This document provides information about Physics 260a, an introductory physics course offered in the fall of 2013 at Yale University. The course is intended for students majoring in physical sciences, mathematics, and philosophy who want advanced training in physics and mathematics. It will cover topics like Newton's laws of motion, linear and angular momentum, harmonic motion, and electrostatics. The course involves lectures, problem assignments, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Required textbooks are listed. The tentative schedule outlines the planned timeline and chapters to be covered each week.
This document provides information about Physics 260a, an introductory physics course offered in the fall of 2013 at Yale University. The course is intended for students majoring in physical sciences, mathematics, and philosophy who want advanced training in physics and mathematics. It will cover topics like Newton's laws of motion, linear and angular momentum, harmonic motion, and electrostatics. The course involves lectures, problem assignments, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Required textbooks are listed. The tentative schedule outlines the planned timeline and chapters to be covered each week.
This document provides information about Physics 260a, an introductory physics course offered in the fall of 2013 at Yale University. The course is intended for students majoring in physical sciences, mathematics, and philosophy who want advanced training in physics and mathematics. It will cover topics like Newton's laws of motion, linear and angular momentum, harmonic motion, and electrostatics. The course involves lectures, problem assignments, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Required textbooks are listed. The tentative schedule outlines the planned timeline and chapters to be covered each week.
This document provides information about Physics 260a, an introductory physics course offered in the fall of 2013 at Yale University. The course is intended for students majoring in physical sciences, mathematics, and philosophy who want advanced training in physics and mathematics. It will cover topics like Newton's laws of motion, linear and angular momentum, harmonic motion, and electrostatics. The course involves lectures, problem assignments, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Required textbooks are listed. The tentative schedule outlines the planned timeline and chapters to be covered each week.
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Physics 260a Fall 2013
Introductory physics at a sophisticated level, intended for students
planning on majoring in the physical sciences, mathematics and philosophy with advanced training in Physics and Mathematics. Prerequisites: High School AP physics (oth mechanics and !"M#, math, up to differential and integral calculus Co-requisite: Math $%& or e'uivalent Instructor: (. )altay *+% ,- .is /a !0t. $1%%2+ Class Time: Monday, -ednesday 445%*14$5*& Prolem Sessions 6riday 445%*14$5*& Structure of Course: /ectures Prolem Assignments Midterm !0am 6inal !0am Text oo!s: (lassical Mechanics ,ohn 7. 8aylor, 9niversity Science )oo:s Inc. Introduction to !lectrodynamics ;avid ,. .riffiths, Prentice Hall Teachin" #ssistants: )en )rua:er 1 enjamin . )en /ee email < ) Physics 260a Fall 2013