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M.SC .Astrophysics

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M. Sc.(Astrophysics)

Scheme & Syllabus

2011-12 Onwards

M.Sc. Programme in Astrophysics
Department of Physics will mentor the M.Sc. Programme in Astrophysics, which is to be introduced
from the academic year 2011-12.

Astronomy is one of the oldest fields of scientific enquiry. It is an observational science that studies
celestial objects (planets, stars, galaxies ...) that make up the Universe and phenomena that may hold
the key to understand their nature, as well as the origin and evolution of the Universe. Astrophysics
deals with the physics of the Universe and applies many disciplines of physics, including mechanics,
electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and
particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics.

Indian astronomers and physicists, in ancient as well as in recent times have made important
contributions to Astronomy and Astrophysics. Today, a number of institutions (IIA, IUCAA, ARIES,
TIFR, PRL, OU...) and facilities (ground-based optical/infrared telescopes at VBO, Hanle, Girawali,
Nainital, Mt. Abu; radio telescopes at Ooty, GMRT, Gauribidanur) for research in astronomy and
astrophysics exist in the country. Also, space-based facilities like ASTROSAT, ADITYA for work in
X-ray, Ultraviolet/Optical and High-Altitude facilities (HAGAR, MACE..) for work in the Gamma-
ray waveband are coming up. India is also planning to join the International Astronomy Community
in the development of a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope (GSMT).

There is, however, an acute shortage of young students with adequate background in basic
astronomy/astrophysics who could take up research in astronomy/astrophysics and use these state-of-
the-art facilities. In most Indian universities, there are no teaching programmes at the MSc level fully
devoted to astronomy/astrophysics. The proposed M.Sc Programme in Astrophysics of the
Pondicherry University is intended to bridge this gap and help train bright, motivated, young
students to take up research careers in astrophysics

This M.Sc. programme is designed to impart sound understanding of basic physics, astrophysical
processes and the necessary background knowledge of present-day developments in astronomy
including practical training in instrumentation and observations at astronomical observatories in the
country. The Pondicherry University is planning to introduce M.Sc. Astrophysics from this academic
year, 2011-2012.

In addition to main papers covering the core areas in Physics, the programme is planned to cover
advanced courses in Astrophysics including the following by experts in the relevant fields.

Stellar Structure

Diffuse Matter in Space

Galactic Structure & Dynamics

Stellar Evolution

Physics of Compact Objects

General Relativity and Cosmology

The students who pass out of this course will have good job and research opportunities.

Details of the programme

Programme Duration:

Two years (Four Semesters); Total number of credits: 77

Eligibility criteria:

B.Sc. Physics/Electronics/Mathematics/Applied Physics with a minimum percentage of 55 marks in

part III.
4 Year B.E/B.Tech in Electronics /ECE/Electrical/EEE/Optics/Engineering Physics/Applied
Physics/Mechanical/Instrumentation/Computer Science with a minimum percentage of 55 marks in
main subjects.

Admission criteria:

Pondicherry University – All India Entrance Examination: The questions will have emphasize in
undergraduate level Physics

Intake: 10 students

Teaching and Learning Methods:

Lectures, tutorials and seminars form the main methods of course delivery enhanced by individual and
group project work, laboratory work, computing workshops and industrial/Institution visits. Some of
the specialized courses will be conducted in coordination with the Faculty of Indian Institute of
Astrophysics, Bangalore/ IUCAA, Pune in Pondicherry or Bangalore/Pune.

Assessment Methods:
Assessment will be as per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) which includes continuous
assessment and end semester examinations.

Scheme of Courses and Credits for M.Sc. Astrophysics:

First year: Odd semester Even Semester

Compulsory subjects 4 (16) 4 (16)

Elective Subjects 1 (3) 1 (3)*
Practical – Laboratory 1 (3) 1 (3)

Second year: Odd semester Even Semester

Compulsory subjects 5 (20) --

Elective Subjects -- 2 (6)*
Practical – Laboratory 1 (3) --
Project 4

*Depending on Students choice & faculty availability all three or two Groups (A/B/C) will be offered

2 year M. Sc (Astrophysics) Programme

Semester – I
S. No Code Course Name Type Credits Page
1 APHYS-110 Physics Laboratory 2
2 APHYS-111 Mathematical Methods in Physics HC 4
3 APHYS-112 Classical Mechanics HC 4
4 APHYS-113 Quantum Mechanics - I HC 4
5 APHYS-114 Electronics HC 4
6 APHYS-115 Numerical and Transform Techniques SC 3
7. APHYS-116 Programming in C and C++ SC 3

Semester – II
S. No Code Course Name Type Credits Page
1 APHYS-120 Electronics Laboratory 2
2 APHYS-121 Statistical Physics HC 4
3 APHYS-122 Electrodynamics HC 4
4 APHYS-123 Quantum Mechanics II HC 4
5 APHYS-124 Nuclear and Particle Physics HC 4
6 APHYS-125 Microprocessors and Applications SC 3

Semester – III
S. No Code Course Name Type Credits Page
1 APHYS-230 Optics Laboratory 3
2 APHYS-231 Fundamentals of Astrophysics HC 4
3 APHYS-232 Radiative Process HC 4
4 APHYS-233 Stellar Physics HC 4
5 APHYS-234 Fluids and Plasmas HC 4
6 APHYS-235 Astronomical Techniques HC 4

Semester – IV
S. No Code Course Name Type Credits Page
1 APHYS-240 Project work HC 4
2 APHYS-241 Gen. Relativity and Cosmology SC 3
3 APHYS-242 Physics of Compact Objects SC 3
4 APHYS-243 Diffuse Matters in Space SC 3
5 APHYS-244 Stellar Atmospheres SC 3
6 APHYS-245 Galactic Structure SC 3
7 APHYS-246 Sun and Solar System SC 3


UNIT – I: Linear Algebra 6 hours

Linear vector spaces – Dual space – Basis sets – Orthogonality and completeness – Hilbert space – Linear
operators – Linear dependence and independence

UNIT – II: Vectors and Tensors 12 hours

Scalars, vectors and tensors in index notation – Del and Laplacian operators – Vector calculus in index notation
– Dirac delta function – Representation and properties – Fundamentals of tensors – Algebra of Cartesian tensors
– Outer product – Contraction and quotient theorems – Kronecker & Levi-Civita tensors – Examples and
applications in physics.

UNIT – III: Complex Variables 15 hours

Elements of analytic function theory – Cauchy-Riemann conditions – Singularities, poles and essential
singularities – Cauchy's integral theorem – Cauchy integral formula – Residue theorem and contour integration
Residue method for real integration – Taylor and Maclaurin expansion – Laurent and Taylor series of complex
functions – Introduction to conformal mapping.

UNIT – IV: Special Functions 12 hours

Beta, Gamma, Delta and Error functions – Bessel, Hermite, Legendre, Associated Legendre and Laguerre
functions – Generating functions – Series solutions – Recurrence relations – Properties of special functions and
their applications in physics.

UNIT –V: Differential Equations 15 hours

First order ODE's – Second order linear ODE's – Differential operators – Physical modeling – Higher order
linear ODE's – Homogeneous and inhomogeneous differential equations – Series solution of ODE's – Frobenius
method – Strum-Liouvllie problem -Introduction to partial differential equations – Introduction to curvilinear
coordinates – Cylindrical polar and spherical polar systems – Review of vector calculus – Divergence, curl and
Grad in polar system – Solution by analytical methods – Solution of (i) Laplace, (ii) Poisson, (iii) Helmholtz
wave and (iv) diffusion equations in Cartesian and polar coordinate systems.

1. G. Arfken 2000. Mathematical Methods for Physicists (5th Edition) Academic Press.
2. Erwin Kreyszig (2005). Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 9th Edition. John Wiley.
3. R.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar (2007). Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 3rd Edition. Narosa.

Supplementary Reading
1. K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence, Mathematical Methods for physics and engineering
(Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998)
2. M. P. Boas (2005). Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (3rd Edition) Wiley.
3. Potter M C and Goldberg J (1988). Mathematical Methods. Prentice Hall.
4. Sokolnikoff I S and Redheffer R M. Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering. McGraw Hill.
5. Spiegel M R. Theory and Problems of Complex Variable. Schaum’s Series. McGraw Hill.
6. Spiegel M R. Theory and Problems of Fourier analysis. Schaum’s Series. McGraw Hill.


