Phys260 Syllabus

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Physics 260a Fall 2013

Introductory physics at a sophisticated level, intended for students

planning on majoring in the physical sciences, mathematics and
philosophy with advanced training in Physics and Mathematics.
Prerequisites: High School AP physics (oth mechanics and
!"M#, math, up to differential and integral calculus
Co-requisite: Math $%& or e'uivalent
Instructor: (. )altay
*+% ,- .is /a !0t. $1%%2+
Class Time: Monday, -ednesday 445%*14$5*&
Prolem Sessions 6riday 445%*14$5*&
Structure of Course:
Prolem Assignments
Midterm !0am
6inal !0am
Text oo!s:
(lassical Mechanics
,ohn 7. 8aylor, 9niversity Science )oo:s Inc.
Introduction to !lectrodynamics
;avid ,. .riffiths, Prentice Hall
Teachin" #ssistants:
)en )rua:er 1 enjamin .
)en /ee email < )
Physics 260a Fall 2013

Tentati$e Sche%ule
&ee! To'ic Cha'ter
August $2, %& Introduction
Septemer = >ewton?s /aws of Motion 8aylor 4, $
@, 44 /inear " Angular Momentum %
4+, 42 -or: " !nergy =
$%, $* Harmonic Motion *
%&, $ /agrange?s !'uations A
Bctoer A, @ 7elativity 4*
4=, 4+ 7elativistic Cinematics 4*
$4 7elativistic ;ynamics 4*
$2, %& !lectrostatics .riffiths $
>ov =, + 6ield " Potential $
44, 4% (urrents and (apacitors $, *
42, $& Magnetic 6ields *
;ec $, = Magnetic 6orces *
Physics 261( S'rin" 201)
Tentati$e Sche%ule
&ee! To'ic Cha'ter
,anuary 4%, 4* !lectromagnetic Induction .riffiths A

4A, $$ Ma0well?s !'uations A
$A, $@ !lectromagnetic 7adiation @
6e %, * >ature of /ight Crane %
4&, 4$ )ohr Model of Hydrogen +
4A, 4@ Schroedinger?s !'uation =, *
$=, $+ Spectra of Hydrogen A
March %, * Many !lectron Atoms 2
$=, $+ = Dectors " (ovariance >otes
%4, $ 7elativistic !lectrodynamics >otes
April A, @ .eneral 7elativity 4*
4=, 4+ .eneral 7elativity >otes
$4, $% (osmology 4+

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