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INTENSIVE FIRE 2008 - tournament action in Bournemouth A HALF-BAKED IDEA FOR HALF-TRACKS - tips on usage
A STEPPE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION - battlefeld tour report LIBERATING BESSARABIA - scenario analysis
view from the trenches
Br i t a i n s Pr e mi e r ASL J o u r n a l
Issue 75 Jan - Apr 2009 UK 2.00 US $5.00
view from
Hello and welcome to the latest issue of VFTT, a couple or
weeks later than planned but I was a lazy sod over Christmas and
couldnt be bothered to work on VFTT :-)
Ive got a couple of articles lined up for the next issue, but
am always on the look out for more. I could also do with some
reviews of new products. MMP have a couple of new packs, AP5
East Front and Turning the Tide, out in the next couple of days,
but last year saw Into The Rubble, Kreta, new issues of Schwer-
punkt and Rally Point, and plenty of other products, and none of
them were reviewed in VFTT. And since I cant afford to buy most
things nowadays, I cant write reviews myself, so the only way
theyll appear is if someone does them for me.
On a personal note, Ill like to note the passing away of
Jim Mcleod on 13
January. Jim was one of the key players of
the Canadian ASL Scene, and was responsible for the formation
of the Winnipeg ASL Association and later the Canadian ASL
Association, edited and published the CASLA newsletter Maple
Leaf Route, organised the Canadian ASL Open tournament, and
was the main designer of the Ortona HASL project. I never met
him but we exchanged many emails over the years, and some of
VIEW FROM THE TRENCHES is the bi-monthly British ASL jour-
nal. All comments are welcome. Even better, contribute. Write an article.
Design a scenario. Share your ASL experiences with others. VFTT allows
you to communicate with other ASLers. Dont be a silent voice.
Issue 76 should be out at the beginning of May 2009.
VFTT costs 2.00 per issue (overseas 4.00), with a years subscrip-
tion costing 5.00 (overseas 10.00). Payment should be in pounds sterling,
with cheques made out to PETE PHILLIPPS. Readers are reminded to
check their address label to see when their subscription ends. You can also
donwload VFTT free from the VFTT web site.
Back issue are now out of print but can be downloaded for free
9 Pier Road
PH36 4LJ
(01972) 510 350
[email protected]
World Wide Web Home Page:
Most products are trademarks of the companies publishing them. Use of a product name without mention of the trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status.
Copyright for all material printed within VFTT remains with its author, who can be contacted via VFTT if you would like to reprint his/her material.
With the growth of the InterNet, emoticons have originated to allow
people to show expressions in text. I fnd these very useful for the printed word in
general, so youll see plenty of them in View From the Trenches.
An emoticon is created with keyboard characters and read with the head
tilted to the left. Some typical emoticons are:
:-) humour or smiley
;-) winking
:-> devious smile
<g> grin
:-( sad
:-o shocked or surprised
#-( hung-over
The ASL Mailing List is devoted to discussion of Advanced Squad Leader, and
is run by Paul Ferraro via a listserv program at the University of Pittsburgh. To
subscribe go to:
COVER: Neil Brungers picture of the Meeting of the
Armies memorial at Kalach, taken while on his battle-
feld tour.
25 Oct 04
Continued on page 3, column 3
the trenches
Out now from MMP is Action Pack
5 East Front, which contains 12 new
scenarios and three new geomorphic map
boards. As the name suggests, they cover a
range of situations involving the Germans
or Axis Minors against the Russians from
1941 to 1945. The retail price is $30.00.
Also out now is Turning The Tide,
which contains 20 old Squad Leader
scenarios updated for ASL. Covering the
frst half of the war up to September 1943,
the scenarios are taken from Cross of Iron,
Crescendo of Doom, GI: Anvil of Victory,
the 100 Series, the 200 Series, and the
Rogue Series. The retail price is $20.00. A
follow-up pack is due in the future which
will include the remaining un-converted
SL scenarios.
First Wave at Omaha is a conver-
sion of the ATS Bloody Omaha module
for use with ASL, Three linking maps,
totalling some six feet in length, recreate
Omaha West and portions of Omaha East.
15 scenarios and monster campaign-style
scenario depicting the entire landing and
battle inland are included, along with six
sheets of counters, over a dozen play aids,
and an eight page special rules booklet.
Due any time now, is should cost $79.95.
Also due any time now is Ivans
War, a $17.95 pack containing 10 new
scenarios played on the included Stalins
Fury map.
To purchase other third party products such
as Critical Hit, Schwerpunkt or Heat of Battle
contact any of the following shops.
LEISURE GAMES, 100 Ballards Lane, Finchley,
London, N3 2DN. Telephone (020) 8346 2327,
e-mail them at [email protected], or go to
Road, Seacombe, The Wirral, L44 6NJ. Telephone
(0151) 638 3535, e-mail them at sales@second-, or go to www.secondchance-
PLAN 9, 9 Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen, AB25
1NE. Telephone (01224) 624 467 or e-mail them at
[email protected].
Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 2JF. Telephone
01403 242003 or go to http://www.battlequest-
If you know of other shops stocking third
party ASL products let me know so I can include
them here in future issues.
Issue 28 of Dispatches From The
Bunker is due to ship in March. The
focus is on the action which took place at
Alligator Creek on the Illu River during
the Guadalcanal campaign, with three sce-
narios (Bloody Banzai, Hells Point and
Time to Die) and a fve-date campaign
game included. Another scenario for Valor
of the Guards, Urban Nightmare, which
sees the Germans defending the Special-
ists House from a Russian engineer night
attack, is also due for inclusion.
The issue will also contain an article
by Jim Torkelson, and Carl Nogueiras
continuing Tactical Tips on urban warfare
in Stalingrad.
Four issue subscriptions (starting
with issue 27) are available for $15.00
($18.00 outside the USA). Issues 1 to 10
are now out of print but PDF versions are
available for free from www.aslbunker.
com. Other back issues are $4.00 ($4.50
outside the USA) or $40.00 ($50.00
outside the USA) for a complete set of
issues 11-27. A complete set of issues
11-26 and a subscription for issues 27-30
is available for $50.00 ($60.00 outside the
USA). Cheques should be made payable
to Vic Provost and sent to Dispatches from
the Bunker, P.O. Box 2024, Hinsdale MA
01235, or you can pay by PayPal to Pink-
[email protected]. You can email
them at [email protected].

his articles and scenarios have seen print in

See some of you at HEROES in
March. Til then, roll Low and Prosper.
Pete Phillipps
Continued from page 2
view from
intensive fire 2008
then watch the footie at the sports bar next
door to the hotel.
The next morning saw us discussing
who would be the frst arrival over break-
fast. We were all wrong, as Allard Koene
turned up just after 11am from Holland.
Throughout the day more people turned
up, and several games of ASL were played,
though me and Paul Case just carried on
drinking :-)
As usual, Friday saw a couple of
mini-tournaments being run. Ian Daglish
Pete. What time you and paul
turning up at hotel today
text sent to me by Ian Pollard and
read at 11:04am
Just at the bar now :-)
reply sent at 11:04am
Me and Paul Case arrived at
11:04am on the Wednesday morning, and
immediately organised beer (while I read
and replied to Ians text) before sorting
out room keys and unloading the car. Ian
arrived about 2pm to fnd a beer ready for
him :-) The three of us spent the rest of the
day drinking, before going out to eat and
Tournament action in the main gaming room during the weekend.
ran a Normandy mini using scenarios
from AP4 Normandy. Unfortunately time
constraints meant that Trev Edwards and
Dominic McGrath were unable to fnish
the fnal but they have recorded the posi-
tions and plan to fnish it via VASL or at
HEROES next March.
The Big Cats mini, run by Keith
Bristow, featured heavy armour scenarios,
and was won by Brian Hooper.
Tim Bunce ran a tournament classics
mini in two divisions. Craig Benn won the
elite division, while Eric Gerstenberg won
the frst division.
Plenty of friendly games were also
played, and some playtesting of Shaun
Carters Kohima module was undertaken
by several players, including myself and
Paul Case - not that we let that stop us
drinking :-) I also got in a really close
game of AP40 Head of the Mace against
Ian Daglish on Friday night over a drink or
three :-) The last turn played out histori-
cally, as I sent my Germans across open
ground in a desperate attempt to exit
enough units to win. Had Mr 10-3 not
failed a pair of MC the previous turn and
been wounded and my Panther not been
destroyed at the same time I might have
won, but as it was there was just too much
ground covered by enemy fre to cross.
Mind you, had my Panzer got its 4 extra
MP from ESB I would have only been a
point or two short!!
Saturday morning saw the Fire Team
tournament begin. As usual players were
divided into teams of 3, spread over 2 divi-
sions, based on their Crusader Ladder rat-
ing. Two rounds were played on Saturday
and the third on Sunday morning.
There was a clear winner in the First
Division, as the team of Allard Koene,
Justin Key and Paul Legg went 8-1 to top
the division with 24 points.
In the Elite Division things were
much closer. With just two games to fn-
ish, three teams were in a position to win.
When Phil Draper lost, ruling his team out,
it came down to Tim Bunce against Derek
Tocher if Tim won, his team won and
he would be best player, if Derek won, his
team won and Dominic McGrath would be
best player. Derek won, allowing his team,
which also included Brian Hooper and
Aaron Sibley, to sneak top place by having
beaten better rated players than the other
the trenches
teams who also had 15 points.
As noted, Dominic McGrath won
the trophy for top player, winning 5 con-
secutive games.
At the other end, Ray Porter fended
off all attempts to steal his worse player
crown, going 0-6. For his hard work he
was awarded a copy of the Dallas RPG
produced by SPI back in 1980 :-) Thanks
to Ian Daglish, I also had a spare copy of
AP4 Normandy so awarded that to Ray as
Andy Ashton of Second Chance
Games (
graciously donated half a dozen sets of
unmounted HOB maps III and IV, which
were presented to Eric Gerstenberg (fur-
thest distance travelled to attend), Nigel
Blair (losing almost as many as Ray),
Brendan Clark (for the work he puts in
running DOUBLE 1), and Keith Bristow,
Tim Bunce and Ian Daglish (for running a
mini-tournament each).
Id like to thank Dominic McGrath
and Derek Tocher for their help with the
scenario selection, Shaun Carter for help
with the prizes, and Tim Bunce, Iand
Here is the table of Scenario Win/Loss records
- remember draws are used in the tournament
Scenario Allied Axis Draw
113 Liberating Bessarabia 0 1 0
126 Commando Schenke 0 1 0
133 Block Busting in Bokruisk 1 0 0
135 Acts of Defance 1 0 0
A30 Defeat in Java 1 0 0
A32 Zon with the Wind 8 4 0
AP12 Cream of the Crop 1 0 0
AP31 First Cristot 2 2 0
AP34 Bocage Blockage 2 3 0
AP40 The Head Of The Mace 1 1 0
CH164 Cry of the Valkyries 1 0 0
EFC4 Third And Long 0 1 0
FrF19 About His Shadowy Sides 0 3 0
FrF4 Barbarossa D-day 5 3 0
FrF7 To Have And To Hold 0 1 0
G35 Going To Church 0 1 0
J100 For A Few Rounds More 2 1 0
J102 Yelnya Bridge 4 3 0
J103 Lenins Sons 1 0 0
J43 3rd RTR in the Rain 0 1 0
J63 Silesian Interlude 1 1 0
J92 Your Turn Now 0 1 0
PB4 Killeans Red 1 1 0
RPT24 Farmyard Affray 0 1 0
SP13 Stopped Cold 0 1 0
SP141 Broken Beek 5 2 0
SP145 The Relucant Tiger 2 1 0
SP146 Terrify And Destroy 3 3 0
SP154 On The Road To Hell 1 0 0
SP157 Edge of Extinction 1 0 0
SP159 The Lisjanka Epitaph 1 0 0
SP160 The Lost Bands of Edmonton 0 1 0
SP18 An Arm and a Leg 0 1 0
SP74 The Last Tiger 2 0 0
SP99 The Feineisen Factor 0 1 0
T2 (ClassicASL) The Puma Prowls 0 2 0
U7 Han-Sur-Neid 1 1 0
V7 The Hunting Ground 4 0 0
TOTALS 95 52 43 0
7pm Sunday night, and Nigel Blair wonders where his opponent has gone to.
Above: the Pete and Paul corner sees some play-testing of a Kohima scenario.
Below: the prizes for the weekend. And yes, that IS a copy of heDallas rlole-playing game!
Continued on page 7, column 3
view from
1st Shitai Tocher 15 16440
Derek Tocher
Aaron Sibley
Brian Hooper
2nd Battle Group Draper 15 15800
Phil Draper
Malcolm Hatfeld
Bob Eburne
3rd Kampf Gruppe Bunce 15 15655
Tim Bunce
Simon Croome
Gerard Burton
4th Task Force Benn 12 12815
Craig Benn
Mark Blackmore
Keith Bristow
5th Udarnaya
Gruppa Schofeld 12 12465
Dave Schofeld
Bill Sherliker
Ian Daglish
6th Gruppo McGrath 12 12415
Dominic McGrath
Kris Pugh
Mat Haas
1st Shitai Koene 24 21770
Allard Koene
Paul Legg
Justin Key
2nd Udarnaya
Gruppa Wiehahn 15 13835
Miles Wiehahn
Graham Smith
Simon Taylor
3rd Battle Group Clark 15 12550
Brendan Clark
Nigel Blair
Wayne Baumber
4th Task Force Edwards 12 9915
Trevor Edwards
Eric Gerstenberg
Jackie Eves
5th Kampf Gruppe Binns 9 8405
William Binns
Tim Macaire
Paul Kettlewell
6th Gruppo Mayers 6 5710
Martin Mayers
Nick Ranson
Ray Porter
The OPPO value is the total value of
the Crusader ladder points of the opponents
beaten by that fre team.
Above: an envious Ian Daglish (right) looks on as the team of (from left to right) Derek Tocher,
Aaron Sibley and Brian Hooper receive the Elite Division prizes.
Below: Ray Porter proudly accepts his copy of the Dallas RPG for posting the worse record of the
weekend - 0-6!!
the trenches
Here are the individual win/loss records.
Wayne Baumber 3 1 2 0
Craig Benn 8 6 2 0
William Binns 4 2 2 0
Mark Blackmore 8 5 3 0
Nigel Blair 10 4 6 0
Keith Bristow 6 2 4 0
Tim Bunce 5 4 1 0
Gerard Burton 6 1 5 0
Shaun Carter 1 1 0 0
Brendan Clark 3 2 1 0
Simon Croome 3 2 1 0
Ian Daglish 6 2 4 0
Phil Draper 5 2 3 0
Bob Eburne 3 2 1 0
Trevor Edwards 7 5 2 0
Jackie Eves 3 1 2 0
Eric Gerstenberg 4 2 2 0
Mat Haas 4 1 3 0
Malcolm Hatfeld 3 2 1 0
Brian Hooper 7 2 5 0
Paul Kettlewell 3 0 3 0
Justin Key 8 4 4 0
Allard Koene 7 4 3 0
Paul Legg 4 3 1 0
Tim Macaire 8 5 3 0
Martin Mayers 4 3 1 0
Dominic McGrath 5 5 0 0
Pete Phillipps 2 0 2 0
Ian Pollard 1 0 1 0
Ray Porter 6 0 6 0
Kris Pugh 4 0 4 0
David Ramsey 2 1 1 0
Nick Ranson 3 0 3 0
Dave Schofeld 3 3 0 0
Bill Sherliker 8 3 5 0
Aaron Sibley 6 4 2 0
Graham Smith 3 2 1 0
Simon Taylor 3 0 3 0
Derek Tocher 3 3 0 0
Chris Walton 4 2 2 0
Miles Wiehahn 6 5 1 0
Above: From left to right, Justin Key, Allard Koene and Paul Legg receive their prizes for being
First Division winners, while Ian Daglish and Brian Hooper lurk in the background.
Below: Dominc McGraths celebrates his 5-0 showing to be crowned Tournament Champion - no
prizes for guessing who owes the bottle of Newky Brown on the table though. . . . .
Daglish and Keith Bristow for organising
the mini-tournaments. Bu most of all eve-
ryone for turning up and making INTEN-
SIVE FIRE the success it is.
Neil Stevens, who set up the frst
INTENSIVE FIRE, was unable to attend
this year due to NATO exercises, but is
hopeful of attending HEROES in March.
If you wish to attend INTENSIVE
FIRE 2009, the dates are Thu 22 - Sun 25
Oct about 15 of us have already booked
into the hotel so book now to avoid disap-
And if you cant wait til Octo-
ber 2009 for some tournament action,
HEROES 2009 takes place in March 2009
in sunny Blackpool over the weekend Thu
12 - Sun 15 Mar 2009 check out the ad
elsewhere for the details.


