Poly (N-Isopropylacrylamide) Microgels For Organic Dye Removal From Water
Poly (N-Isopropylacrylamide) Microgels For Organic Dye Removal From Water
Poly (N-Isopropylacrylamide) Microgels For Organic Dye Removal From Water
r 2011 American Chemical Society 2732 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am2005288 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2011, 3, 27322737
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces RESEARCH ARTICLE
Figure 3. Uptake of Orange II as a function of the time the microgels Figure 4. Leaking of Orange II from 10% AAc microgels as a function of
were held at elevated temperature for (9) one and (x) two cycles. Each leak time. Each point on the plot represents an average of three replicate
point on the plot represents an average of three replicate experiments of experiments of leaking studies and the error bars denote the standard
uptake studies and the error bars denote the standard deviation. deviation.
(86.6, 173, 346, and 521 g microgels/mL), but did not increase heating 300 L (521 g/mL) of pNIPAM-co-10AAc microgels
for 693 g microgels/mL). We hypothesize that this behavior is exposed to 15 L of Orange II to 50 C two times, followed by
observed because the removal of dye is an equilibrium process cooling cycles. The heating times were chosen such that the total
and addition of more microgels to the solution, past a certain time the microgels were held at elevated temperature matched
concentration, will not result in extra moles of the dye being the times for the single cycle, the only difference being the
removed. number of times the microgels were heated and cooled. For
Removal Efficiency As a Function of Temperature. 1. example, a solution of microgels was exposed to Orange II for five
Single Heating and Cooling Cycle of Microgels. PNIPAm micro- minutes, brought to 50 C for 10 min, cooled for 15 min, heated
gels are well-known to be thermoresponsive. That is, at T > again for 10 min, followed by cooling for 15 min. Overall, the
32 C they decrease in diameter by expelling their water of microgels were at elevated temperature for 20 and at RT for
solvation, as result they become more hydrophobic. This process 30 min, equivalent to the microgels that were heated 1 time for
is reversible, so at T < 32 C the microgels rehydrate and return 20 min. This was repeated for all the single cycle heating times.
to their initial state. At this pH and ionic strength, the thermo- Figure 3 shows that the uptake of Orange II increased after an
responsivity was still observed, as confirmed from light scattering additional heating cycle. The maximum uptake was increased
experiments (see Supporting Information). from a maximum of 50.3% from one hot cycle to 56.6% for an
For the uptake studies, we exposed 300 L (521 g/mL) extra hot cycle. The uptake also levels off after 90 min, similar to
pNIPAM-co-10AAc microgels to 15 L of Orange II, and cycled the single hot cycle data. We also investigated the effect of the
the temperature above and below 32 C and calculated the cycling the temperature one more time, and did not observe a
percent removal. We hypothesize that when the microgels significant increase in in the removal efficiency (see Supporting
rehydrate, they will absorb excess Orange II from solution. Information).
Additionally, we characterized the uptake eciency as a function Leaking Studies of Orange II. While the maximum removal
of time that the microgels were held at an elevated temperature. efficiency of the microgels was shown to be 56.6%, with two
Specically, the microgels were exposed to Orange II for ve 45 min heating cycles, it is important to evaluate the ability of the
minutes and heated to 50 C for periods of 20, 40, 60, 90, and 120 microgels to retain the Orange II that was removed from the
min. The solution was immediately cooled to room temperature water. To evaluate this, we exposed 900 L of pNIPAm-co-
(23 C) for 30 min and centrifuged. The absorbance of the 10AAc to Orange II for five minutes in a total volume of 9 mL
supernatant solution was then evaluated and percent removal using the same buffer as in the uptake studies, and the solution
determined. Figure 3 shows that the percent of Orange II re- was centrifuged and the supernatant solution removed. The
moved from solution increased from 29.5% (at RT) to 50.3% as resulting microgel pellet was redispersed in 9 mL of fresh buffer
the time the solution was held at elevated temperature increased by vortexing and divided into nine different Eppendorf tubes and
to 120 min. The gure also suggests that no more dye is taken allowed to incubate for various time intervals, from 0 to 100 min
up after the 90 min heating and 30 min cooling experiment. and then centrifuged, as indicated in the Materials and Methods
A control experiment was performed by heating Orange II of the section. The supernatant solution was then evaluated and the
same concentration (in buer) in the absence of microgels. It was percent Orange II leaked calculated. The percentage of Orange II
shown that the absorbance intensity of Orange II decreased by that was leaked was determined by calculating the number of
only 3.5% due to heating alone (see Supporting Information), moles Orange II that was initially removed from the solution and
which conrms that the improved uptake eciency of the micro- then determining how much was expelled after a given incuba-
gels by heating was indeed due to the thermoresponsive nature of tion time interval. The concentrations of Orange II were deter-
the microgels. mined from a calibration curve, as indicated above. For example,
2. Multiple Heating and Cooling Cycles of Microgels. Results the 0 min sample was immediately centrifuged after splitting
from the previous section indicate that temperature affects the the solution up and the supernatant solution evaluated. The
removal efficiency of the microgels, which is hypothesized to be number of moles in this solution was compared to how many
due to the thermoresponsive nature of the microgels. The effect moles were initially in the microgels. Figure 4 shows the trend
of multiple heating cycles was also investigated. This was done by for the percent leaking of Orange II as a function of leaking time.
