Iccct2 2017 7972255
Iccct2 2017 7972255
Iccct2 2017 7972255
Road traffic congestion becomes a The main concept behind the paper is to provide
major issues for highly crowded metropolitan
a smooth flow for the ambulance to reach the
cities like, Chennai .Ambulance service is one
of the major services which gets affected by hospitals in time and thereby minimizing the
traffic jams. To smoothen the ambulance delay caused by traffic congestion. The
movement this paper have come up with the Microcontroller based RFID system is used to
solution of “Intelligent automatic traffic alter the traffic lights upon its arrival at traffic
control for ambulance ”. The proposed system light junction which would save a lives at
creates a android app that connects both the critical time. Radio Frequency Identification is a
ambulance and the traffic signal station using
cloud network. This system makes uses RFID tiny electronic gadgets that comprise of a small
(radio frequency identification) technology to chip and an antenna. The small chip is
implement the Intelligent traffic signal control. embedded with information's about patience's
The basic idea behind the proposed system is, if status and the ambulance current lane .The RFID
the Ambulance halts on the way due to a traffic reader located at the traffic signal reads these
signal, RFID installed at the traffic signal information from the RFID locator installed at
tracks the RFID tagged ambulance and sends
the ambulance . To avoid unnecessary traffic
the data to the cloud. After the
acknowledgment for the user through the signal changes, we cross refer the ambulance
mobile app, the particular signal is made Green current location and patience's condition using
for some time and after the ambulance passes mobile app registered by the ambulance driver..
by, it regains its original flow of sequence of In case of network failure, the RFID takes the
signaling If, this scheme is fully automated, it whole control.
finds the ambulance spot, controls the traffic
lights. This system control the traffic lights and This paper seems to be in a great need to make
save the time in emergency periods. Thus it free flow of ambulance without stucking into the
acts as a life saver project. traffic. In the current situation itself,
Keywords: RFID, cloud Database, mobile app, transportation of a patient to hospital in
Microcontroller 8051,LCD Display, GPS emergency conditions seems quite simple but
Tracking System, Intelligent ambulance. in actual it is very difficult during peak hours.
Moreover, the situation is gets worse when
emergency vehicles have to wait for other
vehicles to give way at intersections with traffic
signals . As the survey aye 95% of the heart
attack cases can be treated , if the ambulance can
978-1-5090-6221-8/17/$31.00 2017
c IEEE 90
reach the hospital at current time without This paper helps in saving victims from the peak
stucking into the traffic. In future it may get hour traffic. When it is being implemented it can
even worse . In this cause Recovery action need act as a live saving project.
to be taken immediately. So, for our over
populated environment ,there is a real need for II RELATED WORK
this paper for the society to make easier day to
The four road intersection is a bottle neck for
day transportations. This paper will help to
each urban traffic control. Several smarter
reduce blockage of emergency vehicles in
methods need to be implemented for effective
traffic and helps to provide immediate recovery.
traffic management.
• Main aim of installed the paper is to
The already existing system for Intelligent
provide communication between
ambulance and various devices at traffic Traffic Control System(ITCS) proposed in [2]
signals and so that the possibility for for emergency vehicles implements signal
traffic congestion is reduced. change by using IR sensors or RFID
• In this paper we contribute an overall technology. They don’t have an alternative
system to meet the above need. It can be method to control the flow, if anyone of the
achieved by making use of two major technology fails. They don’t survey whether the
technologies namely, ambulance is in emergency state or not. Because
ambulance may also used in non-emergency
mobile app with cloud access situations to provide facility to humans due to
and GPS provided their health condition. In such cases ,time limits
• RFID is to track the arrival of ambulance are not considered. so it is not needed to make
at traffic up to some distance. change in signals of traffic control system in
non-emergency cases. so in this paper special
• Mobile app to authenticate emergency implementation for non emergence condition as
and non-emergency conditions of been included.
The proposed work on [1] provides the basic
• GPS to track the nearest traffic signal connective between cloud data ,traffic post and
post to the ambulance and to send the the ambulances. Microcontroller based
app data to that particular signal post. intelligent ambulance system which can alter the
traffic lights upon its arrival at traffic light
• The data from RFID and app can be
junction was proposed on [2]. The work in [9]
given to the microcontroller to process
proposed a traffic control system based on the
the results and makes the signal change
wireless sensor network and an alerting system
according to the result.
for red light crossing scenario to alert the drivers
• Both RFID and mobile app integrate to on other sides to save their lives. This technique
serve the system without failure at any is based on the queue length of the vehicles
manner by alternatively working when standing by the sides of traffic post. The analysis
other fails in its action. in [5] gives a Traffic control through sensor
based system implementation and its outcomes.
The RFID working and principles were
obtained from various site references
2017 Second International Conference On Computing and Communications Technologies(ICCCT’17) 91
Inductive Loop Depends on density of
1 Detector traffic, signal changes. o The mobile app is also provided with
Not specific with GPS to track the nearest traffic signal
ambulance traffic post to the ambulance and to send the
control app data to that particular signal post.
Today we are living in an society where our 1. backend - Java SE JDK v6.0
thinking is not possible without Smartphone’s. 2. frontend - Java SE JDK v6.0
So in this paper, Android app is developed to 3. Tools -android studio (android
provide additional information about the
development),Android SDK tools
patience's status(EMERGENCY button present
4. Database -mysql
in his mobile app) and current location using
GPS system to the server database. The server in
turn sends location and status information to the
traffic signal controller. The traffic signal is
changed ,after cross verification from the RFID
reader. If RFID reader fails, then after certain
period of time driver sends a "BLOCKED"
command to the server . At this case, based on
server information the traffic signal is cleared
without verification. Current location is sensed
using GPS installed in the mobile. GPS or
Global Positioning System is a network of
orbiting satellites that send precise details of
their position in space back to earth. The current
location information is send to the traffic signal
controller through cloud. Hence, the app as
basically four buttons
[3] http://mbaigrfidreport.blogspot.com/
[4] https://www.researchgate.net