Continued from page 5
view from
The Crusaders Open ASL Tournament Ladder
New Champion Dominic McGrath
Derek Tocher
INTENSIVE FIRE 2008 was the 29th
British ASL tournament and there are now over
2500 results recorded on the ladder and we now
have 255 players who have participated at least
once. At any one time there are about 90 ASLers
attending tournaments on at least a semi-regular
basis. The largest number of games played over
the history of UK ASL tournaments has been
racked up by Brian Hooper, 144, and there are
nine players with over 100 games recorded, and
another eighteen who have played 50+. The top
10% of players have ratings of 3280+ while the
upper quartile are rated 3160+. Those in the
lower quartile have ratings below 2810 while
the bottom 10% of participants are rated 2665 or
less. These numbers have remained essentially
invariant over the last ten years and the distribu-
tion of results is essentially Gaussian about
Dominic McGrath won the individual
tournament with a 5-0 record over the weekend
netting him 170 points and putting him 5th on
the active player ladder and 6th on the full lad-
der . The most points gained over the weekend
was recorded by Miles Weihahn who went 5-1
and gained 260 pts promoting himself by 96
places in the process. Almost as convincing was
Chris Walton (+230 pts) who had two impres-
sive wins against higher ranked players but still
ended up 241st from 255 ranked players.A third
impressive performance was also recorded by
Trevor Edwards who went 5-2 and gained 215
pts promoting him to the frst quartile. Only one
player, Paul Kettlewell, managed to lose over
200 pts over the course of the weekend.
Without more ado here is the Crusader
Ladder as of 25 December 2008.