2735 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am2005288 |ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2011, 3, 27322737
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces RESEARCH ARTICLE
We report microgel systems of pNIPAm modied with
varying concentrations of AAc which eciently absorb the azo
dye Orange II, the most ecient of these systems being
pNIPAm with 10%AAc. The results indicate that by exploiting
the thermoresponsive nature of these microgels, the percent
absorption of Orange improved signicantly by heating and
Figure 5. Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the removal of Orange II cooling the microgels for a single cycle when compared with
by the microgels. Cm is the concentration of the dye remaining in the room temperature studies. The control experiments performed
aqueous phase and Cs is the concentration of the dye sorbed to the prove that the decrease in absorbance was due to the uptake
microgels. The goodness of t (R2) value was calculated as 0.9518. Each of Orange II by the microgels and not merely due to any
point on the plot represents an average of three replicate experiments
change in the absorbance of Orange II at higher temperatures.
and the error bars denote the standard deviation.
Furthermore, the leaking studies show that the microgels leak out
25.6% of the Orange II that was originally removed from
The figure indicates that percentage of Orange II that leaked solution, with no more leaking occurring after 50 min. The
from the microgels increased with time up to 50 min and leveled Langmuir coecient of 0.01143 ( 0.00134 was calculated by
off after this time. We calculated that a maximum of 25.6% of the tting a Langmuir isotherm to the data in Figure 5. In the
absorbed dye leaks out of the microgels. This translates to a future, we will use these systems to remove naphthenic acids,
74.4% retention efficiency. We also addressed the possibility of PAHs, PCBs, drug molecules, etc. present in the industrial
Orange II leaking out further with the addition of fresh buffer. euents and of major concern for human and aquatic life.
We removed the supernatant from the sample that was allowed Also, we will use this information to design ecient drug
to incubate for 100 min and added 1.0 mL fresh buffer to this delivery systems.
system and allowed the solution to incubate for 60 min. This was
then centrifuged and the supernatant was removed to record the ASSOCIATED CONTENT
absorbance; no significant increase in leaked Orange II was
observed. Additionally, we studied the possibility of microgels bS Supporting Information. UVvis spectra for Orange II
leaking out Orange II at elevated temperature. The microgels held at high temperature in the absence of microgels and leaking
deswell by expelling water of solvation when heated above their studies of Orange II at high temperature, calibration plot used for
LCST. In order to test if the microgels leak out more Orange II at calculating the uptake eciency, trend for uptake of Orange II as
higher temperatures, we redispersed the supernatant from the a function of AAc percentage at pH 7 and pH3, trend for uptake
tube that was allowed to incubate for 100 min (at room tem- of Orange II for multiple (three) heating and cooling cycles, light
perature) with the microgels. This solution was then allowed to scattering data for thermoresponsivity of the microgels and DLS
incubate for another 100 min on a hot plate at 50 C and was data for the dierent sizes of the microgels. This material is
immediately centrifuged for 30 min at 50 C by regulating the available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.
thermostat in the centrifuge. The supernatant was removed and
the absorbance was measured. The results show that leaking is AUTHOR INFORMATION
not affected by temperature, see Supporting Information. Corresponding Author
Uptake Studies As a Function of Orange II Concentration. *E-mail: [email protected].
We also investigated the ability of the pNIPAm-co-10AAc
microgels to remove Orange II from aqueous solution as a func-
tion of Orange II concentration. We exposed 300 L (521 g/ ACKNOWLEDGMENT
mL) of pNIPAM-co-10AAc microgels to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and M.J.S. acknowledges funding from the University of Alberta
35 L of Orange II from the stock solution in a total of 3 mL (Department of Chemistry and the Faculty of Science). Funding
buffer (pH 7, 0.235 M ionic strength). The microgels were then through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
centrifuged for 30 min and the supernatant was analyzed by (NSERC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is
UVvis, as explained above. The data (Figure 5) was fit with a also acknowledged. We also thank Prof. John C. Vederas and Prof.
Langmuir isotherm (eq 1), which yielded a maximum concen- Christopher W. Cairo for access to their respective lyophilizers.
tration of Orange II adsorbed on the microgels as 139.9 mol/g
(0.049 g Orange II/g microgels) and a Langmuir coefficient of
0.01143 ( 0.00134 g/moles was calculated. REFERENCES
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