Unit I: 15 hours
Mechanics of a system of particles – conservation laws of linear and angular momenta for systems not subjected
to external forces and torques – constraints – principle of virtual work – Lagrangian equations of motion and a
few applications – motion in a central field – Kepler’s problem – scattering – laboratory and CM frame –
differential scattering cross section – scattering by a central field.

Unit II: 15 hours

Variational method – Hamilton’s equations of motion – canonical transformations – generating functions –
infinitesimal contact transformations – Lagrange and Poisson brackets – Hamilton, Jacobi theory.

Unit III: 15 hours

Rigid body rotation – rotating frame – Eulerian angles transformation between rotating and stationery frames –
Coriolis and centrifugal forces – moment of inertia tensor – Euler’s equations – symmetric top precession –
theory of small oscillations – normal co-ordinates and vibrations of a discrete system – Forced oscillations.

Unit IV: 15 hours

Special theory of relativity: Inertial frames – Lorentz transformations – length contraction, time dilation and
Doppler effect – Minkowski space – Energy momentum four vectors – Introduction to general relativity.

Text Book
1. H. Goldstein. Classical Mechanics. Narosa.

Supplementary Reading
T. G. Takwale and P. S. Purnaik. Introduction to classical mechanics. Tata McGraw Hill.
D. T. Greenwood. Classical dynamics. Prentice Hall.
A. K. Raychaudri. Classical mechanics. Oxford University Press.
Synge and Griffith. Principles of mechanics. McGraw Hill.
K. G. Gupta. Classical mechanics of particles and rigid bodies. Wiley Eastern.


Unit I: Quantum theory of spherically symmetric systems 12 hours

Particle in a spherically symmetric potential – Angular wave function – Radial equation for a free particle,
spherical trap – Hydrogen atom – Spin of an electron – Addition of angular momenta.

Unit II: Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics 6 hours

Symmetries, Conservation laws, and Degeneracies – Discrete symmetries, Parity, or Space Inversion – Lattice
translation as a discrete symmetry – Time reversal discrete symmetry.

Unit III: Pictures of Quantum Mechanics 6 hours

Schrodinger picture – Heisenberg picture – Interaction picture – Relation among different pictures – Ehrenfest

Unit IV: Time independent perturbation theory 12 hours

Non-degenerate perturbation theory – Degenerate perturbation theory – The fine structure of hydrogen – The
Zeeman effect – The Stark effect – Hyperfine splitting

Unit V: Variational Principle and WKB approximation 6 hours

The ground state of helium – The hydrogen molecular ion – WKB approximation – Tunneling through potential

Quantum theory of scattering 12 hours

Scattering theory – scattering particles – potential scattering – partial wave analysis – phase shifts scattering
length – integral equations in terms of Green’s function – Born approximation and its validity.

1. Ghatak and Loganathan. Quantum mechanics. MacMillan.

Supplementary Reading
1. L. I. Schiff. Quantum mechanics. McGraw Hill.
2. Dicks and Whike. Introduction to quantum mechanics.
3. J. L. Powell and B. Craseman. Quantum mechanics. Addison-Wesley.
4. V. K. Thankappan. Quantum mechanics. Wiley Eastern.
5. G. Baym. Quantum mechanics.
6. R. P. Feynman. Feynman lectures on physics. Vol. III. Narosa.
7. H. A. Bethe and R. Jakiw. Intermediate quantum mechanics.
8. Benjamin and Cummings. Quantum mechanics. Merc Backe.
9. A. Messiah. Quantum mechanics. Vol. I and II. Addison Wesley.
10. Davydov. Quantum mechanics. Pergamon press.
11. P. A. M. Dirac. The principles of quantum mechanics.
12. P. Roman. Advanced quantum theory.
13. J. J. Sakuri. Advanced quantum mechanics.

APHYS-114: ELECTRONICS (4 credits)

Unit I 12 hours
Non-linear resistive devices – NTC, PTC, VDR – Structure, working and applications – Diodes – (Rectifier and
Zener) – Tunnel diode – V-I Characteristics. Transistors – (BJT, FET, UJT, MOSFET) – Structure and working,
small signal models and equations for V-I characteristics under different conditions, frequency limits and

Unit II 12 hours
Microwave devices and components: IMPATT, GUNN – Klystron, Magnetron – Structure and working,
Transmitting and receiving antenna, wave guides, traps, connectors and couplers, filters and matching circuits.
Opto-electronics devices: Radiative and nonradiative transistors, absorption. Bulk and thin film devices – LDR,
Photodiode, Solar cell, LED, diode Lasers – Structure, working and factors affecting performance.

Unit III 12 hours

Analog circuits: Linear circuits – operational amplifiers – parameters and their importance applications –
Summing, difference, inverting, non-inverting, integrating, differentiating amplifiers – Non-linear circuits –
absolute rectifiers, Clipping, Clamping circuits, logarithmic amplifiers, Filters, modulation and demodulation
circuits, Timers and Phase-locked loop.

Unit IV 12 hours
Digital circuits: Combinational logic circuits using standard TTL and CMOS LSI chips- gates, latches,
multiplexer/demultiplexer, decoder and encoders, Half and full adder, ALU. Sequential logic circuits – Counters
– synchronous, asynchronous, binary and decade, divide by N counters, Shift registers – Serial to parallel and

Unit V 12 hours
Microprocessor: 8-bit microprocessor – 8085 Architecture, organization, buses, addressing modes, instruction
set, instruction types, Timing and sequencing, Instruction and machine cycle, Timing diagrams – Assembly
language programming – simple programs for arithmetic and logical operations, Interrupts – handling interrupts,
Interfacing microprocessors – peripheral devices PPI(8255), USART(8251), PIC(8279), DMA(8257) – data
transfer modes.

Unit I & III – Integrated Electronics by Millman & Halkias
Unit II (first part) – Physics of Semiconductor devices by Simon M.Sze.
Unit II (for microwave topics) – Electronic and Radio Engineering by Terman
Unit IV – Digital Principles by Malvino & Leach
Unit V – Microprocessor Architecture and Programming 8085 by Ramesh S. Gaonker.


UNIT – I: 10 hours
Representing numbers in a computer – Machine precision – Introduction to numerical errors – Errors in
mathematical approximations – Error propagation – Introduction to MATLAB – Workspace – Creating arrays –
Matrix operators – Generating vectors – Accessing sub-matrices – Control flow statements – Infinite loops –
Introduction to M-files – Graphics in MATLAB – Creating 2D graphs – Creating parametric function plots –
Introduction to Mesh and Surface plots – Introduction to toolboxes.

UNIT – II: 10 hours

Matrices and linear system of equations – Gauss-Jordan elimination method – Gauss method to compute the
Inverse – LU decomposition – Cholesky decomposition – Review of rotation matrices – Householder
transformation – QR decomposition – Gauss-Seidel iterative method – Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real
symmetric matrix by Jacobi’s method – Determination of largest eigenvalue by Power method.

UNIT – III: 10 hours

Introduction to Lagrange polynomials – Numerical differentiation and integration – Trapezoidal single segment
and multiple segment rules – Simpson's single segment and multiple segment rules – Newton-Cotes formulas –
Romberg integration – Gaussian quadrature formula – Estimation of errors in evaluating the integrals –
Introduction to random numbers – Random number generation – Monte-Carlo integration. Numerical solution
of ordinary differential equations - solution by Taylor’s series – Euler’s method – Runge Kutta methods with
Runge’s coefficients. Numerical solution of partial differential equations using finite difference method.

UNIT – IV 12 hours
Evolution of Fortran language – Different Fortran compilers – Skeleton of a general Fortran 90 program – Free
source format and character set – Specifications – Derived types – Control Structure – CASE construct – New
features of DO loop: EXIT, CYCLE statements, Control clauses – Concept of internal, and external procedures,
modules and INTERFACE blocks – Concept of scope – CONTAINS statement – Procedure Arguments –
Optional arguments – Keyword arguments – Recursive procedures – Modules – Array Processing –
Terminology and Specifications – Whole array operations – Vector subscripts – Array assignment – Array
constructor – Allocatable dynamic array – Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures – Concept of pointers –
Example programs.