Rank Player Played WDL Points

1 Toby Pilling 75 68--2--5 4085
2 Derek Tocher 122 91--2--28 3855
3 Steve Thomas 42 32--1--9 3755
4= Tim Bunce 55 38--0--17 3720
4= Simon Strevens 87 60--1--25 3720
6 Dominic Mcgrath 141 86-2--54 3705
7 Dave Schofeld 138 100--0--38 3695
8 Mike Rudd 38 32--1--5 3660
9 Fermin Retamero 13 11--0--2 3650
10 Michael Hastrup-Leth 45 31--1--13 3615
11 Aaron Cleavin 6 6--0--0 3565
12= Peter Bennett 14 12--1--1 3560
12= Bjarne Marell 36 26--0--10 3560
14 Craig Benn 38 27--0--11 3550
15 Steve Linton 17 14--0--3 3545
16 Jes Touvdal 24 16--0--8 3475
17 Martin Vicca 27 19--0--8 3415
18 Lars Klysner 11 8--0--3 3400
19 Phil Draper 61 38--1--22 3390
20 Mark Blackmore 33 21--0--12 3385
21= Ran Shiloah 11 7--0--4 3370
21= Peter Struijf 10 8--0--2 3370
23 Carl Sizmur 21 13--0--8 3365
24 Bernt Ribom 5 5--0--0 3350
25 Paul Haesler 14 7--2--5 3325
26 Joe Arthur 21 13--0--8 3305
27= Aaron Sibley 58 35--0--23 3295
27= Frank Tinschert 15 10--0--5 3295
29= Philippe Leonard 9 7--1--1 3285
29= Sam Prior 40 22--0--18 3285
31= Will Fleming 3 3--0--0 3280
31= Ralf Krusat 6 5--0--1 3280
31= Alan Smee 4 4--0--0 3280
34 Dave Booth 7 5--0--2 3270
35= Derek Cox 16 8--0--8 3245
35= Malcolm Hatfeld 55 25--0--30 3245
35= Daniel Kalman 11 8--0--3 3245
38= Daniel Batey 4 4--0--0 3235
38= Paul Saunders 19 10--0--9 3235
40 David Tye 42 19--0--23 3230
41 Ray Woloszyn 31 18--1--12 3225
42 Christain Koppmeyer 15 8--0--7 3220
43= Ian Percy 12 8--1--3 3215
43= Tom Slizewski 5 4--0--1 3215
45= Klaus Malmstrom 4 3--1--0 3210
45= Nils-Gunner Nilsson 5 4--0--1 3210
45= Yves Tielemans 3 3--0--0 3210
48= Francois Boudrenghien 3 3--0--0 3205
48= Bob Eburne 56 32--0--24 3205
50 Simon Croome 52 28--0--24 3200
51 Jean Devaux 3 3--0--0 3190
52 Armin Deppe 13 7--1--5 3185
53 Bill Durrant 5 4--0--1 3180
54= Steve Crowley 47 21--1--25 3175
54= Jonathan Pickles 8 5--0--3 3175
56= Grant Pettit 7 4--1--2 3170
56= Bruno Tielemans 3 3--0--0 3170
58= Rodney Callen 6 4--0--2 3160
58= Mel Falk 9 5--0--4 3160
58= Stewart Thain 21 11--0--10 3160
61 Jeremy Copley 9 6--0--3 3150
62 Nick Edelsten 22 14--1--7 3145
63 Trevor Edwards 103 53--1--49 3140
Rank Player Played WDL Points
64= Paul ODonald 72 44--1--27 3135
64= Frenk Van Der Mey 4 3--0--1 3135
64= Andrew Whinnett 16 9--0--7 3135
67 Chris Courtier 13 7--2--4 3130
68 Paul Sanderson 41 21--0--20 3125
69= Lee Brimmicombe-Wood 12 8--0--4 3120
69= William Hanson 19 11--0--7 3120
69= Philip Jones 5 3--0--2 3120
69= Anthony Oboyle 3 2-0--1 3120
69= Paul Ryde-Weller 10 5--1--4 3120
74= Georges Tournemire 3 2--1--0 3115
74= Mark Walley 4 3--0--1 3115
76= Luis Calcada 43 21--1--21 3110
76= Luc Schonkerren 5 3--0--2 3110
78= Andrew Dando 44 23--2--19 3105
78= Simon Morris 11 6--0--5 3105
80= Steve Cook 18 12--0--6 3100
80= Russ Curry 6 4--0--2 3100
82= Nigel Brown 26 11--0--15 3095
82= Tom Jackson 10 6--0--4 3095
82= Mikael Siemsen 6 3--0--3 3095
85= Jas Bal 5 3--0--2 3090
85= Kevin Beard 13 9--1--3 3090
85= Gary Lock 2 2--0--0 3090
85= Iain Mackay 43 22--0--21 3090
85= Peter Michels 3 2--0--1 3090
90 Paulo Alessi 6 4-0-2 3085
91 Dirk Beijaard 5 3--0--2 3080
92= Keith Bristow 65 38--1--26 3075
92= Billy Carslaw 11 4--0--7 3075
92= Robin Langston 9 4--2--3 3075
92= Chris Milne 5 3--0--2 3075
96= Jean-Luc Baas 3 2--0--1 3070
96= Serge Bettencourt 3 2--0--1 3070
96= Robert Schaaf 3 2--0--1 3070
96= Miles Wiehahn 13 7--0--6 3070
100= Alexander Rousse-Lacordaire 4 2--1--1 3065
100= Bob Runnicles 3 2--0--1 3065
102= Scott Byrne 12 7--0--5 3060
102= Raurigh Dale 38 17--0--21 3060
102= Patrik Manlig 16 9--0--7 3060
105= Stefan Jacobi 11 5--0--6 3050
105= Bo Siemsen 4 2--0--2 3050
107 Scott Greenman 8 3--1--4 3045
108 Steve Pleva 6 3--0--3 3035
109= Michael Davies 66 35--1--30 3030
109= Mark Warren 20 11--0--9 3030
111= Daniele Dal Bello 4 1-0-3 3025
111= Peter Hofand 4 2--0--2 3025
113 Gerard Burton 19 9--0--10 3020
114= Tony Gibson 25 13--0--12 3015
114= Vincent Kamer 4 2--0--2 3015
116= Colin Graham 5 3--0--2 3010
116= Andrew Saunders 33 15--1--17 3010
118= Allard Koene 7 4--0--3 3005
118= Martin Mayers 19 8--0--11 3005
120= Nick Brown 3 1--1--1 3000
120= Thomas Buettner 3 2--0--1 3000
120= Stephen Burleigh 37 15--2--20 3000
120= Steve Grainger 8 4--0--4 3000
120= Martin Hubley 4 3--0--1 3000
120= Ian Kenney 4 2--0--2 3000
120= Phil Nobo 11 6--0--5 3000
120= Duncan Spencer 4 2--0--2 3000
Rank Player Played WDL Points
128= Gilles Hakim 5 2--0--3 2995
128= Kris Pugh 14 6--0--8 2995
130= Eric Baker 2 1--0--1 2985
130= Matt Blackman 2 1--0--1 2985
132= David Farr 4 2--0--2 2980
132= Malcolm Rutledge 3 1--0--2 2980
134= William Binns 4 2--0--2 2975
134= Sergio Puzziello 5 1--0--4 2975
136= John Orielly 5 2--1--2 2970
136= Ulric Schwela 41 17--1--23 2970
138= Ian Daglish 126 57--2--67 2965
138= Mat Hass 7 3--0--4 2965
140= Elliot Cox 2 0--1--1 2960
140= Ben Jones 49 23--0--26 2960
142 Michael Maus 7 3--0--4 2955
143= Stuart Brant 5 3--0--2 2945
143= Laurent Forest 3 0--0--3 2945
143= Alex Ganna 2 0--1--1 2945
143= David Murry 5 2--1--2 2945
143= Pedro Ramis 6 3--0--3 2945
148= Paulo Ferreira 9 4--0--5 2940
148= Wayne Kelly 11 4--1--6 2940
148= Bob Nugent 3 2--0--1 2940
148= Bill Sherliker 13 6--0--7 2940
148= Jon Williams 14 6--0--8 2940
153= Derek Briscoe 1 0--0--1 2935
153= Martin Bryan 19 8--0--11 2935
155= Andrea Marchino 1 0--0--1 2930
155= Andy Price 3 1--0--2 2930
157= Paul Boyle 5 2--0--3 2925
157= John Sharp 8 3--0--5 2925
159= Steve Allen 6 1--1--4 2920
159= Tim Collier 17 7--0--10 2920
161= Iain Ainsworth 1 0--0--1 2915
161= Edo Giaroni 3 1--0--2 2915
163= Joel Berridge 3 1--0--2 2910
163= Brian Martuzas 5 2--0--3 2910
163= Andy Smith 4 0--0--4 2910
166= Mark Caddy 1 0--0--1 2905
166= James Neary 5 2--0--3 2905
166= Phil Ward 5 2--0--3 2905
169 Josh Kalman 10 5--0--5 2900
170 Martin Kristensen 6 2--0--4 2895
171= Shaun Carter 65 29--1--35 2890
171= Tim Macaire 59 30--0--29 2890
173= Jakob Norgaard 6 1--1--4 2885
173= Bernard Savage 21 9--1--11 2885
175= Sam Belcher 8 3--0--5 2880
175= Graham Smith 40 16--0--24 2880
177= Patrick Dale 38 15--1--22 2875
177= David Ramsey 24 9--0--15 2875
179= Eric Gerstenberg 6 3--0--3 2870
179= John Johnson 1 0--0--1 2870
179= David Kalman 5 2--0--3 2870
182 Russell Gough 81 45--4--38 2865
183= Brendan Clark 16 6--1--9 2860
183= Peter Ladwein 21 9--0--12 2860
183= Lutz Pietschker 4 1--0--3 2860
183= Neil Piggot 4 1--0--3 2860
183= Neil Stevens 60 24--2--34 2860
188 Nick Angelopoulos 5 1--0--4 2850
189 Bill Eaton 21 8--3--10 2840
190= Martin Baker 7 2--0--5 2835
190= Mark Furnell 13 5--1--7 2835
190= Dave Otway 5 1--0--4 2835
the trenches
Rank Player Played WDL Points
193 Brian Hooper 144 50--2--92 2830
194 Mike Daniel 5 2--0--3 2825
195 Mark Chapman 6 2--0--4 2820
196= Michael Robertson 4 1--0--3 2810
196= Michael Essex 30 14--0--16 2800
196= Ivor Gardiner 17 8--0--9 2800
196= Clive Haden 5 2--0--3 2800
196= Justin Key 57 23--1--32 2800
196= William Roberts 11 3--1--7 2800
202= Kevin Croskery 16 6--0--10 2790
202= Alistair Fairbairn 3 0--0--3 2790
202= Paul Legg 115 47--2--66 2790
202= Nick Sionskyj 8 3--0--5 2790
206 Chris Littlejohn 14 3--2--9 2780
207 Graham Worsfold 3 0--0--3 2775
208= Lee Bray 14 3--0--11 2770
208= Richard Kirby 7 2--0--5 2770
210 Bill Hensby 31 10--0--21 2765
211= Andrew Hershey 10 4--0--6 2760
211= Flemming Scott-Christensen 6 1--0--5 2760
213= Oliver Gray 9 3--0--6 2755
213= Jonathan Townsend 4 1--0--3 2755
215 Peter Neale 3 0--0--3 2750
216 Pete Phillipps 120 52--0--69 2745
217 Burnham Fox 23 10--0--13 2740
218= Rupert Featherby 3 0--0--3 2735
218= Nick Quinn 14 5--0--9 2735
220= Neil Brunger 43 15--0--28 2730
220= Gareth Evans 4 0--0--4 2730
222= Hamish Hughson 4 0--0--4 2725
222= Paul Kettlewell 83 37--0--46 2725
224= Steve Cocks 4 0--0--4 2720
224= Marc Horton 6 1--0--5 2720
226 Ray Jennings 11 3--0--8 2715
227 Simon Hoare 4 0--0--4 2690
228 Jeff Howarden 7 2--0--5 2685
229= Andy Mcmaster 29 10--0--19 2680
229= Christain Speis 5 1--0--4 2680
231= Wayne Baumber 61 27--0--36 2670
231= James Crosfeld 15 6--0--9 2670
233 Pedro Barradas 7 1--0--6 2655
234 Ian Pollard 109 42--1--66 2640
235= Nigel Ashcroft 52 19--1--32 2635
235= Nigel Blair 104 39--1--64 2635
237 Adrian Catchpole 11 2--0--9 2625
238 Adrian Maddocks 12 3--0--9 2620
239 Arthur Garlick 21 2--5--14 2615
240 Bryan Brinkman 9 1--0--8 2610
241 Chris Walton 34 9--0--25 2600
242 Roger Cook 29 9--2--18 2590
243 John Fletcher 6 0--0--6 2585
244 Chris Netherton 30 10--2--18 2560
245= Mike Stanbridge 47 13--1--33 2555
245= Simon Taylor 8 1--0--7 2555
247 Michael Rhodes 43 10--0--33 2545
248 Robert Seeney 5 0--0--5 2510
249 Nick Carter 11 2--0--9 2475
250 John Kennedy 24 5--0--19 2415
251= Chris Ager 26 7--0--19 2400
251= Paul Case 120 31--3--86 2400
253 Jackie Eves 39 11--0--28 2345
254 Nick Ranson 26 3--1--22 2150
255 Ray Porter 26 1--0--25 2105
liberating bessarabia
Nick Smith
This is a short attractive scenario
which should be playable in an evening.
The Romanians have a reasonably strong
force with a decent ELR and AFV capable
of going head-to-head with the early war
Soviet AFV facing them. They have to oc-
cupy 6 or more multi-hex buildings, most
of which are there for the taking on board
The Russians labour under several
disadvantages in this scenario. One is
the general condition of early-war Soviet
troops as portrayed in ASL: valiant enough,
and certainly in infantry frepower more
than a match squad-for-squad for their
Axis Minor opponents, but handicapped
by minimal leadership (just 2 leaders with
a total of -1 DRM in this game, and no
Commissar available) and the lowly ELR
of 2. Of the 11 squads, 4 are already 4-2-6
conscripts. Their AFV are thin-skinned
light tanks and armoured cars, both groups
radioless and hence subject to the restric-
tive rules of D13, although the armament
of both is respectable enough to account
for any of the Romanian AFVs. The big-
gest handicap in this scenario however is
the SSR that makes all buildings Wooden.
I feel that Stone Buildings with their
+3 DRM are particularly tough nuts for
squads with a basic FP of 3 to crack, but
that difference of 1 makes things a lot less
daunting for the Axis attacker. Even the
Russian SAN is only 3.
The Romanians dont have every-
thing their own way. Of the six AFV they
feld, four are the PzKpfw 35t variants
which have both a decent enough MA and
a useful 8 FP when both MGs are included,
but the two R-1s will not be much use
Found this picture of dice made from
depleted uranium while surfng the Net
recently (
tion/consumer%20products/dudice.htm) .
Ideal for To Hit DRs!
Depleted Uranium Dice
view from
these vehicles an enlightening experience.
Strategy for both sides hinges on the
fact that, to put it cruelly and at the risk of
sounding callous, losses are irrelevant to
the victory conditions. Only one squad and
no AFVs need be left at the game end as
long as the requisite number of multi-hex
buildings has been gained or retained.
As in all city scenarios, the Soviet player
has to consider the multiple avenues of
approach available to the Romanian:
however, there are basically three at the
beginning of the game, two of which
can be easily covered by the two MMGs
and/or two LMGs available. One road runs
across a bridge over the gully, the other
(in hexrow Q, which is still in play) runs
in a straight line past the frst traverse road
and allows swift access to board 22. For
this reason it might be worth covering this
approach with one of the AFV as well,
although this would mean an isolated AFV
needing to pass a NTC should it wish to
move (D13). Keeping the Romanian off
either road means slowing him down. The
Soviet player no doubt could wish for an
AT gun to place in building and cover the
road leading over the gully, but sadly only
an ATR can fll this gap, unless he wishes
to park an AFV or two at the crossroads.
The third approach is across the felds and
over the gully, which is slower but is not
particularly risky given that the Russian
initial setup is restricted to east of the road
running north from 49A5. A particularly
aggressive defender might try to run a
squad into the upper storey of one of the
buildings on the west side of the road to
strip Romanians of their concealment, but
given that by then the Romanians will be
felding all their forces on board and that
Russian squads need careful conservation
in this game, this is a risky strategy.
Bearing in
mind that the
game is only 8
turns long, the
Russian can win
by making the
Romanian over
cautious. He
can do this by
use of Conceal-
ment counters,
particularly if
the Romanian
is led to believe
that open ground
approaches (es-
pecially roads)
are covered.
After all, once
a Romanian squad is broken its 6 morale
makes it harder to get back into the game.
For his part the Romanian must be fairly
assertive and not spread his forces too
thinly, especially if a leader or two is lost,
since the Romanian infantry are low in FP
and brittle when broken. He can also play
the interdiction game by using AFV or
MGs to cover the roads and thus prevent
Russian squads and especially leaders
from fitting from block to block. Given
the low number of Soviet leaders in the
game, this is a worthwhile tactic. Again it
may sound callous, but the Romanian can
afford a straight exchange of AFV given
his numerical superiority, although he
should try to conserve at least one R-2 if
possible given that the R-1s operate under
some restrictions. Given their relatively
low calibre weapons, the AFV are prob-
ably better employed to deny Concealment
possibilities to defending squads, or per-
haps create Encirclement. With the relative
lack of infantry LATW in this game, both
sides can also go for point-blank fre with
their armour against the infantry, while the
high speed Russian AFV are especially
suited to carrying out a rapid Overrun
against Romanian infantry caught out in
the street at the end of their Player Turn.
One thing there wont be in this game is
a Stalingrad-type fury of Blazes, Rubble
and HE CHs taking out large numbers of
squads - the frepower simply isnt there.
The only way Rubble will be created in
this scenario is via a low Rubble Creation
dr after driving an AFV into a building - a
risky strategy, incidentally, given the 1 in
6 possibility of the tank falling instead into
a Cellar (this happened in my own game).
Instead most combat will come down to 6
or 8FP attacks on the IFT, and maybe CC
within the buildings themselves. AFVs
may be the key to victory, but they cannot
control buildings, and an SSR prevents
Crews from abandoning their vehicles to
do so.
Overall I would agree that in soli-
taire play at least, the scenario favours the
Romanians, but this still feels like a game
where there are possible roads to victory
for either player, depending very much on
how the armour is used. Feel free to use
the Scenario Balance, which increases the
necessary number of buildings to 7 which
is not too drastic a change.

