Rules To Avoid Plagiarism

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Five Simple Rules to Avoid Plagiarism

Article  in  Annals of Biomedical Engineering · September 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s10439-012-0662-9 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Scott Simon Daniel Elson

University of California, Davis Imperial College London


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Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2013 (Ó 2012) pp. 1–2
DOI: 10.1007/s10439-012-0662-9

Five Simple Rules to Avoid Plagiarism

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA; and 2Imperial College, London, UK

Plagiarism is a form of scientific misconduct defined 2. Write in your own words. Write out all your own
as authoring ideas or words produced by someone else ideas without using someone else’s words or
or from one’s own previous publications and even another’s writing style to help you out.
attempting to publish such work without properly This means that you should generally avoid
citing the original author and publication. Plagiarism paraphrasing as much as possible. Paraphras-
is easy for writers to avoid by simply not copying any ing, or rewriting someone else’s text in your
printed sources and by writing original text in one’s own words, is acceptable only if it occurs min-
own words, and, if paraphrasing, citing the source. imally in the text (e.g., a paragraph) and the
Unfortunately, these simple rules seem to be either original source is cited at the end of the para-
forgotten or ignored by many authors, as instances of phrased passage. The easiest way to avoid any
plagiarism have become all too common throughout concerns about plagiarism here is to not para-
the scientific world.1 A charitable view is that authors phrase. Use your own, original ‘‘voice’’ to
who are guilty of plagiarism are ignorant of what convey your ideas. Do not blend original and
constitutes plagiarism. Science adheres to certain borrowed text without citing the borrowed text.
standards of investigation that are invariant with 3. When in doubt, cite. If you find yourself citing
respect to geography, social convention or personal excessively because of this, it could be an
opinion. Because publishing and disseminating ideas indication that you’re not writing enough in
are central to the scientific endeavor and the rules your own words. This is a sign you should
governing writing and publishing data are sacrosanct, consider rewriting your paper. Common words
it is crucial that we all agree and adhere to common and phrases do not need to be cited or put into
standards regarding plagiarism. As editors and pub- quotation marks, but any discussion of com-
lishers of the Annals of Biomedical Engineering we monly understood concepts must be properly
take seriously our role as a primary ‘‘gatekeeper’’ of cited.
scientific integrity. We do not tolerate plagiarism or 4. Don’t recycle images, figures, tables or text from
any kind of associated misconduct, and urge our one of your own previously published papers
reviewers and readers to bring to our attention ethical without citing. In general, it’s better to not
questions or simply queries of what constitutes pla- republish a figure that you’ve published before.
giarism in our manuscripts and published articles. We But if you must, cite the original paper in the
also expect our authors to exercise stringent care to figure or table caption and make sure you
avoid plagiarism. mention in the text that it was from your earlier
1. Don’t copy. Mimicking verbatim words from publication and obtain permission if you have
any other paper or book (even if it’s your own not retained the copyrights. Do not recycle text
previously published work) is not good writing. from one paper to the next. Write new text for
Very short quotations are acceptable when each paper. If you fail to do these things,
contained within quotation marks and citing you will be committing self-plagiarism, which,
the source immediately following the quote. It although often unintentional, is treated the
should go without saying that copying without same as willful plagiarism.
quotation marks and lacking appropriate 5. Ask permission. If you want to use a figure,
citations is blatant plagiarism, but unfortu- table, or any kind of data that has not been
nately, this does occur. published before, and has been created or
gathered by someone who is not a co-author of
your paper, you absolutely must ask their
Address correspondence to Holly Ober, University of California, permission and attribute it to them. The same
Davis, Davis, CA, USA. Electronic mail: [email protected] applies if you make your own figure or table
0090-6964/13/0100-0001/0 Ó 2012 Biomedical Engineering Society
2 OBER et al.

using their data. Seek copyright permission for However, as the recent scandals involving the
every published figure, table or illustration you plagiarized Ph.D. theses of government officials in
intend to republish. Germany, Hungary, and Romania show,3 some scien-
tists plagiarize abundantly in their native languages, no
We recognize that many, probably even most, sci-
matter what language they speak. Plagiarism detection
entific publications in English are written by people
software has become more sophisticated, but the best
who are writing in English as a second language, and
defense remains vigilance by authors, reviewers and
who may not live in an English-speaking country. We
understand that non-native speakers may invest more
time and labor writing for English-language journals
like the Annals. ‘‘Patchwriting’’, blending original and REFERENCES
borrowed text without citing the borrowed text, is a
common time-saving strategy used by non-native 1
Akhlesh, L. Editorial: Avoidance of plagiarism. J. Nano-
English speakers and English speaking novice writers photon. 6:069901 (2012).
instead of paraphrasing that, although tolerated in Cameron, C., H. Zhao, and M. K. McHugh. Perspective:
many areas, is nonetheless plagiarism.2 We urge publication ethics and the emerging scientific workforce:
institutions and supervisors to offer training and understanding ‘‘plagiarism’’ in a global context. Acad. Med.
87(1):51–54, 2012.
guidance to help novice writers and non-native English 3
Weber-Wulff, D. Viewpoint: The spectre of plagiarism
speakers gain confidence and improve their writing haunting Europe. BBC News 24 July 2012.
skills. Accessed on 8/9/12.

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