UNIT – V: Laplace Transforms and Fourier Transforms 12 hours

Laplace transforms – Inverse transforms – Linearity and Shifting theorems – Laplace transform of derivative of
a function – Laplace transform of integral of a function –Application to solve differential equations.
Introduction to Fourier analysis – Half range Fourier series – Harmonic analysis and applications – Forced
oscillations – Finite and infinite Fourier transforms – Fourier sine and cosine transforms – Complex Fourier
transforms – Fourier expansion and inversion formulas – Convolution theorem – Applications to solutions of
partial differential equations.
1. Richard Hamming. Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers. Dover publications.
2. Duane C. Hanselman and Bruce L. Littlefield (2004). Mastering MATLAB 7. Prentice Hall.
3. Jerry Peek, Grace Todino-Gonguet, John Strang (2002). Learning the UNIX Operating System,
5th Edition. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
4. F. Mittelbach, M. Goossens, J. Braams, D. Carlisle, C. Rowley (2004). LaTeX Companion
(2nd Edition). Addison-Wesley.
5. Stephen Chapman (2003). Fortran 90 / 95 for Scientists and Engineers (2nd Edition) McGraw Hill.
6. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel (2007). C++ How to Program (6th Edition). Prentice Hall.
7. G. Arfken, Mathematical Methods for Physicists (5th Edition) (Academic Press, 2000).
8. Erwin Kreyszig (2005). Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 9th Edition. John Wiley.
9. R.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar (2007). Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 3rd Edition. Narosa.

Supplementary Reading
1. J.M. Thijssen (1999). Computational Physics. Cambridge University Press.
2. Tao Pang (1997). An Introduction to computational physics. Cambridge University Press.
3. Rubin H. Landau (1997). Computational Physics: Problem solving with computers. John Wiley.
4. James B. Scarborough. Numerical mathematical analysis. Oxford IBH.

5. W. S. Brainerd, C. H. Goldberg and J. C. Adams (1995). Programmer's Guide to Fortran 90. Springer.
6. Michael Metcalf and John K. Reid (1999). Fortran 90/95 Explained. Oxford University Press.
7. Michael Metcalf, John Reid and Malcolm Cohen (2004). Fortran 95 / 2003 Explained (Numerical
Mathematics and Scientific Computation). Oxford University Press.
8. Bjarne Stroustrup (2000). The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition).
9. K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence, Mathematical Methods for physics and engineering
(Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998)
10. M. P. Boas (2005). Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (3rd Edition) Wiley.
11. Potter M C and Goldberg J (1988). Mathematical Methods. Prentice Hall.Sokolnikoff I S and
Redheffer R M. Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering. McGraw Hill.
12. Spiegel M R. Theory and Problems of Complex Variable. Schaum’s Series. McGraw Hill.
13. Spiegel M R. Theory and Problems of Fourier analysis. Schaum’s Series. McGraw Hill.

APHYS – 116: Programming in C and C++ (3 credits)

UNIT – I: Unix Operating System 12 hours

Introduction to operating system – General OS architecture – Evolution of Unix operating system – Architecture
of the Unix OS – The kernel – Memory management – Virtual memory – Paging – Segmentation – Shells and
GUI – Directory structure – File systems in Unix – Mount point – Processes and threads – Multi-threading –
Semaphores – Mutex – CPU process scheduling – Concept of deadlock – Services and Daemons – Introduction
to Networking – Network file systems – Elements of system administration – Principles of topography –
Typesetting in LaTeX – Elements of bibliography and citation – The Harvard system.

Unit II : Elements of C Programming Language

Algorithms and flowchart; Structure of a high level language program; Features of C language;
constants and variables; expressions; Input and output statements; conditional statements and loop
statements; arrays; functions; character strings; structures; pointer data type; list and trees.

UNIT – III: C++ 12 hours

Introduction – Algorithms – Control Structures – if Selection Statement – if-else statement – do-while
repetition Statement – Nested Control Statements – Assignment Operators – Increment and decrement operators
– break and continue Statements – Logical Operators – C++ math library functions – Function definitions with
multiple parameters – Function prototypes – C++ standard library header files – Random Number Generation –
Inline functions – Arrays – Declaring arrays – Examples using Arrays – Passing arrays to functions – Pointer
variable declarations and initialization – Pointer Operators – Passing arguments to functions by reference with
pointers – Using const with pointers – Introduction to operator overloading.

UNIT – IV: Laboratory Exercise Session 12 hours

Swapping of two numbers – Counting – Factorial Computation – SINE computation – Base Conversion –
Factoring Methods – Array Techniques – Display the Pascal Triangle – Generate prime numbers between 1 to N
– Generate Fibonacci series up to N number – Concatenating two strings – Reversing the string – Finding the
substring of a given string – Summation of a sin, cos and exponential series – Matrix computations – Random
number generation.

1. Jerry Peek, Grace Todino-Gonguet, John Strang (2002). Learning the UNIX Operating System,
5th Edition. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
2. F. Mittelbach, M. Goossens, J. Braams, D. Carlisle, C. Rowley (2004). LaTeX Companion
(2nd Edition). Addison-Wesley.
3. Stephen Chapman (2003). Fortran 90 / 95 for Scientists and Engineers (2nd Edition) McGraw Hill.
4. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel (2007). C++ How to Program (6th Edition). Prentice Hall.

Supplementary Reading
1. W. S. Brainerd, C. H. Goldberg and J. C. Adams (1995). Programmer's Guide to Fortran 90. Springer.
2. Michael Metcalf and John K. Reid (1999). Fortran 90/95 Explained. Oxford University Press.
3. Michael Metcalf, John Reid and Malcolm Cohen (2004). Fortran 95 / 2003 Explained (Numerical
Mathematics and Scientific Computation). Oxford University Press.
4. Bjarne Stroustrup (2000). The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition).

APHYS-110 Laboratory [3 credits]

General Experiments
1. Faraday effect using white light.
2. Determination of Lande's g factor of electron by ESR.
3. Study of Geiger-Muller counter.
4. Thermal diffusivity of brass.
5. Determination of polarization and dipole moment of a liquid.
6. Fourier analysis of a square wave.
7. Study of superconductivity.
8. Microwaves bench using klystron tube.
9. Determination of absorption coefficient of aluminum using GM counter.
10. Measurement of Earth's Magnetic Field using Hall effects probe.
11. Study of black body radiation and verification of Wien's law using prism based spectrometer.
12. Determination of wavelengths of H and He spectra using grating based spectrometer.
13. Measurement of universal gravitational constant using torsional balance.
14. Determination of charge of an electron using Milkon's oil drop method.
15. Verification of Coulomb's law.
16. Verification of Faraday's law of induction and Lenz's law using variable gap magnet and induction coil.
17. Determination of speed of light in air by Focult's rotating mirror.
18. Measurement of charge to mass ratio (e/m) of an electron using Helmholtz coil.
19. Hall Effect
20. Band gap measurements with four probe method

Electronics Experiments
1. Integrator and differentiator using operational amplifier.
2. Wein bridge oscillator using operational amplifier.
3. Study of comparator using operational amplifier.
4. Study of multivibrators using operational amplifier.
5. Logic gates and Boolean algebra.
6. Half and full adder using logic circuits.
7. Decoders using logic circuits.
8. Study of flip flops.

Text Books
1. D. P. Khandelwal. A laboratory manual for undergraduate course. Vani Publishing.
2. V. Y. Rajopadhye and V. L. Purohit. Text book of experimental physics.
3. H. Singh. B.Sc practical physics. S. Chand & Co.
4. T. C. Hayes and P. Horowitz. Students manual for the art of electronics. Cambridge University Press.
5. Sanish Kumar Gosh. A text book of practical physics. New Central Books.
6. J. P. Holman. Experimental methods for engineers. Tata McGraw Hill.
7. L. K. Maheswari. Laboratory manual for introductory electronics experiments. New Age International.
8. Srinivasan and Balakrishnan. A text book of practical physics. Vols. I, II. S. Viswanathan Publishers.
9. D. Chatopadhyay and P. C. Ratshit. An advanced course in practical physics. New Central Books.
10. B. Ghosh. Advanced practical physics. Vols. I, II. Sreedhar Publishers.


Unit I: Ensemble and equilibrium 15 hours

Fundamental concepts of phase space, microstate (semiclassical) Liouville’s theorem- Classical treatment –
introduction to the concept of density of states. Statistical systems and ensembles – ergodicity microstates and
macrostates – equilibrium states – microcanonical ensemble- Derivation for equation of state using
microcanonical ensemble.