against Russian armour and have the addi-

tional restriction on the CA of their BMG,
as well as being radioless. In CC the Ro-
manian 3-4-7 is at a disadvantage against
either of the Russian squads. Nevertheless
their SW are also quite generous, with 2
4-12 MMGs and 2 60* Mtrs. However the
light mortars are somewhat restricted by
their minimum range in close range city
fghting so will need to be carefully placed,
bearing in mind that mortars cannot fre
from inside buildings. The MMGs and
LMGs will be more useful in both laying
down Fire Lanes and also bulking up the
otherwise modest FP of the Romanian
The armour forms an interesting
facet of this game. It includes the R-1s
and the BT-2as, both rare at this point in
the war and in ASL, and gives a favour of
some of the almost anachronistic armour
felded up to then before mass industri-
alisation and technological advancement
really took over. Thus we fnd that the
majority of the AFVs in this scenario are
radioless and all suffer from ST penalties.
The BT-2A is fast (22 MP) but suffers
from Excessive Speed breakdown, as
well as being subject to Russian vehicle
note M (stalling on 11 or 12). Walls offer
hulldown protection to either side, while
the Romanian vehicles have also the Small
Size modifer to aid them. None of the gun
calibres are higher than 45L, and in my
own playing of this scenario I had tanks
and armoured cars hitting one another
once or twice and failing to achieve a KO
by a considerable margin. MA is liable to
breakdown, more so however for the Rus-
sians with their B11, although ironically I
broke the MA of the most advanced AFVs,
the Romanian R-2s, twice! Those used
to running Panthers, Shermans and T-34s
around the boards might fnd operating
Romanian cavalry cross the river Prut during the 1941 campaign.
the trenches
heroes 2009
advanced squad leader tournament
- 15
march (thursday through sunday) 2009
hotel skye, south promenade, blackpool, england

the event
Following its success in previous years HEROES continues in 2009 to fll the gap for UK ASL action in the frst
half of the year. As normal the action starts on Thursday and continues through to Sunday so you can play in
an ASL tournament and/or play friendly games (or even try your hand at a campaign game if you can fnd an
opponent). The focus of the weekend will be the main tournament,in which players of like record are paired off
to allow us to determine the winners - depending on numbers attending there will be four or fve rounds. The frst
round will start on Friday afternoon and each round sees players choose from three carefully selected scenari-
os. Main tournament entrants are to be familiar with the rules through to the frst half of Chapter G.
boot camp
Dont worry if you are a new player (someone who hase only ever played fve or fewer games against a live
opponent), as a special tournament based on the ASL Starter Kit will be available on Friday. You can learn the
game with an experienced player nearby to offer advice on rules. There will never be a better time to try your
hand at ASL!
Remember, you can also drop in just for part of a day if you cant make it for the full weekend.
the venue
The Hotel Skye is familar to those who have attended in the past and offers plenty of gaming room for the whole
weekend, Meals and good beer are also available in the hotel, and numerous alternative food outlets are close
by. The hotel is easily accessible from the M55 and the train station is a 5 minute walk away.
Room rates are the same as 2008, just 25.00 per person for a shared room or 30.00 for a single room for bed
and breakfast.
the cost
The weekend, whether you enter a tournament or just play games with the people you will meet, is fantastic
value at only 15.00, or just 10.00 if you register before the beginning of March 2009.
heroes 2009 hotel booking form
To book your room simply fll in this form and send it with a cheque for 10.00 to cover your deposit (payable
to HOTEL SKYE) to Hotel Skye, 571-573 New South Promenade, Blackpool, England, FY4 1NG. You can also
telephone them on 01253 343220 to book your room.
) e n o h c a e k c i t ( R O F D E R I U Q E R M O O R S T H G I N
view from
A Steppe In The Right Direction
An account of a battlefeld tour of the Great Patriotic War
Moscow, Stalingrad, and Kursk.
Neil Brunger
In September 2008 I took the op-
portunity to participate in a battlefeld tour
of the Great Patriotic War: Moscow, Stal-
ingrad, and Kursk. This tour was organised
by Holts Tours.
The tour consisted of 8 people:
American, Dutchman, Southern Irishman,
Welshman, Isle of Man, Two British, and
a Geordie. No language problems there
right? We were accompanied by the author
Mike Jones. Mike is the author of Stal-
ingrad: How the Red army Triumphed..
Maureen Meakin the Holts Tours repre-
sentative, and Oleg G Alexandrov of the
Travel Agency Three Whales inter-
preter and general guide / local organiser,
completed the team. The tour also received
support of veterans from the Red Army,
local guides, and museum guides. Hotels,
food, information, general support for
welfare and guidance were outstanding.
It was a dream trip. Trip of a
lifetime. my wife Anne said during the
negotiations. It felt like a combined school
trip for 10 year olds, and last of the Sum-
mers Wine. escapade, rolled into one. It
was very informative and great fun.
The Tour itinerary was extensive.
The tour was all inclusive: travel, hotels,
food, and entry fees. Expensive, OOh
yes, but worth every rouble. To be able
to visit the battlefelds with support of
veterans from the Red Army, hear their
reminiscences, and visit their own museum
in Kursk was an opportunity which will
become increasingly rare as the years pass.
Through Oleg as interpreter, you could ask
both subjective questions about personal
experiences, and technical questions about
the equipment.
so many tanks, SPG, artillery, mortars, and
machine guns of all types.
Most of the museums have large
dioramas depicting the various aspects of
the war and heroic exploits of Heros of
the Soviet Union. They include incredible
detail and can be up to 20 metres high by
30 metres. 3D foreground leads your eye
into the very impressive paintings.
There are souvenir shops but the
true meaning and possibilities of souvenirs
does not appear to have been recognised
Day 2
Visit to the huge Monino Aircraft
This displays aircraft from 1918
to almost the present day. Tupliov, Yaks,
Shturmoviks, Airacobra and other lend
lease planes are all here. The biplane type
fown by the Night Witches. of Stalin-
grad. Counterfeit copies of USA Super
Fortress build to lift the atomic bomb.
There are modern jets and Hind heli-
copters, and an extremely large helicopter
/ plane hybrid. I am not into aircraft but it
was impressive to see the armour plate on
a Shturmovik. The museum guide was ex
air force and could and would elaborate
on detail. Descriptions of the Heros of
the Soviet Union ramming planes were
In the afternoon we visited the Iz-
mailova fea market for souvenir shopping.
We received a warning to haggle and also
a warning that any buying of items more
than 60 years old was disproved of by the
Mike gave regular talks to place the
battles in general context.
It all began being collected at my
home and driven to Heathrow airport..
leading to initial Three nights in the Cos-
mos Hotel in Moscow.
Day 1
A Visit to the Great Patriotic War
Museum and The Armed Forces
The quality, detail and content of
the museums are excellent. If only you
had more time! Not all the museums have
English descriptions. However, the guides
are good and Oleg translates. Anyway
after many years reading about the Eastern
Front I could recognise and appreciate
most items. The documents and letters one
could only guess at. The monuments to
the fallen, military and civilian are thought
provoking, and bring home the human cost
of the war. The displays are modern and
effective. Plenty of Red Army and German
equipment is on display. The military ban-
ners of the Third Reich, the eagle from the
Reichstag are all there on view.
Some display cases are covered with
Iron Crosses. No problem as the guide said
we have two tonnes of Iron Crosses in the
The Armed Forces Museum cov-
ers the history of the Soviet Army to the
present day. There you can see the wreck-
age of the U2 spy plane and accounts of
Soviet pilots fying in Korea. Both of these
museums have many Soviet AFVs, and a
gun boat with T34 turrets. Its great to see
the trenches
under water since the Volga hydroelectric
dam and Volga Don shipping canal was
Visit the to the nail factory now
almost obstructed by new buildings. See
the utility post with many munitions hits
on near the station.
Fly back to Moscow. It felt that there
were many ghosts at Gumrak airport.
Day 8
Tank heaven at Kubinka Tank mu-
This visit was almost cancelled as it
is on a military base where both testing of
new tanks and fring range preparation for
military confict is done. Foreign nationals
need a pass. Given the recent political situ-
ation and tension things were a bit huffy.
But thanks to Oleg it was rearranged and
sorted. One morning visit is not enough.
So many tanks so little time!
We saw the German pavilion ex-
hibits, and the Soviet heavy and medium
I saw a few extra external exhibits
as I deserted from the group on a pretext.
Other pavilions are there and the catalogue
list is extensive covering many nation-
alities. I took as many photographs as I
could. Pzkpf I to Tigers and Maus. Mard-
ers, Wespe, Stugs, Sig33, Brummbaer,
Jagdpanzer, Sturmtiger, Elefant, 60cm
Karl Moser, Goliath, and a strange Alkett
Minenraumfahrzeun experimental mine
clearance vehicle, to name only a few.
The Panther is reported to be opera-
Some very rare items and some
strange machines are there. Theres an
armoured train. The museum guide was ex
tanker and knowledgeable. Those external
tanks on Russian AFV were used for water
or oil for oil changes and defnitely not
for containing additional fuel. Only an
idiot would carry spare fuel into battle.
Oh and they are impressed with Bovington
Afternoon visit the Moscow Defence
much higher (100 foot?) than the eastern
banks. An Artillery observers dream.
Day 6
The Mamaev Kurgan Memorial
Complex of Heroes of the battle of
An awesome place to visit. The
extremely large statue of Motherland.
The impressive views of Stalingrad
city (Volgograd) and East bank of Volga.
You can see why it was so important
during the battle. Chuikovs grave and
Zaitsevs grave are here. The eternal fame
with its guard of honour. Visit the factory
district now rebuilt much to the amuse-
ment of the shift change and local kids,
with the usual T34 on plinth. Visit to the
grain elevator.
Yes its still there. Apparently a tun-
nel led to the Volga which allowed Russian
reinforcement. A monument to Pavlovs
House, and across the road the mill kept
the way it was after the battle.
There are excellent detailed exhibits
in the Stalingrad panorama museum.
Including a molotov cocktail launcher
(actually glass globes) and a Zaitsevs rife
(he had a few!) Just another sniper really
we had others. The panorama depicts
memorable events during the fnal battle
for Stalingrad seen from a view point on
the Mamaev Kurgan. Visit to Lyudnikovs
Island and see a command post kept as it
was. Its in state of extreme disrepair. The
Germans and time have not been kind.
What a day!
Day 7
Visit to Von Pauluss museum and
his temporary home before capture in
the cellar of the Univermag. Many of his
sketches which appear to be focused on
re-supply and food for some reason.
Boat trip up and down the Volga,
(not under fre!) Passing the factory district
and Volga boatmen memorials. The river
has changed some of the islands are now
Government and may be confscated at the
airport with the payment of a fne! Luckily
I did not come across any tempting items. I
did buy lots of souvenirs through. Or junk
depends on your point of view!
Day 3
Red Square; Lenins tomb
No hands in pockets, no talking,
no stopping! Stalins grave is out the
back now. GUM department store. Stalin
Impressionists are available. Then Fly to
Volgograd. Gumrak airfeld no less!
Day 4
Stalingrad. (Volgograd)
Our hotel is in Hex S39 on Valor of
the Guards map.
This is the same building complex
where Von Paulus hung his hat and his
head. The Univermag. There is a small
museum in his cellar. Nearby the Rail-
way station now rebuilt but in a similar
place. The hotel is a short walk down
to the Volga where I dipped my hand in
the water. Its very strange to be here. A
beautiful city now. Famous apparently for
its Chocolate factory shop. Now thats a
factory worth capturing. I can defnitely
say the chocolate was good.
Day 5
Drive to the river Don!
Sounds impressive but we did it in
a bus. Anatoly Grigorevich Mereshko was
a young lieutenant in the cadets during the
retreat and served in the 62
Army to Ber-
lin. He gave us detailed reminiscence of
the battles. He swum across the Don river
under fre. Fire from both sides! We went
to Kalach to see the meeting of the Armies
Many of the large statues are very
detailed. They often tell of heroic but very
tragic events. It is strange that the western
banks of the rivers Don and Volga are
Stalingrad: the Flour Mill (VoTG hex U3-V3), viewed from a ferry on the Volga, and the Univermag.
view from
front at Jakovieto following the death ride
of 4
Panzer Army.
We explored the battle feld around
Prokhorovka near the river Psel with vet-
eran Boris Ivonov a member of the Guards
Paratroops Regiment. Only the luck of the
Irish member of the group found a piece
of battle feld scrap. Almost got inside a
T34 through the escape hatch underneath
but was promptly dragged out by rep. The
visit included a Dads Army version of
ATG gun laying in re-established trench
and bunkers system directed by one of the
veterans. Overnight train to Moscow.
Day 11
A Cultural trip with Metro rides and
Exploration of the inner Kremlin.
See the changing of the guard at the
Unknown soldier/ war memorial.
Then a meeting with the veteran
organisation with many speeches and
much vodka drunk in toasts during lunch.
As with most of the veterans during the
trips the group was admonished regard-
ing the delay of the Second Front! They
did appreciate the Lend Lease assistance,
especially the provision of SPAM and
Dodge trucks The group were also
warned about the possibilities of another
cold war precipitated by the recent
events in Georgia. Diplomacy held sway.
We didnt throw the only American on the
tour, Delmar into the Volga river.
Some of the veterans became emo-
tional due to the traumatic reminiscences.
The veterans were ex offcers from infan-
try, partisan, artillery, navy, and air-force
Day 12
Homeward bound
I have rolled low dice on all these
battle felds. I know, its very childish, but
museum. Very impressive detailed exhibits
but no photos allowed and cubical closed
so no souvenirs or brochures, shame that.
The Moscow Defence Memorial is in the
form of a set of large tank obstructions.
One hour from Moscow central.
NOT with present traffc jams its not.
And, no, you cannot see the spires of the
Kremlin. A myth? Then Overnight sleeper
train to Kursk.
Day 9
Hotel in Svoboda (Freedom) outside
Seeing the Russian countryside,
villages, forests, swamps, Balkas, Panji
wagons, and meeting some local Babush-
kas was great.
Drive to Ponyri Station on the
Northern front of Kursk salient. The Little
Stalingrad battlefeld of Kursk. Rebuilt
by happy German prisoners of war.
The felds consisted of rich black
soil. As luck would have it, it rained on the
frst visit to existing trench lines and mass
gravesites. The van pulled of the road and
promptly got stuck in the mud! A good
example of Russian traffc problems. We
also visited the remnants of a Russian Pa-
kfront on the Teplov heights. Good felds
of fre. The headquarters of Rokossovsky
have been preserved and are an interesting
example of dug out HQ. A local museum
covers the battle. We visited grave sites
of both Russian and German soldiers on
either side of a road. The German Govern-
ment provide fnancial assistance to locate
and bury the war dead. Joint student trips
are arranged. It was a sobering experience.
Day 10
A meeting with Kursk veterans at
their offcers club with its own museum.
The veterans gave a talk on the battle.
Visiting Kursk monuments and a visit
to the graveyard with mass graves. The
monument to the Kursk submarine disaster
is also here. Then a drive to the Southern
Some of the items in the Kubinka Tank Museum; a Panther, a Maus, and the Alkett Minenraumfahzeun.
a fun thing to do. Not that it will make
much difference to the way I play ASL. I
have compared the Valor of the Guards
map with local terrain and found it reason-
ably accurate. I even got the map signed by
Anatoly Grigorevich Mereshko, a veteran
of Stalingrad to Berlin who remained in
the military to become a Colonel-General
and Deputy commander of the Warsaw
Pact. Some ASL counters also made the
trip. Sad but true. I have taken many pho-
tographs of the trip and placed then on an
accessible web site.
I would recommend the tour to
anybody. I am now re-reading books with
new insight into the battles. My ability in
visualising the battlefelds and the equip-
ment during ASL is improved. Sadly not
my ASL ability but then war is hell! I die in
the war for people like you!
I can only begin to appreciate the
physical and psychological demands on
the soldiers and civilians involved in the
confict. The sacrifce of the Russian peo-
ple was tremendous.
The Russian people were friendly
and interestingly different. Moscow is
expensive and traffc jams and accidents
are frequent.
I will provide further information on
request and possibly bore you all to death
at Blackpool in 2009.
To contact Holts Tours telephone
0845 375 0430, email them t info@holts., visit their website at www.holts., or write to them at Holts Tours,
Aviation House, Crossoak Lane, Redhill,
Surrey, RH1 5EX.

