Passive 4º Eso
Passive 4º Eso
Passive 4º Eso
Present simple
1. Thom buys flowers for the flat.
2. Somebody washes the cars every week.
3. Somebody writes a report every Friday.
4. They don’t fix the roads in our country.
5. Somebody builds new houses every year.
6. My cousin sells vegetables in the market.
Past simple
7. Tolstoi wrote ‘War and Peace’ in the XIXth century.
9. Leonardo da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa in Italy.
10. Somebody stole my wallet in the office yesterday.
11. Somebody forgot the papers on the desk.
12. they didn’t close the windows at school last Friday.
Mixed Tenses
1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
2. The Government is planning a new road near my house.
3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.
5. The cleaner has cleaned the office.
6. He hasn’t written three books so far.
7. John will bring the project later.
8. Somebody should do the work.
9. They are building a new stadium near the station.
10. The wolf ate the princess.
11. someone was telling a story at six o’clock.
12. Somebody has drunk all the milk!
13. I have cleaned all the windows before the storm.
14. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow.
15. the students are studying the passive voice right now.
16. James can’t cook dinner tonight.
If the predicate of the passive sentence is a verb transitive like: believe, think, find, say, report,
consider, understand, acknowledge, expect, tell, know then you can change the active sentence into
passive using two ways. Look at the examples:
a) People say that he is handsome. (present)
∗It is said that he is handsome.
∗He is said to be handsome. (TO INFINITIVE)
b) They knew he had an idea. (past)
∗It was known that he had an idea.
∗He was known to have had an idea. (TO PERFECT INFINITIVE – Have+ Past participle)
These are formal structures. They are often used in news reports and on TV.