1. repository : Project or folder/place where your project is kept.
A Git repository is a virtual storage of your project. It allows
you to save versions of your code, which you can access when needed.
git commands:
1. git clone: Bring a repository that is hosted on github to local folder on
your machine
2. git pull: It is basically opposite of git push, it download changes from
remote repo.
3. git config: The git config command is a function that is used to set Git
configuration values on a global or local project level.
There are two configuration levels a) local b) global
To create branch:
1. git branch branch_name: It will create branch with name branch_name and
Head(pointer) will not be set to that branch after creating it
2. git branch -d branch_name: To delete branch
3. git checkout -b branch_name: It will create branch with branch_name and
Head(pointer) will set to that branch after creating it.
After creating a branch developers can create there own features of application and
then it can get merged with master branch.
master branch is main branch which will be pushed to production server as main