the trenches
A Half-Baked Idea For Half-Tracks
Robert Delwood
One of my earliest recollections of
Squad Leader is of the half-track. More
so than tanks (remember, Squad Leader
had only token representation of tanks)
the half-track symbolized true mobile and
armoured warfare. For starters, they were
given out more freely than tanks. Second,
since they required the same AT weapons
to kill them as tanks, the other side was
less concerned about half-tracks. As a
result, they were almost invisible on the
battlefeld. Bazookas and PF were rarities
back them and were never allocated in
expectation of a full frontal half-track
assault. Their low FP was easily overcome
in two ways. You could always bunch
them together and have several half-tracks
forming a single fre group. You could also
actually load a squad in one of them have
form a moving frebase. The aggressive
player would even charge an enemy posi-
tion using both tactics and get an impres-
sive AFPh attack. Anyway you went, they
were gobs of fun. This was in the days
when war was fun. We had only seen
Patton and Kellys Heroes; Saving Private
Ryan would be years away.
Yet, this hardly matched up the to
record in the history books. Designed
mostly for transporting men and equip-
ment to the battlefeld, they were never
intended to really be used there, much
less as a primary assault vehicle or as
indestructible fortresses. In fact, the very
opposite was true.
ASL did a good job changing all
that - albeit indirectly. By redesigning the
DF and AT combat, their vulnerability is
emphasized. There are new and inno-
vated ways of killing them
now: ATGs, PF, BAZ, CC,
AATM, and even MG fre.
No self-respecting crew
(or at least one interested
in self preservation) would
dare ride into combat now.
If CVP are an issue, these
vehicles represent easy kills.
So has the pendulum swung
fully over to the other side
Pretty much, al-
though, with caution they
may still be used. The fact
is they can perform those
roles (mobility and some
frepower) but it takes much
greater timing and coordina-
tion. They need to regard the risk-beneft
thing much more closely. As vehicles go,
they are still fast. If you need to get some-
where quickly, these do the job. Since they
are so vulnerable, it might be best to move
them last, however.
Before getting into tactics, a word
must be said about the differences between
scenarios and campaign games. These
form the whole basis of the ASL world.
Scenarios present the exact situation for
the confict. That is, the victory conditions,
map confguration, the number of turns
and the forces to be used. As a result of the
narrowly defned situation, each weapon
is usually given for an exact purpose. If
one side has a DC, for example, is likely
needed to blow up the bridge or take out
the pillbox. Rarely is anyone simply given
extra weapons. Think of the play balance
of many scenarios if suddenly one side is
handed an extra DC or FT. In this sense,
each tool or weapon almost has to be used
for the role assigned it by the designers.
To win that scenario, you have to follow
the tactics prescribed by the situation. Not
doing so would be downright foolishness.
Campaign games, on the other hand,
are very different. First, you are generally
given the latitude to pick your weapons.
Not only that, the latitude of weapons is
wide. Most CGs have the range of sub-
standard conscripts (who, in Red Bar-
ricades get stored in basements) to King
Tigers. Inside that range, the engineers
usually get several DCs and FTs. It is pre-
cisely this latitude that allows players new
tactics. No longer is a specifc weapon give
a specifc task. Rather, the player may now
choose his weapons based on his style of
play. You might end up with four DCs and
its up to you to use them as you see ft.
When I frst started playing CGs, I
noticed I had too many half-tracks. They
lingered in the back areas and I rarely
used them, thinking they would not affect
anything or afraid to have them destroyed.
Ironically, not using them was a bigger
waste. It disturbed me after a while that I
had unused equipment while my front line
troops suffered. At that point I decided to
better employ these weapons. They still
did not see combat necessarily but I moved
them closer to the front and usually within
striking distance of a target. I found out the
threat of a weapon is often more damaging
than its actual use. For example, a half-
track threatening to scoot behind an enemy
line is going to make the opponent change
his PF/DF tactics mostly by not fring as
much to keep something in reserve. The
only distinction I would make about half-
tracks is whether it is loaded with a real
weapon. Most nationalities (and especially
the Americans) mounted mortars or small
Guns. In this case, you have to consider it
tank and use it accordingly.
Regardless, we have turned vulnera-
bility into strength. True, it may take some
work and the operation may never actually
happen. This aspect turns many players
off. They do not want to invest that amount
of time for so little a payback. Thats fne,
but the point of this article is to optimize
weapons use. What these players dont see
is how it affects the opponents thinking.
The decision to fre or not fre, move or
deploy, for instances, is a complicated one
with many factors considered. Often these
factors may be very subtle.
Anything to complicate or
tax your opponents deci-
sions is good.
So what can this
vehicle do well? Like any
other weapon, the exact op-
tions are left to the players
creativity. In this case, the
nature of the vehicle is less
clear cut (at least in actual
battlefeld terms) than oth-
ers. For instance, a HMG
can be used for several
applications. It can shoot
planes or take out half-
tracks. But quite distinctly,
it is designed to mow down
German infantry dismount from a half-track.
view from
or ill-conceived attacks. The key is good
planning, and timing. Timing includes both
the tactical use of them and strategic use.
Tactically, the vehicle should move last,
getting potential DF/DFF out of the way.
Strategically refers to the game turn it does
so. Too early in the game and the enemy
may be able to react to it or even com-
pletely minimize the action. Too late and
it has little effect on the game or too may
units are around, preventing it.
In campaign games, they can be
used more freely. They can capture stra-
tegic locations if need be. Jumping out at
the last minute, they can claim one. This
allows the side to get a new setup position
and possibly upsetting the others plans. In
another use, my team member launched a
half-track assault in KGP I. The intent was
a no-lose situation. If they drew fre, we
would know where the enemy was, if they
got past everyone, then wed have units
behind the front. As it turned out several
of them made it and in fact, disrupted
the security area of the Americans feld
phone. Without intending it, we removed
American OBA.
Fire Power
The second characteristic of these
machines is they usually have an inherent
MG. This takes the form of a 3 FP attack.
Not using the IIFT, this is equivalent to a
crew or half squad. While by itself it may
not make a big difference, half-tracks may
combine with other half-tracks and/or in-
fantry to form fregroups. This is the only
vehicle able to do so. In addition, infantry
leaders may direct fregroups involving
them. Again, this is the exception to the
rule. To give a Patton-like appearance, the
leader may even be loaded (albeit unbut-
toned) in the vehicle at the time. All this
allows some fexibility in attacking. Infan-
try formerly separated by an open hex may
infantry. That is what its
best at and that is the role it
is often used for. To better
use half-tracks, you need to
understand their capabili-
ties. Those can be divided
into three groups: Speed,
Fire and Armoured. While
transporting infantry is also
capability the purpose of
that transportation usu-
ally falls into one of the
three. Its funny that such a
vulnerable weapon would
have so many options on
the battlefeld. Perhaps it
is precisely because it is
vulnerable does it have so
many options. How many of
us would rush a Panther behind the lines to
encircle a unit?
Quite clearly what half-tracks do
best is move quickly. If you need to get
something from one end of the battlefeld
to the next, these do it. Overlooking their
vulnerability for the moment, even from
stop to stop position, they can cover 14
hexes, more than the width of a conven-
tional board. This is optimal. Soft ground,
lots of turns and bypassing will slow down
the unit. At the least this should be enough
to go from one covered position (say, next
to some woods) to another in a single
movement phase. Remember, they can go
through enemy personnel without hav-
ing to attack them. They can even move
through enemy vehicles.
There are several reasons youd
want to have half-tracks behind infan-
try. Severing rout paths is an especially
important role. Highly unlikely a half-track
could ever kill infantry outright, denying
rout allows it to destroy several at one time
and without risk to itself. Even making in-
fantry rout in another direction is good and
might make all the difference. At the same
time, it could provide the needed fre for
encirclement. This is a seldom-used tactic
considering how diffcult it is to set up. In
short, a unit has to be fred on in opposite
directions. Often, the unit dies or fails to
rout long before it is ever encircled. Never-
theless, half-tracks, if they get behind the
unit could provide that fre power.
Also, half-tracks can get men
and equipment behind the line. This is
risky considering the vehicles vulner-
ability. However, it can rush behind the
line and deposit a squad and perhaps a
SW. Perhaps, viewed as the most com-
mon use of half-tracks, I have seen many
cardboard troops die during poorly timed
be form a FG if a half-track
is parked between them.
Lastly, half-tracks are
still armoured vehicles and
have all the characteristics
of them. They are immune
to small armed fre (for the
most part), can overrun,
and can be buttoned up for
starters. More importantly,
if you think of them as weak
and underpowered tanks,
their real advantages may be
seen. Among other things,
they may use the infamous
freeze-sleaze tactic. Actu-
ally not a sleaze at all, it disallows infantry
from fring out of a location if there is an
AFV in at as well. That means if a half-
track can get into a location, your other
infantry may move without fear. Not to
go into a discussion of this tactic but one
common application is to enter the hex of
the enemy and yours rush up adjacent and
subsequently CC them. Bewared that tim-
ing is everything but if you can do it, it is
deeply satisfying to say the least.
As an AFV, half-tracks may also
perform Armored Assaults with infantry.
The personnel units accompany the half-
track through out the movement phase but
as a result the DRM 1 FFMO is negated
and the vehicle provides a +1 hindrance
DRM for a total modifer of zero. By the
same token, the vehicle as a hindrance
allows you to move them to the middle
of the battlefeld and provide man made
cover for the troops. Often where CVP do
not matter, this is where the vehicles make
their mark.
In summary, half-tracks are not
king of the battlefeld. They are extremely
vulnerable and often have little direct
infuence on the outcome. However, with
some planning, a well-timed use of them
can have dramatic effects. The unsuspect-
ing opponent will be surprised by them
and the experienced player will always
have to guard against this option. In either
case, not using them may be the more of a

American infantry moving forward on a M3 half-track.