Unit II: Partition function and its application 15 hours

Canonical ensemble- partition function of canonical ensemble- Thermodynamical quantities by partition
function- Ideal gas, paramagnetic crystal, diatomic molecule in canonical ensemble- Negative temperature -
Schottky anomaly- Grand canonical ensemble- partition function- chemical potential- Criteria of classical
statistical physics- equipartition theorem - Gibb’s paradox.

Unit III: Quantum Statistics 15 hours

Introduction to quantum statistics- Ideal quantum gases- Bosons- Fermions- Derivation of expressions of Bose-
Einstein, Fermi-Dirac and Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution functions using GCE partition functions- Bose-
Einstein condensation- Superfluidity of Helium- Fermion gas and Fermi function- Thermodynamical properties
of fermion gas- Fermi surface- specific heat of electrons in Fermi surface- Pauli paramagnetism.

Unit IV: Advanced topics 15 hours

Phase transitions- First and second order phase transitions- critical point- order parameter- Scaling hypothesis-
critical exponents - ferromagnetic phase transition- Ising model- Bragg William approximation- fluctuations in
ensembles- One dimensional random walk- power spectrum- electrical noise- Non-equilibrium statistical
mechanics- Onsager reciprocity relations, thermo-electric phenomena.

Text Book
1. F. Reif. Introduction to statistical and thermal physics. McGraw Hill.
2. K. Huang. Statistical Physics. John Wiley.

Supplementary Reading
F. Reif. Statistical Physics (Berkeley series in Physics). McGraw Hill.
A.N. Matveev. Molecular Physics. Mir Publishers.
E. S. R. Gopal. Statistical Mechanics & Properties of Matter. MacMillan.
Agarwal & Grisner. Statistical Mechanics. Wiley Eastern.
F. Mandl. Statistical Physics. ELBS.
D. Chandler. Introduction to Statistical Physics (and solution manual). Oxford University Press.
R.P. Feynman. Lectures on statistical physics. Narosa.
R. Kubo. Statistical physics. Springer.
Landau and Lifshitz. Statistical Physics. Pergamon Press.
R. C. Tolman. Principles of statistical mechanics. Oxford University Press.
I. Prigogine. Order out of chaos. Fontana paperback.

APHYS – 122: ELECTRODYNAMICS (4 credits)

UNIT – I: Boundary value problems & Special techniques 15 hours

Boundary conditions and uniqueness theorems — Conductors and second uniqueness theorem — Boundary
value problems with linear dielectrics — Multipole expansion — Origin of coordinates in multipole expansions.

UNIT – II: Magnetostatics and Electrodynamics 15 hours

Lorentz force law and Biot-Savart law — Scalar and vector potentials — Multipole expansion of vector
potential—Calculation of field of a magnetized object—Amperes law in magnetized materials and Auxiliary
field H — Magnetostatic boundary conditions — Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law — Calculation of energy
density in magnetic fields — Electrodynamics before Maxwell — Maxwell’s correction of Ampere’s law —
Derivation of Maxwell’s equations in vacuum and in matter.

UNIT – III: Electromagnetic waves 15 hours

Electromagnetic waves in vacuum — Wave equation for E and B — Reflection, refraction of electromagnetic
waves — Snell’s law and Fresnel’s law — Poynting theorem and its derivation — Electromagnetic waves in
matter — Propagation of electromagnetic waves in linear media — Reflection and transmission at normal and
oblique incidence — Absorption and dispersion of electromagnetic waves — Electromagnetic waves in
conductors — Reflection at a conducting surface — Interference, diffraction and polarization.

UNIT – IV: Potentials and Radiation 15 hours

Potential formulation — Gauge transformations — Coulomb and Lorentz gauge — Retarded potentials of
continuous charge distribution — Derivation of Jefimenko’s Equations — Retarded potentials of point charges
— Lienard-Wiechert potential — Fields of a moving point charge — Electric dipole radiation — Energy
radiated by an oscillating electric dipole — Radiation from moving charges — radiation fields — Derivation of
Larmor formula – Relativistic formulation of Maxwell's equations.

1. David J Griffiths (1999). Introduction to electrodynamics. 3rd edition. Prentice Hall.

Supplementary Reading
1. John David Jackson (1999). Classical Electrodynamics. 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Matthew N. O. Sadiku (2002). Elements of Electromagnetics. 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.


Unit I: Classical Theory of Radiation 12 hours

Maxwell's equation and electromagnetic waves. Poynting vector. Classical dipole radiation. Simple harmonic
oscillator. Absorption cross-section. Thomson and Rayleigh scattering formula. Bremstrahlung, Gyromagnetic,
Synchrotron and Cerenkov radiations.

Unit II: Quantum Theory of Radiation 12 hours

Time dependent Schrodinger equation. Perturbations and transition probabilities. Hamiltonian for pure radiation.
Interaction of matter and radiation. Einstein co-efficients and oscillator strengths.

Unit III: Time dependent perturbation theory 12 hours

Time dependent perturbation theory – transition probability – constant perturbation – harmonic perturbation –
Fermi Golden rule – radiative transitions in atoms – dipole transition – selection rules – sudden and adiabatic

Unit IV: Microwave Spectroscopy: 12 hours

Classification of Molecules -The rotation of Molecule – Rotational spectra of Rigid Diatomic molecule- Isotope
Effect in Rotational Spectra- Intensity of Rotational Lines- Non-rigid Rotator- Vibrational Excitation Effect-
Linear Polyatomic molecules- Symmetric top molecules- Asymmetric top molecules – Stark effect- Quadrupole
Hyperfine interaction – Microwave spectrometer – Information derived from Rotational spectra – Infrared
Spectroscopy: Vibrational Energy of a Diatomic molecule – The Diatomic Vibrating Rotator – Break down of
Born-Oppenheirmer Approximation – The Vibrations of Polyatomic molecules – Rotation-Vibration spectra of
Polyatomic molecules – Analysis by Infra-red Techniques- IR spectrophotometer – Fourier Transform- IR
spectrophotometer- Applications – Frank-Condon principle and dissociation energy.

Unit V: Raman Spectroscopy: 12 hours

Theories of Raman scattering – Rotational Raman Spectra – Vibrational Raman Spectra – Mutual Exclusion
principle – Raman Spectrometer – Polarisation of Raman Scattered light – Structural determination from Raman
and IR spectroscopy - Near IR FT-Raman spectroscopy – Laser Spectroscopy: Basic principles: Comparison
between conventional light sources and lasers-Saturation-Excitation methods-Detection methods-Laser
Wavelength Setting-Doppler Limited Techniques.

H. E. White. Introduction to Atomic Spectra. McGraw Hill.
B. P. Straughan and S. Walker. Spectroscopy Vol. I, II, III.
D. A. Long. Raman Spectroscopy.
T. M. Sugdan and C. N. Kennay. Microwave Spectroscopy of Gases.
Tores and Schawlow. Microwave Spectroscopy. McGraw Hill.
Schnoider and Berstin. High Resolution NMR. McGraw Hill.
Assenheim. Introduction to ESR. Plenum Press.
T. P. Das and E.E. Hahn. Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. Academic Press.
Goldanskil. Mossbauer effect and its application to Chemistry. Von Nestrand.


Unit I : Nuclear Properties and Nuclear Models : 12 hours

Basic nuclear properties: nuclear size, Rutherford scattering, nuclear radius and charge distribution, nuclear
form factor, mass and binding energy, Angular momentum, parity and isospin symmetry, Magnetic dipole
moment and electric quadrupole moment; - cker binding
energy/mass formula, Fermi model, Shell model and collective model, super-heavy nuclei.

Unit II : Nuclear Forces – 2-body bound state and scattering : 12 hours

Nature of nuclear forces: charge independence, charge symmetry and isospin invariance of n
– dinger equation and its solution for ground state of deuteron,
rms radius; spin dependence of nuclear forces, electromagnetic moment and magnetic dipole moment of
deuteron and the necessity of tensor forces; n-p and p-p scattering at low energy, partial wave analysis and phase
shifts, scattering length, significance of the sign of scattering length, effective range theory, Wigner's
hypothesis, introductory ideas about Bartlet, Majorana and Heisenberg exchange forces, Yukawa meson theory
Unit III : Nuclear Decay and Nuclear Reactions : 12 hours
Stability of nuclei, β decay and electron capture, gamma decay, Fermi’s theory of allowed β decay, Selection
rules for Fermi and Gamow-Teller transitions, Parity non-conservation and Wu’s experiment. Nuclear Reactions
: different types of reactions, quantum mechanical theory, resonance scattering and reactions — Breit-Wigner
dispersion relation; compound nucleus formation and break-up, statistical theory of nuclear reactions and
evaporation probability, optical model; principle of detailed balance, transfer reactions,nuclear fission – cross
section, fission products, spontaneous fission; nuclear fusion – thermo-nuclear reactions.

