Vehicle Traffic Management
Vehicle Traffic Management
Vehicle Traffic Management
The source code of Traffic Control Management System has been written in vb .net
programming language with the use of video graphics
Each vehicle can be installed with a RFID tag. This RFID tag would store all the
information regarding the vehicle such as the vehicle number, etc. RFID tags can be
used in identifying each vehicle uniquely and also help the driver to receive some
traffic messages. The existing signaling system can be coupled with the RFID
controller.each signal can have the information regarding every vehicle that passes by
it. Thus when a vehicle passes by a signal, the signal can automatically keep the
count of the vehicles passing by it, and help in detection of traffic congestion. Each
signal should be stored with a threshold value for which it should be red and
green. Now depending upon the frequency of the vehicles passing by the signal per
second, the timer can be dynamically controlled. Each controller of the signal
should be stored with a value of minimum frequency of the vehicles passing by the
signal. As soon as this minimum frequency is reached, the controller should send a
command to the signal to turn red. Thus the signal is controlled dynamically.
For example, suppose for a signal, maximum time for which a signal can be red is
set to be 30 seconds and maximum time for which the signal can be green is set as 20
seconds. The controller is stored with the value of minimum frequency of vehicles
passing by it per second . Now suppose the signal turns green, the timer starts
with a maximum value of 20. Initially the frequency of the vehicles passing the
signal per second is 10, after 10 seconds this frequency reduces to 5, and then
automatically the RFID controller sends a command to the signal to turn red. Thus
the signal turns red and its adjacent signal in that junction turns green. This process
continues in a cycle. Thus dynamic controlling of the signal helps in reducing the
wastage of time. This also helps in avoiding traffic congestion as priority is
given to a high vehicular traffic road. This system helps indetection of traffic
congestion. If the frequency of the vehicles passing the signal per second remains
higher than the value set.
The main objective of this application is to automate the complete operations of
the goods transporter office. In current system all work is getting done manually. User
have to manage many things so it is very difficult to manage this business doing work
manually. Using this system user can automate many transport operation like billing,
tracking payments, creating report etc. Using this system keeping records of
transportation is easy. User can find any old records in few clicks. User can also
generate old delivery reports and other report easily. They need maintain hundreds of
thousands of records. Also searching should be very faster so they can find required
In existing system all work is done manually. In this system it is very difficult
to find old records. Since all work is done manually, it takes time to give report to
management regarding their query. To book an order user have to come transportation
office. User can also not able to check his goods delivery status. All work is done on
paper so it is error prone system. Sometime it is very difficult to manage all transport
delivery. So an automated system is needed to computerize all these activity.