GWASL Errata

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GWASL Errata Doc:


The artillery arms of many nations, including Italy, did not change materially between the wars. To that end, whatever
Nationality a GWASL Nationality is 'defined as' - or in the case of the Italians, remains, use that OBA info as already
presented in ASLRB and play aids.

Ray T

On 1/13/2019 6:28 PM, luca martini wrote:

> Hi Ray!
> Clipped the counters of GWASL 5 and 6 and ready to play the first scenario....
> Quick question:
> What’s the number of OBA Black/Red Chita for Italians and Austro/Ungarians? Did I miss anything?
> Thanks!

Axis Minor.

On 1/14/2019 9:36 AM, luca martini wrote:

> Thanks Ray. Austro-Hungarian army is like Germany then or Axis Minor? I guess the latter...

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