Unit IV : Elementary Particle Physics – Basic concepts: 12 hours

Historical introduction to Elementary Particles : photon and electron, mesons, Dirac equation and antiparticles,
neutrinos, strange particles, quark model of hadrons; quarks and leptons as the fundamental constituents of all
matter, interactions between fundamental particles – Strong, Electromagnetic and Weak interactions; kinematics
of basic particle interaction processes: photon-electron processes – photoelectric, Compton and pair-production
processes; low energy weak interactions involving neutrino – Fermi theory; neutrino physics – theory of 2-
flavour oscillation. solar and atmospheric neutrino anomalies, neutrino experiments.; basic particle detectors –
ionization counters, proportional counters, GM counters, scintillation detectors, Cherenkov detectors

Unit V : Elementary Particle Physics – Symmetries 12 hours

Symmetries, Groups and Conservation Laws; classification of hadrons by isospin and hypercharge, SU(2) and
SU(3); discrete symmetries – parity (P) and charge conjugation(C); CP violation in neutral kaon system;
particle decays and conservation laws; CPT theorem (statement only); basic ideas of gauge symmetries –
electrodynamics as a gauge theory, non-abelian gauge symmetries as the basis of strong and weak interactions;
color quantum number and basic ideas of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), asymptotic freedom, gluons, and
jets in electron-positron collisions; basic ideas of spontaneous symmetry breaking, and higgs boson; the basic
idea of unification of forces – electro-weak unification, the Standard Model of Particle Physics and Grand
Unified Theories; verification of Standard Model with high energy particle colliders.

Text books

1. B.L. Cohen, Concepts of nuclear physics (Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1989)
2. J.M. Reid, The atomic Nucleus (Manchester University Press, 1984)
3. K. Heyde, Basic ideas and concepts in nuclear physics : an introductory approach,
2nd ed. (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1999).
4. A. Das and T. Ferbel, Introduction to nuclear and particle physics (John Wiley, New York, 1994).
5. B.R. Martin, Nuclear and particle physics, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New Delhi, 2009).
6. G.D. Coughlan, J. E. Dodd, and B. M. Gripaios, The Ideas of Particle Physics: An Introduction for Scientists,
3rd ed. (Cambridge Univ. Press., 2006).
7. A. Bettini, Introduction to elementary particle physics (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2008).


Unit I: Architecture of 8 bit Microprocessor 12 hours

Addressing modes – instruction and times – classification – machine control operator – FORMAT – Types of
memory –R/W, (RAM) – ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM – I/O interfacing and addressing – display and
keyboard interfacing and programming – interrupts, stacks, subroutines, 8155, 8355, 8212 clock generator and
bus drives

Unit II: Assembly Language Programming 12 hours

Programming exercise for 8085 – involving addition, subtracting and logical operations only – Monitor
programme – assemblers, basic interpreters. Serial and parallel data transmission: Perriperheral chips – intel
8275, 8279, USART, instrumentation buses, RS232C, IEEE488 bus CAMAC buses.

Unit III: Digital Interfacing 12 hours

KB, displays optical motor shift encoders – analogue interfacing D/A and A/D converters – process control –
digital filters.

Unit IV: Trends in Microprocessor Technology 12 hours

16 bit CPU, 8086, 8088 – 8086 internal architecture. Assembly language programming of 8086 – simple
sequence programs Flags Jumps while – Do implementation IF – THEN, IF-THEN-ELSE and multiple – IF-
THEN-ELSE programme – 8086 instruction and assembly direction. Computer systems peripherals, Raster
scan, CRTs vector scan CRTs – Floppy disk controllers, hard disk interfacing Data communication networks –
serial data transmission mode IBM PC architect.

1. Ramesh S. Goanker. Microprocessor architecture, programming and applications with 8085/8085A.
Wiley Eastern.
2. D. V. Hall. Microprocessors and interfacing. McGraw Hill.
3. L. A. Leventhal. Assembly language programming. Prentice Hall.
4. Kenneth L. Sherl. Microprocessors and programmed logic. Prentice Hall.
5. G. V. Rao. Microprocessors and microcomputer system.


Condensed Matter Physics Experiments:

1. X-ray diffraction.
2. Impedance spectroscopy.
3. Infrared spectroscopy.
4. Differential scanning calorimetry with thermal analysis.
5. UV-VIS-IR spectroscopy.
6. High field magnetic hysteresis using VSM.
7. Superconductivity.
8. Emission spectroscopy.

Electronics Experiments:
1. First order active filters using operational amplifier.
2. Second order active filters using operational amplifier.
3. Counters and registers using logic circuits.
4. Decade counting unit.
5. Study of 8-bit microprocessor.
6. Study of 16 bit microprocessor.
7. Study of 8051 microcontroller.
8. Study of lockin amplifier.
9. Amplitude modulation.
10. Detection of AM signals.
11. Study and detection of Frequency modulation.
12. Pulse modulation.
13. Study of multiplexing and demultiplexing.
14. Digital multiplexer.
15. LabVIEW and Virtual instrumentation laboratory.

LASER Experiments:
Numerical aperture of optical fiber and propagation of light through optical fiber.
Intensity profile of laser through optical fiber and determination of refractive index profile.
Refractive index by Brewster angle setup.
Study of Faraday effect using He-Ne laser with AC modulator.
Study of electrooptic effect (Pockel effect) with AC modulator.
Study of Kerr effect.
Study of acoustooptic effects.
Study of fundamental, 2nd , 3rd harmonic generation using Q switched pulses using Nd:YAG laser.
Study of laser bean characteristics (beam divergence, spot size, intensity profile) using He-Ne laser.
Digital holography.
Fiber optics experiments.
Determination of wavelength of He-Ne laser with Michelson interferometer
Determination of wavelength of He-Ne laser with Fabry-Peort interferometer
Determination of the refractive index of the air and glass slab.
To verify the Malus law for light polarization
To determine the light intensity vs distance relationship for the point source of light
Single slit and double slit diffraction experiment
Zeeman Effect

Text Books
1. T. C. Hayes and P. Horowitz. Students manual for the art of electronics. Cambridge University Press.
2. R. S. Sirohi. A course of experiments with He-Ne lasers. Wiley Eastern.
3. J. P. Holman. Experimental methods for engineers. Tata McGraw Hill.
4. L. K. Maheswari. Laboratory manual for introductory electronics experiments. New Age International.
5. D. Chatopadhyay and P. C. Ratshit. An advanced course in practical physics. New Central Books.
6. B. Ghosh. Advanced practical physics. Vols. I, II. Sreedhar Publishers.


9 hours

Unit 1: Introductory astronomy: History of Astronomy; Overview of the major constituents of the universe;
Solar System, Planets - laws of motion of planets, inner planets, outer planets; Extrasolar planets- Methods of
detection of extrasolar planets; Black body radiation-specific intensity, luminosity; Basics of radiative transfer-
emission coefficient, absorption coefficient, source function
9 hours
Unit 2: Stellar Astronomy: Stars-general Distances to stars - trignometric parallax; Stellar brightness -
luminosity, flux, apparent magnitude, magnitude system, distance modulus, colour index, extinction, colour
temperature, effective temperature, Stellar masses and radii – measuring masses, binary stars - visual binary,
eclipsing binary, spectroscopic binary; Measuring stellar radii; Stellar spectra – colours of stars, Motion of
stars-radial velocity, proper motion, spectral classification of stars,luminosity classification of stars, HR
diagram, Stellar population- Population I and II, Star clusters-open clusters, globular clusters, Variable stars;
Energy generation in stars: PP chain
9 hours
Unit 3: Galactic astronomy: Milky way; Hubble classification of galaxies-Spiral galaxies, Elliptical galaxies,
Irregular galaxies, Dwarf galaxies; Masses of galaxies-Rotation curves of galaxies; Dark matter

9 hours
Unit 4: Extragalactic Astronomy: Groups and clusters of galaxies, Interacting galaxies; Active galaxies-
Seyfert galaxies, radio galaxies, FRI and FRII sources, Quasars- accretion, accretion efficiency, superluminal
motion, Eddington luminosity; radiation mechanisms in active galaxies; gravitational lensing

9 hours
Unit 5: Cosmology: Distances- direct distances-trignometric parallax; indirect distances-standard candles,main
sequence fitting, cepheids variables, RR Lyrae variables, Supernovae, gravitational lensing; Expansion of the
universe-Hubble's law, redshift; Newtonian Cosmology; microwave background, early universe


Shu F., The physical universe, University of California, 1982

An introduction to Modern Astrophysics, Bradley W. Carroll & Dale A. Ostlie
Harwit M. Astrophysical concepts
Fundamental Astronomy
Radiative processes in Astrophysics , G. B. Rybicki & Lightman A. P.


