related to the Sons of Confederate Veterans may be arranged via
[email protected] or by calling 1-866-SCV-in-GA.

Henry 912

All Henry County 912 Patriots and Freedom loving Citizens at large,

We are a little over one week from our monthly meeting on the 13th of December at the Henry County Park and Rec
Building.. Please be sure to mark your calendars so you will not miss this very special program. Our featured speaker
will be Dr. Jody Hice, founder of "Let Freedom Ring 2012 Project." This project involves a four fold strategy to reclaim
America. Dr. Hice will explain his Project and define our personal roles in this patriotic endeavor. Please refer to our
website; for more information concerning Dr. Hice and what he has already

Our 912 Project has been looking for a project to involve ourselves directly in our community. Thanks to Glen Beck, I
believe we have found it. We will adopt a military family who has a Mom or Dad who is currently serving in a combat
zone. Our purpose will be to provide support to this family during the period that he or she is deployed.

Two requests: 1. If anyone knows of a family that qualifies, please let me know. 2. If you would like to serve on the
committee that will oversee this project, please let me know that. I would love to have the basic structure of this plan in
place by the 13th. I can think of no better way of honoring our Country than by honoring those who serve it.

I am greatly impressed by the amount of mail I am receiving from Project members concerning what our congress is
doing (or attempting to do) during this 'lame duck' session. Let me encourage all of you to keep those phone calls and
emails flowing to our elected representatives voicing our concerns over what is happening. We are making a difference.
See you on the 13th.

Keeping the faith,


Paulding County GOP

Don't forget to RSVP for the PCGOP Christmas Party on December 10th

We need to let Audrey's know how many to expect so that they can have enough food prepared.

Friends of the Library

Henry County Friends of the Library is having a 5K run or walk event to raise funds for the library system. With the
recent budget cuts, staff has been cut, hours are limited, and some programs have been cancelled because of the
shortfall. Since the county is not funding the libraries much, we need to help directly.

The event is Sunday, Dec 12 at 3 pm. You can pre-register online at for a fee, or mail in a check with the
form found here: Registration is $20 and t shirts will be
given to all participants who preregister and as available on the day of the race. No dogs on the course, please.

Please bring your gently used books to the race and donate them for the spring book sale and for possible inclusion in
the collection. Unfortunately, we cannot accept textbooks or poor condition books.

For more information, contact the race organizer, Danny Dorminy, at [email protected]
Trust the TSA



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Cemetery Research Group
Hat tip to Mike Lustri
This guy may get the teacher of the year award!

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Network – SBN TV and before school started he injured his back.
We’re all about you! He was required to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body.
Fortunately, the cast fit under his shirt and wasn't even noticeable.

On the first day of class, he found himself assigned to the toughest students in
the school. Walking confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the
window wide and sat down at his desk. When a strong breeze made his tie flap,
he took a stapler and stapled the tie to his chest.

He had no trouble with discipline that year....

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770-946-0043 pursue it with a grim determination never to be outmaneuvered."

It is not a hard task to identity this behavior on our BOC.

A Christmas Challenge

This is a Christmas challenge to all that call Mike Moon a friend.

We all know that Mike’s van was stolen a month ago and it has impeded his
ability to go places because he cannot take his scooter. We have known of the
donations being taken in by Larry Stanley and yet here at Christmas time the
donations are not coming in like they should.

We are not asking for much just what you can find in your heart to give. As
some of you know I am also disabled and on a fixed income. And yet I was able
to scrape together a donation for the van fund. My question to the “friends”
that have not donated to the fund, are you going to let a fat disabled 43-year-
old person out do you by not donating to the van fund at all?

If you are a friend of Mike & Linda, I triple dog dare you to donate to the fund
and prove me wrong come on it’s up to you.

Alfred Britt

You can donate by using Pay-Pal at this site on the left hand side at

Or, write your check to Mike & Linda Moon, note it for Van Fund. And mail to HC
Citizen, 899 East Lake Road, McDonough GA 30252.

UPDATE: To-date the Mike & Linda Moon Fund has received the following:

PayPal donations: $150

Personal Checks: $220
Pledges: $400

The goal remains $2,500 as a minimum. Please help to fill this need for our

For those out there who have helped with the van fund I want to say thank you
from the bottom of my heart. For those who have not given anything please
find it within your heart to help someone try and get another vehicle to make
his life better. Some may say that I am begging, well I may be, but it is for a
good reason. I don't want to be a burden to others. I would rather my diseased
body go home before I continue to be a burden to others. I love my life and my
family and I wouldn't ask unless there was a good reason.