the trenches
Where Are They Now ... ?
Mark S Walz
Ive published this several times in VFTT over the years. With MMPs recent release Turning The Tide containing 20 more updates, I thought it was time
for another update - Pete
It seems like only yesterday when I read those words A shot disturbs the eerie silence of a deserted city street ... Seconds later the
sharp staccato retort of a Russian machinegun concludes with the assertiveness of death itself that this time Kruger was wrong.
When I read those words as a ffteen-year-old boy I was hooked. Its hard to believe that I frst set up The Guards Counter Attack
more than twenty years ago. Enough reminiscing. The list is not complete, as I have not covered scenarios from third parties: all remain
unconverted to the best of my knowledge.
1 The Guards Counterattack Published as ASL Scenario A
2 The Tractor Works Published as ASL Scenario B
3 The Streets of Stalingrad Published as ASL Scenario C
4 The Hedgehog of Piepsk Published as ASL Scenario D
5 Hill 621 Published as ASL Scenario E
6 Escape From Valikiye Luki Published as ASL Scenario H
7 Bucholz Station Published as ASL Scenario I
8 The Bitchie Salient. Published as ASL Scenario J
9 The Cannes Strong Point Published as ASL Scenario K
10 Hitdorf on the Rhine Published as ASL Scenario L
11 The St. Goar Assault Published as ASL Scenario O
12 The Road to Wiltz Published as ASL Scenario P
13 The Capture of Balta Published as ASL Scenario J29
14 The Paw of the Tiger Published as ASL Scenario F
15 Hubes Pockett Published as ASL Scenario G
16 Sowchos 79 Published as ASL Scenario U28
17 Debacle at Korosten Published as ASL Scenario A106
18 The Defense of Luga Published as ASL Scenario W
19 A Winter Melee Published as ASL Scenario U27
20 Breakout from Borisovo Published as ASL Scenario U25
21 Battle For the Warta Line Published as ASL Scenario U15
22 The Borders are Burning Published as ASL Scenario A10
23 Silent Death Published as ASL Scenario A11
24 Action at Balberkamp Published as ASL Scenario A63
25 Resistance at Chabrehez Published as ASL Scenario U17
26 Assault on A Queen Published as ASL Scenario U18
27 The Dinant Bridgehead Published as ASL Scenario A65
28 Counter Stroke at Stonne Published as ASL Scenario A66
29 In Rommels Wake Published as ASL Scenario A96
30 Ad Hoc at Beaurains Published as ASL Scenario A40
31 Chateau de Quesnoy Published as ASL Scenario A64
32 Rehearsal for Crete Published as ASL Scenario U23
33 A Belated Christmas Published as ASL Scenario U9
34 Climax at the Nijmegan Bridge Published as ASL Scenario U4
35 The French Decide to Fight Published as ASL Scenario U1
36 Weissenhoff Crossroads Published as ASL Scenario U8
37 Medal of Honor Published as ASL Scenario A75
38 The Factory Published as ASL Scenario 3
39 Sweep for the Bordj Toum Bridge Published as ASL Scenario 2
40 The Dornot Watermark TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
41 Swatting at Tigers Published as ASL Scenario U30
42 Bridgehead on the Rhine TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
43 Action at Kommerscheidt Published as ASL Scenario
44 Prelude to Breakout Published as ASL Scenario A78
45 Hide and Seek Published as ASL Scenario A77
46 Operation Varsity TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
47 Encircling the Ruhr TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
101 Blocking Action at Lipki Published as ASL Scenario A44
102 Slamming the Door Published as ASL Scenario A07
103 Bald Hill Published as ASL Scenario U26
104 The Penetration of Rostov Published as ASL Scenario A17
105 Night Battle at Noromaryevka Published as ASL Scenario U29
106 Beachhead at Ozereyka Bay Published as ASL Scenario A26
107 Disaster on the Dnieper Loop Published as ASL Scenario U32
108 Block Busting in Bokuisk Published as ASL Scenario J008
109 Counterattack on the Vistula Published as ASL Scenario A21
110 The Agony of Doom Published as ASL Scenario A08
201 Sacrifce of Polish Armour Published as ASL Scenario U14
202 Under Cover of Darkness Published as ASL Scenario U16
203 Bitter Defense of Otta Published as ASL Scenario J38
204 Chance DUne Affaire Published as ASL Scenario U
205 Last Defense Line Published as ASL Scenario A94
206 Fighting at the Worlds Edge Published as ASL Scenario U20
207 The French Perimeter Published as ASL Scenario U21
208 Road to Kozani Pass Published as ASL Scenario U22
209 The Akroiri Peninsula Defense Published as ASL Scenario T15
210 Commando Raid at Dieppe Published as ASL Scenario T13
211 Auld Lang Syne Published as ASL Scenario V
212 On the Road to Andalsnes Published as ASL Scenario A31
213 Traverse Right ... Fire! Published as ASL Scenario U24
214 The Front in Flames Published as ASL Scenario U31
215 Hasty Pudding Published as ASL Scenario U19
216 A Small Town in Germany TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
217 The Whirlwind Published as ASL Scenario S
218 Operation Switch Back TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
219 Scheldt Fortress South TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
220 Clearing the Breskins Pocket TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
223 Night Drop Published as ASL Scenario A76
300 Trial by Combat Published as ASL Scenario U10
303 Thrust and Perry Published as ASL Scenario U11
304 Riposte Published as ASL Scenario U12
305 The Duel Published as ASL Scenario U13
307 Point D Appui Published as ASL Scenario U5
308 Han Sur Neid Published as ASL Scenario U7
309 The Roer Bridgehead TO BE PUBLISHED IN MMP PACK
A Burzevo Published as ASL Scenario R
B Hill 253.5 Published as ASL Scenario T07
C The Bukrin Bridgehead Published as ASL Scenario U33
D Delaying Action Published as ASL Scenario A49
E The Niscemi-Biscari Highway Published as ASL Scenario T09
F The Pouppeville Exit Published as ASL Scenario T05
G Devils Hill Published as ASL Scenario T10
H The Attempt to Relieve Peiper Published as ASL Scenario T11
I Hunters From the Sky Published as ASL Scenario T12
K Fast Heinz Published as ASL Scenario J78
L The Long Road Published as ASL Scenario A95
M The Dead of Winter Published as ASL Scenario T06
N Faugh A Ballagh Published as ASL Scenario A93
P Aachens Pall Published as ASL Scenario T08
Q Gambit Published as ASL Scenario T14
T1 First Crisis at Army Group North Published as ASL Scenario M
T2 Pavlovs House Published as ASL Scenario T and J82
T3 Land Leviathans Published as ASL Scenario Q
T4 Soldiers of Destruction Published as ASL Scenario N
40 The Dornot Watermark 10 Sept 1944
J Semper Paratus 27 Sept 1944
218 Operation Switch Back 6 Oct 1944
220 Clearing the Breskins Pocket 6 Oct 1944
301 The Clearing 10 Oct 1944
221 Vitality I 24 Oct 1944
219 Scheldt Fortress South 25 Oct 1944
222 Infatuate II 1 Nov 1944
302 Stand Fast 10 Dec 1944
309 The Roer Bridgehead 23 Feb 1945
42 Bridgehead on the Rhine 24 Mar 1945
46 Operation Varsity 24 Mar 1945
47 Encircling the Ruhr 30 Mar 1945
216 A Small Town in Germany 8 Apr 1945
306 The Rag Tag Circus 12 Apr 1945