9 hours

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Radiative Transfer: The electromagnetic spectrum, Radiative flux, Specific
intensity. Principles of radiative transfer, Radiation field, Equation of transfer, Formal solution, Emission and
absorption of radiation, Einstein coefficients, Maser emission, Thermodynamic equilibrium, Blackbody
radiation, Kirchhoff's law, Scattering effects and radiative diffusion.

9 hours

Unit 2: Basic Theory of Radiation Fields: Maxwell's Equations, Plane electromagnetic waves, The radiation
spectrum, Polarization and Stokes Parameters, Electromagnetic potentials. Radiation from Moving Charges:
Retarded Potentials of single moving charges: The Lionard-Wiechart Potentials, The velocity and radiation
Fields, Radiation from non-relativistic systems of particles, Thomson scattering (Electron Scattering).

9 hours

Unit 3: Relativistic Electrodynamics: Four-Vectors, Covariance of electromagnetic phenomena, Physical

understanding of field transformations, Fields of a uniformly moving charge, Emission from relativistic
particles, Invariant phase volumes and specific intensity. Synchrotron Radiation: Total power, Spectra,
Polarization, Self-absorption.

9 hours

Unit 4: Compton Scattering: Fundamental processes, Inverse-Compton spectra, The Compton Y parameter,
The Kompaneets equation, Repeated scattering. Bremsstrahlung: Emission from Single-Speed Electrons,
Thermal Bremsstrahlung Emission, Thermal Bremsstrahlung (Free-Free) Absorption, Relativistic

9 hours

Unit 5: Plasma Effects: Model of a cold electron plasma. The plasma frequency. Phase and group velocity,
Index of Refraction. Wave propagation in a magnetized plasma. Faraday rotation and depolarization. Plasma
effects in high-energy emission processes: Cerenkov radiation and the Razin effect.

1. Rybicki, G.B., & Lightman, A.P., Radiative Processes in Astrophysics,
John Wiley, 1985.
2. Chandrasekhar S., Radiative Transfer, Dover Pub., New York, 1960
3. Jackson, J. D., Classical Electrodynamics, Wiley, New York, 1975
4. Krishan, V., Astrophysical Plasmas and Fluids, Kluwer Academic Pub., 1999

APHYS 233- STELLAR PHYSICS (3 credits)

9 hours
Unit 1: Introduction to stars: HR diagram, a discussion on the variety of stellar phenomena.

9 hours

Unit 2: Stellar Structure: The equations of stellar structure; stellar opacities; Lane-Emden equation and stellar

9 hours

Unit 3: Energy Generation in Stars: Calculation of thermonuclear reaction rates for resonant, non-resonant and
beta-decay reactions; the various reaction chains: pp-I, II, III and CNO cycle; He-burning, C-burning, Si-
burning, photo-dissociation. Neutrino emission from stars: The solar neutrino "problem" and its solution,
neutrinos from supernovae; terrestrial detection of stellar neutrinos

9 hours

Unit 4: Stellar degeneracy and Equations of State (EoS): Stellar degeneracy; Chandrasekhar mass, EoS of
matter at near-nuclear and nuclear densities

9 hours

Unit 5: Final stages of stellar evolution: Supernovae (a basic understanding of the core-collapse process and the
structure of the progenitor); Neutron stars (NS) - a basic knowledge of NS structure; an overview of the
problems associated with determining a unique equation of state for NS; various manifestations of NS.

1. Supernovae & Nucleosynthesis -- Arnett.
2. Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics, Vol. 3 : Stellar structure and evolution -- Erika Bohm-Vitense.
3. Black Holes, White Dwarfs & Neutron stars -- Shapiro & Teukolsky.
4. Stellar Structure & Evolution -- R. Kippenhahn & A. Weigert.
5. Principles of Stellar Evolution -- D. Clayton.
6. Neutrino Astrophysics -- J. Bahcall


Unit 1: Fluids and plasmas, the universal states of matter- an overview 9 hours

Collective and quasi-neutral, electrostatic potential in a plasma, Debye screening, Coulomb collisions, Electric
resistivity, Optical properties of a plasma, Coherent radiation, Strongly coupled plasma, Dusty Plasma,
Techniques for studying plasmas, Waves and instabilities in plasmas, Plasmas in curved space-time, Neutral
fluids, Statistical description of a system of large number of particles: Phase space, Gibb’s ensemble, Liouville
equation, Distribution functions, Correlation functions , One particle distribution function, BBGKY hierarchy,
Collisionless Boltzmann equation, Self consistent force, Vlasov equation, The Boltzmann collision model, the
Krook collision model , The Fokker-Planck collision model, application to stellar systems, The Kinetic and the
fluid descriptions, fluid velocity, stress tensor, pressure, shear stresses, Mass, momentum and energy
conservation laws, Plasmas as electromagnetic fluids, Maxwell equations ,Two-fluid description of a plasma,
Magnetohydrodynamics- the single fluid description of a plasma, Mass, momentum and energy conservation

Unit 2: Charged particle motion in electromagnetic and gravitational fields 9 hours

Why study single particle motion, motion in a uniform magnetic field, in a uniform electric and magnetic fields,
in magnetic and gravitational fields, Drift orbit theory, Particle drifts in inhomogeneous magnetic field, grad B
parallel B drifts, Van Allen radiation belts, slowly varying fields, Adiabatic invariants , magnetic moment,
Magnetic mirror, longitudinal adiabatic invariant, motion in nonuniform electric field, in spatially periodic
electric field, motion in time varying electric and magnetic fields, motion of a star in a galaxy, fluid drifts

Unit 3: Magnetohydrodynamics of conducting fluids 9 hours

Electrically conducting fluids, validity of MHD, equations of MHD, ideal fluids, viscous and resistive fluids,
Equilibrium of fluids, hydrostatic equilibrium, MHD equilibrium, MHD waves, dispersion and polarization
characteristics, gravitohydrodynamic waves, MHD instabilities, The Rayleigh Taylor Instabilities, The Kelvin-
Helmholtz instability, Virial theorem

Unit 4: Two-fluid and kinetic descriptions of Plasmas 9 hours

Electron and proton plasmas, static equilibrium, radiating and accreting fluids, dynamic equilibrium, waves in
two fluids, electron plasma oscillations, ion-plasma oscillations, electron plasma waves in magnetized fluids,
ion-plasma waves in magnetized fluids, electromagnetic waves in electron-proton fluids, electromagnetic waves
in magnetized plasma fluids, Ambipolar diffusion, Kinetic equilibrium of a plasma, Kinetic description of
waves and instabilities

Unit 5: Nonconducting Astrophysical fluids 9 hours

Whence such fluids, equilibrium of fluids, waves in fluids, instabilities, shocks, turbulence, turbulent flows,
quantification of turbulence, flow invariants, Spectral representation, The Kolmogorov-Oboukov law, 2D
turbulence, Through Navier- Stokes equations, MHD turbulence and Dynamo


1. Aitchison, Introduction to Fluid dynamics

2. Sturrock,P., Plasma Astrophysics, Academic Press, 1967.

3. Vinod Krishan, Astrophysical Plasmas and Fluids, Kluwer Academic Press, 1999

4. Landau & Lifshitz., Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998

5. Shu, Physics of Astrophysics: Gas Dynamics


9 hours

Unit I: Celestial Sphere: Coordinate systems (horizon, equatorial, ecliptic, galactic), precession, nutation,
aberration, parallax, radial velocity, proper motion, time (JD, LST, UT, hour angle), heliocentric corrections.