Thank you and may God Bless,

Mike Moon

Business Highlight

Classic Cakes Bakery

Classic Cakes is a bakery designed with it’s customers in mind. We are family
owned and operated with a small town feel and big city flavor! Classic Cakes Bakery takes pride in providing exceptional
service with exquisite cakes and desserts. We use only the best ingredients to create a cake that is moist and delicious
from the first bite to the last. Browse through our site to get a feel for the products that we provide and maybe a few
ideas for your next occasion that Classic Cakes Bakery can help make special. Call Samantha or stop by to discuss a
custom order.

Classic Cakes Bakery

94-A Woolsey Road
Hampton, Georgia 30228

The Michael & Linda Moon Van Fund

Most of you know that Mike & Linda Moon’s van was stolen from the Wal-Mart parking lot in Stockbridge two weeks
ago. The van was needed to transport Mike and his wheelchair/scooter. Without it the family is placed in a situation of
real need.

It was a 1986 Chevy van and they had only liability insurance. No word of discovery has come from the police. We
must consider the vehicle a loss.

Several people have expressed a desire to help raise money to replace the van. We are trying to raise $3,000 as this is
the maximum value allowed by SSI rules. This is a call to join that effort.

Please consider donating in whatever amount you can. Donations can be made online through The Citizen – all
proceeds collected will be used solely for this Fund. Click on the Donate button and use your PayPal account, or Use
your credit card or bank account.

Or, write your check to Mike & Linda Moon, note it for Van Fund. And mail to HC Citizen, 899 East Lake Road,
McDonough GA 30252.

Thank you for helping our friends in this time of need.

Mike ("The Doctor") & Linda Moon

Or visit

What’s in a Name?

Only been here 21 years, but I love this place. Georgia is my home and I take pride in her people and places. It is
arrogance to ignore or refuse real history, proper pronunciation or local custom.

If you do not like the people, cannot eat the food or pronounce the name, you’d maybe just better stay home!
Language, like history, is too often changed by the well-meaning leading the unknowing.

Cairo, in South Georgia is pronounced “Karo”, like the syrup

Albany is pronounced “All Benny”
Wedowee is pronouned "Wed-oh-ee"
Senoia is pronounced “Sin Oi”

Hey Henry, I appreciate learning that "Mack Donna" came before "Mick Dunna". Since language is a living thing,
the changing pronunciation may simply mean we are living and growing. Thank goodness! I'll be sure to use
"Mick Dunna" from now on.

McDonough is pronounced “Mack Dunn-uh.” The City of McDonough is the county seat of Henry County. It was
incorporated in 1823 and named for Commodore Thomas MacDonough (December 21, 1783 – November 10, 1825), the
hero of Lake Champlain during the War of 1812.

Thomas Macdonough was born in Delaware and was the sixth of the ten children. His father was a physician and major
in the Revolutionary War who later gained some fame in Delaware politics. Orphaned by the age of eleven, Thomas
gained a commission as a midshipman in the United States Navy through the help of his late father’s powerful political

Macdonough served several years under Captain Alexander Murray on the U.S. Constellation, fighting the Barbary
States in the Mediterranean. By the time he returned home in 1806, he had gained an impressive education in
seamanship, navigation, and gunnery. During his stint in the Mediterranean, Macdonough also served under Captain
Decatur on the Enterprise. He distinguished himself during the destruction of the Philadelphia, an American ship that
had been taken over by pirates, and the capture of two Tripolitan gunboats. He was subsequently promoted to
lieutenant. The next few years were slow ones for the US Navy and Macdonough remained on active service largely
through the influence of his father’s political friends.

At the outset of the War of 1812, Macdonough was given the command of a division of gunboats. Then, in September of
1812, he was ordered to take charge of all US vessels on Lake Champlain. At this point, the Lake Champlain fleet
amounted to two leaky gunboats and three transport sloops.

Macdonough was a deeply religious man whom a contemporary described as a “Christian Gentleman.” He quoted
scripture readily, believed God was on his side, and enjoyed the genuine respect of his men and superiors. His religious
beliefs apparently didn’t prevent him from being a fierce fighter.

The family name is pronounced Mac Dunn-uh. It is not Mick-anything

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government

Larry Stanley, Editor
899 East Lake Road, McDonough, GA 30252
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