view from
This is the latest edition of the ASL Players Directory. It is broken down by country and then by postal code region. Where a date
(in dd mm yyyy format) is shown at the end of each entry this indicates when it was last confrmed.
Joss Attridge, Newtown Linford, Leicester, Leicestershire (14/04/2007)
F. B. Dickens, 62 Yarnfeld Road, Tyseley, Birmingham, W. Mids., B11 3PG ()
Billy Carslaw, 52 Spring Lane, Birmingham, B24 9BZ (19/03/2005)
Stuart Brant, 16 Kings Court, 25 Cox Street, Birmingham, B3 1RD (25/10/2007)
Garry Cramp, 25 Ferndale Road, Hall Green, Brimingham, W. Mids, B92 8HP (31/10/1996)
Gary Lock, 7 Dover Place, Bath, BA1 6DX (25/03/2004)
Jeff Hawarden, 9 Laburnum Road, Helmshore, Rossendale, Lancs., BB4 4LF ()
Craig Ambler, 2 Queensbury Square, Queensbury, Bradford, W. Yorks., BD13 1PS (28/02/1997)
Phil Ward, 7 Burnsall Mews, Silsden, Keighley, W. Yorks., BD20 9NY (06/03/2000)
Mat Haas, 8A Farcroft Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 3BQ (03/09/2008)
Dave Schofeld, 11 Longfeld Drive, West Parley, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 8TY (03/09/2008)
Stuart Holmes, 1 Milne Street, Irwell Vale, Ramsbottom, Lancs., BL0 0QP (08/03/2002)
Shaun Carter, 3 Arnside Grove, Breightmet, Bolton, Lancs, BL2 6PL (06/03/2008)
Mike Standbridge, 31 Hunstanon Drive, Bury, Lancs., BL8 1EG (09/03/2006)
Ian Kenney, 53 Withdean Crescent, Brighton, W. Sussex, BN1 6WG ()
Graham Smith, 56 Durham Road, Bromley, Kent, BR2 0SW (01/08/2008)
Andy Tucker, 78 Constance Crescent, Hayes, Bromley, Kent, BR2 7QQ (11/11/1999)
Bill Durrant, 5 Gatcombe Court, 65 Park Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1QG (19/06/1999)
Neil Piggot, 2 Beechmount Grove, Hengrove, Bristol, Avon, BS14 9DN ()
Mark Warren, 5 Gazzard Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1NR (26/10/2006)
Rasmus Jensen, 17 Berkeley Road, Bishopston, Bristol, Avon, BS7 8HF (29/10/1997)
Gaute Strokkenes, Girton College, Cambridge, CB3 0JG (23/10/1998)
Paul ODonald, 13 Archway Court, Barton Road, Cambridge, Cambs., CB3 9LW (07/08/2002)
Martin Barker, Tradewinds, Wratting Rd, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0DA (17/09/2008)
Ken Watson, 18 Arrendene Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9JQ (03/10/2007)
Andrew Eynon, 36 Greenbank Drive, Pensby, Wirral, CH61 5UF (08/07/2005)
Gareth Evans, 29 Hillfeld Road, Little Sutton, South Wirral, Merseyside, CH66 1JA ()
Derek Cox, 25 Cramphorn Walk, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 2RD (02/09/2008)
Brendan Clark, 5 Borda Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 4JY (25/10/2007)
Alistair Fairbairn, 3 School Lane, Brantham, Manningtree, Essex, CO11 1QE ()
Martin Johnson, 16 Wick Lane, Dovercourt, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3TA ()
Matthew Leach, 12 Lodge Road, Little Oakley, Dovercourt, Essex, CO12 5ED (19/08/2002)
Rob Gallagher, 153 Halstead Rd, Stanway, Colchester, Essex, CO3 5JT (31/07/2001)
Nick Ranson, 31 Ashlong Grove, Halstead, Essex, CO9 2QH (24/08/2008)
Derek Tocher, 19 Tyrell Square, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 3SD (25/10/2007)
Derek Briscoe, 129b Melfort Road, Thornton Heath, Croydon, Surrey, CR7 7RX (18/01/1999)
Joe Arthur, 33 Cedar Close, St Peters, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 3BU (31/10/1999)
Peter Wenman, 12 Clementine Close, Belting, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 6SN (26/07/1998)
Andy Back, 21 Elmwood Court, St Nicholas Street, Coventry, W. Mids., CV1 4BS ()
Hubert Noar, 39 Rugby Road, Cifton, Rugby, Warks., CV23 0DE (06/01/2004)
Tim Collier, 71 Kinross Road, Leamington Spa, Warks., CV32 7EN (09/05/2005)
Tony Wardlow, 6 Beech Tree Avenue, Coventry, W. Mids., CV4 9FG ()
Ray Jennings, 4 Dame Agnes Grove, Coventry, West Midlands, CV6 7HL (03/09/2008)
Ian Pollard, 19 Doria Drive, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 4HS (05/09/2008)
Aaron Sibley, 61 Ridgeway Avenue, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 5BE (29/08/2008)
Kris Pugh, 22 Norfolk Place, Welling, Kent, DA16 3HR (25/10/2007)
Carl Sizmur, 81 Millfeld, New Ash Green, Longfeld, Kent, DA3 8HN (25/10/2007)
Sean Pratt, 19 Premier Avenue, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1LH (07/08/2002)
Neil Brunger, 72 Penhill Close, Ouston, Chester Le Street, Co. Durham, DH2 1SG (03/09/2008)
M. W. Jones, 1 Cheviot View, Front St, Dipton, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 9DQ ()
Brian Hooper, 38 Ridsdale Street, Darlington, County Durham, DL1 4EG (07/09/2008)
Chris Bunyan, 89 Hallcroft Road, Retford, Notts., DN22 7PY (17/10/1998)
Roy Quarton, 8 Bassey Road, Branton, Doncaster, S. Yorks., DN3 3NS (01/11/2000)
David Farr, First Floor Flat, 259 High Road Leyton, Leyton, London, E10 5QE (25/04/1999)
Larry Devis, 104 The Mission, 747 Commercial Road, London, E14 7LE (21/07/2001)
Michael Essex, 1 Manchester Court, Garvary Road, London, E16 3GZ (23/10/2003)
Gerard Burton, OBMS Ltd, or Outsource Consultancy Ltd, or Capite Holdings Ltd
Michael Chantler, Flat 7, Pickwick House, 100-102 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7DH (04/05/2004)
Mike Elan, 26 King Edward Street, St. Davids, Exeter, Devon, EX4 4NY (01/06/2000)
Andrew Saunders, 3 Torbay Court, 221 Devonshire Road, Blackpool, Lancs., FY2 0TJ (29/12/2000)
Nigel Brown, 3 Chepstow Road, Blackpool, Lancs., FY3 7NN (31/10/1996)
Ulric Schwela, 18 Stuart Road, Thornton, Lancashire, FY5 4EE (15/09/2008)
Arthur Garlick, 23 St. Annes Road East, Lytham St. Annes, Lancs., FY8 1TA (04/05/1998)
Michael Davies, 36 Heyhouses Court, Heyhouses Lane, Lytham St Annes, Lancs., FY8 3RF (06/03/2008)
Russell Gough, Bellare, New Road, Southam, Cheltenham, GL52 3NX (09/03/2006)
Tim Bunce, 33 Ryde Court, Newport Road, Aldershot, Hants., GU12 4LL (03/09/2008)
Perry Tatman, 6 Foxley Close, Blackwater, Surrey, GU17 0JZ (02/09/2008)
Jeff Cansell, 24a Upper Queen Street, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1DQ (17/03/1997)
Giuilo Manganoni, 111 Kings Road, Godalming, Farncombe, Surrey, GU7 3EU (30/04/1996)
Simon Croome, 1 Dowling Parade, Bridgewater Road, Wembley, Middx., HA0 1AJ (25/10/2007)
Jackie Eves, 1 Dowling Parade, Bridgewater Road, Wembley, Middx., HA0 1AJ (25/10/2007)
Malcolm Hatfeld, 336B Alexandra Ave, South Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 9DB (03/09/2008)
Neil Stevens, 8 Trenchard Avenue, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 6NP (14/02/2007)
Chris Littlejohn, 214AField End Road, Eastcote, Pinner, Middx., HA5 1RD ()
Ben Kellington, 12 Clayton Fields, Huddersfeld, West Yorkshire, HD2 2BA (21/04/2007)
Fish Flowers, Church Farm, Westerns Lane, Markington, HG3 3PB (27/11/2004)
Paul Kettlewell, 1 Puffn Way, Watermead, Aylesbury, Bucks., HP20 2UG (06/03/2008)
Nick Edelsten, 139 Hivings Hill, Chesham, Bucks., HP5 2PN (05/09/2001)
Malcolm Holland, 57 Westfeld Rise, Barrow Lane, Hessle, Humberside, HU13 0NA()
Ruarigh Dale, 77 Riverview Avenue, North Ferriby, HU14 3DT (27/10/2005)
Steve Balcam, 1 Cornwall Street, Cottingham, N. Humberside, HU16 4NB (01/01/1996)
Mark Furnell, 123 Roycraft Avenue, Thames View, Barking, Essex, IG1 0NS (10/09/2008)
Tony Maryou, 41 Benton Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 4AU (15/08/2000)
Kevin Gookey, 95 Willingdale Road, Loughton, Essex, IG10 2DD (17/02/2001)
David Austin, 86 Lindsey Way, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 2PD (04/01/2000)
Paul Legg, 21 Grimsey Road, Leiston, Suffolk, IP16 4BW (24/09/2008)
Andy Smith, 31 Egerton Road, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 4AP (23/06/1999)
Craig Benn, 122 Larkfeld Road, Aigburth, L17 9PU (03/09/2008)
Andy Ashton, 62 Earlston Drive, Wallasey, The Wirral, Merseyside, L45 5DZ ()
Wayne Kelly, 72 Grassmere Road, Lancaster, Lancs, LA1 3HB (19/03/2005)
Adrian Bland, 15 Blankney Road, Cottesmore, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 7AG (10/12/2004)
Patrick Dale, 28 Bancroft Road, Cottingham, Market Harbourgh, Leics., LE16 8XA(25/10/2007)
Nick Brown, 53 Henley Crescent, Braunstone, Leicester, Leics., LE3 2SA(15/11/1996)
John Truscott, 28 Bracken Edge, Leeds, W. Yorks, LS8 4EE (21/11/1998)
John Overton, 68 Brantingham Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M18 8QH (18/09/2002)
Bernard Savage, 73 Penrhyn Avenue, Middleton, Manchester, M24 1FP (10/03/1998)
Simon Sayers, 21 Barlea Avenue, New Moston, Manchester, M40 3WL (21/11/2008)
Bob Eburne, 33 Whitton Way, Newport Pagnell, Bucks., MK16 0PR (28/10/2004)
Chris Walton, nb Burgan Pod, Cosgrove Marina, The Lock House, Lock Lane, Cosgrove, Milton Keynes, MK19
Jamie Sewell, 115 Cresent Road, Alexandra Palace, London, N22 4RU ()
Jas Bal, 63 Gardner Park, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE29 0EA (09/03/2006)
Philip Jones, 10 hazeldene, Jarrow, Tyne and Wear, NE32 4RB (09/03/2006)
Steve Jones, 90 Biddick Lane, Fatfeld Village, Washington, Tyne and Wear, NE38 8AA (04/04/2005)
Martin Sabais, 36 Chalfont Road, Walker, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, NE6 3ES (17/09/2008)
Andy McMaster, 29 Kingsley Place, Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 5AN (06/03/2008)
Mike Rudd, 2 Blaeberry Hill, Rothbury, Northumberland, NE65 7YY (12/03/2002)
Geoff Geddes, 30 Sheepwalk Lane, Ravenshead, Nottingham, Notts., NG15 9FD ()
Ian Willey, 17 Strawberry Bank, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfeld, Notts., NG17 2QG (26/03/2002)
George Jaycock, 51 Burleigh Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Notts., NG2 6FQ ()
Chris Gower, 7 Boxley Drive, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Notts., NG2 7GQ (28/09/1998)
L. Othacehe, 17 Russel Drive, Wollaston, Notts., NG8 2BA ()
Duncan Spencer, 33 St Anthonys Road, Kettering, Northants, NN15 5HT ()
A. Kendall, 12 Hunsbury Close, West Hunsbury, Northampton, NN4 9UE (13/12/1998)
Nigel Ashcroft, 5 Grasmere Way, Thornwell, Chepstow, Gwent, NP16 5SS (28/10/2004)
Clive Haden, Holly House, The Street, Swanton Abbott, Norfolk, NR10 5DU (09/05/2005)
Tom Jackson, 40 Keyes Rd, London, NW2 3XA (02/09/2008)
Steve Joyce, 23 South End Close, London, NW3 2RB (31/01/2001)
Peter Fraser, 66 Salcombe Gardens, Millhill, London, NW7 2NT ()
Nick Hughes, 15 Layfeld Road, Hendon, London, NW9 3UH ()
Martin Mayers, 41 Frank Fold, Heywood, Lancs., OL10 4FF (28/10/2004)
Stephen Ashworth, 1 Nelson Street, Walsden, Manchester, Lancashire, OL14 7SP (12/12/2006)
Toby Pilling, 51 Wensum Drive, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 7RJ (09/03/2006)
John Sharp, 3 Union Street, Oxford, Oxon, OX4 1JP (23/10/1998)
Simon Stevenson, East Dairy Cottage, Welton Le Marsh, Spilsby, Lincolnshire, PE23 5TA (28/05/2005)
Hamish Hughson, 65 Gloucester Road, Wyton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 2HF (11/03/2008)
Jason Johns, 26 Hamerton Road, Alconbury Weston, Huntingdon, Cambs., PE28 4JD (22/01/2003)
Alan Anderson, Penmareve, Maddever Crescent, Liskeard, Cornwall, PL14 3PT (11/12/1998)
Nigel Blair, 105 Stanborough Road, Plymstock, Plymouth, PL9 8PG (03/09/2008)
Paul Rideout, 5 Fisher Close, Stubbington, Fareham, Hants., PO14 3RA()
Keith Bristow, 39 Carronade Walk, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5LX (25/10/2007)
Simon Strevens, 14 Teddington Road, Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 8DB (25/10/2007)
Justin Key, 25 Hilary Avenue, Portsmouth, Hants., PO6 2PP (03/09/2008)
Simon Hunt, 26 Inhurst Avenue, Waterlooville, Portsmouth, PO7 7QR ()
Steve Thomas, 19 Derwent House, Samuel Street, Preston, Lancs., PR1 4YL (23/10/1998)
Trevor Edwards, 11 Thirlmere Road, Preston, Lancs., PR1 5TR (02/09/2008)
Bill Sherliker, 16 The Heathers, Bamber Bridge, Preston, Lancs., PR5 8LJ (09/09/2008)
Phil Draper, 8 Chesterman Street, Reading, Berks., RG1 2PR (25/10/2007)
Paul Sanderson, Flat 4, Russell Street, Reading, Berks., RG1 7XD (26/03/2000)
Michael Strefford, 3 Walton Way, Shaw, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2LL (05/06/1998)
Dominic McGrath, 19 George Street, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 7RN (06/03/2008)
Chris Netherton, 36 Eungar Road, Whitchurch, Hants, RG28 7EY (26/10/2006)
Kevin Croskery, 4 Beechey Way, Copthorne, W. Sussex, RH10 3LT (10/08/2008)
Bill Hensby, 32 The Vineries, Burgess Hill, W. Sussex, RH15 0NF (18/06/1999)
John Barton, 194 Chanctonbury Road, Burgess Hill, W. Sussex, RH15 9HN (08/05/2007)
Wayne Baumber, 39 Station Road, Lingfeld, Surrey, RH7 6DZ (25/10/2007)
Keith Graves, 51 Humbar Avenue, South Ockenden, Essex, RM15 5JL ()
David Higginbotham, 18 Westfeld Garden, Brampton, Chesterfeld, S40 3SN (03/07/2000)
Andy Osborne, 42 Atlantis Close, Lee, London, SE12 8RE ()
Simon Horspool, 188 Leahurst Road, Hither Green, London, SE13 5NL (03/08/2007)
Martin Edwards, 127 Pepys Road, London, SE14 5SE (02/09/1999)
David Ramsey, 25 Grenville Way, Stevenage, Herts, SG2 8XZ (03/09/2008)
Chris Milne, 19 Redoubt Close, Hitchin, Herts., SG4 0FP (25/03/2004)
Andrew Dando, 26 Constable Drive, Marple Bridge, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 5BG (17/09/2002)
Andrew Daglish, 7 The Spinney, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 1JA ()
Ian Daglish, 5 Swiss Hill Mews, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, SK9 7DP (03/09/2008)
Pete Bennett, 84 Littlebrook Avenue, Burnham, Slough, Bucks., SL2 2NN (16/09/2002)
Steve Crowley, 2 Mossy Vale, Maidenhead, Berks., SL6 7RX (23/10/2003)
Adrian Catchpole, The Malting Barn, Top Lane, Whitley, Melksham, Wilts., SN12 8QJ ()
Jon Williams, 17 Larch Road, Colerne, Chippenham, Wilts., SN14 8QG (06/12/1998)
William Roberts, 20 Clayhill Copse, Peatmoor, Swindon, Wilts., SN5 5AL (03/09/2008)
Bill Gunning, 14 Eagles, Faringdon, Oxon, SN7 7DT (14/09/1997)
Roger Cook, The Brick Farmhouse, Cleuch Common, Marlborough, Wilts, SN8 4DS (26/10/2006)
Chris Riches, 3 Bernwood Grove, Blackfeld, Southampton, Hants., SO45 1ZW (06/02/2007)
James Crosfeld, Hughcroft, Church Hill, Buckhorn Weston, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 5HS (06/02/2007)
John Fletcher, 191 Trent Valley Road, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 5LE (23/10/1998)
Robert Seeney, 43 Priory Road, Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffs., ST5 2EN (19/03/2005)
Ronnie Tan, 250 Hydethorpe Road, Balham, London, SW12 0JH (21/07/2001)
Simon Taylor, 81 Valley Road, London, SW16 2XL (05/09/2008)
Julian Blakeney-Edwards, 1 Elmbourne Road, London, SW17 8JS (21/10/1998)
Lee Brimmicombe-Wood, 49 Edgecombe House, Whitlock Drive, Southfelds, London, SW19 6SL (31/10/1999)
Christopher Chen, Flat 11, 14 Sloane Gardens, London, SW1W 8DL (25/02/1999)
Jonathan Pickles, 115 Wavertree Road, Streathem Hill, London, SW2 3SN (26/03/1999)
David Tye, 35 Redburn Street, London, SW3 4DA()
Chris Courtier, 17b Hargwyne Street, London, SW9 9RQ (23/10/1998)
John Sparks, 2 Standfast Place, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8QG (01/10/2007)
Paul Case, 4 Brymas House, Rockwell Green, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 9BZ (06/03/2008)
Nick Carter, 13 Oak Tree Court, Uckfeld, East Sussex, TN22 1TT (03/09/2008)
Mike Batley, 2 The Gables, Argos Hill, East Sussex, TN6 3QJ (29/04/2001)
Bill Eaton, Dart House, 20 Bridgetown, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5BA (02/09/2008)
Ivor Gardiner, 19 Gibson Road, Ickenham, London, Middlesex, UB10 bEW (03/09/2008)
Aaron Patrick, 9 Arundel Gardens, London, W11 2LN (31/12/2004)
Nick Quinn, 7 Woodgrange Avenue, Ealing, London, W5 3NY (04/03/2002)
John Kennedy, 2 Hawthorn Road, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA15 9RG (23/10/2003)
Dave Booth, 47 Dunnock Grove, Oakwood, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6NW (07/10/1996)
Paul Ryde-Weller, 44 Farm Way, Watford, Herts., WD2 3SY ()
Robin Langston, 105 Little Bushey Lane, Bushey, Herts., WD23 4SD (19/09/1996)
Sandy Goh, 12 Mornington Road, Radlett, Herts., WD7 7BL (31/10/1996)
Matt Blackman, 10 Alfred St, Wigan, Lancs., WN1 2HL (14/03/2008)
Ian Parkes, 45 School Lane, Standish, Wigan, Lancs., WN6 0TG (23/09/2008)
Michael Murray, 34 Bell Road, Walsall, West Mids., WS5 3JW (30/03/1999)
Ian Price, 19 Upper Green, Yettenhall, Wolverhampton, W. Mids., WV6 8QN ()
Michael Clark, Wold View, East Heslerton, Malton, N. Yorks, YO17 8RN (12/02/2002)
David Murray, 29 Middle Street, Nafferton, Driffeld, S. Yorks, YO25 4JS (02/09/2008)
Steven Trease, 2 Charlestown Circle, Cove, Aberdeen, AB12 3EY (17/06/1999)
Tony Gibson, 107 Queens Drive, Hazelhead, Aberdeen, AB15 8BN (06/03/2008)
Steve Cook, 197 Lee Crescent, Aberdeen, AB22 8FH (06/03/2008)
Martin Vicca, 37 Dean Gardens, Westhill, Aberdeen, AB24 2UB (02/09/2008)
Paul Saunders, 59 Grampian Gardens, Arbroath, Angus, DD1 4AQ (03/09/2008)
Michael Green, 27 Rotchell Park, Dumfries, DG2 7RH (12/09/2002)
Mark Chapman, Flat 7, 265 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 1TX (01/12/2005)
Garry Ferguson, 30E Forrester Park Avenue, Edinburgh, EH12 9AW (07/12/1998)
the trenches
Londons Advanced Squad Leaders (LASL) welcome ASL/ASLSK players or potential
players. If youre passing through or staying over in London, youre welcome to come
along and take part. Theres no fee for taking part or spectating.
We usually meet on the second Saturday of each month from 11am and play till the
games are fnished!
LASLs venue is located near Chancery Lane tube station (central line) in central Lon-
don. Its quiet and has ample space for 16 players.
If you want to come along send your name and contact details to brendan@doubleone- at least 48 hours beforehand. Precise venue details will be sent to you.
There are more and more ASL tournaments cropping up all over the world. In fact, it is possible to be involved in an ASL tournament at least once a
month, often more, if you were so inclined (and had the fnancial means to live such a life - I wish!).
If you plan on holding an ASL tournament, please let me know and Ill include the details here, space permitting.
If you contact anyone regarding these tournaments, please tell them that I sent you!
When: 12 14 March.
Where: Hotel Skye, 571-573 New South Promenade, Blackpool, England, FY4 1NG. Tel 01253
343220. Room rates are 25.00 for a shared room or 30.00 for a single room and include breakfast. Bar meals
and good beer are also available at the hotel.
Fee: 10.00 if registering with the organisers prior to the event; 15.00 on the door (entry is free for
those only able to attend for one day). In addition to a discount on the entry fee, players pre-registering will
receive a tournament program in February.
Format: Five round tournament beginning Friday morning (arrangements will be made for those unable
to arrive until Friday afternoon), with three scenarios to choose from in each round. Players will be expected to
have knowledge of the frst half of the Chapter G rules to play in the tournament. CG and friendly games can
also be found throughout the weekend. There will also be opportunities for new players to learn the game and
friendly games available.
Contact: For more details or to register contact Pete Phillipps, 9 Pier Road, Kilchoan, Acharacle, Ar-
gyll, Scotland, PH36 4LJ. Phone (01972) 510 350 (evenings only) or email [email protected]. For up to date
information check out the UK ASL tournament web site at
When: 13 14 June.
Where: The Lecture Centre, Brunel University, London, UB8 3PH. On-site facilities include en-suite
and standard bedrooms, free car parking on application, mini market, cash points, a self-service cafeteria and
licensed bars. Bedroom rates to be announced (for 2008 they were 35.25 for a standard bedroom and 44.65
for an en-suite bedroom, including breakfast).
Fee: To be confrmed it was 10.00 for 2008.
Format: A two day tournament with two rounds on Saturday and one on Sunday offering a choice of
three scenarios. Friendly games will also be available.
Contact: Brendan Clark on 0770 8844 640 or by email at [email protected]. Check out
the web site at for the latest details.
When: 24 27 September.
Where: Stayokay Hostel, Diepenbrocklaan 27, Arnhem. There are 30 pre-booked 30 beds at the hostel,
which will be offered on a frst-come frst-serve basis. If you wish to organise your accommodation at the
tournament venue through the tournament organisers, you MUST register and pay in full before 1st of August,
2009. Accommodation for the three nights in a 4-bed room, including breakfast and dinner, is 130.00; add 30
for a room from Wednesday night, and 6.00 if paying by PayPal.
Fee: 30.00.
Format: 6 rounds of gaming. On Thursday and Friday, all players take part in the main tournament. On
Saturday and Sunday, half continue in the main tournament, while the rest compete in a variety of mini-tourna-
Contact: Peter Struijf at [email protected]. You can also check out the website at http://www. for the latest details and scenario details for each round
When: 4 11 October.
Where: Holiday Inn Airport, 4181 W. 150th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44135, phone 216-252-7700, fax
216-252-3850 or visit Rooms are $75.00 plus tax if reservations are made by
21 Sep - request ASL Oktoberfest to receive this discounted rate. Check the ASLOK web page for the hotel
discount code to book on-line.
Fee: $25.00 in advance, $30.00 on the door.
Format: Same as always. Weekend tournament plus numerous mini-tournaments. There is also an infor-
mal USA vs. World Cup where everyone keeps track of their games and a plaque is presented to the winning
Notes: T-shirts are $10.00 ea (XXL $13.00, XXXL $15.00, 4XL $18.00)
Contact: Bret Hildebran, 17810 Geauga Lake Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023-2208 or by email damavs@ Check out the web site at for the latest details.
When: 22 25 October.
Where: The Kiwi Hotel, West Hill Road, Bournemouth, England, BH2 5EG. Telephone (01202) 555
889 or fax (01202) 789 567 to arrange accommodation. Single rooms are 37.00 per night, double rooms
30.00 per night per person if booked prior to 1 October thereafter normal rates apply. Remember to mention
INTENSIVE FIRE when reserving to qualify for the special rates. You can also book online at www.kiwihotel.
Fee: 10.00 if registering with the organisers prior to the event; 15.00 on the door (entry is free for
those only able to attend for one day). In addition to a discount on the entry fee, players pre-registering will
receive a tournament program in September.
Format: Three round Fire Team tournament (two rounds on Saturday, one on Sunday). There will also
be some single day mini-tournaments on the Friday. Open gaming is available for those who do not wish to
take part in the tournament.
Notes: Prizes are awarded to winning players and the Convention Champion, who is the player judged to
have had the most successful tournament with all games played over the weekend being taken into considera-
Contact: For more details or to register contact Pete Phillipps, 9 Pier Road, Kilchoan, Acharacle, Argyll,
Scotland, PH36 4LJ. Phone (01972) 510 350 (evenings only) or email [email protected]. For up to date informa-
tion check out the UK ASL tournament web site at
Grenadier 09
When: 5 8 November.
Where: Gstehaus Heimbach, Schulstrae 6, Hergarten. Hergarten is a little town in the German part
of the Eifel. It is 10 Km to Zlpich and around 40 Km to Cologne. There is a railway station in Heimbach
which is the neighbouring town and you can reach it from Cologne by train, which goes every hour. From
Heimbach you need to take a taxi to Hergarten which is about 6 Kilometers. The location offers sleeping rooms
nearly 60 persons, a huge kitchen (where our Marketenderin Andrea will continue her cooking business for
us), a big playing area and an additional separate big room which we will use for eating. Rooms are mostly
three and four bed rooms with shower (you will need to bring a sleeping bag or blanket and pillows). Bed and
breakfast is 40 per night single rooms are 6.50 extra.
Fee: 5 per day.
Format: The tournament will be again a Swiss style fve Round tournament. We will offer again an
event for players who dont want to participate in the tournament.
Contact: Christian Koppmeyer, Hagebuttenweg 9, 41564 Kaarst, Germany. You can email him at
[email protected]. Check out the Grenadier web site at at for up to date