9 hours

Unit II: Detectors: Photodetection (photoelectric effect, photosensitive element), Photomultiplier tube,
Detectors at different wavelengths and their properties (CCD, CMOS, ICCD, L3CCD, Photon-counting system),
spectral response, noise, background, signal to noise ratio, sensitivity, quantum efficiency.

9 hours

Unit III: Astronomical Techniques : Different telescope designs (Refracting and Reflecting telscopes, viz.,
Newtonian, Cassegrain, coude, Nasmyth, Schmidt), Astrometry (transit circle, observations, analysing
astrometric data), photometry (magnitudes, filter systems, photometers, stellar parameters, extinction), Imaging
(surface photometry, extended sources), spectroscopy (prisms, gratings, spectrographs, low and high resolution
spectroscopy), calibration, polarimetry (polarisers, converters, depolarisers, polarimeters, Stokes parameters,
interpretation of polarimetric output).

9 hours

Unit IV: High Resolution Techniques: atmospheric effects on optical imaging, speckle interferometry, aperture
synthesis with single telescope, image reconstruction techniques, adaptive optics (Wavefront sensing, wavefront
correction, wavefront reconstructions, brief introductions on Fizeau, Michelson stellar interferometry and
intensity interferometry, long baseline optical interferometry.

9 hours

Unit V: Detection at other bands: Radio telescope, Brightness and antenna temperatures, Sensitivity, Brightness
distribution, Radio interferometer, Fringe visibility, Very long baseline interferometry, neutrino astronomy,
gravitational wave astronomy.

Smart, W.M., Spherical Astronomy, 6th ed., Cambridge University Press, 1977.
Christiansen, W.N., & Hogbohm, J.A.: Radio Telescopes
Roy, A.E., & Clarke, D.: Astronomy Principles and Practice.
Kitchin, C.R.: Astrophysical Techniques.
Saha S. K. : Diffraction-limited Imaging with Large and Moderate Telescopes.
Saha S. K. : Aperture Synthesis: Methods and Applications to Optical Astronomy.

Introduction to Optical Stellar Interferometry : A.Lebeyrie, S.G.Lipson & P.Nisension

The Intensity Interferometry : Its Applications to Astronomy : R.H.Brown

Optical Radiation Detectors : E.L.Dereniak & D.G.Crowe

Optical Sources, Detectors & Systems : R.Kingston
Applications of Thermal Imaging : Ed. S.G.Burnay, T.L.Wilman & C.H.Jones
Astronomical Optics : D.J.Shroeder
Astronomical Techniques : W.A.Hiltner
Krauss J. D., 1966, Radio Astronomy, McGraw Hill, NY.
Thompson R. A., Moran J. M., Swenson G. W. (Jr.), 2001, Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy,
John Wiley \& Sons, Inc, New York.
Tyson R. K., 1991, Principles of Adaptive Optics, Acad. Press.


I. A list of experiments for Physics Lab (PH419):

II. The student is required to perform any 10 experiments.

1. Verification of the Lorentz formula for force between a current and magnetic field.
2. Determination of the earth's magnetic field from the study of the null point for a bar magnet.
Confirmation with a magnetometer.
3. e/m ratio by Thomson's method
4. Wavelength measurement of Na source using Michelson Interferometer
5. Study of Fabry Perot interferometer , for accurate measurement of tiny displacements.
6. Zeeman effect study using Lummer Goehrcke plate. Measurement of eh/mc.
7. Determination of h by Einstein's photoelectric effect formula, using visible and UV light.
8. Coherence and width of spectral lines using Michelson Interferometer.
9. To study magneto-optic rotation.
10. Measurement of the Stefan Constant
11. Black Body curve (limited by the high temperature that can be reached)
12. Maxwell's velocity distribution, using rotating sectors
13. Maxwell's velocity distribution, from the study of spectral lines at difference temperatures
(gases in rarefied atmospheres) and deviations as pressure broadening takes over.
14. Brownian motion and verification of the Einstein-Smoluchowski formula
15. Study of Hall parameter of these substances and compare with carrier concentration.
16. Magneto-resistance studies.
17. Vibration of a suspended simple pendulum, coupled non-linear pendulum.


Unit – I:. Review of special theory of relativity: 9 hours

Poincare and Minkowski’s 4-dimensional formulation, geometrical representation of Lorentz

transformations in Minkowski’s space and length contraction, time dilation and causality, time-
like and space-like vectors, Newton second law of motion expressed in terms of 4-vectors.

Review of tensor calculus:

Idea of Euclidean and non-Euclidean space, meaning of parallel transport and covariant
derivatives, Geodesics and autoparallel curves, Curvature tensor and its properties, Bianchi
Identities, vanishing of Riemann-Christoffel tensor as the necessary and sufficient condition of flatness, Ricci
tensor, Einstein tensor

Unit-II:. Einstein’s field equations 9 hours

Inconsistencies of Newtonian gravitation with STR, Principles of equivalence, Principle of

general covariance, Metric tensors and Newtonian Gravitational potential, Logical steps leading to Einstein’s
field equations of gravitation, Linearised equation for weak fields, Poisson’s equation.

Unit – III : Applications of general relativity: 9 hours

Schwarzschild’s exterior solution, singularity, event horizon and black holes, isotropic coordinates,
Birkhoff’s theorem, Observational tests of Einstein’s theory.

Unit-IV: . Gravitational Collapse and Black Holes (Qualitative): 9 hours

Introduction: Qualitative discussions on: White Dwarfs, Neutron stars and Black Holes, Static Black Holes
(Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom). Rotating Black Holes, Kerr Metric (derivation not required),
Event Horizon, Extraction of energy by Penrose process, Kerr-Neumann Metric (no derivation). No
hair theorem, Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis.

Unit-V: Cosmology: 9 hours

Introduction, Cosmological Principles, Weyl postulates, Robertson-Walker metric (derivation is not required),
Cosmological parameters, Static Universe, Expanding universe, Open and Closed universe, Cosmological red
shift, Hubble’s law. Olber’s Paradox. Qualitative discussions on: Big Bang, Early Universe (thermal
history and nucleosynthesis), Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Event Horizon, Particle Horizon
and some problems of Standard Cosmology.

Books Recommended:

1. J. V. Narlikar- General Relativity and Cosmology (MacMillion, 1978).

2. S. Weinberg- Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity
(Wiley, 1972).

3. P. G. Bergmann- Introduction to Theory of Relativity (Prentice-Hall, 1969).

4. J. V. Narlikar –Introduction to Cosmology (Cambridge Univ, Press, 1993).

5. A. K. Roychaudhuri, S. Banerjee and A. banerjee- General Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology

(Springer-Verlag, 1992).

6. S. Banerji and A. Banerjee – General Relativity and Cosmology (Elsevier, 2007)

7. R. Resnick – Introduction to Special Theory of Relativity.

8. S. Banerji and A. Banerjee – The Special Theory of Relativity (Prentice Hall of India, 2002)

9. W.G.V.Rosser – Introduction to the Theory of Relativity.

P. A. M. Dirac, General Theory of Relativity, Princeton, 1975.

S. Dodelson, Modern Cosmology , Academic Press, 2003.
A. Liddle, An Introduction to Modern Cosmology, Wiley, 2003.

Additional references:
P. J. Peebles, Principles of Physical Cosmology, Princeton, 1993.
S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, Wiley, 1972.
A. Taylor and J. Wheeler, Exploring Black Holes, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
C. Misner, K. Thorne and J. Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman, 1973.
H. Ohanian and R. Ruffini, Gravitation and Spacetime, Norton, 1994.
A. Linde, Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology, Harwood, 1990.


Unit I: White dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes (12 hours)
Introduction to Compact objectsFormation of compact objectsphysical properties of white dwarfs, the
Chandrasekhar limit comparison with observations: masses and radii-
physical properties and,discovery of neutron starsobservation of neutron star masses and maximum mass limit-
properties of Schwarzchild black holes

Unit II: Pulsars (12 hours)

Discovery and properties of pulsars ,the dispersion measure the magnetic dipole model for pulsarsthe life
history of pulsars , HulseTaylor binary pulsar and the evidence for gravitational waves

Unit III: Xray binaries (12 hours)

Introduction to Xray binarieshigh and low mass Xray binaries ,Xray pulsarsmass flow in binary systems,
Rocche lobe overflow and wind accretionthe binary Xray pulsar: Her X1 and the black hole system: Cygnus X1

Unit IV: Accreting compact objects (12 hour s)

Nonrelativistic spherical accretion – standard acrretion disk theory – accretion disk spectra ,
accretion onto Neutron stars - the magnetosphereemission from accreting neutron starsWhite dwarf accretion
Active Galactic Nuclei – types of AGN multi wavelength spectra of AGN


1.Shapiro S. & Teukolsky, S., Black Holes, White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars, John Wiley, 1983.
2.Accretion power in astrophyscs, J. Frank, A. King and D. Raine, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
3. An Introduction to Active galactic Nuclei, B.M.Peterson, Cambridge University Press, 1977


Unit I: Introduction and general properties of the Interstellar Medium; 8 hours

Discovery of interstellar gas and dust - Galactic distribution of ISM, the "Oort Limit" - Phases of ISM, pressure
equilibrium - Models of the ISM: Thermal Stability & Equilibrium, two-phase models, the coronal hot gas and
Multi-Phase Models.

Unit II: Neutral Atomic Gas (HI Regions) 8 hours

Interstellar absorption lines: Radiative Transfer, line formation, equivalent widths, curve of growth, gas-phase
abundances in the ISM - The HI 21cm hyperfine structure line: excitation, absorption & emission - HI clouds.

Unit III: Ionized Gas (HII Regions) 8 hours

Photoionization equilibrium, Ionization Structure, HII nebulae (Strömgren Spheres) - Thermal Structure of
Nebulae:Heating, Cooling (recombination, free-free, and collisional excitation), thermal Equilibrium - Spectra
of HII regions.

Unit IV: Coronal Gas 8 hours

Collisional Ionization, Radiative & Dielectronic Recombination - Heating & Cooling of Hot Gas - Spectrum
of the Hot ISM : UV and FUV Absorption Lines , Diffuse Soft X-ray Continuum

Unit V: Interstellar Dust and Molecules 8 hours

Scattering, absorption, extinction and polarization by interstellar dust - Optical and material properties of dust:
Grain sizes and shapes, Grain Materials, Grain Mixture Models - Grain Formation & Destruction - Interstellar
CO and other tracer molecules, H2 formation.

Unit VI: Sources and Sinks of ISM 8 hours

Mass loss from stars: stellar winds, planetary nebulae and supernovae - formation of shells, supershells and
clouds-star formation in molecular clouds- galactic chemical evolution

Text Books

1. Spitzer, L., Physical Processes in the Insterstellar Medium, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
2. Sutherland, R. & Dopita, M., Diffuse Matter in the Universe, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
3. Kwok, Sun, Physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium, University Science Books, 2007
4. Osterbrock, D.E. & Ferland, G.J., Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei, University
Science Books, 2006


Unit 1 : Spectral line formation and causes of line broadening 12 hours

Radiation laws and basic ideas on spectral line formation. Explanation of stellar spectra in terms of Boltzmann
and Saha equations. Natural damping. Collisional damping. Statistical broadening of hydrogen lines. Stark
effect in helium lines. Electron pressure in early type stars. Superposition of Doppler and damping profiles.
Theory of the curve of growth. Application of the curve of growth to the study of solar and stellar atmospheres.
Limitations of the curve of growth method.

Unit 2: Equation of transfer 12 hours

Definitions concerning the radiation field. Hypothesis of plane parallel and spherically symmetric stratification.
Local thermodynamic equilibrium. Radiative equilibrium. Equation of transfer. Formal solution of the equation
of transfer. Explanation of limb darkening. Grey approximation. Solution of equation of transfer for a grey
atmosphere. Temperature distribution and limb darkening for a grey atmosphere. Departures from greyness.
Blanketing effect.

Unit 3: Continuous spectra of stars 12 hours

Limb darkening observations of Sun. Determination of absorption coefficient from limb darkening observations.
Sources of opacity in the solar atmosphere. Sources of continuous opacity in various types of stars. Models of
stellar atmospheres. Convection in stellar atmospheres. Schwarzchild’s criterion for convection and its
application to stellar atmospheres. Discussion of convection zones in stellar atmospheres. Abundances of
elements in normal stars. Composition of differences in population I and II stars. Anomalous abundances in cool
stars. Peculiar A stars and metallic line stars. Magnetic field in stars.

Unit 4: Formation of absorption and emission lines 12 hours

Line strength. Profile of a line. Line depth. The line source function: Transition coefficients and emission and
absorption coefficients. Equation of transfer for line frequencies: Schuster – Schwarzschild model with pure
scattering in a line. Milne- Eddington model with pure absorption and scattering. Effect of interlocking and non-
coherent scattering. Variation of line profiles over a solar disc. Moving atmospheres. Extended layers of stars.

Mechanism of emission line formation. Thermal emission and its application. Fluorescence, Rosseland cycle.
Zanstra’s mechanism. Bowen’s mechanism. Collisional excitation.


1) L.H.Aller: Astrophysics.
2) J.Greenstein(Ed): Stellar Atmospheres.
3) Hynek: Astrophysics.
4) Mihalas: Stellar Atmospheres.2nd edition
5) E.Ambartzumian: Theoretical Astrophysics.
6) K.D.Abhyankar: Astrophysics Stars and Galaxies.
7)David F. Gray; Observations and Analysis of Stellar Photospheres, 3 rd edition,


Unit-I 12 hours

Structure of our Galaxy - Distribution of stars, gas, and chemical elements in the disk and spheroid.
Other galaxies: surface profile, photometric, spectroscopic, and morphological properties, fundamental
plane. Stellar kinematics - solar Motion, standards of rest, velocities and velocity dispersions of disk
and spheroid stars.

Unit-II 12 hours

Viral theorem, Galaxy collisions, Dynamical friction in galaxy – collisions, Methods of distance
determination, Spectra and redshift, Clusters of galaxies-different types of galaxy clusters, galaxy-
galaxy encounters , Radio galaxies and quasars, Active galactic nuclei.

Unit-III 12 hours

Galactic rotation curves, Differential rotation, Velocity dispersion of galaxies, galaxy clusters and
gravitational lensing, Cosmic microwave background, Recent status of CMBR, Supermassive black
holes in galaxies, Dark matter and Dark energy,

Unit-IV 12 hour

Equilibria of Stellar Systems, the Collisionless Boltzmann Equation, Gravitational Potential.

Orbits, Epicycles. The Jeans Equations and applications, the Jeans Theorems, Isothermal and King
models. Keplerian and solid body rotation profiles.

Text Books

1. Binney, J. and Treamine: S, Galactic Dynamics, Princeton University press, 1994.

2. Binney, J. and Merrifield, Galactic Astronomy, Princeton University press, 1998.
3. Cosmology by J V Narlikar.
4. Theoretical Astrophysics, vol II Stars and Stellar Systems, T. Padmanabhan, Cambridge University
5. Astronomy by R. H. Baker


Unit 1 The Sun 12 hours

Surface features of the sun in white and monochromatic light. Internal structure, photosphere, chromosphere and
corona. Sun spots and magnetic fields on the sun. Solar activity, solar wind and solar-terrestrial relationship.

Unit 2 Planets and their Satellites 12 hours

Surface features, Internal structure, Atmospheres and Magnetic fields of Earth, Moon and Planets. Satellites and
rings of planets. Results of space probes. Origin of the solar system.

Unit 3 Asteroids, Meteors and Meteorites 12 hours

Discovery of minor planets (Asteroids), their orbits and physical nature. Origin of the minor planets. Meteors
and Meteorites. Observation of meteor showers and sporadic meteors. Orbits of sporadic meteoroids and meteor
showers. Meteorites, its types and composition. Meteorite craters.

Unit 4 Comets 12 hours

Discovery and designation. Periodic comets. Physical nature. Spectra. Brightness variation. Gas production
rates, dust and ion tails. Nature of dust particles and origin of comets.


1. R.G.Whitten and I.G.Popoff: Fundamentals of Astronomy

2. Kaula. W.M.: An Intoduction to Planetary Physics.
3. Harold Zirin: Astrophysics of the Sun.
4. W.N.Hess and G.Mead(Ed): Introduction to Space Science.
5. W.Liller(Ed): Space Astrophysics.
6. Gibson: The Quiet Sun.
7. K.S.Krishnaswamy: Physics of Comets.
8. G.Abell: Exploration of the Universe.
9. K.D. Abhayankar: Astrophysics of the solar system.


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