Stewart Thain, 77 Birrell Gardens, Murieston, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 9LF (25/10/2007)
Bill Finlayson, 19 Taymouth Road, Polmont, Falkirk, Stirlingshire, FK2 0PF (16/06/2001)
Sam Prior, Flat 4, 264 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RL (03/09/2008)
Andrew Kassian, Flat 14/2, 20 Petershill Court, Glasgow, G21 4QA (01/01/1996)
Ellis Simpson, 4 Langtree Avenue, Whitecraigs, Glasgow, G46 7LW (20/04/1999)
Oliver Gray, 117 Upper Dalgairn, Cupar, Fife, KY15 4JQ (03/09/2008)
Garry Marshall, 24 Allardice Crescent, Kirkcaldy, Fife, KY2 5TY (21/05/2001)
Pete Phillipps, 9 Pier Rd, Kilchoan, Argyll, PH36 4LJ (02/09/2008)
Jonathan Swilliamson, Da Croft, Bridge End, Burra, Shetland Islands, ZE2 9LE (01/05/1998)
Andrew Whinnett, 6 Aquilla Court, Conway Road, Cardiff, CF11 9PA (03/09/2008)
Paul Jones, 9 Cwm Nofydd, Rhiwbina, Cardiff, CF14 6JX (22/11/2002)
Martin Castrey, 1, Thomas Cottages, The Highway, Hawarden, Flintshire, CH5 3DY (03/09/2008)
Kev Sutton, 1 Gorphwysfa, Windsor Road, New Broughton, Wrexham, LL11 6SP (25/02/1999)
C. Jones, Deer Park Lodge, Stepaside, Narbeth, Pembrokeshire, SA67 8JL ()
Emyr Phillips, 2 Cysgod Y Bryn, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4LR (27/08/2002)
If there are any mistakes, please let me know so I can cor-
rect them for the next edition. If you have Internet access you can
also correct your details on the VFTT web site at
aslers.asp - contact me if you need your user name and password
to do so.

Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 June
ASL players of all standards are invited to attend Double One, London's ASL tournament. Players
are matched with others of similar ratings for three rounds of competitive play. There will be two
rounds on Saturday and one on Sunday. In each round, players pick one scenario from a choice of
three carefully selected scenarios. Each round is expected to have one scenario from the Western
Front, one from the Eastern Front and one from the Pacific Theatre, so tournament entrants will
need to be familiar with chapters A to D and chapter G of the ASL rule book. For those not
interested in competitive play, or not able to make it for the whole weekend, there'll be scope for
friendly play.
Double One 2009 will be held in the Lecture Centre, Brunel University, London, UB8 3PH. On-site
facilities include single ensuite and standard bedrooms, free car parking on registration, mini
market, cash points, a self-service cafeteria, licensed bars and a gym.
To register for a place in the tournament, email your contact details (including vehicle details if
you need a free parking space) to [email protected]. The registration has yet to be
confirmed but for 2008 was 10.
If you're going to need accommodation, you can book a bedroom at Brunel. Room rates have yet to
be confirmed but in 2008 they were 35.25 for a standard bedroom or 44.65 for an ensuite
To book your attendance and room, or if you just want more information, contact:
[email protected]
0770 8844 640

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